
Adolf Hitler - The Great Equestrian War (unfinished)

Sep 23rd, 2014
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  1. >You are Anonymous
  2. >And it is Thursday. Which meant a quiz in your History class.
  3. >“Summarize in one paragraph how the treaty of Versailles may have indirectly led to the rise of Fascism in Germany.”
  4. “Hey Teach, I don’t think I could summarize this in a paragraph. Mind if I make it longer?”
  5. >He responds with a yell.
  6. >Weird. He’s about 10 feet away, why would he ne-
  7. >“GRENADE!”
  8. >You look up to see that there is a grenade that has landed on your desk.
  9. >You jump from your seat and dive away from your desk in time to see it blown to bits.
  10. >You also realize that you’re not in your classroom.
  11. >Rather, you are in a field. If it could be called that.
  12. >It’s pocked with smoldering craters, flaming wreckage, a few scattered trees barren and burnt.
  13. >Crawling to a crater near where your desk was, avoiding gunfire, and what appears to be bolts of lightning flying across the sky, you find you are not alone.
  14. >There is a man, or what remains of him.
  15. >He is wearing what looks like armour under a robe with a sun and moon on the chest.
  16. >You take this opportunity of brief safety to assess your situation.
  17. >You’ve been… teleported… from your classroom to a battlefield. You were nearly blown apart by a grenade, but other than some mud on your face, you remained unharmed.
  18. >This guy was not so fortunate.
  19. >There was blood coursing from his neck, and he was holding his hand to his gushing wound. But it didn’t look like he going to hold on much longer.
  20. >During this time, his gaze had been to the sky, but he slowly turns to you, barely breathing.
  21. >”Go… to the base. That way.”
  22. >He gestures in a general direction with his free hand.
  23. >He pulls a necklace from his neck and hands it to you.
  24. >“Give ‘em this. You’re not a part of this. They’ll help.”
  25. >He spasms a bit, coughs up some blood, and ceases stirring.
  27. >You take a brief look at the necklace
  28. >It’s a smooth stone, about the size of an egg. Green, like a piece of jade, and covered in mysterious carvings.
  29. >And glowing.
  30. >Why was it glowing?
  31. >Given that there was gunfire and other such calamity around you, you figure it’s a good idea to find out later.
  32. >You begin sprinting across this muddy mess of a field, dodging caltrops, mangled bodies, stray bullets and what you were guessing by now were magic spells.
  33. >Eventually, through the surrounding miasma, you start to see other people coming your way.
  34. >Dressed in similar garb to the man you met dying in the crater, they marched together, solemn looks on their faces, casting fireballs and bolts of lightning from their fingers.
  35. >Even though you had the stone, you didn’t want to risk them taking you for an enemy.
  36. >You collapse as soon as you think they can see you, pretending to be dead.
  37. >Their footsteps come closer… closer…closer.
  38. >They walk towards you…
  39. >And then past you.
  40. >As if you weren’t even there.
  41. >You slowly rise up, looking back at their flowing blue robes.
  42. >Bad idea.
  43. >As you turn back facing forward, you see now a different group of soldiers. These are also robed, but in deep crimson, and with a tree upon the chest of their robes.
  44. >They made a strange clanking sound, until you realized along their belt, they carried bottles of some concoctions.
  45. >They, too, walk straight past you, stopping after a few feet.
  46. > “EVERFREE FOG!”
  47. >One of them yelled this, and the others pulled a bottle from their belt, almost robotically.
  48. >“TAKE AIM!”
  49. >“THROW!”
  50. >They all throw the bottles, which upon breaking, release a thick fog.
  51. >That explains where the fog was coming from.
  52. >You see a trench several feet away.
  53. >Sprinting as fast as you can, you forget to look for hazards.
  54. >Your leg catches in a small hole, and you hear a sickening crunch, as pain shoots up your leg.
  55. >Yelling out in pain, you muster all your strength to fall face first in the trench.
  57. >"What's this one's story? He doesn't look like one of ours!"
  58. >"We just found him lying in the trench. His leg is broken, and he was unconscious."
  59. >"So we're to treat enemy soldiers now, huh? Is that what you're saying?"
  60. >"Doctor, I don't think he's a soldier! He was unarmed! Except he was carrying this."
  61. >You feel a cool, damp, washcloth being lightly dabbed on your forehead.
  62. >And an agonizing pain in your right leg.
  63. >You are Anonymous.
  64. >And you have no idea what the fuck is going on.
  65. >"Doctor, I think he's coming to!"
  66. >You slowly open your eyes, and sit up just slightly.
  67. >You are now in a small room, about the size of a large shed.
  68. >It is dimly lit, and you can hear thunderclaps and explosions outside.
  69. >You're lying in a cot. It's a bit stiff, but better than crawling through mud.
  70. >"Good morning, young man."
  71. >You turn to your left to see a nurse.
  72. >Her pale pink hair in a bun, and with a youthful face, she couldn't be more than twenty.
  73. >If you weren't in agonizing pain, you'd probably pop a boner.
  74. "G...good morning," you manage to utter.
  75. >"Doctor, come quick! Our mystery patient is awake."
  76. > To your right, you notice an older man in a white trench coat, with a bit more blood and mud than on the nurse's.
  77. >He's clean cut, with a freshly shaven face, trimmed hair with traces of grey, and a look of authority about him.
  78. >"'Morning. I am Dr. Stable. This is Nurse Redheart. You were found lying in the trench with a broken leg, and clutching this."
  79. >He holds aloft the same rune stone given to you by the robed man.
  80. "Hey, give that back!"
  81. >"Why do you have it? Are you a spy?"
  82. >This guy was getting to be a real dick.
  83. "No! One moment, I'm in my class, the next, I'm nearly blown apart by a grenade. There was a guy who gave that to me, and told me to show it to you people. He said you'd help. He's dead now, so don't bother asking him!"
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