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a guest
Jul 31st, 2013
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  8. \f0\fs22 \cf0 pages.add(ChatColor.BLACK + "-------=-=-=-------\\n" + ChatColor.BLUE + "THECORE HANDBOOK\\n" + ChatColor.BLACK + "-------=-=-=-------\\n\\n" "Welcome to the Core, a hub server where you can enjoy all your favourite mini-games, all in one place! To start your adventure, please head over to one of the gamemode sections." );
  9. pages.add(ChatColor.BLACK + "-------=-=-=-------\\n" + ChatColor.DARK_RED "Teleport Device\\n" + ChatColor.BLACK + "-------=-=-=-------\\n\\n" "The clock in your inventory is designed to help players locate and travel to their favourite gamemodes! Simply right click and pick a game to teleport to." );
  10. pages.add(ChatColor.BLACK + "-------=-=-=-------\\n" + ChatColor.DARK_RED "Nether Fragment\\n" + ChatColor.BLACK + "-------=-=-=-------\\n\\n" "The nether star in your inventory is designed to reduce latency and over crowding for players that struggle with FPS lag. Simply right-click and everyone turns invisible." );
  11. pages.add(ChatColor.BLACK + "-------=-=-=-------\\n" + ChatColor.Dark_RED "The Core Shop\\n" + ChatColor.BLACK + "-------=-=-=-------\\n\\n" "The emerald in your inventory is a custom made shop where you can purchase upgrades, armor and perks to enhance your gameplay. The shop uses the Core global currency." );
  12. pages.add(ChatColor.BLACK + "For updates and new game releases on the Core please visit the website at:\\n" + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + "TheCoreMc.Net\\n\\n" + ChatColor.BLACK + "To gain access to more classes, perks, and the ability to join full games, please visit:\\n" + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + "" );
  13. pages.add(ChatColor.BLACK + "-------=-=-=-------\\n" + ChatColor.DARK_RED + "Staff Positions\\n" + ChatColor.BLACK + "-------=-=-=-------\\n\\n" + ChatColor.DARK_RED + "Owner/Admin\\n" + ChatColor.RED + "Sr.Mod\\n" + ChatColor.BLUE + "Moderator\\n" + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + "Developer\\n\\n" + ChatColor.BLACK + "Moderator apps are always open. Please see the forums for open positions." );
  14. pages.add(ChatColor.BLACK + "-------=-=-=-------\\n" + ChatColor.DARK_RED + "Donator Ranks\\n" + ChatColor.BLACK + "-------=-=-=-------\\n\\n" + ChatColor.AQUA + "Diamond\\n" + ChatColor.GREEN + "Emerald\\n" + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Gold\\n\\n" + ChatColor.BLACK + "If you want to help support the server by donating please see the shop at: " + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + "" );
  15. pages.add(ChatColor.BLACK + "-------=-=-=-------" + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "Youtubers/Vip\\n" + ChatColor.BLACK + "-------=-=-=-------\\n\\n" "During your time at the Core you might see someone with a " + ChatColor.LIGHT_PURPLE + "pink " + ChatColor.BLACK + "name. These people have all helped the server in some way whether that be making videos or helping out. If you think you" );
  16. pages.add(ChatColor.BLACK + "deserve this rank please message one of the following:\\n\\n" + ChatColor.DARK_RED + "-Unknowncmbk\\n-Bambii1395\\n-Mrtom2202\\n-Summers_\\n-Gwizz_\\n\\n" + ChatColor.BLACK + "or post it on the forums." );
  17. pages.add(ChatColor.BLACK + "All players are expected to follow these key rules:\\n\\n" + ChatColor.DARK_RED + "-No Hacking\\n-No Spamming\\n-Keep Chat PG13\\n-Respect Everyone\\n\\n" + ChatColor.BLACK + "For a full set of rules, see the forums at " + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + "" );
  18. pages.add(ChatColor.BLACK + "-------=-=-=-------\\n" + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + "\\n" + ChatColor.BLACK + "-------=-=-=-------\\n\\n" "The Core isn't just a minecraft server. We also host a Teamspeak server so that you may communicate with friends and meet new people. General rules apply there." );
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