

Sep 2nd, 2013
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  1. --- Log opened Mon Sep 02 11:52:19 2013
  2. 11:52 -!- Moriya_Suwako [Languidiir@EasternStory-eus.o9k.qomdag.IP] has joined #Bunbunmaru_HQ
  3. 11:52 -!- Irssi: #Bunbunmaru_HQ: Total of 1 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 0 normal]
  4. 11:52 -!- Irssi: Join to #Bunbunmaru_HQ was synced in 1 secs
  5. 11:52 -!- You're now known as Shameimaru_Aya
  6. 11:52 -!- Nitori_Kawashiro [guyaguya@EasternStory-km1.f6e.il7m17.IP] has joined #Bunbunmaru_HQ
  7. 11:54 * Nitori_Kawashiro arrives in the vicinity of the Bunbunmaru headquarters with a large backpack full of tools. It seemed she was packed to the nines with every sort of gadget imaginable, even for this simple task. Fixing a printing machine was nothing to her, but at least it'd make the tengu a bit happier...
  8. 11:55 * Nitori_Kawashiro took her time arriving at their doorstep, waiting patiently for any sign of the client. Shameimaru didn't keep anyone waiting, she'd heard...
  9. 11:57 <@Shameimaru_Aya> Another stressful day in the Bunbunmaru HQ. Even Aya's friends had already given up and gone home for now, leaving the dynamic reporter to fret and pace back and forth around the blasted machine. The deadline had passed. Really, really passed. She was restless.
  10. 11:59 <@Shameimaru_Aya> Her long-toothed tengu geta clacked noisily on the floor as she paced. She couldn't feel at ease until the Bunbunmaru was safely in the hands of all of her readers. With this big of a delay, she just looked like an... amateur!
  11. 12:04 < Nitori_Kawashiro> The kappa engineer hadn't gotten around to the order due to a certain /someone/ requesting something completely insane, and she honestly felt a little bad that she'd left it for a while. Nitori greeted the karasu-tengu with a small smile, approaching her with her hands already in her many pockets, digging for tools. "...Hey, Aya, I'm finally here..." she said, halfway between tired and...embarrassed, really.
  12. 12:05 <@Shameimaru_Aya> ((did she just barge into the door...?))
  13. 12:05 < Nitori_Kawashiro> ((She's outside, remember?))
  14. 12:05 <@Shameimaru_Aya> (( aya isn't outside ))
  15. 12:05 <@Shameimaru_Aya> (( hence clacking on the floor and walking around the printing press ))
  16. 12:05 < Nitori_Kawashiro> ((Bleh, nevermind, I'm fucking this all up.))
  17. 12:06 <@Shameimaru_Aya> (( not really... we could just say she's pacing outside instead ))
  18. 12:06 < Nitori_Kawashiro> ((Let me repost because I'm an ignorant idiot. =_=))
  19. 12:06 <@Shameimaru_Aya> (( you're not ))
  20. 12:06 < Nitori_Kawashiro> ((I just need to clarify more, and that post was a bit lazy on my part. :C))
  21. 12:09 < Nitori_Kawashiro> The kappa engineer hadn't gotten around to the order due to a certain /someone/ requesting something completely insane, and she honestly felt a little bad that she'd left it for a while. Nitori approached the door of the building her with her hands already in her many pockets, digging for tools. "...Hey, Aya, I'm finally here..." she called out, hoping that Aya might hear. Her tone was halfway between tired and...embarrassed,
  22. 12:09 < Nitori_Kawashiro> really. Considering how hard she was working on that stupid megaproject, it was more one than the other. "Can you give me a moment before letting me in? I have to check my equipment."
  23. 12:10 < Nitori_Kawashiro> ((There, makes more sense. :3))
  24. 12:12 <@Shameimaru_Aya> Completely disregarding the kappa's request, the impatient reporter immediately leaped over and wrenched open the door. She leaned down and stared at the kappa intensely, standing on only one geta. "AREYOUHERETOFIXTHEPRINTINGPRESS?"
  25. 12:18 * Nitori_Kawashiro looked a little shocked, fumbling with a wrench she'd found, dropping it to the ground... "...Well, yeah, that's...kind of why I'm here." she answered to the breathless tengu. "You almost scared the life out of me, you know! If you want me to fix this thing, you need to relax..." Her tone shifted to one that was a little calmer, but more authoritative. "Now then, what seems to be the problem? Is it jammed? Did the comp
  26. 12:18 <@Shameimaru_Aya> (( cutoff Did the comp ))
  27. 12:19 < Nitori_Kawashiro> "Now then, what seems to be the problem? Is it jammed? Did the components break down? You weren't too specific on the job order, you know, and that's the first thing you need to make sure about..."
  28. 12:21 * Nitori_Kawashiro picked up the wrench, putting her hands to her hips. "I can probably fix it if it's either problem...d'you mind if I check it out while you...grab a little something to eat and calm down? Looks like you skipped a meal or something..." she tries to smile a little. There was no need to worry, after all! She was here!
  29. 12:21 <@Shameimaru_Aya> "I don't knoooooow! That's the thing!" She straightened up again, leaning against the doorframe, exasperated. "Sometimes it won't move, sometimes it's too loose! Sometimes the whole page is covered in ink, soometimes they're totally blank! Sometimes the papers get fired out into the wall and sometimes they just never come out and I can't find them."
  30. 12:22 <@Shameimaru_Aya> "I can usually fix the small stuff... well, the whole printing press is kind of jury-rigged together at this point. It's more rubber bands and glue than it is the original components anymore..."
  31. 12:25 < Nitori_Kawashiro> "...Really now? Well, if you had proper parts, you'd be able to fix a lot of those issues yourself." Nitori shook her head and pulled out a couple tools, attaching them to a belt around her waist. "I doubt that'll be a problem, though. I need to do my work so you can do yours, so we'll both get something out of it..."
  32. 12:26 < Nitori_Kawashiro> "Like I said, I'm going to have to take a long, hard look at this contraption to see how badly it's messing up. If half of this is jury-rigged like you say, it might be just jammed up..."
  33. 12:28 <@Shameimaru_Aya> "Two bars of silver and an emerald!" She stepped aside to reveal the messy, busy ground floor of the HQ (which was also her house). Dozens of counters and desks splattered with ink and covered with pages and photos and brushes and glue and all kinds of things. It was usually a bit busier, but all her friends had given up already.
  34. 12:30 <@Shameimaru_Aya> And yes indeed, the printing press stood in the center of the room. Though its design was heavily assisted by the kappa, it was still tengu technology, and so it was a mess of wood and brass instruments and all kinds of complicated things.
  35. 12:32 < Nitori_Kawashiro> The kappa girl just stared at the machine. Fixing all these mistakes was worth far more than that! "...Alright, who installed some of these newer parts? They aren't even put on right, and some are in the wrong spots..." She sighs... "...I'm guessing that was one of the trainees, and I think I know who. She always forgets to wear her glasses to work and can't see much..."
  36. 12:34 < Nitori_Kawashiro> "...Either that, or it's worn down. It looks like you haven't had this thing checked out in a long time." Nitori ponders, moving over to get a closer look and fiddling around with whatever she could get her hands on. "...This is a little complicated, but I think I might be able to get it working again. I've seen worse than this..."
  37. 12:37 <@Shameimaru_Aya> "Hey, hey! I'm talking two bars of -pure- silver and a flawless, hand-cut emerald! That's, like... eight hundred and sixty two thousand yen!"
  38. 12:38 <@Shameimaru_Aya> "Or, well, it would be in the modern economy... but whatever! Yeah, I haven't had it looked at. We've got strict deadlines here, you know. We can't afford to just stop production when a bit of string could carry us forward."
  39. 12:43 < Nitori_Kawashiro> "Yeah, but see, this is the problem...we kappa are really good at cramming all sorts of tech together and seeing what we end up with. What you've got on that printing press...there's a reason I compared it to a nearsighted trainee." She looked unimpressed...
  40. 12:45 < Nitori_Kawashiro> "...There's a huge difference between...-" she continued, digging back into her pack, grabbing some tools and trying in vain to dissect this monstrosity... "-...jury-rigging and completely messing it up..."
  41. 12:45 <@Shameimaru_Aya> "Well, whatever you're gonna do, hurry up and do it!" She hopped restlessly from one foot to the other, closing the door and hovering around behind Nitori. "I'm not making any money this way! If the stories I wrote become stale -again-..."
  42. 12:46 < Nitori_Kawashiro> "...Sorry if that sounds cold, but that's true. And looking at how sloppy this is, it's going to take me a while to fix..." She looked a little sad, now, and almost ashamed that this could end up in such disrepair. "There's five or six jams where the papers do through, and one of the conveyors is torn apart..." =_=
  43. 12:47 < Nitori_Kawashiro> *go
  44. 12:47 < Nitori_Kawashiro> "...And that's only the loading section..." She worked at loosening some bits of the press and moving it aside to start fixing up the aforementioned jams. "If you don't want this belt to split apart again, don't run so much through at once..."
  45. 12:48 <@Shameimaru_Aya> "Look, I'll... I'll make you a huge bowl of sunomono. Gigantic! And some kappamaki!" She really was desperate. Upon closer inspection, she looked rather unhealthy, and there were gigantic dark rings under her eyes.
  46. 12:50 < Nitori_Kawashiro> "...Oi, I'm already fixing it up, Aya. Although...some lunch would be nice between phase 1 and phase 2 of getting this thing working. I need to move on to the printing section of it in a moment...a couple of the letters look like they melted...!"
  47. 12:51 < Nitori_Kawashiro> "...If I just loosen this part here and move it to the side...hrm..." A loud, metallic *clunk*, and something fell into place. "...Alright, step one has solved itself...!"
  48. 12:51 <@Shameimaru_Aya> "M-Melted...!" She visibly flinched. "That's quality tengu engraving...! I think we have extra letter blocks. Somewhere, somewhere..." She started hopping and dashing around the room like mad, throwing open the dozens of cabinets under each counter and frantically searching for the replacement letters.
  49. 12:52 < Nitori_Kawashiro> "...Please tell me why you have ropes holding some of these parts together?" Nitori chuckled... "You should've just asked me to weld those back on, once they snapped off...
  50. 12:52 < Nitori_Kawashiro> *"
  51. 12:52 < Nitori_Kawashiro> "...Wasn't that months ago, too?"
  52. 12:54 <@Shameimaru_Aya> "We don't have time! And your fees are ridiculous!" Her hand twitched, and she accidentally spilled a whole load of pencils and brushes onto the floor. She growled at them, crouching on one foot to scoop them all up again.
  53. 12:56 * Nitori_Kawashiro chuckled a little, removing all the melted letter-blocks by hand... "...Well, you know, I've gotta eat, too. If you don't pay my bills, I can't fix the machines that pay yours."
  54. 12:59 <@Shameimaru_Aya> "It's still exorbitant! Charging even more than a tengu is an impressive feat, you know. Aaaaahhh, is this it?" She picked up a little cup that was just full of dice, for some reason. "Tch...!" She slammed it back down irritably, wavering and staring at the cabinet. She really was just a bundle of nerves and exhaustion...
  55. 13:00 < Nitori_Kawashiro> "Hey, hey, relax..." She digs into her backpack again, pulling out a bunch of shiny new blocks. "I brought some new ones in case you didn't have spares. This time, they're heat resistant..."
  56. 13:01 <@Shameimaru_Aya> "But is it tengu engraved!? If it's not exactly the same font, it'll be a total nightmare to look at...!"
  57. 13:01 < Nitori_Kawashiro> She very carefully started installing them in the right spots, leaving the originals be... "Don't worry, I had them custom-made by someone in the metalworking business back home...Now, can you do anything about whatever's making that heat? I don't want any more melted parts..."
  58. 13:05 <@Shameimaru_Aya> "It's always hot in here. We work at breakneck speed. And I'm telling you, if the engraving on the blocks isn't done by tengu artisans, it's gonna drive me crazy..."
  59. 13:15 * Nitori_Kawashiro tilts her head and ponders... "...Ah, hold on. The friction of the earlier parts built up the heat that warped these letterblocks..." Nitori reluctantly smacked some sort of gear back into place with a small hammer. "And that also ended up ruining the mechanism that ran the conveyor..."
  60. 13:16 < Nitori_Kawashiro> "...then the conveyor itself was jammed a few months back, and nobody fixed it...and /now/ you're suprised when it breaks?" She shrugged. "I'm going to have to replace quite a bit of this setup."
  61. 13:18 <@Shameimaru_Aya> "How much of it could you possibly need to replace? It's been working fine! Surely, there's just one problem that makes it not work now when it did before!"
  62. 13:21 * Nitori_Kawashiro pulls out a clipboard and starts writing down some notes... "Actually, Aya, it's not nearly that simple. If it was, I'd probably be in and out by now..."
  63. 13:22 < Nitori_Kawashiro> "...Besides, if I crammed some parts just to get it working, it might break again. You've got to be patient so I can do this one right..."
  64. 13:23 <@Shameimaru_Aya> "Whyyy nooooottttt? I need to print this newspaperrrr... I've had to rewrite it five times... don't tell me I have to go begging Himekaidou to use hers!"
  65. 13:24 * Nitori_Kawashiro facepalmed. Nothing else could show her disappointment or annoyance. "Machines are pretty delicate things. One or two mistakes could lead to things getting worse...I'll do what I can, for now, but you'll need a replacement soon after."
  66. 13:26 <@Shameimaru_Aya> "Nnnnnhhh..." She flopped over a counter, pouting, hesitating. "...No, no, make it work good again. Make it all nice and shiny and stuff like you want. Gaahhhh, but I'm going to end up having to just write all the papers by hand, now... my wrist is gonna break for sure..."
  67. 13:30 < Nitori_Kawashiro> "It's a small price to pay for a better machine down the line..." She pulled out a toolbox from the huge pack and sifted through various parts, trying to find the right ones...
  68. 13:34 <@Shameimaru_Aya> "Oh, it's not a small price. It's never a small price." She was winding down from her frenzy, and just looked exhausted now. "Ahhh, who am I kidding... I'm never gonna be able to hand-print that many issues..." She straightened up, taking a step forward. "I'll just have to--" For once, the nimble tengu couldn't keep balance on her own geta. She flopped forward gracelessly, and didn't even stop herself from thumping into the floor.
  69. 13:34 <@Shameimaru_Aya> "Owwwwww..."
  70. 13:38 < Nitori_Kawashiro> "...Aya, just let me fix things up. It's not as difficult as it looks, for me...just trust me, alright?"
  71. 13:40 <@Shameimaru_Aya> "How long will it taaakeee...? If I don't get these articles out as soon as possible, the other papers will get the scoop on me... My subscribers are gonna leave me..."
  72. 13:46 * Nitori_Kawashiro looked like she knew what she was doing, already beginning her replacement of the parts... "This'll be a couple hours at most...? Not long enough for some imaginary people to get up in arms about their papers being late." She smiled softly. "THey'll understand, I"m sure of it."
  73. 13:48 <@Shameimaru_Aya> "Nnnnhhh... Nitori-saaaannn..." She pulled herself across the floor until she was next to the kneeling kappa, and suddenly hugged her around the waist from behind. "You're the beeessttt..."
  74. 13:49 * Nitori_Kawashiro chuckled... "Hey, I'm just doin' my job. And it's not just for the pay, this time...the tengu and kappa have been friends since the border. Heck, even before, so I guess it's a duty thing..."
  75. 13:50 <@Shameimaru_Aya> "Aren't you supposed to be shy?" Squeeeeze. "I expected you to squeak all cutely and stuff..."
  76. 13:51 < Nitori_Kawashiro> She blushed a bit. "H-Hey, don't talk about it..." She squirmed a little, then... "You made me...lose my concentration." She gave a nervous laugh. "Besides, you're nice enough...even if you could stand to relax a little more sometimes..." ^_^
  77. 13:52 < Nitori_Kawashiro> "...G-gah...n-now I'm all mixed up..." she lowered her hat a bit to hide her face, putting down her tools. "...Your p-payment's gonna mean meals for a few months, if I'm lucky..."
  78. 13:54 < Nitori_Kawashiro> ((Brb, must nom foods. :9))
  79. 13:55 <@Shameimaru_Aya> She was a little bleary-eyed, and those bags under her eyes were as dark as the abyss. She had a little less restraint than usual... well, more than a little. She sat up and pulled the kappa close to her, huggling her and petting her on the hat. "Cutie kappa... so smart and everything..."
  80. 14:21 < Nitori_Kawashiro> ((Back. :3))
  81. 14:22 * Nitori_Kawashiro squirmed a little, feeling uncomfortable and awkward... "...H-Hey, easy there, I'm trying to work, all the thanks f-for later, a-alright? Maybe I'll stay for lunch o-or something."
  82. 14:29 <@Shameimaru_Aya> "But you're so adorable... I just wanna eat you up... I jus' wanna... put you in a little box... feed you cake and crackers... blankets and snuggling... leather straps..." Her hand kept petting rhythmically. She was seriously tired beyond all sense.
  83. 14:37 -!- Himekaidou_Hatate [5772d3d8@EasternStory-29p.mn4.1icp28.IP] has joined #Bunbunmaru_HQ
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