

Aug 23rd, 2014
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  1. Game 1 first set
  4. Most of this stuff will be your habits, his habits, and general stuff. I'm not going to go into detail with specific scenarios in the game
  7. -You often grab and hit them, then don't follow up any more pressure or control. Instead, you run. In falco dittos, you want to always be the one playing safe offense.
  8. -Throughout the game you always give him the laser control. Laser control is extremely important, especially on FD.
  9. -Boom is ALWAYS doing double laser off the ledge. Punish him for it.
  10. -Your punishes are much less than optimal. The ones that really stick out are when you get grabs and convert nearly nothing from it.
  11. -Your laser grabs became predictable, and he caught on
  12. -You don't shine out of shield a ton of unsafe moves on your shield.
  13. -He always runs away after a jab, he did it a ton of times. Try to catch on to these things.
  14. -He has a very bad air dodge habit when you are being aggressive. Those should be punished.
  15. -Honestly feel like you laser pretty slowly? Like in between lasers you don't have the maxiumum speed of how lasers can come out, which I'm sure sometimes you are trying to do.
  18. Game 2 first set
  20. -In situations where you are both trying to get laser control and are pretty much stuck hitting each other with lasers, don't get desperate. If you have better stage position, you can slowly jump forward with the lasers and corner him more, but you don't need to actually get to him. He will start feeling desperate because of being near the edge. If you are at the edge, some options could be going back on the ledge and double lasering or if he is inching closer, react to his nair approach and roll.
  21. -He does so many random nair approaches. Just be patient and then shine of out shield punish him. Instead you just let go of shield and tried to contest. However, if you want to contest, a stationary dair will beat pretty much every aerial approach.
  22. -You always dair onto the stage from the ledge. Mix it up.
  23. -You almost always fall for the dash dance grab near the ledge. You just get stuck in shield
  24. -A lot of flubbed combos
  25. -When on the ledge or cornered at the ledge, don't let your pride get to you. Get to the middle, get better stage position.
  28. Game 3 second set
  31. -Always maintain the thought of keeping the better stage position. You often just lose stage position for absolutely no reason, like rolling to the edge.
  32. -Always shoot low lasers so that you can jump over them if they ever get shined or power shielded.
  33. -You always try to power shield, but it ends up you getting pressured most of the time. Until you can consistently power shield, probably don't do it.
  34. -There are so many times when you could just get the laser control back. He literally gives it to you. But you get scared and do nothing.
  35. -Rolling back isn't bad. If he is pressuring your shield, unless he reads the roll he can't get to you. Don't always roll, but is another option
  36. -He lasers so close, and all you do is stay in shield. Can can do a wave dash out of shield and shine him.
  37. -He rolls away from ledge if you show even a little aggression. It's a bad habit that a lot of people have.
  38. -He utilzes a 2 laser double jump to jump over your laser and regain his own laser pressure sometimes. I do this sometimes, but you don't do it. It is a great tool.
  41. Maybe read this.
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