
Flurry Feast

Nov 27th, 2017
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  1. The baby princess, Flurry Heart, wailed; her screams echoing down the crystalline halls of the Crystal Empire. The inconsolable cries could be faintly heard from the conference room where the four princesses of Equestria were sat, meeting with delegates from across their fair land. Princess Cadence sat regal and imposing upon her throne with her sister-in-law, princess Twilight Sparkle, seated to her left and the royal sisters princess Celestia and princess Luna sat to her right.
  3. Cadence could hear the cries of her daughter and did her best to maintain her composure while the unicorn emissary droned on about her trade propositions but with each lung full of crying it ground away at her. Looking at her peers Cadence could see the serene expression both Celestia and Luna had and the steel in their eyes, their concentration unbreakable but Twilight wore her heart on her sleeve, her ears swept back and worry knitting her brow; the cries of her infant niece was wear Twilight’s concentration too.
  5. “Princess Cadence, what do you think?” Celestia’s voice called.
  7. Cadence looked to Celestia and then to Luna before setting her eyes on the unicorn emissary. Vaguely aware of what the conversation was about Cadence opted to deflect the question.
  9. “As princess of the Crystal Empire I agree with you, however, I ask only that these plans be put on hold until I can confer with my husband and gain his insight,” Cadence said.
  11. The delegate brow furrowed, the answer seemingly unsatisfactory until a rumble shook the walls accompanied by the conjoined sound of a mare screaming and the discharge of magic. Cadance stood from her throne and gave a slight bow to the delegate.
  13. “ I believe that is something that requires my immediate attention. My apologies everypony, please carry on,” Cadence said before descending and rushing from the room.
  15. The delegates could only murmur among themselves.
  17. Cadence dashed down the halls, quickly making her way to the care room where her staff was supposed to be tending to the infant, the door was slightly ajar and Cadence made a note of the sudden quiet. Cadence pushed the door open and saw the room was in disarray, spare diapers littered the floor, baby powder covered portions of the wall and carpet, trash cans were overturned and scorch marks peppered the ceilings but among it all there was Cadence’s pride and joy, Princess Flurry Heart.
  19. Sitting in her crib, Flurry Heart held two cookies in her little hooves and a third one half eaten in her mouth. With an overjoyed squeal Flurry Heart reached through the safety bars of her crib for her mother, dropping one of her cookies to the floor. Cadence smiled sweetly and lifted her baby girl up with her magic, bringing her into a hug.
  21. “Well hey there Flurry, you okay sweet heart?” Cadence cooed, nuzzling her little one “Did those caretakers leave you here unattended? Yes they did!”
  23. Flurry Heart giggled and spread her wings in excitement as Cadence tickled her, the cookie in her mouth falling out.
  25. “Not only that but they left you with sweets! Well, that was kind of them to do before they go back on the job hunt,” Cadence said pulling the last cookie from her daughters grasp and taking a bite from it.
  27. Flurry Heart’s laughter stopped, and she watched as her mother ate her last cookie in only three bites. The familiar feeling of rage built her chest, her cheeks reddening and her horn charged with magic.
  29. “Candy is dandy, isn’t it honey?” Cadence said, licking her lips.
  31. Cadence turned her head to eskimo kiss her daughter but was met with an unhappy face. With a shrill scream Flurry Heart unleashed a wave of magic, the arcane spectacle surrounded Cadence and suffuse her. Cadence could feel a weight on her chest, and her legs ached and her senses gradually dulled, the crackling of energy faded out, her mouth became stiff before her nose was closed and darkness crawled into her vision.
  33. The swirl of magic faded, leaving behind a chocolate bar about as big as Flurry heart was. Imprinted on the bar was Cadence, the look of shock and dismay sculpted perfectly into the face the candy. Flurry Heart giggled in excitement and hefted the bar to herself with her magic and began to lick, nibble and bite into the confection she had made.
  35. Cadence panicked but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t break the spell that was cast on her, her horn was nothing more than a hunk of chocolate. A sudden pinch on her leg drew what little consciousness she maintained in this form but devoid of most of her other senses she was at a loss. Cadence felt something soft on a portion of her body, the sense was faint and concentrating on it Cadence felt the heat and wetness of a sauna, bloom in her mind before another small pinch snapped her concentration.
  37. Flurry Heart’s sweet tooth was insatiable, bite after bite she ate chunks of her chocolate bar following the same tasty routine. Suck and swirl until the sweet bite got melty in her mouth before swallowing. The silky smooth sweetness of Alison chocolate was addicting and each mouthful was as good as the last. Cadences chocolate legs her devoured first, then Flurry Heart snapped off her mother’s chocolate tail and half of her cutie mark. Cadence’s consciousness gathered what was happening and if she could do anything to stop it she would but as Flurry Heart made short work of her mid section she could only hope somepony could help her...somehow.
  39. The soft sweet candy was swallowed down, filling the infant’s gut and swelling it out gently before at last Flurry Heart slid the long horn of her mother’s once regal form into her young maw and subjected it to the same treatment, falling on her back the infant belly gurgled softly, the soft middle rising and falling with each of her breaths while the little princess searched the corners of her cheeks for stray smears of her mother before burping and giggling.
  42. Twilight was worried, it was already an hour and Cadence had not returned to the conference yet. The rumbling blast that had pulled Cadence away initially and her prolonged absence drove the princess of friendships mind wild with speculation, some of it for the worst. What she wouldn't do to get out of here and check up on her sister-in-law.
  44. “Princess Twilight, princess Cadence has been gone for quite sometime. Would you see if she will be joining us again?” Celestia said, during a lull in the proceedings.
  46. “Absolutely! I will return shortly,” Twilight exclaimed before giving a quick bow and leaving the room.
  48. Twilight galloped through the castle, familiar with its lay out she decided to check the care room first for Cadence. Tapping the door open Twilight came upon the disarray and the plump little Flurry Heart on the floor.
  50. “Flurry Heart! Oh, are you okay bug? What happened? Where's Cadence?” Twilight asked, scooping up the little one from the floor and cradling her gently with her magic.
  52. Flurry Heart responded by blowing spit bubbles.
  54. “Right…” Twilight said, before turning her attention to the scorch marks on the walls.
  56. The speculations and worries in Twilight’s mind earlier were quickly gaining credence; something had happened to Cadence, something bad. Flurry Heart giggled, her horn glowing with a readied spell the last time she did this she was rewarded with a tasty treat and the prospect of more sugar enticed her to let the spell fly.
  58. Twilight felt a spell discharge and whipped her head to see a ball of light envelope her, the magic courses across her, robbing her of her senses and swelling her body out as well as shrinking her legs in; Twilight could feel her head and neck being pulled back, receding into her body. When the light faded all that was left was a thick, soft, round, purple marshmallow with an ornate crown on top of it.
  60. Flurry Heart licked her lips, her baby blue eyes shining with excitement as she crawled her way to her next meal. With no ceremony, Flurry Heart lifted the large marshmallow high above her maw and began stuffing it into her gullet, her little cheeks swelling and her playful laughs muffled. The raw treat was divine, the moment it touched her tongue, the sugars broke down and spread across the infant's tongue and delighted her; Flurry Heart did not want to take her time, opting instead to fill her little cheeks with as much as possible as often as possible.
  62. Twilight was scared, she couldn't move, she couldn't hear, see or cast spells, she could barely feel and it was uncomfortable. Twilight's legs felt like they were being squeezed into a warm wet space before the feeling disappeared and left that part of her numb, she was certain Flurry Heart had done something to her and all she could do was sit there while this creeping, dissolving warmth claimed inch after inch of her.
  64. Flurry Heart's gullet was packed full of marshmallow-y goodness, lines of drool slipped from her lips every time she opened her mouth and crammed a bit more of Twilight in, the soft texture, the sweet scent only served to spurs on the ravenous baby princesses hunger. Almost three quarters done her efforts were beginning to show, the belly of the little princess had nearly doubled and spilled out in between her stubby hind legs leaving her immobile. Twilight was frightened, her mind raced and panicked, that crawling, wet warmth had nearly consumed all she knew of herself; With what little time she had left she made her final wishes.
  66. With a strained “glrk” Flurry Heart swallowed down the last of her marshmallow aunt, packing her away into her distended tummy. With a wet burp Flurry Heart rubbed her own gut and playfully shook it back and forth her ecstatic giggling doubling from the funny gurgling and sloshing sounds of the two digested princesses made inside. Brimming with energy from her massive influx of sugar Flurry Heart was elated when Princess Luna walked through the door.
  68. The conference had been put on hold until the Princesses of Love and Friendship could be found; Celestia was not impressed with the situation but knew there had to be more going on. The sister princesses split up to find their peers quickly. Luna had heard the infants laughter from down the hall and made haste to it.
  70. “Where there is a baby, it's mother is certainly close by,” Luna said.
  72. Walking through the door Luna was met with a blast of magic to her face the tingly feeling danced across her muzzle and cheeks, setting them afire as Flurry Heart’s favorite spell took its toll. Luna gasped before her head was pulled back and her lungs were squeezed empty and with a sound much like a balloon popping all that remained of Princess Luna was a large gumball, the glossy surface adorned with Luna’s cutie mark, that fell right into Flurry Heart’s open maw.
  74. With gusto Flurry Heart began gnawing and suckling on the gumball but Luna was in full panic, her body was being tossed about and it felt like she was being drenched to her core. With a mighty bite Flurry Heart sundered the gumball alicorn and began to chew her up thoroughly with loud smacks of her lips as drool covered her chin and dripped onto her fat belly. Luna felt her heart race, her body was folded in on itself multiple times and flattened by soft gums before a wet tongue folded her up again and repeated the process.
  76. The chewing, tossing and folding was unlike any massage that Luna had ever had and every time Flurry Heart chewed it worked out any of the shame she should feel as the Princess of the Night being reduced to a sugary treat and even worse she was loving it. If Luna could moan she would, but all that remained of her former self was her consciousness and even that was being melted from the bliss of being chewed up.
  78. A short reprieve was granted to the Luna when the Flurry Heart's sloppy chewing caused the wad of Princess bubblegum to fall to the floor. Flurry Heart looked to the door and beheld the shining figure of Princess Celestia, her regal form looked delicious and Flurry suddenly felt some room in her stomach.
  80. “Princess Flurry Heart, why are you alone?” Celestia asked softly, glancing around the disheveled room and approaching the infant.
  82. “Well this is worrying-" Celestia said before a squish under her hoof gave her pause.
  84. Looking at what she had stepped in, Celestia let out a sound of disgust with the wad of gum she had stepped in before the sound of charging magic drew her attention back to Flurry Heart. In a blast of magic Celestia pieced together what had happened but the shock of it all rendered her useless as the light of Flurry Heart’s spell took her as it had the others.
  86. When the light faded all that remained was a chocolate and vanilla marble cake layered with soft fluffy icing that glowed with the entwined colors of Celestia and Luna’s manes drizzled with a combination of chocolate and white sauce. Flurry Heart couldn't wait and gripped the cake in her magic and brought it to her drooling mouth. Celestia was quickly trying to gather her wits, this wasn't the first time she had been polymorphed but she was not alone in her thoughts.
  88. “Sister, silence! I need to concentrate or we will both be devoured,” Celestia cried out.
  90. “Where's the harm in that Celestia?” Luna replied.
  92. “You know full well what us being devoured would mean, let alone devoured by Cadence’s whelp! Now silence!” Celestia snapped.
  94. “Never! You have ruled long enough- no. WE have ruled long enough, the torch must be passed and what better way to do so by feeding the next filly in line for the throne?” Luna raved, her mind roaring in need to be eaten “please, please, please chew us thoroughly little princess swallow us down and let us nourish you,”
  96. “She needs more than sugary treats for nourishment you daft idiot! Stop enabling her and help- Ah!” Celestia’s thoughts were cut short.
  98. The first bite from Flurry Heart sent a wave of pleasure over Luna, her consciousness amplifying it as it washed over Celestia. Flurry rolled the morsel around in her mouth letting out excited noises as her taste buds tingled before swallowing and then falling forward face first into the cake and greedily scarfing it down. The first bite was manageable to Celestia but the ravenous display of gluttony and the sycophantic willingness of her sister was having its effect.
  100. “Yes! Yes! Feed little one, eat till you are full! This is pure bliss, is it not sister?” Luna cried.
  102. Celestia felt the throb of pleasure rack her thoughts and all she knew again and again, each mouthful of herself and her sister was chewed like she wasn't even a princess to begin with, just a piece of food and the warm wet squish of the little ones mouth and the gentle rippling of her swallowing that hugged her bits and pieces all the way down to oblivion.
  104. “Maybe...Maybe you are...right, Luna,” Celestia said her thoughts labored and finally broken.
  106. “Then join me sister!” Luna moaned in time with a thick swallow.
  108. Flurry Heart heard nothing from her meal, her belly was ponderous and it gently swayed with each swallow as all four alicorns met their end in the belly of the baby. Celestia and Luna’s last moments were ones of mind melting bliss as their excitement hit a fevered pitch but never actually getting their moment to climax as the last bite of soft, moist princess cake was swallowed and their collective consciousnesses went silent.
  110. Flurry Heart belched and spit up a bit on her cake covered face, her belly held her aloft and the size and softness allowed her to settle down and finally fall asleep. In her slumber Flurry Heart reflexively shielded herself in her magic orb, lighting the room with a faint golden glow while she digested, adding all the princesses to her girth and leaving a very chubby baby to be found.
  112. Shining Armor returned later to a gaggle of irate delegates who proceeded to chastise him and spoke ill of the princesses for leaving them there without so much as a word as to why they were suddenly absent. Shining Armor smoothed over the whole situation as best he could but could tell that a more formal apology would be needed as the delegates left.
  114. “Oh boy, Cadence. What did you do?” Shining asked to the open air.
  116. Walking through the halls and addressing the guards to locate Cadence for him Shining noted a faint golden glow coming from the caretaker's room. With his mind preoccupied with other things Shining Armor carelessly nudged open the door.
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