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Jun 30th, 2016
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  1. Tim "The Toolman" Taylor
  2. Human Vigilante (Night Terror) 12
  3. STR 14 (16) DEX 18 (22) CON 14 INT 14 WIS 12 CHA 16 (20)
  4. HP 99 Fort +10 Ref +17 Will +12
  5. AC 26 FFAC 20 TAC 19 (+2 Nat Armor bonus when Barkskin is cast, +3 Shield bonus when Power Attacking)
  6. BAB +9/+4 CMB +12 CMD 31
  7. Move 30 ft. Init +6
  8. Racial Features: Skilled, Focused Study
  9. Class Features: Maneuvers (Fool's Errand, Eternal Guardian, Tempest Gale, Veiled Moon), Dual Identity (Social: Tim Taylor NG, Vigilante: The Toolman LG), Seamless Guise, Social Grace (Diplomacy, Sense Motive, Craft (Carpentry)), Vigilante Specialization (Stalker), Hidden Strike (4d8/4d4, Locking), Improvisational Expert, Lethal Grace, Renown, Unshakable, Mockingbird, Startling Appearance, Shield of Blades, Quick Change, Many Guises, Stalker Art (Critical Edge), Frightening Appearance, Double Time, Twisting Fear
  10. Feats: Weapon Finesse, Quick Draw, Skill Focus (Intimidate), Combat Reflexes, Discipline Focus (Fool's Errand), Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Improvised Weapons), Skill Focus (Acrobatics), Dazzling Display, Shatter Defenses
  11. Traits: Surprise Weapon, Finding Your Kin (Vigilante)
  12. Skills: Acrobatics 12 (+32), Bluff 12 (+20), Climb 12 (+20), Craft (Carpentry) 12 (+19/+23 as Tim), Diplomacy 12 (+20/+24 as Tim), Escape Artist 12 (+21), Disguise 12 (+20/+40 to hide identity), Intimidate 12 (+22), Perception 12 (+16), Sense Motive 12 (+16/+20 as Tim), Sleight of Hand 12 (+21), Stealth 12 (+26), Use Magic Device 12 (+20)
  13. FCB: +1 Skill Point/level
  14. Maneuvers Readied: 5
  15. Maneuvers Known: Debilitating Fear, Steel Shattering Fist, Strike of the Royal Guardian, Adamantine Grip, Intruder's End, Night Falls, Grim Guard's Laughter, Blade-Dance Ballet, Moment of Mastery
  16. Stances Known: Spirit Sensing Stance, Lession II: Control, Lession III: Suppression, Jailer of the Damned
  17. Lock DC: 26
  18. Gear: Amulet of Mighty Fists +2, Shadow Mithral Shirt +3, Belt of Incredible Dexterity +4, Headband of Alluring Charisma +4, Cloak of Resistance +3, Ring of Protection +3, Boots of Elvenkind, Mask of the Tiger's Eye, Wand of Barkskin, Wand of Obscuring Mist, Wand of Cure Light Wounds, 2 Spring-Loaded Wristsheathes, Wayfinder + Pale Blue Rhomboid Sphere Ioun Stone, Ranger's Kit, MWK Carpenter's Tools, Adamantine Shovel, Cold Iron Hammer, Silversheen Saw, Folding Ladder, Climber's Kit, 3 Alchemist's Fires, 3 Alkali Flasks, 3 Holy Waters, 2 Oils of Bless Weapon, 2 Potions of Touch of the Sea, 2 Potions of Fly, Vermin Repellent, Antiplague, Antitoxins, 6 GP
  19. Improvised Weapon Attack: +17, 1d6+19 (2-Handed:1d6+23) (19-20/x2)
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