
Text Adventure Chapter 45 Log

Jul 6th, 2014
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  1. >You were completely clueless to everything Pinkie’s done, but in hindsight, it makes so much sense.
  2. >The kisses, when she showed off her armor, staying closer to you…
  3. >How could you not see it?
  4. >How could you not see how she was like this?
  5. >Well, you know now, and you’re going to try your best to help her, no matter what.
  6. >She is your friend, and you’d do anything for her.
  7. >You slowly push her back so you can look her right in the eyes with the most serious expression you can, and you begin.
  8. "First things first... I need to apologize to you. Right here and right now. I showed up in this world, and the very first thing I did was drag you into this dangerous adventure, which led us down a path that is hurting others, you, and taking you away from your life of happiness. Not intentionally, but I did. I assumed that because an animal was dangerous, that we needed to fight it instead of to flee. Whether I meant to or not, I contributed to all of these things changing, and in most cases not for the better. And I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry.”
  9. >Pinkie shakes her head furiously, tears flying.
  10. >”No, no Anon! You didn’t do anything wrong! You were just… doing what you thought was best?”
  11. “Maybe, but it’s caused far too much suffering, and that’s why I’m apologizing. Pinkie, we're on our way back to those good times, even though it doesn't feel like it sometimes. It can be really, really tough to see the progress we've made, when things look as bleak as they do right now. But we have a way to purge the corruption now, and we're working on a way to cure it. It’s coming. We're bringing technology to ponies that will keep them safe and healthy, even happy. Us too, we’re safer now, with our armor, weapons and supplies. So now that we're ready, now that everyone is going to be safe, I won't let anything stop us from doing what we should’ve been doing from the start - finding Rainbow Dash. We're gonna march right up to that castle --because I bet that's where she is-- get her out, help to cure Princess Cadence of whatever’s gotten her, hunt down Bane, and stop it once and for all."
  12. >She looks a bit more hopeful, but her mane was still flat.
  13. >You’re sure at this point the level of poofiness is directly surmounting her level of contentment, so you press on.
  14. "But... I don't think this shadow thing is like anything from your world. Nor is it from mine. It's bad, Pinkie, and to stop it we might need to do things that hurt animals, and maybe even hurt ponies sometimes. I'm working on learning how to heal, in the hopes that we can fix the damage we do, but I still need help, okay? Now that I know how you feel, I would be honored if you'd help me to heal instead of hurt, too.”
  15. >”I… I can heal too?”
  16. “I don't know much about animals, especially in this world; so when we get to the library, let's you and I go book-searching. We'll find every book on animals we possibly can, and we'll learn how to calm them down, or drive them off, or subdue them without hurting them. You can write letters to Fluttershy, if that'll help. Whenever we get into trouble with an animal or anything like that, I'll listen to you without question when it comes to keeping them safe, and us. Promise. I'll always listen to what you have to say.”
  17. >Pinkie sniffles as she stops her tears, and you dry them as she speaks.
  18. >”...Pinkie Promise?”
  19. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”
  20. >You make the motions as you say the fated pinkie promise.
  21. >The sight of you being genuine, and remembering her promise begins to revive her color, and you begin to see curls in her mane.
  22. >”O-okay… I believe you! We’ll do better things, right? We’ll be gooder?”
  23. >You nod.
  24. “We’ll be the best ponies we can be!”
  25. >Her mane’s fluffiness finally returns as she hugs you tightly, but it’s still not back to what it was before.
  26. >The fact that she’s nearly choking you with her grip reminds you of the final issue.
  27. >She must remember too, as she steps back with an embarrassed look on her face, looking down at the ground.
  28. >You take your hand and pull up her chin, looking her in the eyes once more.
  29. "Now. About you liking me. Like, 'like-liking' me. I can't imagine how much courage it took for you to tell me that, Pinkie. That was, well, beyond brave. So... I'm going to do my best not to hurt your feelings, or to give you false hope.”
  30. >What little smile she has fades away, and her eyes tremble, afraid to hear what you have to say.
  31. >You can only think of one thing to say that could be the best of both worlds.
  32. >It’s risky and radical, but you go for it anyways.
  33. “You're partly right: I am with Redheart. I am very committed to her. For me to break up with her to be with you would be selfish, no matter how much you like me and no matter how much I like you.”
  34. >Pinkie slowly sits down, defeated as she looks away from you.
  35. “But… I'll let you in on a secret: I do like you. I like you a whole lot. “
  36. >”B-but… It doesn’t matter… Y-you’re with her, Nonny…”
  37. “I am open to a slightly different option, though.”
  38. >She looks back at you with a confused look.
  39. “...Do you know what polyamory is?”
  40. >Pinkie shakes her head as you continue expectedly.
  41. “Essentially, it's where a group of people love and care about each other, and are all in a relationship together.”
  42. >You don’t like the look she’s giving you now, but you keep going to explain it.
  43. “I would be happy to be in a polyamorous relationship with both you, and Red. One of the biggest rules of that kind of relationship is that everyone has to be informed, they have to be responsible, and they have to be okay with it. Now, we've been together a while, but despite that, this isn't something that's ever been very easy to bring up. I honestly don't know how she feels about it. If, and this is a big big BIIIIIG if, she were open to the idea of that kind of relationship... would you be okay with something like that? I know it's weird, it's weird even back on my world. I think... I'm pretty sure it's weird. But if --BIG if-- she's willing to try it, would you be too?"
  44. >Pinkie has a dumbfounded look on her face, but she quickly snaps out of it.
  45. >”Nonny, Berry tried to make me do this before, it’s really gross!”
  46. “But-”
  47. >”I don’t know what she tried to tell you, but here in Equestria, when two ponies like each other, they don’t have a third pony to… to do stuff with! They get married and be happy together because all they need is their special somepony!”
  48. “Then why doesn’t Berry do that?”
  49. >Pinkie shifts around uncomfortably, trying to avoid something.
  50. >She speaks anyways.
  51. >”Well, Nonny, no offense to her because she’s a really nice mare and all, but… she’s not the best example of what’s supposed to happen…”
  52. >You were hoping she wouldn’t react like this.
  53. >But what were you expecting?
  54. >You knew even your world thought it was weird from your hazy memories.
  55. >Equestria, being as relatively innocent and stable it is, would be even less warm to such a radical notion.
  56. >Pinkie suddenly takes your hand in her hooves, this time making you look at her.
  57. >”Nonny, I really want to be your special somepony… but not like that. I… I’ll understand if you want to stay with Redheart, but we can’t all… ...n-not together, that’s way too weird!”
  58. >What should you say?
  62. “Pinkie, I know it sounds odd, and I don't blame you. I don't want to pressure you, and it's fine if you still don't want to do it, but think of it this way: have you heard of the expression ‘The more the merrier’? You like partying with other ponies, and having fun. If you were in a big group relationship, just think of the fun you could have! It's like one big party!”
  63. >Now Pinkie drops your hand, giving you a shocked look.
  64. >”Parties are to have fun with balloons and confetti and cake, Anon! You’re not supposed to put… those feelings into that, parties are my specialty and I can tell you firsthoof that what happens between two special someponies shouldn’t be mixed in with that!”
  65. “Look, what I'm suggesting Is different than what Berry said! It's nothing like that, it's more emotional and romantic, where we share our feelings and be in a real relationship together full of love and happiness. Pinkie, you are a big part of my life... and I care for you deeply. I mean, who said you can only have one special somepony? You’re every bit special to me as Red.”
  66. >Even with how she’s beginning to back away, you try to rationalize it.
  67. “You don't have to say anything about the idea right now, you can think on it. All I know is that I want you to be in my life and I to be in yours.”
  68. >Pinkie stares at you like a lunatic, nearly breaking your heart in the process.
  69. >”Well, have you heard the expression ‘You can’t have your cake and eat it too?’ Anon, I don’t know how things work in your world but that’s not how it works here! I… I don’t think I want to be your special somepony anyways if you’re trying… to…”
  70. >She starts to walk away, not able to look at you any longer.
  71. >The ponies around the scene that had gathered to watch you console her begin to murmur and whisper.
  72. >Should you leave her alone and let her cool off, or stop her?
  76. “I’m sorry.”
  77. >Pinkie stops, but she doesn’t turn around.
  78. “I was just trying to find a way to make you happy. In my rush to try to help... I stopped being rational. I can’t remember much from my world, but as I try to remember, polygamy was quite rare back there too. I hope you can forgive me.”
  79. >She finally looks back at you for a fleeting moment.
  80. >Then she continues walking, and she leaves you in the middle of the street with an embarrassing crowd of giggling and whispering crystal ponies.
  81. >You watch her turn the corner, completely leaving you alone.
  82. >That’s when you realize something.
  83. >The way you’ve just exposed your intentions like this might get back to Red.
  84. >There’s no reason for Pinkie to withhold this information.
  85. >But she wouldn’t do that to you, would she?
  86. >She is the element of laughter… right?
  87. >You still need to go back to the library and get things done.
  88. >What would you like to do?
  92. >You feel like you want to die.
  93. >That couldn’t possibly have gone any worse.
  94. >You weren’t about to actually act on these feelings, though, as you stand there.
  95. >You have too many things to worry about to be feeling suicidal.
  96. >You turn around, and head back to the library, sorry you ever tried to help.
  98. >CHANGE
  99. >You feel your mind being lifted away from Anonymous.
  100. >Who would you like to switch to?
  101. -Anonymous (X)
  102. -Redheart
  103. -Pinkie Pie
  104. -Applejack
  105. -Pinkie Pie
  106. -Gable
  107. -Iron Will
  109. >Pinkie Pie selected!
  111. >...
  113. >...
  115. >You are Pinkie Pie.
  116. >And you’re disgusted.
  117. >Anonymous’ words were totally incomprehensible to you.
  118. “Dumb… gross human man…”
  119. >You’re very appreciative of what he Pinkie Promised you, but you don’t want to get hurt being with him if he’s going to go around wanting something like that.
  120. >Who’s to say he wouldn’t just cheat on you if he wants all the mares to himself?
  121. >You’re heading off to the hospital to go spend some time with Applejack and Redheart to forget all of this.
  122. >What would you like to do?
  126. >Anon is such a dirty and gross and weird guy.
  127. >You thought he was different, but he’s just twisted.
  128. >Even if you still… want him.
  129. >He’s still a nice person, heroic and powerful and selfless.
  130. >But a polyamorous relationship?
  131. >You’re very worried for Redheart now.
  132. >But now, a little shred of guilt begins to bud in your mind.
  133. “I should tell Twiley about Princess Cadance, though… and find the books he promised we’d look for…”
  134. >But you stay steady.
  135. >You’re not about to go marching back after what he did!
  136. >You can see the hospital in the distance, and your step becomes a little bouncier, readily able to see your best friends again.
  137. >Is there anything you’d like to do before finding them?
  141. >As you walk into the hospital, you see that the sled got left in the corner of the main lobby, but the four were nowhere to be found.
  142. >They most likely already got rooms for them, so you hoped they were still here.
  143. >You walk up to the main desk and see the mare that was here yesterday.
  144. >”Oh, I saw you before. Are you with the other two that came in with the guards?”
  145. >You nod swiftly.
  146. “That’s me, Pinkie Pie? Can I go see them?”
  147. >”Room 3130.”
  148. “Thank you nursemare!”
  149. >You leave for the third floor, rushing up the stairs like they were nopony’s business.
  150. >While you’re walking towards the room, however, a little memory begins to surface.
  151. ~I was just trying to find a way to make you happy.~
  152. >You’re the element of laughter, and you can’t find a single bit of happiness in his idea.
  153. >Nothing good could come of it, it’s just… wrong, and just thinking about anything he said just turns your stomach worse than rainbow-sprinked double-fudged chocolate cupcakes.
  154. >It just strengthened your resolve to make sure Redheart didn’t get hurt.
  155. >You reach the room and you give three hyper-fast knocks before flying in and throwing your arms around the first orange thing you saw.
  156. “Oh AJ it was the most horrible thing!”
  157. >”Uuh.. Pinkie?”
  158. >You open your eyes and see that you’re currently hugging an orange lampshade with a red base.
  159. >You clear your throat and bound over to your friend, re-initiating your hug around her neck.
  160. ”Oh AJ it was the most horrible thing!”
  161. >She gives you a light pat.
  162. >”Heh, what’s wrong, sugarcube? Wait… Where’s Anon?”
  163. >You look over and see Redheart walk up with a concerned expression.
  164. >”Is he alright? What happened? Why are you alone?”
  165. >You want to tell them what happened, in full detail.
  166. >It wouldn’t be right if you didn’t, and it wouldn’t be fair to Redheart if you kept this a secret.
  167. >The question is, how should you say it?
  168. >You don’t want Anon to be portrayed as a horrible, disgusting pervert, but they need to know what happened.
  169. >What should you say about it?
  173. >You thought about talking to Redheart in private, but you know that Applejack’s going to ask afterwards.
  174. >You’re not going to lie to her, she’s your bestest friend!
  175. >So you stand back and look at the two of them, take a big breath, and speak.
  176. “I was talking to Nonny before when we all split up, and uh… I had to tell him something really important…”
  177. >AJ’s pupils dilate to pinpricks, while Redheart tilts her head in confusion.
  178. >”Uuuh, you sure you wanna tell her this, Pinkie?”
  179. >You slowly nod.
  180. “I have to… But, I sorta kinda maybe… broke down and told him everything.”
  181. >Redheart looks at you funny.
  182. >”Told him what?”
  183. “I… I like Anon… Like, a lot… like, I told him that I wanted to be with him and that I’m selfish because he’s with you and I know it’s wrong but it’s just my feelings and…”
  184. >Redheart looks a bit shocked, but you continue.
  185. “Nonny said that he was super committed to you, and that he’d never ever break up with you no matter what, but he… he actually likes me back. And then, he said that he couldn’t do anything about it unless he had your permission, because he started saying something that I’m pretty sure he picked up from Berry Punch. An open relationship, like.. polygamy? Polyamorous or something, and… He wouldn’t do it without your permission, but I said no…”
  186. >By the time you get to the last sentence, you end up trailing off as you’re a bit frightened by the look on Redheart’s face.
  187. >The room falls completely silent besides the heart monitors on the life-drained guards.
  188. >Applejack looks just as nervous as you do.
  189. >Finally, Redheart simply walks out of the room, completely silent, and shuts the door behind her.
  190. >Applejack looks at you, and your eyes fall to the ground.
  191. >”....Pinkie, he really said somethin’ like that?”
  192. ”Uh-huh… I couldn’t believe it…”
  193. >You and AJ sit in silence after this, both of you knowing better than to go after her.
  194. >”Hey, I think he’s a real straight-up weirdo for sayin’ somethin’ like that, but I don’t think that makes him all that bad. Maybe it’s just a… just a custom or somethin’ from his world?”
  195. “Well, that’s what I woulda thought, except he said it was rare in his world and even they thought it was weird!”
  196. >Applejack facehoofs, and takes off her hat as she sits in a chair.
  197. >You join her as she speaks.
  198. >”Well, he just made it real hard on himself, didn’t he?”
  199. “W-what you do think Red’s gonna do?”
  200. >AJ slowly looks over at you, silent once again.
  201. >Oh…
  202. >It is currently 3:30 P.M.
  203. >The guards have been safely admitted into the hospital and are on life-support.
  204. >The rest of the party are most likely still performing their tasks.
  205. >What would you like to do?
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