
mon game

Aug 2nd, 2020
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  1. > You have just bought a new game for your Game Boy Color. It seems to be some sort of monster-collecting RPG.
  3. You haven't played any games like that in years, but you figure it's worth a shot since you don't really know what else to do right now.
  5. > You insert the cartridge and turn the GBC on.
  7. You turn the Game Boy on and an intro plays. After a while, the title screen comes up.
  8. You come to a character selection screen and the choices are between a girl with long, blond hair and a guy with spiked-up hair.
  10. > They both look like typical Japanese video game protagonists, so you figure it doesn't really matter and choose the girl character.
  12. You are given a name to choose for your character. You can't seem to make up your mind and just continue on, so you go with the default.
  14. > Finally, the game begins proper.
  16. You are in a forest, but you don't know why since you don't know how you got there. As you try to remember, some enemy monsters appear out of the bushes.
  18. > They look aggressive. It looks like the end for you when suddenly another creature jumps out and stands in between you and the enemy monsters.
  20. It looks like a dog, but much larger. The creature barks at the monsters and they run away.
  22. > It turns to you with a friendly expression on its face. "You're lucky I was here! This is no place for a kid!" it says.
  24. You're a little shocked by the creature's appearance and it seems to sense that, so it starts over.
  26. > "I'm sorry. My name's Gongo. Who are you?" it says.
  27. "I don't remember," you say, scratching your head.
  29. "Okay, how did you get here?"
  30. "I don't remember that either."
  31. "Well, you must have come from somewhere."
  33. > "I better take you with me, kid. You seem a little confused," Gongo says, nodding his head for you to come with him. You climb onto his back and he carries you through the trees.
  35. "How come you weren't scared of those monsters?" you ask.
  36. "I'm not an easy target! Plus, I got enough firepower to take care of any threat."
  38. > You continue your journey through the forest and eventually reach a signpost.
  40. You arrive at a fork in the road and come to a signpost. It has three paths listed, all of which are leading in different directions.
  41. Gongo stops and points out one path.
  43. > "This way. It's a safe place."
  45. You are a little hesitant, but you decide to keep going.
  46. Eventually, you arrive at your destination. It's some sort of large rock formation with a cavern entrance underneath it.
  48. > You spy an old, hunched-over beast standing near the cave. It looks like a cross between a dragon and a weasel.
  49. "Gongo! Who's this with you?" it asks, seeing you.
  50. "A girl I found in another part of the forest! She seems to be lost," Gongo replies.
  52. The old beast nods his head. "Lost... poor thing."
  53. He walks over to you and looks you up and down.
  55. > "You're not from around here, are you?" he asks.
  56. "I wouldn't know, sir," you reply.
  57. "She doesn't remember anything," Gongo explains.
  59. "It's okay. She's safe with us."
  60. "Hmm... I wonder if she was kidnapped. Kids sometimes get taken off in the middle of the night. It would explain why she doesn't remember anything," the beast says.
  61. "So can you help her?"
  63. > "We can keep her here for a little while, at least until she gets her memory back," the old beast says. "Come, young one, let's get you inside."
  64. You climb off Gongo's back and head into the cave.
  66. You enter a small room with a bed and some other cave creatures in it. You see a small reptilian creature and an equally small purple dragon. They look at you and go back to whatever they were doing.
  68. > "I'm assuming you don't remember your name," the old beast says as you walk.
  70. "I don't."
  71. "Tell us something you do remember."
  72. You think for a second.
  74. > You say "I remember an old bridge."
  76. "I see. Any particular reason why that stands out?"
  77. "Because it fell and I was on it when it did."
  78. "Hmmm..." the beast says, stroking his chin.
  80. > "It's a start," he says.
  81. He stops and turns to you. "Goodness! Where are my manners? You may not have a name, but I certainly do!"
  83. he says, extending a paw to you. "I'm Reetha, the Caretaker."
  84. You take his hand, and he shakes yours.
  86. > You're glad to meet both these creatures, whatever they are. You don't know what this place is, or how you got here, but you're definitely in good hands. Er, paws. Whatever.
  87. "Let me tell you, young lady, it's a good thing Gongo showed up when he did. It's dangerous to go alone!"
  89. Reetha says. "You're in the Lost Realm of the Oalkwardners!"
  90. "What's an Oalkwardner?" you ask.
  92. > "That's what we are, of course," Gongo says.
  93. "There are all sorts of Oalkwardners in this world. All of them different, with their own unique powers," Reetha says.
  94. What a peculiar name, you think.
  96. "So what are you?"
  97. "I'm a Hidius, which is what we call ourselves," Gongo says.
  99. > "And I'm a
  101. Gelado, which is what we call ourselves," Reetha says. "It's not often you find a human in this realm. You must be very lost indeed."
  103. > Very strange names. They sound almost made up.
  104. Eventually you reach a small room in the back of the cave, where a crudely-constructed but cozy-looking bed sits waiting for you.
  106. It has thick fur sheets and soft, thick blankets. You sink into the bed, too exhausted to do anything else.
  107. "Rest now. We'll be back to visit later," Reetha says.
  108. "I'll be right outside," Gongo says.
  110. > You take comfort in Gongo's words. The canine seems to be a very loyal, protective creature. He's sure to be your constant companion while you're here in this world.
  112. You feel safe with him nearby.
  113. You close your eyes, and drift off to sleep.
  114. You sleep for a very long time. Days pass as you sleep, but you don't know that. Eventually, you wake up.
  116. > You open your eyes to see Gongo peering down at you. The canine's big eyes are filled with concern.
  117. "Well, it's about time you woke up! I was getting a little worried," he says.
  118. "I guess I was more tired than I thought," you say, yawning.
  120. You sit up and stretch, putting some of your weight on your legs for the first time. You realize you've been asleep for quite a while.
  122. > "Come on, you're probably hungry," Gongo says, leaving the room, no doubt expecting you to follow.
  124. You do, standing up and walking after the hound. You look around the cave, which is significantly less messy than it was when you first arrived.
  126. > You eventually arrive back at the main room, where Reetha stands, brewing a pot of tea over a fire. The two other creatures from earlier are there too, glancing at you uncertainly.
  128. "Oh, you're up!" Reetha says. "I made you some tea. I hope that's okay. I don't know your favorite flavor, so I just brewed some of each."
  130. > Gongo plops down onto the floor and starts gnawing on a bone.
  132. The Caretaker picks up the teapot, and pours you a cup, which you accept.
  133. "There you go, dear. I made plenty, I expect you'll be staying a while."
  134. "Thanks," you say.
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