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  1. [07:55:26] <Zini> Stirk: The tropical abecean resort kingdom of the wealthy coastal peoples; gets much less altmer traffic then it used to ever since the whole AD thing but even they show up a bit. The other villages on the isle are less than savory, some even being pirate hubs. Also the 'base' of the Imperial abecean fleet
  2. [07:57:04] <Zini> Anvil: Colovian trade city and the 'jewel of the abecean', a hub of wealthy merchants of all local races and a hub for piracy even today. Includes the Olos in its legacy, was once the most powerful city in Colovia
  3. [07:59:28] <Zini> Sutch: The fortress city against the once wild and savage Hammerfell, that was first built to defend against orcs and violent nedic tribes from across the Brena, that eventually switched to a fortress against the RaGada after their arrival. At one point in time the redguards controlled it and half of the gold coast, but this territory was both reconquested and negotiated back once more peaceful
  4. [07:59:41] <Zini> relations became established
  5. [08:02:35] <Zini> Sarchal: Old Colovian city who's exact date of founding is lost to time like Kvatch and Skingrad. It historically oft contested dominance of the weald, the east-southern highlands, and the great forest with Skingrad. Like its southern neighbor it is a producer of wine and other spirits, and though its production is greater than that of Skingrad's it is not as significant, for it was not the
  6. [08:03:06] <Zini> 'gateway' of trade with the east. They are a 'vassal' of Skingrad; ruled by a baron loyal to the count.
  7. [08:05:30] <Zini> Kvatch: The great and (once) impenetrable fortress city of the colovi. It was once the largest city in colovia, and though its importance declined relatively early on in favor of cities like Skingrad and Anvil, it was still strong and its military was not to be trifled with. Atop the high plateau one could see for miles across the hills.
  8. [08:08:06] <Zini> Chorrol: The city of the northern highlands lies not on a hill but in a wide and relatively flat valley, where farmers grow wheat and barley and hops and where distillers make reknowned beers. The great oak at the city center is practically ancient, though it has been replanted at least 3 times in the cities multi-millinear history. It is home to an annual celebration of drinking and dancing,
  9. [08:08:53] <Zini> holdovers of the ancient nomad's culture. On the outskirts of the valley at the base of the mountainous hills there are many mausoleums, another ancient remnant.
  10. [08:09:21] <Zini> those are the cities of cyrod
  11. [08:09:23] <Zini> er
  12. [08:09:25] <Zini> Colovia
  13. [08:09:50] <Zini> large towns of Colovia (bigger than a village, at least 1000-2000 inhabitants)
  14. [08:10:57] <Zini> Seppaki: A remnant of the first occupation of the northern gold coast by redguards. This town was founded by ancient ra'gada settlers, and even after millenia of it being in imperial hands its population is still dominantly redguard.
  15. [08:14:04] <Zini> Thresvy: The dialectal name of this town roughly means 'Thras-Watch'. It was once a coastal fort and the site of one of Olo's fleet detachments against Sloads and Sload monstrosities; now it is a large fishing town, the old colovian fleet harbor used to hold fisherman's boats.
  16. [08:16:12] <Zini> Gweden: A Bretonic-Colovian town on the southern gold coast not far from Anvil. Primarily a town of farmers. Like most bretonic-colovi towns it is a simple place, unnotable except for its population and its unusual for colovia acceptance of powerful mages.
  17. [08:18:19] <Zini> Brina Cross: A large town located directly on the Gold Road between Kvatch and Anvil, and a sort of hub for nearby villages and other towns like Hal Verovar to get their goods sold to passing caravans rather than making the trip to Anvil themselves. Also a popular resting point for said caravans between Kvatch and Anvil.
  18. [08:21:11] <Zini> Hal Verovar: Large farming and mining town on the western edge of the southern highlands, not far from Kvatch. The old colovic 'Hal' is indicative of an ancient nordic origin for the town; the word being used to indicate it was built around a nordic great hall. Verovar's hall is long gone, destroyed during who knows what conflict, but the name remains.
  19. [08:23:47] <Zini> Hal Vincherik: Located on the edge of the southern spur of the northern highlands, the large mountainous hills that hug close to the hammerfell border. Similarly to Verovar it is a mining town, though unlike Verovar it almost entirely is mining. The mine Vincherik directly attaches to is long-barren, but the town serves as a hub for companies throughout the highland's hills.
  20. [08:25:00] <Zini> Shetcombe: Another bretonic colovi town, this one mere miles from the walls of Kvatch. It is a simple farming community, the largest of the many farm villages that coat the hills around the city in quilt-patch fields.
  21. [08:27:34] <Zini> Shardrock: A large quarry town in the in the southern highlands between Kvatch and Skingrad. Much of the stone in the city and town walls of Kvatch, Sarchal, and Skingrad came from the quarries around this area.
  22. [08:30:19] <Zini> Dethagrad: Despite the potentially morbid sounding name, this old colovian town's name simply means 'The sunny hill town', from 'Deth', old colovian for Sun or more specifically 'relating to the sun', and 'grad', a common element in the highlands that simply means fortified town, generally used to refer to a hill town. It is home to several large grape-fields and distilleries of wine.
  23. [08:33:14] <Zini> Hal Uriel: This old colovian town is located on the gold road east of Skingrad. It is a lumber town and like nearly every village in the weast weald, home to at least one grape-field. It's name was once Hal Malorak, but it was renamed in the early 3rd era in honor of the emperor Uriel I.
  24. [08:35:20] <Zini> Vlastarus: This colovian town was once a defensive fortification/'screening' area for people intending to travel from the nibenay along the gold road. The original colovian name was Vlastarav, but as far back as the second era it was more common to use the name those native to the heartlands used for it, Vlastarus.
  25. [08:38:43] <Zini> Brindle Home, Hackdirt, and Weatherleah: These three towns are all large towns on the western edge of the great forest, or as it is known in old Cyrodiilic, the Massiqueran Mors, or 'The Forest of Great Massacre', for the dozens of battles that were fought in and around it over millenia, against ayleids, between nibens and colovs, between colovian kingdoms, and between invaders during the
  26. [08:39:46] <Zini> interregnum. It is to be noted that 'massacre' is not used here especially negatively, despite the connotations of the equivalent tamrielic- likely why the word is ommited when it is printed in the common language of the continent.
  27. [08:42:02] <Zini> Mhorlagrad: This community not far from Chorrol in the rugged barrow-filled hills is one of the few 'civilized' communities of the deep northern highlands, a mining town loyal to Chorrol. Its name either means 'The hill town of Morihaus' or 'The hill town of Mhor(us)'. Technically regardless of which one it still means the hill town of morihaus, as Mhor is a common colovian variation on the
  28. [08:42:55] <Zini> great bull's name. It is mostly a question of whether it is named after one of the several great colovians to bear the name, or if it is simply named after that old saintly bull.
  29. [08:45:14] <Zini> Sancre Tor: While never as large of a city as places like Chorrol or even Bruma, in ancient times the Tor's population was much higher. But after it was ruined in the early third era most of the population left. However it still maintains a large population of a few thousand pious individuals on the outskirts of the ruined city away from the troublesome dead, both pilgrims from all across cyrod
  30. [08:48:18] <Zini> Now onward to the cyro-nordic north, a land of frigid powerful mountains and cold foothills.
  31. [08:50:16] <Zini> The north is home to one large city: The ancient nordic Bruma. Bruma was once the southern most kingdom of the nordic empire, and in early alessian times this great terraced mountain city was not under their domain. However, when the nordic empire collapsed to infighting following the death of Borgas, the southerners quietly snatched the city up, claiming it as one of their own. It is still
  32. [08:51:11] <Zini> part of Cyrodiil in the 4th era, and while under the duchy of nibenay for convenience, it is not truly a nibenese city, and the inhabitants prefer to be considered nordic or heartlanders rathern then nibens.
  33. [08:51:35] <Zini> Large northern towns:
  34. [08:54:34] <Zini> Artemon: This large mountain town began is nestled snugly in the foot hills, right at the edge of mountains. It served much the same purpose as Vlastarus to the south, though it was in the hands of the nibenese; gaurding against troublemaking backwards colovians. It is the western-most home of several nibenese cults, and holds half a dozen monestaries to different arrangements of gods and heros
  35. [08:56:03] <Zini> Applewatch: The name of this community not far from Bruma directly relates to the towns main claim to fame; its large and productive apple-orchards.
  36. [08:58:16] <Zini> Bleaker's Way: A large town of historically mixed population dating back at least to the second era, with a strangely bloody and violent past. In the late third era, for reasons unknown, though speculated to be from oblivion-crisis-hysteria, the idealistically peaceful interracial town of Nords and dunmer came into violent feuding that ended with total massacre. It is a taboo subject, and a
  37. [08:58:23] <Zini> shame on the people of the north.
  38. [09:00:11] <Zini> Onto the heartlandw
  39. [09:00:14] <Zini> *heartlands
  40. [09:03:07] <Zini> the heartlands are the name used to encompass central cyrod, and it includes the Islands of the Rumare, the banks of the rumare and dozens and dozens of miles inland, and the upper niben river. The climate here varies, though it is all warm, all fertile, and all frequently rainy. To the north it is grassy and pleasant, to the west it is fertile and frequently flooded, to the east it is rainy and
  41. [09:03:37] <Zini> tropical, and to the south it bears famed mangrove swamps.
  42. [09:03:42] <Zini> Cities:
  43. [09:06:06] <Zini> Delodiil: Though in modern times it is classed as belonging to the heartland and falling under its duchy, the city was founded at the furthest extent of post-righteousness colovia, named after an ancient mythical ayleid city within the great forest. It's people are a mix of colovians and heartland nibenese, and culturally it is a bizarre mix between the two. It is located on the western
  44. [09:06:55] <Zini> floodlands, at its southern edge, on one of the many floodland rivers that flows directly into the silty red rumare.
  45. [09:08:51] <Zini> The Imperial City: The great and massive city of cyrodiil, the biggest city of Tamriel and beating heart of the empire. It is metropolitan, with large population of all the peoples of the world, from all societies and all walks of life. It and its 'metropolitan' area villages span across the central isle, though the famous city walls only contain about a fifth of the city, the rest spilling out
  46. [09:10:13] <Zini> across the island. It is connected to the mainland by great and massive bridges, each many miles long and a hundred feet wide. The biggest bridge, its western one, is actually dotted with small villages, little communities on the expanse of the magnificent ancient architecture.
  47. [09:10:33] <Zini> Towns:
  48. [09:13:03] <Zini> Weye: Though the main crop of the heartlands, like the rest of the niben, is rice, it holds wheat as well. Weye is the largest farming town primarily based around wheat in the heartlands, and the only one with significant population. Its name is actually from ancient heartland dialects, and is a precursor word for 'wheat'.
  49. [09:13:44] <Zini> It sits at the mouth of the western bridge, and most people who choose to reach the city by foot or horse travel through Weye on their way there.
  50. [09:18:31] <Zini> Fax Aleshut: Located on the northern edge of the western floodlands, this rice community is known for its large and eponymous monument to the first empress, a great carved stone bust of Alessia atop a hill that faces toward the central isle and watches over the community as well. Fax Aleshut means 'Face of Alessia'.
  51. [09:25:19] <Zini> Quenti Turrai: Though densely packed enough and of large enough population to be considered a town, The Quenti Turrai actually refers to five densely packed villages on the steep northern shore. It is the common point by which people enter and exit the lake rumare from the north.
  52. [09:27:51] <Zini> Tiberiad: This large town is located on the tropical eastern shore, and it is named in honor of the founder of the septim dynasty, Tiber Septim. The majority of the nibenay's large towns were not established until the 2nd or the 3rd eras, with the nibenese primarily living within thousands of tightly spaced villages.
  53. [09:30:05] <Zini> Pell's Gate: For those seeking to enter the the rumare and the city from the south by land, Pell's gate is the route usually taken. Though its bridge is not as long or wide as the western bridge, it is still connected to the isle by it. not far to its south are the mangroves of the heartland.
  54. [09:36:03] <Zini> Kyntiriad: Across from Pell's Gate, on the other side of the mouth of white rose river system that provides the waters for the southern swamps, their lies the large town of Kyntiriad, named after the empress Kyntira. The island town is often used as a hub for the numerous villages deep within the heartland swamp, and small boats often enter and exit the rivers on both of the city's sides on
  55. [09:36:07] <Zini> their way to the heartland.
  56. [09:37:36] <Zini> Aleswell: The northernmost large town in the heartland, this town is cyro-nordic and has often been classed as being of the north. However, its climate is not of 'The North', but of the northern heartlands. The town is a simple farming and mining community, just of unusually high nordic population for the warm heartland.
  57. [09:39:18] <Zini> Rema: This town is located centrally on the western bank of the upper niben, and is named in honor of emperor Reman. (I honestly dont' have much for nibenese towns, so expect the descriptions to be shit.)
  58. [09:39:54] <Zini> Cropsford: This town is located on the eastern bank, and is a major farming community, where a great multitude and variety of crops are made, hence the name.
  59. [09:42:20] <Zini> I've gotta go
  60. [09:42:24] <Zini> will list off niben shit later
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  73. [09:54:42] <Zini> The Nibenay: The eclectic and lively beating heart of the imperial people, a land of religious fervor, a thousand gods, bronze, feathers, and silk. It's people are incredibly varied, living in hundreds of different river tribes in thousands of villages all throughout the powerful nibenay river and its tributaries. The forests are thick and the rain is heavy, and in many places the most common-
  74. [09:55:01] <Zini> and sometimes, the only accessible- method of travel is to go by boat from village to village.
  75. [09:56:22] <Zini> Note: I don't have a good enough idea about nibenay aside from towns and vague pictures in my head to go into the full potential weirdness of each town. A few of them I have ideas about, like Nepenthe, but nothing else.
  76. [09:56:24] <Zini> Cities:
  77. [09:58:21] <Zini> Cheydinhal: The northenmost truly niben city, the city of Cheydinhal has its roots as ancient nordic fortifications at the southernmost extent of their empire. Once the nordic empire fell the southerners claimed it too, as well as the northern tribes who had lived in and around it. The city is located in the Cheydin highlands, a set of gently sloping foothills to the jagged Valus mountains,
  78. [10:00:12] <Zini> that are forested with a gradient from wet jungle to cool pines from south to north. compared to other nibenese cities the city of Cheydinhal is visually out of place, with its pine surroundings and nordesque houses. But its people, while not quite as wild as the ones further south, are definitely nibenese, and like any other nibenese city worth its salt it is home to dozens of cults entirely
  79. [10:00:14] <Zini> unique to it.
  80. [10:03:18] <Zini> Bravil: Bravil is a city with a strange history of decline and continous mismanagement. It is the largest nibenese city outside of the obvious nibennium, and it stretches far from the shore across the niben bay on stilts buried in the water and the mud. It was the primary port of the deep niben jungles, and they would flood from the tributaries across the bay to sell the goods of their tribes
  81. [10:05:31] <Zini> in the markets of Bravil. In modern times though, it is a muddy hole. Mismanagement throughout the third and fourth era have brought the once strong if simple city to its knees. Bravil has a reputation amongst cyrods for being a pit; Its streets are mud and flooding is constant, disease is often rampant amongst its lower class, murder is all too frequent, and its guards are brutal and known to
  82. [10:05:54] <Zini> be (often) racist.
  83. [10:10:40] <Zini> Mir Corrup: Mir Corrup is often described as the Stirk of Nibenay; a comparison that quickly seems lacking once visitors are exposed to its numerous obscure cults, guilds, and secret societies. That said it is indeed somewhat of a 'resort' city, Its hot springs and exotic deep-niben delights attracting visitors from all across Cyrodiil and beyond
  84. [10:13:26] <Zini> Leyawiin: Leyawiin is a bizarre city, and for the majority of the 1st era it was not even considered part of Cyrod. Though its population has always been significantly human, it and the western banks of the river were once part of Elsweyr. Eventually Leyawiin was pulled into the empire by reasoning of nedic heritage, and during the 3rd era the western banks were claimed as well. The city has
  85. [10:15:10] <Zini> its origins as an old plantation, that was claimed by the slaves during the decline of the wild elves. The city has the highest population of beastfolk relative to any other city in Cyrod.
  86. [10:15:58] <Zini> Towns:
  87. [10:16:41] <Zini> Harm's Folly: Named after a northern nibenfolk named Harmosius; in the northern cheydin highlands. (needs more content.)
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  90. [10:18:38] <Zini> Cephoriad: Named after emperor Cephorus, lies on a snow-melt river that connects to the tributaries, used by those in Cheydinhal to trade with the deep niben. In modern times it was focused on by Hlaalu, who became highly invested in dominating the blue road for trade with Cyrodiil.
  91. [10:20:21] <Zini> Harlun's Watch: A farming and lumber town just south of Cheydinhal, named after the old commander of the nordic fort of old Cheydin, Harlun. (needs more content)
  92. [10:21:35] <Zini> Culadiil: This town was once an ayleid community; the elves long driven out, it is used by nibenfolk instead. It is one of the most well maintained examples of above ground surviving ayleid architecture. Close to the border with Morowind, large dunmer population.
  93. [10:25:37] <Zini> Nepenthe: this large town is on the edge of the niben jungles and the Cheydin highlands, and is home to Cyrodiil's legally chartered Vaermina cult. (Cults to the daedra must be chartered and registered, especially to potentially dangerous ones. The cultists commune with her and her realm in their dreams, using hallucinogenic drugs concocted from toxic niben plants. The drug induces strange
  94. [10:27:38] <Zini> dreams, ranging from lucid to bizarre to utterly nightmarish. The city specializes in the production and trade of legal religious narcotics and herbal medicines, producing everything from trance inducing syrups to numbing anaesthetics.
  95. [10:29:52] <Zini> The town is home to the orb of vaernima, an artifact gifted to the inhabitants and housed within their temple. In the late third era it was stolen, but quickly brought back by adventurers.
  96. [10:34:06] <Zini> fuck I didn't dc, did I?
  97. [10:38:02] <Zini> Ato: Ato is located in the region of the deep niben sometimes called 'The valley of altars', the space directly between Corrup and Bravil. This region is the nexus of the majority of niben cults, with hundreds holding their prime temple or monestary within the region. Ato itself is an old tsaesci town, established in the nibenay as one of the many places where the akaviri were allowed to settle
  98. [10:39:21] <Zini> Its modern inhabitants bear notable tsaesci blood, with some even having decidedly serpentine eyes. The architecture is akaviri in nature, and despite the inhabitants being mostly nedic descent they fully embrace what little akaviri culture they know, worshipping the tsaesci gods and imitating their rituals.
  99. [10:42:31] <Zini> Morihathiil: The other genuine town within the valley of altars, Morihathiil is (quite obviously by its name) dedicated to the reverence of Morihaus. The town worships a wide variety of heroes, bearing the most robust of any of Cyrod's hero cults. Minotaurs often enter the city, as the inhabitants allow them to take whatever they want, eager to please the sacred bulls.
  100. [10:43:54] <Zini> Drakelowe: This town bears a rather out of place name, established on the upper end of the reed river in the second era by a Breton merchant who had settled in to the nibenay. (needs more content)
  101. [10:44:42] <Zini> Viatis: This merchant town sits on the Niben Bay and is a sort of trade nexus for the inhabitants of the Silverfish river. (needs more content)
  102. [10:45:01] <Zini> Ancra: Same as viatis but for the Panther river. (needs more content)
  103. [10:46:29] <Zini> Buccita: This town lies just south of Bravil on the Niben bay, where it is often considered a 'metropolitan' village of the larger city. (needs more content)
  104. [10:46:43] <Zini> Alessiad: ^ same, named after Alessia
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  116. [11:31:38] <Zini> Continued
  117. [11:32:42] <Zini> Contramantarci: Contramantarci is both the name of the ancient Caro family estate and the town around the estate, that the Caro family has always ruled. The Caros are a powerful and influential family of nibenese battlemages.
  118. [11:35:03] <Zini> Red Sutri: This deep nibenese town, located at the end of the main course of the panther river, is so nibenese that to someone in the heartland and colovia it would seem almost alien. It's people are tribal and clannish, and isolationist. (needs more stuff)
  119. [11:36:59] <Zini> Water's Edge: A nibenese fishing town on the western side of the lower niben. The people indigineous to the village were among those nedes who once bowed to the mane. It now falls under imperial rule, the 'foreign' laws sometimes leaving the inhabitants disgruntled.
  120. [11:38:20] <Zini> Trariraj: Sometime's known as 'Border Watch', This wholly khajiiti town was the largest of the khajiit villages pulled into nibenay by the annexation of the western riverbank. The town fits right in with the nibenay, for its khajiit hold a bizarre and cultish faith centering around a predicted end of the world.
  121. [11:39:01] <Zini> Blankenmarch: Something something blackwood nibenese town, I have literally nothing for this, I need to think of something
  122. [11:39:23] <Zini> Moricta: coastal blackwood nibenese town, once again I have no ideas
  123. [11:39:28] <Zini> AND THAT IS CYRODIIL
  124. [11:39:39] <Zini> hope you muddafuckers enjoyed it
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