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Feb 15th, 2020
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  1. GrounderCoin for /biz/
  2. Written by a bizraeli who knows the team
  4. Whitepaper:
  5. One-Pager:
  7. As of 02-15-2020 $CRCN available on:
  9. (CC/PayPal)
  10. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. 1. The project whitepaper is actually good. Most scam projects in the crypto space have some kind of cookie cutter whitepaper that ends up looking more like a fucking technical manual for their shitty altcoin. The GrounderCoin whitepaper is the literal definition of what a whitepaper is supposed to be: "Here is the problem(s), some filler, some fact, and here we present product service with solution, now some information about service product and how we will bring service product to market" and that's what it is.
  13. The issue the GrounderCoin Network is solving is a complex one that technically does not exist 'yet'
  14. This is why it's compared to some crazy guys in the 19th century speculating about the gold rush right before it even starts
  15. Then the crazy guys go and open up a credit union and telegraph wire system in California in anticipation for the gold rush
  16. This is why the GrounderCoin Company is an investment. It's something you would want to buy and hodl. It's not something you want to swing
  17. This is the next moon mission coin and you need to realize that
  19. 2. The whitepaper and entire pitch is atypical. Because it's different. Most of your whitepaper and pitches are just about the details of their blockchain and the brand. There are a few creative ones in the industry, but many are very cookie cutter. It's a present tense mindset. The GrounderCoin whitepaper points to an 'end-goal' and mentions milestone of the network's construction
  21. 3. The team is based in the US and legally operates under a US company. This is factual. US businesses are held to high standards and are accountable for what they say. Scamming into high life with funds raised during ICO would result in ass rape by SEC, and that's if some investor's vigilante didn't fuck up the pasty nerds first.
  23. 4. READ the one-pager. The team addresses an important question: Is your team going to engineer all this yourselves?
  25. The concept it very understandable: It's almost like a holding company that aims to fund the construction and development of assets, then manage them. Apply the concept of a typical real-estate development company, combined with the holding and management. Almost like a REIT. But it's going to be for a network with physical assets. No, the real-estate company is not doing to do the physical digging and putting J-Hooks in concrete. That's dumb. They hire engineers and professionally recognized companies to do it. Just like anyone with any sense in the business world. The team does of course have engineering and coding background, most of which is very applicable to the project's needs.
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