
Musicator MAIN - Working

Feb 8th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. -- Musicator MAIN
  2. -- Created with <3 by FoxWorn3365
  4. -- Initial values
  5. notes = {}
  6. clickAssociation = {}
  7. lineAssociation = {"skip", "skip", "skip", "do_max", "si", "la", "sol", "fa", "mi", "re", "do_min"}
  8. lineAssociationInverse = {["do_max"] = 10, ["si"] = 11, ["la"] = 12, ["sol"] = 13, ["fa"] = 14, ["mi"] = 15, ["re"] = 16, ["do_min"] = 17}
  9. rowLineAssociation = {}
  10. projectAssociation = {}
  11. frequencyManager = {}
  12. placedNotes = {}
  13. relativeNotes = {}
  14. checkForDelete = {["old"] = "main", ["counter"] = 0}
  15. page = "home"
  16. project = ""
  17. current = "main"
  18. currentNotes = ""
  19. termx, termy = term.getSize()
  20. notes["do_min"] = "261.64"
  21. notes["do_min_long"] = "261.64"
  22. notes["re"] = "293.68"
  23. notes["re_long"] = "293.68"
  24. notes["mi"] = "329.64"
  25. notes["mi_long"] = "329.64"
  26. notes["fa"] = "349.24"
  27. notes["fa_long"] = "349.24"
  28. notes["sol"] = "392.00"
  29. notes["sol_long"] = "392.00"
  30. notes["la"] = "440.00"
  31. notes["la_long"] = "440.00"
  32. notes["si"] = "493.92"
  33. notes["si_long"] = "493.92"
  34. notes["do_max"] = "523.28"
  35. notes["do_max_long"] = "523.28"
  37. -- Functions
  38. function reset()
  39. term.setBackgroundColor(colors.white)
  40. term.setTextColor(
  41. term.clear()
  42. term.setCursorPos(1, 1)
  43. end
  45. function drawHead(text)
  46. term.setTextColor(colors.white)
  47. paintutils.drawLine(1, 1, termx, 1, colors.lightBlue)
  48. local position = (termx - #text)/2
  49. term.setCursorPos(position, 1)
  50. print(text)
  51. normalize()
  52. end
  54. function notesMenu(ll)
  55. term.setTextColor(colors.white)
  56. local isColored = false
  57. local used = 5
  58. paintutils.drawLine(1, ll, termx, ll, colors.lightGray)
  59. for i,v in pairs(notes) do
  60. if isColored == false then
  61. term.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightGray)
  62. isColored = true
  63. else
  64. term.setBackgroundColor(colors.gray)
  65. isColored = false
  66. end
  67. term.setCursorPos(used, ll)
  68. term.write(" "..i.." ")
  69. local endused = used + (#i + 2)
  70. for i=used, used+(#i + 2) do
  71. clickAssociation[i] = i
  72. end
  73. used = endused
  74. end
  75. end
  77. function normalize()
  78. term.setBackgroundColor(colors.white)
  79. term.setTextColor(
  80. end
  82. function makeLines()
  83. normalize()
  84. local line = 7
  85. local colorized = true
  86. for i=0, 11 do
  87. local noteNumberArray = line-6
  88. if colorized == false then
  89. colorized = true
  90. rowLineAssociation[line] = lineAssociation[noteNumberArray]
  91. else
  92. paintutils.drawLine(0, line, termx, line, colors.lightGray)
  93. rowLineAssociation[line] = lineAssociation[noteNumberArray]
  94. colorized = false
  95. end
  96. line = line+1
  97. end
  98. paintutils.drawPixel(1, 13,
  99. normalize()
  100. end
  102. function loadPlayer(project)
  103. for i,file in pairs(fs.list(project)) do
  104. loadNotes(project, file)
  105. frequencyManager[file] = i
  106. relativeNotes[file] = placedNotes
  107. end
  108. return fs.list(project)
  109. end
  112. function drawProjectMenu(ll, project)
  113. paintutils.drawLine(1, ll, termx, ll,
  114. term.setTextColor(colors.white)
  115. term.setCursorPos(2, ll)
  116. term.write("Project: "..project..".music")
  117. term.setCursorPos(46, ll)
  118. term.setBackgroundColor(colors.yellow)
  119. term.setTextColor(colors.white)
  120. term.write(" PLAY ")
  121. normalize()
  122. end
  124. function createProjectPart(project, part)
  125. local file ="/"..part, "w")
  126. file.write("{}")
  127. file.flush()
  128. file.close()
  129. end
  131. function drawSheduleMenuFromProject(ll, project, current)
  132. local start = 1
  133. paintutils.drawLine(1, ll, termx, ll,
  134. if fs.isDir(project) == false then
  135."mkdir "..project)
  136. local file ="/main", "w")
  137. file.write("{}")
  138. file.flush()
  139. file.close()
  140. term.setBackgroundColor(colors.yellow)
  141. term.setTextColor(colors.white)
  142. term.setCursorPos(start, ll)
  143. term.write(" main ")
  144. else
  145. local used = 1
  146. for index,value in pairs(fs.list(project)) do
  147. if value == current then
  148. term.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightBlue)
  149. else
  150. term.setBackgroundColor(
  151. end
  152. term.setTextColor(colors.white)
  153. term.setCursorPos(used, ll)
  154. term.write(" "..value.." ")
  155. local newused = used + (#value+2)
  156. for i=used, newused-1 do
  157. projectAssociation[i] = value
  158. end
  159. used = used + (#value+2)
  160. end
  161. end
  162. local interactionx, interactiony = term.getCursorPos()
  163. projectAssociation[interactionx] = "new"
  164. projectAssociation[interactionx+1] = "new"
  165. term.setTextColor(
  166. term.setBackgroundColor(
  167. print(" +")
  168. term.setCursorPos(46, ll)
  169. term.setBackgroundColor(colors.lightBlue)
  170. term.setTextColor(colors.white)
  171. term.write(" SAVE ")
  172. normalize()
  173. end
  175. function loadNotes(project, current)
  176. currentNotes = current
  177. local file ="/"..current, "r")
  178. local lsn = file.readAll()
  179. file.close()
  180. placedNotes = textutils.unserialize(lsn)
  181. if placedNotes == nil or placedNotes == " " then
  182. placedNotes = {}
  183. end
  184. end
  186. function drawNotes(project, current)
  187. if currentNotes ~= current then
  188. currentNotes = current
  189. loadNotes(project, current)
  190. end
  191. for row,note in pairs(placedNotes) do
  192. local clearnote = string.gsub(note, "_long", "")
  193. if lineAssociationInverse[clearnote] ~= nil then
  194. if string.find(note, "long") then
  195. paintutils.drawPixel(row, lineAssociationInverse[clearnote],
  196. else
  197. paintutils.drawPixel(row, lineAssociationInverse[clearnote],
  198. end
  199. end
  200. end
  201. end
  203. -- Visualizer
  204. while true do
  205. if page == "home" then
  206. reset()
  207. drawHead("Musicator v1.0 - Make your Music!")
  208. print("\n\nBenvenuto su Musicator, per iniziare inserisci il nome di un progetto gia' esistente oppure di uno nuovo!")
  209. project = read()
  210. page = "editor"
  211. elseif page == "editor" then
  212. reset()
  213. drawHead("Musicator v1.0 - Make your Music!")
  214. drawProjectMenu(2, project)
  215. drawSheduleMenuFromProject(3, project, current)
  216. notesMenu(4)
  217. makeLines()
  218. drawNotes(project, current)
  219. normalize()
  220. local event, button, x, y = os.pullEvent("mouse_click")
  221. if x > 0 then
  222. if y == 3 then
  223. if x > 42 then
  224. if button ~= 3 then
  225. local file ="/"..current, "w")
  226. file.write(textutils.serialize(placedNotes))
  227. file.flush()
  228. file.close()
  229. else
  230. local file ="/"..current, "w")
  231. file.write(" ")
  232. file.flush()
  233. file.close()
  234. end
  235. elseif projectAssociation[x] ~= nil then
  236. if projectAssociation[x] == "new" then
  237. paintutils.drawLine(1, 3, termx, 3, colors.lightBlue)
  238. term.setCursorPos(2, 3)
  239. term.write("New project part: ")
  240. term.setCursorPos(20, 3)
  241. local part = read()
  242. createProjectPart(project, part)
  243. current = part
  244. sleep(0.35)
  245. else
  246. if checkForDelete["old"] == projectAssociation[x] and checkForDelete["count"] < 3 then
  247. checkForDelete["count"] = checkForDelete["count"] + 1
  248. current = projectAssociation[x]
  249. elseif checkForDelete["old"] == projectAssociation[x] and checkForDelete["count"] >= 3 and projectAssociation[x] ~= "main" then
  250."rm "..project.."/"..projectAssociation[x])
  251. elseif checkForDelete["old"] ~= projectAssociation[x] then
  252. checkForDelete["old"] = projectAssociation[x]
  253. checkForDelete["count"] = 1
  254. current = projectAssociation[x]
  255. else
  256. exit()
  257. end
  258. end
  259. end
  260. elseif y == 2 and x > 45 then
  261. page = "player"
  262. elseif y > 6 then
  263. if placedNotes[x] == nil then
  264. if button == 1 then
  265. placedNotes[x] = rowLineAssociation[y]
  266. paintutils.drawPixel(x, y,
  267. elseif button == 2 then
  268. placedNotes[x] = rowLineAssociation[y].."_long"
  269. paintutils.drawPixel(x, y,
  270. end
  271. else
  272. placedNotes[x] = nil
  273. paintutils.drawPixel(x, y, colors.white)
  274. end
  275. end
  276. end
  277. elseif page == "player" then
  278. reset()
  279. drawHead("Musicator v1.0 - Player")
  280. speaker = peripheral.wrap("right")
  281. print("\n\nPer avviare il player premi un tasto qualsiasi\n")
  282. os.pullEvent()
  283. tracks = loadPlayer(project)
  284. term.setCursorPos(7, 7)
  285. for i=1, 51, 1 do
  286. ntp = i
  287. term.setCursorPos(10, 10)
  288. local longNote = false
  289. local nextEmpty = false
  290. print("Playing note number "..i)
  291. for fi,file in pairs(tracks) do
  292. if relativeNotes[file][ntp] ~= nil then
  293. term.setCursorPos(15, 13)
  294. if relativeNotes[file][ntp+1] == nil then
  295. nextEmpty = true
  296. end
  297. local note = notes[relativeNotes[file][ntp]]
  298. if string.find(relativeNotes[file][ntp], "long") then
  299. longNote = true
  300. end
  301. print("Playing note: "..note)
  302. speaker.start(tonumber(frequencyManager[file]), tonumber(note))
  303. end
  304. end
  305. if longNote then
  306. sleep(0.85)
  307. else
  308. sleep(0.4)
  309. end
  310. if nextEmpty then
  311. speaker.shutdown()
  312. end
  313. sleep(0.01)
  314. end
  315. else
  316. page = "home"
  317. end
  318. end
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