
Anonymous equestrians part 2

Jun 8th, 2012
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  1. >You were running as fast as you could
  2. >you and unknown huffing and puffing
  3. >your legs getting heavier with each step you took
  4. >when suddenly
  5. >fallen branch UP IN THIS MOTHER FUCKER
  6. >you take a nose dive and fall flat on your face
  7. >when you finally get up and start running again you see that unknown is gripping his arm and looks like he was in pain
  8. >you both stopped for a moment
  9. "did you cut yourself?"
  10. >"no, i think you did!"
  11. >you peel his hand off of his arm... nothing there
  12. >you slowly look to your own arm and realize theres an inch deep gash that slashed through the front a side of your bicep
  13. >BRAIN
  14. >yessir
  15. >of all times, now you choose to ignore pain
  16. >SORRY SIR. i will turn the pain back on immediatly.
  17. >no no brain, but when and if we get home. we're gonna have a long talk
  18. >back to reality
  19. "SHIT"
  20. >that was about all you could do to describe your shock
  21. >you tried to take off your shirt in hopes of being able to rip off a strips and wrap it to stop the profue bleeding
  22. >then you realized you couldnt because of your shackled wrists
  23. >double shit
  24. >"are you gonna be alright?"
  25. "yeah, we just need to get these shackles off somehow."
  26. >brain
  27. >processing
  28. >processing
  29. >processing
  30. >overclock enabled
  31. >super processing
  32. >idea get
  33. "hey unknown."
  34. >"yeah?"
  35. "you remember that time dad opened a beer bottle with another beer bottle"
  36. >"i dont think the same rules apply..."
  37. "We're in a land full of talking ponies, no one gives a shit about the laws of science"
  38. >you both here a loud high pitched scream about 200 meters away
  39. >You both brush it off and position the cuffs at an angle to each other
  40. >beginning to apply pressure
  41. >
  42. >
  43. >SNAP
  44. >the noise was loud enough to be heard for miles
  45. >you were sure they heard
  46. >he was sure too
  47. >you began your run towards what you hoped was the apple orchard
  48. >but then you stopped and remembered
  49. "shit, we cant hide at that clubhouse you saw"
  50. >"why not?" he had the most confused look on his face
  51. "because those ponies heard almost everything we said, they know EVERYTHING"
  52. >he paused and thought
  53. >then his face lit up
  54. >"what about that barn that was near the orchard?"
  55. "i guess it could work if there were someplace to hide"
  56. >you nodded in agreement and ran towards the barn that was half a mile away"
  58. Twilights POV:
  59. "come on girls we have to find them, they looked really scared"
  60. applejack "they better not go near appleblooms club house, or ah'll buc-
  61. >rarity let out an ear raping scream that could be felt at hiroshima nagasaki
  62. >everyone turned towards her
  63. >then they saw what she was looking at
  64. >a broken base of a branch that was covered in insane amounts of blood
  65. "oh no, now their hurt and scared all alone in the forest"
  66. >thats when fluttershy stepped in
  67. fluttershy "you expect us to help them after what they did to poor rainbow dash"
  68. >rainbow dash had some bandaging around her nose
  69. >im ok, but when we find them, i wanna get a little payback
  70. "everypony calm down, we just need to split up and search for them"
  71. applejack "but what if they're hostile"
  72. pinkie pie "yeah, you saw how they assaulted you and rainbow dash"
  73. "thats because they were knocked out by ponies they've never met, hogtied by the one who found them, and then you tried to bring them to canterlot to persecute them just for being different"
  74. >they all bowed their heads in shame
  75. applejack "well then what should we do when we find em'"
  76. "try and talk to them, maybe try to learn their language"
  78. Anonymous' POV
  79. >we finally made it to the barn
  80. "they'll probably find us here by morning"
  81. >"yeah but if we can find a good hiding spot maybe they wont
  82. >you both shoved one door open and looked inside
  83. >hay to the left, giant buckets full of apples to the right, and a giant tree stump in the middle
  84. "this is how i imagined every barn in the world to be"
  85. >"every barn on EARTH" he really emphasized earth
  86. >you temporarily forgot you were on what could only be a far away planet in another galaxy
  87. >"lets go"
  88. >you both decided on hiding in the middle of the neat bundles of hay
  89. >they werent the most comfortable thing to lie down on, but it'd have to do
  90. >sleep came slowly, if at all. there were no dream.
  91. >you awoke next to a sleeping unknown
  92. >then you were put on full alert when someone came through the already half opened barn door
  93. >OH SHIT
  94. >did he notice the barn door was already open
  95. >we was a larger pony than the other, he was probably a male
  96. >he was red and had a wooden contraption around his neck
  97. >he grabbed a few of the empty buckets and went back outside
  98. "phew"
  99. >that got his attention
  100. >he poked his head back inside
  101. >extremely wide eyed
  103. >he slowly backed out from the barn and you heard some yelling after that
  104. >it was a familiar voice
  105. it was the voice of the orange pony
  107. >she walked inside and yelled something out
  108. >that woke up unknown
  109. >he stretched and yanwed THE LOUDEST FUCKING YAWN YOU'VE EVER HEARD
  110. >you jump on top of him and cover his mouth
  111. >he looks at you questioningly
  112. >the he looked through the hole you had made and saw the orange pony
  113. >you both lay there for what seemed like an eternity but was probably only 15 seconds
  114. >she then ran outside
  115. >you knew she was going to get her crack squad of ponies
  116. >unknown knew it too
  117. >sometimes being identical twins was useful
  118. >you whispered, "we have to get out of here"
  119. >"agreed"
  120. >you both nodded
  121. >you poked your head up and scanned the barn
  122. >unknown did the same
  123. >coast was clear
  124. >you both got out and jumped the 10 feet from the top of the stack of bundled hay
  125. >then bolted for the door
  126. >only to be stopped by the six ponies again
  127. >the orange one told them something
  128. >the the rainbow one yelled something at you
  129. >your more confused than a retard working at a nuclear facility
  130. >the purple one's horn started to glow
  131. >oh sweet lord jesus this is how it ends
  132. >she fires a ball of light towards you and unknown
  133. >ending all your thoughts
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