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Nov 20th, 2017
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  1. 00:14:42 MunchNPlay: just packing and watching the stream bab,
  2. 00:14:43 SmokySloth: pentawTf pentawPow
  3. 00:14:43 Maddog_CS: @CodeThirteen it was xDaddyDemonx
  4. 00:14:52 Shinigami420: monkaS
  5. 00:14:52 Outlaw1415: Be real
  6. 00:14:53 zygisrko123: WHAT
  7. 00:14:54 ViolentHymen: LuL
  8. 00:14:55 norwegianguy1234: oh god
  9. 00:14:56 Lahzerous: yup hes tired
  10. 00:14:59 premo_chill: Facts
  11. 00:15:00 MunchNPlay: hiya @Shinigami420 @xDaddyDemonx
  12. 00:15:03 mcard44: lol
  13. 00:15:03 zygisrko123: Hes a fricken maniac
  14. 00:15:04 Outlaw1415: Oh god
  15. 00:15:10 Raynoow: WutFace
  16. 00:15:10 CodeThirteen: @xdaddydemonx you the real mvp! pentawHeart
  17. 00:15:22 NiNjaNoogaN: right to the hard hitting topics
  18. 00:15:22 Leatherballhandler: you need more sleep lol
  19. 00:15:26 Leatherballhandler: Kappa
  20. 00:15:28 battling_goat: subbed him without consent monkaS
  21. 00:15:35 TheRealBluetwig: PogChamp
  22. 00:15:40 CodeThirteen: Bub you can thank me pentawFlashlight
  23. 00:15:43 Lahzerous: wait what
  24. 00:15:45 TheRealBluetwig: 2 weeks Kreygasm
  25. 00:15:54 Outlaw1415: He is just brainwashed like all the other in that country they are told so many lies since birth they literally think all Americans want to kill them
  26. 00:15:55 lutf11: PogChamp
  27. 00:15:56 NastyLip: Kappa
  28. 00:16:00 cwm_vzeus: NEW SERVER HYPE!
  29. 00:16:02 norwegianguy1234: Tuesday?
  30. 00:16:05 whatslifenow: PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp
  31. 00:16:05 Raynoow: I hope !
  32. 00:16:08 battling_goat: the tuesday after tomorrow
  33. 00:16:09 zygisrko123: I am pretty sure he is not
  34. 00:16:11 norwegianguy1234: like this this week?
  35. 00:16:19 zygisrko123: I think hes well aware, and fucked up
  36. 00:16:19 Darkash150: New server in 2 weeks?
  37. 00:16:20 norwegianguy1234: oh shieet
  38. 00:16:22 ViolentHymen: Half Life 3 is actually coming out? PogChamp
  39. 00:16:25 Eredin: Bob has conditioned me to never believe him about release things
  40. 00:16:35 TheRealBluetwig: all we need is for Bob to loose motivation MingLee FeelsBadMan
  41. 00:16:36 Shinigami420: Tuesday in two weeks away Kappa
  42. 00:16:56 MunchNPlay: they have been working on the server for awhile and its about the time yall been waiting for, plus you got a taste of it and see how good it is.
  43. 00:16:58 Bert_Possum: Whats up ladies
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