
CCC: Episode 2.01

Jul 7th, 2015
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  3. [22:35] <_Story_Teller_> [COLOR TEST?]
  4. [22:35] * NiveumArgenteus is now known as NiveA
  5. [22:36] * NiveA is now known as Nivea
  6. [22:37] * Ambrosia_Ann_C ( has joined #room201
  7. [22:37] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> ["ijin sementara pake mibbit dulu" @ _Story_Teller_ ]
  8. [22:38] <_Story_Teller_> [Explorers, are you ready?]
  9. [22:38] <Nivea> [ Ready ]
  10. [22:38] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> ["as always!" (TwT)7]
  11. [22:38] <Mirakel> (ready~)
  12. [22:39] <_Story_Teller_> +Conglomeration of Patrician Dynasty+
  13. [22:39] <_Story_Teller_> +Act 2, Episode 2.01+
  14. [22:40] <_Story_Teller_> +Shining Phalanx+
  15. [22:41] <_Story_Teller_> +Holy Grail is docked, people are still busy moving newly acquired items+
  16. [22:41] <_Story_Teller_> +Tavern is qute empty, because everybody is working+
  17. [22:42] <_Story_Teller_> +Where are you? and what do you do?+
  18. [22:42] <Mirakel> Tavern saja
  19. [22:42] <Mirakel> *reading: "Idiot's guide to driving" kalau ada
  20. [22:42] <Mirakel> .__.
  21. [22:43] <_Story_Teller_> Tavern is empty Mirakel, there is only the bartender
  22. [22:43] <Nivea> *managing the new equipments and logistics; mostly to Ambrosia_Ann_C *
  23. [22:43] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> *In Captain's Lounge* *trying to check the new power armor* "....Hmmm.." ( TAT) "..So this go to here.. And this to here..?"
  24. [22:43] * Kamal_A (cgiirc@ED6DA80C.1A008744.76D323C4.IP) has joined #room201
  25. [22:44] <_Story_Teller_> Mirakel, Make a logic(int) test!
  26. [22:44] <Mirakel> !dtest 68
  27. [22:44] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Mirakel and Result is 57 / 68
  28. [22:44] <@_KHORNE_> Too bad, Mirakel Succeed with 1 Degree of Success
  29. [22:44] <@_KHORNE_> Hit Location(s): Right Leg (then Right Leg, Body, Right Arm, Head, furthers are Body)
  30. [22:44] <Nivea> *knocks on Ambrosia_Ann_C 's door+*
  31. [22:44] <Mirakel> *pesan teh saja*
  32. [22:44] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "Hmmm?" *nengok* "COME IN! IT'S UNLOCKED" (TAT )
  33. [22:44] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> ( T_T) *sambil balik utak atik*
  34. [22:44] <_Story_Teller_> -Mirakel Understands something new. How to park-
  35. [22:45] <Nivea> *masuk* "Capt'Ann?"
  36. [22:45] <Nivea> "… Ah."
  37. [22:46] <Nivea> "I have not met Captain Kamal Angelo, thus have not arrange the Power Armour yet. Should I go to his quarter, or would you like to ask him to come here?" @Ambrosia_Ann_C 
  38. [22:46] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "Hmmm?" *ga angkat kepala* *Sambil masih utak atik dikit*
  39. [22:46] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "...Why not just vox him?" *sambil masih utak atik* (TAT ) *nengok bentar* *balik ngutak atik*
  40. [22:46] <Kamal_A> *istirahat di kamar*
  41. [22:48] <_Story_Teller_> Kamal_A. You have been resting too much
  42. [22:48] <Kamal_A> "Uugh..."
  43. [22:48] <Nivea> "… Ah, let me help." *helps Ambrosia_Ann_C with the Power Armour*
  44. [22:48] <Kamal_A> *duduk sambil pegang kepala*
  45. [22:50] <_Story_Teller_> an officer came to you and said that Nivea is looking for you
  46. [22:50] <Kamal_A> "Hmm?"
  47. [22:51] <Kamal_A> "Okay, let me fixed myself before I meet her" @Officer
  48. [22:51] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "Ah thanks.. Still checking which one is which and how I must use this armor.." ( T_T)a "..And thinking to paint it blood red"
  49. [22:51] <Kamal_A> *beberes*
  50. [22:52] <_Story_Teller_> Officer: "sir yes sir!"
  51. [22:53] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "...To make it more easy to see from a bit far.." ( TAT) *utak atik*
  52. [22:53] <Nivea> "We might need to find a Tech-Priest to perform that, Capt'Ann."
  53. [22:53] <_Story_Teller_> Tea is served for Mirakel, with Beer Glass and ice
  54. [22:53] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "Hmmm? To perform what..?" (TAT )
  55. [22:53] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "To paint it?"
  56. [22:54] <Mirakel> "Farrow's Brew..."
  57. [22:54] <Nivea> "Yes."
  58. [22:54] <Mirakel> *chuckles and take a sip*
  59. [22:54] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "...Tech Priest do those kind of thinks?"
  60. [22:54] <_Story_Teller_> "Oh is that a mistake? i'm sorry.."
  61. [22:54] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "..things I mean.. sorry.."
  62. [22:54] <Nivea> "The color might be easily scrapped, otherwise. But any machineries are their forte."
  63. [22:54] <_Story_Teller_> Bartender:"Here a normal cup tea!"
  64. [22:55] <Mirakel> "ah, its ok" @Bartender
  65. [22:55] <Nivea> *bantu2 Ambrosia_Ann_C *
  66. [22:55] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "...Hmmm hmmm..." *nods nods* "Maybe I'll find a tech priest later on.." ( TAT) *sambil rapi2in armor*
  67. [22:56] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "Now I guess I'm done with this. I'll go check on the tavern after this. What about you, Nivea?" (TAT )
  68. [22:56] <Kamal_A> *jalan keluar kamar*
  69. [22:57] <_Story_Teller_> Mirakel, you can see that Holy Grail is docked in the space dock. So many people working
  70. [22:57] <Kamal_A> *pergi ke... cockpit*
  71. [22:57] <Nivea> "I have not arranged the Power Armour to Captain Kamal Angelo yet."
  72. [22:57] <Nivea> "And after that we might want to check what can we do to ensure Company's interests."
  73. [22:58] <Mirakel> "ah, Captain Ann's ship"
  74. [22:58] <Mirakel> *lanjut baca2*
  75. [22:58] <_Story_Teller_> Kamal_A, cockpit is being cleaned right now.
  76. [22:58] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> *nods* "Alright. So I'll go to the tavern first 'kay?" ( TwT)b
  77. [22:58] <Kamal_A> "..."
  78. [22:59] <Nivea> "Alright. Please ask Captain Kamal Angelo to visit Supply Room for the equipment, too?"
  79. [22:59] <Nivea> "I'd be at the Supply Vault room."
  80. [22:59] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> *nods* "Alrighty then" ( TwT)/""" "See you later, Nivea"
  81. [22:59] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> *vox dalam kapal*
  82. [22:59] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> *ehm*
  83. [23:00] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "To Kamal... Please visit the Supply Room, Nivea is waiting for you in the Supply Vault Room there"
  84. [23:00] <_Story_Teller_> Janitor: "Ah, sorry sir Kamal! it will be cleaned right away! you should relax at the tavern!"
  85. [23:00] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "Cheers"
  86. [23:00] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> *matiin vox*
  87. [23:00] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "now I'm done. Time for some drink~" (TwT )"~~~~~ *jalan santai sambil nyalain rokok ke tavern*
  88. [23:01] <Nivea> *walks to Supply Room and prepare Power Armour, Auspex for Kamal_A +
  89. [23:01] <Kamal_A> "Ah..."
  90. [23:01] <_Story_Teller_> Ambrosia_Ann, you can see Mirakel reading "A dummy guide to drive: Blacklisted edition"
  91. [23:01] <Kamal_A> *jalan dari cockpit ke supply vault room*
  92. [23:02] <Nivea> *And prepares… Overcharge Pack (common) and Exterminator Cartridge (common) for Nivea*
  93. [23:02] <Nivea> ( eh Mirakel di tavern mana, dan Ambrosia_Ann_C ke tavern mana _Story_Teller_ ?)
  94. [23:02] <Mirakel> (usual tavern saja biar gampang?)
  95. [23:02] <_Story_Teller_> (anggep di.. ShiP deh)
  96. [23:02] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> (ke tavern ship the usual one =3=d)
  97. [23:02] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> (biar gpg *plak*)
  98. [23:02] <Nivea> ( hoh mentang2 alam bebas wkwk )
  99. [23:02] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> *masuk tavern* *liat Mirakel* "Yo! Mi--ra...? What are you reading..?" (TAT )
  100. [23:02] <_Story_Teller_> (ada yg punya peer?)
  101. [23:03] <Mirakel> "ah, Captain Ann" :)
  102. [23:03] <Mirakel> "good day" :D
  103. [23:03] <Mirakel> ".... driving manual"
  104. [23:03] <Nivea> ( Peer(Ecclesiarchy) )
  105. [23:03] <Mirakel> "I've just got blacklisted for life from one of the vehicle rental..." .__.
  106. [23:03] <Nivea> *kalau Kamal_A sampai langsung salute*
  107. [23:03] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> (peer.. ada)
  108. [23:03] <Mirakel> (ndak punya)
  109. [23:03] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> (nobility n military)
  110. [23:03] <Kamal_A> *Salute ke Nivea kalau udah nyampe*
  111. [23:04] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "Yo.." *sambil duduk* "Bartender! A glass of wine please" \(TAT )
  112. [23:04] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "...Wut?" (TAT ) "What did you do???"
  113. [23:04] <Mirakel> "............"
  114. [23:04] <Mirakel> *bingung mau ceritanya gimana*
  115. [23:04] <Nivea> ( _Story_Teller_ , Kamal_A sudah sampai? )
  116. [23:05] <Mirakel> "uh... I lose control of my vehicle and crash..."
  117. [23:05] <Mirakel> *muka nggak tenang*
  118. [23:05] <_Story_Teller_> Kamal_A met Nivea
  119. [23:05] <Nivea> "Captain Kamal Angelo, good day."
  120. [23:06] <_Story_Teller_> Bartender serves wine for Ambrosia_Ann_C
  121. [23:06] <Kamal_A> "Good day to you too Miss Nivea "
  122. [23:06] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "Wut... Lose control of vehicle? You should learn from Kamal or Master Dera.. They're both pilots.. I guess they know how to ride vehiicle and suchs" ( TAT)b
  123. [23:06] <Mirakel> "but... there's something that I was... curious upon..."
  124. [23:06] <Mirakel> "ah, i'll take note on that" :)
  125. [23:06] <Kamal_A> "I heard you summoned me..."
  126. [23:06] <Nivea> @Kamal_A "Thank you for coming. Company has procured several new equipments for you to use."
  127. [23:06] <Mirakel> "I've never been in the same mission with any of them for the moment"
  128. [23:06] <_Story_Teller_> play
  129. [23:06] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "Ah thanks" *terima wine*
  130. [23:06] <_Story_Teller_> (yg lain juga boleh wkwkw)
  131. [23:07] <Mirakel> ".... curious question, Captain Ann..."
  132. [23:07] <Kamal_A> "Ah yes, I've heard of the procurement actions..."
  133. [23:07] <Mirakel> "have you ever...."
  134. [23:07] <Mirakel> "drive a vehicle..."
  135. [23:07] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> *sips wine* *check on data slate* (T_T ) "Hmmm?" *buka data baru*
  136. [23:07] <Mirakel> "lose your concentration for a second"
  137. [23:07] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "Hmmm?" *nengok ke Mirakel**
  138. [23:07] <Nivea> "Summoned… is not a proper word; but yes I need you to take these new equipments."
  139. [23:07] <Nivea> *siapin Power Armour yg buat Kamal_A *
  140. [23:07] <Mirakel> "and end up... tied down in the roof of a transport?"
  141. [23:07] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "Wut?"
  142. [23:07] <Mirakel> "in a blink of an eye...?"
  143. [23:07] <Kamal_A> "What is this equipment you're talking about?"
  144. [23:07] <Mirakel> >__>||||
  145. [23:07] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "The hell did just happened???" (|||TAT)
  146. [23:07] <Nivea> "First, is this set of Power Armour."
  147. [23:08] <Mirakel> "I...have no idea myself..."
  148. [23:08] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "When does that happened?" (|||TAT)a
  149. [23:08] <Mirakel> "I do use some lho stick before driving, yea"
  150. [23:08] <Mirakel> "but only one.."
  151. [23:08] <Mirakel> <_<||||
  152. [23:08] <Nivea> "It is quite ancient, and you might find this Power Armour useful; I heard you often went into melee as well."
  153. [23:08] <Mirakel> @Ann: "... I'll give you the detail of our patrol mission, if you're interested, Captain"
  154. [23:09] <Mirakel> "code name: Twilight Zone.. or so..." >_>||
  155. [23:09] <Nivea> "And then, this scanner; you can use it to detect some hidden lifeforms."
  156. [23:09] <Kamal_A> (IG tau seluk beluk power armor gak sih?)
  157. [23:09] <Nivea> ( tahu wkwk )
  158. [23:10] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "Looks interesting" *grins* "Gimme gimme" \(TwT )
  159. [23:10] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> *sambil balik check data-slate*
  160. [23:10] <Mirakel> *nods and give the copy of the report to Ann*
  161. [23:10] <Mirakel> "affirmative" :)
  162. [23:10] <Nivea> "These two sets of equipments, I hope you can find them useful, Captain Kamal Angelo" @Kamal_A 
  163. [23:10] <Mirakel> "anyway, how is your procurement going, Captain?"
  164. [23:10] <Kamal_A> "..."
  165. [23:10] <Mirakel> "I've heard it gone well"
  166. [23:10] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> *terima* "I'll check it on the way." (TwT ) *grins*
  167. [23:10] <Kamal_A> "You sure gonna give that to me?" @Nivea
  168. [23:10] <Mirakel> *inventory procurement
  169. [23:11] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "Ah yes, it turns out nice. I got a new po--wer... Wait.. Mira.. Are you a tech priest?" (TAT ) *jiiiiiii*
  170. [23:11] <Mirakel> "eh?"
  171. [23:11] <Nivea> "Capt'Ann's decision, with both myself and Captain Farrow Achasse's agreeing."
  172. [23:11] <Kamal_A> "Rather than go into melee, my job here is more often concerning the ship... of the Holy Grail itself..."
  173. [23:11] <Mirakel> "well, I am, Captain" :)
  174. [23:11] <Mirakel> "I've devoted most of my life learning the way of the Omnissiah"
  175. [23:12] <Mirakel> "though I'm not in any of the formal order for now"
  176. [23:12] <Nivea> "I was referring the rare occurrence when we need to go on boarding mission, or go on surface; I cannot let Capt'Ann alone with hulking Power Armour being targeted by everyone."
  177. [23:12] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "Actually currently, I want to paint my power armor into blood red color to make it easier to see from everywhere.." (TAT )
  178. [23:12] <Nivea> "And I heard you always ready next to her, during several occassions."
  179. [23:12] <Kamal_A> "If you say so..."
  180. [23:12] <Mirakel> "is there's something wrong with the brotherhood, Captain?"
  181. [23:13] <Mirakel> "eh...?"
  182. [23:13] <Mirakel> "affirmative" :)
  183. [23:13] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "But Nivea said I must ask a tech priest to do it.." ( T3T)
  184. [23:13] <Kamal_A> "Alright, I'll take the equipments"
  185. [23:13] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "Although I wanna try to paint it myself.." ( T3T)
  186. [23:13] <Mirakel> "if you don't mind, I will do some adjustment on it"
  187. [23:13] <Mirakel> "and blessings" :)
  188. [23:13] <Nivea> "Thank you, I hope this will help everyone."
  189. [23:13] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> *nods nods* "Please do" (TAT )
  190. [23:14] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "Just make sure to make it blood red" d(TAT )
  191. [23:14] <Nivea> *sambil ambil Overcharge Pack (Common) sama Exterminator Cartridge (Common) ya _Story_Teller_ *
  192. [23:14] <Mirakel> "well, if you don't mind, can I ask for your aid to paint it?" :)
  193. [23:14] <_Story_Teller_> Group of soldiers helped moving power armor to Kamal_A 's Quarter
  194. [23:14] <_Story_Teller_> (oh boleh2)
  195. [23:14] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "Of course" *grins* d(TwT ) *thumbs up*
  196. [23:15] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "Anyways... You're free right now..?" (TAT )
  197. [23:15] <Mirakel> "and.. since I am idling right now"
  198. [23:15] <Kamal_A> "So, any recent news from The Company?" @Nivea
  199. [23:15] <Mirakel> "I'm... ah" :D
  200. [23:15] <Kamal_A> *sambil liatin soldiers yang ngangkut power armour*
  201. [23:15] <Mirakel> "I'm ready anytime, Captain" :)
  202. [23:15] <Nivea> "It seems due to our quite-aggressive procurements, we had quite a lot of debts to cover; I heard it almost doubles our usual maintenance upkeep costs."
  203. [23:16] <_Story_Teller_> !dtest 30
  204. [23:16] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for _Story_Teller_ and Result is 53 / 30
  205. [23:16] <@_KHORNE_> Oh nice, _Story_Teller_ Failed with 2 Degree of Failure
  206. [23:16] <Nivea> "Other than that, we had dealt with numerous Chaos and Heretics, as well as Xenos, in this system."
  207. [23:16] <Kamal_A> "..."
  208. [23:16] <_Story_Teller_> Some of the soldier stumbled, but then continued their way
  209. [23:16] <Nivea> "Further, I heard Jotunheim has been starting Colonizations"
  210. [23:16] <Nivea> ( btw, Crew Rating-nya HG 60 wkwk )
  211. [23:16] <Kamal_A> "Who lead the Colonizations?"
  212. [23:17] <_Story_Teller_> (ceritanya yg newbie2nya)
  213. [23:17] <Nivea> "That, I was not so sure; maybe Capt'Ann can explain more. Would you like to--- *organize the veterans to handle important and sacred Power Armour* "
  214. [23:17] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "Actually I got a mandate.." *open data slate* "To check on something on Jotunheim.." ( TAT)
  215. [23:17] <Nivea> ( command biar bener sistemnya )
  216. [23:18] <Mirakel> "oh?"
  217. [23:18] <Mirakel> "....." *cek dataslate juga buat jadwal*
  218. [23:18] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> Some fugitive heretics.."
  219. [23:18] <Nivea> "--- please excuse me; would you like to visit Capt'Ann? I guess she is at the Shining Phalanx's Tavern." @Kamal_A 
  220. [23:18] <Mirakel> "since the regular maintenance of La Parque is done... and there's no order from Captain Regina right now..."
  221. [23:18] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "Hmmm?" (T_T )
  222. [23:18] <_Story_Teller_> The veteran finally took the power armor and safely put it in Kamal_A 's Quarter
  223. [23:19] <Kamal_A> "Sure" @Nivea
  224. [23:19] <Mirakel> "If you don't mind, I would also help you, Captain" :)
  225. [23:19] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "Of course. No problem" *grins* d(TwT )
  226. [23:19] <Mirakel> "thank you"
  227. [23:19] <Mirakel> "and.. since we're going to meet-and-greet some... heretics..."
  228. [23:19] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "Then I'll just finish this wine and go there I guess.." *sambil lanjut minum wine* ( T~T)
  229. [23:19] <Mirakel> "shall we prepare your armor first, Captain?"
  230. [23:20] <Nivea> "Well then, let us visit the tavern, Captain Kamal Angelo?" @Kamal_A 
  231. [23:20] <Nivea> *sambil mempersilakan Kamal_A jalan duluan*
  232. [23:20] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "Ah yeah. It's on the captain's lounge. I'll show it to you later on during the travel" d(TAT )
  233. [23:20] <Nivea> *and make sure the order of HG is maintained*
  234. [23:20] <Kamal_A> *jalan ke Shining Phalanx*
  235. [23:20] <Nivea> *follows Kamal_A *
  236. [23:21] <Mirakel> *nods* "I'll make sure not to wander around alone in HG, Captain, just like your previous instruction" :)
  237. [23:21] <_Story_Teller_> Kamal_A and Nivea went to ShiP tavern, and met Mirakel and Ambrosia_Ann_C
  238. [23:21] <Kamal_A> "About the debts... is it something serious?" @Nivea
  239. [23:21] <Nivea> "Quite so" @Kamal_A 
  240. [23:21] <Nivea> "… Ah." *salute @Ambrosia_Ann_C *
  241. [23:22] <Kamal_A> *salute* @Ambrosia_Ann_C
  242. [23:22] <Mirakel> *nods ke Nivea* "good day, miss Nivea" :D
  243. [23:22] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "Well.. It's a rule that must be followed by everyone in the ship. not just guests, Mira" *smiles*
  244. [23:22] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "Ah, Ello Kamal, Nivea" *salute* "Long time no see, Kamal"
  245. [23:22] <_Story_Teller_> Bartender:"Drinks anyone?"
  246. [23:23] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "The training ground you're asking is prepared if I'm not mistaken" *sambil melihat Nivea*
  247. [23:23] <Nivea> *nods @Mirakel * "Master Mirakel*
  248. [23:23] <Mirakel> *lirik Kamal*
  249. [23:23] <Nivea> "… Ah, yes. It has been prepared for Zero-G training."
  250. [23:23] <Kamal_A> "Yes captain, and I'm eager to hunt Xenos or the Heretics now" @Ambrosia_Ann_C
  251. [23:23] <Mirakel> "I..believe I haven't properly introduced myself to you, sir..?"
  252. [23:23] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> *grins* "It seems you got the same mandate?" *liatin Kamal_A
  253. [23:23] <Mirakel> *offers handshake* "My name is Mirakel, Prime Engineseer of La Parque" :D
  254. [23:23] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "Eh? Mira don't know Kamal yet?" ( TAT)
  255. [23:24] <Mirakel> "I believe so, Captain Ann"
  256. [23:24] <Kamal_A> "Kamal from The Holy Grail, it's my pleasure" @Mirakel
  257. [23:24] <Mirakel> @Kamal: "an honor to meet you, sir"
  258. [23:24] <Kamal_A> *handshake*
  259. [23:24] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "Ah, Kamal is the same with Farrow. Imperial Guard stationed in Holy Grail" *smiles* ( TwT)b
  260. [23:24] <Mirakel> "if there's anything that i could help, please feel free to let me know" :)
  261. [23:25] <Mirakel> "ah. acknowledged" :)
  262. [23:25] * _jell_jell_ ( has joined #room201
  263. [23:26] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "Ah yeah. I just received a mandate from Imperial Guard to check on Jotunheim system" (TAT ) @ Nivea n Kamal_A
  264. [23:27] <Nivea> "Jotunheim system? Very well, I shall prepare Holy Grail, if you wish to."
  265. [23:27] <Kamal_A> "The Jotunheim system?"
  266. [23:28] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> *nods* "Eh.." *check data slate* "Jotunheim sector. I'm sorry." (TAT )
  267. [23:28] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "It's said there's a heretic fugitive last seen on that area" (TAT )
  268. [23:28] <Nivea> "… Ah? Jotunheim? Do we need to.. go to a new system?"
  269. [23:29] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> (T_T ) *check lagi* "...It's..a classified mission from the military.. And I guess this place is new.."
  270. [23:29] <Nivea> "… Requesting permission to organize supplies and logistics, for extended journey; We cannot be sure how long it would take."
  271. [23:29] <Nivea> (terutama di Warp-nya *plak* )
  272. [23:30] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "I never been here I guess. They said it's a secret system or whatsoever.." (TAT ) "They give the starchart just for now so we can clean the fugitive" (TAT ) @ yg lain
  273. [23:30] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "Ah, please do, Nivea."
  274. [23:30] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "I'm a bit traumatize with warp traveling.. The last one took 4 months.." (TAT|||)
  275. [23:31] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "So, what do you say guys?" *liatin Kamal_A n Nivea n baru Mirakel * (TAT ) (TAT) ( TAT)
  276. [23:31] <Mirakel> "... by the Emperor's tooth.." .__.
  277. [23:31] <Mirakel> "I'm ready and at your query, Captain" :)
  278. [23:31] <Nivea> "I will prepare now, and the sooner we go, the better it seems." @Ambrosia_Ann_C 
  279. [23:32] <Nivea> *salute*
  280. [23:32] <Nivea> *salute at Kamal_A * *nods at Mirakel *
  281. [23:32] <_Story_Teller_> a runner came to Kamal_A, saying now the cockpit is clean.
  282. [23:32] <Kamal_A> *salute*
  283. [23:32] <Nivea> *walks to Holy Grail to prepare things*
  284. [23:32] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> *nods* "Well then, shall we go?" *grins* (TwT )
  285. [23:32] <Mirakel> "and if you don't mind. If it's going to be a long trip, I could help to aid the machine spirit of HG" :)
  286. [23:32] <Mirakel> "affirmative" :)
  287. [23:33] <_Story_Teller_> (FF?)
  288. [23:33] <Mirakel> (FF saja)
  289. [23:33] <Ambrosia_Ann_C> "C'mon, Mirakel, you're help will be needed." *grins* *sambil jalan ke HG menuju FF*
  290. [23:33] <Nivea> ( FF )
  291. [23:33] <Kamal_A> "I'll prepare the cockpit crews too capt'"
  292. [23:33] <Kamal_A> (FF)
  293. [23:33] <Mirakel> (kalau sempat, sekalian fine tune Power Armor)
  294. [23:33] <Mirakel> (sama Kamal punya mau sekalian?)
  295. [23:33] <Nivea> ( sambil brb; paling sepanjang jalan assist Kamal_A , biar Pilot +10 dan extra 1 degree )
  296. [23:33] <Kamal_A> (sementara belum ada, hehe)
  297. [23:33] <_Story_Teller_> +Holy Grail set to fly to[Fugitive's Coordinate]+
  298. [23:33] * _N_ ( has joined #room201
  299. [23:34] <_N_> (ganti user yg ini ya _Story_Teller_ =3=/)
  300. [23:34] <_Story_Teller_> (ok)
  301. [23:34] * _N_ is now known as Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver
  302. [23:34] <_Story_Teller_> +play
  303. [23:34] * Ambrosia_Ann_C ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  304. [23:34] <_Story_Teller_> (ups blum diganti)
  305. [23:35] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (wkwkwk)
  306. [23:36] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (pling tadi power armor dikasi k Mirakel buat diutak atik slama perjalanan =3=d)
  307. [23:36] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil cek batre cadangan available apa ndak*
  308. [23:36] <_Story_Teller_> +Warp drives reports ok Kamal_A, and you are ready to go to [coordinate]+
  309. [23:37] <Mirakel> *doa doa ritual ala mechanicus dulu*
  310. [23:37] <Mirakel> *baru di fine tune*
  311. [23:37] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil prepare standart bawaan buat misi* ( T_T)y-ooOO *sambil gigit rokok*
  312. [23:37] <Kamal_A> "Entering the warp now"
  313. [23:37] <_Story_Teller_> +Kamal_A Make a Pilot test!+
  314. [23:38] <Kamal_A> !dtest 65
  315. [23:38] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Kamal_A and Result is 28 / 65
  316. [23:38] <@_KHORNE_> Too bad, Kamal_A Succeed with 3 Degree of Success
  317. [23:38] <@_KHORNE_> Hit Location(s): Right Leg (then Right Leg, Body, Right Arm, Head, furthers are Body)
  318. [23:38] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil ngeliat luar* "God Emperor, protect us.." ( TAT)
  319. [23:38] <Mirakel> *kalau sudah selesai, aid engineseer nya HG saja*
  320. [23:39] <_Story_Teller_> +Kamal_A excellent piloting made you go through the warp quickly+
  321. [23:40] <_Story_Teller_> +You arrived to an unknown system, with one star as big as Terra's sun+
  322. [23:40] <Nivea> "Commencing Scan for the System"
  323. [23:40] <Nivea> *organizes the crews for scanning*
  324. [23:41] <_Story_Teller_> +Nivea, make a Scrutiny+Detection test! +
  325. [23:41] <Nivea> ( pakai crew ya )
  326. [23:41] <Nivea> !dtest 80
  327. [23:41] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Nivea and Result is 27 / 80
  328. [23:41] <@_KHORNE_> Too bad, Nivea Succeed with 5 Degree of Success
  329. [23:41] <@_KHORNE_> Hit Location(s): Right Leg (then Right Leg, Body, Right Arm, Head, furthers are Body)
  330. [23:41] <_Story_Teller_> (oh ok)
  331. [23:41] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil jalan ke bridge* (TAT )"~~~~
  332. [23:41] <Nivea> vox Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver: "Capt'Ann, we have arrived."
  333. [23:42] <_Story_Teller_> +Crew found at least one gas giant, with rings, and also moons+
  334. [23:42] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *vox* "Alright. I'm on my way to the bridge" (TAT )"~~~~
  335. [23:43] <Nivea> "One Gas Giant with rings, and moons. Scan for Energy Pattern and Starships."
  336. [23:43] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil masih jalan* *vox* "Check for starships and lifeforms" (TAT )
  337. [23:43] <Nivea> *organizes crews for scanning especially starships and lifeforms*
  338. [23:43] <Nivea> *vox Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver * "Affirmative."
  339. [23:44] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *+10 dr ann ya =3=/*
  340. [23:44] <_Story_Teller_> +There are one starship, founded, geo-synchronous rotating on one of the moons+
  341. [23:44] <_Story_Teller_> (5 degree soalnya td >_>)
  342. [23:44] <Nivea> *vox Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver * "One starship geo-synchronized with one of the moons. Awaiting order."
  343. [23:45] <Nivea> *general vox* "Performing Focused Augury to the Ship."
  344. [23:45] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *vox* "Scan the ship and check for lifeforms" (TAT )
  345. [23:45] <Nivea> *vox* "Affirmative."
  346. [23:45] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *vox* "And if possible check the registry of the ship"
  347. [23:45] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil masih jalan ke bridge* (T_T )"~~~~~
  348. [23:45] <_Story_Teller_> +Nivea, make a Scrutiny+Detection test!+
  349. [23:45] <Nivea> "Captain Kamal Angelo, please perform Evasive Maneuver."
  350. [23:45] <Nivea> ( crews ya )
  351. [23:45] <_Story_Teller_> (crew)
  352. [23:45] <Nivea> ( dapet +10 @Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver ?)
  353. [23:45] <Kamal_A> "Roger that"
  354. [23:46] <_Story_Teller_> (eh itu awa yg roll ya)
  355. [23:46] <Nivea> ( iya wkwk 90 @_Story_Teller_ )
  356. [23:46] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (dapet)
  357. [23:46] <_Story_Teller_> !dtest 90
  358. [23:46] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for _Story_Teller_ and Result is 48 / 90
  359. [23:46] <@_KHORNE_> Too bad, _Story_Teller_ Succeed with 4 Degree of Success
  360. [23:46] <@_KHORNE_> Hit Location(s): Right Leg (then Right Leg, Body, Right Arm, Head, furthers are Body)
  361. [23:46] <Nivea> *assist Kamal_A for Pilot*
  362. [23:46] <_Story_Teller_> +Ship is.. a wreck.. No active engine and no life signs on the ship.+
  363. [23:47] <Nivea> *vox* "No energy signals nor life signs on the ship."
  364. [23:47] <Kamal_A> "..."
  365. [23:47] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *vox* "...Weird...Is that a trap..?" (TAT )
  366. [23:47] <Nivea> *vox* "Commencing Focused Augury on the moon, for energy signals and life signs."
  367. [23:48] <_Story_Teller_> +Evacuation Capsule has been used, supposed went to the moon+
  368. [23:48] <_Story_Teller_> !dtest 90
  369. [23:48] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for _Story_Teller_ and Result is 12 / 90
  370. [23:48] <@_KHORNE_> Too bad, _Story_Teller_ Succeed with 7 Degree of Success
  371. [23:48] <@_KHORNE_> Hit Location(s): Left Arm (then Left Arm, Body, Head, Body, furthers are Left Arm)
  372. [23:49] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *vox* "Well then..Should we check on the moon?" *grins* *sambil masih jalan k bridge* *nunggu cue _Story_Teller_ sampai kapan =3=/*
  373. [23:49] <_Story_Teller_> +Crew found very interesting things from this moon. It has MANY life signs, but probably not human+
  374. [23:49] <Nivea> *vox* "Analyzing the moon for atmosphere and gravity."
  375. [23:49] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *vox* "Check the moon"
  376. [23:49] <Nivea> *vox* "Possible Xenos life forms detected."
  377. [23:50] <_Story_Teller_> +Gravity is stable and quite normal for human being. High amount of H2O..+
  378. [23:50] <Nivea> ( breathable? )
  379. [23:50] <Nivea> ( atau sumuk parah aja? )
  380. [23:50] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *vox* "Xenos huh?" *grins* (TwT )
  381. [23:50] <_Story_Teller_> (O2 and H2O)
  382. [23:51] <_Story_Teller_> +Atmosphere is breathable and safe for human+
  383. [23:51] <Nivea> *vox* "Atmosphere and Gravity: normal."
  384. [23:51] <Nivea> *vox* "Searching for escape capsules from the starship."
  385. [23:51] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *vox* "Roger that."
  386. [23:51] <Nivea> *organizes the crews to search the escape capsules*
  387. [23:52] <Nivea> "Captain Kamal Angelo, maybe we can approach them into safe distance?" @Kamal_A 
  388. [23:52] <_Story_Teller_> !dtest 90
  389. [23:52] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for _Story_Teller_ and Result is 34 / 90
  390. [23:52] <@_KHORNE_> Too bad, _Story_Teller_ Succeed with 5 Degree of Success
  391. [23:52] <@_KHORNE_> Hit Location(s): Body (then Body, Left Arm, Head, Right Arm, furthers are Body)
  392. [23:53] <_Story_Teller_> +Three capsule was detected. on three different areas.+
  393. [23:54] <Nivea> *vox* "Capt'Ann, should we check the ship, or should we investigate the moon?"
  394. [23:54] <_Story_Teller_> +But thick Jungle hides their life signs+
  395. [23:54] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *vox* "...If there is no sign on the ship, I think we should investigate the moon." (TAT )"~~~~ *lanjut jalan k bridge*
  396. [23:54] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *udah smp bridge? @ _Story_Teller_ =3=/*
  397. [23:54] <Nivea> ( Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver dari tadi belum sampai bridge, _Story_Teller_ ? )
  398. [23:54] <Nivea> ( oh sama pertanyaannya )
  399. [23:54] <Kamal_A> "Moving closer to the moon"
  400. [23:54] <_Story_Teller_> (oh udah)
  401. [23:55] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (wkwkwk XD kan muter jalannya =w=d)
  402. [23:55] <Nivea> "Capt'Ann, is that the starship we are looking for?"
  403. [23:55] <_Story_Teller_> +Ann is in the Bridge now+
  404. [23:55] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *cek data slate* "They didn't say anything about the ship..." (TAT )
  405. [23:56] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Only say there's a fugitive heretic" (TAT ) *cek2 dataslate*
  406. [23:56] <Kamal_A> "..."
  407. [23:56] <_Story_Teller_> +Nivea, crew reported, that the moon have a synchronous rotation with the Gas planet!+
  408. [23:57] <_Story_Teller_> (Satu sisi selalu menghadap planet, seperti bulan kita)
  409. [23:57] <Nivea> ( weit, what? oh eternal day and eternal night berarti )
  410. [23:57] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...What do you guys think? I prefer to check the moon" (TAT )
  411. [23:57] <Nivea> "Capt'Ann, we need to go to the moon to investigate it; especially the other side of the moon."
  412. [23:58] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *mikir*
  413. [23:58] <_Story_Teller_> (nope, hanya satu sisi menghadap planet, satu sisi tidak menghadap planet)
  414. [23:58] <Nivea> ( oh iya bukan ngadep star wkwk )
  415. [23:58] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *panggil crew tolong panggilin Mirakel ke bridge* ( TAT)/
  416. [23:59] <_Story_Teller_> +Kamal, move closer to Near side, or Far side of the moon?+
  417. [23:59] <_Story_Teller_> Mirakel, you are called to the Bridge
  418. [23:59] <Mirakel> *datang*
  419. [23:59] <Kamal_A> *near side*
  420. [00:00] <Mirakel> "yes Captain?"
  421. [00:00] <_Story_Teller_> +There are more capsule in near sight, oh wait. There is a Shuttle!+
  422. [00:01] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Ah, Mira. So.. Here's the situati--wait a second.." (TAT ) *teralihkan*
  423. [00:02] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil wave ke Nivea buat jelasin kondisi ke Mirakel* *dan ngeliat shuttle* "Scan that shuttle, guys" -o(TAT ) @ crew
  424. [00:02] <Nivea> *describe the conditions to Mirakel *
  425. [00:02] <_Story_Teller_> !dtest 90
  426. [00:02] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for _Story_Teller_ and Result is 83 / 90
  427. [00:02] <@_KHORNE_> Too bad, _Story_Teller_ Succeed with 0 Degree of Success
  428. [00:02] <@_KHORNE_> Hit Location(s): Body (then Body, Left Arm, Head, Right Arm, furthers are Body)
  429. [00:03] <_Story_Teller_> +shuttle is still active.+
  430. [00:03] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "!" (TAT )
  431. [00:04] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Could it be that one..?" (TAT )
  432. [00:04] <Mirakel> (brb sebentar, maaf)
  433. [00:04] <Nivea> "Your order, Capt'Ann?"
  434. [00:05] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Check the shuttle. Scan for lifeform" (TAT )
  435. [00:05] <_Story_Teller_> !dtest 90
  436. [00:05] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for _Story_Teller_ and Result is 3 / 90
  437. [00:05] <@_KHORNE_> Too bad, _Story_Teller_ Succeed with 8 Degree of Success
  438. [00:05] <@_KHORNE_> Hit Location(s): Left Arm (then Left Arm, Body, Head, Body, furthers are Left Arm)
  439. [00:06] <_Story_Teller_> +Aside from the planets life sign, crew can distinguish and there is one life sign inside the shuttle+
  440. [00:07] <Nivea> "… Survivor? Is the shuttle part of the Starship there?"
  441. [00:07] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "I guess we get what we're searching for" *grins* (TwT )
  442. [00:08] <_Story_Teller_> +You can go there with a shuttle+
  443. [00:08] <Nivea> "… Should we visit the Shuttle, Capt'Ann?"
  444. [00:08] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *grins* "Need to ask?" (TwT )
  445. [00:08] <Nivea> *nods* "I will prepare my self-- *lihat shuttles and planets* --for troubles."
  446. [00:08] <Nivea> *salutes*
  447. [00:09] <Nivea> *siap2 battle mode dulu*
  448. [00:09] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods*
  449. [00:09] <Kamal_A> "Holy Grail will standby at the orbit"
  450. [00:09] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "I guess we'll going for a battle, Kamal, Mirakel" *nengok ke Kamal_A dan Mirakel* ( TwT)
  451. [00:09] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "You're not joining?" @ Kamal_A
  452. [00:09] <Kamal_A> "..."
  453. [00:09] <Mirakel> "I'll prepared myself, Captain" :)
  454. [00:10] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods*
  455. [00:10] <Mirakel> "and if you may, I want to join the investigation"
  456. [00:10] <_Story_Teller_> +Crew are setting Holy Grail on geosynchronous mode+
  457. [00:10] <Nivea> [ equip bawa.. full, including hellgun+power-backpack. Primary Assault Lasgun+overcharge+exterminator ]
  458. [00:10] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "You can ask the crew to standby so nothing bothers Holy Grail." *grins @ Kamal_A*
  459. [00:11] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "I'll change into armor first" ( TwT)b
  460. [00:11] <Kamal_A> "Time to try the Power Armour then, let me prepare my equipment first capt'" @Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver
  461. [00:11] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods* "Go ahead" *grins* @ Kamal_A
  462. [00:11] <_Story_Teller_> (ok Nivea)
  463. [00:11] <Mirakel> @Kamal: "if you may, sir, I'll do some adjustment to the armor"
  464. [00:11] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Guys! Take care of the ship while we're away for a while, 'kay??" (TAT ) @ crews
  465. [00:11] <Kamal_A> *beberes*
  466. [00:12] <_Story_Teller_> (FF to ground?)
  467. [00:12] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil lari balik ke captain's lounge, make power armour, bawa barang2 standart, dan lari ke tpt shuttle*
  468. [00:12] <Mirakel> (FF saja)
  469. [00:12] <_Story_Teller_> (eh tunggu deh)
  470. [00:12] <Nivea> *vox* "Everyone, please prepare some time to grab a device of Exterminator Cartridge from the Supply Vault"
  471. [00:12] <Mirakel> (eh ok)
  472. [00:13] <Nivea> ( 1 use hand flamer )
  473. [00:13] <Nivea> ( dipasang di basic weapon )
  474. [00:13] <_Story_Teller_> +Shuttle is ready, Depart?+
  475. [00:13] <Kamal_A> *siap mengemudikan shuttle*
  476. [00:13] <Nivea> *if ready, wait at Co-Pilot seat*
  477. [00:13] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (siap FF)
  478. [00:14] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (exterminator catridge? kalo dibilangin ambil de =3=a walo g ngerti)
  479. [00:14] <_Story_Teller_> +Shuttle went to the moon, but.. there is a strange wind coming, Kamal_A! Pilot Test (difficult -20)+
  480. [00:14] <Nivea> *assist Kamal_A saja nantinya *
  481. [00:14] <Nivea> ( wut pas )
  482. [00:14] <Kamal_A> "Tsk..."
  483. [00:14] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Kamal, steady" ( TAT)o-
  484. [00:14] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *+10 lagi*
  485. [00:15] <Nivea> ( +10 Kamal_A , and 1 degree of success )
  486. [00:15] <Nivea> ( total +20 )
  487. [00:15] <Kamal_A> "Hold on tight, this will be quite rough..."
  488. [00:15] <Kamal_A> !dtest 55
  489. [00:15] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Kamal_A and Result is 37 / 55
  490. [00:15] <@_KHORNE_> Too bad, Kamal_A Succeed with 1 Degree of Success
  491. [00:15] <@_KHORNE_> Hit Location(s): Right Leg (then Right Leg, Body, Right Arm, Head, furthers are Body)
  492. [00:15] <_Story_Teller_> (itu 1 degree pk fate point?)
  493. [00:15] <Nivea> ( ngga, dari assist )
  494. [00:15] <_Story_Teller_> (ok 2 degree)
  495. [00:15] <Nivea> ( kalau assist, kl sukses extra 1 degree )
  496. [00:15] <Mirakel> (...APAH)
  497. [00:16] <Nivea> "Master Mirakel, would you mind to help us maintaining the Machine Spirit?"
  498. [00:16] <_Story_Teller_> +Even the mightiest wind could not withstand Kamal_A piloting+
  499. [00:16] <Mirakel> "affirmative"
  500. [00:16] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil ngerokok Lho Stick* (TAT)y-ooOO *fuuuhhh*
  501. [00:16] <_Story_Teller_> +You all are safely landed on the ground+
  502. [00:16] <Mirakel> (bila perlu, bantu maintain machine spirit)
  503. [00:17] <Kamal_A> "..." *exhale*
  504. [00:17] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "nice" *grins* @ Kamal_A d(TwT ) *thumbs up*
  505. [00:17] <Mirakel> "astounding piloting, sir"
  506. [00:18] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Now.. Serious business.." *ready power armor + power fist* ( T_T)
  507. [00:18] <Kamal_A> "Thanks" @Mirakel
  508. [00:18] <Nivea> "… Master Mirakel, do you have a Scanner with you?"
  509. [00:18] <_Story_Teller_> play:
  510. [00:18] <Kamal_A> *rem tangan ke shuttle*
  511. [00:18] <Mirakel> (scanner itu apa ya..? O_O)
  512. [00:19] <Nivea> ( Auspex / Scanner )
  513. [00:19] <Mirakel> "negative, miss Nivea"
  514. [00:19] <Mirakel> (nggak ada wkwkwk)
  515. [00:19] <Nivea> *look at Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver * "Capt'Ann, did you bring a second Auspex?"
  516. [00:19] <_Story_Teller_> +You heard of, birds, and sound of the trees moved by the wind+
  517. [00:19] <Nivea> "Maybe we can lend it to Master Mirakel for now."
  518. [00:19] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Hmmm? I only bring one" ( TAT) "Sorry.. I thought you're the one holding 2?"
  519. [00:20] <Nivea> ( Awareness +20, dan bisa buat… scan 50m radius, pakai Tech-Use )
  520. [00:20] <Mirakel> (wat_
  521. [00:20] <Mirakel> (oke)
  522. [00:20] <Nivea> "… Ah, my bad then. Master Mirakel , please use mine for now. I believe this is better in the hand of a Tech Priest."
  523. [00:20] <_Story_Teller_> What do you do Now?
  524. [00:20] <Nivea> *kasih pinjem Auspex ke Mirakel *
  525. [00:20] <Mirakel> "thank you" :)
  526. [00:20] <Nivea> *keluar dulu*
  527. [00:20] <Kamal_A> *liat2 sekeliling daerah bulan*
  528. [00:21] <Mirakel> *coba scanning perimeter*
  529. [00:21] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *pas mau turun matiin Lho-Stick*
  530. [00:21] <_Story_Teller_> +What is clear is that you can always see that Big Planet above your head+
  531. [00:21] <_Story_Teller_> +Mirakel Tech Use Test!+
  532. [00:22] <Mirakel> (bisa di aid sama boots?)
  533. [00:22] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *turun pelan2* "..." *liat sekeliling* (T_T ) ( T_T) *sambil make scanner*
  534. [00:22] <_Story_Teller_> (eh tech use itu cm buat invisible bukan?)
  535. [00:22] <Nivea> ( invisible and dangerous gases etc )
  536. [00:22] <Mirakel> !dtest 88
  537. [00:22] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Mirakel and Result is 90 / 88
  538. [00:22] <@_KHORNE_> Oh nice, Mirakel Failed with 0 Degree of Failure
  539. [00:22] <_Story_Teller_> (oh salah)
  540. [00:22] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Try to check on that area.." (+10 ke Mirakel bisa?)
  541. [00:22] <Mirakel> gelo
  542. [00:22] <Mirakel> reroll
  543. [00:22] <Nivea> ( kalau yg biasa, tetep pakai Awareness )
  544. [00:22] <Mirakel> !dtest 88
  545. [00:22] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Mirakel and Result is 6 / 88
  546. [00:22] <@_KHORNE_> Too bad, Mirakel Succeed with 8 Degree of Success
  547. [00:22] <@_KHORNE_> Hit Location(s): Body (then Body, Left Arm, Head, Right Arm, furthers are Body)
  548. [00:22] <_Story_Teller_> awareness
  549. [00:22] <Mirakel> okelah
  550. [00:22] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (+10 dr ann @ Mirakel)
  551. [00:22] <_Story_Teller_> (awareness +20? kan? +10 dr ann)
  552. [00:22] <Mirakel> (dari tech use dulu saja)
  553. [00:23] <Mirakel> (kalau awareness..)
  554. [00:23] <Nivea> *turunkan visor dari Advanced Helmet System*
  555. [00:23] <Mirakel> (itu kalau untrained)
  556. [00:23] <Mirakel> (kena potong dulu apa tambah dulu?)
  557. [00:23] <_Story_Teller_> (hm.. good question..)
  558. [00:23] <Nivea> ( half dulu )
  559. [00:23] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (potong dl bkn?)
  560. [00:23] <Nivea> ( baru di bonus )
  561. [00:23] <_Story_Teller_> (potong dulu, lalu +)
  562. [00:24] <Mirakel> !dtest 16+20+10
  563. [00:24] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Mirakel and Result is 65 / 16+20+10
  564. [00:24] <@_KHORNE_> Oh nice, Mirakel Failed with 7 Degree of Failure
  565. [00:24] <Nivea> (ga bisa plus2 wkwk maap )
  566. [00:24] <Mirakel> ehw at
  567. [00:24] <Mirakel> wkwkwk oke
  568. [00:24] <Nivea> *lihat sekeliling*
  569. [00:24] <Mirakel> 65/46
  570. [00:24] <Mirakel> gagal 2 degree
  571. [00:24] <Mirakel> *report soal gascloud and invisible threat dulu*
  572. [00:24] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (T_T ) ( T_T) *celingukan pake scanner* *coba nyalain*
  573. [00:24] <_Story_Teller_> +Mirakel, you cannot detect any other life signs, maybe it is your first time using this tool+
  574. [00:25] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (bisa dicoba? @ _Story_Teller_ =3=/)
  575. [00:25] <Mirakel> *selesai ngejelasin, kesandung gara2 roll jelek*
  576. [00:25] <Nivea> "… Gas Clouds? Are they dangerous?"
  577. [00:25] <_Story_Teller_> +But clearly there is a shuttle in front of you+
  578. [00:25] <Mirakel> (is it dangerous?)
  579. [00:25] <_Story_Teller_> (apanya dangerous?)
  580. [00:25] <Kamal_A> "Invisible threat?"
  581. [00:26] <Mirakel> (gas cloud)
  582. [00:26] <Mirakel> (maksudnya ada atau tidak)
  583. [00:26] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Hmmm?" *nengok* (TAT )
  584. [00:26] <Mirakel> (kalau nggak ada, bilangnya aman saja)
  585. [00:26] <_Story_Teller_> (er... rollnya..)
  586. [00:26] <_Story_Teller_> (Nivea jg pk advance system helmet ya?)
  587. [00:26] <Mirakel> (tech usenya 6/88 kan...?)
  588. [00:26] <Nivea> ( iya )
  589. [00:26] <_Story_Teller_> (OH)
  590. [00:26] <Mirakel> (kebayang scanning berhasil, ngecek normal gagal wkwkwk)
  591. [00:26] <_Story_Teller_> (maaf lupa, no dangerous gas detected)
  592. [00:26] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *masih coba cek* ( T_T) *poke2 scanner*
  593. [00:27] <Mirakel> "all clear"
  594. [00:27] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *ngecek normal bisa? @ _Story_Teller_*
  595. [00:27] <Nivea> *looks around for threats*
  596. [00:27] <Nivea> ( banyak life forms tadi katanya )
  597. [00:27] <_Story_Teller_> +Make an Awareness test Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver+
  598. [00:27] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (awareness itu make apa? @ Nivea)
  599. [00:27] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (eh _Story_Teller_ )
  600. [00:28] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (lupa <_<||| ga punya soalnya)
  601. [00:28] <Nivea> ( Perception )
  602. [00:28] <_Story_Teller_> (perception)
  603. [00:28] <Nivea> ( oh awa jg bisa lihat sekeliling _Story_Teller_ ? )
  604. [00:28] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> ( T_T) "..So push this button here right..?" *check*
  605. [00:28] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> !dtest 37
  606. [00:28] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver and Result is 18 / 37
  607. [00:28] <@_KHORNE_> Too bad, Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver Succeed with 1 Degree of Success
  608. [00:28] <@_KHORNE_> Hit Location(s): Right Leg (then Right Leg, Body, Right Arm, Head, furthers are Body)
  609. [00:28] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> ( T_T) *bingung liatin scanner*
  610. [00:28] <_Story_Teller_> +You are outside of the jungle Nivea, You can see a thick jungle, and Awareness test please+
  611. [00:29] <Nivea> !dtest 50
  612. [00:29] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Nivea and Result is 38 / 50
  613. [00:29] <@_KHORNE_> Too bad, Nivea Succeed with 1 Degree of Success
  614. [00:29] <@_KHORNE_> Hit Location(s): Right Leg (then Right Leg, Body, Right Arm, Head, furthers are Body)
  615. [00:29] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (itu cm 1 degree @ _Story_Teller_)
  616. [00:29] <_Story_Teller_> +There are a life sign inside the shuttle Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver.+
  617. [00:29] <Nivea> "… Lifeform inside the shuttle."
  618. [00:29] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Ah..Ada orang dlm shuttle.." ( TAT)
  619. [00:30] <_Story_Teller_> +You see, a footstep of a man Nivea+
  620. [00:30] <_Story_Teller_> +Went into the jungle+
  621. [00:30] <Nivea> "… probably human."
  622. [00:30] <Nivea> "… went into the jungle."
  623. [00:30] <Kamal_A> "..."
  624. [00:30] <Nivea> "… should we check the shuttle first?"
  625. [00:30] <Kamal_A> "...In this kind of place?"
  626. [00:30] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "..But there's also one in the shuttle..."
  627. [00:30] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods* ( TAT)
  628. [00:31] <Nivea> *ready AssaultLasgun* *nods*
  629. [00:31] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *ready power fist* ( TAT)
  630. [00:31] <Nivea> *ambil posisi buat bisa support fire*
  631. [00:31] <Mirakel> *lirik yang lain, siap2 boltgun juga*
  632. [00:31] <_Story_Teller_> +Explorers, are you ready, to see what inside the Shuttle?+
  633. [00:31] <Kamal_A> *siapin dan aktifkan power sword*
  634. [00:31] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (ready =3=/)
  635. [00:31] <Nivea> *nods*
  636. [00:31] <Kamal_A> (siap~)
  637. [00:31] <Mirakel> (siap)
  638. [00:32] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *maju duluan* ( TAT)
  639. [00:32] <_Story_Teller_> +Declare Position+
  640. [00:32] <Kamal_A> *di samping Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver *
  641. [00:32] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *paling depan =3=/*
  642. [00:32] <Mirakel> (dibelakang dua power armor ini)
  643. [00:32] <Nivea> *agak samping*
  644. [00:32] <Nivea> ( kl bisa cari sudut yg liat lebih banyak ke dalam )
  645. [00:32] <_Story_Teller_> +Good, Now you are all ready. Hatch is not open yet, but it is unlocked. Open it?+
  646. [00:33] <Mirakel> *second row saja pokoknya*
  647. [00:33] <Nivea> *ready and aim* *nods @Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver *
  648. [00:33] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *open it* ( T_T)-o *poke*
  649. [00:33] <Mirakel> *nods, readied self*
  650. [00:33] <_Story_Teller_> +And.. You see..+
  651. [00:33] <_Story_Teller_> +A VERY CUTE XENO CAT!+
  652. [00:34] <Mirakel> ".........................................................."
  653. [00:34] <Kamal_A> "..."
  654. [00:34] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "..." ( O_O) *mata membulat*
  655. [00:34] <Nivea> *stay alert*
  656. [00:34] <Nivea> *check for other lifeforms*
  657. [00:34] <Mirakel> *check for invisible threat*
  658. [00:34] <_Story_Teller_> +There are no other lifeforms, but there is a dataslate+
  659. [00:34] <Kamal_A> *liat daleman shuttle*
  660. [00:34] <Nivea> *nods @Kamal_A *
  661. [00:35] <Nivea> *masuk and secure perimeter dulu*
  662. [00:35] <Mirakel> *minta boots masuk dan scout dulu*
  663. [00:35] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *masuk ke dlm shuttle* *check dataslate* ( T_T)
  664. [00:35] <_Story_Teller_> "nyan! nyan!" OwO
  665. [00:36] <_Story_Teller_> +DATASLATE+
  666. [00:36] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> ( TAT) "..." *liat kucing* *balik focus k dataslate*
  667. [00:36] <Mirakel> *alert position*
  668. [00:36] <Nivea> "… Just a reminder, someone might went to the jungle, and this might be his ship."
  669. [00:37] <_Story_Teller_> +This man, he killed all of our men.. I heard he is also a heretic.. I will find him and kill him!+
  670. [00:37] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...Eh...?"
  671. [00:37] <Mirakel> "Captain Ann"
  672. [00:37] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...Wait..Nivea!" *point dataslate*
  673. [00:37] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Yes, Mirakel?" (TAT )
  674. [00:37] <Mirakel> "is there any date and time on"
  675. [00:37] <_Story_Teller_> +End of message, PS: I'll be back Willow'+
  676. [00:37] <Nivea> *approaches and read*
  677. [00:37] <Nivea> "… Willow?"
  678. [00:37] <Mirakel> (maksudnya ngecek log terakhir dia itu ada jamnya nggak?)
  679. [00:37] <Nivea> *waiting for reaction*
  680. [00:38] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nengok k kucing* "Willow?" ( TAT)
  681. [00:38] <Mirakel> (berapa lama yang lalu)
  682. [00:38] <_Story_Teller_> "nyan!" OwO
  683. [00:38] <Mirakel> "Willow..?"
  684. [00:38] <Kamal_A> "..."
  685. [00:38] <Mirakel> *nengok ke kucing*
  686. [00:38] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...So you're willow?" ( TAT)o- *point kucing*
  687. [00:38] <Nivea> "… Ah, Master Mirakel , while you're at it, please also check the affiliation and other records of the Shuttle."
  688. [00:38] <_Story_Teller_> +Willow was named in its belt+
  689. [00:38] <Mirakel> "affirmative"
  690. [00:38] <Nivea> "..."
  691. [00:38] <Mirakel> *check system log shuttle ini*
  692. [00:38] <Nivea> *cariin pakannya dulu deh buat willow*
  693. [00:38] <Nivea> *at the shuttle*
  694. [00:39] <Nivea> ( brb bentar jg )
  695. [00:39] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...So.. The guy in this ship... Is going to kill this heretic guy?" (TAT )
  696. [00:39] <Mirakel> (boleh tech use?)
  697. [00:39] <Kamal_A> *jaga di luar shuttle*
  698. [00:39] <_Story_Teller_> +its an imperial navy shuttle+
  699. [00:39] <Mirakel> *colok kabel dari spinal cord jack ke control panelnya *kalau ada* *
  700. [00:40] <_Story_Teller_> "Nyaaan--!" OwO
  701. [00:40] <_Story_Teller_> Mirakel, Tech use Test!
  702. [00:40] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *coba pegang si willow* ( TAT) *pake tangan kiri yg g pake power fist*
  703. [00:40] <Mirakel> !dtest 88
  704. [00:40] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Mirakel and Result is 1 / 88
  705. [00:40] <@_KHORNE_> Too bad, Mirakel Succeed with 8 Degree of Success
  706. [00:40] <@_KHORNE_> Hit Location(s): Head (then Head, Right Arm, Body, Left Arm, furthers are Body)
  707. [00:40] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *pats maksudnya* ( TAT)-o
  708. [00:41] <Kamal_A> (mantap)
  709. [00:41] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (gile)
  710. [00:41] <Mirakel> (wut wat)
  711. [00:41] <Mirakel> (usb 3.0 bro)
  712. [00:41] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (USB 4.0 dooong)
  713. [00:41] <_Story_Teller_> Mirakel, you knew this is an imperial navy. probably also sent to find this fugitive
  714. [00:42] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *masih mencoba pegang willow* ( TAT)-o
  715. [00:42] <Mirakel> (belum keluar)
  716. [00:42] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (jaman 40k udah *plak* *sotoy*)
  717. [00:42] <_Story_Teller_> +No contact to their ship anymore+
  718. [00:43] <_Story_Teller_> Willow tries to reach Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver
  719. [00:43] <Mirakel> *share informasi ke semua*
  720. [00:43] <_Story_Teller_> OwO)>
  721. [00:43] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> ( TAT)-o "Ho!" *kaget dideketin* *terpana*
  722. [00:43] <Nivea> "… Navy?"
  723. [00:43] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...Berdiri..?" ( TAT)
  724. [00:43] <Nivea> "… when was the last entry?"
  725. [00:44] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...The cat stands!" (|||TAT)-o *kaget*
  726. [00:44] <_Story_Teller_> +An hour ago+
  727. [00:44] <Nivea> *microbeads Kamal_A * "Anything interesting?"
  728. [00:44] <Mirakel> ".... an hour ago"
  729. [00:44] <_Story_Teller_> +Entry about his logs and message to his beloved xeno cat+
  730. [00:45] <Mirakel> @Kucing: "no worry, little one, cavalry's here" :)
  731. [00:45] <Nivea> "… He might be not that far; and if he is from Imperial Navy, we should help him."
  732. [00:45] <Kamal_A> *microbeads* "None" @Nivea
  733. [00:45] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *pats pelan saja ke Willow kalo ngga digigit* ( TAT)-o
  734. [00:45] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Now, we should help brother-in-war, Willow's master" (TAT ) *nods*
  735. [00:45] <_Story_Teller_> "Nyaaan" (=wO
  736. [00:45] <Nivea> *microbeads* "We might need to follow the Navy who went to the jungle."
  737. [00:46] <Nivea> *siap2 gerak-- muter biar gak ganggu willow*
  738. [00:46] <Nivea> *keluar*
  739. [00:46] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *kalo nivea ga nemu makanan willow, cari dl, taro, dan baru jalan keluar*
  740. [00:46] <_Story_Teller_> +What will you do now? Enter the jungle?+
  741. [00:46] <Mirakel> "can we trace the footsteps?"
  742. [00:46] <Mirakel> "or trails?"
  743. [00:46] <_Story_Teller_> *munch2*OwO
  744. [00:47] <_Story_Teller_> +Nivea, you remember you saw footsstep, into the jungle+
  745. [00:47] <Nivea> "We can try." *sambil lihat Servo-Skulls* "what can he do, Master Mirakel ?"
  746. [00:47] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *pastiin pintu shuttle ketutup biar ngga keluar si Willow*
  747. [00:47] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *lalu ngikut yg lain* "Where to?" ( TAT)
  748. [00:47] <Mirakel> "it... uh..."
  749. [00:47] <Nivea> "I saw footsteps, so maybe we can follow them." @Kamal_A Mirakel Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver 
  750. [00:48] <Mirakel> "it can float in a close proximity, taking pictures and recording sound..."
  751. [00:48] <Mirakel> "for now"
  752. [00:48] <Kamal_A> "Great, let's not waste time here then"
  753. [00:48] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods* "Let's go then. Better make it quick" ( TAT)
  754. [00:48] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Lead the way, Nivea" ( TAT)
  755. [00:48] <_Story_Teller_> +You Entered the jungle+
  756. [00:48] <Nivea> *nods*
  757. [00:48] <Mirakel> *boots disuruh scouting dulu deh*
  758. [00:48] <Nivea> *enters and showing the footsteps*
  759. [00:48] <_Story_Teller_> (boots itu.. servo skull?)
  760. [00:49] <Nivea> ( pengen nunjukin footstep ke servo-skull jg, mayan kali2 dia ada tracing-nya wkwk )
  761. [00:49] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (nama servo skull-nya @ _Story_Teller_)
  762. [00:49] <_Story_Teller_> (ah ok =w=b)
  763. [00:49] <Mirakel> (iya)
  764. [00:49] <Mirakel> (sobat explorer *plaaak* )
  765. [00:50] <Mirakel> (wkwkwk belom ngecek dia bisa apa sih cup)
  766. [00:50] <_Story_Teller_> +Mirakel, Boots need some help, Tech use Test!+
  767. [00:50] <Mirakel> !dtest 88
  768. [00:50] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Mirakel and Result is 2 / 88
  769. [00:50] <@_KHORNE_> Too bad, Mirakel Succeed with 8 Degree of Success
  770. [00:50] <@_KHORNE_> Hit Location(s): Right Arm (then Right Arm, Body, Head, Body, furthers are Right Arm)
  771. [00:50] <Mirakel> (coba tanya ke penonton)
  772. [00:50] <Mirakel> ("dimanakah swiper?")
  773. [00:50] <Kamal_A> (O_O)
  774. [00:51] <_Story_Teller_> +Boots find something, the trail goes on to a dark jungle+
  775. [00:51] <_Story_Teller_> +And now, there is more footstep+
  776. [00:51] <Nivea> "… Extra footsteps."
  777. [00:51] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "" ( TAT)
  778. [00:51] <Kamal_A> "..."
  779. [00:52] <Nivea> ( extra berapa, _Story_Teller_ ? )
  780. [00:52] <_Story_Teller_> (extra wut?)
  781. [00:52] <_Story_Teller_> +Boots also find a trace of blood+
  782. [00:53] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (extra footstepsnya kayaknya)
  783. [00:53] <_Story_Teller_> +Blood, and four footsteps, and one footsteps that is.. gone..+
  784. [00:53] <Mirakel> (masih fresh?)
  785. [00:53] <Mirakel> "....."
  786. [00:53] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "....Blood...?" ( TAT)
  787. [00:53] <_Story_Teller_> +The blood is still fresh+
  788. [00:54] <Nivea> "… Follow the four footsteps?"
  789. [00:54] <Mirakel> (bisa coba logic..?)
  790. [00:54] <Kamal_A> "Things doesn't look so good now..."
  791. [00:54] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Better be hurry" ( TAT)
  792. [00:54] <Nivea> "…"
  793. [00:54] <Mirakel> (orang ini kena ambush kah?)
  794. [00:54] <Nivea> *follows the footsteps*
  795. [00:54] <Nivea> ( eh lagu masih sama? )
  796. [00:54] <_Story_Teller_> (wait)
  797. [00:55] <_Story_Teller_> Play:
  798. [00:55] <_Story_Teller_> +You make yourself go into the dark jungle+
  799. [00:56] <_Story_Teller_> =Ready for shootout? Roll initiatives!=
  800. [00:56] <Nivea> ( darn wilderness )
  801. [00:56] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (ready =3=/)
  802. [00:56] <Mirakel> (gah)
  803. [00:56] <Nivea> !dtens 2 Initiative, due to wilderness
  804. [00:56] <@_KHORNE_> Rolling d10 + 2 for Nivea and Result is 9 + 2 = 11
  805. [00:56] <Kamal_A> (siap gan)
  806. [00:57] <Mirakel> (efeknya apa..?)
  807. [00:57] <Mirakel> (ah ok)
  808. [00:57] <_Story_Teller_> (weit awa jg ngga tau, itu origin path?)
  809. [00:57] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> !dtens 2
  810. [00:57] <@_KHORNE_> Rolling d10 + 2 for Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver and Result is 9 + 2 = 11
  811. [00:57] <Kamal_A> !roll 1d10+5
  812. [00:57] * @_KHORNE_ "What 1d10+5? Kamal_A [5] + 5 = 10"
  813. [00:57] <Mirakel> !dtens 4
  814. [00:57] <@_KHORNE_> Rolling d10 + 4 for Mirakel and Result is 6 + 4 = 10
  815. [00:58] <_Story_Teller_> (urutannya boleh minta tolong dibantu? >_<)
  816. [00:58] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> ( _Story_Teller_ maaf awa salah)
  817. [00:58] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (kudunya +3 OAO||| jadinya 12 OAO/)
  818. [00:58] <Nivea> -- Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver - Nivea - Kamal_A - Mirakel --
  819. [00:58] <_Story_Teller_> !dtest 30
  820. [00:58] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for _Story_Teller_ and Result is 54 / 30
  821. [00:58] <@_KHORNE_> Oh nice, _Story_Teller_ Failed with 2 Degree of Failure
  822. [00:58] <_Story_Teller_> eh
  823. [00:58] <Nivea> ( eh tapi musuh belum tahu; itu 12 - 11 - 10 -10 )
  824. [00:58] <_Story_Teller_> !dtens 3
  825. [00:58] <@_KHORNE_> Rolling d10 + 3 for _Story_Teller_ and Result is 8 + 3 = 11
  826. [00:59] <_Story_Teller_> +oh and positions? Assault--Tactical--Support?+
  827. [00:59] <Mirakel> (tactical)
  828. [00:59] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (ASSAULT OAO)g)
  829. [00:59] <Nivea> !roll 1d2
  830. [00:59] * @_KHORNE_ "What 1d2? Nivea [2] = 2"
  831. [01:00] <_Story_Teller_> -- Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver - Nivea -Heretics- Kamal_A - Mirakel --
  832. [01:00] <Nivea> ( Tactical )
  833. [01:00] <Kamal_A> (Assault)
  834. [01:01] <_Story_Teller_> +Kamal_A-Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver-------Nivea Mirakel------+
  835. [01:01] <_Story_Teller_> + Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver 's Turn! +
  836. [01:01] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (what did I see?)
  837. [01:01] <_Story_Teller_> +You saw four Heretics, with one man with uniforms on the ground+
  838. [01:02] <Kamal_A> "!"
  839. [01:02] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "....HOW DARE YOU!!!" ( TAT) *bisa charge dan gebuk salah1 heretics?*
  840. [01:02] <_Story_Teller_> +Bloodied+
  841. [01:02] <_Story_Teller_> (boleh)
  842. [01:03] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (berarti roll ya _Story_Teller_ =3=/)
  843. [01:03] <_Story_Teller_> (sila)
  844. [01:03] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> !dtest 54
  845. [01:03] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver and Result is 99 / 54
  846. [01:03] <@_KHORNE_> Oh nice, Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver Failed with 4 Degree of Failure
  847. [01:03] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (GILA OAO)
  848. [01:03] <Nivea> ( charge +10 .. lupakan )
  849. [01:03] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (reroll =w=/)
  850. [01:03] <_Story_Teller_> (wut, ok..)
  851. [01:03] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (eh +10? jadi... 64?)
  852. [01:03] <Nivea> ( iya )
  853. [01:03] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> !dtest 64
  854. [01:03] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver and Result is 98 / 64
  855. [01:03] <@_KHORNE_> Oh nice, Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver Failed with 3 Degree of Failure
  856. [01:03] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (egeblek)
  857. [01:04] <_Story_Teller_> (nyan! OwO)
  858. [01:04] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *free action* "Kamal! Take on the others!" ( TAT)o- *+10 ke kamal buat nyerang nanti*
  859. [01:04] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> -done-
  860. [01:04] <_Story_Teller_> +Nivea's turn!+
  861. [01:04] <Nivea> ( senjata pada apa, _Story_Teller_ ? )
  862. [01:04] <Kamal_A> "Ok!"
  863. [01:04] <Nivea> ( dan ada yg bisa clear shot dari Tactical? )
  864. [01:04] <Nivea> ( ngincer bbrp kalau bisa )
  865. [01:04] <_Story_Teller_> They use some basic military weaponry
  866. [01:05] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...damn this armour is heavy..." (TAT#) *komen lewat*
  867. [01:05] <_Story_Teller_> +They have no cover actually+
  868. [01:05] <Nivea> ( ada yg agak2 nge group, dan clear shot tanpa kena Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver ? )
  869. [01:05] <_Story_Teller_> (bisa)
  870. [01:05] <Nivea> *Suppressing Fire*
  871. [01:05] <Nivea> ( bisa set sampai.. 45 derajat burst )
  872. [01:06] <_Story_Teller_> (wow.. okehh)
  873. [01:06] <Nivea> ( makanya nanya tanpa kena Ann )
  874. [01:06] <Nivea> ( bebas kena berapa wkwk )
  875. [01:06] <_Story_Teller_> (mereka terpisah beberapa jauh kok)
  876. [01:06] <Nivea> -- Suppressing Fire; targets make a -20 WP test --
  877. [01:06] <_Story_Teller_> (bisa kena 3 kalau pas posisinya)
  878. [01:06] <Nivea> ( ke 3 itu aja, WP test at -20 )
  879. [01:06] <_Story_Teller_> (roll?)
  880. [01:06] <Nivea> ( saya no roll wkwk )
  881. [01:07] <Nivea> ( cuma buang2 peluru )
  882. [01:07] <_Story_Teller_> (WUT, ok)
  883. [01:07] <Nivea> ( yg 3 orang roll WP at -20 )
  884. [01:07] <_Story_Teller_> (done?)
  885. [01:07] <Nivea> ( err, kalau gagal, mereka Pinned )
  886. [01:07] <Nivea> ( oh wait, dapet free BS 1x )
  887. [01:07] <Nivea> !dtest 29
  888. [01:07] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Nivea and Result is 12 / 29
  889. [01:07] <@_KHORNE_> Too bad, Nivea Succeed with 1 Degree of Success
  890. [01:07] <@_KHORNE_> Hit Location(s): Left Arm (then Left Arm, Body, Head, Body, furthers are Left Arm)
  891. [01:07] <Nivea> ( wut )
  892. [01:07] <Nivea> ( kena 2 .. )
  893. [01:07] <_Story_Teller_> (damage)
  894. [01:08] <Nivea> !dtens 4 penetration 0
  895. [01:08] <@_KHORNE_> Rolling d10 + 4 for Nivea and Result is 5 + 4 = 9
  896. [01:08] <Nivea> !dtens 4 penetration 0
  897. [01:08] <@_KHORNE_> Rolling d10 + 4 for Nivea and Result is 5 + 4 = 9
  898. [01:08] <Nivea> ( sekian )
  899. [01:08] <_Story_Teller_> (dua mati)
  900. [01:08] <_Story_Teller_> (satu roll WP?)
  901. [01:08] <Nivea> ( iya )
  902. [01:08] <_Story_Teller_> !dtest 25
  903. [01:08] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for _Story_Teller_ and Result is 37 / 25
  904. [01:08] <@_KHORNE_> Oh nice, _Story_Teller_ Failed with 1 Degree of Failure
  905. [01:08] <Nivea> ( nanti cuma bisa Half Action )
  906. [01:08] <_Story_Teller_> +They.. oh he is pinned to the ground+
  907. [01:09] <_Story_Teller_> +Heretics Turn!+
  908. [01:09] <_Story_Teller_> (pinned bisa ngapain?)
  909. [01:09] <Mirakel> (half action kalau nda salah)
  910. [01:10] <Nivea> ( Half Action )
  911. [01:10] <Nivea> ( so.. nembak 1x )
  912. [01:10] <Nivea> ( atau move )
  913. [01:10] <Nivea> ( ga bisa burst… yg pasti )
  914. [01:10] <_Story_Teller_> +pinned Heretics try to flee+
  915. [01:10] <_Story_Teller_> +Hardly moving because of Nivea's deadly shots+
  916. [01:11] <_Story_Teller_> +The other one.. Attacks Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver with guns+
  917. [01:11] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> ( TAT) "!"
  918. [01:11] <_Story_Teller_> (BS klo engage jd +/- brp?)
  919. [01:11] <Nivea> ( kalau pistol bisa aman )
  920. [01:11] <Nivea> ( kalau basic, ga bisa.. )
  921. [01:12] <Nivea> ( plg aman anggap ada melee attachement ala bayonet, jadi WS )
  922. [01:12] <_Story_Teller_> (ok)
  923. [01:12] <_Story_Teller_> +but, he use it's bayonet!+
  924. [01:13] <_Story_Teller_> !dtest 25
  925. [01:13] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for _Story_Teller_ and Result is 7 / 25
  926. [01:13] <@_KHORNE_> Too bad, _Story_Teller_ Succeed with 1 Degree of Success
  927. [01:13] <@_KHORNE_> Hit Location(s): Body (then Body, Left Arm, Head, Right Arm, furthers are Body)
  928. [01:13] <Kamal_A> (wew)
  929. [01:13] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> hoh)
  930. [01:13] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (roll... refractor dl ya _Story_Teller_ =3=/)
  931. [01:13] <_Story_Teller_> (damagenya..)
  932. [01:13] <_Story_Teller_> (ok)
  933. [01:13] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> !dtest 30
  934. [01:13] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver and Result is 71 / 30
  935. [01:13] <@_KHORNE_> Oh nice, Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver Failed with 4 Degree of Failure
  936. [01:13] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (lol masuk)
  937. [01:14] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "KHHH!" (||TAT)
  938. [01:14] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (sila demej =w=/)
  939. [01:15] <_Story_Teller_> !roll 1d10
  940. [01:15] * @_KHORNE_ "What 1d10? _Story_Teller_ [9] = 9"
  941. [01:15] <_Story_Teller_> (9 damage to Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver)
  942. [01:15] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (hoh.. dikurang armor 8, dkurang toughness 4...)
  943. [01:15] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (*clink*) "...KHHH!" ( TAT) *melotot*
  944. [01:16] <_Story_Teller_> (power armor ya)
  945. [01:16] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (iya =w=/)
  946. [01:16] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "That tickles.." ( TAT) *melotot*
  947. [01:16] <_Story_Teller_> Kamal_A's Turn
  948. [01:16] <Kamal_A> "Captain!"
  949. [01:16] <Kamal_A> (bisa charge ke yang nyerang Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver ?)
  950. [01:16] <Nivea> ( wew, +30 dong )
  951. [01:16] <_Story_Teller_> +There are still one person engaging Ann, the other tries to flee+
  952. [01:17] <Kamal_A> (=w=b)
  953. [01:17] <Nivea> ( +10 charge, +10 ganging up, +10 dari Captain )
  954. [01:17] <_Story_Teller_> (mati saja.. coba roll dulu)
  955. [01:17] <Kamal_A> (woke)
  956. [01:17] <Kamal_A> (eh, ini heretics ya?)
  957. [01:17] <_Story_Teller_> (yups)
  958. [01:18] <Kamal_A> (oh sedap jadi +40)
  959. [01:18] <Nivea> ( +10 lagi… )
  960. [01:18] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (weeew OAO)
  961. [01:18] <Kamal_A> (terlalu lah ini kalau gagal)
  962. [01:18] <_Story_Teller_> (sila)
  963. [01:18] <Nivea> ( jinx! )
  964. [01:18] <Kamal_A> !dtest 75
  965. [01:18] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Kamal_A and Result is 56 / 75
  966. [01:18] <@_KHORNE_> Too bad, Kamal_A Succeed with 1 Degree of Success
  967. [01:18] <@_KHORNE_> Hit Location(s): Body (then Body, Left Arm, Head, Right Arm, furthers are Body)
  968. [01:18] <Mirakel> (wah)
  969. [01:18] <Mirakel> (jangan!)
  970. [01:18] <Mirakel> (oh amin)
  971. [01:18] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (wohooo \(OAO)/)
  972. [01:18] <Nivea> ( oh untung )
  973. [01:18] <Kamal_A> (weew)
  974. [01:18] <Kamal_A> *meluncur*
  975. [01:18] <_Story_Teller_> (ok damage)
  976. [01:19] <Kamal_A> !roll 1d10+10
  977. [01:19] * @_KHORNE_ "What 1d10+10? Kamal_A [5] + 10 = 15"
  978. [01:19] <Kamal_A> (15 demej, Pen 5)
  979. [01:19] <_Story_Teller_> (mati kok)
  980. [01:19] <Kamal_A> *tebaskepala*
  981. [01:19] <Kamal_A> *done*
  982. [01:19] <_Story_Teller_> Mirakel 's Turn!
  983. [01:20] <Kamal_A> (brb wc)
  984. [01:20] <Nivea> "He can report if he escape."
  985. [01:20] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...Don't let him escape!" ( TAT)
  986. [01:20] <Mirakel> full auto desu
  987. [01:20] <_Story_Teller_> +The last one tried to flee but very slowly, avoiding Nivea-- and Full burst from Mirakel!!+
  988. [01:21] <Mirakel> "... roger that, Padre, bypass the system"
  989. [01:21] <Mirakel> !dtest 76
  990. [01:21] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Mirakel and Result is 37 / 76
  991. [01:21] <@_KHORNE_> Too bad, Mirakel Succeed with 3 Degree of Success
  992. [01:21] <@_KHORNE_> Hit Location(s): Right Leg (then Right Leg, Body, Right Arm, Head, furthers are Body)
  993. [01:21] <Mirakel> !dtest 35
  994. [01:21] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Mirakel and Result is 79 / 35
  995. [01:21] <@_KHORNE_> Oh nice, Mirakel Failed with 4 Degree of Failure
  996. [01:21] <Mirakel> ... 1fatigue
  997. [01:21] <Mirakel> well
  998. [01:21] <Mirakel> itu jadi 4 hit ya?
  999. [01:21] <_Story_Teller_> (ok)
  1000. [01:22] <_Story_Teller_> (langsung mati kyknya...)
  1001. [01:22] <Mirakel> !roll 8d10+16
  1002. [01:22] * @_KHORNE_ "What 8d10+16? Mirakel [9+5+10+1+7+7+4+1=44] + 16 = 60"
  1003. [01:22] <Mirakel> begitu bukan sih?
  1004. [01:22] <Mirakel> atau dipisah?
  1005. [01:22] <Nivea> ( dipisah2 sih.. tapi.. )
  1006. [01:22] <Nivea> ( bucrat? )
  1007. [01:22] <Mirakel> (yaaa.. biar agak cepat?)
  1008. [01:23] <_Story_Teller_> +The last heretic was blown into pieces, Mirakel shot each pieces so it becomes smaller pieces+
  1009. [01:23] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...Pfew..." ( TAT)
  1010. [01:23] <Mirakel> ".... that was.... a bit excessive..."
  1011. [01:23] <_Story_Teller_> +Encounter Ends, there is one more person, hurt+
  1012. [01:24] <Nivea> "Capt'Ann, the Naval officer?"
  1013. [01:24] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *buru2 deketin*
  1014. [01:24] <Nivea> *secure perimeter*
  1015. [01:24] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *ambil medikit* *medicae check* "On it" ( TAT)
  1016. [01:24] <Mirakel> "ah... covering"
  1017. [01:24] <Nivea> *lower visor and active search of ambushes*
  1018. [01:25] <_Story_Teller_> +He's still breathing+
  1019. [01:25] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *roll medicae? O_O @ _Story_Teller_*
  1020. [01:25] <_Story_Teller_> +Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver, Medicae Test!+
  1021. [01:26] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (medikit + 20 kan?)
  1022. [01:26] <Nivea> ( +20 )
  1023. [01:26] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> !dtest 62
  1024. [01:26] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver and Result is 38 / 62
  1025. [01:26] <@_KHORNE_> Too bad, Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver Succeed with 2 Degree of Success
  1026. [01:26] <@_KHORNE_> Hit Location(s): Right Leg (then Right Leg, Body, Right Arm, Head, furthers are Body)
  1027. [01:26] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> ( *pfew* )
  1028. [01:26] <_Story_Teller_> +The man awakes, but..+
  1029. [01:26] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...Hoh.. Thank God.." ( TAT) *sambil cek kondisi si org*
  1030. [01:27] <_Story_Teller_> +Everyone! WP Test!+
  1031. [01:27] <_Story_Teller_> (Fear(2))
  1032. [01:27] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (WP?)
  1033. [01:27] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (fear 2 natural?)
  1034. [01:27] <_Story_Teller_> (natural)
  1035. [01:27] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *jaded*
  1036. [01:27] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> ( TAT) "!!!"
  1037. [01:27] <Kamal_A> "!"
  1038. [01:27] <Nivea> *spend FP dulu deh biar +10*
  1039. [01:27] <Nivea> !dtest 36
  1040. [01:27] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Nivea and Result is 8 / 36
  1041. [01:27] <@_KHORNE_> Too bad, Nivea Succeed with 2 Degree of Success
  1042. [01:27] <@_KHORNE_> Hit Location(s): Right Leg (then Right Leg, Body, Right Arm, Head, furthers are Body)
  1043. [01:27] <Kamal_A> !dtest 48
  1044. [01:27] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Kamal_A and Result is 6 / 48
  1045. [01:27] <@_KHORNE_> Too bad, Kamal_A Succeed with 4 Degree of Success
  1046. [01:27] <@_KHORNE_> Hit Location(s): Body (then Body, Left Arm, Head, Right Arm, furthers are Body)
  1047. [01:27] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "STAY FOCUS GUYS!" ( TAT)
  1048. [01:27] <Kamal_A> (holy yeah)
  1049. [01:28] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *Sambil agak mundur sedikit* ( TAT)
  1050. [01:28] <_Story_Teller_> +The man immedieately reaches one of his pistol, and shot himself in the head. Saying"For The God-Emperor.."+
  1051. [01:28] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "EH???" ( TAT) *kaget*
  1052. [01:29] <Nivea> "…!"
  1053. [01:29] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *ga bisa ditahan? @ _Story_Teller_
  1054. [01:29] <Kamal_A> "What the..."
  1055. [01:29] <Nivea> ( lagu masih sama? )
  1056. [01:29] <_Story_Teller_> +What do yo do now?+
  1057. [01:29] <_Story_Teller_> Play NONE
  1058. [01:29] <Nivea> "… What happened?"
  1059. [01:29] <Kamal_A> *cek identitas yang bunuh diri*
  1060. [01:29] <Nivea> *scout around*
  1061. [01:29] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (jadi mati...? mati ti ti..?)
  1062. [01:29] <Mirakel> "....."
  1063. [01:30] <_Story_Teller_> +Nivea, Awareness Test!+
  1064. [01:30] <Mirakel> *scanning*
  1065. [01:30] <Nivea> !dtest 50
  1066. [01:30] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Nivea and Result is 7 / 50
  1067. [01:30] <@_KHORNE_> Too bad, Nivea Succeed with 4 Degree of Success
  1068. [01:30] <@_KHORNE_> Hit Location(s): Body (then Body, Left Arm, Head, Right Arm, furthers are Body)
  1069. [01:30] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (... berarti.. tadi nembak darah kena.. Ann..? <_<|||)
  1070. [01:30] <Mirakel> (eh wp_
  1071. [01:30] <Mirakel> !dtest 32
  1072. [01:30] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Mirakel and Result is 1 / 32
  1073. [01:30] <@_KHORNE_> Too bad, Mirakel Succeed with 3 Degree of Success
  1074. [01:30] <@_KHORNE_> Hit Location(s): Head (then Head, Right Arm, Body, Left Arm, furthers are Body)
  1075. [01:30] <_Story_Teller_> (oh kena, eh how corruption works again?)
  1076. [01:30] <Kamal_A> (GGWP)
  1077. [01:31] <Nivea> ( eh? depends on the source )
  1078. [01:31] <Nivea> ( kalau daemons biasanya ada di keterangannya, nambah berapa )
  1079. [01:31] <_Story_Teller_> +Nivea, you found out that this man is, was an Imperial Navy+
  1080. [01:31] <Nivea> ( lain dari itu, harus dari PC yg actively sengaja, biasanya )
  1081. [01:31] <_Story_Teller_> +There is some books lying on the ground in front of him+
  1082. [01:32] <Nivea> ( btw yg cek identitas itu Kamal_A , _Story_Teller_ )
  1083. [01:33] <_Story_Teller_> (eh salah sori)
  1084. [01:33] <Mirakel> *suruh boots ngecek dan foto*
  1085. [01:33] <_Story_Teller_> +Kamal_A found out, that this man, was forced to do something. With the books preferably+
  1086. [01:33] <Kamal_A> "..."
  1087. [01:34] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *bebersih darah yg td muncrat* "..kkhhh.." ( TA \)
  1088. [01:34] <Kamal_A> "Someone, check that book..."
  1089. [01:34] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "..Hmm..?"
  1090. [01:34] <Mirakel> "Affirmative, sir Kamal"
  1091. [01:34] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *cek bukunya* ( T_T)-o
  1092. [01:34] <Nivea> "… Book?"
  1093. [01:34] <Kamal_A> "But.... be careful"
  1094. [01:34] <Nivea> "… Wait.."
  1095. [01:34] <Mirakel> *suruh si boots dulu aja ngecek*
  1096. [01:34] <Nivea> "Capt'Ann, I heard you--"
  1097. [01:34] <Mirakel> *dia bisa ngangkat yang enteng2 kan?*
  1098. [01:34] <_Story_Teller_> +Boots checked the books+
  1099. [01:34] <Nivea> ( wew culas )
  1100. [01:34] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (*dah declare cek sih =w=)> *tehe* *maaf*)
  1101. [01:34] <_Story_Teller_> +Mirakel, make a Tech Use Test+
  1102. [01:35] <Mirakel> !dtest 78
  1103. [01:35] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Mirakel and Result is 87 / 78
  1104. [01:35] <@_KHORNE_> Oh nice, Mirakel Failed with 0 Degree of Failure
  1105. [01:35] <Mirakel> reroll deh
  1106. [01:35] <Mirakel> !dtest 78
  1107. [01:35] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Mirakel and Result is 10 / 78
  1108. [01:35] <@_KHORNE_> Too bad, Mirakel Succeed with 6 Degree of Success
  1109. [01:35] <@_KHORNE_> Hit Location(s): Head (then Head, Right Arm, Body, Left Arm, furthers are Body)
  1110. [01:35] <Mirakel> "..... concentrate...."
  1111. [01:36] <_Story_Teller_> (ok)
  1112. [01:36] <_Story_Teller_> +Boots took the data from these books+
  1113. [01:37] <Kamal_A> "How is it Sir Mirakel ?"
  1114. [01:37] <_Story_Teller_> +Want to check anyone?+
  1115. [01:37] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> ( mau =3=/)
  1116. [01:38] <Nivea> *bisa nahan Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver ?*
  1117. [01:38] <_Story_Teller_> (WP test?)
  1118. [01:38] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Anything interesting?" ( TAT) *sambil siap2 mau cek*
  1119. [01:38] <Nivea> "--!"
  1120. [01:38] <Mirakel> *dipastikan aman dulu*
  1121. [01:38] <_Story_Teller_> +Ann tried to che-- but stopped by Nivea+
  1122. [01:38] <Mirakel> "to be honest..."
  1123. [01:39] <Mirakel> "i suggest we check it with the help of..."
  1124. [01:39] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...Ho?" (TAT ) *liat nivea nahan*
  1125. [01:39] <Nivea> "… I am sorry, Capt'Ann. It might be dangerous."
  1126. [01:39] <Mirakel> "someone who are proficient in... this.."
  1127. [01:39] <Kamal_A> "With the help of..?"
  1128. [01:39] <Kamal_A> "Ah.."
  1129. [01:39] <Mirakel> "perhaps the Ecchlesary?"
  1130. [01:39] <Nivea> "… It might be the property of the Heretics."
  1131. [01:39] <Kamal_A> "Yes, I agree with Nivea , this might be dangerous"
  1132. [01:39] <Mirakel> *nods*
  1133. [01:39] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> ( TAT)q "..Hmm... Don't we have any missionary on Holy Grail?"
  1134. [01:39] <Nivea> ( eh tadi… yg seputar dia dipaksa baca itu.. Nivea tahu kan? )
  1135. [01:40] <_Story_Teller_> +Nivea knows about the forced activity+
  1136. [01:40] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...But..." ( TAT) *liat navy mati* "..What about Willows..?"
  1137. [01:40] <Nivea> "… Maybe Miss Dersand from Le Parque; I remember she had close contacts with Ecclesiarchy."
  1138. [01:40] <_Story_Teller_> +Nivea and Kamal_A knows+
  1139. [01:40] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Ah.. Decima does to.. That weird doctor.." ( TAT)
  1140. [01:40] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "He helps me with the weird book before.." ( TAT)
  1141. [01:40] <Nivea> "… We'll take.. care.. of Willow, maybe."
  1142. [01:41] <Nivea> "… But for now I have the urge to hunt more heretics.. Please forgive me."
  1143. [01:41] <Kamal_A> "Same here"
  1144. [01:41] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods* "Don't worry. Who doesn't Nivea?" *grins*
  1145. [01:41] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> ( TAT) "Now.. We should make sure the area is clear from heretics."
  1146. [01:42] <Nivea> "… Master Mirakel is from Le Parque, right?"
  1147. [01:42] * _just_blablabla_ is now known as _just_Aly_
  1148. [01:42] <Mirakel> *nods to Nivea*
  1149. [01:42] <_Story_Teller_> +Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver, you notice that this is also a new system+
  1150. [01:42] <Mirakel> "that is correct, miss"
  1151. [01:42] <Mirakel> "oh.. Decima"
  1152. [01:42] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...This is a new system as well.. Might chart this area on the starchart.." ( TAT)
  1153. [01:43] <_Story_Teller_> +A 'Habitable planet with fill of life'+
  1154. [01:43] <_Story_Teller_> +play
  1155. [01:43] <_Story_Teller_> (fill-> full)
  1156. [01:44] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...I wonder if we should claim this area or not.. Since this area is supposed to be secret.." ( TAT)a
  1157. [01:44] <Nivea> "… Let us clean this planet-- moon, from heretics first. Then we can check whether Company can enlist this place or not."
  1158. [01:44] <_Story_Teller_> (FF back to ship?)
  1159. [01:44] <Mirakel> "...i suggest we should report first, Captain Ann?"
  1160. [01:44] <Nivea> ( FF ke Shuttle hunting for Heretics )
  1161. [01:44] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "AH, then we can give the book to Mira so he can give it to Claris?" (TAT )
  1162. [01:44] <Kamal_A> (FF siap nyupir shuttle)
  1163. [01:44] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods* @ Mirakel
  1164. [01:44] <Mirakel> "affirmative, Captain Ann"
  1165. [01:45] <Mirakel> (siap FF)
  1166. [01:45] <Mirakel> ".. and..."
  1167. [01:45] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (FF siap ke shuttle hunting for more heretics)
  1168. [01:45] <Mirakel> "what about Willow, Captain?"
  1169. [01:45] <Nivea> "… I do not mind, please inform us about the results too."
  1170. [01:45] <_Story_Teller_> +And for Willow? What will you do Explorer?+
  1171. [01:45] <Nivea> ( FF ke shuttle satunya )
  1172. [01:45] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Should we bring WIllow as well?"
  1173. [01:45] <Mirakel> @Nivea: "acknowledged"
  1174. [01:45] <Nivea> ( Nivea bawa shuttle satunya dulu, sambil siap2 di-report ke Navy )
  1175. [01:45] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "And find things about willow's food.. I.. think I know a bit about xenos.. I hope.." (|||T_T)a
  1176. [01:46] <Nivea> *nods @Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver *
  1177. [01:47] <_Story_Teller_> +Heretics are defeated, and your crew have ensured that they are the fugitives that has been chased+
  1178. [01:47] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "And we should report the shuttle to the navy, Nivea. Can you take care of it?"
  1179. [01:47] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (TAT )
  1180. [01:48] <_Story_Teller_> +The Imperial Navy takes notice of this. This man is a Fleet Captain and his ship was destroyed by something+
  1181. [01:48] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil.. bawa..willow.. kalo ngga ada yg claim dari pihak navy*
  1182. [01:49] <_Story_Teller_> +Nobody took Willow, since every last crew died+
  1183. [01:50] <Nivea> ( kapalnya ada yg investigasi? )
  1184. [01:50] <_Story_Teller_> (mau investigasi?)
  1185. [01:50] <_Story_Teller_> (bisa)
  1186. [01:50] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *liat yg lain* "Is it okay if we took care of Willow..?" (TATa)
  1187. [01:50] <_Story_Teller_> (perlu void suit/power armor. no gravity)
  1188. [01:50] <Mirakel> "of course, captain"
  1189. [01:51] <_Story_Teller_> +You are all inside Holy Grail Now, and there is one ship that is not investigated yet+
  1190. [01:51] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "..But.. Xenos cats is still a xenos..right..?" (TAT ) *liatin Willow* "I wonder if God Emperor will permits this.."
  1191. [01:52] <Nivea> "… Capt'Ann, we might need to investigate the ship first."
  1192. [01:52] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods*
  1193. [01:53] <_Story_Teller_> +FF Investigate the ship?+
  1194. [01:53] <Mirakel> (iya)
  1195. [01:53] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "For now.. I'll put Willow on my room.. Is it okay?" (TAT ) "So Willow won't bother anyone in Holy Grail.."
  1196. [01:54] <_Story_Teller_> +Remember this is a ship wreck, no gravity+
  1197. [01:54] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *taro Willow d Captain's Lounge* *kasih makanan* *tutup pintu dan lanjut investigasi*
  1198. [01:54] <Nivea> *pakai void suit* [Void-accustomed]
  1199. [01:54] <Mirakel> *pakai voidsuit juga*
  1200. [01:55] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *tetep pake power armor* *liat Kamal_A* "Another Zero-G, Kamal.." *grins* ( TwT)
  1201. [01:55] <Kamal_A> "... Hope I could perform well now..."
  1202. [01:55] <Kamal_A> *pake power armor*
  1203. [01:56] <Kamal_A> "...with this power armor"
  1204. [01:56] <Nivea> ( bentar cari gambar lagi *plak* )
  1205. [01:56] <_Story_Teller_> +You all went to The wreck. Which side do you want to investigate? Captains room, Tavern, Quarter, Engine, or Bridge+
  1206. [01:56] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Me too." (TAT )
  1207. [01:56] <Mirakel> (vote buat captain's room dulu)
  1208. [01:56] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "I want to check the captain's room first. They usually have Captain's Log there"
  1209. [01:57] <_Story_Teller_> +Captain's Lounge/Room+
  1210. [01:57] <_Story_Teller_> +Lho' sticks are floating around+
  1211. [01:57] <Kamal_A> *ngikut*
  1212. [01:58] <Nivea> *follows*
  1213. [01:58] <_Story_Teller_> +What do you do inside this room?+
  1214. [01:58] <Nivea> *and make sure to help others to maneuver the Zero-G*
  1215. [01:58] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "..." *liat Lho Stick* *chuckles* "Somehow.. It really feels like an imperial guard room" (TwT ) ( TwT) *sambil celingukan nyari captain's log*
  1216. [01:58] <Mirakel> *control panelnya masih functional?*
  1217. [01:58] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *liat Nivea tampak biasa dengan Zero-G?*
  1218. [01:58] <Nivea> *and secure Perimeter* *use Auspex jg*
  1219. [01:59] <_Story_Teller_> +there is no energy Mirakel+
  1220. [01:59] <Kamal_A> "..."
  1221. [01:59] <Mirakel> "hmm..."
  1222. [01:59] <_Story_Teller_> +Nivea! Make an Awareness Test!+
  1223. [02:00] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *searching for Captain's Log or any other log* (TAT ) ( TAT)
  1224. [02:00] <Nivea> !dtest 70
  1225. [02:00] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Nivea and Result is 70 / 70
  1226. [02:00] <@_KHORNE_> Too bad, Nivea Succeed with 0 Degree of Success
  1227. [02:00] <@_KHORNE_> Hit Location(s): Head (then Head, Right Arm, Body, Left Arm, furthers are Body)
  1228. [02:00] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> ( OAO/ sekolah awa *plak* )
  1229. [02:00] <Mirakel> *laporan ke yang lain mengenai kondisi control panel*
  1230. [02:00] <Kamal_A> "Hmm..."
  1231. [02:00] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Hmm? What's wrong Mira?" *nengok ke Mirakel* (TAT )
  1232. [02:01] <Kamal_A> "At least there is no sign of xenos here right..."
  1233. [02:01] <Mirakel> "the power had been cut off"
  1234. [02:01] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods*
  1235. [02:01] <_Story_Teller_> Nivea, you found lho sticks, lho sticks, tea bags, but there is also a.. dataslate
  1236. [02:01] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Cut off?" ( TAT)
  1237. [02:01] <Kamal_A> "We should be safe investigating this ship"
  1238. [02:01] <Mirakel> "well... rasanya hal yang wajar"
  1239. [02:01] <Nivea> "… Capt'Ann, data-slate found."
  1240. [02:01] <Nivea> *show data-slate*
  1241. [02:01] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Ah! Roger that!" (TAT )"~~~~ *langsung mendekat ke Nivea*
  1242. [02:01] <Mirakel> "pardon, i mean the power is out"
  1243. [02:01] <Mirakel> *nods*
  1244. [02:01] <_Story_Teller_> +Data slate still can be turned on+
  1245. [02:02] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *cek data-slate kalo diksi Nivea*
  1246. [02:02] <Nivea> *oper data-slate ke Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver *
  1247. [02:03] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *terima data-slate* *nyalain dan cek isinya* (T_T )
  1248. [02:03] <Nivea> "Master Mirakel , is there any way to know what happened to this ship?"
  1249. [02:03] <_Story_Teller_> +Captain's Log. Everybody in here is corrupted.. They.. Do something with their mind.. hmph.. I will hunt those heretics.. +
  1250. [02:04] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...Everybody...Corrupted...?" ( TAT) *sambil swipe2 dan teken tombol check next page dan previous page*
  1251. [02:04] <Nivea> "… Captain Kamal Angelo, any signs of heretics?"
  1252. [02:04] <Mirakel> "uhm... to access the control panel log, we need to turn on the.. power first"
  1253. [02:05] <Mirakel> "perhaps... we could check the engine room later on?"
  1254. [02:05] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (oh.. _Story_Teller_ nanya OAO/ lagu masih sama?)
  1255. [02:05] <Nivea> "Good idea, Master Mirakel."
  1256. [02:05] <_Story_Teller_> +I, have to bomb this ship.. Too many.. I think they are turning.. I think I am. I have to hunt those fugitives.. They are on the Moon..+
  1257. [02:06] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...Wait.. What...?" ( TAT)
  1258. [02:06] <_Story_Teller_> play <>
  1259. [02:06] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil masih baca* *lanjut swipe swipe*
  1260. [02:07] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...The captain is the one who bombed this ship...?"
  1261. [02:08] <_Story_Teller_> +Willow, You are the only one reason i am sane right now.. We will be gone from here, Everyone will be.. save.. They will rest.. And They.. I will kill them personally..+
  1262. [02:09] <_Story_Teller_> +End log+
  1263. [02:09] <_Story_Teller_> +There are no more left on the captains cabin+
  1264. [02:09] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...."
  1265. [02:09] <_Story_Teller_> +*lounge*+
  1266. [02:09] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *gigit bibir* ( T_T)
  1267. [02:09] <Nivea> *bersiap ke Engine Room*
  1268. [02:09] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *matiin slate*
  1269. [02:09] <Mirakel> "Captain, are you ok?"
  1270. [02:10] <_Story_Teller_> +Engine Room+
  1271. [02:10] <Nivea> "Capt'Ann?"
  1272. [02:10] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *geleng pelan* "I'm fine. Let's continue..." ( T~T) *sedikit gigit bibir*
  1273. [02:10] <Mirakel> *ngecek desu*
  1274. [02:10] <_Story_Teller_> +Almost all of the part is destroyed+
  1275. [02:10] <Mirakel> "...affirmative, captain"
  1276. [02:10] <Mirakel> *bisa nyalain emergency power source?*
  1277. [02:10] <_Story_Teller_> +There is an emergency power source safe from explosion+
  1278. [02:10] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *data-slate masih dibawa*
  1279. [02:11] <Nivea> *lanjut jaga perimeter*
  1280. [02:11] <Mirakel> !dtest 78
  1281. [02:11] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Mirakel and Result is 89 / 78
  1282. [02:11] <@_KHORNE_> Oh nice, Mirakel Failed with 1 Degree of Failure
  1283. [02:11] <Mirakel> ... reroll ke 3
  1284. [02:11] <Mirakel> !dtest 78
  1285. [02:11] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Mirakel and Result is 92 / 78
  1286. [02:11] <@_KHORNE_> Oh nice, Mirakel Failed with 1 Degree of Failure
  1287. [02:11] <Mirakel> (ya owoh)
  1288. [02:11] <_Story_Teller_> (oh ok)
  1289. [02:11] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "....Do you need some help, Mira..?" (TAT )
  1290. [02:11] <_Story_Teller_> +Looks like it cannot be powered up+
  1291. [02:11] <Mirakel> "..... i do, Captain..."
  1292. [02:11] <Mirakel> .___.
  1293. [02:11] <Mirakel> "apology"
  1294. [02:12] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil cek power source cadangan* "Maybe.. it should be.. this.. way.." *coba cek juga nyalain @ _Story_Teller_*
  1295. [02:12] <Nivea> "Captain Kamal Angelo, if the.. crews… have turned to the ruinous powers--" @Kamal_A 
  1296. [02:12] <_Story_Teller_> +Mirakel tried again, this time guided by Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver. Make a Tech Use test!+
  1297. [02:12] <Nivea> "… is it safe to check their quarters and taverns?"
  1298. [02:12] <Mirakel> !dtest 88
  1299. [02:12] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Mirakel and Result is 30 / 88
  1300. [02:12] <@_KHORNE_> Too bad, Mirakel Succeed with 5 Degree of Success
  1301. [02:12] <@_KHORNE_> Hit Location(s): Head (then Head, Right Arm, Body, Left Arm, furthers are Body)
  1302. [02:12] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> ( +10 dr aid +10 dr kapten @ Mirakel )
  1303. [02:12] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *TENDANG*
  1304. [02:12] <Mirakel> "... thank you, Ca....ptain..."
  1305. [02:12] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *tendang alatnya* ( T_T)
  1306. [02:12] <Mirakel> ".... benar juga.. percussion maintenance..." OAO
  1307. [02:13] <Mirakel> "Kapten jenius" :D
  1308. [02:13] <_Story_Teller_> *PIIP PIIP*
  1309. [02:13] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> ( TAT) "Hoh.. It succeed like the usual usuall.."
  1310. [02:13] <_Story_Teller_> +Power is on for a while+
  1311. [02:13] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods nods* "No prob.." *nods nods* ( TAT) "now you can do what you have to do, Mira"
  1312. [02:13] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "I'll help" ( TAT)-o
  1313. [02:13] <Mirakel> "affirmative"
  1314. [02:13] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *kalo butuh tech use lagi, aid dan +10 lagi*
  1315. [02:14] <_Story_Teller_> +Check Where now?+
  1316. [02:14] <Kamal_A> (sori, dipanggil ibu barusan)
  1317. [02:14] <Mirakel> (captain's room lagi coba?)
  1318. [02:14] <Mirakel> (tarik data dari cpanel?)
  1319. [02:14] <_Story_Teller_> +Captains room+
  1320. [02:14] <Nivea> "Master Mirakel , please check the Bridge as well"
  1321. [02:14] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (Ann bantuin mira =3=d aid dan +10 ya..)
  1322. [02:14] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (buat tech use.. player brb bntr)
  1323. [02:14] <Kamal_A> "Better stay clear..." @Nivea
  1324. [02:14] <Nivea> "Affirmative."
  1325. [02:15] <_Story_Teller_> +What do you do here?+
  1326. [02:15] <Nivea> ( oh ini jalan lagi ke Captain's Room? )
  1327. [02:15] <Kamal_A> *ngikut Nivea *
  1328. [02:15] <Mirakel> @Nivea: "Acknowledged, miss Nivea*
  1329. [02:15] <_Story_Teller_> (unless Mirakel change his mind?)
  1330. [02:15] <Mirakel> (kalau sekalian lewat, cek juga)
  1331. [02:16] <Nivea> *follows Mirakel *
  1332. [02:16] <Mirakel> (Bridge dulu saja kalau sejalan?)
  1333. [02:16] <_Story_Teller_> (ngga lewat fufufu)
  1334. [02:16] <Mirakel> (Captain's room dulu saja kalau begitu)
  1335. [02:16] <Mirakel> (sama coba download map)
  1336. [02:16] <_Story_Teller_> +Captains room+
  1337. [02:16] <_Story_Teller_> +Control panel is on+
  1338. [02:17] <_Story_Teller_> +Map Downloaded+
  1339. [02:17] <Nivea> ( kalau seputar.. archives of Activity, Travel, and Logistics, bisa dicari? )
  1340. [02:17] <_Story_Teller_> +Anything else you would like to do?+
  1341. [02:17] <_Story_Teller_> (bisa dicari)
  1342. [02:17] <Mirakel> *download log sesuai request Nivea
  1343. [02:18] <Nivea> ( ada Common Lore (Imperial Navy) )
  1344. [02:18] <_Story_Teller_> +Mirakel, WP Test!+
  1345. [02:18] <Nivea> *carefully trying to obtain Activity, Travel, Logistics, and vessel informations*
  1346. [02:18] <Mirakel> mampus
  1347. [02:18] <Mirakel> !dtest 32
  1348. [02:18] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Mirakel and Result is 35 / 32
  1349. [02:18] <@_KHORNE_> Oh nice, Mirakel Failed with 0 Degree of Failure
  1350. [02:19] <_Story_Teller_> +The data, it contains propaganda inside the ship. of Heresy.+
  1351. [02:19] <Mirakel> *cut off secepat mungkin*
  1352. [02:19] <Mirakel> "!"
  1353. [02:20] <Kamal_A> "What happened?" @Mirakel
  1354. [02:20] <Mirakel> coba reroll deh
  1355. [02:20] <Mirakel> "He..ressy.."
  1356. [02:20] <Nivea> *shoot the connection*
  1357. [02:20] <Kamal_A> "!"
  1358. [02:20] <Kamal_A> "I knew it..."
  1359. [02:20] <Kamal_A> "Nice move" @Nivea
  1360. [02:21] <Nivea> ( bisa _Story_Teller_ ? )
  1361. [02:21] <_Story_Teller_> 1 corruption point
  1362. [02:21] <Mirakel> "... thank you"
  1363. [02:21] <Mirakel> (mami..)
  1364. [02:21] <Mirakel> (coba reroll dulu deh)
  1365. [02:21] <Mirakel> (corruption one way ticket soalnya wkwkwk)
  1366. [02:21] <_Story_Teller_> (ok2)
  1367. [02:22] <Mirakel> !dtest 32
  1368. [02:22] <@_KHORNE_> Made a Test for Mirakel and Result is 95 / 32
  1369. [02:22] <@_KHORNE_> Oh nice, Mirakel Failed with 6 Degree of Failure
  1370. [02:22] <Mirakel> oke makin parah
  1371. [02:22] <Mirakel> wkwkwk
  1372. [02:22] <_Story_Teller_> (still, 1 cp saja)
  1373. [02:22] <Mirakel> (oke)
  1374. [02:22] <Mirakel> "......"
  1375. [02:22] <Mirakel> "I...."
  1376. [02:22] <_Story_Teller_> +The Ships data was full of corruption and Conversion propaganda+
  1377. [02:22] <Mirakel> "It's..."
  1378. [02:22] <Nivea> "… This ship is highly contaminated."
  1379. [02:22] <Mirakel> "dangerous"
  1380. [02:22] <Mirakel> *nods*
  1381. [02:22] <Mirakel> "please be advised.."
  1382. [02:22] <_Story_Teller_> +Nivea suceeded in stopping Mirakel+
  1383. [02:22] <Nivea> ( salah, harusnya ? )
  1384. [02:23] <_Story_Teller_> +Mirakel looks a glimpes of what inside+
  1385. [02:23] <Mirakel> "... suggesting... to go back...."
  1386. [02:24] <Nivea> "… Is the power still on?"
  1387. [02:24] <_Story_Teller_> +But Mirakel knows what exactly happens to this ship, it was contaminated by heresy, and the captain left to the planet and destroy the ship.+
  1388. [02:25] <Nivea> "… Let us arrange to send this vessel to drift into that star for good."
  1389. [02:25] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "..."
  1390. [02:25] <_Story_Teller_> +He also got a Starchart for the whole system+
  1391. [02:25] <Mirakel> "..... a..ffirmative..."
  1392. [02:25] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Let's just..."
  1393. [02:25] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Blow this ship into pieces.."
  1394. [02:26] <Kamal_A> "I would gladly do that Capt'"
  1395. [02:26] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "..The way the captain...wants.." ( T_T)
  1396. [02:26] <_Story_Teller_> +Ready to go home? To the Holy Grail+
  1397. [02:26] <Nivea> "… I suggest… to tow it away, and send this vessel drifting towards that star."
  1398. [02:26] <Nivea> "… otherwise it can affect the moon or the gas giant."
  1399. [02:26] <Nivea> ( eh ada star kan? )
  1400. [02:26] <_Story_Teller_> (ada)
  1401. [02:27] <Mirakel> (siap pulang~)
  1402. [02:27] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "..." *nods* "Just... Make sure... This ship... Turns into pieces and can't be obtained by anyone.." ( TAT)
  1403. [02:27] <_Story_Teller_> (but not enough power, you need to use energy to leave the gas giant)
  1404. [02:27] <Nivea> "Affirmative. I will."
  1405. [02:27] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods*
  1406. [02:27] <_Story_Teller_> (gas giant should suffice)
  1407. [02:27] <Kamal_A> "Let's not waste the time and destroy this heretics stuff with Holy Grail weaponry"
  1408. [02:27] <Nivea> ( dilempar ke gas giant aman? )
  1409. [02:27] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "I will take this data slate.." (T_T ) *sambil liat data slate captain* "If it's okay.."
  1410. [02:27] <Nivea> *nods @ Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver *
  1411. [02:28] <Mirakel> *nods ke Ann*
  1412. [02:28] <Mirakel> "it is safe, Captain..."
  1413. [02:28] <_Story_Teller_> (gas giant bisa ancurin kok)
  1414. [02:28] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "..At least.. Willow can have what is left from it's owner.." (T_T )
  1415. [02:28] <Nivea> "… let us set a tow first, so the corruption would not spread to nearby places."
  1416. [02:28] <Nivea> "… or… let us just send it into the gas giant."
  1417. [02:28] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods* "Let's go!" ( TAT)
  1418. [02:28] <Nivea> "that would be enough."
  1419. [02:29] <Nivea> ( FF nge-set biar voidship di..lempar ke Gas Giant, so it can be destroyed "safely" )
  1420. [02:29] <_Story_Teller_> +The Ship, was towed by Holy Grail, enough to move it to the Gas Giant+
  1421. [02:29] <Mirakel> *sebisa mungkin bikin laporan dari pengetahuan yang di dapat, aside from the Chaos and stuff*
  1422. [02:29] <_Story_Teller_> +All of the crews died, but they can rest peacefully at least+
  1423. [02:30] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (FF =3=/)
  1424. [02:30] <Mirakel> (FF~)
  1425. [02:30] <_Story_Teller_> (udah mau abis kok)
  1426. [02:30] <Kamal_A> (FF)
  1427. [02:30] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *kalo dah di holy grail, taro aja data slate di tempat yg bisa dideketin ama di Willow*
  1428. [02:30] <_Story_Teller_> +Episode 2.01 Ends+
  1429. [02:30] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *di captain's lounge*
  1430. [02:30] <_Story_Teller_> (maaf seadanya)
  1431. [02:30] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil ngeliat dari kapal prosesinya*
  1432. [02:30] <Nivea> "… Capt'Ann, what do that animal eat?"
  1433. [02:30] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (makasih _Story_Teller_ \(=w=)/)
  1434. [02:31] <Nivea> ( tq _Story_Teller_ )
  1435. [02:31] <Kamal_A> (sankyu _Story_Teller_ ~)
  1436. [02:31] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...Hmmm.. If I'm not mistaken..." (TAT ) *mencoba inget2*
  1437. [02:31] <Mirakel> (sankyu~)
  1438. [02:31] <Kamal_A> *menenangkan diri di kamar kalau sudah nyampe HG*
  1439. [02:31] <_Story_Teller_> ++++ Objective 01: Defeat Heretics (Military, Creed) + 04: Obtain New Starchart beyond Midgard (Exploration, Trade) +++
  1440. [02:31] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (eh _Story_Teller_ boleh coba forbidden lore [xenos] buat tau Willow makan apa?)
  1441. [02:31] <Mirakel> *laporan ke Ann, Nivea dan Kamal*
  1442. [02:31] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (dan cara ngurusnya?)
  1443. [02:31] <Mirakel> "I...."
  1444. [02:31] <Nivea> ( hoh, yg satu 100, yg satu 300 )
  1445. [02:31] <_Story_Teller_> (boleh)
  1446. [02:31] <Mirakel> "uh..."
  1447. [02:31] <Mirakel> "requesting permission to...."
  1448. [02:31] <_Story_Teller_> (ngga di auto success aja? fufufu)
  1449. [02:31] <Mirakel> *shakes head*
  1450. [02:31] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *mikir2 sambil liatin willow dan sisa makanan dari kapal si captain navy yg dibawa tadi*
  1451. [02:32] <Mirakel> "go back to La Parque" :)
  1452. [02:32] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (wut auto success.... spend fate point deh =w=/ bisa? @ _Story_Teller_ n Nivea)
  1453. [02:32] <Nivea> *sambil mengurus administrasi dkk ke Navy*
  1454. [02:32] <Nivea> *spend Fate Point auto success deh buat pakannya*
  1455. [02:32] <_Story_Teller_> (boleh2)
  1456. [02:32] <Nivea> *kasih tahu Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver soal pakan*
  1457. [02:32] <Kamal_A> *pamit ke Mirakel , sambil berterima kasih atas jasanya di misi hari ini*
  1458. [02:33] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (sip =3=d)
  1459. [02:33] <Kamal_A> "Nice to work with you Sir Mirakel "
  1460. [02:33] <Mirakel> " don't mind... I will try to reconfigure the power armor again" :)
  1461. [02:33] <Mirakel> *bows* "its an honor, sir" :)
  1462. [02:33] <Nivea> *dan.. pengembalian shuttle Navy*
  1463. [02:33] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Now..." ( TAT) *liatin Willow*
  1464. [02:33] <Mirakel> "but.. I... think i need to reconfigure my...."
  1465. [02:33] <Mirakel> "...system"
  1466. [02:33] <Mirakel> "yea.."
  1467. [02:33] <Mirakel> "system"
  1468. [02:33] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...Will be working together with you from now on.." ( TAT)-o *sambil sodorin tangan*
  1469. [02:34] <Mirakel> *bows dan mohon diri*
  1470. [02:34] <_Story_Teller_> ++ Objective 01: Defeat Heretics (Military, Creed) + 04: Obtain New Starchart beyond Midgard (Exploration, Trade) 200+100 = 300 Achievement Points ++
  1471. [02:35] <Nivea> ( eh per objective _Story_Teller_ )
  1472. [02:35] <Nivea> ( yg 01: 100+100+100 )
  1473. [02:35] <Nivea> ( yg 04: 100 )
  1474. [02:35] <_Story_Teller_> (oh)
  1475. [02:35] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *kalo Mirakel pamit* "Alright. Say hello to Vivi, Claris and the others in Le Parque for me!" \(TwT ) "Thanks for your help"
  1476. [02:35] <_Story_Teller_> (maaf2)
  1477. [02:35] <Mirakel> "eh? oh?"
  1478. [02:35] <Mirakel> "Affirmative, Captain" :)
  1479. [02:36] <_Story_Teller_> Objective 01: Defeat Heretics (Military, Creed) = 100+100+100 = 300 AP
  1480. [02:36] <Nivea> *urus dan menyiapkan laporan2 / administrasi dan birokrasi ke Imperial Navy*
  1481. [02:36] <_Story_Teller_> 04: Obtain New Starchart beyond Midgard (Exploration, Trade) = 100 AP
  1482. [02:36] <_Story_Teller_> ++2 Scene: 400 xp ++
  1483. [02:37] <Nivea> ( tq _Story_Teller_ )
  1484. [02:37] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *mencoba ngasih makanan yg td dikasi tau nivea dan hasil diinget2 ke Willow* ( TAT)-o
  1485. [02:37] <Mirakel> (makasih story_teller~)
  1486. [02:37] <_Story_Teller_> "Nyan nyan!" OwO
  1487. [02:38] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> ( TAT) "..hoh.." *liatin* *nods* "...nyan.."
  1488. [02:38] <_Story_Teller_> OwO)>
  1489. [02:38] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "...dan sekarang ada 2 kucing di Holy Grail..." ( TAT) *sambil ngeliatin Willow dan gelas mug mulut kucing*
  1490. [02:38] <Nivea> ( woi wooi )
  1491. [02:39] <Mirakel> (anyway, off dulu)
  1492. [02:39] * Mirakel (cgiirc@C0266009.C3059F6.5A0B8893.IP) has left #room201
  1493. [02:39] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods nods* "mohon kerja samanya kedepannya.." *sambill tepok tangan Willow*
  1494. [02:40] <Kamal_A> (yah, saya ikut off juga, oyasumi~)
  1495. [02:40] <_Story_Teller_> (Terima kasih Mirakel)
  1496. [02:40] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *Dan mumpung inget, Ann nulis makanan apa aja makanan yg bisa dimakan ama Willow, bikin 3 salinan* ( T_T) *1 kasi ke crew yg dimintain tolong buat ngasih makan Willow kalo Ann pas ngga ada, 1 ditempel di dinding, 1 taro di buku log buat simpenan*
  1497. [02:40] <_Story_Teller_> (dan Kamal_A)
  1498. [02:40] * Kamal_A (cgiirc@ED6DA80C.1A008744.76D323C4.IP) Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  1499. [02:40] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *nods* ( TAT) "Yosh! Berjuang merawat kucing kedua!"
  1500. [02:44] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *Dan Ann sibuk ngurus kucing aja mencoba menghapal segala macam yg harus diketahui di Captain's Lounge*
  1501. [02:57] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *mikir bntr* ( TAT)a "...but...What if something happened to Holy Grail and we can't feed Willow...?"
  1502. [02:58] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *liatin Willow* ( TAT) "..I'll put you somewhere maybe better than here.."
  1503. [02:59] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *sambil gendong Willow dan bawa data slate* *jalan ke Ship's Tavern* ~~~~"( T_T)
  1504. [02:59] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *tavern ada bartender? @ _Story_Teller_*
  1505. [02:59] <_Story_Teller_> (ada, tavern Ship?)
  1506. [02:59] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (yep)
  1507. [03:00] <_Story_Teller_> "How do ya do Capt'!"
  1508. [03:00] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Yo.." ( TAT)/
  1509. [03:00] <_Story_Teller_> (Bartender)
  1510. [03:00] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Eung.. Just wondering..Bartender.."
  1511. [03:00] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Actually.."
  1512. [03:01] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "There's this grynix I found from a mission.." ( TAT)a "The name's Willow.."
  1513. [03:01] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "I wonder.. If it's possible.. To put Willow here..?"
  1514. [03:02] <_Story_Teller_> "Oh well it looks cute! Yes of course it can stay here!"
  1515. [03:02] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Since.. There's the arboretum in this ship.. But the grinix there might be a bit wild.. While this one is.. tame.."
  1516. [03:03] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "So.. I think.. What if Willow stays here.." ( TAT)>
  1517. [03:03] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "I'll pay for the food expense and anything.. Just.. Afraid if I bring her with my ship, bad things might happened with her.. You know.. Missions and stuffs.." ( TwT)> *chuckles*
  1518. [03:04] <_Story_Teller_> "Don't worry, this little kitten will be safe in this tavern!"
  1519. [03:04] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "..So.." *taro Willow di bartender table*
  1520. [03:04] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "I will let Willow in your care" *smiles* *sambil pats Willow*
  1521. [03:04] <_Story_Teller_> "Nyaan--" *guling2 di table*
  1522. [03:05] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "I will visit you often, Willow" *smiles* *sambil pats2 Willow*
  1523. [03:05] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Okay then.. Now.. A glass of wine please!" ( TwT)/
  1524. [03:06] * Nivea ( Quit (Quit: Nivea)
  1525. [03:06] <_Story_Teller_> "Here it is!"
  1526. [03:07] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> "Ah, thank you" ( TwT)q *terima*
  1527. [03:07] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *Ann sips wine while watching Willow playing on the bartender table*
  1528. [03:07] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> *and slowly blurred into background* -Ann over n out--
  1529. [03:07] <Ambrosia_Ann_Chamaver> (Makasih _Story_Teller_ \(=w=)/)
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