
Alola Girls Ch. 29 (BBW, WG)

Oct 2nd, 2020
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  1. Chapter 29
  3. Jack entered the office and took a seat on the couch he’d mounted the over 500 pound curator of the museum with the prior day. “Hope you had this cleaned.” Jack said.
  5. “What’s the matter?” Professor Ivy replied.
  7. “Nothing, just trying to make a joke.” He said.
  9. Professor Ivy’s power chair took her behind her desk where she then pointed at a large, shiny , silvery metal case beside her. “So...”
  11. “So?”
  13. “Can you get the door? Need some privacy if we’re talking about this.” Ivy recommended.
  15. Jack nodded and got up from the couch, shutting the door. “Okay so...”
  17. Ivy nodded, her chins wobbling. “There was an envelope that came with the case.”
  19. “Oh boy.” Jack said grimly.
  21. “It expressed... Pretty extreme caution. Have you heard the legend of King Kameha?” Professor Ivy asked.
  23. “Uh, maybe... Does it involve Ten Carat Hill?”
  25. “Yes.” Professor Ivy. “Epic battle?”
  27. “Yup.” Jack said, then lowered his voice to a whisper and pointed at the case. “It might’ve come from it.”
  29. Ivy nodded. “It definitely did.”
  31. Jack’s grimace returned to his face. Part of him had wanted this hubbub to be a wild goose chase. It was a lot more stress than he’d been accustomed to living in Alola. “Will Burnet need to beef up security?”
  33. “As long as no one knows it’s there... Only a group of professionals could dream of getting into that place.” Professor Ivy said. “The DR Lab might have better security than this museum now that I think about it.”
  35. “DR Lab?” Jack asked.
  37. Ivy rolled her eyes. “It’s the Dimensional Research Lab, but that sounds really ridiculous, so it’s called the DR Lab instead.”
  39. “Okay.” Jack said.
  41. There was a knock at the door, and a deep feminine voice began to speak. “Ivy, all clear?”
  43. “Yes Olivia.” Ivy replied, and the door swung open to a wondrous sight.
  45. In walked a hefty, beautiful dark-skinned woman. She had short black hair, brown eyes, bright pink lipstick, and wore a revealing outfit that showed off a lot of flab. She was decently tall, and probably weighed somewhere around 440 pounds, putting her at just a bit large than Lillie. Her light pink midriff top showcased her large bust and belly overhang, while he caught a glimpse of her dark pink short shorts where the overhang didn’t cover them up. Her hips were enormous, and he figured her rear had to be breathtaking. Her wobbly thighs kept his vision.
  47. “Thanks Ivy.” The enormous beauty said, then turned to Jack on the couch. “So this is Mr. Cobal? He’s a lot younger than I expected.” She spoke with a hint of disappointment.
  49. Ivy chuckled. “Well Olivia I didn’t realize you were expecting to marry him.”
  51. Olivia scoffed. “Wha- no! Just...” Jack locked eyes with her for a moment and her defenses crumbled. “Okay, I heard Cobal and got a bit excited, I admit it.” Olivia said, folding her arms defiantly. “He’s too young for my tastes, there.”
  53. Jack smiled, then Ivy spoke up. “Yeah he won’t be getting married anytime soon I reckon. He and my secretary just destroyed a conference room table after a pretty loud bang session.”
  55. Olivia looked at him, wide eyed. Ivy cleared her throat. “And yesterday he wouldn’t stop staring at my tits, so we did the deed on the couch he’s sitting on right now.”
  57. Jack shrugged sheepishly. He did like it when other women praised his sexual conquests.
  59. “And tubby little Lana out there?’ Olivia asked.
  61. “What can I say? Too much beauty on Akala for me to resist.” Jack said, spreading his legs ever so slightly.
  63. Olivia re-folded her arms. causing her arm fat to quiver. “Well, I came here to talk business not...” She eyed him uneasily. “Talk about the sex life of some rich nymphomaniac.”
  65. “Yes, lets get down to business.” Jack said.
  67. Ivy spoke up first. “Olivia, how much do you know about Necrozma?”
  69. “A small amount, am I about to get a lecture?” Olivia replied.
  71. “Yeah...” Ivy said, explaining the story of the battle of Ten Carat Hill, and where the object she’d been brought on to oversee fit in. Then Ivy threw the proverbial ball into Jack’s court, where he explained Aether’s obsession with it and Cosmog, explaining Lillie’s predicament with her mother.
  73. “That’s a lot to take in.” Olivia said with a nod, causing her chins to quiver. “This part of Aether you’re dealing has shown they don’t seem very trustworthy, why even bother with helping them at all? Just bring this object back into the vaults or stash it somewhere they don’t know and forget about it.”
  75. “Aether’s being weird but... They might be right. I want to get it studied, and if it can help Alola, I want to do that.” Jack explained.
  77. Olivia nodded. “Okay, I understand. I think I should stay in Heahea to keep an eye on the DR Lab in case any funny business goes down. I’ll be away from my shop for a while though.”
  79. “You’ll be well compensated for your time.” Jack assured the Kahuna. “And I’ll get the hotel room.”
  81. “Any idea how long this whole thing might take?” Olivia asked.
  83. “Well, it’s supposed to just be a lot of testing, so at least than a couple weeks I’d assume.”
  85. “That’s if the DR Lab focuses only on the object.” Ivy pointed out.
  87. “They got a pretty fat grant from my foundation, they’re going to be focused on the... anomaly.” Jack replied.
  89. Olivia and Ivy both nodded.
  91. “So what’s the plan if it’s not what we think?” Ivy said.
  93. “I’m sure we’ll think of that when we get there.” Jack said.
  95. “And if it is was what we think?”
  97. Jack thought for a few moments. “It’ll have to be secure. I’ll have to talk to Lusamine about the shenanigans she’s put Lillie and I through the past few months. But I’m not against letting them study it, as long as there’s no funny business between now and the end of the study.”
  99. “And if there is funny business?” Ivy asked.
  101. Jack grunted, slightly annoyed at the seemingly endless questioning. “Then they don’t get it and I keep it somewhere safe and accessible in case it’s ever needed....” Jack weighed whether he should mention his father’s warning, insisting Jack destroy it if Necrozma ever re-appeared, but decided against playing that card yet.
  103. “Okay, that’s all on my end. Hopefully one day we get to put this sucker on display.” Ivy said, giving the metal case a couple hearty pats. “Mr. Cobal, it’s been a pleasure. Don’t open this up until Burnet says so.” Ivy then lifted the case and Jack got up, grabbing the heavier than expected briefcase.
  105. “Do come on by again sometime, and don’t forget about the tables.” Ivy said, waving them out. “And tell Malva to get me a couple sodas for me.”
  107. Jack followed Olivia out, finally getting a good view of her enormous rear. Her shorts were no match, and rode up a bit, revealing parts of butt-fat. Lana clapped excitedly as Jack and Olivia emerged into the lobby, briefcase in his hand. “So where to next?” Lana asked.
  109. “Follow me, that’s all.” Olivia said lowly, and Lana gave Jack a questioning look. Jack nodded, and the trio got on the elevator. Olivia had gotten deathly serious and her mood rubbed off on Lana and Jack. No words were spoken until Olivia got to her car.
  111. “Okay, Mr. Cobal, you and the case ride with me.” Olivia ordered. “Lana, follow behind me, but keep close. Mr. Cobal, make sure you keep an eye out for any suspicious hangers on.”
  113. Jack nodded, and suddenly felt much calmer knowing the strongest trainer on the island was taking things very seriously. As Olivia pulled out and waited for Lana to catch up, Jack realized he hadn’t checked his phone for a while. He took a peak and saw he some messages. One from Hilda saying just “I miss you,” which made him feel terrible. He’d been so busy having fun he’d left her alone. May sent him a nude, also saying she missed him. Another text was from Nessa.
  115. Nessa: So Rosa really likes Bloody Mary’s... haven’t told her there’s booze in ‘em. ;)
  117. He sent his replies, and promised he’d get a tablet or something to video chat with his women with.
  119. “Well I hope no one followed us.” Olivia said, a little too uncomfortably.
  121. Jack felt a bead of sweat drop. “Crap, got distracted. Lotta shit going on.”
  123. “Nudes don’t count as ‘shit going on.’” Olivia replied.
  125. “Wait, how’d you know?”
  127. Olivia laughed. “I didn’t, although that’s good to know.” She paused. “You get them often?”
  129. “I bet I’ll be getting a lot.”
  131. “One girl or...”
  133. “Multiple. I have a harem back at my house.” Jack bragged.
  135. “Really now...”
  137. “I haven’t been away from them for this long, so they’re getting a little weird.” Jack said.
  139. Olivia then waved Lana down as she pulled her rinky-dinky car into the DR Lab parking lot. “Well here goes something.” Olivia said.
  141. The trio had to wait at security check until Burnet verified the package. Jack felt much better keeping the Necrozium-Z in a place like this.
  143. “Good security.” Olivia said.
  145. Once they got to the elevator, they went to the third floor of the building and got to a lobby. Jack was greeted by an entrancing sight, a very beautiful 350 pound blonde, short haired-secretary, clad in a small yellow vest with a white and black striped top underneath. She had a large pair of headphones over her ears and hair. As he got closer he saw her name badge read “Elesa” and Jack felt his dick liven up.
  147. “Good morning...” Elesa greeted them while eyeing Jack’s case, then she caught sight of Olivia. “Oh, Ms. Kahuna, greetings.”
  149. Olivia smiled and nodded. “Good morning Elesa, it’s been a while.” She said, leaning over the counter. “We’re here to see Professor Burnet.”
  151. “Of course, of course...” Elesa said, looking at her computer screen and absentmindedly grabbing a donut and taking a huge bite. “I’ll buzz her assistant.”
  153. The trio waited in an empty lobby for a couple minutes before the door next to Elesa’s desk opened and revealed a young, plump beauty. She wore a grey sweater over a magenta dress with a dark green and white tam o’ shanter on her head.
  155. “See ya, then.” Lana said, taking a seat in the lobby.
  157. “Oi, yoo Mess Burnet’s noo cloy-ents?” The young woman asked with an accent Jack had never heard before. It was a bit harsh and spoken very quickly.
  159. Jack squinted at the woman, who was making eye contact with him. “Uh... come again?” He asked.
  161. The woman folded her arms in disapproval. “Oi, dunderheads, ah sayad-”
  163. Olivia stepped out from behind Jack and Lana and waved. “Sorry Gloria, the accent is a bit much for them.”
  165. “Ooh, cheers Olivia.” She said, looking at Jack with some scrutiny. Jack admired the girl’s beauty, he figured she had to weigh somewhere around 240 pounds, most of her weight around her middle. He smiled and waved.
  167. “Sorry about that Miss... Gloria was it?” Jack said.
  169. “Roight ya are boyo. Com along then.” Gloria said, waving the trio inside the door. As he walked to the door, Jack got a last look at Elesa, who rolled her eyes.
  171. Gloria walked quickly, making her whole body wiggle. Olivia had a hard time keeping up with the brisk pace. Gloria then brought them to a door at the end of hallway and opened it. “Mess Burnet’s, office, pop ya behinds on down then.” Gloria then looked at Jack and realized Olivia was struggling a dozen feet behind him and Gloria shook her head.
  173. “Thank you very much Gloria.” Jack said with a grin, trying to make a better impression.
  175. “Oi, don’ go gettin’ cheeky wit me.” Gloria grunted as she stepped from the door and went back down the hallway.
  177. Jack took a look at Gloria as she marched away, wondering what he’d done wrong, then shook it off and realized he had more important things to do. He took a step inside with the metal briefcase and met eyes with Professor Burnet. “Good morning...” He said, all other words leaving his head.
  179. Burnet was quite a beauty. She had to weigh somewhere around 300 pounds, which made Jack question why Kukui and her were estranged in the first place since Kukui was a chubby chaser like he was. Getting a good look at her, the older woman had tanned skin and white, youthful hair and wore a grey tank top that probably fit 15 pounds ago, her flab oozing out of it everywhere it could.
  181. “Good morning, you must be Mr. Cobal.” Burnet greeted him.
  183. “Yeah...” Jack said, unable to think of any other words.
  185. “Sorry about Gloria, she can be quite the firecracker.” Burnet said. “She’s really sweet once you get to know her.”
  187. “Right...” Jack said as he turned his head, seeing Olivia still waddling laboriously to the office. “I think I made her mad and I’m not sure why.”
  189. “She’s been having a real short fuse recently around guys, it’s hard enough when barely anyone understands you. Plus she’s getting sunburnt a lot.” Burnet continued in a whisper. “And she’s been putting on some weight recently, she’s used to more male attention.”
  191. Jack shrugged. “Some guys are into that.”
  193. Burnet gave him a weird look and shook her head. “Well nobody I know... I’ve been so focused with work recently I’ve definitely been letting myself go as well.” Burnet said, giving her generous gut a rub.
  195. Jack’s jaw almost dropped at the revelation. Had they broken up when she was still skinny? He’d have to tell Kukui later.
  197. Olivia finally entered, with a decent sweat.
  199. “Sorry Burnet...*huff puff*... I don’t remember... *huff*... that walk being so long...” Olivia said, closing the door and placing her massive bulk on a seat she barely fit in.
  201. Burnet nodded. “It’s starting to get to me too, Olivia.” Burnet said, now patting her gut. “So I’m anxious to see what you’ve got, that assistant I spoke to, Hilda? She wasn’t too specific, but with how much money you’re granting the lab I had no choice but to accept, no questions asked.” Burnet said sheepishly.
  203. Jack nodded. “Well, how much do you know about Necrozma?”
  205. Burnet eyed him with a sudden curiosity. “A bit, but not much is known about it.”
  207. “Well...” Jack took a look around to make sure nothing suspicious was up and put the case on her desk and unclipping the case. “This was studied about 20 years ago, and while the researchers said they didn’t find anything extremely conclusive, they believed this was a Z-Crystal like object that had something to do with Necrozma.” He then opened the case, a little excited to see what all the hubbub was about for the object. The top part blocked his view initially, but he leaned over and saw the exact same picture he’d seen on the server back at his estate, with the star design in the core of the crystalline object.
  209. Burnet’s eyes opened wide, while Olivia looked at it pensively, cautiously. “If this is a Z-Crystal...” Burnet began, getting lost in thought for a few moments. “Then this is unlike any I’ve ever seen.”
  211. “I think I should tell you something that’s got me a bit... suspicious though.” Jack said. Olivia sighed.
  213. Jack explained Lusamine and Aether Foundation’s fascination and aggressive pursuit of the object, along with the shady activity involving Lillie and Cosmog. He noticed that when he mentioned Kukui by name, Professor Burnet grimaced for a moment.
  215. “So how many people know this exists?” Burnet asked.
  217. “Well, apparently Aether does, but probably just the higher ups...” Jack began. “Myself, my assistant Hilda, Professor Kukui, Olivia, and Professor Ivy.” Jack explained. “And whoever she sent to find this thing in their vaults, but probably they don’t know what it is.”
  219. “And there’s no one else?” Burnet asked.
  221. “Well, the researchers weren’t named in the study summary I read.”
  223. Burnet frowned. “Do you have it handy?”
  225. Jack shook his head. “It wasn’t on the server, just a summary.”
  227. Burnet sighed, but nodded her head. “This is going to be pretty fascinating if I do say so myself.” She pondered aloud. “Is there a time limit?”
  229. “Not really, but I’d appreciate updates every so often.”
  231. “Sure, here’s my number...” Burnet began. Olivia also got in on the exchange. Once done, Burnet pondered something for a bit. “Well, I’m not going to be studying this alone. I think I’ll just need two other people to help me with this, would you want to speak to them?”
  233. Jack wasn’t too sure about it, but his presence in the DR Lab couldn’t be hidden anyways, so he figured he might as well. “Yeah, that’s a good idea.”
  235. Burnet nodded, her surplus facial flab quivering with every movement. Burnet then grabbed her phone and found the contact she was looking for, putting the smart phone up to her ear. “Sonia... Wait are you in the middle of something?” Burnet paused as the Sona woman presumably answered. “Okay, you can snack in my office if you want, I need you here ASAP. And bring Gloria too.”
  237. Jack tried to hide his grimace about seeing Gloria again, but Burnet seemed nice and if she thought Gloria was alright, well, he should give her another shot.
  239. A couple minutes passed until he heard some talking from behind the door, and in walked an cute, fat redhead with Gloria right behind.
  241. He figured the redhead was Sonia. She was quite a beautiful chubster, and she was taller than Gloria but also wider. He’d guess she was close to 290 pounds. She looked a bit older than he was. Her hair was done up in a large ponytail,she had turquoise eyes, fair skin, and wore an ill-fitting teal blouse with even less flattering jeans. Her blouse had crumbs on it, and her gut poked out from underneath her blouse a bit.
  243. Burnet began first. “Gloria, I know you already met these two so no need for introductions there... Sonia, this is Jack Cobal. And in case you haven’t met the Kahuna-”
  245. Olivia’s husky voice interrupted Burnet. “I’m Olivia.” She said. “I don’t like saying I;m the Kahuna, comes across as braggadocious.”
  247. Burnet smiled sheepishly. “I’m sorry then...”
  249. Olivia turned her massive bulk to Burnet. “It’s fine.”
  251. Jack then smiled wide and went to shake Sonia’s hand. “Sonia? A pleasure to meet you.”
  253. Sonia made eye contact and smiled, returning the handshake. “So you’re the big donor huh?”
  255. Jack’s smile turned sheepish. “Well when you say it like that...”
  257. “Sounds like he’s okay with being a bit braggadocious.” Burnet teased.
  259. Olivia grunted. “I’d rather hear that than hear Professor Ivy going on about his sex life.”
  261. Anyone in the room could hear a pin drop after Olivia finished up her sentence. Burnet was the first to break the silence. “Okay...” She began. “Why she would know that in the first place is...” Burnet trailed off as she put something together in her head. “Oh I get it Mr. Cobal, you like your women a bit on the heftier side.”
  263. “Not just a bit.” Olivia said, folding her arms. “He likes his women very big. I catch him oggling me every time I turn my head. It was almost flattering in the beginning.” Olivia said disdainfully.
  265. Jack felt himself start to sweat, He took a deep breath and smiled, trying to keep his cool. “I have an appreciation for the larger things in life, nothing wrong with that.” Jack said calmly. “And you’re starting to sound a bit jealous, Olivia.” Jack fired back.
  267. “Ooohoho!” Gloria burst out with a laugh, clutching her belly. “Noice one laddie.”
  269. Jack turned to her and gave her a wink, causing her face to contort a bit.
  271. Olivia folded her arms. “Well, the more shit you keep talking, the higher my price goes for keeping a watch on this place.” Olivia said.
  273. Jack laughed. “How much you want?”
  275. “I need 400 a day, however long this goes.” Olivia said with a wicked smirk.
  277. “I’ll pay you 800 a day as long as you shut up and let us get back to the topic at hand.” Jack said arrogantly.
  279. Olivia scoffed as the other three women tried to hold back their laughter. Jack looked into Olivia’s brown eyes with pride.
  281. Burnet cleared her throat. “Yes lets get back to the reason for the meeting... Sonia, Gloria, Mr. Cobal has given this lab a pretty large grant in return for a priority study on this object on my desk.” Burnet began. She went on for another five minutes explaining what the object could be and the need for secrecy.
  283. “Any questions?” Burnet said as she wrapped up her little talk.
  285. “So just the three of us can know?” Sonia asked. “No one else in the building?”
  287. “Yes. Ms. Olivia will be a sort of security guard, and I think we can beef up security a bit with all the newfound grant money while we have the object in our possession.” Burnet said. “Anything to add, Jack?”
  289. Jack shook his head. “I think that about covers everything.” Jack said. “Although I have a question for Gloria.”
  291. Burnet gave him a confused look, and Gloria eyed him skeptically.
  293. “May I ask where that accent is from? Never heard it in my life.” Jack said.
  295. Gloria facepalmed, while Sonia butted in. “We’re from Galar, she’s from a bit more of a... rural part of the region.”
  297. “That’s cool. Actually just hired someone from Galar on my staff. Supposed to be a very good trainer.” Jack said.
  299. “Oh, who?”
  301. “A woman named Nessa.” Jack said. “I figure it’s a big region so you probably don’t know her-”
  303. “Oh I know her.” Sonia said. “Can’t believe I didn’t hear about it. We’re good friends, just haven’t talked much since I came over to Alola. She nearby?”
  306. “Staying with me at the Hano Grand Resort, actually. Although she can’t know about this little... situation.” Jack said pointing at the case with the crystalline anomaly.
  308. “Oooh, got it.” Sonia said. “That’s fine. Mind if I stop by after work? Would love to catch up with her.”
  310. Jack nodded. “Sounds like a great idea... Actually, after everyone’s done here, you all should come by the Sea House Restaurant, my treat.”
  312. Olivia folded her arms dismally, but was foiled when her stomach growled loudly enough for the group to hear. “Ugh, fine.” She said, defeated.
  314. “Okay, I think that about wraps things up here.” Burnet said. “Let’s get this in a vault and then head over for an early dinner then. Sound good?” Burnet asked Sonia and Gloria.
  316. “Aces!” Gloria said exuberantly. Sonia nodded along.
  318. “Well I’ll be seeing you all then.” Jack said, giving a everyone a wave.
  320. “Oi, need sommun to walk you oot?” Gloria asked. It took a a couple moments for Jack to process she was asking if he needed someone to walk him out.
  322. “Sure, why not?” Jack said, opening the door for Gloria. He followed her down the hall, his eyes transfixed on trying to figure out how big her ass was under her pink skirt. His gaze stayed on Gloria’s behind until she suddenly turned around. Jack realized they were probably out of earshot.
  324. “So, you fancy large lasses do ya?” Gloria asked, eyes studying him intensely.
  326. Jack smiled sheepishly. “Yup.”
  328. “Burnet was toolkin’ ‘bout you and dah Ivy laydeh. You loike 'em dah big?” Gloria asked, a little more worry in her voice. Jack was pretty sure she said something along the lines of “Burnet was talking about you and that Ivy lady. You like your women that big?” and he nodded in reply.
  330. “Well yeah...”
  332. “Bloody hell then, ah finalleh find a lad whoo loikes biggah gals and I’m too skinny fo 'im.” Gloria said, shaking her fists in frustration and turning around.
  334. “Uh... Gloria, I think you’re sexy as hell actually.” Jack said.
  336. Gloria froze for a moment then spun around. “Yoo doo doo yoo?”
  338. Jack smiled sheepishly. “Uh, could uh... repeat that?”
  340. Gloria facepalmed once again. “Wah ih’ taekes to get a shag aroun’ heh.” Gloria muttered under her breath. She took a deep breath and spoke much more slowly and clearly. “You think I’m... sexy?”
  342. Jack nodded. “Very.”
  344. Gloria sighed with relief. “Oi thank goodness.”
  346. The two continued on until they got close to the exit. “Jus’ woonderin’...” Gloria began. “Dah short lil’ tubby girl in the lobby...”
  348. “We’ve banged a couple times.” Jack said. “Nothing serious. She doesn’t mind sharing, neither do the other ladies.”
  350. “Oh... okay...” Gloria said, seeming a little put off.
  352. “I like my ladies with large appetites, possibly because I myself have a large appetite for them.” Jack said, trying to defend his amorous lifestyle.
  354. “Okae yoo jammy bastahd, see yoo latah.” Gloria said, grabbing the door for him to exit into the lobby.
  356. “See you later Gloria.” Jack said as he headed out the door.
  358. (Hey peeps, things are getting weirder on my end. Got a second job so that's going to limit the amount of time I can work on this. I really enjoyed writing the accent for Gloria but it's pretty time consuming, will probably have it toned down as Jack gets to know her better. Also it looks like we're in the last quarter of the story according to my vague road map. As always thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!)
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