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- :start
- @echo off
- if "%caller%" neq "Defined" cls
- title SyncronizeMatchedFiles Utility:
- if not defined vers set vers=v8.7.0.02 20231006232214 by -JpE-
- echo .
- echo *********************************************
- echo * Syncing Matched Files, Please Stand-By. *
- echo *********************************************
- echo * Original Version 20220425234207 *
- echo *********************************************
- echo * Update %vers% *
- echo *********************************************
- echo .
- title Sync Matched Files by JpE for JpE-PC
- REM **************************************************
- REM set msg="Turn on Echo Now? (No): "
- REM choice /c yn /t 3 /d n /m %msg%
- REM if %errorlevel% equ 1 echo on
- REM echo .
- set /A task=0
- set ok="Success! Task Completed. "
- set no=""
- echo .
- set msg="Sync Smesa7 to Offline Files shared with Daddio? (Yes): "
- choice /c yn /n /t 5 /d y /m %msg%
- if %errorlevel% EQU 2 goto sync
- echo .
- set /A bla=0
- set source="C:\Users\JpE\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\My Editor Suite\Smesa7"
- set destin="\\DADDIO-PC\Projects\My Editor Suite\Smesa7\"
- if %bla% EQU 1 del /f /s /q %destin%"\"*.*
- xcopy %source%"\"*.* %destin% /D /E /V /C /F /G /R /K /Y /Z /B /J
- REM *****************************************************
- REM pause
- echo .
- set msg=%ok%
- if %errorlevel% EQU 0 set /A task+=1
- if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 set msg=%no%
- choice /c k /n /t 3 /d k /m %msg%
- :sync
- echo .
- set msg="Sync the Daddio Synchronized Folder to JpE? (No): "
- choice /c yn /n /t 5 /d n /m %msg%
- if %errorlevel% NEQ 1 goto result
- REM else
- REM pause
- set /A bla=0
- set source="\\DADDIO-PC\Projects\My Editor Suite\Smesa7"
- set destin="C:\Users\JpE\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\My Editor Suite\Smesa7"
- if %bla% EQU 1 del /f /s /q %destin%"\"*.*
- xcopy %source%"\"*.* %destin% /D /E /V /C /F /G /R /K /Y /Z /B /J
- REM pause
- echo .
- set msg=%ok%
- if %errorlevel% EQU 0 set /A task+=1
- if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 set msg=%no%
- choice /c k /n /t 3 /d k /m %msg%
- :result
- echo .
- set txt1=Program was
- set txt2=%txt1%Un
- if %task% EQU 1 set txt2=%txt1%Partly
- if %task% EQU 2 set txt2=%txt1%Fully
- set txt3=%txt2%Successful.
- if "%caller%" equ "Defined" goto theend
- echo %line% & echo %txt3% Exiting in 7 seconds! & echo %line%
- echo .
- set msg="R)estart Program, P)ause Program, E)nd Program: "
- choice /c rpe /n /t 7 /d e /m %msg%
- if %errorlevel% EQU 1 goto start
- if %errorlevel% EQU 2 echo .
- if %errorlevel% EQU 2 pause
- :theend
- echo .
- echo The End!
- echo .
- echo Bye Bye!
- REM pause
- exit /b %errorlevel%
- ::: 100% -JpE-
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