
Spike < Guard 2: Snack-rifice

Jan 4th, 2017
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  1. It was night time and a female guard worked feverishly in the kitchen. A simmering pan of thick brown liquid sat over top a burner. the mare watched impatiently as images of what happened earlier flashed through head. The sweaty guard being packed into Spikes mouth. That serpent tongue of his bathing him in drool and enjoying that salty taste. The wet gulp that sent him to Spikes stomach. She wanted that. She wanted to be that bulge. She wanted to be Spikes next meal.
  3. The big pot of gravy ready the mare got a oversized turkey platter and the matching cover and set them on a food trolley. Placing the pot of gravy on the lower shelf of the trolley she set off to the courtyard were Spike slept. Through the halls the guards mare made here way, avoiding unwanted encounters with others and soon arrived the entrance of the courtyard she spied her predator.
  5. Spike laid there in a small alcove of trees, all manner of pillows and blankets laid around the adolescent dragon as he lay there reading. The mare admired the way the the moon hit his scales making them glitter, the elongated snout of his maw the way the purple of his scales gave way to his green tinted underbelly. He seemed to be reading, reading what the guard couldn't tell from this distance, but she quickly got to work.
  7. Positioning the food trolley in front of a nearby pillar the mare angled the path of the cart towards Spike, eyeballing and leaving the guesswork to chance. After, she carefully got on top of the oversized platter and laid on her back; picking up the platter cover she held it over herself and placed both hind hooves against the wall. The mare checked once more to see if she would be somewhat on course. She nodded and pushed off the pillar and quickly curled up underneath the cover letting her giggle lightly as the food trolley rolled along the dirt path.
  9. The mare felt herself stop and held her breath, waiting for her predator to uncover his next meal but nothing happened. She waited a few more moments before she finally peeked out from underneath the platter cover to see what was going on. Much to the guardsmare's dismay she had only managed to launch herself half the distance to where Spike lay reading. It looked like Spike hadn't even noticed the rolling trolley in the courtyard, his attention focused on a comic book.
  11. The guardsmare huffed slightly before whistling to Spike, grabbing his attention and then hiding back under the cover. Sure enough it was only few seconds later and Spike had uncovered her, she stared at her predator his emerald, slitted eyes staring at her in the moonlight.
  13. "What is this? A joke?" Spike questioned.
  15. "Nope, I'm your midnight meal!" the mare said, smiling up at him.
  17. The look on Spikes face dowered instantly and he rolled his eyes to emphasize.
  19. "Ha ha. Big dumb dragon cant control himself. You know teasing someone isn't nice right?" Spike said
  21. "No joke. I want you to eat me," the mare said jumping down off the trolley.
  23. Spike looked at her as if she had grown an extra head on her shoulders, but after a moment he squinted at her suspicious.
  25. "Let me explain," the mare started "You are a dragon. You eat meat. Since the Crystal Empire is surrounded by a frozen wasteland you wont find prey that will fill you, so I am here tonight to offer myself as a meal to you so you wont hurt somepony that doesn't want to be eaten," the mare finished, nestling her head under Spike's chin.
  27. "Yeah, no. That is way to convenient to be true, your hiding something," Spike said looking down at the guardsmare.
  29. Spikes keen senses were right, the mare looked into those predatory eyes again. The black slits of his pupils saw more than he let on. With a heavy sigh, she stared at him and spoke again.
  31. "I love dragons," she said "Everything I said before was true but the truth is I love dragons. Your scales hug every sleek and powerful muscle as they glitter like fine gems in the light of both sun and moon. Your eyes can adjust to see in the deepest of darkness. Your fire breath is the hottest fire known to Equestria. Oh and your wings! They are huge and oh jeez i bet they feel like the smoothest of leathers! Can I touch them? "
  33. Spike offered his wing and the guardsmare went right to it pawing at them and rubbing her face against them. Spike couldn't help but bristle with pride at the gushing mare holding his head up proudly smiling as the mare giggled and went to town on his wings.
  35. "So you want me to eat you? It seems like a waste to eat such a devoted admirer of dragons..." Spike said, watching the mare nuzzling his side.
  37. Spike rolled to the side exposing his scaly underbelly. The mare rubbed his toned belly occasionally kissing it.
  39. "I've spent a lot of nights just getting myself off to the idea of a dragon fucking me. Breeding me somehow, even eating me. I want this," The mare said
  41. The mare trotted over to the food trolley and pulled out the pot of gravy and set it in front of Spike. Taking the pot top off she offered some to the dragon.
  43. "Try some" she said
  45. Spiked snaked out his tongue and lapped up some of the gravy. Smacking his lips he grunted.
  47. "That is good," Spike commented
  49. The mare blushed and smiled. She dipped her hoof into the gravy and put it infront of Spikes mouth
  51. "Now try this," she said.
  53. Spike paused for a moment. He sniffed the gravy laden hoof and snapped his tongue for a taste making the mare jump in surprise. Spike then dragged his tongue across her hoof cleaning it and tasting her.
  55. "Yeah? You like that, huh?" The mare said quietly, turning her hoof so Spike could enjoy himself.
  57. "You do know that if I eat you its a one way trip right? As in, that's all folks, game over, you're dragon chow," Spike explained
  59. The mare watched Spike drag his tongue up her foreleg and shivered at the feeling of the texture, her face flushing a deep red.
  61. "I know. I accept that. I want you to eat me. I want to be part of something greater than myself. I hope I am filling meal for the Crystal Empire's hero." the mare said leaning her head away from the tongue so Spike could lick her neck.
  63. Spike pulled his tongue away and the mare took a deep, shaky breath while Spike picked up the gravy pot and began to pour its contents on the mare. The thick gravy covered her mane and back; Spike carefully angled the pot so some ran down he forelegs and sides and when he reached her backside the mare lifted her rump into the air letting it cover inch after inch of her toned ass. The gravy dribbled to her needy sex and down her hind legs.
  65. After the pan had been emptied Spike set it back on the trolly and leaned down to his soon to be meal.
  67. "You know, your one crazy mare, right?" Said Spike
  69. "I'm about to be a crazy good meal," the mare said giving Spike a smooch on the snout.
  71. Spike chuckled, grinning "Any last requests my little snack-rifice?"
  73. The mare thought for a moment while Spike took a few dollops of gravy off her soft cheek before smiling.
  75. "Yes. If you'd be so kind as to toy with me using that tongue of yours before you swallow me I would be a happy meal" the mare said.
  77. "Done deal, you ready to go?"
  79. The mare nodded and Spike lifted her into the air, taking her hind hooves into his mouth. The mare coo'd and wiggled her hind hooves in his mouth as spike lathered them in spit and watched them disappear into his throat. Spike took a deep breath and swallowed moving up to the mares gravy drenched thighs. True to his promise, Spike slithered his malleable muscle between her legs and began to lick her pussy. The mare moaned and twitched in the warm confines of Spikes wet throat.
  81. With another gulp the mares thighs were dragged deeper and Spikes tongue drove deeper into the mares wet pussy. The mare bit her lip to keep from crying out, looking into her predators slick maw and enjoying the feeling of Spikes tongue rolling around and hitting the tender spots inside her.
  83. Drool dripped and coated her soft belly and pooled in the bottom of Spikes jaw, long sticky dribbles of saliva mixed with gravy began to hang from the pony stuffed maw of the dragon. Spike leaned his head back and swallowed lightly the tasty mixture and the excitment of his meal. Each wet gulp dragged the mare a little deeper and pushed more of his tongue into her.
  85. "Oh wow, oh wow!" The mare squeaked watching her thighs disappear into the dragons hungry gullet.
  87. She was close, Spike could taste it. She was deep enough in his mouth where she could be left writhing in his bottom jaw without needing to be held, carefully he began to squeeze the mare between his jaws lightly and began to mercilessly pound her sopping wet pussy with his tongue. the mare squealed in delight and licked the roof of Spikes mouth in lustful gratitude. She chanted cusses her hips bucking as her climax hit. Spike closed his mouth around the guardsmare, swishing her around a little in his mouth, drenching her in the warm drool/gravy mixture while she rode out the high of her orgasm.
  89. Her pussy squeezed on her predators tongue and Spike tipped his head back once more swallowing the pooling spit and gravy mixture along with his meals generous orgasm. The mare was dragged deeper still, her cutie mark slipped out of view as her slim hips were swallowed up. Spike withdrew his tongue from the mare and slithered it underneath her, cradling her in his lower jaw while she came down from her high.
  91. There was a moment or two of silence before Spike spoke.
  93. "Satisfied?"
  95. The mare looked at her predicament. In the maw of one of Equestria's mightiest predators, her lower half in his warm throat, her upper half lying on his tongue covered in sticky drool. She smiled, accepting her fate and gave Spikes tongue a hug and a kiss. Spike closed his mouth and enjoyed the feeling of a relaxed piece of meat slide down his throat. A few more gulps and the mare was a pleasant bulge in Spikes gut.
  97. Spike laid down on his side, happy and filled with meat he rubbed the soft curve in his gut the mare made. With a yawn, Spike went to sleep, letting his little meal digest.
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