

Feb 13th, 2012
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  1. Firekip: "You admins are no longer allowed to play on The Corner Pub's TF2 server. " Really? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  2. Firekip: Past the line of power hungry
  3. Firekip: Grats, you have been corrupted.
  4. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: Excuse me.
  5. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: That admin page is none of your business.
  6. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: And it is none of your business what I fucking choose to do.
  7. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: And admins are easily fucking replaceable.
  8. Firekip: A playerbase and community isn't
  9. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: Yeah, but those are the admins who are not allowed to play on TCPub and that's a small number.
  10. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: If they want to be on KSG, they belong playing on ours evers.
  11. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: And I don't like anybody supporting our enemies.
  12. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: Who constantly harrass our server and try to get people to leave.
  13. Firekip: Fug's the true server deserving of both TC and KSG's userbase and you know it
  14. Firekip: Freefrag stole the physical servers and half the userbase of Fug, fug couldn't recover and practically died
  15. Firekip: KSG stole the users from FFN, then many left to go to others
  16. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: Yeah, but KSG is growing and growing still
  17. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: I don't want any of my admins on TCPub's servers.
  18. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: And it's a reasonable request.
  19. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: And by the way...that's a private page for admin.
  20. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: And I'm sick of non-admins looking at it.
  21. Firekip: Steam groups aren't private o_o;
  22. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: Now I got to fucking make a private website for admins.
  23. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: So nobody can fucking see it except admins.
  24. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: Again, what goes on that page is none of your fucking business; you are not an admin.
  25. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: OKAY?
  26. Firekip: inb4 jiggly
  29. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: TCPUB HAS 0 PEOPLE!
  30. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: WE WIN!
  31. Firekip: Acting more like the kid you willingly gave power to...
  32. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: Actually, no.
  33. Firekip: Any well..known regulars?
  34. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: Yes.
  35. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: We have a lot of regularsl;
  36. Firekip: Personally I think every server that came up because of the original Fug split's destined to fail.
  37. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: Stop listening to TCPub's propaganda.
  38. Firekip: Newfug, FFn, KSG, and TCPub are destined to fail.
  39. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: KSG is going up and up and up and up and up!
  40. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: You are dead wrong!
  41. Firekip: The quickplay list
  42. Firekip: Doesn't mean much if people are like hey I found this from quickplay
  43. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: We have a lot of regulars.
  44. Firekip: Had
  45. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: HAVE
  46. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: You don't play on our fucking servers.
  47. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: You don't know shit.
  48. Firekip: Has the level of skill went up at ALL since the people who had an ounce of skill left
  49. Firekip: ?
  50. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: Yeah.
  51. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: But it's not so much skill that matters.
  52. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: It's community.
  53. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: And TCPub wasn't that good.
  54. Firekip: When a server has people of that skill level, anyone with a brain cell playing will get bored and find a different server to play on
  55. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: Yeah, stop drinking TCPub's kool aid.
  56. Firekip: I don't play on TCPub either
  57. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: They suck.
  58. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: WE WIN!
  59. Firekip: You never heard of a "lose lose" situation?
  60. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: Well ,it's win-win for us.
  61. Firekip: So you just said TCPub won too, then?
  62. Firekip: Or do you not know the definition of win-win
  63. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: No.
  64. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: I don't know the definition.
  65. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: But I know we won.
  66. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: They lose.
  67. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: WE HAVE THREE FULL SERVERS!
  68. Firekip: Both of you lost.
  69. Firekip: My personal belief
  70. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: That's why we keep growing,.
  71. Firekip: Because of F2P, all the new people are probably one time players trying the game out for the first time then going back to CoD waiting for the next version of it
  72. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: We have regulars.
  73. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: You don't know anything.
  74. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: You don't play on the servers.
  75. Firekip: Having many people playing on your servers means your server's great?
  76. Firekip: eGO is great?
  77. Firekip: Nightteam is great?
  78. Firekip: Saigns is great?
  79. Firekip: Jiggly's funhouse is great?
  80. Firekip: This list can go on and on
  81. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: Nightteam sucks.
  82. Firekip: They have many users though, and by your logic it means they're better
  83. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: No.
  84. Firekip: You just earlier said more people = better
  85. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: We have a high-quality community.
  86. Firekip: Then said that a server using that logic isn't good
  87. SkullArcherx33 [KSG-M]: As I said...
  89. Firekip: High quality community o_o;
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