
Hisao and the Chocolate Factory Ch 4: Beyond a choco.....

Mar 22nd, 2017
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  1. Chapter 4: Beyond the chocolate sea
  3. “As you can see, we here at the Nakai factory use the finest technologies for transportation throughout the factory.” Hisao merrily told the group as they sailed into the tunnel.
  5. “Yeah, we can tell…” Emi said, looking up at Misha as she sailed forwards, arms outstretched as she was propelled forwards by a chocolate tidal wave.
  7. “Did you know this boat is actually being steered forwards by the natural current that runs in this river?”
  9. Rin chimed in. “This river cannot possibly be natural.”
  11. “No no no, of course not.” Hisao said. “It’s chocolate!”
  13. “A-are they going to be okay, Hisao?” Hanako asked.
  15. Hisao opens his mouth to respond, but is interrupted by Lilly placing a hand on her shoulder. “Shh, Hanako. Don’t ruin the surprise.”
  17. Hisao shrugged, and gave Hanako a wink. A thumping noise was heard, drawing Hanako’s own attention up towards Misha as she let out another shout of panic, her hand slamming against the tubing as she flowed along.
  19. “Where are we going now? Are we going to that marshmallow place?” Rin asked.
  21. “Sorry, hello? I can’t hear you all the way up here.”
  23. “I asked where we’re-”
  25. “What’s that noise?” Lilly asked.
  27. “What noise…?”
  29. Then, slowly, a rumbling noise picked up. It sounded very faint, but was coming closer and closer. Hanako quickly found Lilly’s hand and squeezed it.
  31. “Well, it’s either the rapids, or we’re about to finally enjoy a little song to accompany our lovely boat ride.”
  33. Rin looked from Shizune to Hisao in alarm. “Rapids!? This place has rapids!?”
  35. The rumbling noise grew louder, and suddenly the roof of the tunnel gave way, and Hanako could no longer see the walls.
  37. From above, two giant, golden, egg shaped structures slammed down onto the flowing tubes. All of the girls let out a small shriek, with rather large ones coming from Misha and Shizune, who were thrown against the inner-walls of the tubes as they were violently shaken. Thumping down into the stream, each girl came up sputtering chocolate.
  39. Small golden wheels gripped onto the tubes and the structures flipped. They now hung from the tubes instead of riding on top of them.
  41. “That doesn’t sound like rapids… is that music?” Lilly asked.
  43. With a rapid clanking noise, shutters pulled back on each of the structures, reveling two small girls with red and brown hair, Rai and Mikasa.
  45. Each girl was at center stage of their separate contraptions, with the brown haired Mikasa sitting at a grand Piano with what looked like a kazoo in her mouth. Redheaded Rai was at the other one, standing at a long silver microphone stand. Each girl was dressed up in some very form fitting clothing, belts pulled tightly across their waists and long skirts extending to their ankles. They each had a necktie around their front as well, and their hair was done up in an old fashion style Hanako could vaguely remember learning about.
  47. “Does this mean there are no rapids?”
  49. “Oh they sound so lovely. Where is that piano, Hanako?”
  51. “They’re… hanging from the tubes?”
  53. “Ladies, if it pleases the group, I’d like to hand the tour over for a few minutes to my lovely assistants who will be performing a lovely song from the 1950s.” Rai waved to the tour group happily as Hisao introduced them. “Take it away, gals.”
  55. Mikasa played a few notes on her piano and blew into her kazoo, but amazingly the noise of a trumpet came out. Above her, Misha screamed as Rai began to sing.
  57. ‘Somewhere, beyond the chocolate sea,
  58. Somewhere, waiting for Mi-sha,
  59. Her lover will stand on fudge colored sand
  60. And watches the marsh-animals sailing’
  62. In her seat, Lilly began to laugh.
  64. ‘Somwhere, beyond the chocolate sea,
  65. She’ll be there, watching for Mi-sha,
  66. If she could swim like crocs down low~
  67. Straight to her arms she’d go sailing.’
  69. Emi shrugged and began snapping her fingers to the beat. Rin stared at her incredulously, then looked back up towards the terrified pipe girls.
  71. ‘She’s close nearby the boats
  72. She’ll be there just past noon
  73. I know beyond a doubt
  74. They’ll be reunited soon’
  76. “Am I the only one still concerned about something with rapids?”
  78. ‘They’ll meet, upon the shore
  79. When soft marsh gives way to floors
  80. Happy they’ll be beyond the sea,
  81. But never again they’ll want to go sailing.’
  84. And then, without warning, the group began to fall. Hanako’s stomach leapt into her throat as she screamed in fright. She felt freefall grabbing at her and pulling her backwards against her seat. The music kept with them somehow, but the tiny thought of ‘Where are those drums coming from?’ was banished from Hanako’s mind as she clutched her seat in terror. She forced her eyes open to see Hisao standing at the front of the craft, laughing.
  86. And then, the boat seemed to find its footing, and curved into a slow and steady pace as they flowed forwards. Above them, Hanako could hear the pattering of what must be chocolate from the drop hitting the cloth roof of the boat.
  88. “Sorry about that, but recently we came to a conclusion that a waterfall nearer to the fudge room would be more helpful.”
  90. “Oh no!”
  92. Hanako turned around to see Emi leaning over the side of the boat, frowning at the river beneath them. “My pen! It fell down into the chocolate!”
  94. “Everyone, if you please, wave goodbye to Ms. Mikado and Ms. Hakamichi.” Hisao called. Hanako looked back up front to see that the girls had apparently kept pace with them down what must have been a very steep chocolate waterslide. They started to overtake the boat and the golden carriages as the rest of the group and their guides slowed down.
  96. The boat pulled over towards what looked like an outcropping, and ahead they could see a brick wall with two small portholes beneath the pipes, which Misha and Shizune now flowed through. Beneath each pipe was a label. ‘Marshmallow Marsh’ and ‘Fudge Foundry’.
  98. “That wasn’t rapids. That was a waterfall. Why did you say rapids?” Rin asked.
  100. “Lilly, are you okay? You look a little green.” Hisao asked. Hanako looked and was it was true, her face had a slight queasiness to it, and a twinge of green had appeared as her skin had faded to a ghostly white.
  102. “Oof… I admit, that was… unexpected. I should be fine though. Just the rocking and all…”
  104. From his pocket, Hisao withdrew what look like a pack of gum. He withdrew a strip and held it out to her. “Here, take this.”
  106. Curiously, Lilly held out her hands. Hisao deposited the stick into them and cautiously, Lilly unwrapped it. “Is this gum?”
  108. “It is. A very popular seller. It’ll settle your stomach, as sure as anything.”
  110. Lilly popped the gum into her mouth and instantly began to chew. Her sickness seemed to fade as her normal color rapidly returned to her face, and she dropped the wrapper to the floor of the boat as her hand flew up to cup her cheek.
  112. “My oh my, I feel wondrous. What is this gum?” she asked.
  114. Hanako bent down to pick up her wrapper as Hisao explained. “It’s relaxcent gum. It’s designed to help peoples muscles relax, including their stomachs. Oddly enough, it does this to almost all of their muscles. We’re docking now, but you made need a moment to get your footing.” He smiled to Hanako and held out a hand, which she put the wrapper in and he pocketed it.
  116. “Oh… um… alright…” Lilly said.
  118. Rai and Mikasa stood by the side of the dock, each tossing a rope towards the boat. Hisao caught his out of the air, but the second rope thumped against Rin’s torso. She scowled at Mikasa.
  120. “Ooo, bad han- oh god!” Mikasa yelped, covering her mouth.
  122. Rin’s scowl deepened. Emi quickly grabbed up the rope and pulled the back of the boat in, hopping onto the dock.
  124. “Oh sweet ground.” She said, stomping her prosthetic feet on the dock. “Hisao, that could have been very unsafe!”
  126. “I promise you my dear, you were never at any risk.” Hisao said, coming off of the boat and placing a hand on Emi’s shoulder. “Come, let’s see how the others are enjoying their private shows.”
  128. Emi and Rin hurried after him, leaving Hanako and Lilly on the boat. “Go on ahead, Hanako. I’ll be behind you in just a moment.”
  130. “We can carry you if you like. We’ve been working out.” Rai said, flexing her arm muscles.
  132. “No… thank you.” Lilly replied.
  134. “Are you sure?” Hanako asked, gripping Lilly’s hand.
  136. “Positive. Go on ahead.” Lilly said. “I don’t seem to be able to move my legs.”
  138. “O-okay…” Hanako hopped from the boat to the dock, and turned back to see Lilly slowly flexing her hand. Hanako walked over to the end of the river, and the white bricked wall that was beyond. The other three were crowded under the porthole labeled ‘Fudge Foundry.’
  140. “Oh, there she is!” Called Emi.
  142. Hanako looked over their shoulder to see Shizune lying on a grated floor. The chocolate that had taken her there dripped off of her into whatever lay below, and she shook her head.
  144. “Where’s all of the chocolate?” Rin asked, looking up and the now filled and flowing pipe.
  146. “Well, unfortunately, obstructions do happen. The machine reads them, and deposits them onto that grate right there, while the rest of the chocolate is super-heated in the foundry. For her own safety, she should probably move though…”
  148. “What do you mean by that?” Rin asked.
  150. Slowly, Shizune was making her way to her feet.
  152. “Well…” Hisao looked down to his watch. “You’re about to see.”
  154. Suddenly, the girls could hear a loud crackling of noise come from the room. Shizune must have felt the grate shake, as she looked all around her before finally looking up. Hanako watched as the girl opened her mouth, throwing her hands up to shield her face as gallon after gallon of bubbling hot chocolate poured down from above. It poured down so harshly and heavily, that it entirely hid the girl from view.
  156. “Oh my god.”
  158. “Are you going to do something?”
  160. “Hold on now, hold on.”
  162. Slowly, the flowing ocean of hot chocolate began to gradually become a stream, and then into a trickle, before finally stopping all together. Standing in the middle of the grate was Shizune, entirely coated in brown chocolate. Her hands were thrown up to cover herself, and her mouth was opened in a scream of silent terror.
  164. “Oooo… That pose won’t do at all.” Hisao said, tapping his finger to his chin. “Rai? Rai can you come here please?”
  166. The group looked over to Rai, who was presently helping Lilly step over the side of the boat onto the dock. “Yea boss? What’s up?” Hanako noticed Lilly leaning heavily on her cane.
  168. “I need you to go to the fudge foundry and help Ms. Hakamichi. Something heroic, or perhaps strong. I think she’d appreciate that. You may need a lift to move her though. Then make your way over to the marsh and check up on Misha, if you’d please.”
  170. Emi was already hurrying over towards the other porthole. “Oh my god, it really is a marsh or marshmallows…”
  172. Hanako followed her, looking through. In the room they looked into, a thin layer of fog was covering the floor of the room, which seemed to mostly be chocolate waters. What was amazing was the stark white plants that filled it, giving the room an unearthly feel.
  174. “Is there something moving? Look there, in the waters.”
  176. “Oh, that’d be the marshmallowgators. They’re very territorial towards the workers, but the graham crackers on their backs are just so wonderful for s’mores.”
  178. Hanako could see it now, small bits of golden brown floating through the waters attached to an albino white body.
  180. “I think I can see Misha! She’s on that island!” Emi called.
  182. Hanako could see her too, slowly standing up. The pink hared girl had her arms around herself, and looked to be shivering.
  183. Slowly, the albino body of the marshmallowgator turned and started swimming towards the island.
  185. “If those things are territorial, shouldn’t you do something?” Rin asked
  187. “Don’t be silly, why would-” he broke off. A look of shock took over his features. “Umm, Rai? Misha first, if you pleased.” He called. The two sisters saluted, and ran off into the attached room, leaving Lilly behind.
  189. Hanako looked back into the porthole to see more shapes in the water converging on the island. Misha seemed to notice them too, as she began to back away from the water’s edge. Behind her, a giant white form reared up on its two legs, looking as if it were about to pounce.
  190. With a tap of Hisao’s cane, the porthole smoothly clicked shut.
  192. “Hey, no fair!” Emi called, pouting at him.
  194. “I’m sorry, the Marshmallow Marsh is temporally closed. Now, if you’ll follow me.” Hisao said, spinning around nervously and heading towards what seemed to be the only door in this area.
  196. “Is everything alright?” Lilly asked the group as they approached. She still gripped her candy-cane cane, though Hanako reached out and touched her shoulder as the rest of the group just walked on by.
  198. “Shizune seems to be turned into a fudge statue… and Misha is trapped with some marshmallow animals…” She said.
  200. “Well, that does seem too bad for them.” Lilly said, not looking at all displeased with the news. “How else will they enjoy the rest of the tour?”
  202. She turned and began tapping her cane, evidentially expecting Hanako to follow her. Hanako did so after a moment, and heard Lilly begin to hum the tune of the song the girls listened to as the student council raced forwards towards whatever fate held in store.
  204. Glancing up, Hanako read the sign that designated the room that they were now entering.
  206. ‘The Inven-tea-ing room’
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