
Band with Epin

Dec 25th, 2015
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  1. ~†Champion Maxerus†:
  2. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Skip to 10:14
  3. ~†Champion Maxerus†: For our closer
  4. ~†Champion Maxerus†: From last yeAR
  5. ~†Champion Maxerus†: As in not this year lol
  6. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Are you singing?
  7. ~†Champion Maxerus†: No this is last year
  8. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Oh
  9. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: You said something about Solo xD
  10. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Haha that is LAST YEARS show
  11. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Ya'll are good for a tiny ass band xD
  12. ~†Champion Maxerus†: What...tiny
  13. ~†Champion Maxerus†: ?
  14. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Biggest band in Middle Tennessee...?
  15. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Relative to Texas bands
  16. ~†Champion Maxerus†: How big do you get?!
  17. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: That is small s:
  18. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Well we are 173 this year
  19. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Gaurd, percussion, and winds
  20. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: We're like 315 with everyone
  21. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: And we're smaller
  22. ~†Champion Maxerus†: ...that is scary here
  23. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Hahaha
  24. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: You think Texas takes it's football serious?
  25. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Liek todays contest, he average size was 50-60
  26. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: You should see our bands
  27. ~†Champion Maxerus†: *the
  28. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: We have some good schools that size
  29. ~†Champion Maxerus†: So our 170 was big
  30. ~†Champion Maxerus†: But damn 350!
  31. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†:
  32. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Last years show
  33. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Too bad the Eewee fucked up /:
  34. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: We we're like 300 last year
  35. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Dear lord you will have the same affect we had on Dyersburgh
  36. ~†Champion Maxerus†: We wet there...they cried
  37. ~†Champion Maxerus†: *wnet
  38. ~†Champion Maxerus†: (went
  39. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Lawl
  40. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Whatcha mean?
  41. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: As in we're big?
  42. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: We're average for Texas xD
  43. ~†Champion Maxerus†: We are extremely above for here
  44. ~†Champion Maxerus†: And yeah their band was 22
  45. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Jesus
  46. ~†Champion Maxerus†: The rest were 40-60
  47. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: That's scary
  48. ~†Champion Maxerus†: We were 160
  49. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: We're going to a small nonBoa thing this year
  50. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: We're probably going to be going up against small bands like that
  51. ~†Champion Maxerus†: So in proportion...thats like a 900 person band coming to compete with you
  52. ~†Champion Maxerus†: 900+
  53. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Pretty much haha
  54. ~†Champion Maxerus†: So yeah...major shit their pants there
  55. ~†Champion Maxerus†: I talked to one of the guys and he was freaking over how big we are in a line. "Oh God. They are still coming?...oh my GOd what?
  56. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Lol
  57. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: You should see BOA San Antonio's Final's retreat
  58. ~†Champion Maxerus†: We don't do many BOAs. Just small stuff then 2 big time contests
  59. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: If you're interested, and willing to keep it a secret, I can link you to our latest runthrough of Epinicion
  60. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Sure!
  61. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: BOA S A Is literally a 20 min drive for us
  62. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†:
  63. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Mind you the people in lines in the back
  64. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: will be behind props
  65. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Just not built yet....
  66. ~†Champion Maxerus†: I can't find teh video of this years show anymore...maybe it was removed
  67. ~†Champion Maxerus†: It's Ecstasy of Gold
  68. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Ghost Riders
  69. ~†Champion Maxerus†: El Gato Triste
  70. ~†Champion Maxerus†: The Bottle Dance
  71. ~†Champion Maxerus†: and a remix of True Colors
  72. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Oh you guys defidently make some people cry here
  73. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: That was our first movement xD
  74. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: And I am going to take that as a compliment haha
  75. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Oh it is
  76. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Size isn't everything though
  77. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Kennesaw Mountain is a 2A High School (We're 5A) and they beat us at NAtionals
  78. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: But they also get unlimited practice time we only get 8 hours a week....
  79. ~†Champion Maxerus†: I know but you guys are very clear too. I can hear distinct cords and there are not individuals sticking out
  80. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: That's one thing we do well
  81. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: We got 1st overall in music at UIL State
  82. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Nice!
  83. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: We have the best Sounding band in Texas fortunately haha
  84. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: But we aren't a Marcus unfortunately...
  85. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Marcus?
  86. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†:
  87. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Marcus
  88. ~†Champion Maxerus†: everything IS bigger in Texas
  89. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Yes
  90. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: xD
  91. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Marcus is special
  92. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: They are the only school in their district that has a band
  93. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Oh wow
  94. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Marcus can suck my alto sax though
  95. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Haha Baritone here
  96. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Because Reagan has had THE woodwind section of Texas the past 3 years
  97. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: All my friends are low brass
  98. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: I actually play TBone and Bari as well
  99. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Our lowbrass is cool
  100. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Crossmen ftw
  101. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: What grade are you?
  102. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Usually our low brass is more skilled on average than the woodwnds
  103. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Same
  104. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Like last year, we had a Trombone prodigey
  105. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Kris Rogers
  106. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: We have had one of the best Low Brasses in Texas the past four years
  107. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: But
  108. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Nice!
  109. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Most woodwind sections suck
  110. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: So we stick out more xD
  111. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: We
  112. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: 'vehad
  113. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Yeah. Our woodwinds are full of girls that didn't want to do gym in Middle School
  114. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Same with Trumpets
  115. ~†Champion Maxerus†: No REAL musical skill
  116. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Our Low Brass and Saxes are some of the best players
  117. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Justin Napier, Hunter Stockton, Kevin Bremmer, and Ryan Pearson all come through on T-bone
  118. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Pay attention to DCI?
  119. ~†Champion Maxerus†: I personally don't, but alot in my band does
  120. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Like i'd say n our Brass Class, the 5 best players.
  121. ~†Champion Maxerus†: 2nd Chair Trombone
  122. ~†Champion Maxerus†: 1st Chair Baritone (me)
  123. ~†Champion Maxerus†: 5th Chair Baritone (innacurate testing/he was high)
  124. ~†Champion Maxerus†: 1st Chair Trumpet
  125. ~†Champion Maxerus†: 1st Chair Tuba
  126. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Best 5 Players of brass there
  127. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Lol (He was high)
  128. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Your job
  129. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: is to ask someone at school
  130. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Who loves DCI about 2002 Cavaliers Frameworks
  131. ~†Champion Maxerus†: My brass ensemble intructor may know he loves em too
  132. ~†Champion Maxerus†: He was a Senior m Freshman year and Kris' Junior year
  133. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: My band director is the trumpet soloist xD
  134. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Well
  135. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: it's a duet
  136. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: bit its not really a duet
  137. ~†Champion Maxerus†: He was scared to death of Kris so much, he had 4 people try out for chair placement on a bass trombone (which has incredibly extended range) just so Kris wouldn't get a leadership spot
  138. ~†Champion Maxerus†: And wow bad ass!
  139. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Our old director was director of MTSU once
  140. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Frameworks is the highest rated DCI show ever
  141. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: But that's really cool!
  142. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Haha which one? Old director or shooting Kris in the foot?
  143. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Old director xD
  144. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Freshmen show ;_;
  145. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Yeah he was amazing. That show was his last project. Last years
  146. ~†Champion Maxerus†: He retired, pulled out money, and ran to work again
  147. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Lol
  148. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Our old Band director is the finearts head at central office for the district now
  149. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Murphy beant rules
  150. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: How so?
  151. ~†Champion Maxerus†: He let guys and girls change on the buses together
  152. ~†Champion Maxerus†: He let us come to school late on special ays
  153. ~†Champion Maxerus†: *days
  154. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Ah
  155. ~†Champion Maxerus†: He didn't enforce dress code
  156. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: We change on the same busses s:
  157. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: We wear spandex though
  158. ~†Champion Maxerus†: He didn't even follow his OWN dress code!
  159. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Lol
  160. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Haha well our new ones think it's sinful
  161. ~†Champion Maxerus†: But yeah
  162. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Oh funnn
  163. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Chavis is usually lax
  164. ~†Champion Maxerus†: 1st day of school: all teachers wear tuxes or dresses
  165. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: as long as you go by his rules
  166. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Murphy: wears khaki shorts and a tennis shirt and vizor
  167. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Lol
  168. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Murphy gave no fucks about anything not tennis or band
  169. ~†Champion Maxerus†: And barley any fucks to his kid in band
  170. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Jesus
  171. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Chavis cares a lot about us
  172. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: He's been here for like
  173. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Murhy loves all of us too
  174. ~†Champion Maxerus†: *loved
  175. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: 6 years 5 years now
  176. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Nice
  177. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: 5years*
  178. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Like Murphy would get sentimental, teach us life skills (and tennis)
  179. ~†Champion Maxerus†: He even hung out with a senior that didn't want to go home on the weekends and taught him tennis
  180. ~†Champion Maxerus†: But yeah Murphy's life priorities
  181. ~†Champion Maxerus†: 1. Tennis
  182. ~†Champion Maxerus†: 2. Band
  183. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: 3. Tennis?
  184. ~†Champion Maxerus†: 3. Sean Murphy
  185. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Nope
  186. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Lol
  187. ~†Champion Maxerus†: His son lol
  188. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Lol
  189. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Yeah Chavis has an intersting back story
  190. ~†Champion Maxerus†: How so?
  191. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Well
  192. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: When he first came to Reagan
  193. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Mr Chambers had abandoned the band for the Central office spot
  194. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: And the band had been on the decline from it's Grand Nats glory days
  195. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Not Bad by any means
  196. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: but not good
  197. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Then Chavis came along,
  198. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: first Head band director job
  199. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: First show, En Garde, fucking blows
  200. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: BUT it was him installing a new style of marching
  201. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Then, Have You Got It In You? Was his second show
  202. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Which taught the band more marching and basically got his first round of people with extended experience into the grove
  203. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: then came RE-
  204. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: I will remember to this day hearing people yell at us that Reagan was washed up and done
  205. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: BOA Conroe was the worst
  206. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Our rival School, Johnson, basically shat on us the wholetime before performance
  207. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: and L.D. Bell was fairly rude
  208. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: but when we walked out of Prelims 3rd, infront of both of them, after not making finals the year before
  209. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: It was satisfying
  210. ~†Champion Maxerus†: I bet
  211. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Even as I freshmen I was proud of it
  212. ~†Champion Maxerus†: We have one band, Siegle, we haven't beaten in 18 years
  213. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: And then we got 4th, and the Music caption over the top 6 bands in the state
  214. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Everyband we have faced we have beat at least once except them
  215. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Nice
  216. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Johnson was a school built right at the beginning of Chavis' reign
  217. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: It's our sister school
  218. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Reagan got too big so they had to split it
  219. ~†Champion Maxerus†: But the new directors are extreme Republicans and Murphy was extremely Democrat
  220. ~†Champion Maxerus†: So theri views on life is WAY different
  221. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: I don't know what Chavis is xD
  222. ~†Champion Maxerus†: There is no spiritual sense
  223. ~†Champion Maxerus†: No fun
  224. ~†Champion Maxerus†: It's professional marching band
  225. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Well you guys are better, no?
  226. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Due to style, it looks maybe Democrat
  227. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Yes we are...but the way Murphy was made him more loveable
  228. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Chavis worked us like slaves freshmen year
  229. ~†Champion Maxerus†: These new guys (and lady) don't really care about US as people.
  230. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: I could go outand MArch RE- right now
  231. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: But it was worth it
  232. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: You know why?
  233. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Because we beat Johnson at BOA San Antonio and State
  234. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: And we got better
  235. ~†Champion Maxerus†: I just miss the way Murphy was. Looser. Cooler. Caring. and eccentric
  236. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: You're better off now, trust me
  237. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: You could have Mr. Lipmann
  238. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Well yeah we are bounds ahead of before
  239. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Bu ti's cuase they are STRICTLY professional
  240. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: No talking in the fine arts building at johnson haha
  241. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: You have to sacrifice to be good
  242. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Yeah Murphy would be like "Fuck rules go play wall ball"
  243. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Well we still good with Murphy
  244. ~†Champion Maxerus†: We are ust better with the Medfords
  245. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: We sacrificed an entire year to be better the next year
  246. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Sophomore year was a sacrifice
  247. ~†Champion Maxerus†: What I miss most from Murphy was what he said to people
  248. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: We bought a cheaper show, spent less time on extra stuff and more refining our skills, and what did we do? Kick ass at BOA Grand Nationals the next year
  249. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Chavis has a way with words
  250. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: He can say something with the least bit of emotion
  251. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Like every night, he'd tell us the same thing. "Well you did good tonight you filthy animals. Go home show's over. I love you and there is nothing you can do about it."
  252. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Yeah..the Medfords show NO emotion...
  253. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: and pull an entire band of 350+ into one coherent belief
  254. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: I remember before Grand Nats Finals he had us pack in
  255. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: And he only said a few things
  256. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Yeah Murphy dd that. Not the new ones :/
  257. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: "Well, you're here. What are we going to do now? You've come all this way, done all this work, and you're finally here, one last run,
  258. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: one last performance infront of the largest crowd of your High School careers. Leave it on the field, I want nothing held onto, give everything you've got tonight. Get it Reagan"
  259. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: I don't cry
  260. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: I didn't cry when my dogs died
  261. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Murphy would give a speech and then we did this athletic prayer.
  262. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Did you then lol
  263. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: I didn't cry when my girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me for another guy
  264. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: But god damn did I cry after I laid down on the turf of Lucas Oil at the end of Let It Shine
  265. ~†Champion Maxerus†: We did that last year after Time To Say Goodbye...cause we did our best and it was Murphy's final show with us
  266. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Btw, spam alert
  267. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Here is the prayer
  268. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: What
  269. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Oh
  270. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Wait nvm found a better version
  271. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Alright haha
  272. ~†Champion Maxerus†: o I lied
  273. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Dear Lord in the battles we go through life
  274. ~†Champion Maxerus†: (Dear Lord in the battles we go through life)
  275. ~†Champion Maxerus†: We ask for a chance thats fair
  276. ~†Champion Maxerus†: (we ask for a chance thats fair)
  277. ~†Champion Maxerus†: A chance to equal our strides
  278. ~†Champion Maxerus†: (a chance to equal our strides)
  279. ~†Champion Maxerus†: A chance to do or dare
  280. ~†Champion Maxerus†: (a chance to do or dare)
  281. ~†Champion Maxerus†: If we should win
  282. ~†Champion Maxerus†: (if we should win)
  283. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Let it be by the code
  284. ~†Champion Maxerus†: (let it be by the code)
  285. ~†Champion Maxerus†: With faith and honor held high
  286. ~†Champion Maxerus†: (with faith and honor held high)
  287. ~†Champion Maxerus†: If we should lose
  288. ~†Champion Maxerus†: (if we should lose)
  289. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Let us stand by the road
  290. ~†Champion Maxerus†: (let us stand by the road)
  291. ~†Champion Maxerus†: And cheer as the winners go by
  292. ~†Champion Maxerus†: (and cheer as the winners go by)
  293. ~†Champion Maxerus†: DAY BY DAY!
  294. ~†Champion Maxerus†: (DAY BY DAY)
  295. ~†Champion Maxerus†: WE GET BETTER AND BETTER!
  296. ~†Champion Maxerus†: (WE GET BETTER AND BETTER)
  297. ~†Champion Maxerus†: TILL WE CAN'T BE BEAT!
  298. ~†Champion Maxerus†: (TILL WE CAN'T BE BEAT)
  299. ~†Champion Maxerus†: WONT, BE, BEAT!!!!!!!!
  300. ~†Champion Maxerus†: (WONT, BE, BEAT!!!!!!)
  301. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Yeah it left us pumped...we still do the prayer...but where are our directors now...not in the middle of the circle like Murphy would. The Medfords (both of them) stand back (the first time the lady disgusted at the "waste of time") like robots
  302. ~†Champion Maxerus†: That's why the band misses Murphy most...sorry kind of living in nostalgia
  303. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: It's fine
  304. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: I'm watching all my old shows ;_;
  305. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: But yeah
  306. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Chavis doesn't have any sort of ritual
  307. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: He just...I dunno, he'll say the simplest thing
  308. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: and it sets it all in motion
  309. ~†Champion Maxerus†: It's still a touchy subject. We went from two directors that cared to I'm sure neither of the Medfords have one heart between them
  310. ~†Champion Maxerus†: All Mr. Medford has done for motivtion so far is generic positive reinforcement and put down the past directors methods
  311. ~†Champion Maxerus†: "The Columbia Way" as he called it...
  312. ~†Champion Maxerus†: And watching past shows is sad
  313. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Oh and here is a perfect demonstration of the biggest reason we miss Murphy
  314. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Long story so get comfy
  315. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Ight
  316. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: After this I'm going to bed xD
  317. ~†Champion Maxerus†: So last football game, Murphy came for a visit to see us and the Medfords
  318. ~†Champion Maxerus†: He left around 3rd quarter to start his drive back home. Around 4th, a gaurd gilr busted out crying.
  319. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Her dad died in a wreck on his way home from work and someone told her AT the game
  320. ~†Champion Maxerus†: On teh way home, the band was silent like mourning fo her (we are all close)
  321. ~†Champion Maxerus†: When we got back, the band captain started a prayer service for her dad in the Gaurd Room
  322. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Most of the band was there (none of the nerds or country people)
  323. ~†Champion Maxerus†: And the Medfords just stood against the wall and stared at us waiting by the door for us to hurry up and ifnish
  324. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: /:
  325. ~†Champion Maxerus†: What?
  326. ~†Champion Maxerus†: (what?)
  327. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: So sad :c
  328. ~†Champion Maxerus†: I know it was crushing :(
  329. ~†Champion Maxerus†: She was such a hapy person too and we all wondered ya know...why her?
  330. ~†Champion Maxerus†: But back to story...
  331. ~†Champion Maxerus†: So then, I hear two of the girls behind me stop crying some. Murphy got between them and hugged both of them
  332. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Yes. He drove BACK up from Alabama to meet us at the band room and he stood with us while we prayed for tyhe girls dad
  333. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Medfords? Still against the wall. Inched closer to the door. Murphy got up and said the calmest insult ever between two adults.
  334. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Dang
  335. ~†Champion Maxerus†: "Give me the keys. The night is over so go home. You don't want to have a purpose here at this moment in time, therefore, you don't. Goodnight and, for the love of God, drive safely."
  336. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Lawl
  337. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: I like this guy
  338. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Murphy was a smart ass.
  339. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Sounds like I'd get along with him
  340. ~†Champion Maxerus†: So in a gist, go home. You don't care so why bother. I'll close up lol
  341. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Pretty much haha
  342. ~†Champion Maxerus†: So yeah...THAT is why we miss him
  343. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Yeah
  344. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Makes sense
  345. ~†Champion Maxerus†: I mean are we better? Very much
  346. ~†Champion Maxerus†: I see dominating Contest of Champions this year
  347. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Maybe even beating Siegle
  348. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: I assume they are like how chavis was his first year or two
  349. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: nobody understood him
  350. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: and he was an outside
  351. ~†Champion Maxerus†: No we understand them.
  352. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: but he's all I've ever known
  353. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: So I see how he acts as normal just like you with Murphy
  354. ~†Champion Maxerus†: And they are involved but only strictly professional. Not emotionally
  355. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Yeah I see
  356. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Like Mr White, our newest assistant band director
  357. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: He's like
  358. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: 6' 4:
  359. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: fucking huge
  360. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: and always angry
  361. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: at first everyone was like "MR Chavis wtf are you doing"
  362. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: But now he's just our big Vanilla Gorilla...
  363. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Haha what?
  364. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Weird name lol
  365. ~†Champion Maxerus†:
  366. ~†Champion Maxerus†:
  367. ~†Champion Maxerus†:
  368. ~†Champion Maxerus†: The excentric, Mr. Murphy
  369. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Mr Murphy looks chill as fuck
  370. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Oh he was. I told if it wasn't band and tennis, no fucks were given about life
  371. ~†Champion Maxerus†: He was a friend. Like our band captaina nd him agued politics all day
  372. ~†Champion Maxerus†: *aargued
  373. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: I don't have pics of mr chavis /:
  374. ~†Champion Maxerus†: These are fomr our newspaper
  375. ~†Champion Maxerus†: *from
  376. ~†Champion Maxerus†: The city's paper
  377. ~†Champion Maxerus†:
  378. ~†Champion Maxerus†: The Medfords
  379. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Mr Medford doesn't look too bad
  380. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Eh he isn't evil but he just is too professional and his motovational ideas are off
  381. ~†Champion Maxerus†: And he pretty much gave us the bird when he through out a bin of old music dating back to the 60s
  382. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: I think he just needs ya'll to be open and willing to accept him
  383. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Mr. Chavis said old Reagan was dead when he first got here...
  384. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Look where we are now
  385. ~†Champion Maxerus†: I know and he will take us far
  386. ~†Champion Maxerus†: We have improved 10-fold. But that other feeling Marching Band gives you is gone. At least from the directors.
  387. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: And you just have to give that time
  388. ~†Champion Maxerus†: And going from someone like Murphy to him is a big jump
  389. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: The Medfords are just as out of place as you
  390. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Lawl
  391. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: I should introduce you to the chambers Chavis Gap
  392. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Sure
  393. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Chambers was an arrogant, egotistical, asshole who expected you to spend another 8 hours learning the show yourself before the actual 8 hours for band started
  394. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: and if not you we're cut
  395. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: there we're no band/band director talks
  396. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Everything was handed down through assistant directors
  397. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: or Drum Majors
  398. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Yeah that's extreme
  399. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Then Chavis came
  400. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: And him being in his mid 20's at the time
  401. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: fresh out of Drum corps
  402. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: He knew the importance of connection
  403. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: and ever since
  404. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: He has started and ended every practice
  405. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: started and ended every week
  406. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: and lead us through everything we've been through
  407. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: at our side
  408. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: not infront of us
  409. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: or behind us taking all the glory
  410. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: but right next to us
  411. ~†Champion Maxerus†: That's similar to Murphy's style.
  412. ~†Champion Maxerus†: And my dad has a theory on why Medford doesn't fit.
  413. ~†Champion Maxerus†: You know the stereotypical "Music Teacher"
  414. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Yeah
  415. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Well Murphy was just a bad ass version of it essentially
  416. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Obviously too
  417. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Yeah
  418. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: And Medfords are just your basic models
  419. ~†Champion Maxerus†: He thinks that the reason Medford isn't as artsy and emotionally down to earth as nearly most all
  420. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Is that Mr. Medford's first choice WASN'T music
  421. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Or he sucks at his instrument
  422. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Lol
  423. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: and is more teacher than Murphy
  424. ~†Champion Maxerus†: yes
  425. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: and less musician
  426. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Murphy wasn't a teacher
  427. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Like example
  428. ~†Champion Maxerus†: My dad thinks Medford started out in the cience or Math field
  429. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: 1st and 2nd chair trombones
  430. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Hunter and Justin
  431. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: both want to be band directors
  432. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: in band Hunter is a LOT more artsy fartsy
  433. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: While Justin is fucking mechanical
  434. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Both are AMAZING at what they do
  435. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: But Hunter is a lot more charismatic
  436. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: and fun on his horn
  437. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Hunter = Murphy
  438. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Justin = Medford
  439. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: while Justin is very methodically and mechanical
  440. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Yes
  441. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Hunter makes All-State Jazz
  442. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Justin makes All-State on normal Etudes
  443. ~†Champion Maxerus†: he thinks Medford started as a Science or Math major and di Marching Band on th side BUT failed at his courses and fell back on music. So he felll from the Science world into the Band world and he doesn't fit.
  444. ~†Champion Maxerus†: He isn't artsy fartsy but strives for perfect and right
  445. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Like it's a scientific thing
  446. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Eh, that seems fairly far fetched to me tbh
  447. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: He could be like me
  448. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Yours makes more sense
  449. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Me and Hunter would make an amazing Band Director Duo
  450. ~†Champion Maxerus†: All honesty
  451. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Hunter would handle all the emotional bullshit
  452. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: and I would make sure everyone does their job
  453. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: It's like my job as Saxophone Line leader now
  454. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Would you be STRICTLY professional about it though
  455. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: I don't have to be everyones friend, I just keep them in line
  456. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Honestly? Probably
  457. ~†Champion Maxerus†: God I am the most unconventional leader ever.
  458. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: We do 10 push ups everytime we mess up c:
  459. ~†Champion Maxerus†: We do to. That or Nathan squeezes someones nipples
  460. ~†Champion Maxerus†: ...don't ask...I know some oddballs
  461. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Eh
  462. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: You're low brass
  463. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Exactly
  464. ~†Champion Maxerus†: And Nathan is a druggy
  465. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Oh fun
  466. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Well
  467. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: I need sleep
  468. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: So yeah
  469. ~†Champion Maxerus†: He lifts up his short legs and dry humps our female Bariotne
  470. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: I'll see you later mate
  471. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Oh
  472. ~†Champion Maxerus†: Night man!
  473. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: That sounds interesting haha
  474. %†Gym Ldr. Epin†: Night Amigo!
  475. ~†Champion Maxerus†: He is special...very
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