
Clumsy beginnings - Anon X Clumsy [Write Prompt]

Jul 4th, 2018
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  1. "GRYFFINDOR!" The hat shouted to the great hall, and the students in the red corner clapped approvingly. The girl couldn't believe her ears, she had been put into the same house both her parents were and their grandparents before them. She had never felt quite so happy, she would make them all proud, this was going to be a new chapter in her life.
  2. Or so she thought... Her feet got tangled on the stool in her excitement and she felt gravity take hold of herl. She couldn't do anything but brace for the fall as she plunged face first on the floor. All the clapping in the hall got drowned by laughter. She had never been so humiliated in her life. She was on the brink of crying. Not one day in Hogwarts and she had already made herself the laughing stock of the entire school.
  3. But she decided she wouldn't cry, she had just been put to the bravest house in Hogwarts. Everyone takes a fall every now and then... She'll make friends and everyone will forget this incident. She just walked to Gryffindor table with her face completely red.
  5. "Welcome, new girl, what's your name?" A cheerful gryffindor called out to her, as she sat down.
  6. "O...Olivia..."
  7. "Haha, you're pretty clumsy." Older gryffindor boy said.
  8. Olivia wished the ground would swallow her, she was happy to be in gryffindor, but now people were already calling her clumsy.
  9. "Relax, you're not the first student that embarrasses herself during the sorting ceremony, people get nervous about it." An older girl with brown hair and dark skin said.
  10. "Yeah, people will forget that happened in no time."
  11. "I-i hope so..." Olivia said timidly, but she didn't have high hopes.
  13. Once the feast started, Olivia had relaxed somewhat. Dumbledore held his speech for the opening year and the first year students got instructions to follow their prefects after the feast.
  14. The feast was impressive, Olivia had never seen anything like that. She did her best to not cause any more accidents. The other gryffindor students were looking at her a bit oddly, when she kept placing her glass as far away from the edge of the table as possible.
  15. "So, what do you think of this year's students?" one of the older gryffindor students asked.
  16. "Looks like slytherin got some troublemakers this year..."
  17. "Apparently one of them is brother to the infamous Jacob Ymous, who went mad."
  18. Olivia tried to look around, she was curious about students from her year. She was hoping people were exaggerating about troublemakers. She looked at the slytherin table to get a glimpse of the boy her housemates were talking about. She really wanted to avoid him as much as possible.
  19. Olivia noticed the boy in the slytherin table, talking to someone. The boy suddenly turned his head and looked direcly at her. As if he had somehow sensed she was staring at him. Olivia quickly turned her gaze and dropped her fork on the floor.
  20. "Hah, maybe she was smart, putting her glass that far from the edge." the older boy said.
  21. Olivia turned red again.
  22. "Did you see him?" one of the girls asked. "Ymous, what was his first name Anton?"
  23. "Anon" someone corrected.
  24. "What kind of a name is that?"
  25. Olivia carefully picked up her fork and tried to relax.
  26. "Did you like what you saw that much, Olivia?" The older gryffindor girl asked mischievously. "You turned all clumsy, was it heartflutters?" The girl giggled.
  27. Olivia felt like her face was going to explode from turning redder and redder.
  28. "Enough teasing the poor girl... The feast is about to end." Gryffindor prefect said. "Alright first year students, can I have your attention? Good. My name is Angelica Cole, I will be taking you to the gryffindor tower. Please pay attention to the route there. You should be able to find your way to your house's room."
  29. Olivia swallowed nervously, she would have to pay extra good attention to any directions. She was aware that her sense of direction and spatial awareness wasn't very good to say the least. She was trying to make mental notes on all the different turns and nearly screamed when the stairway started moving.
  30. "Pay mind to these stairs, they're a bit tricky. They shift around and some of them are even trapped." The prefect instructed the new students.
  31. The nervous first year students were then lead to a portrait of a fat lady, who waved at the new students.
  32. "This is the portrait that leads into the Gryffindor, and she is the guardian, She will ask for a password every time you want to enter the common room."
  33. "Hello dearies, we'll be sure to get acquainted in the coming years." The fat lady said, smiling to the newcommers.
  34. "The password for this week is Inelegans." Angelica said and looked at the new students. "Try to remember that, if you fail to remember the password, she will not let you try again until the next day. So you might have to get cosy on the hallway. Unless another student remembers the password."
  35. "Oh, don't any of you dearies worry, my passwords are easy to remember." The fat lady smiled. "Although I do have my mischievous streaks..."
  36. Olivia's head was starting to spin, she couldn't keep up with all the twists and turns of the huge castle and now there were passwords? They finally went in their common room, a rather comfortable looking place. There was a fireplace, with a portrait of a lion, surrounded by red armchairs and couches. There was also a bulletin board with some posters on it.
  37. Olivia managed to relax a little. It had been a long day and she was tired. The prefect the first year students had been following, showed the first year girls their dorm room. Olivia noticed her trunk was already there, infront of a bed.
  38. "This is where you will sleep for the next six or seven years. Your trunk is going to be infront of the bed that has been assigned to you. Making noise after the lights out will be met with appropriate measures. So Be mindful of other students and under no circumstance are you allowed to walk the castle after curfew. The prefect said giving stern warning to deter any rule breaking.
  39. "Alright, girls, have a good night. If you have any questions, just come to me or any other prefects. If you have anything more important than that, go to Mcgonagall or Dumbledore." Angelica said and left the room.
  40. Olivia changed to her pajamas and waited patiently for the other girls to finish brushing their teeth, before brushing hers. She wanted to be the last, in case she dropped her mug, shot toothpaset in her eye or something. It would have been more embarrassing if there was a line behind her. Luckily nothing major happened, until she went to her bed and slipped, tearing the curtaining on her bed down, much to the amusement of the other three girls.
  41. "You really are clumsy." One of the girls said.
  42. "Y-yeah..." Olivia admitted blushing. She hated being called that, she wanted to do everything in her power to avoid being labeled as just that clumsy girl again. She was called that in the daycare and all her friends called ther that too. She wanted to be known as something other than that, but it really was her defining feature.
  43. But she was determined to work hard and change that.
  44. "I am nervous about tomorrow." One of the girls admitted.
  45. "Me too... I heard we have potions the first day with slytherins..." Another girl said.
  46. "I heard a rumour that the potionsmaster,Snape, is a cruel man, who loves to punish gryffindors."
  47. Olivia got even more nervous about tomorrow, she hoped the rumours were just rumours and everything went nicely.
  48. "Good night, girls, good night clumsy." One of the girls giggled.
  49. Olivia went to sleep disappointed.
  52. The next morning Olivia woke up dreading the first classes, she was sure she'd make a mess during the potions classes and everyone would make fun of her again. She was brushing her hair while the other girls were brushing their teeth again. The other girls were laughing happily and seemed to fit well. Olivia was hoping she would get accepted soon, because she didn't feel like she would find the common room on her own.
  53. "Come on, Olivia, we're going to be late from breakfast" one of the girls said cheerfully. "try not to fall on your way down the stairs."
  54. "Y-yeah..." Olivia said, trying to keep a positive attitude.
  55. When she was done brushing her teeth and getting dressed, Olivia walked into the common room and found all the first year students there, planning on going to their classes together. She walked to the group, but stayed quiet the whole time.
  56. "Hello." A blonde first year boy said to her.
  57. "H-hi." she answered nervously and quietly.
  58. "You're the clumsy gryffindor, aren't you?"
  59. "Y-yeah... Hehe..." Olivia said quietly, trying her best to laugh with people about her clumsiness.
  60. "My name if Levy, Joshua Levy." The boy introduced himself. "What's your name?"
  61. "Olivia Miller." The girl said, glad to learn someone's name.
  62. "I've been trying to learn all the first year student's names, should be useful to learn early on. That guy over there is Ben Cooper, he's also a first year student." Joshua pointed at another blonde boy, this one with a short hair.
  63. Olivia looked at the smaller boy, who looked almost as nervous as she felt.
  64. "Muggleborn." Joshua said. "Can't imagine what he's going trough, but I'm sure he'll get oriented quickly."
  65. Olivia wanted to get friendly with her housemates, she was happy that Joshua had introduced himself. She looked at the girls in her class and hoped they wouldn't just keep calling her Clumsy. She tried to relax and be mindful of her surroundings.
  66. "Are you coming?" Joshua called out to her from the door leading out.
  67. Olivia snapped out of her thoughts, she had been trying to relax so much that she didn't notice the others had left without her. She fumbled a bit and nearly fell while climbing out of the common room via the portrait. But she managed to keep her balance.
  70. The first year gryffindor students were looking around for ways to get to the great hall, for breakfast. They had managed to find the stairwells again, but the moving stairs were a lot more intimidating without a prefect to guide them. They managed to find their way back into the hallway leading up to the lobby, but Olivia had experienced first hand what Angelica was talking about, when she said some of the stairs were trapped. Her foot went trough a step and got stuck, she screamed as she fell on her butt and turned red out of embarrassment. The other girls had to help pull her out.
  71. the gryffindors managed to find the great hall and sat down at the same table they had eaten at during the feast. Olivia was glad that people were more relaxed during breakfast, even when she dropped her spoon on the floor, no one paid any attention. She managed to relax somewhat and was eating a disproportionate sandwich. Everything went relatively well. Even when she spilled out some orange juice on her robes an older student just cast a spell to clean her up as if nothing had happened. Olivia asked for the spell, but couldn't remember it anymore once they left the great hall to go for their first classes. Which in this case was going to be potions.
  74. Once the gryffindor students found their ways to the dungeons, they relaxed and spread out to explore the dungeon hallways. Olivia decided to stay near the entrance to the potions class, so she wouldn't get lost and be late. The dungeons were cool and the atmosphere was somewhat overbearing, Olivia had never experienced anything like that, it felt like the weight of the castle was over her. Maybe it was the nerves, or maybe she had claustrophobia among other things.
  75. She sighed and tried to relax and looked around when she heard someone laugh and angrily demand something. Olivia peeked into the hallway, from where the voice was coming from. It was Ben Cooper and some slytherin girl with a haughty personality. Olivia was about to gather courage to go help Ben when she felt a hand grasp her shoulder, she was startled and yelped a bit, but was gently pushed aside.
  76. "Sorry, coming through." A boy said and walked past her.
  77. Olivia could only see his back, but it was a slytherin boy with dull black shoulder-lenght hair and somewhat bad posture.
  78. The boy was followed by a an anglo-indian boy with black hair and glasses. The two of them went to the altercation and managed to get Ben out of the situation.After a while the girl stomped away angrily. Olivia hid behind a corner when the girl passed her, hoping she wouldn't be her next target.
  81. The potions classes was the scariest experience Olivia had ever experienced, she was more aware of herself than ever before. Professor Snape scared her, she was paired with another gryffindor girl, and the two of them had no idea what they were doing.
  82. "Could you just... Do everything, please..." Olivia pleaded
  83. "Why me? I don't know anything about potions." The girl asked annoyed.
  84. "I don't want to cause a scene during Professor Snape's classes..."
  85. "It'll be fine... Okay, you go get ingredients, and I'll mix them."
  86. "T-thank you..." Olivia said relieved, but still aware that she could just aswell drop every single jar on the shelf simply by walking too close. Sometimes she feels like she had been cursed with clumsiness.
  87. she went to get materials from the shelf. She rolled her sleeves and carefully picked up a jar from the shelf. She turned around and caught a glimpse of that Slytherin boy, paired with his friend from earlier. The two were discussing among themselves when he suddenly turned and looked directly at her.
  88. Olivia immediately turned her gaze in terror and blushed, she had not even noticed she dropped the jar. She closed her eyes and was resigned to get yelled at by the scariest man she had ever seen. But something else happened almost at the same time. Like a miracle, the boy's cauldron had exploded violently and everyone turned to look at him. Saving her from embarrassment.
  89. She didn't know what had happened, but Snape was reprimanding the boy for blowing up his cauldron. The boy lost Slytherin 10 points and was forced to pair up with the girl from earlier. Meanwhile Olivia tried to gather courage to go tell Snape she had dropped a jar, but without a word the professor appeared next to her.
  90. "Ms..." He started with his voice monotone and cold.
  91. "Olivia... Miller..." Olivia answered quickly and kept her gaze on the floor.
  92. "Ms.Miller... Even though you were startled by a sudden explosion, you need to be more careful in the future. I will let it slide this time, as this is your first potions class. However you really need to get used to sudden sounds, as such things are commonplace during potion brewing."
  93. "S-s-sorry... I was ner...Nervous..." Olivia stammered, face completely red.
  94. Professor Snape pointed his wand at the glass shards and cast a spell.
  95. "That... Was Reparo... I suggest you make an effort to learn that, Ms.Miller. Clean after you and go back to your partner to finish your potion." Snape said and walked away.
  96. Olivia carefully picked up all the ingredients from the floor and returned the jar on the shelf, carefully like she was performing surgery.
  97. The rest of the class went without incident, atleast one that involved Olivia. She heard her classmates gossip about the slytherin boy, apparently it was Anon Ymous again and his friend was called Rowan Khanna. after that Most of the rumours were about his brother that attended the school before his brother and went missing after some cursed incident. It all sounded scary and Olivia wanted to have nothing to do with either the boy or curses.
  100. Dinner was also bit better than the feast, Olivia had realized that people were less reserved during normal dinners and less attentive during breakfasts. Olivia had managed to relax and was now talking with her housemates from the same year.
  101. "We have charms after dinner." Joshua said. "I'm super excited, I bet I can learn them easilly."
  102. "I-i I'd be happy to learn anything..." Olivia said meekly.
  103. "I-i hope... W-we're not on same class as Merula S-snyde or A-anon Ymous..." Ben said scared.
  104. "Why are you worried about Ymous, Cooper, didn't he save you from Snyde earlier?" Joshua asked with his mouth full of roast beef.
  105. "They say he didn't help Cooper because of any noble reasons." Another boy from the same year said. "Ask me an I'd bet the sod is just gouging out his competition..."
  106. "competition, for what?" Olivia asked concerned.
  107. "Apparently Ymous defied Merula after she wanted to assert her dominance, she ain't happy. Looks like the two might fight eachother."
  108. Olivia quickly glanced at Slytherin table, she saw the boy laughing with his friend, acting confident. She envied his ability to look like he belonged there a bit. While she had to spend the entire day gathering courage to take part in conversation during dinner. She quickly turned her gaze away before the boy sensed her staring at him again. She really needed to stay away from the boy and just let him do whatever he wanted. That way she might be able to finish her studies peacefully.
  111. The charms classes started after the dinner. Angelica had promised to lead the first years to their classes and told them to relax about charms, Professor Flitwick was a patient teacher. When the first year students got to the charms classroom, there was again some time to explore the hallway a bit. Olivia was actually looking around this time, she felt much more comfortable above ground than in the dungeons. She had climbed on a stool and was looking outside from the window and saw the Quidditch pitch and the forbidden forest. The view was amazing. She heard Joshua call for her, she carefully climbed down from the stool and turned around, only to notice Ymous was walking right infront of her. She slipped out of nervousness and accidentally kicked the stool at the boy's feet on her way to the floor. The boy didn't expect a stool to slide at his feet, and he almost tripped. He was looking around and noticed Olivia on the floor where the stool had come sliding towards him.
  112. It all looked like Olivia had kicked the stool towards the boy on purpose. She was terrified when the boy approached her.
  113. "S-sorry, sorry! I didn't mean to, I-i slipped!" Olivia started stammering out of fright.
  114. "Are you alright?" The boy asked her.
  115. "W-what..?" Olivia asked surprised, why was the boy more concerned about her?
  116. "Did you trip?"
  117. "Y-yes, I accidentally kicked the stool your way on my way down..." Olivia said turning red out of embarrassment.
  118. "It's alright." The boy held his hand out and helped the nervous Olivia up.
  119. "T-thanks..." She said to the boy, who just waved it off as if nothing had happened.
  122. "Welcome to charms classes, My name is Professor Filius Flitwick. And I am here to teach you the most versatile form of magic Charms. Charms in essence is a way to enchant objects with different magical effects and properties. This differs from transfiguration where the magic is used to alter the properties of your target directly." The tiny professor said from the top of a pile of large tomes. "We will start learning our charms from the most basic, and arguably the most useful one. Lumos! The wand lighting charm; which adds a magical light to the tip of your wand. Let's just get right to it. I bet, before the day is over, you will have found my classes to be quite illuminating." The tiny professor chuckled.
  123. Olivia spent the classes concentrating on the teaching and writing notes on every little thing Professor Flitwick said, Olivia found the small professor to be the polar opposite from Professor Snape. Flitwick was lighthearted and patient and was prepared to repeat anything someone had missed.
  124. Olivia finally took her wand out and tried casting the spell, but couldn't get any results. She tried her best to do everything professor Flitwick had said, but couldn't get even a dim light to the tip of he wand. Meanwhile someone had already lit his wand up just as bright as when Flitwick had demonstrated the spell.
  125. "Well done, Anon!" Flitwick said and clapped his hands. "Ten points to Slytherin."
  126. "Thank you, Professor." Anon said proudly.
  127. "Could you come to the center of the class and demonstrate the spell to other students?" Flitwick asked.
  128. "Of course." Anon said confidently and walked to the center of the room.
  129. "Lumos!" he said and lit his wand up again, some students had started cheering him on.
  130. Olivia was jealous that the boy had the confidence to walk infront of everyone and perform magic on their first day and professor was so impressed with Anon's performance that he decided to ask the boy to tutor some of the students. Olivia didn't want to get involved with it, but Flitwick waved her to come closer while smiling. Olivia had no choice but to stand infront of Anon and listen to him try to explain the wand movement.
  131. Olivia tried her best to imitate the Anon's arm movements, but couldn't get it right at all. The boy just walked next to her and took her arm.
  132. "You have better posture than me, don't try to copy how my shoulders are slouched, just use your wrist."
  133. Olivia turned completely red from the boy touching her like that and guiding her arm.
  134. "It's not the movement of the arm that matters, but the wand's."
  135. Olivia was determined to try her best and learn the charm but the classes were over before she could successfully cast the charm.
  136. "Don't worry about it, there will be more chances." Anon said.
  137. Olivia had been nervous about the boy, because he was in slytherin and everyone was talking about his brother and how he was trying to assert dominance over Snyde. But she saw something else, the boy was kind and patient.
  138. "Well that concludes today's classes." Flitwick said. "Don't be discouraged if you didn't manage to cast Lumos this time, we will try again during next lessons."
  139. After the Charms classes, Olivia followed the other Gryffindor's to the Gryffindor Tower, she tried her best to remember the route. But the castle seemed to be more confusing every time she walked somewhere.
  142. Some days passed, Olivia had been involved in some embarrassing incidents with her clumsiness, but it seemed Anon and Merula took all focus. Apparently the two had started a bitter rivalry after a duel. Olivia didn't know how to feel about the boy, he had been nothing but nice to her and he had helped Ben before. But hearing about his duels and his braggart behaviour made him scary.
  143. Olivia was deep in thought, she was hoping they were just rumors.
  144. She reached out to scratch some student's cat that just walked past her, when suddenly the cat turned into a strict looking woman. Olivia screamed from the top of her lungs and fell from her chair.
  145. "Well, it has been a while since there was a student brave enough to do that." The lady said.
  146. The classroom errupted into laughter.
  147. Olivia turned completely red. She tried to get up, but slipped before finally managing to sit back down on her chair.
  148. "Didn't you know Professor Mcgonagall was an animagus?" Joshua asked
  149. "N-n-no." Olivia said weakly, wishing the ground would swallow her.
  150. "Well, that is quite enough." Professor Mcgonagall said to the class.
  151. "S-sorry, I didn't know..." Olivia said embarrassed.
  152. "Don't worry, it is not the first time... Though you might want to leave daydreaming outside my classes." Mcgonagall said.
  153. The other students settled down, but some still shot amused glances at Olivia.
  154. Mcgonagall started her speech about the dangers of transfiguration, and used Olivia's absentmindedness as an example for the hazards of daydreaming during her classes. Olivia listened to the professor intently and tried not to miss a single thing. She didn't want to cause any serious incidents.
  155. Thankfully the day's lessons were purely theoretical, Olivia felt more comfortable reading a and writing notes before trying to cast any spells. It was the last lesson for the day, Olivia was relieved that the rest of the classes went without any trouble, she relaxed a bit and followed the other gryffindor students to the tower. She started hearing more rumours about Ymous.
  156. "The guy is crazy good at dueling, like a true slytherin too... Makes me proud. One of the boys said.
  157. "Top two duelists in our year are in slytherin..." someone else said proudly.
  158. "I need to ask him to give me pointers. I heard Felix practiced with him."
  159. "Yeah, he was bragging about it?"
  160. "Felix is one of our greatest duelists. Anon is making serious name for himself."
  161. Olivia felt a bit disappointed that Ymous the rumors about Ymous being a dangerous guy were true... She wondered who Felix was, until she realized she had absentmindedly followed a bunch of slytherin students, instead of Joshua, Ben or any other gryffindor.
  162. She immediately stopped following the crowd of slytherins, gloating over how powerful Ymous was. She looked around but didn't recognized the area of the castle she had stupidly been lead to. She started to get a bit nervous, apparently the fat lady wouldn't let you in if you were late. Olivia didn't want to spend the night outside the common room, or worse somewhere in the castle where the absolutely terrifying groundskeeper Filtch would find her.
  163. She walked the hallways, hoping she would find something familiar, that would lead her to the gryffindor tower or the great hall. If she found the hall, she would follow her usual route back to the tower. But the more she walked the less familiar the place looked. It seemed like she descended further down into the dungeons every stairway she took and was starting to feel genuinely fearful.
  164. She was hoping she'd find a student, who wasn't a slytherin, to ask for directions. But she didn't run into slytherins either. She was about to despair until someone called out for her.
  165. "What is a gryffindor doing all the way in the dungeons?" The tired voice asked.
  166. Olivia turned around scared, only to see Anon Ymous stand infront of her, looking at her with a puzzled expression.
  167. The boy's face had sharp features, he had dark eye bags under his eyes and pointy eyebrows, it gave the boy somewhat fearsome look. None of It wasn't helped by the fact his hair was dark and descended his to his shoulders casting shadows on his face.
  168. Anon looked at Olivia expecting for an answer, but the girl was too scared to say anything.
  169. "Is everything alright?" The boy asked.
  170. "O-oh! No. I mean yes... Yes, everything is..." Olivia started stammering scared. "I mean, no... I got lost on my way to Gryffindor's room."
  171. "Gryffindor room is in a tower, generally you'd go up to get to a tower in a castle..."
  172. "I-i was following some students absentmindedly..." Olivia admitted embarrassed.
  173. "I know you, you're the..." Anon started.
  174. Olivia immediately knew what the boy was going to say next.
  175. "Gryffindor I tutored during charms classes." Anon finished.
  176. Olivia was surprised he didn't call her clumsy or a klutz or any other name other students had given her.
  177. "Have you been practicing? we have charms classes tomorrow."
  178. "Y-yes..." Olivia said, she had tried the spell, but hadn't made any progress.
  179. "Good, I look forward to seeing you cast it." Anon said.
  180. Olivia felt her cheeks getting red, the boy was so friendly, unlike how all the rumors described him.
  181. "Do you want directions?" Anon asked Olivia, she had gone quiet again, she was nervous around Anon, but was also glad he hadn't called her any cruel names.
  182. "Y-yes please... I don't want to be late and get locked outside the tower..." Olivia finally said.
  183. "Oh, that is a risk? How about I take you there then?"
  184. "W-what... I mean, if it's okay with you." Olivia said meekly and felt her cheeks turn redder.
  185. "Yeah, sure it's no problem... It's not like I am not in constant trouble anyway, might aswell do something helpful for once." Anon said a bit melancholicaly and started leading the girl to the gryffindor tower.
  186. Olivia followed the boy across the castle, she couldn't think of anything to say to the boy.
  187. "So... Are you always this quiet, or am I intimidating?" Anon finally asked.
  188. "O-oh... Uh..." Olivia said surprised. She wanted to tell the boy she didn't think he was intimidating, but she was truthfully a bit intimidated by his presence.
  189. The boy sighed.
  190. "I wish I hadn't got such bad reputation, I mean people brought up my brother all the time. But I shouldn't have gotten caught with dueling and breaking rules..."
  191. "I-i don't think you're bad..." Olivia said finally. "You've been nice and helpful to me."
  192. Olivia could sympathise with the boy not wanting to be labeled like that, people had already started calling her clumsy more often than her name.
  193. "Well, here we are I don't know exactly where the entrance is, but your housemates probably don't want me to." Anon said.
  194. "Y-yeah, I know the way from here." Olivia said.
  195. "Oh yeah, we haven't really been properly introduced... Uhh... My name is Anon Ymous, just call me Anon."
  196. "Uh... I knew your name." Olivia said.
  197. "Of course..." Anon said, sounding a bit tired of the rumors.
  198. "S-sorry, My name is Olivia Miller..." She was about to say what nickname everyone called her, but she couldn't bring herself to say it.
  199. "Nice to meet you." Anon said. "See you at the charms classes tomorrow, Olivia, good night."
  200. Olivia felt her face turn red again, as she watched the boy walk away.
  201. "G-good night!" she shouted after him.
  202. The boy waved over his shoulder and disappeared behind a corner.
  205. Olivia went into the common room and sat down for a while, she was convinced Anon wasn't completely bad person. He seemed genuinely saddened by the fact she had been intimidated by him and sounded regretful about his actions. Olivia felt like she wanted to be friends with him.
  206. The boy had said he looked forward to seeing her cast the spell, she wanted to demonstrate it to him, that she could also learn to cast spells like that.
  207. Olivia got up and walked into a secluded area and took her wand out and started waving her wand, as instructed by Professor Flitwick and Anon.
  208. "Lumos" she said, but nothing happeened. She tried to think back on any advice she had heard.
  209. "Lumos!" She said again exaggerating her wand movement a bit, and trying to sound more forceful.
  210. She get repeating the incantation several times, and the people remaining in the common room just looked at her curiously.
  211. "Lumos!" Olivia said and waved her arms around. She was starting to get frustrated and a bit saddened by her lack of progress. She couldn't light even a tiny dim light...
  212. "Don't practice too late." Angelica said to her.
  213. "O-oh, uhh..." Olivia started.
  214. "It's fine, I can see you're determined, head to bed immediately after you learn the spell." Angelica said and went to bed, leaving Olivia completely alone.
  215. Olivia smiled, she had never been called determined before and the prefect had believed in her aswell. She went back to quietly trying to cast the spell, but she just couldn't cast the spell, she had tried everything and it was starting to get really late.
  216. Olivia sighed a bit and considered going to bed, she was rubbing her shoulder when she suddenly remembered what Anon had told her.
  217. Olivia had tried to copy the movement on the wand exactly and had started to wave the wand around more, when she should've focused on a more subtle movements.
  218. "Lumos." The girl said while flicking the wand with just her wrist.
  219. It had worked, the wand lit up, and Olivia felt like screaming in triumph, but she didn't want to wake anyone up. She started silently jumping about having learned her first spell. She'd never felt as happy in her life. Even when she tripped on a couch and fell face first into a soft carpet she was kicking her feet happily. She finally got up and silently crept into the dorm and went to bed, excited for the next day.
  222. Olivia was in good mood the whole morning, she had accidentally shot toothpaste into her hair, but she didn't let it bother her. She just washed her hair imagining the look on Anon's face when she showed him the spell. She didn't quite understand why she was so excited to prove herself to Anon. Maybe it was because he had been friendly towards her and never once ridiculed her or laughed at her or called her names.
  223. Whatever the reason was, she was in good mood. Not even dropping her glass on the floor ruined her mood. She just appologized and another student clearned it up and fixed the glass with reparo. She thanked the student and asked her again what the spell was to clean spilled liquids. This time she would try to remember it.
  226. When the charms classes started, Professor Flitwick told the students to continue practicing Lumos, that he'd teach the next spell once everyone had mastered it. He asked Anon to tutor other students again, which he gladly agreed to. Olivia looked around her and saw Joshua struggling with his spell as well.
  227. Olivia got up and walked down to the aisle where Anon was waiting for students to tutor. Olivia walked infront of him. This time she was going to impress him, to prove him that she could cast spells aswell.
  228. Olivia lifted her wand and looked Anon in the eyes and just as she was about to cast the spell he smiled at her and she let go of her wand. She watched as the wand flicked past anon on the floor.
  229. She felt like she wanted to run away from Hogwarts and live as a muggle, no matter how hard she tried she still failed.
  230. The boy just went to pick up her wand and gave it to her, still smiling.
  231. Then he called her the thing she hated most, the thing she had been called every day of her life.
  232. But he said it differently, he said it with a smile, so warm that Olivia felt her knees go weak, Anon said it so kindly.
  233. "You're a bit clumsy, aren't you, Olivia? Just try again, I know you can do it."
  234. "Yes... I am clumsy." Olivia said staring Anon right in his eyes. "I keep falling and I fell again..."
  235. She fell in love with him.
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