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Jun 30th, 2015
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  1. <Wildbow> A crowd follows you, staring and chattering. They haven't caught up yet, but you see some news vans pulling up. It makes sense that you'd attract attention, as you're a seven foot tall, jet black armadillo, loaded down with quills, five pounds in all. And, of course, the attention isn't entirely unwanted.
  2. <Wildbow> You reach the front door of the Oakland PRT office, and someone is already making their way out. You see the way their eyes go wide, and watch as they hurry to back up, pulling the door out of the way for you.
  3. <Wildbow> Seeing it isn't wide enough an aperture, they hurry to hit the handicap button and open the other door, and squeeze back out of the way.
  4. <Wildbow> The interior is broad, the concept open-space. There isn't a good lobby, nor a proper stage for you to present to a good crowd. You see PRT uniforms grabbing weapons and hurrying forward, as everyone backs away. An old man and a black woman hurry down a set of stairs, approaching.
  5. <Wildbow> Try as you might, you can't keep the panic at bay, nobody likes public speaking, and you're not any better than the average person. Thoughts and planned things to say flee from your mind, and you're forced to improvise, you know you might halt, pause, or present yourself in a less than stellar way.
  6. <Wildbow> Everyone seems to be watching, waiting to see what you're going to say or do, and heroes and PRT forces have gathered, ready to act the second there's a problem.
  7. <Wildbow> //
  8. * Wyrm is now known as Wyrm|Spectating
  9. * You are now known as Megafire|Gardener
  10. * Olivebirdy ( has joined
  11. <Megafire|Gardener> I take a couple of deep breaths. Better to be slow and make people think I'm stupid than to hurry up and confirm their suspicions. I take a few steps forward and nod in greeting to the PRT officers in front of me, especially the black woman and old man. "Greetings. I apologise for the inconvenience," I say, looking around apologetically at the fuss I've caused. "I would like a legal identity."||
  12. <Wildbow> The crowd seems more intimidated than placated. The look around at your surroundings might have been taken as intimidating.
  13. <Wildbow> The old man who was with the black woman approaches, clearing his throat. His eye flicks behind you, and it's clear he's noting the presence of the media. "It would be better to do this when the Director was here, but it seems our hand is being forced."
  14. <Wildbow> The woman speaks up, saying, "I'll try to get ahold of him," before departing.
  15. <Wildbow> "Citizenship is a tricky prospect. It's not something we can grant in a single day. People have to be talked to, in many different areas of government, but we can certainly act as your liasons."
  16. <Wildbow> //
  17. <Megafire|Gardener> Alright, well, that did not work as intended. I will simply try to ignore the crowd for now, while I focus on the man that will, presumably, help me. "That would be very helpful, thank you." Stay polite, no need to agitate further. "I confess I do not know what is required of me."
  18. <Megafire|Gardener> ||
  19. <Wildbow> Nervous, you feel your body language shift. Your quills stand up a little, making you appear larger.
  20. <Wildbow> Men shift their grips on their guns. The Director or the stand-in seems to get your intent, however, and gestures for them to stand down
  21. * Rhet|work is now known as Rhet
  22. <Wildbow> "There's precedent with others of your kind, lost individuals who have been changed by their powers. If you appeared in the United States, then there are provisions for you to become a citizen here. It helps things a great deal if you agree to join the local Protectorate.
  23. <Wildbow> " //
  24. <Megafire|Gardener> I nod, trying to calm myself down, especially given what I'm about to say. "I understand," I say, buying myself a little more time to put my thoughts together. "However, I do not feel comfortable joining the Protectorate."||
  25. * Wildbow_ ( has joined
  26. * Wildbow has quit (Ping timeout: 186 seconds)
  27. <Megafire|Gardener> I nod, trying to calm myself down, especially given what I'm about to say. "I understand," I say, buying myself a little more time to put my thoughts together. "However, I do not feel comfortable joining the Protectorate."||
  28. * Wildbow_ is now known as Wildbow
  29. * VereorNox has quit (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
  30. <Wildbow> The words come out as a growl more than a calm statement. It doesn't help that you haven't really mediated or negotiated that much in the past. Jobs here and there.
  31. <Wildbow> The old man nods. He seems perfectly at ease, which suggests he sees through to your intent. Like you, he has a good ability to read people. Unlike you, he has good presentation. Despite your initial hopes, you're not coming across well, and while you might not mind, exactly, the Protectorate definitely is.
  32. <Wildbow> "Will you be a rogue, then?" he asks. "Are you familiar with the term?"
  33. <Wildbow> //
  34. <Megafire|Gardener> Breathe. I tell myself to keep breathing. This is definitely not going as well as I had hoped, but it isn't a complete loss just yet. I nod again. "Yes, an independent," I say. "That was what I was planning, yes."||
  35. <Wildbow> Breathe, breathe, you tell yourself. But you become aware of the rasp of your breath. This is unfamiliar territory, negotiating while under this kind of stress, and you don't wholly understand your physiology. You're built to be intimidating, it seems, and even your breathing trends that way. Even the tone of your voice isn't wholly in your control.
  36. <Wildbow> You're not bad at this, you know, it's just not something you have a grip on.
  37. <Wildbow> "Very well," the man says. "We should have you give us your contact information, you can register your rogue status, or your /independent/ status, if you want to call it that. That lets us know what to expect, where to find you when we're ready to move forward with your citizenship, and how we might be able to work with you for a better Oakland."
  38. <Wildbow> "Is a handshake alright, or would it be-" you catch a momentary pause. Saying more than the words alone might, "-uncomfortable?"
  39. <Wildbow> //
  40. <Megafire|Gardener> Let's at least not make the mistake of overcompensating and stop breathing altogether. That would be bad. I also catch myself before I sigh in relief, because that would probably make things even worse. "You will have it," I say. I want to smile at him, but let's practice that in front of a mirror before I do it anywhere. "And no, a handshake should be alright." I slowly reach out my hand for him to shake.||
  41. <Wildbow> He shakes your hand, and you see him suppress a wince as your massive hand closes around his. In the wake of it, the crowd seems more at ease. A photographer moves around to the side, and the camera flash goes off several times.
  42. <Wildbow> He joins you in turning around, facing the media, and comments just loud enough for you to hear, "We'll need to talk, hammer out details. For now, though, do you want to say something to the cameras? I don't imagine they're a complete accident."
  43. <Wildbow> //
  44. * VereorNox ( has joined
  45. <Megafire|Gardener> I once again surpress a smile. They weren't. They were a form of insurance, all things considered. "I thank the PRT for agreeing to help me attain US citizenship, and hope that we can continue on friendly terms."||
  46. <Megafire|Gardener> -||
  47. <Megafire|Gardener> "I intend to live a peaceful life in this city, maintaining a garden for myself and those who would like to join me. You may call me the Gardener."||
  48. <Wildbow> That seems to be the end of that. The photos continue for long enough that you feel like it's going too far, and you're overstaying your welcome, which leads you to move outside, only to face more reporters. The interviews only seem to rehash what you've already said, but each one is close up, another chance to screw up for another share of the audience.
  49. <Wildbow> You feel like you didn't do too badly, but this is a situation where success only brings you to the same level as the next non-case-53 guy, while failure sets you back in terms of what you want to be and how you want to present yourself.
  50. <Wildbow> When all is said and done, you make your exit.
  51. <Wildbow> //
  52. <Megafire|Gardener> Alright. I made it. I did it and I did not die, of nervousness or otherwise. That is, all in all, a victory. The next step is to find a park to make my own, try not to scare off all the locals and prepare to 'hammer out te details' with the PRT. It's probably best if I stay out in the open for a little while, uncomfortable though it may be. I'd rather have others watching when someone decides to approach me. Much
  53. <Megafire|Gardener> like the cameras today, that would serve as insurance. I cannot wait to actually get settled.||
  54. <Wildbow> The park, as it turns out, might have been something you could have negotiated with the Director. Perhaps it's best that this waited some time, as you can have the discussion behind closed doors. You have funds, the lottery ticket ready to be claimed the moment you get citizenship, but for now you're left to go back to your home, a place you hope will be temporary, replaced by a nicer residence.
  55. <Wildbow> You spend some time out on your own, hoping to be approached or meet someone, but you don't see anyone, and residual nervousness and attitude make you out to be a little too intimidating for a regular individual to approach.
  56. <Wildbow> You head back to your place and settle in, resting.
  57. <Wildbow> You wake up to a knock on your door. There's a moment of hope, but it's dashed when the man at the door turns out to be your handler. He goes by Jason, has spiky black hair, an ex-kickboxer who got injured and turned to minor work with gangs and henchman work with villains to get by. He has a minor drug problem, but never anything that's impacted his ability to run errands for you and act...
  58. <Wildbow> your liason.
  59. <Wildbow> All that said, he's not exactly the type of person you want to see hanging around.
  60. <Wildbow> //
  61. <Megafire|Gardener> Well, this was bound to happen at some point. Best to get it over with quickly. "Hello, Jason," I say slowly, getting up and letting him know he has my full attention.||
  62. <Wildbow> "Paper," he says. He tosses a plastic bag onto a nearby table. "You're on the news. The story is picking up. People have been asking around."
  63. <Wildbow> //
  64. <Megafire|Gardener> I nod, thinking. "And?"||
  65. <Wildbow> "And some people who've worked with us, some people who've worked against us, they're asking, and a lot of them are asking me, given our past working relationship. If I'm going to be put in this situation, having to negotiate on your behalf, with no warning whatsoever, then it would only be right for me to be compensated."
  66. <Wildbow> //
  67. * Rhet is now known as Rhet|work
  68. <Wildbow> ((He wants money, that's obvious enough, but from his stance and behavior, and your past knowledge of him, you could lay money on the fact that he's probably going to extort you, whatever you say.))
  69. <Megafire|Gardener> Of course he wants money. That complicates things considerably. "And what would you consider reasonable, Jason?" I ask him. "Besides, of course, anonimity."||
  70. <Wildbow> "The bosses aren't happy, this impacts how I do my business, opportunity for advancement, since I'm forced to keep talking to people we don't have the best relationships with. Whatever you're doing, whatever you're planning, this safe space, I want in, and I want a wage. Something fair. Three thousand, five hundred a month? Plus pay for whatever it is you have me do that isn't being a liason."
  71. <Wildbow> //
  72. <Megafire|Gardener> I give him a small smile, he knows me well enough by now. "And you are certain that, despite there being quite a few people being unhappy with me, you wish to stay involved with me? I genuinely appreciate it," I say. "You will have a place in my Garden, just like everyone else, of course. I will pay you a wage, in exchange for keeping an ear on the ground. I have no desire to get involved with them, but if they wish
  73. <Megafire|Gardener> to get involved with me, I would like to know."||
  74. <Wildbow> "Come on, then. I'll put you in touch with people who've been asking around," he says.
  75. <Wildbow> There are more people out and about during the day, and people stare. You're first page news on some papers, it seems, and the local news has been talking about you this morning. You're in the public eye, and there's really no escaping it.
  76. <Wildbow> Right from the outset, Jason introduces you to some more sketchy individuals. They look like homeless people, but only in terms of the conditions of their bodies. The clothes are too nice, and they don't have the demeanor of the homeless. Addicts.
  77. <Wildbow> "Safe space, right?" Jason asks.
  78. <Wildbow> //
  79. <Megafire|Gardener> I smile. "For everyone," I tell him, as well as his friends. "This means that, once I find a location, you will be under my protection within that location, as long as you do not threaten the safety of others."||
  80. <Wildbow> "Any other rules?" the addict in the lead asks.
  81. <Wildbow> //
  82. <Megafire|Gardener> "No destruction of property," I say, pausing to think. "No rules in regards to what you do to your own body, however. I will have the rules ready by the time I open my garden, but these are the main ones. Consider 'do not give me cause to remove you' as a guiding principle, and we will be fine."||
  83. <Wildbow> The addicts exchange glances, then seem to agree.
  84. <Wildbow> Jason takes you around to see some others. Right from the outset, it seems like he's leading you more toward the thugs, the dangerous, and the desperate sorts. At a local hangout, you run into a gang of useless fuckheads you worked with in the past, who aren't in anyone's good books due to a few screwups, a collection of runaway teens that you know are prone to partying and troublemaking,...
  85. <Wildbow> ...and Bull, someone you've been peripherally aware with, working with the low-level gangs as an enforcer, a heavyset middle aged woman with half her head shaved, who you don't know much about.
  86. <Wildbow> Bull always seemed professional, she's strong, if slow to move around, and a little abrasive, but she also sports a legendary gun collection. That in mind, groups you've worked with have taken far worse people on, consistently rejecting her for recruitment or jobs, and she's always been the last resort when groups have needed black market gear.
  87. <Wildbow> Each of the three groups (or individuals, in Bull's case, wait for your acceptance or rejection.
  88. <Wildbow> *Bull's case)
  89. <Wildbow> //
  90. <Megafire|Gardener> There is a place for all in my Garden, until they ruin their own chances. Whatever they did before might matter to the city itself, but within my garden they are simply people like everyone else. As long as they keep to my rules, they are welcome. Once they break them, they are gone. I'm sure they all understand this.||
  91. <Wildbow> Days pass, and the PRT reaches out, the promise for citizenship was made, and they hold several meetings, dropping by, asking questions, taking down notes. With each meeting, however, you notice that the general tone and attitude of the PRT is getting cooler and less enthused. The help becomes reluctant, and then slows down, with offers of additional resources fewer and further between.
  92. <Wildbow> Soon the offers stop entirely, and they start becoming warnings. If you cross lines, if something happens with this growing 'garden' of yours, there will be repercussions.
  93. <Wildbow> You're already dealing with the wrong people, and reputations re rubbing off.
  94. <Wildbow> Almost a month passes, and you get your citizenship. The ticket is cashable, and you're left to decide which territory you wish to situate your garden in. The PRT representative is there to help you negotiate and provide information, while Jason and Bull lurk in the background, clearly making the man uncomfortable.
  95. <Wildbow> //
  96. <Wildbow> -//
  97. <Wildbow> You're within your less than impressive temporary home, still, and your 'garden' is starting to congregate around you by default. Your people are hanging around.
  98. <Wildbow> //
  99. * Antioch ( has joined
  100. * Nonagon has quit (Client exited)
  101. <Megafire|Gardener> Not how I had planned for things to go, of course, but life vehemently refuses to follow plans. At least they are keeping to my rules when they are around me, instead of hanging out in the city and actively causing trouble. I do wonder exactly what the situation in the different territories is. Best make this decision count.||
  102. * Nonagon (nonagon@5C3BB07B.2708691F.B9D4E3E4.IP) has joined
  103. <Wildbow> The agent and liason open a laptop and show you a map (( - Each of the neighborhoods is listed; Berkeley, West Oakland, Claremont, Piedmont, Joaquin, San Anto, Fruitvale, Millsmont, Alameda, Bay Farm Island, San Leandro and Ashland. Some have been color coded, marking where gangs are already established.
  104. <Wildbow> "If you're curious about any areas, we could talk," the PRT liason says.
  105. <Wildbow> //
  106. <Megafire|Gardener> "I take it San Anto and Fruitvale are, as of yet, unclaimed by any gang?" I ask, taking an interest. They're close to the PRT headquarters in both cases, which could be useful.||
  107. <Wildbow> "They're unclaimed because they're free territory. Gangs have a loose truce that says nobody puts does business there, except San Anto is where the addicts and dealers congregate, the gangs organize and decide who can go where, with corners fiercely defined. Fruitvale is the opposite. Up and coming, city's been putting a lot of resources down into fixing it up, lots of police, lots of...
  108. <Wildbow> ...attention, most of the local heroes patrol through there as part of their routes."
  109. <Wildbow> //
  110. <Megafire|Gardener> "Both would bring me a lot of attention, from either side of the law, then," I say. "Unfortunate, I would prefer to stay somewhat out of the way, but every other option means immediatelly creating an enemy, no?"||
  111. <Wildbow> "It's inevitable. You can't set down roots, Gardener, without digging into someone's turf." //
  112. <Megafire|Gardener> I nod, thinking. "Joaquin is Nousagi territory, how powerful is their hold over the area?"||
  113. <Wildbow> "They play by the rules, they're more reactive than active, but when they react, they do it with nothing held back. They might be amenable to you settling down in their territory, but there would be expectations." //
  114. <Megafire|Gardener> "There always are, but it is probably a better option than the others, I think I will take it."||
  115. <Wildbow> "We can arrange a meeting between you and ," he says. "Decide who and what you're bringing, I'll be in touch with the time and place."
  116. <Wildbow> He packs up his things, leaving you with some print-outs of parks that the city could sell to you, leaving you with Bull and Jason, as well as a few scattered teenagers and mooks.
  117. <Wildbow> "Could be trouble," Jason remarks. "We're not enemies with Usagi there, but you might want to bring backup."
  118. <Wildbow> //
  119. <Megafire|Gardener> "And what back-up do we have that would be enough to deter them?" I ask, pondering. "There is little point in showing up with people that cannot stop them."||
  120. <Wildbow> "I have guns," Bull comments, from the back of the room.
  121. <Wildbow> "Grenade launchers, grenades, assault rifles. You want to make a statement? I'll lend it to you, for letting me be here. Consider it my contribution."
  122. <Wildbow> There are some nods from around the room at that.
  123. <Wildbow> //
  124. <Megafire|Gardener> Oh, lovely, show up as a proper gang right from the get-go. Make a statement alright. "It would immediately cement us as dangerous," I say, slowly putting my thoughts together, "which is, perhaps, not a reputation we should immediately be going for. I would much prefer it if the Nousagi focused on actual threats, so we can do our own business in peace."||
  125. * VereorNox is now known as Vern|Food
  126. <Wildbow> Try as you might, even with sheer weight and raw power at your disposal, you struggle to find a voice amid the group you founded.
  127. <Wildbow> "We can definitely keep that in mind," Jason says. "But don't worry, we're not letting you go in there alone and without backup. Bull can get us the guns, we give you the bodies."
  128. <Wildbow> //
  129. <Megafire|Gardener> Wonderful. A figurehead I am to be, then. It appears I must find some way to sabotage these people at some point, but for now, I'll have to play along. "Very well," I say.||
  130. <Wildbow> It takes almost half a day before the PRT gets back to you, and you're left to wonder whether they're dragging their feet intentionally or not.
  131. <Wildbow> Depending on how this meeting goes, they might make a decision or shift their attitude toward you altogether.
  132. <Wildbow> You watch with an ugly feeling in your gut as the members of The Garden strap on guns and vests, they put on belts and pack grenades. You manage to convince them to grab the nonlethal ammo, so it's more smoke and flashbangs than anything else. You're already losing control of this organization, and things have barely even started. It's going to take decisive action to twist things in your...
  133. <Wildbow> ...favor.
  134. <Wildbow> The group gathers and travels to the site, where Nousagi is waiting. The leader wears a blue sentai outfit, hard full-face helmet with hair fluttering behind her, a bodysuit, and a cape, all with a rabbit motif. Her gang is dressed with a kind of uniform style, crisp clothing, attention to cleanliness, and an almost militant cast to their attitudes, the way they stand.
  135. <Wildbow> At least her lieutenants appear to be ex-soldiers, at the very least.
  136. <Wildbow> A PRT van is parked nearby, and heroes stand on either side of the street. Bayonet and RTL in his titanic armored suit on the left, and Aftershock with the three Oakland wards on the right.
  137. <Wildbow> In this, at least, the attention is on you, and your underlings can't speak for you. You have the freedom to act. You and Usagi cross the distance until you stand in the no man's land between your two groups.
  138. <Wildbow> She pulls off her helmet, shakes her hair loose, and stands straight again. She looks slightly older than you might have expected, suggesting she's a veteran, and her lower face is covered by a skintight mask, showing the outline of her lips. Her eyes glow pink, and when she moves her head, light trails mark the path her eyes move, lingering in the air.
  139. <Wildbow> "You come to my territory armed, to ask a favor?"
  140. <Wildbow> //
  141. <Megafire|Gardener> I nod, a sad look on my face. "I am afraid my... followers insisted on protecting me," I tell her.||
  142. <Wildbow> "They're doing just the opposite, hedgehog," she says.
  143. <Wildbow> //
  144. * Vern|Food is now known as VereorNox
  145. <Megafire|Gardener> I chuckle a little at that. "I wholeheartedly deserve that." I try to put my thoughts together. "I think the show of force is more for... my benefit than it is for yours."||
  146. * Nonagon has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
  147. <Wildbow> "Nobody benefits from this. I have agreed to hear you out, but I am not stupid. I see things. I planned in advance. Look between us."
  148. * Nonagon ( has joined
  149. <Wildbow> Your eyes follow her instruction, to what appears to be a patched pothole, between your left foot and her right one.
  150. <Wildbow> "There are other bombs planted in the surroundings. Some are in the midst of your group. I am paranoid, I am careful, and I don't brook nonsense. You, this? It is nonsense. But I will hear you out."
  151. <Wildbow> //
  152. * Firlz (firlzzz@D7CE9CF5.CAFE8D41.3C9C32D8.IP) has joined
  153. <Megafire|Gardener> I sigh in relief, smiling to myself. "I sought to raise a garden. My own, beautiful garden. Instead I grew poisonous crops." I pause, thinking. "My followers expect me to negotiate for a place inside your territory. I will not. All I ask of you is forgiveness for bringing the mess I have created to your doorstep. I will do anything it takes to help you stop them."||
  154. <Wildbow> "No," she says.
  155. <Wildbow> "Anything else?"
  156. <Wildbow> //
  157. <Megafire|Gardener> "No, but thank you, all the same. Do whatever you wish, but I implore you, do not let these people in, no matter what happens to me." After that, I move towards the heroes.||
  158. * Nonagon has quit (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
  159. <Wildbow> The group look confused as you approach them. Bull asks, "What's up?"
  160. <Wildbow> //
  161. * Nonagon ( has joined
  162. <Megafire|Gardener> "She said no," I tell her.||
  163. <Wildbow> "Okay," she says. "We'll get her back later. Can't do it now, with the superheroes around." She gives a jerk of the head toward Aftershock and the three kids, a kid with an axe, a boy with a robe and staff, and a girl in a hideous magenta and sky blue costume. "What's the next move, boss?"
  164. <Wildbow> //
  165. * Nonagon has quit (Ping timeout: 183 seconds)
  166. <Megafire|Gardener> "I do not care," I tell her. "You may go wherever you wish, but I will not be joining you."||
  167. <Wildbow> "Lent you my guns," she said. "We have your back. You made promises to the city, to us, and we rejiggered our lives to work with you on this. You leave us hanging, no place to go, and we're going to have issues."
  168. * Nonagon ( has joined
  169. <Wildbow> There are a few nods.
  170. <Wildbow> //
  171. * Wildbow has quit (Connection reset by peer)
  172. * Whispersilk ( has joined
  173. * Whispersilk has quit (Connection reset by peer)
  174. * Wildbow ( has joined
  175. * Whispersilk ( has joined
  176. <Megafire|Gardener> "Feel free to raise whatever issues you have with me," I say, solemnly. "I warned you that bringing your guns would send the wrong signal, but none of you would listen. You turned my ideal into nothing but another gang. This was never what I wanted, and I will have no part in it. You have my back only so you can hide behind me, but you should have noticed that my back is the most dangerous place for someone to be. If
  177. <Megafire|Gardener> you fight me now, you will all die. So I suggest you turn around and walk away while you still can."||
  178. <Wildbow> "You're aware you're walking away with enemies, here?" Jason asks.
  179. <Wildbow> //
  180. <Megafire|Gardener> "Was there any way I was not? It is, at the very least, nice to see you are not feigning surprise."||
  181. <Wildbow> "Sure," he says. He turns his back to you, and the rest of the group moves to follow. Under his breath, just loud enough for you to hear, you hear him say, "Freak."
  182. <Wildbow> //
  183. <Megafire|Gardener> I laugh at that, loud and clear. Certainly, I have a lot to attone for still, but that? That made me feel a lot better than I have felt ever since I started this. I turn around and approach the heroes. "I have mistakes I would like to rectify."||
  184. <Wildbow> ((Which heroes? RTL & Bayonet or Aftershock & Kids))
  185. <Megafire|Gardener> ((RTL & Bayonet, let's not do this to the kids.))
  186. <Wildbow> In the end, the decision doesn't seem to matter. She beckons Aftershock, and the kids trail behind of their own accord. Aftershock doesn't seem to be using his power, so there are no crashing booms in the wake of his footsteps.
  187. <Wildbow> (She being Bayonet)
  188. <Wildbow> "Mistakes you would like to rectify?" she repeats you, for Aftershock's benefit.
  189. <Wildbow> "I would say that," Aftershock agrees. "Mistakes."
  190. <Wildbow> //
  191. * SaltyGuy ( has joined
  192. <Megafire|Gardener> "I submit myself to your judgement," I say, solemn. "I was a fool, and no apology will suffice for what I have put into motion. All I would like to do, now, is help solve it."||
  193. <Wildbow> "Not our call to make," Aftershock says. "But you broke your word. Made yourself out to be rogue, and you weren't. Your people were dealing, threatening others. You formed a gang and didn't control them. I can ask the Director to talk with you, but I don't think you have many friends, Gardener."
  194. <Wildbow> //
  195. <Megafire|Gardener> I nod. "I did not know, which only further tarnishes my reputation," I say. "As it should. I did, truly, desire to be a Rogue, to build something great, but I let myself get carried away by those with wrong intentions. I do not expect to have any friends left, nor do I deserve any, but I will make an honest effort to fix my mistakes. That is all I can offer."||
  196. <Wildbow> The hero nods, "I'll let the Director know. We know where to find you."
  197. <Wildbow> //
  198. <Megafire|Gardener> "Thank you," I tell her. "I hope to be alive by the time you do."||
  199. <Wildbow> The thread of conversation seems to have spun out, and Nousagi's gathered forces, the heroes, and a small handful of bystanders all stare at you. There's nothing left for you to do but leave.
  200. <Wildbow> // ((Where to? Actions, plans?))
  201. <Megafire|Gardener> Feeling both better and worse than I have in a while, I decide that tackling this problem on my own while I still have the potential for backup is foolish, so let's not stir the beehive I set up just yet. Instead, I will play coward and hide as best I can. My... followers know where I usually stay, so those places are out. Instead, I try to find a place where I think the heroes will have an easier time finding me
  202. <Megafire|Gardener> than the villains.||
  203. <Wildbow> You settle for sleeping out in the elements, wandering to keep out of the way of trouble. There are few areas you can go without stepping on someone's turf, so you find yourself in San Anto, amid a rooftop garden on a shallow garage by a shop, a little mockery of what you might have had, had the winds blown differently. A man with a PRT badge on his lapel, a little shield with wings and...
  204. <Wildbow> ...'PRT' stenciled on the front makes his approach.
  205. <Wildbow> "The PRT Director would like to have a conversation," he says. "He'd like you to know this isn't optional, if you want to have a dialogue with us again in the future."
  206. <Wildbow> //
  207. <Megafire|Gardener> "Of course," I say. "Lead the way."||
  208. <Wildbow> As your journey here began, so does it end. You're old news, your presence is known, and this time, there are no reporters following you.
  209. <Wildbow> Yet people still hurry out of your way. Your reputation precedes you.
  210. <Wildbow> A man stands near the door as you approach, and rather than haul it open, he flees from your path.
  211. * Olivebirdy has quit (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
  212. <Wildbow> You're left to make the awkward maneuver under and through the double doors, and into the building. There's an armed and outfitted PRT squad waiting near the door, weapons at the ready, as you make your entrance. The heroes are on the ground floor, watching, but not close, and the new director stands with the Deputy director and the old man who you originally met, the sole person to give...
  213. <Wildbow> the benefit of a doubt.
  214. <Wildbow> It perhaps says something that he's no longer in power. Symbolic.
  215. <Wildbow> //
  216. <Megafire|Gardener> I bow my head in shame as I enter. I do not have any dignity to hold onto in this situation which is, in its own way, liberating. "What would you have of me?"||
  217. <SaltyGuy> Director Scrags looks over Gardener, obviously very unhappy with the way things have turned out.
  218. <SaltyGuy> "You tried to play both teams, and fucked up. You fucked up very hard, Gardener."
  219. <SaltyGuy> "At this point, you're not even really recruitable. Not in an official sense. I had someone from HQ contact me about this situation, just to dissuade me from considering recruitment. You're toxic."
  220. * Nonagon has quit (Connection reset by peer)
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  222. <SaltyGuy> "You only have two options, really. Become an informational asset to us, be a man on the ground, officially unconnected...Or simply leave. Only one of these options comes with our protection. With the amount of people you pissed off with these stunts...I hope the choice is obvious." ||
  223. <Megafire|Gardener> I nod in agreement. "It is. I believe it is better for this city if I operate under your guidance than under my own, given where it has led me. Say wherever you want me to, Director, and I will."||
  224. <SaltyGuy> "I'm going to be making some money available to you. A pittance, something you can survive off of. You're going to repay that by becoming a hero. It'll be hard, at first. Lot of people gunning for you. Pick your battles, keep your shit on the straight and narrow. Once you've done enough to turn PR around, I'll be able to recruit you. Stay away from our heroes, until then, unless it's
  225. <SaltyGuy> something very dire. Quite frankly, being seen with you would hurt us more than you could help in the field."
  226. <SaltyGuy> "This is your last chance. Change your name, get your shit correct. You fuck this up, and no one will be looking out for you."
  227. <SaltyGuy> ||
  228. <Megafire|Gardener> "Yes sir," I say. This isn't a plan. It's barely even a direction. But it is something. "Do you want me going after the... mess I made myself, or stay away?"|
  229. <SaltyGuy> "Distance yourself. Stay in Northern San Anto. Call me if you're about to get lynched. If I could give you a direction...We're having trouble with one of the gangs near there, Yamana. Make a campaign against him. He barely has any caped members, just a lot of thugs with guns. If you can deal him some serious blows...Things could really turn around for you." ||
  230. <Megafire|Gardener> I try to give him a smile, the gratitude definitely genuine. "Thank you, sir, for this opportunity. That is far better than I deserve."||
  231. <SaltyGuy> He nods.
  232. <SaltyGuy> "We've all made mistakes before, yours were just more calamatous than most. Fix your reputation, and we'll talk again, under more pleasant circumstances."
  233. * VereorNox is now known as VernZzZ
  234. <SaltyGuy> "One last thing: If you can find anything about Poe, I will personally see to it that your stipend is increased. This city needs him back. We want all the information you can give us on the gangs...but Poe is of the utmost importance." ||
  235. <Megafire|Gardener> I nod in acknowledgement. "Certainly, you have my word, for however much it may still count."||
  236. <SaltyGuy> ((Nothing else to say, on this end.))
  237. * Nonagon_ ( has joined
  238. <Megafire|Gardener> I make my way to the north end of San Anto, moving around, sleeping wherever I can, while looking to visit Piedmont, Yamana's territory, if I remember correctly, later. That will be the area I will be patrolling. Violence it is, after all, then. Life never follows plans.||
  239. * Nonagon__ (nonagon@BFA1D9A.4893E606.26E92AE5.IP) has joined
  240. * Nonagon has quit (Ping timeout: 185 seconds)
  241. * Nonagon__ is now known as Nonagon
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  243. <Wildbow> The rain patters down, and you find simple shelter in an abandoned gas station, sans pumps, with electricity rigged from a nearby building, something previous tenants put together. An old television shows antennae television, which is dull, but passes the time.
  244. <Wildbow> Shadows of movement outside catch your eye.
  245. <Wildbow> //
  246. <Megafire|Gardener> The first demons of my past come to haunt me, is it? They certainly are not taking their time. I stand out of the way of the door. Not trying to hide, as I would fail, but at least ensuring I get to see them before they really get to see me.||
  247. <Wildbow> It's dark, and the light rain and overcast sky do not help in clarifying the scene. You hear shouts, but fail to locate the voices, nor do you see the small object that sails at you from the side.
  248. <Wildbow> It's a molotov, and it strikes your armor. Plates catch and ignite, but the armor absorbs the worst of the blow. Quills reflexively fire off in the direction of the attack, and you hear a shout of alarm and pain in response. The only real light in the scene is from the fire that licks your exterior, barely making you warm.
  249. <Wildbow> //
  250. <Megafire|Gardener> I shake my head. Fools. I move far away from the fire. It offers me nothing useful and only stops me from seeing whatever else is going on around me. I wait for my quills to regenerate as I shout out. "Leave me be! You will only harm yourself in trying to harm me!"||
  251. <Wildbow> The report of gunfire from the opposite side of the street comes with muzzle flashes. You flinch, turning your side toward the flashes, and the armor absorbs the blow. Quills are sent flying in the general direction of the attackers, but this time no screams sound.
  252. <Wildbow> "Motherfucker!" is the ragged scream from the direction of the wounded man. He lobs another molotov in your general direction, aiming a little too high.
  253. <Wildbow> You tank the molotov with your shell once again, and the armor absorbs the attack. Quills fire off, a high number this time, and you hear the sound of them striking flesh. There is no scream, or even a grunt, just the sound of a man crumpling to the ground.
  254. <Wildbow> //
  255. <Megafire|Gardener> Well, I had hoped it would never come to this, but if it is my lives or theirs, so be it. I make sure I am facing the direction of the gunfire, before rolling up into a ball. Perhaps they might even think I am merely protecting myself, and will miss the fact that I am moving towards them, after faster, hopefully crashing into them.||
  256. <Wildbow> They get off two rounds of gunfire in the time it takes you to reach them. They start to flee as you draw near, heading off in either direction, but the return barrage of quills catches them. One is only grazed, but he is slowed, caught off guard, while the other is caught in the shoulder, staggering and falling to the ground, right in your path.
  257. <Wildbow> You crush him beneath you, and you hear bones crack, and as you pass over him, quills catch him and toss him to the side. You're in the midst of them, ones you recognize as useless mooks. A single gunshot made it past your armor, and it hurts, though it's nothing that's going to kill you anytime soon.
  258. <Wildbow> //
  259. <Megafire|Gardener> Something to worry about later, then. I stand back up, moving after him, hoping to give him a good punch to his face when I do catch him.||
  260. <Wildbow> It seems a group of four was sent after you, though their weapons are nothing special. Two of the remaining foes are running, one grazed and bleeding badly, and the other lies on the ground, and it looks like he's still struggling to get his bearings.
  261. <Wildbow> He stares up at you with fear in his eyes, not coherent enough to speak or fight back.
  262. <Wildbow> //
  263. <Megafire|Gardener> I glare into his eyes, before letting my anger melt away. "I will not become the monster I was made to be." That's what I told myself when I started all this, and I will not forego this now. "See that you did not hurt me, and understand that this will happen to everyone your new boss will send after me. Tell them this if you manage to survive."||
  264. <Wildbow> Your point seems to have been driven home. He nods, and you sense he'll pass on the message in question.
  265. <Wildbow> You stand back and let him run, which he does, and he flees in the same direction his buddies went. Three of them, leaving the scene.
  266. <Wildbow> That leaves only the fourth. You approach the bush, and you find the corpse. The molotov thrower lies there, lit up by flames that still lick your armor at the shoulder. Three skewers caught him, one in the leg, one dead center in the chest, and one in the side of his face. His rotted teeth are visible, a permanent leer with his cheek torn away.
  267. <Wildbow> //
  268. <Megafire|Gardener> I sigh. It really never should have come to this, but there's nothing to be done about that now. I leave the body untouched. Doing anything else would only make me more suspicious, and this was self defence. There's nothing I can do for him except call the authorities to let them know where to find the body, after which I'll find a new place to stay. No reason to stick around.||
  269. <Wildbow> You leave an anonymous tip for the police, then head on your way. Just shy of a million dollars on hand, yet you live on the street, a monster, now with a kill to your name.
  270. <Wildbow> You move on to another place where you might find rest, being more careful to make sure you aren't seen. You find an abandoned yard where scrap, junk and reclaimed goods were sold, and find shelter beneath a section of what appears to be dismantled play structure.
  271. <Wildbow> Fronds of weeds that had grown over the junk and scrap sway in the wind, and water drips down. A small shuffling sound marks the presence of another lost soul, here, already occupying the space.
  272. <Wildbow> From the grubbiness of her, she seems to be a homeless girl, no older than ten, though the size of her suggests eight. Without any speaking at all, you both somehow reach an accord, sharing the space, sitting close without touching, waiting for the sunrise, and hopefully better days.
  273. <Wildbow> ////
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