
I feel strongly about your ass

Dec 14th, 2018
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Noah was lying across his bed in his room clad only in his boxers. The chick he'd had a very successful date with last night had stayed over and when he got home from class this afternoon, she'd still been only half dressed in his room, so there was a round two that went down. // Lucy, a Vietnamese American chick from his physiology class was almost a spitting image of Tae. Asian with medium brown hair and a pretty decent rack. Wearing only one of his t-shirts, she padded out of his bedroom in search of food, heading off into the kitchen to stare into the fridge.-
  2. Covet: Tae had known of the extra female presence in the house because of the smell of her perfume, and the extra loud noises that had come from Noah's room, but she hadn't actually seen the chick at all. She's spent most of the last day or so cooped up in her room or at school or work. Her stomach gave a rumble and she looked down from her sewing machine at it, " Oh right...I said I was going to get something to eat like an hour ago." She stated then got up, opening up her door before heading out towards the kitchen to see the rival female.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Hearing foot steps behind her, Lucy turned and tipped her head toward Tae, not really seeing her as a threat or anything so she was perfectly nice. "Hey do you guys have like... snacks or something? I'm starving."-
  4. Covet: "I think there's some frozen tv dinners in the freezer that belong to Noah you could probably eat." Tae said with a shrug then opened up a cupboard to grab the bread and peanut butter out of the cupboard to make herself a sandwhich. She wasn't even really trying to hide her annoyance at the blatant dopleganger rip off Noah had been spending time with.
  5. Alexithymiaa: "Oh cool, thanks." She said as she shut the fridge and opened the freezer, rummaging through the boxed dinners. "He probably won't mind. He's sweet like that." She said because she clearly didnt know him at all, only the fakeness he'd been putting on for her benefit.-
  6. Covet: "Yeah, bittersweet maybe." Tae said rolling her eyes. "Good he has you fooled though. Just don't put a whole lot of hope into that. It will save you the heartbreak in the long run." She said as she went about making her sandwich.
  7. Alexithymiaa: "What?" She asked, turning with the box in her hand, nudging the freezer closed. "What are you talking about? He's been nothing, but a peach to me since the day I met him.'-
  8. Covet: "Honeymoon phase." Tae said flatly. "Plus he's probably trying extra hard, to prove a point to me. I mean.. just looking at you, I can tell how hard he's trying."
  9. Alexithymiaa: -Since Lucy had no idea what Tae was talking about, she just stood there with a dazed look on her face. "I don't really know what you're on about, but it sounds a little conceited..." She trailed off, walking by her to the microwave to pop the dinner in and start it up.-
  10. Covet: "Conceited... No, not at all. Just disappointed... in him." Tae said as she finished with the peanut butter and now that she was away from the fridge she could get to the jelly without feeling tempted to slap some sense into this chick. "But.. if you were smart, you'd blow that popsicle stand then leave."
  11. Alexithymiaa: "I don't know, kind of just sounds like you're trying to get rid of me for your benefit, not mine." She said as she lingered next to the microwave, waiting on her food. "Sounds like a you problem, not a me problem."-
  12. Covet: "Now that... sounded conceited, but if naive, gullible bimbo is what he wants, you're probably the better fit for him." Tae said because she had a serious case of kettle/pot syndrom going on right now. "Once he gets what he wants out of you, he'll move on to the next look alike. Don't say you weren't warned." Tae added in a sing song tone, before putting her sandwich stuff away and grabbed herself a water out of the fridge before grabbing her completed food.
  13. Alexithymiaa: "Excuse me?" She said with such a fucking attitude. "Last I checked, I didnt ask for your opinion so the fact that you're just throwing around insults right now when you dont even know me only proves my point. You better watch yourself." She sneered, opening the microwave when it beeped.-
  14. Covet: "Or you'll do what exactly? Cause you're in my house sweetums, remember that." Tae said not afraid of her empty threats.
  15. Alexithymiaa: "It's his house too." She shot back, her voice raised just a bit. // Noah could hear the voices getting a little louder from the kitchen, groaning and dragging himself up off the bed to wander out there. "How long does it take to get food?" He asked her, seeing her standing there arguing with Tae. "What's going on?"-
  16. Covet: "Right, but just because he sticks his dick in you, doesn't give you the right to throw threats around to the rest of us that live here." Tae told her, then looked over at Noah, "Oh I was just informing this fabulous stunt double you found of me, that you're not as sweet as you like to make yourself out to be. Don't worry though, she doesn't believe me, so your cover is safe."
  17. Alexithymiaa: "I was perfectly nice to her and she just started being super sarcastic at me with an attitude. All I was doing was defending myself and YOU and she's being a total bitch." // He raised his brows and stared at Tae. "Why do you have to make everything about you? This has nothing to do with you. You're only driving my point home that you're self centered."-
  18. Covet: "Really..." Tae said looking over at Lucy. "I'm pretty sure I didn't clone myself, so this... was all you." She said pointing around. "But whatever you need to do to cope, and keep telling yourself there's no feelings from you."
  19. Alexithymiaa: -Lucy rolled her eyes, setting the microwave dinner down on the counter and grabbing for a fork to begin stabbing at it. // "What are you even on about? Are you jealous that I took an interest in someone else? Does it feel shitty to see it happening and there isn't shit you can do to stop it?" He shot back at her, a line blurring somewhere in the middle of that statement.-
  20. Covet: "Yeah, I am jealous. But the difference between the two of us, is I have the balls to admit it." Tae told him, hearing what he actually said, even if he didn't Female intuition for the win. "But there's always something you can do about it." She said walking past him, then called out, "Don't forget to drop my stunt double back off at the film lot in a timely manner."
  21. Alexithymiaa: -He just stood there awkwardly in his boxers as she walked by him, the back of his neck and his cheeks going hot. He stomped off behind her, talking at her back. "How dare you insinuate I don't have balls? I've got like... the biggest balls."-
  22. Covet: Tae turned around with a soft smile, "You have balls, just not the ones required for this level." She said pointing to herself, putting it into terms he'd understand. "Now... this princess is going to another castle. But have fun with Daisy in there."
  24. Alexithymiaa: -He felt his entire body tense on that last burn because video games hit home for him because he's a fucking loser. Stepping forward, he pushed her back against the wall hard, leaning his head in to come down to her mouth for a very passionate, but also fiery kiss.-
  25. Covet: [HAHAHAHA]
  26. Covet: Tae was shocked at first, then was turned on by his intensity, and practically insta-melted because this was her unconventional halmark moment. She kissed him back because fuck Lucy, totally getting into the moment. After a long moment of doing the make out thing, she pulled back " have the balls to do something about it, but do you have the balls to admit it?" She asked.
  27. Alexithymiaa: "When are you going to shut the fuck up?" He hissed at her, leaning in to kiss her again, his hands roaming over her sides. // Lucy was literally just standing and watching while eating this tv dinner.-
  28. Covet: [WTF Lucy XD]
  29. Covet: Tae was about to speak but then couldn't because Noah's mouth was on hers again. She gave in, her body responding to his touch, but only for a moment before she spoke against his lips, "When I hear you say it." She'd pretty much forgotten about Lucy at this point because her brain was in her panties right about now.
  30. Alexithymiaa: "Say what?" He mumbled, intentionally playing dumb because now it was just a game. He moved his mouth to her neck, nipping at her skin to try to distract her.-
  31. Covet: Tae shuddered and smiled as he got at her neck, looking over his shoulder at Lucy who was just watching and with a rather direct intent she spoke out, in a bit of a lust coated moan, to make a petty point to this random chick. "Say that you have feelings for me."
  32. Alexithymiaa: -He continued to kiss at her neck, his voice low against her skin. "I feel strongly about your ass." He said to her, trying to dance around the matter at hand. // Lucy gave no fucks. She wasnt attached to Noah and at this point she was just going to enjoy her free food.-
  33. Covet: [It's not even good free food Lucy... you have no standards!]
  34. Covet: Tae gave a giggle, then spoke again, "I think you're just feeling my ass strongly. That's doesn't count." She said with her eyes rolliing back as he kept teasing her.
  35. Alexithymiaa: "Nah, I'm pretty sure I feel strongly about your ass." He said to her again, doing some more groping.-
  36. Covet: Tae grinned, "I'll take that for now, I guess." She told him, "Though... you could show me how strongly you feel about other things, if you get rid of your extra company and we go take a shower." She told him because he had to wash doppleganger filth off first.
  37. Alexithymiaa: -He paused, looking back over his shoulder at Lucy who was obviously not giving a shit about them and their shenanigans. "I take it you don't think we should invite her along...."-
  38. Covet: "Not this time. She got her fun." Tae told him. "Maybe another time." She said but had no intentions of going through with that, at least not with Lucy because that'd be weird.
  39. Alexithymiaa: "Fine." He grumbled, only mockingly disappointed because he had gotten laid earlier and was clearly going to get laid again now so he didnt really put up much of a fight for the threesome idea. Wrapping his arm around her waist, he pulled her against him, walking backwards toward his bedroom. "My shower is better."-
  40. Covet: "Works for me." Tae said as they just kind of left Lucy to her free terrible meal, they're awful. Tae was already in the process of stripping, not that she had a whole lot of clothing on to begin with.
  41. Alexithymiaa: -He walked into the bathroom to start his shower, letting the water run and begin to fill the bathroom with steam. Nudging the door closed to keep the warmth inside, he stepped out of his boxers, sort of just kicking them across the bathroom.-
  42. Covet: Tae was definitely still all over him while getting undressed, then climbed into the shower. She was definitely making sure he was all cleaned of Lucy before doing anything naughty.
  43. Alexithymiaa: -He followed her into the shower, trying to get handsy with her despite the fact that she seemed more interested in washing him. "Ease up."-
  44. Covet: "Ease up? I'm trying to get you clean, just so we can get dirty again." She told him getting extra friendly with the fluffy bath scrubbie thing.
  45. Alexithymiaa: "You don't need to get me clean so we can be dirty. That's the beauty of being dirty." He said as he rubbed his hands over her.-
  46. Covet: "I have my reasons. Just shut up and enjoy it." She told him as she turned around to rub her body against his now soapy body, washing herself up while rubbing up on him in the watery nakedness.
  47. Alexithymiaa: "I am enjoying it. Enjoy me." He said to her, leaning down to press his lips to hers as he did the groping thing some more. Soap makes it more fun.-
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