
Creative Moderator

Oct 31st, 2015
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  1. You are expected to follow the cubtamer rules as well as the additional information below.
  3. If a player is having an issue with something you can tp to them or use /tell, /msg. You can also use /gm3 to tp to a player who is abusing local chat or players in local. If you tp to users in local force them into local /fl.
  8. The main thing you will be using as a Mod is logblock. LB tracks everything anyone does on the server including World Edit changes.
  9. It is important to know that you can royally fuck up a lot of things with Logblock, so make sure you read what the messages are saying.
  11. 1. Chests will roll backward but not forward. That means if you rollback the wrong person and accidentally undo their house, you have just erased all of their chests and items. You can redo rollbacks but its best to act as if that is not an option, as a redo will have no effect in replacing chests. (This really sucks too, and you will need to refill their chests by hand. So try not to do this.)
  13. 2. Some things are logged oddly, such as TNT damage and Wither damage. When rolling back these things you want to type 'TNT' or rollback player 'TNT' since 10m area 10 If you just put tnt it will be searching for a player named Tnt so you have to use the ''.
  15. 3. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS Specify a TIME and an AREA when you are doing a rollback. If you do not specify a time it will go back about 90 days. If you do not specify an area it will do the ENTIRE SERVER. DO not forget either of these things. Mistakes happen, but don't let this be one of your mistakes.
  17. 4. A rollback is done within the area you are standing in when you type the command. Usually for most grief an area of 10 will suffice. You can always move over or up to another area and do the command again if it misses some. Areas of 20 are a bit risky considering most grief is in the newer regions and the new players sometimes take blocks from eachother. If you fix one house you might be accidentally undoing another house nearby. Keep your area at 10 until you are more comfortable with using logblock.
  19. 5. When you log the area you will see a date and time. You can use minutes, hours, or days when doing rollbacks. There are a few different ways to get the same result from logblock.
  21. 6. COMMANDS
  23. /lbp nameofplayer
  24. When you see the WG messages you will want to check the players LBP and see if they appear to be griefing. You will see a list of destroyed blocks and a list of created. Typically griefers have a lot of numbers in the destroyed column and close to nothing in the created. You want to look for blocks like bookshelves, wood, pistons, glass, wool, stairs, smoothbrick, stuff like that.
  27. basic rollback: /lb rollback player jenjen since 1d area 10
  28. /lb rollback player jenjen time 1d area 10
  29. /lb rollback player jenjen area 10 time 1d
  31. All of these will do the same thing: rollback jenjen by 1 day in an area of 10 (based on where you are standing)
  33. When you do a rollback you will be given a message telling you how many blocks you are about to rollback, and it will prompt you to type /yes or /no.
  34. Its very important that you READ THIS MESSAGE and look at how many blocks you are about to rollback.
  35. If you are trying to fix a few windows and its telling you it found 820 blocks then you are doing something wrong and you need to type /no.
  36. MOST grief will be between 10 - 200 blocks. Its rarely more unless its a major griefer who was on when no staff were around.
  37. Whenever you see this message you must either /yes or /no. Dont ignore it because if you type another rollback command and then /yes it will be accepting it for the earlier command. (the commands queue up).
  38. Its always useful to type /no every once in a while just to be sure you dont have any commands in queue.
  40. 7. You can look up a lot of things with logblock. These are a few examples:
  42. /lb player dumbgriefer block tnt created - will show you dumbgriefer tnt creations.
  43. /lb player tehslayer block obsidian coords - will list tehslayers's obsidian changes with coords. you can then /lb tp # and teleport to where she placed them)
  44. /lb area 10 block tnt created - see who placed tnt in an area of 10 (when fixing tnt grief this is what you do to find who placed the tnt)
  47. WorldGuard:
  49. Worldguard is the plugin that allows us to create regions and protect land. This lovely plugin will spam your screen into oblivion.
  50. When a Cub who is not 'trusted' breaks glass, wool, iron gold or diamond blocks you will get a notification
  51. on your screen. Its hard to miss it. 90% of griefers banned are found through these WG messages so pay attention to them. When you see it pop up you want to /lbp name to see if it looks like they are griefing. You then want to teleport to them and use logblock and chest names to determine if it is their own house or something else that they are breaking. Be sure it is not theirs before you ban them.
  53. World Edit:
  55. It is important to know that if you fuck up with world edit you have the potential to crash the server. Don't do that.
  56. Your tool is the golden hoe. Left click sets position 1, right click sets position 2. The most you will use it for is //set. You select in cuboids. If you select an area and //set stone you will turn it all into stone. You also can do //replace grass stone for example and you will then replace all grass in the selected area with stone. When you set your position 2 you will see a pink message telling you how many blocks you have selected. This is helpful in making sure you selected the correct area. As a mod you are limited to a 3k block change to prevent catastrophes.
  58. If you ever have to remove a locked sign you select it with the axe and //set air.
  61. ReportRTS (modreqs)
  63. 1. /check - shows you the current open requests. 5 per page - /check p 2 /check p 3 and so forth.
  64. 2. /check # - will show you the details on the specific modreq
  65. 3. /tick # - claims, reads it to you, and teleports you to the ticket in question. This is how you claim a ticket. Always claim your
  66. tickets. When you get there /fl the player if necessary and talk to him to figure out what needs to be done.
  67. 4. /done # comment - closes a ticket and leaves a comment for the player. This can be seen by the player and may eventually be on the website so try to be polite.
  68. 5. If its absolutely necessary - /reportrts ban username - bans someone from making modreqs.
  70. BANS
  72. 1. The command you will use is /bane. Example: /ban mumblerit griefing (awex) 2014.01.17 - This will ban mumblerit with the message "griefing" and (awex) is the banning staff member on 2014-01-17
  73. 2. Always sign your bans
  74. 3. Type the names in lowercase to avoid confusion when checking bans later
  75. 4. Try to include the date, it helps when a player comes back months later to see how old it is.
  76. 4. Check bans with /baninfo name. Type the name in all lowercase
  77. 5. /unban name to unban a player
  81. 1. MOST of the time, if a player takes the time to type out a ban appeal we will unban them. Check the ban appeals at least twice a week if possible and dont drag them out. Make up your mind if you want to unban or not and get it out of the way. Don't engage in 3 week long back and forth conversations about whatever they did. Just deal with it as quickly and politely as possible.
  83. 2. ITS OKAY if you deny an appeal. Some players don't get unbanned. Use your judgement and dont be butthurt if your decision is overturned.
  87. *If you log in and there are other mods on, don't assume you aren't needed and just log off. There is a good chance those mods have been on for quite a while and would like a break. If you are on and another mod is doing all the work, chances are they hate you and want you dead. Don't be lazy.
  89. *It is important to remember that a lot of these players are young children. You will need to have some patience with them. We dont WANT to ban players and you should only use it as a last resort for players who are negatively affecting the game for others. (IE Griefing, fire pvp, whatnot)
  91. *Don't ban players for griefing farms. Most don't understand that it won't grow back. You don't want to ban them for griefing 7 blocks either. We would prefer that you talk to them and try to get them to understand the rule before you just kick them from the server. Lots of them will apologize and then follow the rules. Some of our longest playing diplomats started out as douchebag griefers.
  93. *Player conflicts are something you will deal with quite often. It's not always grief. "He's in my house get him out." "She's touching me make her stop"
  94. "He called me a doo doo head do something" You have to use your judgement and figure out how to resolve these issues while at the same time keeping everyone happy and following the rules. Sometimes tossing cookies at them and spawning a mushroomcow is enough to shut them up. Be creative.
  96. *If the server is quiet or there are enough staff on that you don't have much to do, its nice to get the players involved in events like spleef. FTD. warp wither. contests or anvilgame. Get them excited, entertain them, give out a prize. Keeps them happy and makes Minecats more fun.
  98. *You are in creative mode, you no longer are a part of the economy. You can not participate in exchange market. You are no longer selling or buying anything.
  99. You can use world edit and whatnot to build stuff and do whatever it is you do but understand that WG, Modreqs and player problems come before your creative process.
  101. As a mod you represent the server and you are here to help keep order and keep players coming back. Lots of players stay here because of the staff. We want MineCats to have the best staff out of any server and you should keep that in mind when you are presenting yourself to new and current players.
  103. If you fuck up- tell us. It is a lot easier for us to fix it if we know what happened. You can come to us on teamspeak, in game, IRC. It would be helpful
  104. for you to be in IRC when possible. You don't have to be there 24/7 but its good for us to have a way to speak to you off the server if needed.
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