
Bun and Pup

Jan 30th, 2015
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  1. 30.Surprise-
  2. Devon always took the lead when they did it. He was also the one to always come up with creative new ways to make things interesting. So figure the surprise he felt when Seth began to rub him out on the train ride home.
  4. 31.Parade-
  5. The two never give any hint of what they do behind closed doors. Unlike Faiz, who would parade around the fact he is getting laid, Devon and Seth are content with keeping their intimate actions behind locked doors.
  7. 32.Overindulge-
  8. Seth found it hard to swim that day. Even lifting his legs made a pain travel up his rear. He should have known better than to have gone 5 rounds last night.
  10. 33.Point-
  11. Devon couldn't help but snicker as Seth tried to wipe away his cum from his shirt.
  12. "Guess that's a point for me."
  14. 34.Mainstream-Seth huffed a bit as he saw Devon look through an online page for various positions. Apparently, their method of doing things had become too mainstream for the youth. This only made the swimmer chuckle. 'What a hipster."
  16. 35.Antagonistic-
  17. Faiz always looked at him with those angry eyes of his. It was clear he was on to their relationship, and it was even more evident just how jealous he was. But neither knew just how antagonistic he could be until Faiz 'accidentally' pushed Seth onto an oncoming train. Fortunately, the swimmer was quick on his feet and managed to avoid becoming roadkill.
  19. 36.Book-
  20. Neither would call their relationship romantic. At best, they were friends with benefits, and at worst they were simply a booty call for each other. But there was a deep sense of intimacy when the two would curl up together after finishing and read up on the latest comic Devon had added to his collection.
  22. 37.Sustainability-
  23. When they first started to do it, they would go at it until they were spent. But after a few days, it was clear that they wouldn't be able to handle it. Now they do it once every two weeks, if only for sustainability sake.
  25. 38.Hair-
  26. Seth dug out the last bits of hair from his mouth after having finishing Devon off. He's complained about it several times, but he doesn't bother telling Devon to shave it off.
  28. 39.Exchange
  29. The two had a sort of system when it came to giving head. When one gave it one day, the other had to reciprocate the next time. In a way, it was a type of equivalent exchange.
  31. 40.Paranoia-
  32. Seth could feel his heart pound in his ears. Every time they did it in Devon's home it felt as if he was walking on thin ice. For should Devon's father discover them, Seth would find himself having to reacquaint himself with the Worth family's broom handle up his ass.
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