
Eat my cupcakes and leave?

Jan 25th, 2019
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Noah was standing in the kitchen finishing off his latest creation of cupcakes because I swear he literally lives off of cupcakes. He'd baked a mocha sponge with peppermint icing that he was in the process of spooning into a ziplock bag so he could frost his cupcakes. He'd given in and had eventually gone slightly more professional than slathering it on with a knife.-
  2. Covet: Tae walked out of her room, heading into the kitchen. It'd smelled awesome out here and she couldn't resist anymore. She spotted Noah, using the ziplock back as had been previously discussed at one point and smiled. "What did you make this time?"
  3. Alexithymiaa: -He looked up from filling the bag to see Tae on her way out of her room before looking back down at what he was doing to avoid even more of a mess than he'd already made with the frosting. "Mocha and peppermint." He said, spinning the bag at the top to press the frosting into the corner before picking up the scissors and snipping the end.-
  4. Covet: "Oh, interesting. I like the upgraded technique you got going on there too." She told him with a smile. "Can I have the first one you get frosted?"
  5. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah well... the other way took a long ass time and it was messy so..." He trailed off as he started to swirl frosting onto the first cupcake, nudging it in her direction. "I don't know how good it is. I've never done this one before."-
  6. Covet: "So basically I'm being a guinea pig then?" She said reaching over to grab the cupcake, biting into it after peeling the paper away. "Ooh... could be a little stronger on the coffee flavor in the cake, but the texture is perfect."
  7. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, I haven't been able to get the balance right on that one. I've done mocha before, but I've changed it up every time. Never with the peppermint though. Does it go together?" He asked as he continued to frost the cupcakes, not giving a shit if she didn't like it cause he was going to frost them all regardless.-
  8. Covet: "Mhhmm, would have been better last month, but I'm not complaining, this is pretty good. The peppermint isn't to strong, so it works well." She added taking another bite.
  9. Alexithymiaa: "Well at least they're edible." He said as he finished frosting the last one, setting the nearly empty ziplock back down on the counter and shaking out his hands. "I need new ideas."-
  10. Covet: "Pintrest. Tons of ideas on pintrest." She told him with a mouth full of cupcake.
  11. Alexithymiaa: "Eh... I hate pinterest." He said with a sigh, hopping up to sit on the counter and sort of just admiring his handy work on cupcakes.-
  12. Covet: "You don't have to like.. go there often, just google unique cupcakes or something, and a pintrest list usually pops up, then you can just graze through it until you find what you're looking for." She said throwing the paper into the trash.
  13. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah but have you ever actually tried to look at their shit without logging in? It makes it nearly impossible and then trying to get to the actual recipe from there is a nightmare. It's easier to look for it on google without pinterest."-
  14. Covet: "I just do it on my laptop. You just experimented with these ones right? You don't need the recipe, you're just looking for flavor combinations to make your own." Tae said.
  15. Alexithymiaa: "Well I mean... I used a recipe and subsituted with similar things..." He trailed off, slipping off the counter to his feet so he could grab himself a cupcake. "I can't just invent a recipe."-
  16. Covet: "Why not, how do you think those recipes came to be to begin with." Tae said. "Just take your basic cupcake recipe, and if you are adding more liquid ingredients , then add a little more flower or dry ingredients."
  17. Alexithymiaa: "People who know what they're doing..." He mumbled as he took a bite, mulling over the flavors. "What about those crazy ones that use like salty ingredients and stuff. Like bacon cupcakes."-
  18. Covet: " Then they make a few test batches if it's not right the first time?" Tae asked, because she'd just watched competition shows and watched them throw shit together and make magic happen.
  19. Alexithymiaa: "I don't know?" He asked, taking another bite of his cupcake. "But I wouldnt even know where to start to make something like that. It's such a weird one, but they make it work so well."-
  20. Covet: "Well but you can look up bacon cupcakes and get a recipe for that." Tae said rolling her eyes at him.
  21. Alexithymiaa: "You're not getting it. I want to do other weird shit, but like... make it up like those crazy people do. Shit I haven't found online." He said, waving his arm through the air in a big motion.-
  22. Covet: "Then you kind of have to make it up. So.. you'll just have to figure it out." Tae said rolling her eyes, because he was being difficult.
  23. Alexithymiaa: "But I can't make it up." He retorted, digging his heels in. "I'm not good enough to know what I can and can't do with certain things. I need like... a pro to show me how they do it. Like tips for stuff. Like I know you can balance too much sour with adding sweet, but that's the only rule I know."-
  24. Covet: "They're going to tell you to just start experimenting." Tae told him flatly, unamused. "But make small changes, so you know what needs to change. All of that you can find out online too. Or maybe go to the culinary department at the college?"
  25. Alexithymiaa: "We have a culinary department?" He asked with genuine shock. He lives in his little bubble and he likes it there.-
  26. Covet: "It's a college... yes..." Tae said blinking. "Did you even look through the packet and the booklet of classes they give you when you get here?"
  27. Alexithymiaa: "Nope." He said flatly, not caring one way or the other what classes were actually offered. He'd picked this school because Bryan went here. "I didnt know what I wanted to do so it didn't matter."-
  28. Covet: "You didn't know what you wanted to do...but you never thought to look at the classes offered?" She said with a sigh shaking her head.
  29. Alexithymiaa: "What would it matter if I don't know what Im looking for? I figured I would take whatever classes they're going to make me take first and go from there." He said as he finished off his cupcake, pitching the wrapping into the trash.-
  30. Covet: "It's like.. window shopping, or web browsing. You don't know what you're looking for, but you're still looking at things to get an idea." Tae explained.
  31. Alexithymiaa: "That's never really worked for me. I have to try it out before I know if I'm looking for it or not." So applicable. "What's the difference? At least I didn't take time off."-
  32. Covet: "What's wrong with taking time off?" She asked getting defensive, because she'd taken time off before getting into college.
  33. Alexithymiaa: "I forget the statistic, but like a whole shit ton of people who take time off after high school don't actually end up going to college at all. It's supposed to be a lot harder to go after you've taken time off or something." He shrugged casually, not picking up on her defensive tone.-
  34. Covet: "You know what they say about statistics? That most of them are made up and biased. Because I've read a study that says young adults who take time off before going to college have a better idea of what they want to do in school, and don't wind up in debt because of it." She said throwing out her two cents of biased statistics.
  35. Alexithymiaa: "Well I've never heard that one. Either way, I wasn't going to be in debt anyway. Had a college fund, might as well use it." He shrugged casually like it was no big deal that his parents had put away thousands of dollars for him to go to school with.-
  36. Covet: "Wow... Must be nice." She said then turned on her heel, heading off to her room.
  37. Alexithymiaa: "I mean, yeah kind of." He said as she started to walk off. "What the hell is your problem?"-
  38. Covet: "Nothing. No problem at all." She said with a shrug, not turning around to look at him. "At least none that are your's "
  39. Alexithymiaa: "So you come out here, you eat my cupcakes and then when you've decided you dont like me again, you give me an attitude and walk off? Well fuck you too. Shit..." He grumbled, grabbing the roll of aluminum foil to start covering his tray of cupcakes.-
  40. Covet: "Or maybe because you think with your head up your ass and your self entitlement finally pissed me off, because you don't get it." She said snapping at him before storming off to slam her door.
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