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a guest
Jun 29th, 2020
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  1. on chat:
  2. chat message starts with "@"
  3. if {pingcooldown::%player's uuid%} isn't set:
  4. set {pingcooldown::%player's uuid%} to now
  5. if difference between {pingcooldown::%player's uuid%} and now is more than 60 seconds:
  6. set {pingcooldown::%player's uuid%} to now
  7. if "%subtext of message from index 0 to 1%" is "@":
  8. set {_p} to "%subtext of message from index 1 to (length of message)%" parsed as player
  9. loop all players:
  10. message contains "%loop-player%"
  11. if {reputation::%player's uuid%} is between 0 and 9:
  12. set {_rc} to "&7"
  13. if {reputation::%player's uuid%} is more than 9:
  14. set {_rc} to "&f"
  15. if {reputation::%player's uuid%} is less than 0:
  16. set {_rc} to "&7"
  17. if {reputation::%player's uuid%} is less than -9:
  18. set {_rc} to "&c"
  19. set {_firstpart} to "@%loop-player%"
  20. replace all "@" with "" in message
  21. replace all "%loop-player%" with "" in message
  22. if {rank::%player's uuid%} = "Prisoner":
  23. set message format to "&7&l.%{_rc}%%{reputation::%player's uuid%}% &6%player's display name%&8 |&7 %{cellN::%player's uuid%}%&8:&e %{_firstpart}% &7%message%"
  24. play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING" at pitch 1 to loop-player
  25. stop
  26. if {rank::%player's uuid%} = "Warden":
  27. set message format to "&4&lW &c%player's display name%&f:&e %{_firstpart}% &f%message%"
  28. play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING" at pitch 1 to loop-player
  29. stop
  30. if {rank::%player's uuid%} = "CO":
  31. play sound "BLOCK_NOTE_PLING" at pitch 1 to loop-player
  32. set message format to "&1&lCO &9%player's display name%&f:&e %{_firstpart}% &f%message%"
  33. stop
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