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Aug 22nd, 2018
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  1. there’s a few repeats in here but you get the gist. read these and you might as well call yourself enlightened. top book on here imo is gervais principle. followed by beyond good and evil.
  3. The 48 Laws of Power
  4. 36 Stratagems
  5. Craft of Power
  6. Power (J. Pfeiffer)
  7. Biocentrism
  8. 50th Law
  9. Art of Manipulation
  10. Might is Right
  11. The Art of Worldly Wisdom
  12. The Book of Five Rings
  13. The Way of the Superior Man
  14. The Art of War
  15. Art of War (Machiavelli)
  16. On War
  17. Chet Richards - Certain To Win
  18. 33 Strategies of War
  19. The Memoirs of Ulysses S Grant
  20. The Prince
  21. JD Unwin books
  22. The Republic
  23. The Communist Manifesto
  24. Rules for Radicals
  25. Discourses on Livy
  26. Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking
  27. The Art of Deception   
  28. How to Win Friends and Influence People
  29. The Charisma Myth
  30. Social Intelligence
  31. What Every Body is Saying
  32. The Full Facts Book of Cold Reading
  33. You Can Read Anyone
  34. Get Anyone to Do Anything
  35. The Art of Seduction
  36. The Mystery Method
  37. Strangers To Ourselves - Timothy Wilson
  38. Bang
  39. The Natural
  40. Models
  41. the soul of man under socialism
  42. Brainfluence
  43. Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions
  44. Fascinate: Your 7 Triggers to Persuasion and Captivation
  45. Influence: Science and Practice
  46. Influencer: The Power to Change Anything
  47. Invisible Influence: The Power to Persuade Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere
  48. Made to Stick
  49. Return on Relationship
  50. Winning the Story Wars
  51. Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to be Persuasive
  52. The Social Animal
  53. Red Queen
  54. Thinking Fast and Slow
  55. Predictably Irrational
  56. Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard
  57. Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
  58. The Person and the Situation
  59. The Psychology of Attitude Change and Social Influence
  60. Strangers to Ourselves
  61. Sleights of Mind
  62. Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain
  63. Without Conscience
  64. The Psychopath Inside
  65. The Mask of Sanity
  66. A Psychopath's Guide to Success
  67. The Wisdom of Psychopaths
  68. Snakes in Suits
  69. NLP - the new technology of achievement
  70. The will to meaning — victor frankl
  71. How i raised myself from failure to success in selling — book
  72. Peter Levine - awaken the tiger
  73. Watch Children of the Corn movie
  74. kurtz - heart of darkness
  75. Envy: A Theory of Social Behaviour by Helmut Shoeck
  76. a mind for numbers - barbara oxley
  77. NLP for dummies
  78. michael ellsworth - the education of millionaires
  79. talib naseem - the black swan
  80. talib naseem - in the bed of precrusties
  81. talib naseem — antifragile
  82. anthony robbins - unlimited power
  83. michio kaku - the future of the mind
  84. Inner engineering yoga
  85. Victor frankl - man search for meaning
  86. Alexander The Great
  87. steven pinker - enlightenment now
  88. steven pinker - better angles of our nature
  89. game of thrones
  90. i and brain
  91. watch dark knight and deadwood
  92. watch glegory glenn ross
  93. ryan holiday - all
  94. nasim taleb - antifragile
  95. charles duhigg - the power of habit
  96. tucker max - all
  97. foundation by asimov
  98. the connector - malcom gladwell
  99. the creature from jekyll island
  100. 1984
  101. Think and grow rich
  102. The way of the peaceful warrior 
  103. Animal farm
  104. psycho cybernetics
  105. Robert Coram - Boyd, the fighter pilot who changed the art of war
  106. chet richard’s — certain to win
  107. yes minister — yes prime minister
  108. Red queen
  109. predictably irrational
  110. black red necks and white liberals
  111. Faust
  112. benjamin franklin autobiography
  113. chimp paradox
  114. Plato's Gorgias
  115. Milton’s paradise lost
  116. Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics
  117. Marcus Aurelius' Meditations
  118. Augustine's Confessions
  119. Descarte's Meditations
  120. Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion
  121. Kant's Prolegomena to any Future Metaphysics
  122. Spinoza's Ethics
  123. Nietzche's On the Advantage and Disadvantage of History for Life
  124. Steven M Cahn's Classics of Western Philosophy.
  125. For drama read the Greeks and things from Shakespeare's era:
  126. 7 habits of highly effective people
  127. One Hundred Years of Solitude.
  128. the craft of power
  129. brian green fabric of the cosmos
  130. Aeschylus' Oresteia
  131. Sophocles' Theban Plays
  132. Aristophanes' The Clouds
  133. Sophocles' Theban Plays
  134. Aristophanes' The Clouds
  135. Marlowe's Dr. Faustus
  136. Fukuyama’s The End of History and the Last Man.
  137. Shakespeare (read what interests you... I like the history plays)
  138. Don't forget Ben Jonson and others
  139. Marlowe's Dr. Faustus
  140. In God’s Underground
  141. martin heiteger - being in time
  142. the chimp paradox
  143. power vs force
  144. the evolution of civilizations - Caroll Quigley
  145. Date with destiny - Tony Robbins
  146. subliminal - how your unconscious mind runs your behavior
  147. inner game - getting laid like a warlord
  148. slave morality - nietzsche
  149. The End of History and the Last Man.
  150. The old man and the sea
  151. Fyodor Dostoyevsky: The brothers Karamazov
  152. Thomas E. Gaddis: Panzram- a journal of murder
  153. Napoleon hill - think and grow rich
  154. george orwell: road to wigan pier
  155. The Good Psychopath's Guide to Success
  156. master morality - nietzsche
  157. HG Wells - World Brain
  158. Johnny got his gun — book
  159. No campus for white men
  160. tribal leadership — dave logan
  161. Never Split The Difference, Negotiate As If your Life Depended On It
  162. Let’s get drinks - the New Yorker
  163. RooshV - return of the kings
  164. the charisma myth
  165. why men are the way they are
  166. Trust Me I'm Lying Confessions of a Media Manipulator
  167. vanketesh rao blog
  168. Steve mconnel - software management book
  169. The obstacle is the way — book
  170. wilhelm reich — all
33 Strategies of War, Robert Greene
Tempo, Venkatesh Rao
The Joy of Selling, Steve Chandler
Propaganda, Edward Bernays
Influence: the Pyschology of Persuasion, Robert B Cialdini
How to win friends and influence people, Dale Carnegie
Battle Leadership, Captain Adolf Von Schell
The soldiers load and the mobility of a nation, USMC
FMFM1, Warfighting, USMC
  171. Tao Te Ching, any translation
The Prince, Machiavelli
Guerrilla Warfare, Che Guevara
on Guerrilla Warfare, Mao Tse-Tung
Soft Power, Joseph Nye
  172. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintainance
Rules for Radicals, Saul D Alinksy
Understanding Power: the indespensable Chomsky, Noam Chomsky
End The Fed, Ron Paul
Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand
The Fountainhead, Ayn Rand
The Ugly American, William J Lederer
Benjamin Franklin, Walter Isaacson
My Early Life, Winston Churchill
Concerning Dissent and Civil Disobedience, Justice Abe Forbes
MoneyBall, Micheal Lewis
The Conquest of Gaul, Julius Ceasar
First to Fight, Krulak
Eagle Against the Sun, ???
Making the Future, Noam Chomsky
Imperial America, Gore Vidal
A People's History of the United States, Howard Zinn
  173. Think and Grow Rich
  174. As a Man Thinketh
  175. The Science of Getting Rich
Revolution 2.0, Wael Ghonim
good strategy, bad strategy, ???
  176. the redemptive self - william whyte
  177. roush - pussy paradise
  178. dan harris - 10% happier
  179. neil gaymen - make good art
  180. waking up on sam harris
  181. the master and his emissary - book
  182. tara brock
  183. Sapiens - Yuval Harari
  184. what you say when you talk to yourself
  185. the power of your subconscious mind
  186. 7 day mental diet
  187. walter isaacson — ben franklin
  188. james fodaman - microdosing
  189. Don’t shoot the dog - book
  190. Modern romance - book
  191. Fantasyland - book
  192. The drama of the gifted child - book
  193. a wandering mind is an unhappy mind - paper
  194. zero to one - peter thiel
  195. paradise lost - john milton
  196. walter isaacson — innovators
  197. joseph epstein - ambition
  198. rich dad poor dad — book
  199. Facing the Dragon: Confronting Personal and Spiritual Grandiosity - book
  200. influence — book
  201. power vs force - freedik dodson
  202. levels of energy - david dodson
  203. the slight edge - jeff olson
  204. spark — book
  205. eric braverman - younger you
  206. ultramind solution - mark hymand
  207. transurfing — vadim zeland
  208. restoring pride — richard taylor
  209. Gorilla Mindset - Mike Cernovich
  210. Without Conscience' by the famous Robert D.
  211. 50th law
  212. The Wisdom of Psychopaths
  213. No Excuses, The Power Of Self Discipline
  214. dumbing us down - john taylor gatto
  215. practical female psychology
  216. napoleon hill - think and grow rich
  217. the believing brain - book
  218. Bhagavad Gita - book
  219. paul stossman — the business value of computers
  220. tribe - book DONE
  221. from good to great - book
  222. anti fragile - book
  223. meditations - marcus aurelius
  224. obstacle is the way - ryan holiday
  225. thinking fast and slow - book
  226. high output management - andy grove
  227. the origins and history on consciousness
  228. noyman - jung
  229. 10/10
  230. briffault’s law
  231. hold on to your nuts
  232. the manual w anton
  233. naked david wygant
  234. the art of seduction
  235. the natural by richard loverina
  236. crowser pua
  237. daorock rational male
  238. the little prince
  239. elliott hulse — mental prison
  240. the red queen — ridley
  241. Ernest Becker's — Denial of Death
  242. tribe — book
  243. my secret garden
  244. raising kanye — donda west
  245. the myth of male power
  246. the virtue of selfishness by Ayn rand
  247. the winner effect
  248. extreme ownership
  249. improvement of the mind - watts
  250. joseph campbell - heroes journey
  251. Enchiridion
  252. Gates of Fire
  253. War of Art
  254. Other special case books I've seen:
  255. When I say no I feel guilty
  256. Iron John (roots of masculine rites of passage)
  257. Wild at heart (for Christian men)
  258. Fountainhead - Ayn Rand
  259. Tom bilyeu - impact theory
  260. the power of myth
  261. The hero with a thousand faces
  262. BF Skinner Books
  263. built to last
  264. "What everybody is saying", Joe Navarro
  265. Impro, Keith Johnstone
Reframing, Richard Bandler and John Grinder
  266. Genealogy of Morals, Nietzsche
  267. Impro By Keith Johnstone
  268. The great leveler - Walter shydel
  269. sell or be sold - grant cadone
  270. games people play - eric berne
  271. The Organization Man
  272. Images Of Organization
  273. asimov foundation series
  274. kicksss copywriting secrets of a marketing rebel
  275. rich dad poor dad
  276. bachelor pad economics
  277. Ordinary men - Robert browning
  278. Steven pinker - blank slate
  279. Asimov - zeroth law
  280. 22 immutable laws of marketing - the law of category the blue ocean strategy
  281. Small giants - bo burningham
  282. nietzche - all
  283. Kierkegaard - all
  284. adler - all
  285. niconamchean ethics - aristotle
  286. maslow - all
  287. Power, Freedom and Grace by Deepak Chopra.
  288. king warrior magician lover
  289. girl logic - book
  290. shortness of life by seneca
  291. Tom Day - Who We Want to Be"
  293. Joseph Campbell and the Myth of the Hero's Journey
  294. john stuart mill - on liberty
  295. illimitable man
  296. Ben greenfield
  297. Victor Hugo
  298. the black swan - n taleb
  299. Karen Horney - neurosis and human growth
  300. the subtle art of not giving a fuck
  301. ride the tiger and revolt against the modern world
  302. The way of the superior man
  303. genius of the modern world - nietzsche netflix
  304. letters from a stoic
  305. extreme ownership - jock
  306. fuck your feelings - michael bennet
  307. gorilla mindset
  308. faster than normal
  309. donovan
  310. think and grow rich
  311. outwitting the devil - napoleon hill
  312. the willpower instinct
  313. wild at heart
  314. how i found freedom in an unfree world - harry browne
  315. the undefeated mind - alex lickerman
  316. a guide to the good life - the ancient art of stoic joy
  317. emotional intelligence 2.0
  318. verbal judo
  319. essentialism - gregg mckewoen
  320. what women want when they test men
  321. benefits of colds showers youtube - comfort zone killer
  322. the way of the iceman - wim hof
  323. how to talk to anyone - 92 tricks
  324. The secret - movie
  325. Good to great - Jim collins
  326. pomodoro technique
  327. total money makeover - dave ramsey
  328. mindset - carol dweck
  329. Matthew Walker - Why We Sleep
  330. nicholas carr - the shallows
  331. the art of worldly wisdom
  332. Keith simmenton - origins of genius
  333. le bon - psychology of the masses
  334. the power of intention
  335. the mentalist - tv show
  336. compelling people
  337. war and peace
  338. How to Say What You Mean & Get What You Want
  339. Gustave Le Bob - The Crowd
  340. virus of the mind
  341. the essential drucker - peter drucker (especially chapter 3)
  342. mastery robert greene
  343. the game
  344. The Dictator's Handbook: Why Bad Behavior Is Almost Always Good Politics by Alastair Smith and Bruce Bueno de Mesquita
  345. Power: Why Some People Have It - and Others Don't by David Drummond and Jeffrey Pfeffer
  346. The Nine Laws Book by Ivan Throne
  347. The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind Book by Gustave Le Bon
  348. The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements Book by Eric Hoffer
  349. Persuasion Skills Black Book: Practical NLP Language Patterns for Getting The Response You Want by Rintu Basu
  350. Win the Crowd: Unlock the Secrets of Influence, Charisma, and Showmanship Book by Steve Cohen
  351. Ikigai by Sebastian Marshall
  352. The Craft Of Power
  353. 33 Strategies of War
  354. 7 habits of effective people
  355. the 36 stratagems
  356. words that work
  357. art of war
  358. the crowd a study of the popular mind
  359. Pre-Suasion" and "Influence: The science of Persuasion"
  360. The Forbidden keys to persuasion"
  361. The Crowd
  362. group psychology and the analysis of the ego
  363. Methods of Persuasion
  364. the happiness trap
  365. the gift of fear
  366. illimitable man blog
  367. power of habit by charles duhigg
  369. Ender’s game
  370. Extreme Ownership - book
  371. art of manipulation
  372. sun tzu — death ground
  373. gonzo - hunter s thompson
  374. Thinking: Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
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