
china pastebin monday 1

Jun 13th, 2016
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  1. China Pastebin Monday #1
  3. Thoughts on China after being here for 24 hours:
  5. -Food is not as bad as i expected. I hope that this continues.
  6. -They have coffee (its so-so) im surprised
  7. -traffic is horrendous and there have been multiple accidents within earshot or sight of me since i have been here (on the way from the airport and on the way to the office this morning)
  8. -we get weekends which is nice, were going back into shanghai this weekend so i will get to be a tourist
  9. -the organizers of our training are nice (also most of them are european)
  10. -internet speeds are trash EVERYWHERE (probably because they all go through the great firewall of china)
  11. -Everything is dirt cheap, taxis cost 2 dollars to go ANYWHERE in the city
  12. -i have a sick hotel room, it has one of those fancy showers with a head built into the wall and the ceiling
  13. -chinese news has an english channel
  14. -bottled water is much more obtainable than i thought it would be
  15. -i cant communicate with anyone here besides the 4 north americans and a few of the europeans
  16. -the largest ethnic group in our training is indian and they all speak very softly and i can hardly understand anything they say
  19. other things
  20. -im gonna miss e3 completely (although it doesnt sound like im missing much lol)
  21. -im gonna miss game of thrones for 3 WEEKS
  22. -im missing overwatch already
  23. -i am gonna get to watch a lot more anime (already watched 20 episodes on the plane)
  24. -i miss being on a time zone that there are people online (i have to get up at like ass oclock to talk to people on mumble)
  27. i have to go soon to go to dinner k bye
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