
Magical Burst: Session 10: First Comes Love

Feb 10th, 2014
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Saturday, January 11, 2014
  3. 7:59 PM - MeltingData entered chat.
  4. 7:59 PM - MeltingData: hi
  5. 7:59 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: r8 l8 m8
  6. 7:59 PM - SDFN entered chat.
  7. 7:59 PM - SDFN: We starting?
  8. 7:59 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: no
  9. 7:59 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: we're just sitting here to have a circlejerk
  10. 8:00 PM - MeltingData: ohhhhhh
  11. 8:00 PM - MeltingData: ice burrnnnnn~
  12. 8:00 PM - MeltingData: not really
  13. 8:02 PM - SDFN: If the game doesnt start before 7:30, we start Mekton 0u0
  14. 8:02 PM - SDFN: Wait, normal time is 7 right?
  15. 8:02 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: probably
  16. 8:02 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: sure
  17. 8:02 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: if you mean now then yes
  18. 8:02 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: we're just waiting for smas really
  19. 8:02 PM - MeltingData: i bet smas'll come now
  20. 8:03 PM - MeltingData: wink wink
  21. 8:03 PM - MeltingData: nudge nudge
  22. 8:03 PM - Smas entered chat.
  23. 8:03 PM - Smas: sup
  24. 8:03 PM - SDFN: Just waiting on Frigs now?
  25. 8:03 PM - MeltingData: frigs isnt online
  26. 8:03 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: he said "8 or 9"
  27. 8:03 PM - SDFN: Right
  28. 8:03 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: dunno if that's my time or his
  29. 8:04 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: so we'll just go without
  30. 8:04 PM - SDFN: Probably ours
  31. 8:04 PM - SDFN: The condition is
  32. 8:04 PM - SDFN: If it gets to 7:30, we're doing mekton :V
  33. 8:04 PM - MeltingData: so we're not waiting for frigs then
  34. 8:04 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: did you miss the part where I said we'll go without
  35. 8:04 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: because I just said we'll go without
  36. 8:04 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge: friggle, that is
  37. 8:04 PM - MeltingData: oh
  38. 8:04 PM - MeltingData: oh you did
  39. 8:04 PM - MeltingData: woops
  40. 8:05 PM - SDFN: Ah
  41. 8:06 PM - SDFN: SHh
  42. 8:07 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Appy McBighuge has changed their name to IT'S CONTRACT TIME.
  43. 8:07 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: kay
  44. 8:07 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: names you two
  45. 8:08 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: hey
  46. 8:08 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: shrimp dick
  47. 8:08 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: that means you too
  48. 8:09 PM - SDFN: Thinking of a pun
  49. 8:09 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: pfft
  50. 8:09 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: 2/10
  51. 8:09 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: but good enough
  52. 8:09 PM - Happy Caturday: I dont have infinite puns
  53. 8:09 PM - Happy Caturday: Thats impawsible
  54. 8:10 PM - Sarah Salem: inclawsible
  55. 8:10 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: so where were we last time? Bitch had just run off with coppers chasing her and a large briefcase in hand after she tackled Eve while you all and your NPC buddies were discussing the finer points of megucaization
  56. 8:11 PM - Happy Caturday: Ye
  57. 8:11 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Then Satoya gave chase to assist, saying about an owed debt to bitch during the riots
  58. 8:11 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Eri attempted to pursue Satoya but failed miserably
  59. 8:11 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Eri probably still can't smile either
  60. 8:11 PM - Eri Motai: (There's nothing to smile about everything is demons)
  61. 8:12 PM - Sarah Salem: ( edgy))
  62. 8:12 PM - Happy Caturday: (Well, I'll have to cheer her up)
  63. 8:13 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: And Sarah is standing awkwardly in the park with the NPCs and an unconscious Eve
  65. 9:03 PM - Friggle entered chat.
  66. 9:03 PM - Friggle: eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  67. 9:03 PM - Sarah Salem: (we're in private)
  68. 9:03 PM - Eve Ishi: (( kay ))
  71. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah - Grand Theft Briefcase~~
  73. 8:13 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: T: "Wot"
  74. 8:13 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: S: "Yeah, uh... what just happened?"
  75. 5:14 PM - Sarah Salem: "Um."
  76. 5:14 PM - Sarah Salem: "The pink one is a bad guy."
  77. 5:14 PM - Sarah Salem: "Like us, except an ass."
  78. 8:14 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: K: "But, if you're all magic, shouldn't you work together?"
  79. 8:15 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Ally starts singing quietly about friends forever, friends together, we're on top 'cause we play to win...
  80. 5:15 PM - Sarah Salem: "I thought that as well. Then she exploded the elevator I was climbing and nearly killed me." I narrow my eyes at the thought.
  81. 8:16 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: K: "Oh..."
  82. 8:16 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: A: "Well that's not a very good way to make friends."
  83. 5:18 PM - Sarah Salem: "After that, I believe we trapped her in a cage, and then knocked her unconscious and dropped her down the hole. That was Eri."
  84. 8:18 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: T: "That's... kinda brutal."
  85. 5:18 PM - Sarah Salem: "I did not see much of it, I was busy hanging from a pipe with a dislocated shoulder."
  86. 8:18 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: S: "Jesus. What the hell are you girls being put through?"
  87. 8:18 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: K: "That's horrible!"
  88. 5:19 PM - Sarah Salem: "Trial by fire. Literally."
  89. 5:19 PM - Sarah Salem: I glance down the street they ran. "Will you be alright here?"
  90. 8:20 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: T: "Uh, yeah. Long as nothing explodes around us."
  91. 8:20 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: S: "You gonna help the others?"
  92. 5:21 PM - Sarah Salem: "Yes. We may not be back today."
  93. 5:22 PM - Sarah Salem: "You can head to your homes, if you wish. Take Eve with you."
  94. 8:21 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Ally salutes. "Yes sir, ma'am sir!"
  95. 8:22 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: She salutes with the arm that's still holding Fred the bunny, causing him to thunk against her forehead. She stays in her saluatory position with half her face covered in a poorly grasped rabbit
  96. 5:23 PM - Sarah Salem: I look at her quizically, and then transform and take off down the street without another word.
  97. 5:23 PM - Sarah Salem: (thats adorable)
  98. 8:25 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: c;
  99. 8:25 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Running running running. You run down the street, and reach an impasse. You have no idea where they went from here."
  100. 5:26 PM - Sarah Salem: Did I bring my little eye with me?
  101. 8:26 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You said you left it at home
  102. 5:26 PM - Sarah Salem: Shit.
  103. 8:26 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Bringing a creepy eyething into public was probably not on your agenda
  104. 5:27 PM - Sarah Salem: Can I like, cast a sorcery and try to communicate to it how to get to me?
  105. 8:27 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Hmm...
  106. 8:28 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Eh, whateva
  107. 8:28 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: just do a basic Magic roll
  108. 8:28 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: 2d6+magic
  109. 5:29 PM - Sarah Salem: kk
  110. 5:29 PM - Sarah Salem: 13
  111. 8:30 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: eh, good nuff
  112. 8:30 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You close your eyes and concentrate, until you feel something 'click' and hear little squeaks and giggles coming from the other end of your mental connection
  113. 5:32 PM - Sarah Salem: (i imagine it kinda resembles the little dwarf gekkos from mgs4/mgr:r)
  114. 8:32 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: :v
  115. 5:36 PM - Sarah Salem: ok so, how many directions does the road go from here?
  116. 8:36 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: shit sorry
  117. 5:36 PM - Sarah Salem: its fine
  118. 8:37 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: There are a number of turns and directions you could take. Behind you leads to the park, one northeast from your relative positon you know leads to the coffee shop, straight a ways then left is the school, then there's directly left and right from where you now stand
  119. 5:38 PM - Sarah Salem: Is the eye here yet?
  120. 8:39 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You hear a rattling in an airvent protruiding form a building above you, a series of thunks and squeaks, then the cover pops open and out rolls your little eyeguy
  121. 8:39 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You catch it and it blinks at you
  122. 5:40 PM - Sarah Salem: (that is also adorable)
  123. 5:41 PM - Sarah Salem: OK, first I want to use sorcery to try and open a two way link between us, so I can see what he can if I want to, and vice versa.
  124. 8:41 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: nutha magic roll, gonna have to roll better than that 13 though
  125. 5:41 PM - Sarah Salem: :c
  126. 8:41 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: sensory sharing is pretty complex considering you're a newbie
  127. 5:41 PM - Sarah Salem: 12
  128. 8:46 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: gj u fail
  129. 8:46 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: you get a headache
  130. 5:46 PM - Sarah Salem: ow
  131. 8:46 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: and eyeguy looks slightly strained
  132. 5:47 PM - Sarah Salem: I pat his tiny pencilly eyelid, and then tell him to head right, while I go left.
  133. 8:48 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: It stands upright in your open palm alert and active, before it salutes with a penciled in arm and bounces off
  134. 5:48 PM - Sarah Salem: (even more adorbs)
  135. 5:49 PM - Sarah Salem: I speed off to the left, looking for any signs that those other nerds have been there (exploded buiildings, nuclear radiation, mulitple instances of cat hair, etc)
  136. 8:49 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: roll finesse
  137. 5:50 PM - Sarah Salem: go me
  138. 5:50 PM - Sarah Salem: even without a -2 penalty
  139. 5:50 PM - Sarah Salem: i still can barely clear 10
  140. 5:50 PM - Sarah Salem: 11
  141. 8:51 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: u suk
  142. 8:51 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: and see nothing
  143. 5:51 PM - Sarah Salem: fuk
  144. 8:51 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You spend more time wandering aimlessly up and down the street
  145. 8:51 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: finesse
  146. 5:52 PM - Sarah Salem: 13
  147. 5:52 PM - Sarah Salem: mucho bettero
  148. 8:52 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: you spot a payphone dangling loose and off the hook
  149. 8:53 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Usually people on this tier have the decency to hang the things up when they finish a call
  150. 5:54 PM - Sarah Salem: I head over to one of the only modern techs I know how to use, and pick that shit up.
  151. 8:54 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You put it to your ear and hear dialtone. Finesse roll~
  152. 5:55 PM - Sarah Salem: 13
  153. 8:55 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: you spot short, fine white hairs where the ear piece is
  154. 8:56 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You recognize those hairs as Satoya's fur
  155. 5:56 PM - Sarah Salem: woo
  156. 5:57 PM - Sarah Salem: I keep heading down this street
  157. 5:57 PM - Sarah Salem: And also check in with eyeguy, and inform him that he can join up with me whenever.
  158. 8:57 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Finesse it once more!
  159. 8:57 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: makin u work today bb
  160. 5:57 PM - Sarah Salem: shit!
  161. 5:57 PM - Sarah Salem: 11
  162. 8:57 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: eh, they weren't really hiding it anyway
  163. 8:57 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You hear some chatter from an alley but can't make out any exact words
  164. 8:58 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Wanna sneak up and listen closer?
  165. 5:58 PM - Sarah Salem: ooh, yes. but i'll use my powers to stop time, head to a hidden spot nearby, and THEN start it again, so they dont catch me
  166. 8:58 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: clever girl~
  167. 8:59 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: So, where do you want to hide? You can climb to a catwalk above, chill behind a dumpster, hang around the corner of the alley, or anyting you can think of that's appropriate
  168. 6:00 PM - Sarah Salem: hmm
  169. 6:00 PM - Sarah Salem: describe the area a bit more?
  170. 9:00 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Well if you're pausing time you can look into the alley safely without being spotted, by the way :v
  171. 6:01 PM - Sarah Salem: i'll do that then :v
  172. 9:01 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You spot Satoya, hunched over Hakurobe, who is frozen in the middle of pawing through a briefcase currently laid out on the alley ground
  173. 6:03 PM - Sarah Salem: can I check whats in the case?
  174. 9:03 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: you walk over and lean on Sato like she's a table or something cause really she's a cunt anyway
  175. 9:03 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: you spot ingots of a sort laid out, and papers scattered, being pushed around by Haku's paw
  176. 6:04 PM - Sarah Salem: hmm
  177. 6:04 PM - Sarah Salem: what color are the ingots?
  178. 9:05 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Sort of a darkish silver. Not any shade of metal you're familiar with
  179. 6:06 PM - Sarah Salem: >read ye papers
  180. 9:07 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You see mention of a metal called "Arcanium" and practical purposes and uses of it, including magic amplification, blocking, absorbing, and destroying, when mixed with various other elements
  181. 6:08 PM - Sarah Salem: Dayum.
  182. 6:08 PM - Sarah Salem: I grab the suitcase, close it, and head the fuck outta there, unpausing time when I'm a safe distance away.
  183. 6:09 PM - Sarah Salem: I guess I head to my house
  184. 9:09 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Eyeguy pops out of a nearby open window and jumps down onto your shoulder
  185. 6:10 PM - Sarah Salem: "Good job, Eye." I pat his eyelid again, and put him in the only place noone will ever see him.
  186. 6:11 PM - Sarah Salem: The gaping hole in my chest c:
  187. 9:10 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: it giggles
  188. 6:11 PM - Sarah Salem: :v
  189. 6:11 PM - Sarah Salem: >head ye home
  190. 9:12 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: you head ye home
  191. 9:12 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: And enter ye home
  192. 6:13 PM - Sarah Salem: um
  193. 6:13 PM - Sarah Salem: huh, i didn't plan this far ahead.
  194. 9:12 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: pfft
  195. 6:13 PM - Sarah Salem: i wasnt actually expecting to get away with the case
  196. 9:13 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: :V
  197. 6:13 PM - Sarah Salem: I study the papers closely, and try to figure out where they came from, i guess?
  198. 9:14 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Your sister is on your family's computer in the living room just chillin
  199. 9:14 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: probs talking about her waifu on /a/ or something
  200. 9:14 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: not that she's les
  201. 6:15 PM - Sarah Salem: ( waifus are independent of sexuality, you baka gaijin)
  202. 9:15 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: k
  203. 9:15 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: She turns around at the sound of the door opening
  204. 9:15 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Oh, Sarah! Welcome... home?"
  205. 9:16 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "What's with the... suitcase?"
  206. 6:17 PM - Sarah Salem: "Um, schoolwork. It was the only container Eve had."
  207. 9:17 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "I see. It's quite... large."
  208. 9:17 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: It is indeed large.
  209. 9:18 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You could probably fit a midget in if they curled up real tight
  210. 6:18 PM - Sarah Salem: ...
  211. 6:18 PM - Sarah Salem: amazing
  212. 9:18 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: c:
  213. 6:21 PM - Sarah Salem: I head up to my room afterwards, setting the case on the desk
  214. 9:22 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: As you completely brush off your sister and walk up to your room, if this was an anime the camera would focus on her with a tilted head and a big stylized ? above her head
  215. 6:22 PM - Sarah Salem: :v
  216. 6:24 PM - Sarah Salem: i like that i can just head off and do my own thing
  217. 6:24 PM - Sarah Salem: its nice
  218. 9:24 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Eyeguy pops out of your, uh, hole, worms his way up your shirt, and looks at you from your cleavage
  219. 9:24 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: It blinks
  220. 6:25 PM - Sarah Salem: (gj)
  221. 9:24 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Boota v2
  222. 6:25 PM - Sarah Salem: I pull him out and set him next to the metal with an unamused look.
  223. 9:26 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: It ignores your *glaaaaare* and stands on its poverbial tiptoes to look inside the case
  224. 9:26 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: It stands too high and flips over, rolling into it
  225. 6:27 PM - Sarah Salem: I pull him out before he can touch the metal.
  226. 9:28 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: As you hold eyeguy dangling by a leg, his wavering momentum brings him close to your face, where he bops you on the nose with an arm
  227. 6:29 PM - Sarah Salem: pfft
  228. 9:28 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: If it had a mouth you're sure it'd be giving you a stupid kawaii as fuck smile
  229. 9:29 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: but its eye expresses that enough
  230. 6:29 PM - Sarah Salem: I set him down again, this time on top of something so he can see into the case.
  231. 9:31 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: The ingots gleam in the light
  232. 9:31 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: So now you've got a case of magic metal
  233. 6:32 PM - Sarah Salem: woo
  234. 6:32 PM - Sarah Salem: i pore over those papers
  235. 6:33 PM - Sarah Salem: try and find like
  236. 6:33 PM - Sarah Salem: a place of origin i guess
  237. 9:38 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You see mention of a place addressed only as "13," see a vague mention of "the Council"
  238. 6:39 PM - Sarah Salem: (what the fuck is this even)
  241. 6:40 PM - Sarah Salem: OK, well. We've reached the point where I start slapping anything in my inventory together and hoping it works.
  242. 6:40 PM - Sarah Salem: I set the eye onto the metal.
  243. 9:40 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Oh yeah you got all the cool toys
  244. 9:41 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Eye vibrates as though it felt an electric shock when it makes contact with the metal for a short time, but otherwise it passes and it blinks at you
  245. 6:41 PM - Sarah Salem: woops
  246. 6:41 PM - Sarah Salem: I take him off of it and set him to the side again
  247. 6:42 PM - Sarah Salem: Put the book on the metal next.
  248. 9:44 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: The book flips a few pages on its own, but nothing else happens
  249. 9:44 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Until it starts to have more writing appear
  250. 6:45 PM - Sarah Salem: it was such a good idea to keep this fuckin book
  251. 9:45 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "The papers tell the recipe, that's all you'll get from me"
  252. 6:46 PM - Sarah Salem: I set the book to the side, next to the eye, and then head back to the papers, searching for whatever the "recipe" is.
  253. 6:46 PM - Sarah Salem: (finesse roll im guessing?)
  254. 9:46 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: ye
  255. 6:47 PM - Sarah Salem: 11. Goddammit.
  256. 9:47 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: I've abused you enough. It's on print anyway so I guess it'll be a bit hard to miss
  257. 6:48 PM - Sarah Salem: woo~
  258. 9:49 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You skim through the papers fruitlessly, before you toss them into the air and groan in frustration. As they flutter back to the desk, you see a clearly defined list of various natural elements with percentages next to them. Arcanium is always at the top of these various lists, usually with the highest percentile of the various listings of elements
  259. 9:49 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Each list is headed with either "Absorbing," "Repelling," "Destroying," "Enhancing," or "Restricting"
  260. 6:50 PM - Sarah Salem: I read the "Enhancing" one first.
  261. 9:52 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: nigga I don't know it's got shit like iron and aluminum and stuff
  262. 6:52 PM - Sarah Salem: w/e
  263. 6:53 PM - Sarah Salem: Can I search around my room to see if I have the stuff?
  264. 6:53 PM - Sarah Salem: also predicting eri mamis the fuck out in t-minus ~alot~ sessions9:58 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: well you could look for the stuff but it wouldn't accomplish much because the elements need to be like, mixed together when they're still liquid to form to form a new thingy
  265. 6:58 PM - Sarah Salem: eh
  266. 6:58 PM - Sarah Salem: that shouldnt be too much of a problem
  267. 6:59 PM - Sarah Salem: i search, then
  268. 6:59 PM - Sarah Salem: actually before that
  269. 6:59 PM - Sarah Salem: i want to try opening a link between me n gekko again
  270. 6:59 PM - Sarah Salem: gekko is the eye
  271. 9:59 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: roll~
  272. 9:59 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: you're naming it gekko?
  273. 6:59 PM - Sarah Salem: ...
  274. 6:59 PM - Sarah Salem: 17
  275. 7:00 PM - Sarah Salem: it was meant to be
  276. 10:00 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You focus on Gekko, opening a telepathic connection only you two can share
  277. 10:00 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You now see the world through his eye
  278. 7:00 PM - Sarah Salem: i do so immediately, to test it out
  279. 10:01 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: It's quite disorienting, but you can hear his thoughts not as words so much as impulses
  280. 7:02 PM - Sarah Salem: radical
  281. 7:02 PM - Sarah Salem: I stop doing that before i get a headache again, and search for all the shit on the "enhance" list
  282. 10:04 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: hm
  283. 10:04 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: looks like you need iron, nickle and aluminum
  284. 10:04 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: any idea where you could find those in your own room?
  285. 7:05 PM - Sarah Salem: maybe some aluminum lamp or bedframe or something
  286. 7:05 PM - Sarah Salem: nickle i dont think so
  287. 7:05 PM - Sarah Salem: iron could be anything tho :v
  288. 10:08 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: nickle, can't you get that from coins maybe?
  289. 7:09 PM - Sarah Salem: (q: is this the big eye i wounded before, when i was split up from eve? did it get shrunken somehow?)
  290. 7:09 PM - Sarah Salem: old ones yeah
  291. 7:09 PM - Sarah Salem: they dont make nickels out of nickle anymore, i dont think
  292. 10:09 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: nah, it's just a random ol' creepy eyething that fell out of nowhere once its master died
  293. 10:09 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: it's a familiar
  294. 7:10 PM - Sarah Salem: radical
  295. 7:11 PM - Sarah Salem: i was just wondering because the big one was the only one i actually directly interacted with, that wasnt the actual youma itself :v
  296. 10:12 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: I didn't know what I was doing with it back then so :v
  297. 7:12 PM - Sarah Salem: :V
  298. 10:14 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: I give up
  299. 10:14 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: you have the necessary materials
  300. 10:15 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: though how do you plan on cuttining an ingot down to size?
  301. 10:15 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: you only need to much of the arcanium
  302. 7:16 PM - Sarah Salem: ehh
  303. 10:15 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: so, not to*
  304. 7:16 PM - Sarah Salem: i'll transform and try using the edge of my hook
  305. 10:16 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: right. Magical weapons trump all
  306. 10:16 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: I hope you know I'm gonna make you roll for this c:
  307. 10:16 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Gently grinding your hook against the ingot produces little result
  308. 10:16 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: looks like it'll take a swift slice
  309. 7:17 PM - Sarah Salem: I put it on something i dont mind cutting
  310. 7:17 PM - Sarah Salem: such as the floor under the carpet c:
  311. 10:19 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: damn
  312. 10:19 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: I was gonna have you slice your desk in half
  313. 10:19 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: :c
  314. 7:20 PM - Sarah Salem: :v
  315. 7:20 PM - Sarah Salem: i thought of everything
  316. 7:20 PM - Sarah Salem: for once in my pnp career, i thought something through
  317. 7:20 PM - Sarah Salem: you should be proud of me
  318. 7:21 PM - Sarah Salem: c:
  319. 10:21 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: the one time you think of something it ruins my day
  320. 10:21 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: :c
  321. 7:21 PM - Sarah Salem: :v
  322. 10:21 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: fine, you cut the ingot cleanly with magical precision and weapon
  323. 10:21 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: so how do you plan on melting down this mishmash of materials
  324. 7:22 PM - Sarah Salem: thats easy
  325. 7:22 PM - Sarah Salem: i just need eri
  326. 7:22 PM - Sarah Salem: stop neglecting main chat :v
  327. 7:25 PM - Sarah Salem: what time is it, ingame?
  328. 7:25 PM - Sarah Salem: like 4-5pm ish?
  329. 10:26 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: let's go with yes
  330. 10:26 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: :v
  331. 7:27 PM - Sarah Salem: :v
  332. 7:27 PM - Sarah Salem: i'll wait then
  333. 10:27 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: for?
  334. 7:28 PM - Sarah Salem: night
  335. 10:28 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: ah
  336. 10:28 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: :v
  338. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah - Grand Theft Briefcase~~
  344. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Satoya - Mystery of the Vanishing Briefcase~~
  346. 5:13 PM - Happy Caturday: Right
  347. 5:14 PM - Happy Caturday: I need to get over to where Princess was and recover the case still dont I?
  348. 8:14 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: you COULD
  349. 8:14 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: but yes
  350. 8:14 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: you should :v
  351. 5:15 PM - Happy Caturday: Right, I untransform and do that
  352. 8:15 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You approach the street you know she was at last, seeing it blockaded
  353. 8:16 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Come to think of it, you realize she never really said WHERE she stashed the case
  354. 5:16 PM - Happy Caturday: Aaaah fuck
  355. 5:16 PM - Happy Caturday: Can I try calling her again?
  356. 8:17 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You attempt to call her but it goes straight to voicemail
  357. 5:19 PM - Happy Caturday: I leave her a quick message. "Purrrinceeeess, uhm, I dont know how to put this, but I am currently an itty bitty kitty with a itty bitty purroblem. Where exactly is that case of yours? The pi-, cops have the area sealed off, but if its hidden, I dont think it'll be that big of a deal"
  358. 8:21 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: With that done, you click your phone off and pocket it again, completely ignoring the fact that a jobless and homeless teenage zombie catgirl could never pay for her phone bill anyway
  359. 5:22 PM - Happy Caturday: (She probably stole a prepaid one or something shh)
  360. 8:22 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: :v
  361. 5:23 PM - Happy Caturday: I decide to stake out in one of the alleys nearby, watching until the cops leave
  362. 5:23 PM - Happy Caturday: Because running into that is purrobably a terrible idea
  363. 8:23 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: So, plans? Cops patrolling the area, no idea where the case is, and the only clue you've got is that she was in an alley and hopped down a trash chute that the case woiuldn't fit in
  364. 5:24 PM - Happy Caturday: Hmm, yes actually
  365. 5:24 PM - Happy Caturday: I'm calling 911
  366. 8:23 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Well, you aren't really INSIDE the barricade, but if you were to approach it they'd probably tell you to bugger off
  367. 5:24 PM - Happy Caturday: Or whatever the local emergency number is
  368. 8:24 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: 911 works :v
  369. 5:24 PM - Happy Caturday: I know, Im away in an area where I can see it
  370. 8:25 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: OK, so calling 911
  371. 8:26 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: ?
  372. 8:27 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "911, what is your emergency?"
  373. 5:27 PM - Happy Caturday: I pick up and talk into the phone with a serious tone of voice. "Hello, I dont know if this is the right place to report this, but I'm near the park on tier 3, and this girl, pink hair, strange outfit, and a big case of some sort. She runs into me and knocked me to the ground, and said, quite vulgarly. "Out of my way ugly cunt, or I'll make you move!""
  374. 8:29 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Uh, I'm sorry to hear that, but this is a line for serious issues. Please don't call about petty street squabbles."
  375. 8:29 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: she hangs up
  376. 8:29 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: wanna try calling back and hoping for a different person? :v
  377. 5:30 PM - Happy Caturday: Right, that didn't work, any payphones around?
  378. 5:30 PM - Happy Caturday: Nah, too risky
  379. 5:30 PM - Happy Caturday: Same number may seem suspicious
  380. 5:32 PM - Happy Caturday: Again, payphones or anything?
  381. 8:32 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Oh yeah, there's a line of payphones nearby
  382. 5:32 PM - Happy Caturday: I run up to one and dial 911 on it
  383. 5:32 PM - Happy Caturday: Since you can make 911 calls on payphones free
  384. 8:33 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You hear a different voice from last time say "911, what is your emergency?"
  385. 5:34 PM - Happy Caturday: I put on a worried tone of voice this time. "Miss! In the park, some pink haired girl ran through with a briefcase and a gun, she said something about a bomb! I left at once but I think she's still there!"
  386. 8:36 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "The park? Which tier are you located in?"
  387. 5:36 PM - Happy Caturday: "Three, tier three ma'am"
  388. 8:38 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "And which direction did this girl run in relation to the park?"
  389. 5:39 PM - Happy Caturday: Which direction did I come from?
  390. 8:40 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: let's just assume you tell her the direction because I never worked this shit out on paper
  391. 5:40 PM - Happy Caturday: :V
  392. 5:41 PM - Happy Caturday: I imagine getting a call telling you where your suspect is would clear out the cops?
  393. 8:41 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Ahh, clever
  394. 8:42 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Wasn't even thinking about that
  395. 5:42 PM - Happy Caturday: Well I mean, it'd be dumb to ignore it :V
  396. 5:42 PM - Happy Caturday: Especially if she's supsected to be armed and dangerous
  397. 8:42 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: I'm torn between three chats so pardon my unclear thought train
  398. 5:42 PM - Happy Caturday: Nah its fine
  399. 8:42 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You hear the cops radios buzz, see several handmotions, and they all pile into their cars and drive off
  400. 5:43 PM - Happy Caturday: I hang the phone up and do a little cheer before giving myself a pat on the back.
  401. 5:43 PM - Happy Caturday: "Whos a smart little kitty, you are, yes you are~"
  402. 8:43 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Potato mews
  403. 5:44 PM - Happy Caturday: I nuzzle my little buddy, before walking casually across the street, into the alley Princess was in
  404. 8:45 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You enter the alley, and find none other than Hakurobe sitting in the middle, pawing through a popped briefcase
  405. 8:46 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: He says, without turning to face you, "Hello there, kitty cat. I take it you were looking for this as well?"
  406. 5:47 PM - Happy Caturday: "Well, hello mister fluff butt! Indeed I was, merely doing a favor fur a furriend." I lean over and pet his head softly
  407. 8:47 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Favor, eh? I see. Some fascinating stuff in this here case, I tell you."
  408. 5:47 PM - Happy Caturday: "Yup, arcanium! It was stolen from some meanies who catnaped me!"
  409. 8:48 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "So that's what they call the stuff. They've certainly got a sense of humor. Magic-reactive metal. Quite interesting."
  410. 5:49 PM - Happy Caturday: Which ones are in the case? Can I even tell?"
  411. 8:50 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You peak over Haku's furry form and spot not bracelets, but small bars
  412. 8:50 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: There are also a series of papers which Haku's been shuffling around and glancing at
  413. 5:51 PM - Happy Caturday: "Well, I was expecting something more, refined."
  414. 8:52 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Refined? What could be more refined than pure ingots of the stuff?"
  415. 5:53 PM - Happy Caturday: "Its normally used in bracelets, from what Ive seen at least. Wearing them either amplifies, or weakens magical abilities."
  416. 5:53 PM - Happy Caturday: "I guess that would be more valuable then unworked bars of the stuff"
  417. 8:54 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Indeed it would, my dear, indeed it would. So, you say these people captured you, then?"
  418. 5:55 PM - Happy Caturday: "Yes! During the riots, once of them stabbed a needle into me, next thing I know, I'm strapped in a chair, told I can only leave if I test their new purroduct!"
  419. 8:55 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: What color is Sato's fur anyway?
  420. 5:55 PM - Happy Caturday: White normally, black when transformed due to Youma aestethic
  421. 5:55 PM - Happy Caturday: I imagine her hair is the same color
  422. 8:58 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: right
  423. 8:58 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: anyway
  424. 8:58 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Test their product, you say? And am I correct in assuming that 'product' is made of the fashionable new metal that's sweeping critics off their feet?"
  425. 5:59 PM - Happy Caturday: "Yes! The bracelets I told you about actually!"
  426. 9:00 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Bracelets? They could have come up with something a little less... tacky."
  427. 6:00 PM - Happy Caturday: "Thank you! Thats just what I was thinking, but I didnt want to say anything because I just wanted to be done with them."
  428. 9:01 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Ha! At least you have good taste, as evidence with your choice of me as your friendly neighborhood contracting agent."
  429. 6:02 PM - Happy Caturday: I pick Haku up and snuggle him. "Hehehe, thats right! How could I say to a talking little kitty cat?"
  430. 9:06 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Yeah yeah, I get it. I'm soft and fluffy." He hops from your grasp back to the ground
  431. 9:06 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "So, you said something about a favor? What's that got to do with this here little case of goodies?"
  432. 6:07 PM - Happy Caturday: "Princess covfurred for me, I need to covfur fur her! She had to ditch the case and bail, I took the heat off of her, and now I have to take this case back!"
  433. 9:10 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Roll finesse
  434. 6:10 PM - Happy Caturday: Rolz?
  435. 9:10 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: ye
  436. 6:11 PM - Happy Caturday: 17
  437. 6:11 PM - Happy Caturday: Damn
  438. 6:11 PM - Happy Caturday: Bad luck is gone
  439. 9:11 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You realize that as you and Haku were talking, the case decided that existing was a pain and vanished
  440. 9:12 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Eh? What's wrong, kid? Your eyes look a little shocked."
  441. 6:12 PM - Happy Caturday: "The case, where'd it go!"
  442. 9:12 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "What do you mean? It's right - "
  443. 9:12 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "What."
  444. 6:13 PM - Happy Caturday: "Haku buddy! You have to help me find this, I purrmosed she'd have it, and now, now it's gone!"
  445. 9:13 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Just how do you expect me to be of help in locating the thing? It's not like I know where it is anymore."
  446. 6:14 PM - Happy Caturday: "You dont have any sort of magic that could locate it?"
  447. 9:15 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Nope. Wish I did, though, but I'm not omnipresent."
  448. 6:16 PM - Happy Caturday: "Nyaw, princess is going to be disappointed in me nyow."
  449. 9:16 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Princess? The feisty pink-haired girl with fire in more than just her eyes?"
  450. 6:17 PM - Happy Caturday: "Yes! I owed her after she purrtected me, and got the law off my back after the lion, incident"
  451. 9:19 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "I see. Welp, wish I could help, kid, but I know just as much as you do about its whereabouts."
  452. 6:20 PM - Happy Caturday: I sigh and look around the alley
  453. 9:20 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Nothing is different, barring the lack of a suitcase
  454. 6:20 PM - Happy Caturday: Poop
  455. 9:20 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: I'm gonna point out that the case was big. Like, you could fit a midget in it if they curled up real tight
  456. 9:20 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Just for future reference
  457. 6:20 PM - Happy Caturday: Damn
  458. 6:21 PM - Happy Caturday: "Haku, just, if princess asks, please tell her that you were here, and that the case actually disappeared!"
  459. 9:23 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: He waves you off with a paw. "Yeah yeah, I'll tell her if I see her. Guess I'd better find something else to do now that that little gem is gone."
  460. 6:24 PM - Happy Caturday: I smile and kiss his little forehead, before running off, just out of the area of this alley and the park, incase the cops come back
  461. 6:26 PM - Happy Caturday: Since I feel like if I go back, you'll have me arrested or something
  462. 9:26 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: :v
  463. 6:27 PM - Happy Caturday: But if I dont, you yell at me for missing things
  464. 9:26 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: So, what now? Any plans, now that your case is gone?
  465. 6:27 PM - Happy Caturday: Hide out, maybe feel bad, not like I have any leads or anything
  466. 9:27 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: :v
  467. 6:29 PM - Happy Caturday: Seriously though, not going to the park for a while, I pretty much redirected the entire police force there
  468. 6:29 PM - Happy Caturday: I'm probably still wanted for the lion incident/the riot/the bone titan distraction
  469. 9:30 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Which as you recall is probably still going on :v
  470. 6:30 PM - Happy Caturday: I untransformed
  471. 6:30 PM - Happy Caturday: You said it falls apart when I do that
  472. 6:30 PM - Happy Caturday: So
  473. 9:30 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: right
  474. 6:30 PM - Happy Caturday: Its not going on anymore~
  475. 9:30 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: kay
  477. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Satoya - Mystery of the Vanishing Briefcase~~
  482. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Eri - Attack on Titan~~
  484. 8:14 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: So, any plans?
  485. 8:14 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You're in the middle of the city having failed to tail Satoya
  486. 5:15 PM - Eri Motai: I have none at the moment, I could destroy the giant skelemonster that's fucking up the apartment building though, since I don't think I'll be able to find Sato and Pink Haired girl.
  487. 5:16 PM - Eri Motai: Either that, or I can try and find Eno for advice about this recent development.
  488. 5:17 PM - Eri Motai: I'll go and fight the giant skelly I think, that's more important.
  489. 8:16 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: alrighty then
  490. 5:17 PM - Eri Motai: (I should be in rolz shouldn't I)
  491. 8:17 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: probs
  492. 5:18 PM - Eri Motai: (ok ready)
  493. 8:18 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: woo
  494. 8:19 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: you approach the scene to find Satoya's dumbass and useless 'distraction' wrecking shit
  495. 8:19 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: breaking windows, tearing out fire hydrants and street signs, telephone poles, and punching cops who are inneffectively shooting at it
  496. 5:21 PM - Eri Motai: Eri shakes her head, "It's hard to tell who side she's on half the time."
  497. 5:21 PM - Eri Motai: I'll go invisible and try to sneak attack the monster
  498. 8:21 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: roll 4 snek
  499. 5:22 PM - Eri Motai: this sneak is based on my support right?
  500. 5:22 PM - Eri Motai: or is it finesse
  501. 5:23 PM - Eri Motai: ohp, it's finesse
  502. 5:23 PM - Eri Motai: 18
  503. 8:24 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: sneak successful
  504. 8:25 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: you're behind the bony construct as it continues to punch cops out of the way so that it may continue to break windows
  505. 5:26 PM - Eri Motai: I'll enable my Full Drive ability and attempt to reinact Shadow of the Colossus (you've played that game right?)
  506. 8:26 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: never played it but I know enough
  507. 5:27 PM - Eri Motai: ok, rolling for attack
  508. 5:28 PM - Eri Motai: (that extra dice roll is due to Full drive, if you remember)
  509. 5:29 PM - Eri Motai: (basically I have 19 for attack)
  510. 5:29 PM - Eri Motai: (I guess I have to oc though)
  511. 5:29 PM - Eri Motai: (so rolling that)
  512. 5:29 PM - Eri Motai: (ocing my oc)
  513. 5:29 PM - Eri Motai: (28 altogether)
  514. 5:30 PM - Eri Motai: (I assume I hit, unless this is the biggest skele of all time :T)
  515. 8:31 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: oh ye
  516. 8:31 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: don't forget I'm pretty sure that Full Drive you roll 1d6 then drop the lowest die, not add that 1d6
  517. 8:31 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: unless that's what FD does
  518. 5:31 PM - Eri Motai: (I did drop it)
  519. 8:31 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: oh, ok then
  520. 8:31 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: yeah you hit the beastie
  521. 5:32 PM - Eri Motai: (rolling damage)
  522. 5:32 PM - Eri Motai: (1d6+(1/2attack)+buffs?)
  523. 8:32 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: yep
  524. 8:32 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: there's a +1 for each OC don't forget
  525. 5:33 PM - Eri Motai: (I feel that my buffs alone might kill this beastie)
  526. 8:33 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: let's see
  527. 5:33 PM - Eri Motai: (3 is base attack, with +1 from striker)
  528. 8:33 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: oh just roll the dice
  529. 5:34 PM - Eri Motai: (13)
  530. 8:34 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: fuckin christ man you could almost oneshot a normal level 1 meguca with that
  531. 8:34 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: noice
  532. 5:35 PM - Eri Motai: (yeah, it's all in the buffs, without em I'd be useless)
  533. 8:35 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: From the shadows of an alley, you leap off a dumpster, appearing in thin air in front of the coppers who aren't panicking and running. There's a lull in gunfire, and you cleave the titan in two, making several additional slashes for assurance
  534. 8:35 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: The cops who weren't freaking the fuck out now freak the fuck out at a little ninja girl cutting a large bone beast in twine
  535. 5:36 PM - Eri Motai: (they are hardened veterans no doubt)
  536. 5:37 PM - Eri Motai: I half bow and attempt to return to the shadows.
  537. 8:38 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: A fat black cop heaves a sigh that sounds like a cross between a flooded engine revving and a dog growling underwater. He holsters his pistol, rubbing his eyes and saying "I'm gettin' too old for this shit."
  538. 5:40 PM - Eri Motai: (is he a week away from retirement? :P)
  539. 5:40 PM - Eri Motai: (just a bemusing thought)
  540. 8:40 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: :v
  541. 5:41 PM - Eri Motai: Since the skelemonster has been dealt with, I guess I better try and find Tami and the gang.
  542. 8:41 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: last you checked, they were at the park
  543. 5:42 PM - Eri Motai: I could probably just call Tami, assuming I have a cell phone.
  544. 5:42 PM - Eri Motai: that'd be a more surefire way to get a hold of her.
  545. 8:43 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: ye do have it
  546. 8:43 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: and ye do call 'er
  547. 8:43 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Eri? Hey, what's up?"
  548. 5:44 PM - Eri Motai: "You guys still at the park? I'm done chasing cats for tonight."
  549. 5:44 PM - Eri Motai: "...I'm sorry I left in such a hurry."
  550. 8:44 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Oh, yeah, we're still here. A bunch of cop cars just hightailed it in some other direction, but I dunno. What's happening?"
  551. 8:45 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Sarah said something about that pink-haired girl being like you but, to quote, 'an ass.'"
  552. 5:47 PM - Eri Motai: "Yeah, more like a ghost."
  553. 5:48 PM - Eri Motai: "She's... I don't know how, but she's back."
  554. 5:48 PM - Eri Motai: "And she's kind of bad news. I can tell you about it later, it's just not something I want to talk about."
  555. 5:49 PM - Eri Motai: "... She nearly killed Sarah you know."
  556. 8:49 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Yeah, she mentioned..."
  557. 5:50 PM - Eri Motai: "And I guess I..." Eri stops herself mid-sentence, not wanting to disclose her secret to her newfound friend.
  558. 5:50 PM - Eri Motai: "I messed up. I think she wants my head."
  559. 8:51 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "She didn't seem too happy with Satoya for some reason, either."
  560. 5:52 PM - Eri Motai: "Yeah, I don't know what's up with her; she kept saying something 'bout a debt that she had to repay."
  561. 5:52 PM - Eri Motai: Eri begins eating the cupcake she saved for Sato.
  562. 5:53 PM - Eri Motai: "Anmph you knowph what? Whatepher that depth was wasn'tph worthph it."
  563. 5:53 PM - Eri Motai: (huehuehue)
  564. 8:53 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: :v
  565. 8:53 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Well, we're still here at the park. Eve's still unconscious too. We're thinking Ally should just take her home."
  566. 5:56 PM - Eri Motai: "Wellph, I'll see youph there, gottafh 'inish thisph cupcakeph to buildph up my stengthph."
  567. 8:56 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Riight, well, yeah. We'll be here."
  568. 5:59 PM - Eri Motai: Eri hangs up. She suddenly spasms and drops the cupcake. (Going to go with a magical fallout, specifically an elemental flare.)
  569. 8:59 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: oh boy
  570. 6:01 PM - Eri Motai: (It's a good thing I'm in an alleyway, just gotta hope nobody gets close enough to get fried.)
  571. 6:02 PM - Eri Motai: (my element has dominion over light and radio waves, just in case you forget)
  572. 9:02 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: hm
  573. 9:02 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: your choice here
  574. 6:02 PM - Eri Motai: (Going to EMP half the city I think, it's going to look like a small nuke went off)
  575. 9:02 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: I doubt if it'd really be THAT big
  576. 6:03 PM - Eri Motai: (Well, I mean, it's probably going to be pretty bright, at least to anyone within a football fields length away)
  577. 9:03 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: that's more acceptable
  578. 6:04 PM - Eri Motai: (I guess I should have clarified "small nuke" :T)
  579. 9:04 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: :v
  580. 9:05 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: In a flash, your fallout is expelled, and any signs and lights visible flicker, though you're sure it's more than just any visible lights
  581. 6:06 PM - Eri Motai: (oh christ if the old guy had a pacemaker)
  582. 6:06 PM - Eri Motai: (he won't be seeing retirement)
  583. 6:06 PM - Eri Motai: (rip in peace old veteran cop guy I hardly knew ye)
  584. 9:08 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: :v
  585. 9:08 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Well, with that settled, back to the park?
  586. 6:09 PM - Eri Motai: I'm just gonna check around the corner and make sure that old veteran cop is going to be ok.
  587. 9:09 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: He seems to be fine
  588. 9:09 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Seems he either lacked a pacemaker, or it kickstarted itself because magic
  589. 6:11 PM - Eri Motai: Are there any paramedic crews around? I just gotta make sure I ain't killing people, unlike certain members of my "team".
  590. 9:11 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: None visible
  591. 6:13 PM - Eri Motai: Alright, I'll make my way back to the park.
  593. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Eri - Attack on Titan~~
  597. 9:04 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Eve wakes up in the park to Ally rubbing Fred in your face saying, "Come on you sleepyhead, nobody could POSSIBLY sleep when there's such a cute little wabbit to hug!"
  598. 6:06 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve looks up at Ally, embarrased then surveys the area*
  599. 9:07 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: A: "Woo! It worked!"
  600. 9:08 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You spot a blinding flash, and see lights in visible windows flicker off
  601. 9:08 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: T: "What was THAT?"
  602. 6:09 PM - Eve Ishi: "Huh? What happened Ally?" (( can I tell which direction the light came from? ))
  603. 9:10 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Uh, I dunno
  604. 9:10 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Stuff I guess?"
  605. 9:10 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: A: "Yeah, I'm gonna go wtih stuff." :3
  606. 6:14 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve sighs* "Did any of you see where that flash came from?"
  607. 9:14 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: T: "Fraid not, Eve. Just kinda happened?"
  608. 6:16 PM - Eve Ishi: "Well maybe we should get you all home, especially Ally. I'm not so sure it's safe right now, I'll explain everything to you later okay?"
  609. 9:18 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Eri walks into the park, seeing Eve finally awake
  610. 9:20 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: this is the part where you talk, guys
  611. 9:20 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: :v
  612. 9:21 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: A: "Eri's back too! Hi Eri. Did you see that big flash?"
  613. 9:21 PM - Eve Ishi: (( I thought I'd let Eri go :v ))
  614. 9:21 PM - Eri Motai: ((I keep geting distracted sorry, typing something now))
  615. 9:21 PM - Eve Ishi: "Oh, hey Eri. Where've you been?"
  616. 9:21 PM - Eve Ishi: (( no probs bobs ))
  617. 9:22 PM - Eri Motai: "Chasing after cats and ghosts." Eri half mutters.
  618. 9:23 PM - Eri Motai: "At least you're awake, I thought I was gonna have to carry you around like Ko."
  619. 9:23 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Ko blushes and murmurs an apologu
  620. 9:23 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: not fixing that
  621. 9:23 PM - Eri Motai: (it's ok it's funnu)
  622. 9:24 PM - Eve Ishi: "Yeah, I was out cold. But hey did you see that flash earlier?"
  623. 9:24 PM - Eve Ishi: (( funnu indeed ))
  624. 9:24 PM - Eri Motai: "Yeah... I saw that. Spooked me good too, I dropped the cupcake I was eating."
  625. 9:25 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: S: "Didn't you say you were saving that for Satoya?"
  626. 9:25 PM - Sarah Salem: (not icecream 0/10)
  627. 9:26 PM - Eve Ishi: "We should probably go looking for it right? What if it's one of those...things?"
  628. 9:26 PM - Eri Motai: Eri sighs, "It's ok, I did buy two of em." Eri pulls a cupcake out of hammerspace.
  629. 9:26 PM - Eri Motai: "I was gonna give Sato both of em, but she pissed me off."
  630. 9:27 PM - Sarah Salem: ((hammerspace wat))
  631. 9:27 PM - Eve Ishi: (( I'm also confused ))
  632. 9:27 PM - Eri Motai: (hammerspace is fancy talk for pocket dimension ie I pulled the cupcake out of thin air)
  633. 9:28 PM - Eve Ishi: (( oh coolio ))
  634. 9:28 PM - Eri Motai: (it's the space that weapons go in video games where they don't have them appear on the player models)
  635. 9:28 PM - Eri Motai: (but you have em equiped)
  636. 9:28 PM - Eri Motai: (hence why it's refered to as 'hammerspace')
  637. 9:29 PM - Eve Ishi disconnected.
  638. 9:29 PM - Eri Motai: (enough talk though, getting back on subject)
  639. 9:29 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: he disconnected
  640. 9:29 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: :v
  641. 9:29 PM - Eri Motai: (yeah, I was just clarifying for everyone else I wasn't gonna keep talking about it)
  642. 9:30 PM - Eri Motai: Eri leans in to whisper something to Eve.
  643. 9:30 PM - Eri Motai: (just waiting for frig to get back)
  644. 9:30 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: yyyep
  645. 9:32 PM - Eve Ishi entered chat.
  646. 9:32 PM - Eve Ishi: (( gomen ))
  647. 9:33 PM - Eri Motai: (basically I just leaned in to whisper to you that's it)
  648. 9:33 PM - Eve Ishi: (( danke))
  649. 9:33 PM - Eri Motai: "Hey, I fought the monster already, it's fine. The flash was just part of the fireworks."
  650. 9:34 PM - Eri Motai: Eri pauses. "It was Sato's skeleton thing. I have no clue what's going on between her and Pink girl, but I don't like it."
  651. 9:35 PM - Eri Motai: "Sato said something about a 'debt' that she had to repay."
  652. 9:35 PM - Sarah Salem: ((they're in cahoots))
  653. 9:35 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve whispers back* "Me either, we should find her quickly..." *Eve then proceeds to cough into Eri's ear*
  654. 9:35 PM - Eri Motai: "GAH!"
  655. 9:36 PM - Eri Motai: "That's gross Eve why would you do that come on I don't wanna catch whatever you got I'd be sick forever!"
  656. 9:36 PM - Eve Ishi: "Oh! Sorry! I'll be more careful next time..."
  657. 9:37 PM - Eve Ishi: "Anyways, what should we do about Sato?"
  658. 9:37 PM - Happy Caturday: (I nominate we all buy her ice cream)
  659. 9:37 PM - Happy Caturday: (And a kitten)
  660. 9:37 PM - Eri Motai: Eri realizes that she dropped Sato's second cupcake whilst flipping out.
  661. 9:37 PM - Eve Ishi: (( pfft ))
  662. 9:37 PM - Sarah Salem: (damn. owned)
  663. 9:37 PM - Happy Caturday: x100
  664. 9:38 PM - Sarah Salem: ((pfft))
  665. 9:38 PM - Eri Motai: Eri is speechless for a moment before she facepalms.
  666. 9:39 PM - Eve Ishi: "Heh...heh...oops."
  667. 9:40 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve bows her head* "I'll buy another one later."
  668. 9:41 PM - Eri Motai: Eri sighs and reaches down to grab the spoiled cupcake, so as to get rid of it later.
  669. 9:42 PM - Eri Motai: "... Alright, so why were we here again?" Eri cocks her head to the side, completely forgetting the purpose of the meeting.
  670. 9:43 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: T: "Well, way I see it, we all sorta called someone or another and accidentally met here together because we wanted to know just what was going on with you girls."
  671. 9:43 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: T: "And you know who I mean by 'you girls.
  672. 9:43 PM - Eve Ishi: "Oh...right."
  673. 9:44 PM - Eve Ishi: "I don't really know too much to be honest. Eri's the veteran here."
  674. 9:44 PM - Eri Motai: "Oh yeah, that's right."
  675. 9:44 PM - Sarah Salem: (gj)
  676. 9:44 PM - Eve Ishi: (( c: ))
  677. 9:45 PM - Eri Motai: Eri scoffs, "Yeah, I'm not much of a veteran Eve. I've probably only been fighting demons for about a month now."
  678. 9:47 PM - Eve Ishi disconnected.
  679. 9:48 PM - Eve Ishi entered chat.
  680. 9:48 PM - Eri Motai: Eri begins to tremble, "I mean, you saw me right? You saw what happened. I couldn't do anything to that ffff-fucking clown...."
  681. 9:48 PM - Eri Motai: "And I almost let everyone down."
  682. 9:49 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve looks at Eri with dismay* "B-but you saved me that one time and you looked so cool and experienced..."
  683. 9:50 PM - Eri Motai: "I'm good with a sword only cuz my dead-beat friend taught me."
  684. 9:50 PM - Eri Motai: Eri pauses.
  685. 9:51 PM - Eri Motai: "... and you're wrong."
  686. 9:51 PM - Eri Motai: "You're the one who saved me."
  687. 9:51 PM - Eri Motai: "Twice now."
  688. 9:51 PM - Sarah Salem: ((jeez eri))
  689. 9:51 PM - Sarah Salem: ((dont lose your head over the clown))
  690. 9:51 PM - Sarah Salem: ((its not like it was going to decapitate you or anything c;))
  691. 9:51 PM - Eri Motai: (the clown was infinitely traumatizing)
  692. 9:52 PM - Eri Motai: "I failed you Eve. You wouldn't have needed to become a demon hunter if I was stronger..."
  693. 9:54 PM - Eri Motai: "And I failed Pink haired girl too. I tried to be kind to her, but in the end I've only made her more resentful."
  694. 6:55 PM - Eve Ishi: "Hey, don't get me wrong okay? I probably would have become..a uh..demon hunter anyways. I have someone to protect. And I couldn't protect them without you. You did take down that clown in the end, and you saved me when we first met. Without you I'd be gone, just like grandma. You saved me okay?"
  695. 9:59 PM - Eri Motai: Eri plunks down onto the grass to compose herself.
  696. 10:00 PM - Eve Ishi: "Thankyou, by the way."
  697. 10:00 PM - Eve Ishi: "But we should probably explain the situation to those three now."
  698. 10:00 PM - Eri Motai: "Which... situation? There's a lot of em."
  699. 10:01 PM - Eve Ishi: "I guess the whole demon-hunter thing would be a good start."
  700. 10:02 PM - Eri Motai: "Well, I guess I should start by saying that these demons... might not be demons. I think they are demons at least, but Haku and Eno refer to them as... You-ma? Something like that."
  701. 10:03 PM - Sarah Salem: ((lets call them sundaes))
  702. 10:03 PM - Eve Ishi: (( yes ))
  703. 10:04 PM - Eve Ishi: "Well uh okay then." *Eve turns to the girls*
  704. 10:04 PM - Eri Motai: "Anyways... you become magical by going into a contract with either Eno or Haku. I didn't know about Haku at the time though."
  705. 10:05 PM - Happy Caturday: ((While you guys are doing this stuff, I snuck off to a convention to tease nerds and maybe become furramous))
  706. 10:05 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: S: "So, if it's a contract, and you get powers, what do they get in return?"
  707. 10:05 PM - Eri Motai: "A miracle."
  708. 10:05 PM - Eri Motai: "Or wait no, that's us."
  709. 10:05 PM - Eve Ishi: "Well, we have to fight monsters for them."
  710. 10:05 PM - Eri Motai: "Yeah, we fight the demons or 'you-ma"s or whatever, and they spit out these things."
  711. 10:06 PM - Eri Motai: Eri reaches into her back pocket and pulls out the clown's oblivion seed.
  712. 10:06 PM - Eri Motai: "It's like... these things are their heart or something, from what I've gathered."
  713. 10:07 PM - Eve Ishi: "And if we get enough, we get that miracle Eri mentioned."
  714. 10:07 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: A: "Satoya showed me one of those! It felt all... icky when I touched it."
  715. 10:08 PM - Eri Motai: "Yeah... they're 'icky' all right. I had to use one to fight that Pink haired girl." Eri pauses to put the seed away.
  716. 10:08 PM - Eri Motai: "And I've been scarred permanently by it."
  717. 10:09 PM - Eve Ishi: "Well, that about covers it. Uhm...any questions?"
  718. 10:10 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: T: "Can't you just... not fight?"
  719. 10:10 PM - Eri Motai: "You can..."
  720. 10:10 PM - Eri Motai: "But if I didn't, you would be dead."
  721. 10:11 PM - Eve Ishi: "And I really want that miacle."
  722. 10:11 PM - Eve Ishi: miracle even ))
  723. 10:11 PM - Sarah Salem: ((miacle))
  724. 10:11 PM - Eri Motai: "I... guess I didn't know it at the time... I was in it for the miracle initially." Eri states.
  725. 10:12 PM - Eve Ishi: (( I apologu ))
  726. 10:12 PM - Eri Motai: "But... some things are worth more than living a happy life."
  727. 10:12 PM - Eri Motai: Eri points her gaze at Tami.
  728. 10:13 PM - Eve Ishi: (( they're so in lesbians ))
  729. 10:13 PM - Eri Motai: (no we aren't shh)
  730. 10:16 PM - Sarah Salem: (( ))
  731. 10:16 PM - Sarah Salem: (( doodled best creature ))
  732. 10:16 PM - Sarah Salem: (( in paint because im lazy ))
  733. 10:17 PM - Eve Ishi: (( omg ))
  734. 10:17 PM - Sarah Salem: (( it is adorbs
  735. 10:18 PM - Eve Ishi disconnected.
  736. 10:18 PM - Eri Motai: (oh no man down)
  737. 10:19 PM - Eve Ishi entered chat.
  738. 10:22 PM - Eri Motai: (so dan you awake)
  739. 10:22 PM - Happy Caturday: ((Guys Satoya accidentally got married))
  740. 10:22 PM - Eve Ishi: (( wut ))
  741. 10:22 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: whoops
  742. 10:22 PM - Sarah Salem: ((how did you))
  743. 10:23 PM - Eri Motai: (congratulations; sorry, I didn't save you any cake)
  744. 10:23 PM - Happy Caturday: ((Thats a good question Sarah))
  745. 10:23 PM - Happy Caturday: ((To answer))
  746. 10:23 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Tami backs away a step or two then looks away, blushing
  747. 10:23 PM - Happy Caturday: ((Satoya regrets nothing))
  748. 10:24 PM - Happy Caturday: ((Also she doesn't know his name))
  749. 10:24 PM - Sarah Salem: ((you guys are pissing around in a park, while sarah does science and satoya gets married))
  750. 10:24 PM - Happy Caturday: ((Whoops))
  751. 10:24 PM - Sarah Salem: ((you should rethink your life))
  752. 10:24 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "I uh, um, well..."
  753. 10:24 PM - Happy Caturday: 9:23 PM - Happy Caturday: ((Satoya regrets nothing))
  754. 10:26 PM - Eri Motai: "To really answer your question Tami; I could just, stop fighting. But... I do it so that I can save the people who can't fight back."
  755. 10:27 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: T: "I, we, all of us... appreciate it. We wouldn't be here without all of your help."
  756. 10:28 PM - Eri Motai: Eri decides to lean back and lay on the grass. "So... Ally, about that slumber party...?"
  757. 10:28 PM - Eri Motai: "You... still want that to be a thing?"
  758. 10:29 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: A: "Yes! Whose house? Yours? Who should we invite? Oh we can't forget Sarah!"
  759. 10:29 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: A: "Can I bring all my other bunnies too?"
  760. 10:29 PM - Happy Caturday: (If I dont get an invite, things will burn ouo)
  761. 10:30 PM - Eri Motai: "Yeah, I'm sure Yoki would love to have some company."
  762. 10:30 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: invite + guest
  763. 10:30 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: T: "Yoki a sibling, I assume?"
  764. 10:30 PM - Eri Motai: "... Yoki's my dog, if you didn't know."
  765. 10:30 PM - Sarah Salem: ((omg))
  766. 10:30 PM - Eve Ishi: (( oh god ))
  767. 10:31 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: T: "Oh, uh, whoops. Sorry."
  768. 10:31 PM - Eri Motai: ((don't tell me you named your eyeball Yoki I had first dibs))
  769. 10:31 PM - Sarah Salem: ((no its name is gekko))
  770. 10:31 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Ally's phone rings
  771. 10:31 PM - Eve Ishi: (( I was just imagining your dog eating all of Allys rabbits ))
  772. 10:31 PM - Sarah Salem: ((like the mini gekkos in mgs:r))
  773. 10:31 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: A: "Oh hey, Satoya's calling. Wonder where she is now?"
  774. 10:31 PM - Sarah Salem: ((mgr:r*))
  775. 10:32 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: A: "Hey Satoya, what's up?"
  776. 10:32 PM - Eri Motai: Eri flips onto her side, in the same pose as which french women as famous for being drawn in, to face Ally.
  777. 10:33 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You hear a pause in which you could imagine a "..." appearing above Ally's head dot by dot before you hear a shattering of glass which you can only imagine is Ally's mind. "Wat."
  778. 10:33 PM - Eri Motai: "So Ally, you should ask Sato where she's at. She gave me the shake earlier, and I guess she's fine? What's she up to."
  779. 10:33 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Did you just say you got married?"
  780. 10:34 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "I'm hearing that right, right?"
  781. 10:34 PM - Eve Ishi: ",,,"
  782. 10:34 PM - Eri Motai: "PPhhhhhhhhhhhhft!" Eri loses control of the pose and lands face first in the grass.
  783. 10:34 PM - Eve Ishi disconnected.
  784. 10:34 PM - Eri Motai: "She WHAT!?"
  785. 10:34 PM - Happy Caturday: ((Eve's head just exploded upon hearing that))
  786. 10:34 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: I guess it was too much for Eve :v
  788. 10:36 PM - Eve Ishi entered chat.
  790. 10:37 PM - Eve Ishi: (( how anime is he ))
  791. 10:37 PM - Eri Motai: ((he's Bro/10
  792. 10:37 PM - Eri Motai: ))
  793. 10:37 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Ally puts the phone on speaker so you can all hear this because it's hardly private
  794. 10:38 PM - Eve Ishi: (( aww yeee ))
  795. 10:38 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You hear the most gloriously beautiful manvoice ever respond, "Hello, Ally was it? A pleasure to speak with a friend of your lovely friend Satoya. She is absolutely charming."
  797. 10:39 PM - Sarah Salem: ((who the fuck did you marry))
  798. 10:39 PM - Happy Caturday: ((Desujesus))
  799. 10:39 PM - Happy Caturday: ((Desus))
  800. 10:40 PM - Eve Ishi: (( oh my god ))
  801. 10:40 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: ?: "Never before have I had the privilege of setting eyes upon a real live - oh my. It seems your friends are quite feisty, Satoya. I wonder if perhaps they take more after the tiger than the cat?"
  802. 10:40 PM - Eri Motai: "ARE YOU CALLING ME A BEAST!? HAVE AT YOU!"
  803. 10:40 PM - Eri Motai: Eri transforms and pokes Ally's phone with her sword.
  804. 10:41 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You poke the "end call" button
  805. 10:41 PM - Happy Caturday: (Jesus Christ)
  806. 10:41 PM - Eve Ishi: (( 10/10 ))
  807. 10:42 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: had to
  808. 10:42 PM - Eve Ishi: "I hope he's not moving in with me too." *Eve looks away concerned*
  809. 10:42 PM - Happy Caturday: ((We gonna fuck))
  810. 10:42 PM - Happy Caturday: ((In yo bed))
  811. 10:42 PM - Eve Ishi: (( :V ))
  812. 10:43 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: with you still in it
  813. 10:43 PM - Eve Ishi: (( >:V ))
  814. 10:43 PM - Sarah Salem: (( i dont trust this at all :v))
  815. 10:43 PM - Eri Motai: A cloud of heatwaves rises from Eri as she stares at Ally's phone with the fury of 1000 angry things.
  816. 10:43 PM - Eve Ishi: (( are we going to have to kill Sato's husband ))
  817. 10:44 PM - Eri Motai: "... I don't like Sato's husband."
  818. 10:44 PM - Eri Motai: Eri untransforms and puts her cross away.
  819. 10:44 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Ally's phone buzzes. It's a text
  820. 10:44 PM - Eve Ishi: "He sounded nice to me. But...when did she get maried?"
  821. 10:44 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: She says, "He's got a limo? And he'll be meeting us here!"
  822. 10:46 PM - Happy Caturday: ((Eri, please don't kill anybody))
  823. 10:46 PM - Happy Caturday: ((:V))
  824. 10:46 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve tilts her head with an exasperated expresion* "B-b-but I don't even know him and I'm all dirty and...oh noooo this wont do at all."
  825. 10:46 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: A: "By my estimation of her previous vocalization and voice stress patterns and comparing that with her excited rambling and all the television I've seen I'd have to wager an educated guess that he proposed within ten minutes of her call."
  826. 10:46 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: A: "Probably closer to five."
  827. 10:47 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Ally smiles with Fred sitting on her head chewing some of her hair
  828. 10:47 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve tilts her head the other way* "Huh?"
  829. 10:48 PM - Eri Motai: "Uh, Ally, when'd Fred get here?"
  830. 10:48 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: A: "Uh, he's been here, silly. I had him since we first met."
  831. 10:48 PM - Eri Motai: "And how do I know it's name is Fred...?" Eri looks puzzled.
  832. 10:48 PM - Eri Motai: "!"
  835. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Eri + Sarah - Telepathy~~
  837. 7:45 PM - Sarah Salem: can i try and telepathy-talk with eri?
  838. 10:45 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: eh, sure
  839. 10:45 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: roll magic
  840. 7:46 PM - Sarah Salem: 24
  841. 7:46 PM - Sarah Salem: i mean 13
  842. 10:47 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: connected
  843. 10:47 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: speak, and I shall relay
  844. 7:48 PM - Sarah Salem: "I need you to come to my home. As soon as possible, preferably."
  846. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Eri + Sarah - Telepathy~~
  849. 10:49 PM - Eri Motai: "Hey Eve, Ally, you guys, go have fun with... that guy."
  850. 10:49 PM - Eri Motai: "I just remembered I had something I had to do."
  851. 10:49 PM - Eri Motai: "If you give me the money Eve, I can get a cake while I"m out."
  852. 10:49 PM - Eve Ishi: "Oh right, here ya go." *Eve hands over 5$*
  853. 10:50 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: S: "I have no idea what's going on anymore."
  854. 10:50 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: $5 wedding cake
  855. 10:50 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: brilliant
  856. 10:50 PM - Eri Motai: Eri shakes her head, "I have no clue either."
  857. 10:50 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve hands over an additional 15$*
  858. 10:50 PM - Happy Caturday: ((A dollar for every minute we knew eachother before he popped the question))
  859. 10:51 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Eri takes the money and runs
  860. 10:51 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: like that really good song that's now stuck in my head
  861. 10:51 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: anyway, several mintues after she leaves, you see a limo pull up outside the park
  864. ~~PREVIOUSLY, PRIVATE CHAT, Satoya - Proposal~~
  866. 6:32 PM - Happy Caturday: Anything going on in the area?
  867. 6:32 PM - Happy Caturday: Magical disturbances?
  868. 6:32 PM - Happy Caturday: People in need?
  869. 9:32 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: hmm
  870. 6:32 PM - Happy Caturday: Cute lesbians to flirt with?
  871. 6:32 PM - Happy Caturday: Things to break?
  872. 9:32 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: I think you cause more people in need than help
  873. 9:32 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: :v
  874. 6:33 PM - Happy Caturday: Shh
  875. 9:32 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Actually, now that I think about it
  876. 9:32 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: roll finesse
  877. 6:33 PM - Happy Caturday: 16
  878. 6:33 PM - Happy Caturday: I AM A DICE GOD TONIGHT
  880. 9:33 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: ...
  881. 9:33 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: I'd accept that
  882. 9:34 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: As you're wandering around wondering what the hell you should do, you spot a girl with bright blonde hair, dark sunglasses, and a thin cane approach a bus stop. The second she reaches the place where the bus would stop to pick up passengers, it arrives, and she gets on. She's got some luck to catch a bus like that.
  883. 6:35 PM - Happy Caturday: Whats so eyecatching about that? Just some luck
  884. 9:35 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Indeed it is
  885. 9:35 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: The bus drives off and you're bored again
  886. 6:36 PM - Happy Caturday: Thats it
  887. 6:36 PM - Happy Caturday: Aw
  888. 9:36 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: since it's too late, I'm gonna say
  889. 9:36 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: too late to tail, that is
  890. 9:36 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: transit timing
  891. 6:36 PM - Happy Caturday: You see
  892. 6:37 PM - Happy Caturday: Both me and Satoya would be too dumb to think of that
  893. 9:36 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Sato wouldn't know that, I know
  894. 6:37 PM - Happy Caturday: We'd probably be staring at her chest regions
  895. 6:37 PM - Happy Caturday: And by that I mean breasts
  896. 9:37 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Hers were of average size though quite shapely
  897. 6:37 PM - Happy Caturday: Dan
  898. 6:37 PM - Happy Caturday: Quality
  899. 6:38 PM - Happy Caturday: Over
  900. 6:38 PM - Happy Caturday: Quantitty
  901. 6:39 PM - Happy Caturday: That might be my worst pun yet
  902. 6:39 PM - Happy Caturday: Anyways
  903. 6:39 PM - Happy Caturday: Anything else going on?
  904. 6:39 PM - Happy Caturday: Or was that literally it?
  905. 9:39 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: I think that was literally it :v
  906. 9:39 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: I'm tapped out of ideas
  907. 9:39 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: unless you want to jump down a trash chute for fun
  908. 6:40 PM - Happy Caturday: That is a terrible idea
  909. 6:40 PM - Happy Caturday: I'll do that
  910. 9:39 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: wow really
  911. 6:40 PM - Happy Caturday: Nah
  912. 6:40 PM - Happy Caturday: :V
  913. 9:39 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: :v
  914. 6:40 PM - Happy Caturday: I feel like I'll get a bad roll and tumble into an incinerator
  915. 6:40 PM - Happy Caturday: Or trash compactor
  916. 6:40 PM - Happy Caturday: Or a pile of used needles
  917. 6:41 PM - Happy Caturday: Hmm
  918. 6:42 PM - Happy Caturday: Well I would wander down to the beach since you inspired me, but there'd be no party and familiar NPCs to torment
  919. 6:42 PM - Happy Caturday: Amusement park is boring without furriends
  920. 6:42 PM - Happy Caturday: School is for dorks
  921. 6:42 PM - Happy Caturday: Brother's probably resting right now
  922. 6:42 PM - Happy Caturday: Probably no longer allowed within ten miles of the zoo
  923. 6:42 PM - Happy Caturday: Life ban from the mall
  924. 6:42 PM - Happy Caturday: Christ
  925. 6:43 PM - Happy Caturday: What can I do
  926. 9:42 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: well shit, we're out of options then
  927. 9:42 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: :v
  928. 6:43 PM - Happy Caturday: WIthout getting arrested
  929. 6:43 PM - Happy Caturday: :V
  930. 9:42 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: hmm
  931. 9:42 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: I need something for you to do...
  932. 6:44 PM - Happy Caturday: I vote for lesbians, since Satoya has been sadly devoid of such encounters
  933. 6:45 PM - Happy Caturday: I was going to make a pun but I actually forgot it
  934. 6:45 PM - Happy Caturday: Something with pussy
  935. 6:45 PM - Happy Caturday: Laugh here
  936. 9:45 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: haha
  937. 9:45 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: god damn what can you do
  938. 6:46 PM - Happy Caturday: Oh hey that worked
  939. 9:46 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: OH
  941. 9:46 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: you'll like this
  942. 6:46 PM - Happy Caturday: Christ
  943. 6:46 PM - Happy Caturday: Well
  944. 9:46 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You see a large man with a bald head, healing injuries and a very honorable presence walk down the street
  945. 6:47 PM - Happy Caturday: Oh good lord, I know this probably isnt what I think it is, but I hope so
  946. 6:47 PM - Happy Caturday: Being bored out of my mind, I join him in his stroll. "Hiya mister, lovely day we're having huh?"
  947. 9:50 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: As he strolls along, he looks down upon you, giving a smile and a "How do you do" before he stops in his tracks
  948. 9:50 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "You!"
  949. 6:51 PM - Happy Caturday: "Me?" I look up at him, confused.
  950. 6:51 PM - Happy Caturday: (Oh god its him)
  951. 9:51 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Have you come to harrass me further? What more do you plan to steal?"
  952. 6:52 PM - Happy Caturday: "Steal? Mister, what are you talking about?"
  953. 9:53 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Do not play dumb, cat burgular. I can tell it is you from your shape and height, Eri Motai."
  954. 6:53 PM - Happy Caturday: "Eri who? Burgler? Mister are you okay? My name is Satoya, and I've never stolen a thing!"
  955. 9:54 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: He looks at you gravely. "Repent your ways, child, and restore your honor, before it is too late."
  956. 9:54 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: He walks off with an angry step
  957. 9:54 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: aaaand I'm out of ideas again
  958. 6:55 PM - Happy Caturday: I just stand there, acting confused
  959. 6:57 PM - Happy Caturday: Dan
  960. 6:57 PM - Happy Caturday: Anything goin on in town
  961. 6:57 PM - Happy Caturday: Parades
  962. 6:57 PM - Happy Caturday: Ceremonies
  963. 6:57 PM - Happy Caturday: Holidays
  964. 6:57 PM - Happy Caturday: Anime conventions
  965. 6:57 PM - Happy Caturday: Any of the above?
  966. 9:57 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: satoya doesn't know what anime is remember? :V
  967. 6:58 PM - Happy Caturday: Shhhh
  968. 6:58 PM - Happy Caturday: She'd know if there was a big convention in town
  969. 9:58 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: UH
  970. 9:58 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: UH
  972. 9:58 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: UM
  976. 6:59 PM - Happy Caturday: Ahaha
  978. 6:59 PM - Happy Caturday: Oh Christ my joke suggestion worked
  979. 6:59 PM - Happy Caturday: Right
  980. 6:59 PM - Happy Caturday: I'm the only biological catgirl in the world
  981. 6:59 PM - Happy Caturday: let's give some nerds nosebleeds
  982. 7:00 PM - Happy Caturday: I stroll on over to the nerdcircus that is taking place
  983. 10:00 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Quite a number of people fawn over your super realistic catlike stuff
  984. 10:00 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: let's not forget your new change, cateyes
  985. 7:01 PM - Happy Caturday: I strut my stuff, including the rainbows, throwing in nyans, meows, and occasional purring as I make my way through the line
  986. 10:02 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: many a photograph are taken
  987. 7:03 PM - Happy Caturday: Satoya is loving the attention, posing and stopping to let the audience get their shots in
  988. 10:02 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: then, silence. The crowd looks away from you, and parts like a wave, letting a tall boy about your age walk down the new path
  989. 10:03 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: There's some sort of theme music playing, and you catch whispers of "biggest catlector ever!" "he's nyaa't one to be reckoned with" and see swoony fangirls
  990. 7:04 PM - Happy Caturday: "Well uh, hiya there purrson I don't know!" I smile and wave at him
  991. 10:05 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: From his fancy and loose suit sleeve he whips a rose, bringing it to his fabulously glowing face and the most animeist amazing green eyes that ever sparkled like an anime
  992. 10:06 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: He sniffs the rose dantily
  993. 7:06 PM - Happy Caturday: ((Im picturing him just looking up from the rose and saying something terrible like))
  994. 7:06 PM - Happy Caturday: (("Mhmm, smells like cunt"))
  995. 10:07 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Hello yourself, pussycat. You're quite a rare specimine. Not many a girl here could pull off such a flawless cosplay. Though I am, shockingly, unfamiliar with the character you portray. Or is it perhaps an original one of your own creation?"
  996. 7:07 PM - Happy Caturday: "It is not a
  997. 7:08 PM - Happy Caturday: 'cospurrlay' it is, one hundred purrrrcent geniune. Feel furree to examine yourself~"
  998. 10:08 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "My my, you're quite sure of yourself. I do believe I shall take you up on that." he tosses the rose and a number of fangirls jump for it
  999. 7:09 PM - Happy Caturday: I walk on ovfur, and stand infurront of him with a grin. "Go right ahead, try and purrove me wrong"
  1000. 10:10 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: The begins gently touching your ears and tail, inspecting your eyes closely. The crowd is hushed
  1001. 10:11 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: He follows your ear down to your hair and then your skull. He takes a step back. "M-my word, you are the geniune article!"
  1002. 7:12 PM - Happy Caturday: I stiffle giggles as he does so, swooshing my tail a bit with a grin. "I don't like to lie!"
  1003. 10:13 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "You are a true representation of all things neko."
  1004. 10:14 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: With a florish, he gets down on his knee and produces a gloriously sparkley ring, "WILL YOU BE MY BRIDE?"
  1005. 7:17 PM - Happy Caturday: In a fit of panic, as hundred of eyes are on her, she babbles a few words before a 'yes' somehow slips out
  1006. 10:18 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Chants from the crowd say in different words but of the same meaning, "THE NEKO KING HAS CHOSEN A QUEEN!"
  1007. 7:19 PM - Happy Caturday: The panic suddenly leaves for some reason as I hear those words. "Q-Queen, wait, I'm a queen. I, I am surpurrisingly okay with this"
  1008. 10:19 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: He slips the ring onto your finger, spins you, and holding you at an angle, leans down to have his face be not inches from yours. It's now that you realize he's got some (obviously fake) whiskers on his cheeks
  1009. 10:19 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Kiss me, my love, as I gaze into your beautiful eyes"
  1010. 7:20 PM - Happy Caturday: I giggle a bit, at the effort he put into that as I twitch my real whiskers (Assuming that comes with the catgirl package) "That's cute, but I'm nyat the biggest fan of public affections"
  1011. 10:20 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "I believe in this case, we can make an exception." He raises an eyebrow at you as he leans in the remaining inches for the kiss
  1012. 10:20 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: for the record
  1013. 10:20 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: I don't know what I'm doing
  1014. 10:21 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: at all
  1015. 10:21 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: and I love it
  1016. 7:21 PM - Happy Caturday: :V
  1017. 7:21 PM - Happy Caturday: (She's just going to drag the dude with her one day and be like "GUYS IM MARRIED!"))
  1018. 7:22 PM - Happy Caturday: Satoya just stands there and squirms a little bit, the panic back as she realizes a crowd is watching her have her first kiss.
  1019. 10:22 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: best part is unless she's bi, she's not into dudes
  1020. 10:22 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: :v
  1021. 7:23 PM - Happy Caturday: Well I mean, she'd marry anyone with that much of a shared interest in felines
  1022. 7:23 PM - Happy Caturday: Sexual attraction < Cat fanatisicism
  1023. 10:23 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: whoop
  1024. 10:23 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: time to drag him along on all your meguca adventures
  1025. 10:23 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: maybe steal some magic bracelets and hope he can do something cool with them
  1026. 7:24 PM - Happy Caturday: I pull away after a polite amount of time before blushing profusely. "Right, well, I mean, purrhaps I could get your name?
  1027. 7:24 PM - Happy Caturday: "
  1028. 10:24 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: The crowd cheers, and confetti bursts from nowhere. Confetti shaped like cat faces
  1029. 7:25 PM - Happy Caturday: They just had that on hand?
  1030. 10:25 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: yes
  1031. 10:25 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: c:
  1032. 7:25 PM - Happy Caturday: Still need the dude's name :V
  1033. 10:25 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "I am... Shosuke."
  1034. 7:26 PM - Happy Caturday: "Hehe, Satoya~" Realizing that panic is not the best idea, she decides to just go with this
  1035. 10:26 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: He picks you up and walks through the parted waves of cheering catfans, chanting "LONG LIVE NEKO"
  1036. 7:27 PM - Happy Caturday: "Aaaaaaah, I am the catgirl queen! This is purrfect!~" She smiles and waves at the crowd
  1037. 10:28 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "I am Japan's, nay, the world's greatest fan of all things neko. And that includes you, my dear." He flutters his sparkling green eyes at you
  1038. 7:29 PM - Happy Caturday: "Nyaw, well, thank mew! I'm just your evfurry magical catgirl!"
  1039. 10:29 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Magical, you say? Now this I'd like to hear more about., for you have already cast a spell on my heart."
  1040. 7:30 PM - Happy Caturday: "Nyawww, I'll show you later, now is not the best time!"
  1041. 7:31 PM - Happy Caturday: "One second dear, I need to share the news!"I take my phone out of my pocket and call Ally!
  1042. 10:31 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: awwwyeeee
  1043. 10:32 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: A: "Hey Satoya, what's up?"
  1044. 7:32 PM - Happy Caturday: I squeal a bit into the phone before talking. "Ally you wont believe it! I'm getting married!"
  1045. 10:33 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You hear a pause in which you could imagine a "..." appearing above Ally's head dot by dot before you hear a shattering of glass which you can only imagine is Ally's mind. "Wat."
  1046. 10:33 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Did you just say you got married?"
  1047. 10:34 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "I'm hearing that right, right?"
  1048. 7:34 PM - Happy Caturday: "Oh its purrfect! I went down to the convention downtown to see what all the buzz behind this 'anime' thing was! And, I met this guy, the only purrson who might just love cats as much as me! And he saw the cat ears and tail and eyes were real and he just popped the question! Ally I'm nyat lying, I'm maaaaaarrieeeeeed!"
  1049. 10:35 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: you hear Eri shout "She WHAT!?"
  1051. 7:37 PM - Happy Caturday: "HERE TALK TO HIM YOURSELF!" I pass the phone off to Shosuke befur saying to him. "Say hi to my furriends dear!"
  1052. 10:38 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Hello, Ally was it? A pleasure to speak with a friend of your lovely friend Satoya. She is absolutely charming."
  1053. 7:40 PM - Happy Caturday: I just stare up at him in awe, still not believing this whole thing is happening"
  1054. 10:40 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Never before have I had the privilege of setting eyes upon a real live - oh my. It seems your friends are quite feisty, Satoya. I wonder if perhaps they take more after the tiger than the cat?"
  1055. 7:40 PM - Happy Caturday: "They're just a bit, cranky at times. They have a lot of purrsonal things going on!"
  1056. 10:40 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Once again, before he said that, you heard Eri shout "WHOEVER YOU ARE YOU BETTER NOT BE USING SATO UNLESS YOU WISH TO GRIT THOSE TEETH!"
  1057. 10:40 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: damn dat bitch is loud
  1058. 7:41 PM - Happy Caturday: "Oh, I think might be her time of the month, hehe..."
  1059. 10:41 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: The phone clicks. Seems the call's ended.
  1060. 7:41 PM - Happy Caturday: "Aww, those butts!"
  1061. 10:41 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "I heard more than one, I believe. Do take me to meet them. I would love the chance to meet friends of yours."
  1062. 7:42 PM - Happy Caturday: "Well, they're at the park! You can take us there right meow! If you don't mind that is."
  1063. 10:42 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: He looks deep into your eyes. "Not at all. I have a limo waiting. My driver will take us."
  1064. 7:43 PM - Happy Caturday: "Onwards my husbando!"
  1065. 7:43 PM - Happy Caturday: ((You know, I started this as a joke, I think these two nutbags are purrfect for eachother))
  1066. 10:43 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "By your command, my gorgeous waifu!"
  1067. 10:44 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: He carries you into his limo and commands his driver to go to the park.
  1068. 7:44 PM - Happy Caturday: I take my phone and text Ally. "He has a limo, we're going to be at the park in a few minutes, stay there and you'll meet him!"
  1069. 7:48 PM - Happy Caturday: Just cue me in when me and mister purrfect arrive :V
  1071. ~~END PREVIOUSLY, PRIVATE CHAT, Satoya - Proposal~~
  1074. 10:52 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Satoya and a tall, black haired, sparkling green eyed man in a loose but somehow still form fitting and incredibly stylish suit walks in, hand in hand with Satoya
  1075. 10:53 PM - Happy Caturday: I wave immediatly at evfurrybody, smiling so hard it hurts. "Hiya purreople!"
  1076. 10:53 PM - Eve Ishi: "His eyes are pretty..." *Eve snaps out of her trance and stands close to Ally, a little bit behind her*
  1077. 10:53 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: The man gives a graceful bow. On his face you can see some fake whiskers are glued on
  1078. 10:54 PM - Eve Ishi: (( oh my god, ryan did you marry a furry ))
  1079. 10:54 PM - Sarah Salem: ((ryan IS a furry you dumb homo tool))
  1080. 10:54 PM - Happy Caturday: ((I'm a catgirl if you forgot :V))
  1081. 10:55 PM - Happy Caturday: "Evfurrybody, meet Shosuke!"
  1082. 10:55 PM - Eve Ishi: (( I know im happy for you :v ))
  1083. 10:56 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve gives a shy wave from behind Ally* "I-I'm uhm Eve..."
  1084. 10:56 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Salutations, friends of my new fiancee. How goes your day thus far?"
  1085. 10:57 PM - Eve Ishi: "Uh...fine I guess. H-how are today?"
  1086. 11:00 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Shosuke nods. "Quite splendid indeed!"
  1087. 11:01 PM - Happy Caturday: "Eve, where did Sarah and Eri go? I coulda sworn they were here befur I ran off, and got married, hehe"
  1088. 11:01 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "For I have met the love of my life, and I hold her now in my arms." He twirls Satoya in a quick dance before holding her by the waist
  1089. 11:02 PM - Happy Caturday: I Nyaww a bit and lean up against him. "See, I told you it wasnt crazy to say yes to him, he's purrfect!"
  1090. 11:02 PM - Eve Ishi: "Oh uhh, I'm not really sure. I was kind of unconscious for a while, and Sarah was gone and now Eri went to buy a cake I think? I'm kind of confused still."
  1091. 11:02 PM - Sarah Salem: ((this is the sketchiest animan i have ever seen in my entire life))
  1092. 11:02 PM - Happy Caturday: "Oooh, yay cake!"
  1093. 11:02 PM - Happy Caturday: ((Shh, don't diss the husbando))
  1094. 11:03 PM - Eri Motai: ((still ~pretty~ sketchy))
  1095. 11:04 PM - Eve Ishi: "Uh so this is him? Man, he must have a house on the first tier for you to move in to. Heh..."
  1096. 11:05 PM - Eve Ishi: (( I dunnno, he seems nice and rich and handsome and rich ))
  1097. 11:05 PM - Happy Caturday: "Oh, right! I apurrologize! Shosuke, I dont know if I told you, but I was living with Eevee fur a bit, since I don't really have a home. Guess I'm homeless once again..."
  1098. 11:05 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: He laughs. "Not quite. The second tier."
  1099. 11:06 PM - Eve Ishi disconnected.
  1100. 11:06 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "You're quite lovely for one who claims to be homeless. But if that is indeed the case, I can't have my fiancee wandering about the city without a home. You shall live with me, in my humble home!"
  1101. 11:07 PM - Eve Ishi entered chat.
  1102. 11:07 PM - Happy Caturday: I have a minifreak out and hug him again. "Well Eevee, I guess you don't need to worry about me again! Thank mew for evfurrything!"
  1103. 11:09 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: did they ever even live together :v
  1104. 11:09 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve nods eagerly* "Anytime, anytime! Well this is great wow." *Eve does a small dance and pumps the air for good measure*
  1105. 11:09 PM - Happy Caturday: For one night
  1106. 11:09 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: I think for like, one day
  1107. 11:09 PM - Happy Caturday: ::V
  1108. 11:09 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: :v
  1109. 11:09 PM - Eve Ishi: (( worst day of eves life ))
  1110. 11:09 PM - Sarah Salem: (( shes still paying for the damages))
  1111. 11:09 PM - Happy Caturday: "Nyaw, I wasn't that bad Eve."
  1112. 11:09 PM - Eve Ishi: "Oh no I'm...just really happy for you is all!"
  1113. 11:10 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Ally walks up to Shosuke, Fred still on her head and chewing her hair
  1114. 11:10 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: A: "Can I be your best man? I want to be the best man at the wedding!"
  1115. 11:10 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve stays where she is, a bit mor relaxed*
  1116. 11:10 PM - Eve Ishi: more* ))
  1117. 11:11 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Shosuke laughs a dainty laugh that's like wineglasses clinking gently. It's musical.
  1118. 11:11 PM - Happy Caturday: "Ally, you need to be a man to be a best man, I think"
  1119. 11:11 PM - Happy Caturday: "Nevfur gotten married befur"
  1120. 11:11 PM - Happy Caturday: I hear the laugh and faint
  1121. 11:11 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: He catches you swiftly before you can fall
  1122. 11:12 PM - Happy Caturday: I squeal a bit subconciously
  1123. 11:12 PM - Eve Ishi: (( godamn he's smooth ))
  1124. 11:12 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve blushes because he's just so godamn smooth*
  1125. 11:13 PM - Happy Caturday: I speak up still passed out "He's miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine"
  1126. 11:13 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve remembers Ally's her waifu and nods at Sato's unconcious body*
  1127. 11:14 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You also never got straight answer from Ally
  1128. 11:14 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: :v
  1129. 11:14 PM - Eve Ishi: (( still her waifu tho ))
  1130. 11:15 PM - Eve Ishi: (( she just doesn't know it yet *Eve goes yandere* ))
  1131. 11:15 PM - Happy Caturday: I open my eyes and say the furrst thing that comes to mind. "Touch him and I break all of your bones'
  1132. 11:15 PM - Happy Caturday: "All of them"
  1133. 11:15 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve eeps and goes into a ball*
  1134. 11:17 PM - Happy Caturday: "Thats right, back off, he's miiiiiiineeeeee"
  1135. 11:18 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: He laughs his dainty laugh again
  1136. 11:18 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve gets out of her ball* "S-so uh, w-whens the wedding?"
  1137. 11:19 PM - Happy Caturday: I nearly faint but stop myself this time. "I really need to get used to that. Hmm, that's a good question, Shosuke, do you have a good answer?"
  1138. 11:19 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "We haven't decided that yet. We need not decide yet, do we? We've time to spare!"
  1139. 11:20 PM - Happy Caturday: "Yup! And the more time taken the better, it needs to be purrfect~"
  1140. 11:21 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "I shall get my parents to find the highest quality services for the wedding."
  1141. 11:21 PM - Sarah Salem: (( arent we like 15ish))
  1142. 11:21 PM - Happy Caturday: ((Aren't you supposed to be far away KEEPING YOUR GOD DAMN MOUTH SHUT))
  1143. 11:22 PM - Eve Ishi: (( ohmai ))
  1144. 11:22 PM - Sarah Salem: (( :C))
  1145. 11:22 PM - Sarah Salem: (( im doing science, fuk ur shit))
  1146. 11:23 PM - Happy Caturday: ((Science doesn't involve purrfect amazing men))
  1147. 11:23 PM - Eve Ishi: (( I like how we have the girl from the past doing science ))
  1148. 11:23 PM - Happy Caturday: "Oh, that'll be just amazing! I would get mine, but, they're long dead..."
  1149. 11:23 PM - Sarah Salem: (( im dabest at it))
  1150. 11:23 PM - Sarah Salem: (( i could be spying on you right now and you wouldnt even know it))
  1151. 11:24 PM - Eve Ishi: (( :v ))
  1152. 11:24 PM - Sarah Salem: (( c;))
  1153. 11:25 PM - Eve Ishi: "Uhm did you two meet? I thought Sato was busy chasing that...icecream truck?"
  1154. 11:25 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: His eyes soften considerably, and you can see him almost about to cry, "I am so terribly sorry. Your past seems one of hardship and tradegy." His eyes return to their normal sparkle. "But I intend to change that, and make you the happiest woman on this planet."
  1155. 11:25 PM - Eve Ishi: (( okay he is getting kinda sketchy ))
  1156. 11:25 PM - Happy Caturday: Satoya faints once again
  1157. 11:26 PM - Happy Caturday: ((You say that as if the magical catgirl would have a normal relationship))
  1158. 11:27 PM - Eve Ishi: (( good point ))
  1159. 11:27 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Whoops, almost forgot
  1160. 11:27 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Satoya now has a 2 point relationship with Shosuke
  1161. 11:29 PM - Eve Ishi: "Uhm, is she okay?" *Eve points at Sato's once again unconscious body*
  1162. 11:29 PM - Happy Caturday: I'm married to him, and its a 2
  1163. 11:29 PM - Happy Caturday: I have a higher relationship with my cat
  1164. 11:29 PM - Happy Caturday: :V
  1165. 11:29 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: because you're weird
  1166. 11:29 PM - Sarah Salem: ((yo fault for marrying on the first date))
  1167. 11:29 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: I can't give you a 3 point relationship right off the bat
  1168. 11:29 PM - Happy Caturday: True
  1169. 11:29 PM - Happy Caturday: Just saying its hilarious
  1170. 11:29 PM - Happy Caturday: Not protesting it
  1171. 11:29 PM - Happy Caturday: Just pointing it out
  1172. 11:32 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: AND NOW
  1173. 11:32 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: RYAN
  1175. 11:32 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: C:
  1176. 11:33 PM - Sarah Salem: ((ahahahaha__
  1177. 11:33 PM - Sarah Salem: ))
  1178. 11:33 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: OI
  1179. 11:33 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: u sod
  1180. 11:33 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: roll
  1181. 11:33 PM - Happy Caturday: 16
  1182. 11:33 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: damn you
  1183. 11:34 PM - Happy Caturday: "Nya, dumb head aches, I'm getting sick and tired of them! At least this one isnt that bad."
  1184. 11:34 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You tense up, under incredible pain, but manage to avoid entirely seizuring in the arms of the love of your life
  1185. 11:35 PM - Happy Caturday: And then it gets worse
  1186. 11:35 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: He looks concerned. "Is there an issue, my love? Could I be of assistance in some manner?"
  1187. 11:35 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: He looks quite concerned
  1188. 11:35 PM - Happy Caturday: I hold on to my husbando tightly and grimmace. "I lied, it got worse..."
  1189. 11:35 PM - Happy Caturday: "I usually just ride them out"
  1190. 11:36 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: He holds you close, wrapping his arms around your head and embracing you. "My dear, you need not cry alone anymore. I shall share in your pain."
  1191. 11:36 PM - Happy Caturday: ((Sweet Christ these two nutballs are perfect))
  1192. 11:38 PM - Eve Ishi: (( I can't tell if his is cute or creepy since you just met each other :v ))
  1193. 11:38 PM - Happy Caturday: I say nothing and sigh, just riding out the pain
  1194. 11:38 PM - Happy Caturday: ((An oppurrtunity like that comes once in a life time))
  1195. 11:38 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: The pain's over now~
  1196. 11:38 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: and you relax within the arms of your beloved
  1197. 11:39 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Ko finally speaks up. "I think they're... cute, together."
  1198. 11:39 PM - Happy Caturday: "Its gone, for nyow at least, ugh, I'm nevfur going to get used to that."
  1199. 11:40 PM - Eve Ishi: "Yeah...I guess they fit each other."
  1200. 11:40 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Sh: "I shall be there whenever I can to guide you through it."
  1201. 11:40 PM - Happy Caturday: (I was about to say, where did the NPC girls go?)
  1202. 11:40 PM - Sarah Salem: ((they all fainted from mr. bishounenguys hotness))
  1203. 11:41 PM - Eve Ishi: (( ^ ))
  1204. 11:41 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Sh: "And you, miss. Who wanted to be our best man. What is your name?"
  1205. 11:41 PM - Happy Caturday: I just look up and give him a 'Thank mew!' befur looking back to evfurryone else. "So I missed nothing I assume? No bad things, no magic shenanigans, nothing of the sort?"
  1206. 11:42 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Ally spins around and faces him. She seems too stupid to be swooned by his handsomeness. Unless she.... nah, couldn't be!
  1207. 11:42 PM - Sarah Salem: ((dammit appy))
  1208. 11:42 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: A: "My name's Ally! It's nice to meet you!"
  1209. 11:43 PM - Eve Ishi: (( *Eve facpalms* ))
  1210. 11:43 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Sh: "Likewise. Though I can't promise you'll be my best man, I can perhaps offer the position of flower girl."
  1211. 11:43 PM - Happy Caturday: "Aww Ally would be purrecious as a flower girl! If she's okay with it that is"
  1212. 11:44 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Ally squees, sets Fred on Eve's head, then skips around everyone in circles, pretending to throw petals out of an invisible basket
  1213. 11:44 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve smiles and pats Fred on his little bunny head*
  1214. 11:45 PM - Happy Caturday: ((Yay buns)
  1215. 11:46 PM - Sarah Salem: ((are you touching mr.bishies ass now))
  1216. 11:46 PM - Eve Ishi: (( omg ))
  1217. 11:46 PM - Eri Motai disconnected.
  1218. 11:46 PM - Happy Caturday: ((What))
  1219. 11:47 PM - Happy Caturday: ((Shh no0)
  1220. 11:47 PM - Happy Caturday: ((Not in public))
  1221. 11:48 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: S: "...still no idea what's going on."
  1222. 11:50 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: (brb piss)
  1223. 11:50 PM - Happy Caturday: "Miracles are happening"
  1224. 11:51 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: (hi)
  1225. 11:52 PM - Eve Ishi: (( welcome ))
  1226. 11:53 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: T: "Pretty sure that any sort of sembelance of normality is loooong gone by now." Tami flops onto the grass, on her ass, the young lass.
  1227. 11:54 PM - Eri Motai entered chat.
  1228. 11:55 PM - Happy Caturday: "Normal is boring though!"
  1229. 11:55 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Sh: "Then me and Satoya shall share in the abnormalities into the everafter."
  1230. 11:56 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve walks over to the three* "Sorry about all this, sato's never really...normal from what I can tell. We never really know what's going on either, but I guess she's getting married, and we should be happy for her as her friends. guys still want to be our friends I guess. I know this was all a lot to take in."
  1231. 11:56 PM - Happy Caturday: "Aww, thanks Eve!" I run over to hug her with a smile for attempting to understand
  1232. 11:56 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: K: "I... I'll still be your friends."
  1233. 11:57 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: S: "No reason to quit just because there's a handsome guy in the mix now."
  1234. 11:57 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: I can't even remember if I implied that Suzu was lesbian or not
  1235. 11:57 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: 2many lesbians
  1236. 11:57 PM - Eve Ishi: *Eve shivers as Satoya hugs her* "Your skin is really cold you know?"
  1237. 11:58 PM - Happy Caturday: "You mean my handsome guy" I reassume the position and hold onto my man
  1238. 11:58 PM - Eri Motai: (i'm not lesbian I just lead people on)
  1239. 11:58 PM - Sarah Salem: (whattabitch)
  1240. Sunday, January 12, 2014
  1241. 12:01 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: attention people
  1242. 12:01 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: I am taking this short interval to notify you
  1243. 12:01 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Ciaster is home from prom and purportedly drunk
  1244. 12:02 AM - Happy Caturday: (Oh I'm here, I'm just waiting for someone to reply)
  1245. 12:02 AM - Happy Caturday: (Oh christ)
  1246. 12:02 AM - Happy Caturday: (Ghengis Khant went to prom?)
  1247. 12:02 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: yep
  1248. 12:03 AM - Happy Caturday: (BRB MESSAGING THE SHIT OUT OF HIM)
  1249. 12:04 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: we now resume our boringly sober magical girls game
  1250. 12:05 AM - Eri Motai: (hey, who said anything about sober)
  1251. 12:05 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: I did
  1252. 12:05 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: just now
  1253. 12:05 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: did you miss that?
  1254. 12:05 AM - Eri Motai: (yeah, I did)
  1255. 12:05 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: ah
  1256. 12:05 AM - Eri Motai: (sorry)
  1257. 12:06 AM - Eve Ishi: (( ohmai ))
  1258. 12:06 AM - Eve Ishi: "What about you Tami?"
  1259. 12:08 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: T: "Of course I'll still be your friends! Things may get weird, horrifying, deadly and ridiculous, but that's part of the fun! I think."
  1260. 12:09 AM - Eve Ishi: *Eve smiles wide* "That's...really great! We'll keep you safe, I promise!"
  1261. 12:11 AM - Happy Caturday: "Aww yay!"
  1264. ~~PREVIOUSLY, PRIVATE CHAT Sarah and Eri - Experimentation~~
  1266. 10:53 PM - Eri Motai: Eri squeels to a stop in front of Sarah's house.
  1267. 10:53 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Eri arrives at Sarah's house despite not knowing where it was
  1268. 10:53 PM - Sarah Salem: squeal
  1269. 10:53 PM - Eri Motai: (nigga I don't give two shits about spelling)
  1270. 10:53 PM - Sarah Salem: ((your go, im in my room :v))
  1271. 10:54 PM - Sarah Salem: ((oh i didnt even notice you misspelled it))
  1272. 10:54 PM - Sarah Salem: ((i was just commenting on the noise *squeal*))
  1273. 10:54 PM - Eri Motai: I knock on the door, since I guess I somehow know where I am.
  1274. 10:55 PM - Sarah Salem: Hearing that shit, I head down and invite Eri in. Also avoid sister.
  1275. 10:55 PM - Eri Motai: "I got your... paging?"
  1276. 10:55 PM - Eri Motai: "My head still hurts."
  1277. 10:56 PM - Eri Motai: "How did I get here even?" Eri looks around at the unfamiliar surroundings.
  1278. 10:56 PM - Sarah Salem: "Sorry. I think I am only supposed to use that with Gekko."
  1279. 10:56 PM - Eri Motai: "Gekko?"
  1280. 10:56 PM - Sarah Salem: "A little eye I found."
  1281. 10:57 PM - Sarah Salem: "Come to the room, I need to show you something."
  1282. 10:57 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Gekko pops out of Sarah's hair and looks at Eri
  1283. 10:57 PM - Eri Motai: "Uh, ok???!!!!"
  1284. 10:57 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: It blinks
  1285. 10:57 PM - Sarah Salem: I lead the ~ladies~ up to my room.
  1286. 10:57 PM - Eri Motai: "AHH!"
  1287. 10:57 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: why did you pluralize ladies
  1288. 10:57 PM - Eri Motai: "S-SARAH! What is that!?"
  1289. 10:58 PM - Sarah Salem: i dunno
  1290. 10:58 PM - Sarah Salem: "That is Gekko."
  1291. 10:58 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You don't get to the stairs to your room before Eri's shouts draw the attention of Sarah's sister
  1292. 10:58 PM - Sarah Salem: shit
  1293. 10:58 PM - Eri Motai: (huehuehue)
  1294. 10:58 PM - Sarah Salem: I stuff Gekko into the hole in my chest real quick
  1295. 10:59 PM - Eri Motai: Eri flips her shit even more, as it's the first time she's seen the hole.
  1296. 10:59 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Sarah? I didn't know you were bringing..." she pauses at your suspicious behavior of shoving something into your shirt. "...a friend over."
  1297. 10:59 PM - Sarah Salem: (a day of firsts~)
  1298. 10:59 PM - Sarah Salem: "Sorry. I needed help with the work."
  1299. 11:00 PM - Sarah Salem: I give Eri a "just go with it" look.
  1300. 11:00 PM - Eri Motai: "Uh... yeah! She needed help with... making icecream?"
  1301. 11:00 PM - Eri Motai: "That's what you do right?"
  1302. 11:00 PM - Eri Motai: "You and Eve keep talking about it in class."
  1303. 11:01 PM - Sarah Salem: "...No, the uh, schoolwork."
  1304. 11:01 PM - Sarah Salem: I lead her up the stairs, and tell my sister, "We'll just be in my room. Sorry again."
  1305. 11:02 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "I... see. Well, my name is Anna, in any case. It's a pleasure to meet... you?" she doesn't finish as you start walking away with Eri
  1306. 11:02 PM - Eri Motai: Eri waves to Anna as she's dragged up the stairs.
  1307. 11:04 PM - Sarah Salem: I sit down at my desk, setting Gekko back down. "Earlier, when the pink-haired girl ran by, I found something."
  1308. 11:04 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Gekko squeaks as he wiggles and plops out of Sarah's shirt, rolling onto his legs before bouncing around the room randomly and peaking in various open drawers and such
  1309. 11:04 PM - Sarah Salem: "I think it was the suitcase she was carrying, but it was with Hakurobe and Satoya."
  1310. 11:04 PM - Eri Motai: "Ok ok, I'ma let you finish."
  1311. 11:04 PM - Eri Motai: "But
  1312. 11:04 PM - Eri Motai: What the hell is that?"
  1313. 11:05 PM - Eri Motai: Eri points at Gekko.
  1314. 11:05 PM - Sarah Salem: "...It is an eye." I give her a blank look.
  1315. 11:05 PM - Eri Motai: "Sarah."
  1316. 11:05 PM - Eri Motai: "It's a walking eye."
  1317. 11:05 PM - Eri Motai: "And it's got arms and legs."
  1318. 11:06 PM - Sarah Salem: "Yes." I answer simply. "He is very useful."
  1319. 11:06 PM - Eri Motai: "And I guess you can talk to him by pinging his... brain?"
  1320. 11:06 PM - Eri Motai: Eri rubs her head, as it's still sore.
  1321. 11:06 PM - Sarah Salem: I shrug. "Whatever works."
  1322. 11:07 PM - Eri Motai: "You coulda just used a cellphone you dolt." Eri pokes Sarah's forehead.
  1323. 11:07 PM - Sarah Salem: "But that is beside the point. I took the suitcase," I gesture to it lying closed on my desk. "Inside was a very interesting material."
  1324. 11:07 PM - Eri Motai: "?"
  1325. 11:08 PM - Sarah Salem: I open the suitcase, showing her the Arcanium.
  1326. 11:08 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Eri's vision is suddenly full of red as Gekko hangs off her hair and dangles looking her in the eyes
  1327. 11:08 PM - Sarah Salem: "The papers say it is some kind of magic-enhancing metal."
  1328. 11:08 PM - Sarah Salem: goddammit gekko
  1329. 11:08 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: It blinks, its eye expressing happiness
  1330. 11:09 PM - Eri Motai: "..."
  1331. 11:09 PM - Eri Motai: Eri tries to keep her composure whilst she waits for the eyeball to let go.
  1332. 11:10 PM - Sarah Salem: I ignore Eri's distress and keep talking, sifting through the papers while I do.
  1333. 11:10 PM - Sarah Salem: "There is also a list of ingredients needed to make some kind of "Enhancer"."
  1334. 11:10 PM - Eri Motai: "...Enhancer?"
  1335. 11:10 PM - Sarah Salem: "I have all of them, but I believe they need to be melted down."
  1336. 11:10 PM - Eri Motai: Eri tries to... grab the thing, but she is too squimish to do it.
  1337. 11:10 PM - Sarah Salem: "I could not find what it does, but the name implies the function."
  1338. 11:11 PM - Sarah Salem: "You can heat things up, correct?"
  1339. 11:11 PM - Sarah Salem: "Could you melt metal?"
  1340. 11:11 PM - Eri Motai: "I... could try."
  1341. 11:11 PM - Eri Motai: "It might be dangerous though."
  1342. 11:11 PM - Eri Motai: "Remember how you aren't suposed to stick metal in microwaves?"
  1343. 11:12 PM - Eri Motai: "I could try and use a black box around it..."
  1344. 11:12 PM - Eri Motai: "But I won't be able to see when it melts."
  1345. 11:12 PM - Sarah Salem: "We will need a mold for it. Do you have anything?"
  1346. 11:12 PM - Eri Motai: "Hmm..."
  1347. 11:13 PM - Sarah Salem: "Actually, we need a few different containers. I would rather avoid spilling molten metal."
  1348. 11:13 PM - Eri Motai: "How is this "enhancer" supposed to work anyways?"
  1349. 11:13 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Gekko's grip slips and he bounces to the floor before rolling under the desk
  1350. 11:13 PM - Eri Motai: "It just looks like metal."
  1351. 11:13 PM - Eri Motai: Eri breaths the largest sigh of relief known to mankind.
  1352. 11:14 PM - Sarah Salem: "Honestly? I have no idea. But I placed Gekko on it, and he seemed to react to it." I hand her an ingot. "Do you feel anything?"
  1353. 11:14 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Gekko peaks out from under the desk and blinks
  1354. 11:15 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: As you handle the surprisingly light ingot of metal you feel it tingle where it meets your skin for a moment, but the feeling subsides
  1355. 11:16 PM - Eri Motai: "Uh... it's... tingly?"
  1356. 11:16 PM - Sarah Salem: "Sounds magical to me."
  1357. 11:17 PM - Sarah Salem: "We should at least try out these recipes."
  1358. 11:17 PM - Sarah Salem: "If it was important to the girl and the cat, then I want to find out what it is for."
  1359. 11:17 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Gekko hops onto the desk, grabs on the ingot Eri is holding, and starts doing pullups
  1360. 11:18 PM - Sarah Salem: ((see why hes the best c:))
  1361. 11:18 PM - Eri Motai: Eri's face becomes much like this one;
  1362. 11:18 PM - Eri Motai:
  1363. 11:19 PM - Sarah Salem: (( i fucking love nichijou))
  1364. 11:19 PM - Eri Motai: ((deer suplex best part))
  1365. 11:19 PM - Sarah Salem: ((i like the rock paper scissors))
  1366. 11:20 PM - Eri Motai: ((yeah, that was good too))
  1367. 11:20 PM - Sarah Salem: ((really anything with the robot and the little girl is just great))
  1368. 11:20 PM - Eri Motai: ((cake dispensing arm best power up you better implement it into your Metriod PnP))
  1369. 11:20 PM - Sarah Salem: ((will do))
  1370. 11:21 PM - Eri Motai: "So."
  1371. 11:21 PM - Sarah Salem: ((cupcake forehead also included))
  1372. 11:21 PM - Eri Motai: "What recipes."
  1373. 11:21 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: wait
  1374. 11:21 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: I got dis
  1375. 11:21 PM - Sarah Salem: I show her all the lists. "These, there are around 5 of them."
  1376. 11:22 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: nope that doesn't happen retconning that
  1377. 11:22 PM - Sarah Salem: o-ok :c
  1378. 11:22 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Gekko swings off the ingot after one more pullup and picks up the paper with the list of recipes, handing it to Eri
  1379. 11:23 PM - Eri Motai: "Thanks Eyeball-senpei." Eri states whilst avoiding eye contact.
  1380. 11:23 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: hard to avoid considering he's all eye, all the time
  1381. 11:24 PM - Eri Motai: Eri grabs the list from Gekko's hands whilst avoiding looking at him dead on.
  1382. 11:25 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: >Eyeball-senpei
  1383. 11:25 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: fucking
  1385. 11:25 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: I love you people
  1386. 11:25 PM - Sarah Salem: i hope senpai notices me
  1387. 11:26 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Senpai blinks happily
  1388. 11:26 PM - Eri Motai: (I hope senpai stops looking at me it's creeping me the fuck out)
  1389. 11:27 PM - Eri Motai: "So Sarah."
  1390. 11:27 PM - Eri Motai: "Where'd you get the little guy."
  1391. 11:28 PM - Sarah Salem: "At school. Eve and I were fighting with an eyeball-like monster. Afterwards, I found this little guy." I gesture to Eyeball-senpai.
  1392. 11:29 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Gekko tilts to the side questioningly, blinking
  1393. 11:29 PM - Eri Motai: "So."
  1394. 11:29 PM - Eri Motai: "It's a demon."
  1395. 11:30 PM - Eri Motai: Eri finally matches Gekko's stare with the intensity of 1000 suns.
  1396. 11:30 PM - Sarah Salem: "I do not think so. It isn't trying to kill me at least."
  1397. 11:30 PM - Eri Motai: "..."
  1398. 11:30 PM - Sarah Salem: "In fact, it has been rather useful."
  1399. 11:30 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Gekko tucks its arms and legs into itself and, in its new spherical form, rolls off the desk and out of sight
  1400. 11:31 PM - Sarah Salem: (thats fucking adorable :v))
  1401. 11:31 PM - Eri Motai: ((morphball get))
  1402. 11:31 PM - Sarah Salem: ((i thought the same :v))
  1403. 11:32 PM - Eri Motai: "So."
  1404. 11:32 PM - Eri Motai: "It's useful huh?"
  1405. 11:33 PM - Sarah Salem: I pack the metal and the other ingredients back into the suitcase.
  1408. ~~~~SUB-PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah - Eye Spy~~~~
  1409. 8:25 PM - Sarah Salem: can i mindprobe around for satoyas location?
  1410. 11:26 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: hmm
  1411. 11:26 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: I guess you suddenly have telepathy but sure :v
  1412. 11:26 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: I guess EVERY meguca now has telepathy?
  1413. 11:26 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: oh boy this was not in the plans
  1414. 8:27 PM - Sarah Salem: thug life
  1415. 8:28 PM - Sarah Salem: noone else has tried it except me tho c;
  1416. 8:28 PM - Sarah Salem: so im one up on everyone for now :D
  1417. 8:28 PM - Sarah Salem: so, roll i guess?
  1418. 11:28 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: might as well :v
  1419. 8:29 PM - Sarah Salem: 14
  1420. 8:29 PM - Sarah Salem: id like to do it without notifying her of anything
  1421. 8:29 PM - Sarah Salem: just find out her location
  1422. 11:29 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You probe around and manage to see she's at the park with the others
  1423. 8:30 PM - Sarah Salem: and mayyyybe give her a headache c:
  1424. 11:30 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Her eyes linger on a boy of beautiful everything that you've never seen
  1425. 11:30 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: A boy who is holding onto her
  1426. 8:31 PM - Sarah Salem: alrighty
  1427. 11:31 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: and sure you can give her a headache :v
  1428. 8:31 PM - Sarah Salem: *gives*
  1429. 11:31 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: done
  1430. 8:32 PM - Sarah Salem: I broadcast the location to the eyeball, and then mentally tell him to go spy on her.
  1431. ~~~~END SUB-PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah - Eye Spy~~~~
  1434. 11:33 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Gekko rolls out from under the desk, springs into standing positon, salutes, then runs off
  1435. 11:34 PM - Eri Motai: Eri does the "I'm watching you" expression, mindfully using her one index finger to point at Gekko.
  1436. 11:35 PM - Sarah Salem: "Yes. I can see what it sees, and it can see what I do."
  1437. 11:36 PM - Eri Motai: "So, did you get a good glimpse of what I was doing when you pinged my brain as well?"
  1438. 11:36 PM - Eri Motai: "It was kinda important you know."
  1439. 11:36 PM - Eri Motai: "I mean."
  1440. 11:37 PM - Sarah Salem: "No. I was just speaking to you."
  1441. 11:37 PM - Eri Motai: "Not as important as whatever THAT is" Eri points to where Gekko and the briefcase went, "but I mean, it was some crazy stuff."
  1442. 11:37 PM - Sarah Salem: "I did see where Satoya is just now. I sent Gekko to keep an eye on her, she is suspicious."
  1443. 11:38 PM - Sarah Salem: ((hehe))
  1444. 11:38 PM - Sarah Salem: ((keep an eye on her))
  1445. 11:38 PM - Eri Motai: "So, you know she's with some dude that she probably just met, right?"
  1446. 11:38 PM - Eri Motai: "I mean, she's never mentioned some... guy before."
  1447. 11:39 PM - Sarah Salem: "I saw him holding her, and the others talking, but I could not hear what they were saying."
  1449. 11:39 PM - Eri Motai: Eri begins to emit heatwaves.
  1450. 11:40 PM - Sarah Salem: I jump, surprised at the sudden outburst. "Is he really that bad?"
  1452. 11:40 PM - Sarah Salem: "He seemed nice, from what I saw."
  1453. 11:41 PM - Eri Motai: Eri begins strangling the air in front of her as her eyes burn brighter than ever.
  1454. 11:41 PM - Sarah Salem: "Ummm."
  1455. 11:42 PM - Eri Motai: Suddenly, Eri is calm. "It's ok everything is cool. I totally saved that guy who was a week away from retirement and I talked to friends and everything is great yes."
  1456. 11:43 PM - Sarah Salem: "Should I call the bird to talk about the metal? I do not trust Hakurobe."
  1457. 11:44 PM - Eri Motai: "The.... bird."
  1458. 11:44 PM - Eri Motai: "Yes."
  1459. 11:44 PM - Eri Motai: "Call the bird."
  1460. 11:44 PM - Sarah Salem: "Oh, and do not mention this to anyone. I don't want Satoya to hear, she was with the cat when I stole the case."
  1461. 11:44 PM - Eri Motai: "Hmm."
  1462. 11:44 PM - Sarah Salem: I try them mental shenanigans again, but directed towards calling Eno to where we are this time
  1465. ~~~~SUB-PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah - Eye Spy 2~~~~
  1466. 11:45 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You feel a knocking inside your mind. Almost like a rat tapping at a door. Hard to notice, but it's there. Seems to want to be let in
  1467. 8:45 PM - Sarah Salem: h,
  1468. 8:45 PM - Sarah Salem: hm
  1469. 8:45 PM - Sarah Salem: yolo
  1470. 11:45 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: oh wait
  1471. 8:45 PM - Sarah Salem: i 'let it in'
  1472. 11:45 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: that's not Eno btw
  1473. 8:46 PM - Sarah Salem: i know :v
  1474. 11:46 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Your "inner eye" sees a slightly translucent version of Gekko roll in
  1475. 11:46 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You can now switch between his and your vision on will
  1476. 11:46 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: as for contacting Eno, you can't even begin to make a connection
  1477. 8:47 PM - Sarah Salem: damn
  1478. 8:47 PM - Sarah Salem: I swap to Gekkos vision
  1479. 11:47 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You see, past a few leaves of Gekko hiding in a bush, Ally prancing around everyone in circles, Satoya in someone rather handsome man's arms, and everyone looking all sorts of confused
  1480. 8:48 PM - Sarah Salem: can i hear anything?
  1481. 11:49 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: nope
  1482. 8:49 PM - Sarah Salem: damn
  1483. 8:49 PM - Sarah Salem: need to upgrade the lil guy
  1484. 11:49 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: gonna take a while to work up the mental magical "muscle" to start doing that kinda stuff
  1485. 8:51 PM - Sarah Salem: alright
  1486. 8:51 PM - Sarah Salem: guess ill have to practice
  1487. 8:51 PM - Sarah Salem: that and dream walking :v
  1488. ~~~~END SUB-PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah - Eye Spy 2~~~~
  1491. 11:55 PM - Sarah Salem: "I cannot find the bird." I scratch my head.
  1492. 11:55 PM - Sarah Salem: "Ally is enjoying her time at the park, it seems."
  1493. 11:56 PM - Eri Motai: "Oh. That's nice to hear."
  1494. 11:56 PM - Eri Motai: "About Ally at least."
  1495. 11:56 PM - Eri Motai: Eri scratches her head, "Yeah, that bird IS an illusive one."
  1496. 11:56 PM - Eri Motai: "It's been, like, weeks since I've seen him."
  1497. 11:57 PM - Sarah Salem: "Hm. He may just be too far from me."
  1498. 11:57 PM - Sarah Salem: "We can talk the next time we meet, I suppose."
  1499. 11:59 PM - Eri Motai: "Yeah, I suppose."
  1500. 11:59 PM - Eri Motai: Eri remembers something.
  1501. 11:59 PM - Eri Motai: "Oh yeah... I was planning on having a slumber party at some point cuz Ally asked."
  1502. 11:59 PM - Eri Motai: "You're invited I guess."
  1503. 12:00 AM - Sarah Salem: I shrug. "Alright."
  1504. 12:01 AM - Eri Motai: Eri sighs and leans back to lay on the ground.
  1505. 12:01 AM - Sarah Salem: "What now? It does not look like we're going to make much progress with the...'Arcanium'."
  1506. 12:01 AM - Eri Motai: "Yeah, probably not."
  1507. 12:01 AM - Eri Motai: "I've never even heard of the stuff."
  1508. 12:01 AM - Eri Motai: "What WERE those recipes for anyways?"
  1509. 12:01 AM - Eri Motai: "I didn't really get a good look."
  1510. 12:02 AM - Sarah Salem: I shrug again.
  1511. 12:02 AM - Eri Motai: "Soo.... You know anything about slumber parties?"
  1512. 12:02 AM - Sarah Salem: "They all have different names." Sarah says as she hands over the paper.
  1513. 12:03 AM - Sarah Salem: "You...sleep and have a party?"
  1514. 12:03 AM - Eri Motai: "That sounds too simple to be true." Eri leans up to grab the sheets before laying back down.
  1515. 12:06 AM - Sarah Salem: ( 9:50 PM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Each list is headed with either "Absorbing," "Repelling," "Destroying," "Enhancing," or "Restricting" )
  1516. 12:07 AM - Eri Motai: "...Huh."
  1517. 12:07 AM - Sarah Salem: 'I have the ingredients for 'Enhancing."
  1518. 12:08 AM - Eri Motai: "Hey, I ain't no rocket scientist, but I think I get what the headings are refering to." Eri groans as she gets off the floor.
  1519. 12:08 AM - Sarah Salem: "But 'Restricting' what, exactly?"
  1520. 12:09 AM - Sarah Salem: "Could we use that to lock someone away from their powers?"
  1521. 12:09 AM - Eri Motai: "That's my guess."
  1522. 12:09 AM - Eri Motai: "I'm not sure how it works, but I think I get the gist."
  1523. 12:09 AM - Eri Motai: "Absorbing... that sounds interesting."
  1524. 12:11 AM - Eri Motai: Eri grabs the list with the Absorbing heading and gives the rest back to Sarah.
  1525. 12:11 AM - Sarah Salem: "Indeed. I think it may be worth trying the restricter on that pink-haired girl."
  1526. 12:12 AM - Sarah Salem: "She seems a little too dangerous." I narrow my eyes at the memory of the elevators.
  1527. 12:12 AM - Eri Motai: Eri gives a look of slight dissaproval before looking back to the "enhancing" list.
  1528. 12:13 AM - Eri Motai: "You say we have the materials for that?"
  1529. 12:13 AM - Sarah Salem: "They are in the case. Here." I pass her the suitcase.
  1530. 12:14 AM - Eri Motai: I open the suitcase and re-asess the contents.
  1531. 12:14 AM - Sarah Salem: ((i'll let appy take care of the contents list c:))
  1532. 12:16 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: The contents of the case (which is large enough to fit a midget if they curled up real tight) include stacks of Arcanium ingots, and the papers
  1533. 12:16 AM - Sarah Salem: + the nickel, iron, and aluminum bits i put in there
  1534. 12:16 AM - Sarah Salem: and the smaller cut up piece of arcanium
  1535. 12:17 AM - Eri Motai: "So..."
  1536. 12:17 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: yep
  1537. 12:17 AM - Eri Motai: Eri looks back up at Sarah
  1538. 12:17 AM - Eri Motai: "What are we waiting for? We gotta cook."
  1539. 12:17 AM - Sarah Salem: (( WALTER))
  1540. 12:18 AM - Sarah Salem: "We'll need some containers to put the molten metals in."
  1541. 12:19 AM - Eri Motai: "That should be easy enough. There's plenty of foundries down on the lower tier."
  1542. 12:20 AM - Eri Motai: "They've gotta have some small scale melting pots in order to make ingots."
  1543. 12:20 AM - Sarah Salem: "Will they sell them to us?"
  1544. 12:21 AM - Eri Motai: Eri gives Sarah the most evil look she'll ever receive.
  1545. 12:21 AM - Eri Motai: "Who said anything about buying them?"
  1546. 12:22 AM - Sarah Salem: "Just checking before we steal more."
  1547. 12:22 AM - Sarah Salem: "Should we head out now, then?"
  1548. 12:24 AM - Eri Motai: "Sure. Let me just call Tami and the guys, tell em I'm still running errands."
  1549. 12:24 AM - Eri Motai: Eri pulls out her phone, and realizes that it's still dead.
  1550. 12:25 AM - Eri Motai: "Or I guess I'll talk to em later."
  1551. 12:25 AM - Sarah Salem: "We have a phone downstairs, if you want."
  1552. 12:25 AM - Sarah Salem: I stand up, and pack everything into the suitcase, before hiding it under the bed.
  1553. 12:25 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: are you guys about to rob a fuckin factory :v
  1554. 12:25 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: amazing
  1555. 12:26 AM - Sarah Salem: this is what happens when you leave us alone
  1556. 12:26 AM - Sarah Salem: i already stole top secret magic research from a talking cat
  1557. 12:26 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: I love it
  1558. 12:26 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: you're getting shit done
  1559. 12:26 AM - Sarah Salem: welcome to the party of the best megucas c;
  1560. 12:26 AM - Eri Motai: (those plebs are still talking about new-guy senpai and his richness)
  1561. 12:27 AM - Sarah Salem: (yeah i know)
  1562. 12:27 AM - Sarah Salem: (i have gekko monitoring the area)
  1563. 12:27 AM - Eri Motai: (I have my scrying eyes to check on the other tab :P)
  1564. 12:28 AM - Sarah Salem: (yeah but i get to use that knowledge ingame c:))
  1565. 12:28 AM - Sarah Salem: ((bam owned))
  1566. 12:28 AM - Eri Motai: "Oh, you sure you don't mind me using your phone?"
  1567. 12:28 AM - Sarah Salem: "I barely know how to work it." I shrug. "Anna will not mind."
  1568. 12:30 AM - Eri Motai: Eri is about to leave the room when she remembers, "Hey, you think Anna's gonna come in here?"
  1569. 12:30 AM - Sarah Salem: "She usually does not, but I hid the case anyway." I point at the bed.
  1570. 12:32 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: inb4 you just laid it under your blanket
  1571. 12:32 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: and it's a large lump under your otherwise flat blanket
  1572. 12:32 AM - Sarah Salem: 10/10
  1573. 12:34 AM - Eri Motai: "Ooooh -kay. I wouldn't exactly call that hiding but I guess that'll do."
  1574. 12:34 AM - Eri Motai: "Couldn't you have Gekko watch over it?"
  1575. 12:34 AM - Sarah Salem: "Not a bad idea."
  1576. 12:34 AM - Sarah Salem: "But should I continue surveillance of Satoya, or watch the case?"
  1577. 12:35 AM - Sarah Salem: "Both seem important, considering Satoyas potential involvement with the metal."
  1578. 12:35 AM - Eri Motai: "Sato's got everyone else there you said, everything should be fine."
  1579. 12:36 AM - Sarah Salem: "I don't trust her at all." I shake my head, but call Gekko back with orders to watch the case anyway.
  1580. 12:37 AM - Eri Motai: "I don't trust her either, but you have what's important right here."
  1581. 12:37 AM - Eri Motai: Eri points to Sarah's bed before turning to leave the room.
  1582. 12:37 AM - Sarah Salem: I follow her out, leaving the door ajar for lil g as I go.
  1583. 12:41 AM - Sarah Salem: Oh, and I take the book with me.
  1584. 12:42 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: oh boy
  1585. 12:42 AM - Eri Motai: (hey data, I'm totally gonna scare your sister)
  1586. 12:42 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: oooh boy
  1587. 12:43 AM - Sarah Salem: ((go for it, i was planning to mindprobe her as practice later anyway))
  1588. 12:43 AM - Sarah Salem: ((blatant disregard for personal space, hooooo!))
  1589. 12:43 AM - Eri Motai: I go downstairs and attempt to use Sarah's house phone.
  1590. 12:44 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: It's a phone, so you figure it out pretty quick, considering you're not an out-of-time teenage girl
  1591. 12:44 AM - Eri Motai: I ring up Tami.
  1592. 12:45 AM - Sarah Salem: man i can see BOTH sides of the conversation this time
  1593. 12:45 AM - Sarah Salem: its amazing
  1594. 12:45 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Hello?"
  1595. 12:46 AM - Eri Motai: "Hey Tami, it's Eri."
  1596. 12:46 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Oh, Eri! Where are you calling from? I don't recognize the number."
  1597. 12:46 AM - Eri Motai: "I'm at Sarah's house at the moment, and I was just calling to say that I'm still out doing errands."
  1598. 12:47 AM - Eri Motai: "I was just seeing how things were going with 'pretty boy' over there."
  1599. 12:47 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Oh? Is there anything I can help with?"
  1600. 12:48 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Well, uh," her voice gets quieter. "He's quite nice, actually. He invited us all over to his mansion tomorrow on tier 2. I'm sure you're welcome to join us."
  1601. 12:48 AM - Eri Motai: "Pretty boy has a mansion!?"
  1602. 12:48 AM - Eri Motai: "NO WAY!"
  1605. ~~~~SUB-PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah - Quick Word~~~~
  1606. 12:49 AM - Sarah Salem: I knock on my sister's door.
  1607. 12:51 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Your sister answers her door
  1608. 12:51 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Hello Sarah. Is something the matter?"
  1609. 9:51 PM - Sarah Salem: "No. I was just telling you that Eri and I are heading out."
  1610. 9:52 PM - Sarah Salem: "We are just going to go meet up with some friends, so I may be home late."
  1611. Sunday, January 12, 2014
  1612. 12:52 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: She nods. "Try not to stay out too late, Sarah. Be careful. And if there's anything wrong, please call me."
  1613. 9:53 PM - Sarah Salem: "I will." I nod and head back to Eri.
  1614. ~~~~END SUB-PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah - Quick Word~~~~
  1617. 12:49 AM - Eri Motai: "Er... I mean, that's cool I guess."
  1618. 12:50 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Indeed, he does have a mansion. I wonder how large it is... he says it's staffed, as well."
  1619. 12:51 AM - Eri Motai: "STAFFED?" Eri goes quiet for a minute. "...It sounds like his place blows mine outa the water."
  1620. 12:53 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Well then, in any event, do you need help with those errands?"
  1621. 12:54 AM - Sarah Salem: (( hey squidwarD))
  1622. 12:54 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: called it
  1623. 12:55 AM - Eri Motai: Eri sighs, "Nah, it's fine Tam, I've got this. You have fun."
  1624. 12:55 AM - Eri Motai: "And TELL PRETTY BOY TO APOLOGIZE!"
  1625. 12:56 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Apologize for... what?"
  1627. 12:58 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Um, I don't think that's really what he meant..."
  1628. 1:00 AM - Eri Motai: "I'LL SHOW HIM WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A TIGER!" Eri lets out a battle cry whilst transforming and pokes Sarah's phone.
  1629. 1:00 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You hit the end call button
  1630. 1:01 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Sarah walks in to see Eri transformed and poking the phone with her sword
  1631. 1:01 AM - Sarah Salem: "What are you doing"
  1633. 1:02 AM - Sarah Salem: I sigh. "Put your sword away before my sister sees you."
  1634. 1:03 AM - Eri Motai: "THIS SWORD IS A TOOL FOR JUSTICE, AND HE SHALL SEE THE END OF IT!" Eri shouts whilst stomping out of Sarah's house.
  1635. 1:04 AM - Sarah Salem: ((im mad you dropped a raiden line))
  1636. 1:04 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Anna pokes her head out of her bedroom door, and for the third time that day tilts her head in confusion at her sister and her sister's friend's antics
  1637. 1:04 AM - Sarah Salem: I follow behind quietly.
  1638. 1:05 AM - Eri Motai: ((sorry man, had to, Metal Gear Revengeance just came out for pc))
  1639. 1:07 AM - Sarah Salem: ((i need to buy that, i never palyed the dlc when i had it on 360))
  1640. 1:07 AM - Sarah Salem: ((also GUHRAY FAHX.))
  1641. 1:10 AM - Sarah Salem: (( i wonder if i can slow time and blade mode after i kill something))
  1642. 1:10 AM - Sarah Salem: (( need to get a sword))
  1643. 1:10 AM - Eri Motai: ((I told you to get that power but no you didn't listen :P))
  1644. 1:10 AM - Sarah Salem: i have that power
  1645. 1:10 AM - Sarah Salem: time
  1646. 1:10 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: I'd accept that as a move
  1647. 1:10 AM - Sarah Salem: its literally my element :v
  1648. 1:10 AM - Sarah Salem: :o
  1649. 1:10 AM - Sarah Salem: doin it next 2 xp we get
  1650. 1:11 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Blade Mode: Lose 4 resolve, but +3 hit chance and +3 damage."
  1651. 1:11 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: subject to change
  1652. 1:11 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: likely to change
  1653. 1:11 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: anyway
  1654. 1:11 AM - Eri Motai: "SARAH!" Eri roars "LETS GET THAT METAL GEEEEARRRR!"
  1655. 1:12 AM - Eri Motai: Eri bolts out the door and towards the elevator station.
  1656. 1:12 AM - Sarah Salem: I chase after raid- i mean eri
  1657. 1:12 AM - Sarah Salem: *LOUD GUTTURAL NOISE*"
  1658. 1:13 AM - Eri Motai: Also we're going to include the others in on this madness by detouring around the park.
  1659. 1:13 AM - Sarah Salem: aw, but then we cant be tagteam specops
  1660. 1:13 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Anna: "...wat."
  1661. 1:13 AM - Sarah Salem: should we take them or not
  1662. 1:14 AM - Sarah Salem: i feel like splitting up might be better, since they can do whatever while we get things done
  1663. 1:14 AM - Sarah Salem: and also we might have to explain why we're robbing a factory
  1664. 1:14 AM - Sarah Salem: and we're trying to keep the metal a secret, remember :v
  1665. 1:14 AM - Eri Motai: I'm not going to pick them up, I just want them to see us run by as rediculous as we are
  1666. 1:14 AM - Sarah Salem: sounds good
  1667. 1:14 AM - Sarah Salem: should i transform
  1668. 1:15 AM - Eri Motai: Yes, do that
  1669. 1:15 AM - Sarah Salem: if they start following i'll just sanic speed us the fuck outta here
  1670. 1:15 AM - Sarah Salem: I do that, then.
  1671. 1:15 AM - Sarah Salem: and start holding my billhook pointed forward to skew bitches with.
  1672. 1:15 AM - Eri Motai: Eri stops in her tracks.
  1673. 1:15 AM - Eri Motai: "Lift me."
  1674. 1:16 AM - Sarah Salem: I put her up on my shoulders.
  1675. 1:16 AM - Sarah Salem: and continue running
  1676. 1:16 AM - Eri Motai: "TALLY HO!"
  1677. 1:16 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: wait what
  1678. 1:16 AM - Sarah Salem: * *
  1679. 1:16 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: are you gonna plow through the bushes or what
  1680. 1:17 AM - Sarah Salem: just run straight across the park
  1681. 1:17 AM - Sarah Salem: vault the limo
  1682. 1:17 AM - Sarah Salem: and keep going
  1683. 1:17 AM - Eri Motai: yes we are gonna do that
  1684. 1:17 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: kay then
  1685. 1:18 AM - Eri Motai: (inb4 you plow into the limo and kill his parents)
  1686. 1:18 AM - Sarah Salem: (( woopsie~))
  1687. 1:23 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You plow your way sanic speed through the city streets
  1688. 1:23 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You see the express elevator about to head down. The doors are closing. You could save yourself a trip if you're quick!
  1689. 1:24 AM - Sarah Salem: I speed up even faster
  1690. 1:24 AM - Eri Motai: "HYA!" Eri shouts whilst slicing the elevator doors open.
  1691. 1:24 AM - Sarah Salem: and then crouch into a slide through the doors
  1692. 1:25 AM - Sarah Salem: I'd like to note that since I slid, Eri is literally skateboarding on me as she cuts through the door.
  1693. 1:26 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You're both in meguca outfit, by the way
  1694. 1:26 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: in the middle of a crowded elevator
  1695. 1:26 AM - Sarah Salem: alright, so how do the passengers feel about the heavily armed passengers that just slid through the doors.
  1696. 1:26 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: after you just mach speeded your way in
  1697. 1:27 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: the passengers are all collectively looking something like o_o with ". . ." above their heads
  1698. 1:27 AM - Sarah Salem: surprised its not a "!"
  1699. 1:27 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: they're more confused than surprised
  1700. 1:28 AM - Eri Motai: "ONWARDS STEED, TO THE CONVENTION!" Eri shouts whilst clicking her heels together.
  1701. 1:28 AM - Sarah Salem: "Roger!" I put away my weapon and ignore the other passengers.
  1703. ~~END PREVIOUSLY, PRIVATE CHAT Sarah and Eri - Experimentation~~
  1706. 12:12 AM - Eve Ishi: (( brb ))
  1707. 12:14 AM - Bruce Brynes has been invited to chat.
  1708. 12:14 AM - Bruce Brynes entered chat.
  1709. 12:15 AM - Bruce Brynes: oh hey rust is out of beta now
  1710. 12:15 AM - Bruce Brynes: well
  1711. 12:15 AM - Bruce Brynes: out of alpha
  1712. 12:15 AM - Sarah Salem: who cares, its rust
  1713. 12:15 AM - Bruce Brynes: you're rust
  1714. 12:15 AM - Sarah Salem: i am :c
  1715. 12:15 AM - Bruce Brynes: on the bicycle of freedom
  1716. 12:16 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Sh: "So then, ladies. what do you usually do to pass the time?"
  1717. 12:16 AM - Bruce Brynes: lesbian antics
  1718. 12:16 AM - Bruce Brynes: man why is my name still Bruce
  1719. 12:17 AM - Bruce Brynes: Sarah Salem: use ooc chat dumbass
  1720. 12:17 AM - Bruce Brynes: You can't control me I ain't even a player
  1721. 12:17 AM - Happy Caturday: "I go and sleep on a bench or something usually..."
  1722. 12:18 AM - KBz | NicoleFancy has been invited to chat.
  1723. 12:18 AM - KBz | NicoleFancy entered chat.
  1724. 12:18 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: guys she's a girl be as lesbian as possible
  1725. 12:18 AM - Happy Caturday: :V
  1726. 12:18 AM - Happy Caturday: Who is this new purrson?
  1727. 12:18 AM - KBz | NicoleFancy: lesbionest
  1728. 12:18 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: also she's here to watch you guys pretend to be lesbians
  1729. 12:19 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((oh no a girl))
  1730. 12:19 AM - Sarah Salem: ((last time this happened i believe we talked about dicks for a solid half hour))
  1731. 12:19 AM - Sarah Salem: ((that was fallout tho))
  1732. 12:19 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: last time I invited a girl to watch our pen and paper game you talked about dicks
  1733. 12:19 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((last time there was a girl she was a dicebot and left us after walking onto our discussion of a laser dick))
  1734. 12:19 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((yeah))
  1735. 12:19 AM - Happy Caturday: ((:V))
  1736. 12:19 AM - Happy Caturday: ((Just resume then))
  1737. 12:19 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: but now you're all playing lesbians so you can talk about tits~
  1738. 12:20 AM - KBz | NicoleFancy: ((im scraed >.<))
  1739. 12:20 AM - Eve Ishi: (( I'm back ))
  1740. 12:20 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((it's o.k. i'm like 75% girl at this point))
  1741. 12:20 AM - Eve Ishi: (( What's even going on anymore ))
  1742. 12:20 AM - Sarah Salem: ((bullshit, mostly))
  1743. 12:20 AM - Sarah Salem: ((and someone new strolled in))
  1744. 12:21 AM - Eve Ishi: (( So same old same old then. ))
  1745. 12:21 AM - Eve Ishi: (( Oh hi new person. ))
  1746. 12:21 AM - Sarah Salem: ((yeah p much c:))
  1747. 12:21 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Sh: "Why sleep on a bench, my love? There are plenty of beds back in my humble mansion."
  1748. 12:22 AM - Happy Caturday: "As in, more than one? You have more than one bed? Woah, you're super rich!"
  1749. 12:24 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Sh: "But of course! We have a number of guest rooms."
  1750. 12:25 AM - Eve Ishi disconnected.
  1751. 12:26 AM - Eve Ishi has been invited to chat.
  1752. 12:26 AM - Eve Ishi entered chat.
  1753. 12:27 AM - Happy Caturday: I just stand there awestriken, the fact that someone can be this rich purrplexes the catgirl
  1754. 12:28 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Sh: "You are all welcome to stay at my home, if you're interested. I would be more than honored to have our chef prepare a larger meal for all of us."
  1755. 12:29 AM - Happy Caturday: I faint again
  1756. 12:29 AM - Happy Caturday: He is literal purrfection
  1757. 12:29 AM - Sarah Salem: ((damn what a playa))
  1758. 12:29 AM - Eve Ishi: (( This is the setup for the filler episode isn't it ))
  1759. 12:29 AM - Sarah Salem: ((he just invited not one, not two, but like 6 girls to his house))
  1760. 12:29 AM - Sarah Salem: ((appy just wants a harem pnp))
  1761. 12:29 AM - Eve Ishi: (( :v ))
  1762. 12:29 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: omg you're a genius
  1763. 12:29 AM - Happy Caturday: ((:V))
  1764. 12:30 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: I totes need to make this that
  1765. 12:30 AM - Happy Caturday: ((IM NOT SHARING))
  1766. 12:30 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: also fanservice beach episode
  1767. 12:30 AM - Eve Ishi: (( oh god data what have you done ))
  1768. 12:30 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: also also Nicole is telling me she is highly interested in joining
  1770. 12:30 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: :V
  1771. 12:30 AM - Sarah Salem: pfft
  1772. 12:30 AM - KBz | NicoleFancy: what if i roleplayed a guy??
  1773. 12:30 AM - Eri Motai: fair enough
  1774. 12:30 AM - Sarah Salem: too late on the no actual girls front
  1775. 12:31 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: but you can't play a guy in magical girls
  1776. 12:31 AM - Sarah Salem: smas is here, remember
  1777. 12:31 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: that ain't how it do
  1778. 12:31 AM - KBz | NicoleFancy: ILL BE MAGICAL TRANSGENDER
  1779. 12:31 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: fuck
  1780. 12:31 AM - Sarah Salem: pfffffffffft
  1781. 12:31 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: does magic work like that
  1782. 12:31 AM - KBz | NicoleFancy: is
  1783. 12:31 AM - Sarah Salem: i dunno
  1784. 12:31 AM - KBz | NicoleFancy: yes
  1785. 12:31 AM - Happy Caturday: Wait Smas is female
  1786. 12:31 AM - Sarah Salem: no
  1787. 12:31 AM - Happy Caturday: Oh
  1788. 12:31 AM - Happy Caturday: Was about to say
  1789. 12:31 AM - Sarah Salem: it was a joke
  1790. 12:31 AM - Sarah Salem: gj commander dense
  1791. 12:31 AM - Eve Ishi: (( what the heckie is even happening anymoe ))
  1792. 12:31 AM - Eri Motai: (I have no clue)
  1793. 12:31 AM - Sarah Salem: (( iunno))
  1794. 12:31 AM - Eve Ishi: anymoe ))
  1795. 12:31 AM - Eve Ishi: moe ))
  1796. 12:32 AM - Sarah Salem: ((more))
  1797. 12:32 AM - Bruce Brynes: (( so like))
  1798. 12:32 AM - Bruce Brynes: (9a girl))
  1799. 12:32 AM - Sarah Salem: ((wow i meant to type moe there))
  1800. 12:32 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((playing magical girls)
  1801. 12:32 AM - Sarah Salem: ((and misspelled it into what you misspelled))
  1802. 12:32 AM - Sarah Salem: ((go me))
  1803. 12:32 AM - Eve Ishi: (( c: ))
  1804. 12:32 AM - Eve Ishi: (( Well, the more the merrier ))
  1806. 12:32 AM - KBz | NicoleFancy: (so can i join)
  1808. 12:32 AM - KBz | NicoleFancy: (lol)
  1809. 12:32 AM - KBz | NicoleFancy: (GODDAMN IT)
  1810. 12:34 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Ally speaks up, "We'd LOVE to visit your really cool probably huge mansion on the second tier of the city where all the rich people live!"
  1811. 12:34 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((Fancy, incase you can't play you can join me in being the person who secretly gives Appy all of his ideas))
  1812. 12:34 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: A: c:
  1813. 12:35 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Shosuke laughs his laugh that could make butterflies cry
  1814. 12:35 AM - KBz | NicoleFancy: (lol)
  1815. 12:35 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Sh: "Consider it done, then."
  1816. 12:35 AM - KBz | NicoleFancy: (and never. cal. me. fancy.)
  1817. 12:35 AM - Eve Ishi: "Uhhm, I-I guess maybe I could come."
  1818. 12:35 AM - Sarah Salem: (crossed the line~)
  1819. 12:35 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((sorry m8))
  1820. 12:36 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((figured it was better than Nancy))
  1821. 12:36 AM - Eve Ishi: (( what a perfect way to intersect the sleepover idea with satoyas new husband ))
  1822. 12:36 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((nicole*))
  1823. 12:36 AM - Happy Caturday: ((Fun~))
  1824. 12:36 AM - KBz | NicoleFancy: (although very true my im nicole)
  1825. 12:36 AM - Sarah Salem: (( i thought we were heading down to tier 4, eris house :v))
  1826. 12:37 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Was he around to hear that?
  1827. 12:37 AM - Eve Ishi: (( would you rather spend a night in some shack, or in a mansion ))
  1828. 12:37 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: fukkin ownt eri
  1829. 12:37 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((a shansion))
  1830. 12:38 AM - Eve Ishi: (( :o ))
  1831. 12:38 AM - Sarah Salem: (( iunno, me and eri are now buds))
  1832. 12:38 AM - Sarah Salem: ((and really anywhere that satoya isnt is a place i'd rather be c:))
  1833. 12:38 AM - Eve Ishi: (( OH SNAP ))
  1834. 12:38 AM - Eri Motai: ((ice burn))
  1835. 12:39 AM - Sarah Salem: (( - list of burn centers in the US - ))
  1836. 12:39 AM - Eve Ishi: (( anyways I'm sure Eri will be in favor of the mansion when we all meet up ))
  1837. 12:40 AM - Happy Caturday: ((Doesnt matter, I have a rich pretty smooth husband))
  1838. 12:40 AM - Happy Caturday: ((I win ouo))
  1839. 12:40 AM - Eve Ishi: (( you just won magical burst ))
  1840. 12:40 AM - Eve Ishi: (( gg ))
  1841. 12:40 AM - Sarah Salem: (( i'll have more magical toys, get rekt))
  1842. 12:40 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: :v
  1843. 12:40 AM - Sarah Salem: ((anyway yeah eri'll probably like mansion-idea :v))
  1844. 12:42 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Sh: "I'm afraid, though, that I'd need to warn the staff beforehand about guests. Not to mention my parents. So perhaps you can all stay at my home tomorrow?"
  1845. 12:42 AM - Happy Caturday: "YOU HAVE A STAFF"
  1846. 12:43 AM - Happy Caturday: "WHAT DONT YOU HAVE?!?!?!?"
  1847. 12:43 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Sh: "Now that I have you? Nothing."
  1848. 12:43 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((aw))
  1849. 12:43 AM - Sarah Salem: ((smooth as pudding))
  1850. 12:43 AM - Eve Ishi: (( Dan, why arn't you always this smooth. ))
  1851. 12:44 AM - Sarah Salem: (( his chinbeard usually scares the ladies off before he can open his mouth))
  1852. 12:44 AM - Happy Caturday: Satoya faints for about the fourth time
  1853. 12:44 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: my chinbeard gets all the laydays
  1854. 12:44 AM - Eve Ishi: (( Aww, I think you're cute Dan. c: ))
  1855. 12:44 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: thx bb~
  1856. 12:44 AM - Eve Ishi: (( <5 ))
  1857. 12:45 AM - Sarah Salem: (( <0 ))
  1858. 12:45 AM - Sarah Salem: (( i snowcone you ))
  1859. 12:45 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Tami's phone rings
  1860. 12:45 AM - Eve Ishi: (( ohmai ))
  1861. 12:45 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Hm... I don't seem to recognize the number." She answers. "Hello?"
  1862. 12:46 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Oh, Eri! Where are you calling from? I don't recognize the number."
  1863. 12:47 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Oh? Is there anything I can help with?"
  1864. 12:48 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Well, uh," her voice gets quieter. "He's quite nice, actually. He invited us all over to his mansion tomorrow on tier 2. I'm sure you're welcome to join us."
  1865. 12:48 AM - Sarah Salem: ((hearing both sides of the conversation is a fun and informative experience))
  1866. 12:48 AM - Happy Caturday: ((I wish I could hear the other end :V))
  1867. 12:49 AM - Sarah Salem: ((we're discussing dorito-faced bad touch senpai-san))
  1868. 12:49 AM - Sarah Salem: ((aka your husbando))
  1869. 12:49 AM - Eve Ishi: (( I love those comics ))
  1870. 12:50 AM - Sarah Salem: (( they're fucking masterpieces))
  1871. 12:50 AM - Sarah Salem: (("She is my sister."))
  1872. 12:50 AM - Sarah Salem: (("Whom I have sex with."))
  1873. 12:50 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Indeed, he does have a mansion. I wonder how large it is... he says it's staffed, as well."
  1874. 12:50 AM - Eve Ishi: (( there was this picture on my dash of someone cosplaying bad touch senpain and it was godamn beautiful ))
  1875. 12:51 AM - Eve Ishi: senpain ))
  1876. 12:51 AM - Eve Ishi: why cant I type ))
  1877. 12:51 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: psh
  1878. 12:53 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((so nekomancer managed to get a super rich ultra poilte husbando in a span of 5 mins))
  1879. 12:53 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Well then, in any event, do you need help with those errands?"
  1881. 12:54 AM - Happy Caturday: ((WHY DOES NO ONE TRUST HIM))
  1882. 12:54 AM - Eve Ishi: (( hes so going to be a youma or something ))
  1883. 12:54 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((bro))
  1884. 12:55 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((imagine if this was a tv show))
  1885. 12:55 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((love intrest out of no where?))
  1886. 12:55 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((married already?))
  1887. 12:55 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((rich AND nice?))
  1888. 12:55 AM - Eve Ishi: (( ryan I'm p sure we're going to have to kill your husband ))
  1889. 12:55 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((he's like bad guy incarnate))
  1890. 12:55 AM - Eri Motai: ((it's ok I love going on crusades))
  1891. 12:55 AM - Sarah Salem: ((im with eri))
  1892. 12:56 AM - Sarah Salem: ((mostly because i can actually get things done with her :v))
  1893. 12:56 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Apologize for... what?"
  1894. 12:56 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: also Nicole joining next week confirmed
  1895. 12:56 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((oh cool))
  1896. 12:57 AM - Happy Caturday: ((Woo))
  1897. 12:57 AM - Bruce Brynes: (( I would get mad that she joined and not me but then I rememered that Idon't want to join and never asked :V))
  1898. 12:57 AM - Eve Ishi: (( welcome yo ))
  1899. 12:57 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: :v
  1900. 12:58 AM - Sarah Salem: ((ooh whats she gonna play))
  1901. 12:58 AM - Sarah Salem: ((if shes a tactician ill kill myself))
  1902. 12:58 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Um, I don't think that's really what he meant..."
  1903. 12:58 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: haven't decided will work on her character after the game
  1904. 12:59 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((nicole seems actually))
  1905. 1:00 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((especially counting those two guys here))
  1906. 1:00 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((man who ARE you guys even))
  1907. 1:00 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((mystery for the ages))
  1908. 1:00 AM - KBz | NicoleFancy: ((aw yeh yeh))
  1909. 1:00 AM - Eve Ishi: (( I'm me :v ))
  1910. 1:01 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Tami closes her phone. "She seemed mad about something..."
  1911. 1:01 AM - Sarah Salem: ((fuckin sweet b dog, word))
  1912. 1:01 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((she mad))
  1913. 1:01 AM - Happy Caturday: "About what?"
  1914. 1:01 AM - KBz | NicoleFancy: ((im too excited for this))
  1915. 1:02 AM - Sarah Salem: ((its lots of fun))
  1916. 1:02 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: T: "Something your, uh, husband? Said? About a tiger?"
  1917. 1:02 AM - KBz | NicoleFancy: ((it looks it))
  1918. 1:02 AM - Sarah Salem: ((make someone competent and proceed to get shit done with me + smas))
  1919. 1:02 AM - Happy Caturday: "Oh, he didn't mean that to be rude, he just said she was, fiesty!"
  1920. 1:02 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Shosuke's laugh, which makes crying orphaned burn victim babies laugh with joy, sounds again
  1921. 1:02 AM - Happy Caturday: (I almost typed Fiesta)
  1922. 1:03 AM - Sarah Salem: (( bueno ))
  1923. 1:03 AM - KBz | NicoleFancy: ((gotcha))
  1924. 1:05 AM - KBz | NicoleFancy: (im talking with dn about a char as u guys speck)
  1925. 1:05 AM - KBz | NicoleFancy: (:DD)
  1926. 1:05 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: A tall and narrow bald man in a well-tailored suit and with a pencil mustache walks into the park
  1927. 1:05 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: He bows before Shosuke
  1928. 1:05 AM - Eve Ishi: (( yay ))
  1929. 1:05 AM - KBz | NicoleFancy: (never trused someone with a pencil mustasche)
  1930. 1:05 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: "Young Master, your parents are requesting your presence back home."
  1931. 1:06 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((omg))
  1932. 1:06 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: He has a British accent
  1933. 1:06 AM - Happy Caturday: "Aww, does that mean you have to go right meow?"
  1934. 1:06 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((fuckfuckfuckfuck))
  1935. 1:06 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((RICH BOY))
  1936. 1:06 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((MASTER))
  1937. 1:06 AM - Bruce Brynes: (PARENTS))
  1938. 1:07 AM - Bruce Brynes: (DATING CAT CHICK))
  1939. 1:07 AM - Happy Caturday: ((OH GOD I MARRIED BATMAN))
  1940. 1:07 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((DUDES ITS BRUCE WAYNE))
  1941. 1:07 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((GOD DAMN IT APPY))
  1942. 1:07 AM - Eri Motai: (...)
  1943. 1:07 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: oops
  1944. 1:07 AM - Eve Ishi: (( It's Catman )
  1945. 1:07 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: :V
  1946. 1:07 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((Appy did you do that on purpose))
  1947. 1:07 AM - Sarah Salem: ((is he pplayed by adam west say yes please))
  1948. 1:07 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((of course you didn't but still))
  1949. 1:08 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: sure
  1950. 1:08 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((God damn it are you guys going to murder his parents))
  1951. 1:08 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: whatever you want to believe bbs
  1952. 1:08 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: ;o
  1953. 1:08 AM - Sarah Salem: (( it begins))
  1954. 1:08 AM - Sarah Salem: ((we havent even murder anyone yet))
  1955. 1:08 AM - Sarah Salem: ((smas just tried to, thats all))
  1956. 1:08 AM - Happy Caturday: ((I have))
  1957. 1:08 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((turn him into a magical-girl hating half batman half tuxedo rose))
  1958. 1:08 AM - Happy Caturday: ((Several times))
  1959. 1:08 AM - Sarah Salem: ((you're you, you dont count))
  1960. 1:08 AM - Happy Caturday: ((At least fifteen people))
  1961. 1:09 AM - Eve Ishi: (( What if Ryan kills his parents and that's what makes him hate magical girls and that's why he's the vilain but he was really a nice guy all along ohman ))
  1962. 1:09 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Shosuke nods, sighing like a gentle summer's breeze. "Very well then." He turns to you. "Ladies, I am afraid I must go. Satoya, my love, here is my address." He hands you a classy laminated business card with his address on it. "I shall tell the staff to let you in, should you decide to visit."
  1963. 1:10 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((ohman we're just sitting here writing appy's plots for him aren't we))
  1964. 1:10 AM - Sarah Salem: ((yeah pretty much))
  1965. 1:10 AM - Eve Ishi: *Eve waves goodbye*
  1966. 1:10 AM - Happy Caturday: "Wait, I thought I was staying with you, unless thats nyat tonight?"
  1967. 1:12 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Sh: "You're welcome to come with me, my beloved. You are soon to be a part of the family, no?"
  1968. 1:12 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Ally holds Fred the rabbit and waves a little bunny paw goodbye to Shosuke
  1969. 1:12 AM - Happy Caturday: I squeal a bit and put my arms around him. "Purrfect! I'd pack, but I don't have anything to bring."
  1970. 1:14 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Sh: "Winston, the young miss Satoya here shall be staying with us indefinitely."
  1971. 1:14 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: W: "Very well, Young Master."
  1972. 1:14 AM - Happy Caturday: "Soon to be misses! Hehehe!" Giggling with joy, she stood there wide eyed, still in disbelief
  1973. 1:15 AM - Eve Ishi: (( Winston ))
  1974. 1:15 AM - Sarah Salem: (( winston ))
  1975. 1:15 AM - Happy Caturday: ((He's so british, he shits the queen))
  1976. 1:17 AM - Bruce Brynes: ((he IS the queen))
  1977. 1:17 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: You all hear a strange, gutteral sound reminiscent of a warcry
  1978. 1:17 AM - KBz | NicoleFancy: (the queen shits herself wah?)
  1979. 1:18 AM - Happy Caturday: "OH NO, ITS THE ORKS, THERE HERE FOR REVENGE!"
  1980. 1:18 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: The bushes behind you explode in a flurry of leaves, and you spot a blur of two people, one stacked on teh other's shoulders, run past
  1981. 1:18 AM - Eri Motai: "TALLY HO!"
  1982. 1:18 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: they vault over the parked limo and continue onwards
  1983. 1:18 AM - Sarah Salem: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
  1984. 1:18 AM - Bruce Brynes: ....
  1985. 1:19 AM - Bruce Brynes: the FUCK
  1986. 1:19 AM - Eve Ishi: (( that was not the science I was expecting ))
  1987. 1:19 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: S: "...wot."
  1988. 1:19 AM - Eve Ishi: *Eve runs after them* "What did you do with the money I gave you?!"
  1989. 1:19 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: T: "Hey, that's my line Suzu."
  1990. 1:20 AM - Happy Caturday: "Well, I think someone drugged me"
  1991. 1:20 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Eve, you're never gonna catch Sarah going SANIC SPED
  1992. 1:20 AM - Eve Ishi: (( aw mang, worth a shot ))
  1993. 1:20 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Sh: "I am already drugged by your intoxicating presence."
  1994. 1:20 AM - Eve Ishi: "She was supossed to be getting a cake!"
  1995. 1:20 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: W: "Young Master...?"
  1996. 1:21 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Sh: "Ah, of course, of course. Come, Satoya. Let us go."
  1997. 1:22 AM - Happy Caturday: I get in the car with husbando, to enjoy life as a rich catgirl
  1998. 1:22 AM - Eve Ishi: (( This so isn't going to end well ))
  1999. 1:22 AM - Eve Ishi: (( We're in gritty magical girl land, not slice of life magical girl land ))
  2000. 1:23 AM - Sarah Salem: (( man i just vaulted a limo while carrying a ninja))
  2001. 1:23 AM - Sarah Salem: ((thug life.))
  2002. 1:27 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: hmm
  2003. 1:27 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: aaand maybe we can cut here
  2004. 1:27 AM - Bruce Brynes: ????
  2005. 1:28 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: it's 1:30 am
  2006. 1:28 AM - Eve Ishi: mmmokay
  2007. 1:28 AM - Eve Ishi: gg everyone
  2008. 1:28 AM - Sarah Salem: that was a lot of fun
  2009. 1:29 AM - Happy Caturday: Indeed
  2010. 1:29 AM - Happy Caturday: I got married
  2011. 1:29 AM - Happy Caturday: 0u0
  2012. 1:29 AM - Sarah Salem: i enjoyed being mostly alone :v
  2013. 1:29 AM - Sarah Salem: and doing science
  2014. 1:29 AM - Eri Motai: I vaulted an automobile whilst riding a chick
  2015. 1:29 AM - Eve Ishi: I uhm
  2016. 1:29 AM - Eve Ishi: Pet a bunny
  2017. 1:29 AM - Eve Ishi: ?
  2018. 1:29 AM - Eve Ishi: ye
  2019. 1:29 AM - Sarah Salem: and woke up
  2020. 1:29 AM - Sarah Salem: you also woke up
  2021. 1:29 AM - Eve Ishi: Oh ye
  2022. 1:29 AM - Eve Ishi: highlights
  2023. 1:29 AM - Sarah Salem: i established a two way sensory link between me and a giant eyeball
  2024. 1:30 AM - Sarah Salem: beat that nerd
  2025. 1:30 AM - Eve Ishi: Well I
  2026. 1:30 AM - Eve Ishi: Met Satos husband
  2027. 1:30 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: :v
  2028. 1:30 AM - Eri Motai: I became Raiden, albiet for a short time
  2029. 1:30 AM - Eve Ishi: c:
  2030. 1:30 AM - KBz | NicoleFancy: :D
  2031. 1:30 AM - KBz | NicoleFancy: im gonna plann my char
  2032. 1:30 AM - KBz | NicoleFancy: and maybe tomrrow if u guys rp
  2033. 1:30 AM - KBz | NicoleFancy: ill be in it
  2034. 1:30 AM - Sarah Salem: I watched you for an indeterminate amount of time.
  2035. 1:30 AM - KBz | NicoleFancy: :D
  2036. 1:30 AM - Bruce Brynes disconnected.
  2037. 1:31 AM - Eve Ishi: Aighty, although I might be busy tomorrow
  2038. 1:31 AM - Eve Ishi: But ye gg guys
  2039. 1:31 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: Nicole will likely be in tomorrow
  2040. 1:31 AM - Eve Ishi: Frigs out
  2041. 1:31 AM - Sarah Salem: radical
  2042. 1:31 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: assuming we play tomorrow
  2043. 1:31 AM - IT'S CONTRACT TIME: woo
  2044. 1:31 AM - Eve Ishi left chat.
  2045. 1:31 AM - Sarah Salem left chat.
  2046. 1:32 AM - Bruce Brynes entered chat.
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