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- Yokosuka Naval District Anthology, Volume 18, Chapter 9
- Title: Akagi-san's Aviation Lecture
- Author: Kushinada Wirue (
- Original Dump:
- Page 62
- Yukikaze: Akagi-saaaaan!!
- Akagi: ?
- Akagi: Good day, Yukikaze-san.
- Did you need something?
- Yukikaze: Akagi-san, Yukikaze wants to ride a fighter once!
- Akagi: Yukikaze-san...?
- Our aircraft are piloted by the fairies, you know...
- Yukikaze: I know! But I wanna ride!
- Akagi: Th-Then let's start by studying carrier-borne fighters, alright?
- Yukikaze: Okay!
- ---
- Page 63
- Yukikaze: But you carrier ladies have a lotta different planes on board, right?
- Akagi: That's right. Let's talk about the Type Zero Fighter today.
- Yukikaze, do you know what "lift" is?
- Yukikaze: L-i-f-t?
- Akagi: Let's start there.
- Akagi: To put it simply, lift is a force that pulls an object against gravity.
- It's simple to produce - it emerges from a low and a high velocity air current around the wings caused by propulsion.
- The difference between the two currents generates lift that raises the airframe as a whole.
- ⟶: High velocity current
- ↑: Lift
- ←: Direction of Movement
- →: Low velocity current
- Yukikaze: Ohhh.
- So if a wing catches a breeze, it's not really "flying"
- so much as being "blown upward"?
- Akagi: Roughly speaking, yes.
- ---
- Page 64
- Akagi: All carrier-borne aircraft rely on lift to fly.
- The Zero's forte is dogfights, where maneuverability is key,
- but it had various models with different engines,
- and also had a fighter-bomber variant equipped with bombs.
- [Type Zero Fighter Model 21 A6M2b
- Crew: One
- Wingspan: 12.0 m; Length: 9.05 m; Height: 3.53 m
- Wing area: 22.44 m²; Empty weight: 1754 kg; Loaded weight: 2421 kg
- Wing loading: 107.89 kg/m²; Powerplant: Nakajima Sakae 12 (Take-off 940 hp)
- Maximum speed: 533.4 km/h (288 knots); Rate of climb: 6000 m in 7'27"]
- Fairy: A dogfight = an air battle.
- The first number symbol in the model is the airframe; the second, signifying a change in engine.
- 12 m←Type 0 Model 21→Nakajima Sakae 12
- 11 m←Type 0 Model 52→Mitsubishi Kinsei
- Akagi: The armament was 2 x 20mm and 2 x 7.7mm machine guns.
- They were scattered under the wing and on the nose.
- Yukikaze: Wouldn't the ones on the nose shoot the propeller?
- Fairy: The sights were set to 200 m forward.
- Because the ammo for the 7.7 mm would fly straight for 200 m.
- ---
- Page 65
- Akagi: No worries, there was a synchronization gear.
- Guns would only fire in between gaps in the propeller's rotation.
- Yukikaze: Ohhh, that's a pretty smart device!!
- →: To the firing lever
- Akagi: That said, even with the gears there were times when the propeller was hit.
- So the 7.7 mm machine guns were mounted on the sides of the nose and the 20 mm machine guns under the wings,
- as the larger machine gun would absolutely destroy the propeller if its shots connected.
- Fairies: (We good!)
- Akagi: And above all, the Zero's range! Under the right conditions, it could fly 3000 km!!
- Arrow: Over 3000 km
- Yukikaze: Awesome!!
- So it could get from Hokkaido to Kyūshū without refueling!!
- Fairy: This was several times the flight range of the Type 96 fighter.
- ---
- Page 66
- Akagi: Of course, the exact value depended on whether drop tanks were equipped, flight speed, and model, but it was nonetheless a serious threat.
- The engine's low fuel consumption; the variable pitch of the propeller; the capacity of the fuel tank; and the thoroughness of weight reduction.
- These are the four ways it could achieve such long range.
- Akagi: Because it underwent such thorough weight optimization, the Type 0 Fighter is quite light despite its size.
- One factor that played a role in saving weight is the bauxite you all bring back from expeditions.
- It becomes "extra super duralumin", a lightweight yet sturdy aluminum alloy.
- Yukikaze: Oh yeah, it's part of how you make aluminum!
- Fairy: (Read if you have time to spare!)
- Extra Super Duralumin (Al7075 alloy) is a lightweight, free-cutting aluminum alloy used for the main girders of the wings with aluminum, 1.6% steel, 2.5% magnesium, 2.3% chrome, and 5.6% zinc all alloyed together.
- Akagi: However...
- Akagi: The sophisticated materials and bare-bones airframe proved to be more effective than originally envisioned, but it then became an issue of strength...
- [Dim]
- Yukikaze: Eh...?
- ---
- Page 67
- [Watch your speed!]
- Fairy: If one exceeded a certain level of stress, an oscillatory phenomenon called "flutter" emerges. There were times when this damaged the wings.
- There was a so-called speed limit for nose dives of 629.7 km/h.
- Akagi: But hey, Yukikaze-san, the Zero's maneuverability was really... good...
- Fairy: Akagi-san, we're almost out of pages.
- Akagi: Ehhh? There were so many good things left to talk about the Zero...
- Yukikaze: Yukikaze will try her hardest not to lose to the Zero!!
- Fairy: Do your best in sea battle!
- Fairy: If we get the opportunity again, look forward to Akagi-san's Lecture on Piloting, Zero edition!
- (Will there be?)
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