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Jeni's letter

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Aug 22nd, 2017
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  1. Why now?
  2. It has been YEARS since I left and just as recently this week I saw my name pop up in a chat with the normal incorrect comments posted by players and incorrect supported by staff...Snk didn't say a lot about the situation and he and I never fully resolved our issues, by my own choice, but I think he said just enough for people to draw some conclusions which they spout off to others as if it was the truth, I have yet to see one accurate version. Yes it is long but if you have ever breathed a word of my name in friendship or gossip - you should take the time to ensure you know the actual truth.
  4. The backstory:
  5. Years pass and rumors linger....I guess it is my fault because instead of facing it head on, I decided to walk away and not let it consume my life. Since I am on Era & Classic periodically I still hear from other players about what they have "heard". I literally have heard it all - I am 15 (I guess perpetually stuck in time) all the way to an 80 year old grandmother (not even remotely the case). Have you ever heard of that game where you whisper a statement to someone and they repeat it to everyone in the circle - by the time it gets passed on person to person until the last person who then recites it aloud, it is nothing like the first statement. Everyone has heard what they wanted to and passed on their own version - that is exactly what happened with my story. I can't even remember exact years anymore but I started playing Era in late 2011. Was super bored one day and looking through game apps and decided to try it. I am not a gamer, I was not familiar with terms like MMO or Role play. But, like most everyone, I got sucked in and began dealing with a sort of "graal addiction". When I joined, I quickly realized that I wasn't in the mass demographic of mid-teens; however, there were many adults that I came to know as well as teens and developed friendships with. In an effort to fit in, I began a story of being a 14 year old named Jeni. All totally fictional and made up. I had no intention of letting anyone online into my personal irl life - ever. Nor did I have any intention of developing any relationships with people, outside of innocent friendships to chat socially when I was on. One of the first mistakes I made was getting cute customs - that along with my outgoing personality drew people - especially guys - to me like magnets. I got a lot of pressure to show irl pics. As I mentioned, I never had any intention of letting anyone from Graal into my irl life. With that said, the pressure was intense and as a person who always is trying to make people happy, a "people pleaser", saying no was never my strong point. So I found a pic of a girl in my hometown and used her pic - back then pics posted in-game were super public in gang pictures. Well, that pic spread like wildfire. I had NO idea just how crazy it would get. Along came the introduction of Kik into my life and a steady flow of messages daily that I could barely keep up with. Again, being a "people pleaser" I felt this obligation to respond to everyone - that is why I was such a popular staff member. I genuinely cared about people, responded to them, and would take the time to listen and cheer them up with life's issues.
  7. XOXO, my game relationships and becoming staff:
  8. Somewhere in my first year playing I became friends with many staff members including Street, Flamecrow, Layerd, Chaotic, and Loki. I apologize in advance for inadvertently getting dates confused or missing names - this was a long time ago and soooo much has transpired. I started my gang XOXO and it immediately was full and became very popular - it was a great group of people, but also it had alot to do with the "hot" leader, with the sweet, outgoing personality, jeni. I didn't realize just how much this persona was growing. I thought it was relatively harmless and had observed many people I met on the game using fake pics, lying about their ages, and identifies. Honestly, I thought well it's just a game, as long as nobody takes it too seriously and it stays in game it should be fine. Well, things quickly began to flow out of the game into Kik and real feelings began to get involved....I learned about game marriages and dating in game. Again, not thinking too much of it as it was innocent and only in game. I think Chaotic was one of the first people I "dated". He was staff at the time, and gave me a very indepth story of his college life as he was 20. I was a bit concerned with our relationship even in game as I was "15" at the time but he didn't care and said it was fine so I went with it. We dated a few months in-game, kik messaged, and even exchanged phone numbers to which we only text on occasion - no calls. There were zero inappropriate pictures exchanged on either end. And for the record - NEVER EVER did I send ANYONE inappropriate pictures of myself or anyone else. After a couple months that broke off and I met a player named Woody. He and I married in game, "dated" a bit - talking outside of game in kik and Facebook messages. Enter Layerd, who I had developed a slow friendship with in-game as he was already involved in an in-game relationship. I ended up breaking it off with Woody and he with his in-game girlfriend and we established our own relationship that lasted a couple of years. That is pretty amazing when you realize we never skyped or talked live mainly because of the language barrier - me being American and he German. Our relationship consisted of in-game, kik, and Facebook messages. I am still amazed to this day how I felt real feelings for people I never met in real life. I guess when you share your lives through daily conversation, support each other through life's trials and tribulations, share very personal just happens and it did. I know what love is and I will tell you I felt a deep genuine love for the people I was in a relationship with. The kind that keeps them in your heart forever and you miss them from time to time and you hope for the best for them throughout life. I still have the upmost respect for Layerd, feel horrible for misleading him, and am grateful that we can still interact from time to time and smile about old memories. Same for Woody, same for Chaotic....except I later found out in the most recent years that Chaotic lied to me about his age, he was only 15 at the time we first married in-game. Boy he had some elaborate stories about college life, I never once doubted him....Loki - I learned alot about him after tons of conversation and finding myself in a relationship with him. He was mid-twenties and had a reputation for dating younger girls in-game. In-game I wouldn't really care but I know how he was outside of game as we clocked a zillion hours and all nighters on skype. Again, I never sent inappropriate pictures to anyone nor even went on video with anyone. It wasn't always the same the other way around. When you are popular in Graal, people ineveitably suggest you become staff. I resisted that for a long time as I never really played and didn't have any interest on devoting more hours of my life to the game. Eventually, with alot of staff friend support and the introduction to Snk, I was hired as a PR I think sometime in 2012. I never "played" the game, if anything I was more of an item collector eventually spending thousands of dollars on gralat packs to purchase all the cool stuff - which I never used lol. After a few months as PR, Snk approached me about the Communications Admin role he was implementing and with that I took on the Forums and became a member of the management staff for about 2 years. Eventually after being on and off for awhile, Layerd and I called it quits when he started dating someone irl and at some point I developed a relationship with Nyx. Nyx and I dated in-game and communicated in skype calls and kik. Again, no inappropriate pictures or video were ever exchanged on either side. Around Feb/March of 2014 things started to get bad with Nyx and we fought alot. For a game that I never intended on letting into my personal life - I found myself very upset frequently and it was starting to affect my mood irl. I took a leave from staff for a couple of months, in the meantime grooming Ace to replace me - who I had hired initially as a Moderator and his contributions were quickly acknowledged and he was made a PR. In April of 2014, stuff started getting crazy with rumors of my personal life and I finally had enough and left, I recommended Ace to snk as my replacement and he was selected. Shortly after that the rumors went rampant, the girl's picture I had used was notified and her mother contacted snk. I never did speak to her personally but did realize that this was no longer innocent, I wouldn't like anyone using my pics, and ceased all association with her and her pics. Additionally, another lady I know was contacted by numerous players accusing her of being me.... Never was there any lawyers, police etc. involved. But because of my stupid mistake, now not only my life was being impacted but theirs were too. Makes me crazy all this "catfish" stuff as if I was using a pic to bait teen guys into having relationships in an online game with me. Was never my intention nor my plan. I just wanted to hang out with friends and socialize - to forget the drama and issues going on within my real life. While feelings did grow unexpectedly, the whole picture mess also spiraled out of control to the point I felt that I could not get out of it. Snk and I had numerous conversations as we had developed a friendship during my time on staff and he wanted to facetime with me. While I sent him a picture through kik to show who I was, I was not willing to facetime. I just didn't feel comfortable with it - I had never done it with anyone and wasn't about to now. I was already very upset that people were trying to get into my personal life and had said I was this woman or that woman. I was just done, emotionally spent from all of the drama. Eventually snk took over my ios account as a means to get me to prove identity to him which I never formally did. This is also why I was repeatedly jailed. He wanted me to formally identify myself. As I had zero interest in mixing my irl life with Graal, I refused to do this and dealt with the loss of thousands of dollars and annoying repeated jailing over the past few years. While I was wrong to use someone else's picture, this is nothing new in Graal. I was also frustrated that misrepresenting yourself in a picture was not something disallowed in the rules. It is basically up to each player who they choose to trust and who not to. Either way, I still feel like the punishment bestowed on me was using my situation as an example and unfair - namely since even existing staff have done ever single thing wrong that I ever did and even though I had talked to snk about that, no action was taken. Let's just say any poor choice I may have made continues at all levels of Era even today.
  10. Since the picture issue was publicized
  11. I have dealt with the fallout and mostly left Graal in my past. Once in a while I hop on to say hi to old friends - the real friends who choose me over the rumors and forgave me for the misrepresentation. As I mentioned, I am still very close with Ace. I have both spoken to him and heard the rumors about his firing. Similar to my situation, while people proceeded to sling his name around like mud, nobody had the professionalism or decency to respond to him and share evidence of the accusations. I know him, not the Ace character, the real person. I have invested years in digging into his rough exterior personality to know his heart. I know him better, I would venture to say than anyone else besides his family. I do not believe for one minute the claims made against him. Unless someone took partial conversations and twisted the meaning behind them, exposed a situation that was a joke, or some other thing, I will never believe that he is guilty. I know several long-term staff were rallying for his removal for a long time. He was tough and not the most friendly staff ever but he did his job even though it was thankless and he endured abuse from players and staff alike. He loved Graal and gave it his all - even while working and carrying a more than full college load. That man is a selfless public servant. He is in basic training right now with the military and dedicating his life to serve and protect others. I heard a now ex staff say he left with 6000 tickets in queue. Likely true but how many were duplicates and it is more because the lack of an appropriate support structure by management and Toonslab to handle the plethora of player issues than his fault. He still dedicated a huge percentage of his personal time - way most than most staff and kept the best interest of the server at heart. When you spread rumors, keep in mind the person who made the 6000 hour claim took over the role and lasted around 2 weeks....maybe it was an unrealistic amount of work after all...
  13. You find out who your friends are...
  14. You know who I am still friends with? I have stayed friends with a very small group of people, by design. These are people who either chose to ignore what they heard, rumors, or forgave me and just didn't care as the true basis of our friendships were sincere. At the top of the list people like Layerd, Woody, Nyx, and Ace - the people that should hate me the most. Nyx reached out to me a few months ago to check-in and we had a nice talk reminiscing about some old times. Ace and I are still very close and talk daily. He knows exactly every detail of my identity and we have exchanged gifts and such over the last year or so. He is super successful irl and I could not be more proud of him. Then there are those of you who were staff with me or have since become staff. We may have had a very close relationship or we may have just had a few conversations. Either way, you opted to drop me like a hot potato and participated in the gossip and rumors about my situation. As we are all human and make mistakes, I hope one day when you make a mistake that is broadcast publicly or humiliates you that you find yourself with less judgmental people and better friends than you have been yourselves. One of you in particular I endured years of talking to you, crying myself to sleep worried you would continue to self harm...invested my heart and time into you....and much more. Now you are too good to respond to me? word, karma.
  16. Rumors and Gossip are horrible
  17. and painful....I hope reading this story will make you think twice before you decide to pass on a rumor to others. There is nothing worse than being slandered, even if it is amongst hundreds of people online you will never lay eyes on. It hurts. I hurt from the situation, not only for myself but for those who were closest to me. Those who decided that it didn't matter who I really was, that they cared about me, the personality and person they had invested time in was the same person - that didn't change. I apologized to them as I never was trying to be malicious or hurt anyone, it is totally against my personality and nature. Yet they were brave, ignored the haters and stood by me. As mean as people on Graal can be, there are also some with true, genuine hearts.
  19. If you have stuck around for any length of time Graal is NOT just a game
  20. As much as we say that, as much as we lie to ourselves, it is not. If you choose to invest any percentage of your life in this game and have friends there - those are very real relationships with real feelings. It can be easy to lose yourself in the pixel world, but at the end of the day there are human beings behind that keyboard.
  22. Several people, including some tenured and newly promoted staff are hypocrtites.
  23. I'm not naming names but just remember, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. I know of several people - some high staff now and several previous staff that have used fake pictures and misrepresented themselves. There is one that has even sent me inappropriate pictures of themselves and while there is a very long history and alot of feelings shared between us now has forgotten who was there for them during their dark days and decided to refer to me as "ew". There were at least 3 who were legal adults and engaged in relationships with minors. I could broadcast their information, show the proof but what for? Just to hurt people like I was hurt? That isn't my way. I share this as people sit behind their keyboards and judge me - things are usually not what they seem. So even though they haven't been "outed" - the truth does not change. They are every bit as guilty as I was for misrepresenting myself. I have pics and screenshots to back up every word as I am very sentimental and kept a ton from my relationships. Believe what you want, deny what you want. I have proof of everything I say.
  25. Don't bother responding
  26. I am not interested in people who choose to debate my version of the story or further slander me. While I am not proud I misrepresented myself and apologize profusely to anyone who was mislead, I admit my mistake and have to move on from it. I learned alot of hard lessons along the way and still have zero desire to have anyone engaged in my irl. I have no excuses. I had life situations that were not going good, I found the game, I became addicted, caught up in my online persona, and things just continued to escalate. I could not find a way out even though I had tried to "quit" multiple times. At the end of the day I am human. I made a mistake. You can call me a "catfish" all you want but that is someone who misleads others with the intention of dating or forming intimate relationships. That was never ever my intention. Did some of that evolve, yes, but it was never premeditated or planned and was completely on-line text or voice call situations. What I also did was give my heart and soul to that game and devoted about half of my life during those years to help and stand up for players. I answered pms, I listened to people explain the hardships in their lives, I talked people out of harming themselves, spent countless hours of giving advice, I used my "graal fame" to make people feel special, to cheer them up, to make them smile. I have to live the rest of my life with the mistake I made, it is my only hope that the people I did talk to have some sort of positive memory of our conversation or interaction before all this blew up. As much as I wasn't the girl in the pictures I shared, I was the same person you trusted and shared moments of your life with. I wish you all nothing but the best. I hope my experience helps others from making similar mistakes. The people I care most about in Graal accept that I am not the girl in those pics and are still my friends. That's what really matters to me. If you are staff, please be professional and do not slander other staff or players, learn this lesson now or it will be a tough one later in life - please also remember I have paid my dues for my mistakes. I have lost $5k plus of my own money with the accounts I can no longer access. If I do decide to log on and talk to a friend, leave me alone - don't keep jailing me. Stalk me, monitor me, I don't care - I never broke any rules in game and do not intend to now. To all of you - Be yourself. You don't need to change who you are to fit in. There is only one you, embrace all of the wonderful things about yourself and the things that you need to work on, we are all a work in progress. Much love, xoxo.
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