
9th Episode

Sep 28th, 2017
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  1. [9th episode]
  2. [Wednesday]
  3. [Afternoon]
  5. -Jalen and Rin make up for yesterday by traveling to Route 36, where they meet Corrin and another girl confronting an odd tree...the new girl also have a Bayleef with her that seems to know Jalen and Rin, Corrin introduce the 2 to Cynthia Anderson. Rin recalls meeting her mom back at the ranch on Route 34 and is impressed that she is a Bayleef now.. Cynthia nods and happily explain how she met the Chikorita before she handle the Sudowoodo before her by....jacking it off and relieving him of his stress, satisfied, it allow Cynthia to catch it. Everyone else seems......baffled by the method Cynthia used to catch the Pokemon. Corrin shrugs and ask the 2 what they been up to, Rin have PTSD regarding catching Heracross as Jalen just answer back. Happy with the answers, she tell them that she will hang back and do some training. Cynthia ask the 2 MCs can she join them, she have a "Super-Top-Secret-Mission she cannot fail!" and since they are heading to Ecrutrek, might as well join up. Rin and Jalen nods and accept her.
  7. -Back in Ecrutrek, The Terrible Trio are with Aversa(Who scare all 3) and others as they set up base in Ecrutrek. as Laslow sweats with fear upon seeing Soleil in public while doing recon check, Odin ask Selena what got her so quiet with her keeping her thoughts of leaving TR since it's holding her back from becoming stronger...Plus she's getting bored of it. SO she lies about being nervous of the mission. Odin cheers her up along with Laslow. Aversa enters the room and assembled them + 7 more of the grunts inside the room to get ready for the mission. Aversa is internally annoyed with how ...less evil these recent grunts are and hope to get someone who she can use as a proper tool. She leads them out towards the Burned Tower.
  9. -Meanwhile, The 3 MCs arrive in Ecrutrek City, with Cynthia laying down the info on this historic town, with the legend of Ho-Oh and reviving 3 pokemon when the previous Tin Tower burned down and the Kimono Girls who worship said Pokemon. She also speaks a lil about another legendary Bird, but don't know much about it. Nevertheless, Rhiannon is impressed by her knowledge and ask her what is she seeking to become. Cynthia answers back with the studying of Sex and the effects it have on Pokemon and Humans much to the 2's shock. Smiling, she explains how compatible humans are with Pokemon, some more than others and what you may think is dangerous, isn't.
  11. -Wanting to save this for later, Rhiannon queries about the Gym here and learn that the Gym Leader is Tharja and a Ghost-specialist as well as Supernatural expert. She could be at the gym and the 3 head there(Due to Jalen dragging them there) However, Tharja's son, Hayato(After trying to fool them that HE'S the Gym leader and then reveal that he was grounded for a prank on the town's people) tells them that she is at the Burned Tower for her daily respects for the fabled 3 beasts who died in the tower.. the 3 thank the young lad and head there.
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