
Breakfast Report

Mar 13th, 2014
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  1. Upon beginning my journey, the first thing that I noticed was that the sky was rather markedly dark for this time of day. Of course, that's just because of daylight saving time, but it was still strange to behold. It was also pretty cold outside, and even though I appreciated the fresh air at the beginning and started running, I quickly ran out of breath and wondered to myself if I was getting out of shape. I wasn't sure if the market would be open or not, but a quick glance at the neon sign easily confirmed that it was. I enthusiastically entered, and the first thing I did was go back and take a look at drinks. I was exceptionally thirsty, you see, and I just couldn't settle on anything. I resolved to pick up a Martinelli's apple juice because they're delicious, and also a sparkling version of the same because it's also delicious, but the thing is that these two weren't refrigerated. Clearly, that wouldn't do. So I also picked up a kiwi-strawberry Snapple to drink in the store while I waited and assuage my thirst, as well as a chocolate YooHoo because it's a legendary drink that I haven't had in a while. Naturally, my first choice for a breakfast meal was the market's signature breakfast burrito, and so I ordered the one that has pineapple beef sausage in it. They gave me the receipt to take up to the front, and because I'd been craving them for a long time, I also picked up a bag of Haribo Peaches. Needless to say, I bought way too much stuff for just a single breakfast considering how little money I actually have, and it ended up costing about fifteen dollars. It didn't really bother me, though, so I sat back down and idly listened to the news describe a section of California coastline get added to some kind of national monument while I drank my delicious Snapple. The burrito was ready in no time, and I eagerly shoved it into my bag and was on my way. My journey back was less relaxed, because I was a little worried about having left the door unlocked, but it turned out to be okay in the end and I made a weak joke about how it was too dark to be 7:30 to my housemate's mom. Because I'm not sure YooHoo is the greatest drink to accompany a breakfast burrito, I grabbed a cherry Coke while I was storing the apple juice in the fridge, and then I came up here and wrote this paragraph. Have a nice day.
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