

Oct 13th, 2015
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  1. Jaczac> ==START==
  2. <Jaczac> Two imps lumber toward you.
  3. <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20+2 initiative
  4. <`DICE> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20+2 initiative [ 1d20=7 ]{9}
  5. <Jaczac> roll 2#1d20-1
  6. <`DICE> Jaczac rolled 2#1d20-1 [ 1d20=3 ]{2}, [ 1d20=7 ]{6}
  7. <Jaczac> You go first.,
  8. <Anastasia_Locke> Trip 4 on one of them
  9. <Anastasia_Locke> Rollc1d20+5 vs Str
  10. <`DICE> Anastasia_Locke rolled vs Str error: malformed expression
  11. <Jaczac> hue hue
  12. <Anastasia_Locke> Oh gog I hate this app
  13. <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20+5 vs Str
  14. <`DICE> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20+5 vs Str [ 1d20=15 ]{20}
  15. <Jaczac> You successfully take it down.
  16. <Jaczac> One imp is prone.
  17. <Anastasia_Locke> 4 damage and prone
  18. <Anastasia_Locke> Activate MindKind 3 and shoot the other
  19. <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20+4 to hit
  20. <`DICE> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20+4 to hit [ 1d20=11 ]{15}
  21. <Jaczac> You hit
  22. <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d4 damage
  23. <`DICE> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d4 damage [ 1d4=1 ]{1}
  24. <Jaczac> .roll damage
  25. <Anastasia_Locke> 1
  26. <Jaczac> ouch.
  27. * Anastasia_Locke backs as far away as she can. End turn.
  28. <Jaczac> The tripped one stands back up and moves to attack you.
  29. <Jaczac> roll 1d20-1
  30. <`DICE> Jaczac rolled 1d20-1 [ 1d20=12 ]{11}
  31. <Jaczac> He misses.
  32. <Jaczac> The other one, who looks quite weak, attacks his turn.
  33. <Jaczac> roll 1d20-1
  34. <`DICE> Jaczac rolled 1d20-1 [ 1d20=16 ]{15}
  35. <Jaczac> he hits.
  36. <Jaczac> roll 1d4-1
  37. <`DICE> Jaczac rolled 1d4-1 [ 1d4=3 ]{2}
  38. <Jaczac> they both end their turn
  39. <Anastasia_Locke> Power Attack 1 on the healthy looking one
  40. <Jaczac> rolls
  41. <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20+5 vs Con
  42. <`DICE> Jaczac rolled error: malformed expression
  43. <`DICE> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20+5 vs Con [ 1d20=14 ]{19}
  44. <Jaczac> you hit
  45. <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 2d4+4 damage
  46. <`DICE> Anastasia_Locke rolled 2d4+4 damage [ 2d4=7 ]{11}
  47. <Jaczac> His brains get blown to hell.
  48. <Jaczac> He dissapears.
  49. <Jaczac> roll 1d10+1
  50. <`DICE> Jaczac rolled 1d10+1 [ 1d10=1 ]{2}
  51. <Jaczac> roll 2d8
  52. <`DICE> Jaczac rolled 2d8 [ 2d8=8 ]{8}
  53. <Jaczac> you gain 11 build grist and 8 Tier one grist
  54. <Anastasia_Locke> Activate Psi Blade 1, then Seeking Attack 1 on the other imp
  55. <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20+7 vs Con
  56. <`DICE> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20+7 vs Con [ 1d20=7 ]{14}
  57. <Jaczac> You hit.
  58. <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d4 damage
  59. <`DICE> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d4 damage [ 1d4=4 ]{4}
  60. <Jaczac> It barely dies.
  61. <Jaczac> It also drops some grist.
  62. <Jaczac> roll 1d10+10
  63. <`DICE> Jaczac rolled 1d10+10 [ 1d10=1 ]{11}
  64. <Jaczac> roll 2d8
  65. <`DICE> Jaczac rolled 2d8 [ 2d8=11 ]{11}
  66. <Jaczac> You get 11 of both Build and T1 grist.
  67. <Jaczac> There are no im
  68. <Jaczac> Something slams into the ground.
  69. <Jaczac> Its bloody and green.
  70. <Jaczac> You're covered in blood now.
  71. * Anastasia_Locke flinched back
  72. <Anastasia_Locke> "What the...?"
  73. * Anastasia_Locke examines the bloody green thing
  74. <Jaczac> You have no idea what it is.
  75. <Jaczac> .roll invest
  76. <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20+4
  77. <`DICE> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20+4 [ 1d20=16 ]{20}
  78. <Jaczac> You deduce that it appears to be some kind of reptile. Amphibian maybe?
  79. <Jaczac> No wait.
  80. * Thingymabob has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  81. <Jaczac> It looks like a... Frog?
  82. <Jaczac> .roll perception
  83. <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20
  84. <`DICE> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=9 ]{9}
  85. <Jaczac> You look up to see another green blur as another frog flys downward.
  86. <Anastasia_Locke> "Well hey there little guy,"
  87. <Jaczac> roll 1d20
  88. <`DICE> Jaczac rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=15 ]{15}
  89. <Jaczac> It slams into your head
  90. <Jaczac> You're now covered in gore.
  91. <Jaczac> Ew.
  92. <Anastasia_Locke> "Oh!"
  93. * Anastasia_Locke makes a face
  94. <Jaczac> Looking up, you can see a hole in the cave near a wall.
  95. <Jaczac> A frog ponders jumping, 100 or 200 feet above you.
  96. * Anastasia_Locke does her best to wipe off the gore, makes a mental note to burn her coat, and looks for a way up
  97. * Jacob_Brandt ( has joined
  98. <Jaczac> You can't see any way up.
  99. <Jaczac> The cave walls look quite smooth.
  100. <Jaczac> You'll need a way to fly or something to get up there.
  101. * Anastasia_Locke narrows her eyes
  102. <Anastasia_Locke> Lift 4
  103. * Anastasia_Locke attempts to self-levitate
  104. <Jaczac> You try...
  105. <Jaczac> and?
  106. * Anastasia_Locke fails to self-levitate
  107. <Jaczac> Fail.
  108. <Anastasia_Locke> "Okay new plan..."
  109. <Anastasia_Locke> Prestidigitation
  110. <Anastasia_Locke> A shower of sparks erupts behind the frog
  111. <Jaczac> ((what part of predigistation?))
  112. <Anastasia_Locke> ((Harmless sensory effect, such as a shower of sparks))
  113. <Jaczac> cool
  114. <Jaczac> Wait, behind the frog?
  115. <Anastasia_Locke> On the opposite side of it to me
  116. <Jaczac> The frog at the tunne.
  117. <Jaczac> Do you want it to jump? Or not.
  118. <Anastasia_Locke> I'm gonna try to scare it towards me
  119. <Jaczac> It jumps.
  120. <Jaczac> Reflex save, dex
  121. <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20+2
  122. <`DICE> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20+2 [ 1d20=6 ]{8}
  123. <Jaczac> It only barely slows down as you try to levitate it.
  124. <Jaczac> It is reduced to a green and red splat as were the others.
  125. <Anastasia_Locke> :O :O :O
  126. <Anastasia_Locke> "I'm sorry!"
  127. <Jaczac> IF you'd like to try again, theres another frog at another tunnel.
  128. <Anastasia_Locke> Hmm...
  129. * Anastasia_Locke goes to that frog instead
  130. <Jaczac> Its far up.
  131. <Jaczac> It can be scared off.
  132. <Anastasia_Locke> Lift to try and levitate it, this time without scaring it
  133. <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d20+5 vs Str
  134. <`DICE> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d20+5 vs Str [ 1d20=15 ]{20}
  135. <Jaczac> You manage to lift it and its now levitating two hundred feet in the air.
  136. * Anastasia_Locke starts lowering it as quickly and safely as possible
  137. <Anastasia_Locke> ((20 feet per round))
  138. <Jaczac> A minute later, the frog is on the ground.
  139. <Jaczac> Good for you?
  140. <Anastasia_Locke> "Yes!"
  141. * Anastasia_Locke grabs the frog
  142. <Jaczac> You now have a frog.
  143. <Anastasia_Locke> "Aww yeah!"
  144. <Jaczac> Good for you kid.
  145. <Anastasia_Locke> "You aren't a mindless destruction monster, are you?"
  146. <Jaczac> "Ribbit."
  147. * Anastasia_Locke casts Heal on herself
  148. <Anastasia_Locke> Roll 1d4 to heal
  149. <`DICE> Anastasia_Locke rolled 1d4 to heal [ 1d4=2 ]{2}
  150. <Jaczac> You heal yourself a bit.
  151. <Anastasia_Locke> "Haha, me too. Well, welcome to the party!"
  152. <Jaczac> "Croak."
  153. * Anastasia_Locke chuckles a bit more at her new pet's vocalization
  154. <Anastasia_Locke> "Wanna go slay the alien menace?"
  155. <Anastasia_Locke> "I'll take care of it if you want, you can just watch."
  156. <Jaczac> "Croooak."
  157. <Anastasia_Locke> "I hear you."
  158. * Anastasia_Locke goes off in search of more monsters
  159. <Jaczac> Try as you might, you cant find any monsters nearby for some reasons.
  160. <Anastasia_Locke> "Guess that's all of them, eh bud?"
  161. <Anastasia_Locke> "Great! Let's head home."
  162. * Anastasia_Locke returns home with her new frog pal, making sure to shed her gorestained coat outside.
  163. <Jaczac> You make it home, nice and cozy.
  164. <Jaczac> ===end===
  165. <Jacob_Brandt> Alright
  166. <Anastasia_Locke> New
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