
Summary Story 202204

Apr 20th, 2022
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  1. Disclaimer:
  2. - This is a summary. I omit details that I deem not important.
  3. - New names are mostly not official and I will write their Japanese pronunciation for your interpretation. Let me know if there are official names released or you found out their name origins.
  4. - I usually try to follow global names except Marubom which I refuse to use Boomer.
  5. - Refer to Incinerator's post in #jp-spoilers for localised names.
  6. - Link:
  8. > Chapter 4
  10. >> Taivas
  12. A voice was telling Lehftia to burn and destroy everything as Lehftia was slowly losing herself. Runda detected that Omega was heading towards the capital and Taivas, Haveh started to rush towards it. As they fought Omega, Omega roared to cause a tornado, throwing the party apart. Haveh collapsed but was saved by Yshe. Apparently Yshe's group was also scattered by the storm. Haveh told Yshe the current situation and they headed for the capital together. Meanwhile, Tahto and Kylma were watching Omega from afar. Kylma could not understand Tahto's intention to let Omega run free to destroy the world.
  14. >> Rain
  16. Marubom was commenting how he missed Roca. Conversation led Nini to reveal about her background as an artificial fairy. She was born in a test tube but she never thought that she was unfortunate since she had comrades like Rhus, Neilikka, Rain as well as other fairies. However artificial fairies share their experience and knowledge indiscriminately so sometimes it was a bother. Nini knew too many ugly secrets so she found it hard to trust humans. Rain asked Nini if she had an idea of why Vanharma invited them to Elmont. Nini had an idea but did not want to reveal an unconfirmed guess, and Vanharma would be revealing himself anyway.
  18. Rain wondered why Vanharma was obsessed with him and why he had the same power as Snovlinka while not being her descendent nor having Crimson Covenant from Caledfwlch. Nini revealed that she knew the answer to the former and could guess a possibility to the latter. However, again should just ask Vanharma himself. Rain, not being a person from Livonia, was free from being bound by Snovlinka's self sacrifice ideals. Thus Vanharma wanted to tell Rain something. Rain said that although they were unforgivable for killing the children and wrecking the capital, he still wanted to know their reasons for doing so.
  20. >> Taivas
  22. Scene changed to Ilmatalle and Kall. They talked about what to do after the fight was over since they became rebels and could no longer return to Elmont. Kall said he would confess to Yshe knowing that he would certainly be rejected, surprising Ilmatalle. As they were attacked by an Omega species Sandworm, they were joined by Taivas and Runda. After the fight, Kall revealed that Yshe intended to fight Omega with Taivas using Omnivus. Taivas was curious how Yshe managed to get that information and who left the information behind.
  24. On the other hand, Haveh and Yshe talked about the love triangle between Haveh, Lehftia and Yshe. Yshe blamed Taivas for being a sinful oblivious man. Haveh realised that Yshe liked Taivas and they became comrades of unrequited love. (So basically... Haveh -> Lehftia -> Taivas <- Yshe <- Kall, a love pentagon.)
  26. Kall offered to get the control device from Kylma with Ilmatalle to slow down Omega's progression to Elmont capital and asked Taivas to chase after it. However, Kall warned Taivas not to be reckless and to wait for Yshe to arrive to perform Omnivus. While they were looking for Kylma, Kall revealed that he met Lehftia before she got loaded into Omega. Lehftia knew that Taivas would go to save her and get hurt as long as she was reachable. Hence Lehftia aimed to become one with Omega and to control it from destruction, so that she could save everyone. Kall rejected the Sovlinka's self sacrifice ideal and hence Lehftia's act of self sacrifice that supported that ideal. Thus he wanted to save Lehftia from Omega as soon as they got the chance. Ilmatalle agreed with Kall's point of view and his plan to rescue Lehftia while Yshe and Taivas were fighting Omega.
  28. Haveh and Yshe talked about love again. Yshe thought that her feelings had reached Taivas through the numerous times they sparred however Taivas ended up marrying another woman. Haveh asked Yshe why she hadn't confessed to Taivas now and Yshe realised she was making excuses. Then they managed to met up with Kall and Ilmatalle, who updated them the situation and continued their search of Kylma.
  30. Kall and Ilmatalle eventually found Kylma and Tahat and managed to rob the control device. Kylma told them that Omega no longer listened to her and the device was useless. However Kall said that it was still worth a try since despite his dislike of Kylma, Kylma's level as a scientist was top notch. Then suddenly Tahat blew Kall and Ilmatalle away with his sword technique with surprising strength and told Kylma that nothing can control Omega anymore and let the control device be. Ilmatalle was injured and she told Kall to go ahead to Omega to save Lehftia. However as Kall moved his whole body was in pain as well.
  32. Omega was closing in onto Taivas and Runda. Taivas tried to stop it but Omega became too strong and was about to be flattened by Omega. Kall managed to arrive and tried to use the control device to stop Omega. As he used the control device he told Lehftia what she told him and she must not kill Taivas. Eventually Omega stopped but Kall's wound was too deep. Kylma arrived and knocked him out, saying that it was an act of mercy for him acknowledging her as a scientist, since he would not survive anyway. She was impressed that his voice reached Lehftia and Lehftia maintained part of her consciousness.
  34. Scene shifted to Omega started moving again and closed in onto Elmont capital, burning it. Taivas rushed to the burning capital and the scene was identical to Rain's dream.
  36. >> Rain
  38. Rain arrived at Elmont but it was already only ruins. Nini explained that it was now being called Ruina Robina (jp: Ruina Robina). Rain recognised the place from his dream and asked what happened to the place. Ihana arrived and offered to take them to Vanharma. Rain questioned Vanharma's identity but Ihana said even she did not know and had no need to know. The fact that he rescued her from the research facility was enough for her to trust him. Ihana revealed that she saw Vanharma's real face before and it was a young man, with lonely expression. Rain and Nini were surprised since Vanharma sounded very senior to them.
  40. They met Vanharma and Vanharma started by saying what happened then in Elmont 1000 years ago and what was going to happen there. Then, scene shifted back to Taivas and Yshe.
  42. >> Taivas
  44. Taivas, Runda, Yshe and Haveh managed to meet up in the burning capital. Yshe explained the techniques of Omnivus. Taivas commented that it sounded difficult but it seemed possible if it was the two of them. Before they engaged Omega, Yshe confessed to Taivas and Taivas was totally surprised. Yshe commented that after letting it out she felt relieved and could fight as before. Tahat was watching from afar and noticed that they were attempting Omnivus. Tahat laughed that there had been many experiments to try Omnivus but the conclusion was Omnivus was all but a fairy tale.
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