
Anon's Weekend with Spitfire

Feb 11th, 2016
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  1. >You're staying with Spitfire for the weekend as your mother, Lightning Dust goes out to perform a show with several batches of the Wonderbolts.
  2. >Typically you stay with Spitfire whenever mum is performing away from Cloudsdale.
  3. >You don't exactly like it though..
  4. "What am I supposed to eat while you're gone?"
  5. >"Anything you can find, just not a mare~" Lightning whistled
  6. >you blushed
  7. >you didnt really know any receipes and relying on Spitfire is painful, she orders quite abit of food from a restaurant and only has yogurts around.
  9. >When you went to the Academy today with a new batch of recruits for the Wonderbolts team, you saw some familiar faces.
  10. >Remember when we said we dont like it when mum is gone? Well, this is why we love it when Spitfire is watching over us..
  11. >you pace up and down as these recruits salute.
  12. >Ah, a wonderful time. Spitfire always lets you do this with new recruits. Usually you would give some spiel but not this time.
  14. >"So... saw anything you liked?" Spitfire blinked with a sly smile, puttig her hoof on the table against her chin.
  15. >hm.. now she mentions it..
  16. "Rainbow has got a pretty tight ass. Whats her work out routine again?"
  17. >immediately she slips from the table and plops on the ground.
  18. >whoops!
  19. >maybe it isnt a good idea to say stuff like that around her.
  21. >Be Spitfire.
  22. >You tried to play it all cool.
  23. >giving the hint smile, blinking and a slight nudge.
  24. >What does Rainbow have that you dont?!
  25. >What the hell was that supposed to mean, anyway?
  26. >picking yourself from the ground Anon slurps on his noodles.
  27. >"y-you goofball! I-I was on about me!"
  28. >a blush found its way on your cheeks as your wings flapped with annoyance.
  29. >he just stared at you.
  30. >quick! You need a save!
  31. >"I-I-I.. meant the food! Yo-you moron, you spoiled kids always want expensive stuff! Here! See any deserts you like? I'll get'em! N-not I like you.. or.. anything."
  32. >You're not quite sure what the hell you just blurted
  33. >Anon looks at the menu and back at you
  34. >does he buy it?
  35. >He smiles and picks up the menu.
  36. "Sweet! Thanks Spitfire!"
  37. >He's buying it!
  38. >your blush became more intense and your heart is pounding.
  39. "I think I'll get a sweet desert, we can share!"
  40. >the blush maddend!
  41. >A-aah..
  42. "Spitfire, you alright? You look flustered!"
  43. >Anon wipes his hand on your forehead!
  44. >You feel your head burning up even more and a smile!
  45. >y-you dont want to admit it..
  46. >but..
  47. >you like it.
  48. >"st-stop! Im cool."
  49. "You're pretty hot, actually."
  50. >oh celestia, why havent you fainted yet.
  52. >and so the night turned to a blur as both of you drank creamy coolers until passing out.
  54. >Be Anon
  55. >last night was soooo gooood..
  56. >You got to eat the triple tower ice cream dish, completed with a vanilla cooler!
  57. >Just thinking about it makes your mouth water.. mmh..
  58. >How much did the waiter say the food was again?
  59. >Uh... two hundred bits? Two hundred fifty?
  60. >Sooo worth it though, you feel like lying here all day.
  61. >wait, who is that breathing on your arm?
  62. >you turn to lool at a passed out Spitfire lightly snoring.
  63. >Adorable.
  64. >but you really need to get up..
  65. >you begin shimmying your arm but her grip is so tight!
  66. >then her eyes open..
  68. >Spitfire
  69. >you were fast asleep dreaming about Anon cuddling up to you.
  70. >then ofcourse you were hit with a bill
  71. >after all, payment is required when you touch something as cute as Anon
  72. >what is it about him?
  73. >your eyes opened and awaken to see Anon wrestling to get his arm away from your grip.
  74. >ah.. wait what
  75. >your grip?
  76. >looking at what you're tightly embracing, another blush rose on your cheeks!
  77. >you let go and quickly sit up.
  78. >Anon is nursing his arm as he mutters something about tingles..
  79. >yesterday would've been great if you didnt stuff your face full of ice cream!
  80. >who does that?!
  81. >pull it together, girl. Your diet is more important.
  82. >speaking of diets.. you're going to work extra in the gym because of Anon..
  83. >s-silly Anon! Making you fat..
  84. >your blush begins dimming
  86. >"Agh, my ear h-hurts.."
  87. >Anon looks to you and shows concern as his hand gently nips your ear.
  88. >o-oh wow, that feels pretty good actually!
  89. >you got an ear infection since you performed away last winter
  90. >The doctor gave antibotics but it looks like the dosage ran out from your system.
  91. "Spitfire, stay still for me."
  92. >hm?
  93. >what is that silly boy planning, now?
  94. >suddenly you are taken over by ear scratches.
  95. >lowering your head into Anons chest immediately, you feel so much relief and you feel slightly weak.
  96. >holy crap!
  97. >the doctor was right, ear messages actually work pretty good!
  98. >"nnneerrg.. w-what are you doooing?~"
  99. >you struggle to get the words out but you'll be damned
  100. >suddenly he stops, and the pain comea back two folds almost instant.
  101. "W-well I--"
  102. >"I-I didn't say stop!"
  103. >the pain becomes unbareable at the moment and you kinda commanded him
  104. >but all was well when he put his hand back..
  105. >ah.. bliss!
  106. >you seriously need to consider having more of Anons time
  107. >Anon had helped you with the ear infection.
  108. >seems like ear scratches did the trick
  109. >but even so, what you really needed is more tablets. But Anon had convinced you of another way to help ease the pain and a chance of clearing it out.
  110. >it included a very steamy bath, a flannel and some alone time.
  111. >the pressure released and you felt relaxed and pleased.
  112. >you and Anon are at the Wonderbolts academy as you needed to fill out some forms for a fundraiser campaign.
  113. >but..
  114. >s-stupid sexy Anon is distracting you most of the time!
  116. >"S-so Anon.."
  117. "Hm?"
  118. >oh gawsh.. are you really gonna ask him?
  119. >hope he doesnt think anything of it!
  120. >I mean.. ofcourse you want him to get the hint b-but..!
  121. >"w-what you wanna do t-tonight?"
  122. >please say nothing.. please say you're free
  123. >your hoof hovers over the paper with stamp underhoof and it's visibly shaking
  124. "Nothing--"
  125. >YES!
  126. >Now girl, do it! Nows your chance!
  127. >"W-well.. lets watch a movie together!"
  128. >damnit
  129. >blush is creeping back on you
  130. >and yet Anon smiles widely
  131. >"n-not that its anything special! I-it.. I mean, it's just a movie!"
  132. >right?
  133. >right..
  134. >its just a movie.. r-right?
  135. >slightly heavily breathing, picturing you and Anon on the sofa together..
  137. "Sure! I would love to watch a movie with you!"
  138. >its a deal!
  139. >"oh.. sweet celestia.. th-this will be a moment to remember.."
  140. "What was that?"
  141. >oh carp!
  142. >he heard! Quick, save!
  143. >like a pony rugby player tackling its opponent you look up to Anon
  144. >crimson blush crosses over your snout as your eyes almost scan his features looking for flaws.
  145. >nothing
  146. >absolutely flawless
  147. >"I-I said, fine! No-not like I have an idea what to watch anyway."
  148. >in truth you did
  149. >a romantic comedy
  151. >with a final stamp on the form you shuffle them in your hooves and file them into a cabinet.
  152. >"rig-right Squirt. Lets bug-out."
  153. >its already 5pm
  154. >you wouldnt call it working, but other ponies do
  156. >be Anon
  157. >you just got out of the Wonderbolts academy.
  158. >about time too
  159. >it seems like Spitfire has alot of stress on her hands.. er, hooves..
  160. >hm.. you start to think of ways to perhaps help her..
  161. >she does seem to love the ear scratches...
  162. >and you were taking a course with massaging..
  163. >before you could think of anything else, you both arrive at Spitfires house.
  165. >it's a [spoiler]rarity[/spoiler] to live in such a big house. But being one of the most important Supervisors and leader of the Wonderbolts, ofcourse Spitfire is paid more. //NOTE: abrupt transition(?)
  166. >you like spending time here though..
  167. >now you think about it, mum has been sour the last few weeks..
  168. >ah maybe its nothing..
  169. "Wanna watch this? Its called 'By A Pegasus Love'"
  170. >immediately hearing that name Spitfire's wings boned upwards and a maddening red blushie appeared!
  171. >oh crap!
  172. >there you go again, saying something she doesnt like
  173. >confused as what you should do, you shake your head for an answer
  174. >and using the dvd case as a shield for the incoming pummeling ofcourse
  176. >"s-sur-sure.. that movie is good!"
  177. >say what now
  178. >she didnt hit you?
  179. >REJOICE
  180. "Nice! Lets watch it!"
  181. >"I-I mean! I have never watched it.. ju-just friends saying its good"
  182. >isnt that a lie?
  183. >couldve sworn you seen her fall asleep to this on Valentines day every year.
  185. >Be Spitfire
  186. >You and Anon are watching the movie Rainbow Dash gifted to you several yeara ago
  187. >you love the movie!
  188. >who wouldnt
  189. >but its personal and you did want to watch it anyway but
  190. >Anon has the same taste with movies? Amazing
  191. >so you're both snuggled up to eachother trying to conserve body heat under a blanket
  192. >you convinced Anon the heater had "broke" some how.
  193. >heh cutting power to it did the trick
  194. >its almost a dream come true, havinf Anon grasp his hands over your stomach
  196. >Anon
  197. >oh shit
  198. >you just realized
  199. >Mum had fallen out with Rainbow Dash over a week ago because of Soarin dating Rainbow and not her
  200. >she wants to move away from Cloudsdale //NOTE: sudden shift and attempted complexity.
  201. >if you recall correctly.. she has a job near south-west..
  202. >you're not sure why, maybe its because you have friends here or you are becoming really good friends with Spitfire
  203. >but you swear your heart has just drowned in tears..
  204. >you can't hide it from her, what are you going to do?
  206. >and there it is, a scene came on and a quick smooch as the pegasus in the movie performs her last dance for the business contract.
  207. >g-gulp...
  208. >Do it, man!
  209. >You have to!
  210. >I-I.. can't!
  211. >What do you mean? Are you a man or a mouse?
  212. >Man up and tell her now.
  213. >Your mind is at war with you trying to convince you to tell Spitfire.
  214. >But when you imagine how it would go down..
  215. >She would be upset, hell, maybe even sad.
  216. >No more crazy ice creams from restaurants..
  217. >No more late night movies..
  218. >Sniffle..
  219. >All because of that one Wonderbolt-star pony.
  220. >Spitfire shuffles under the blanket and..
  221. >Is she beginning to drift off to sleep?
  222. >Her hind leg nudges your shin
  223. "Y-you still awake?"
  224. >Spitfire replies with an affirminative nod
  225. >"You're taking a course for the Spa, ri-right?"
  226. >Wait
  227. >Is she seriously asking you to..?
  228. >"L-let's see how good you are then.."
  229. >amazing..
  230. >you never thought she would actually ask you to do this.
  231. "Sp-spitfire.. I.."
  232. >she turned to you half-lidded, most likely from being sleepy
  233. >clearly
  234. >"Sh-shut up, I j-just want to make sure you've taught yourself good!"
  235. "Oh?"
  236. >"D-don't think anything of it!"
  237. >her fore hoof pushed onto your chest as she bites back her grin.
  238. >Okay, okay!
  239. >sheesh, never figured she is this crazy about getting a massage.
  240. >hm...
  241. >when was the last time she did have one though? Probably months ago.
  242. >She typically doesn't like the local one, they use too much oil and she finds it hard to relax.
  243. >when she found out you are taking a course on Spa treatment she snapped at you, most likely from bad experiences
  244. >she must trust you enough to let you do this
  245. >Be Spitfire
  246. >you convinced Anon to give you a massage
  247. >he made you spread your wings out and helped to relieve slight tension in your muscles
  248. >with your wings now belted to the puffed chair you await the inevitable.
  249. >what's he doing back there anyway?
  250. >slightly making you nervous..
  251. >hopefully he isn't putting alot of lotion on, they use that alot at the local Spa
  252. >takes weeks to get rid of it from your wings
  253. >It's like trying to fly in sryup!
  254. >and yet, as foolish as you were to question the ability of Anon, he proved you wrong!
  255. >immediately you gasped and you smiled with a shimmering light of peace in your eye.
  256. >feeeeels soo good..
  257. >a couple of minutes into the massage you were drifting off to sleep until..
  258. "Spitfire, are you still awake?"
  259. >too tired to even care what he will think of your answer.
  260. >"mmmgh.. juust barely, hon. Nnnrgh, why?"
  261. >yup, definitely make sure he knows you're loving this!
  262. >the thought of Anon, he's so perfect about now.
  263. >dang, that blush keeps coming back to you!
  264. "Oh~ sounds like someone is enjoying themselves."
  265. >he's getting brave, isn't he?
  266. >aagh.. who cares, let him have his fun for now
  267. >you'll get back at him later when you actually care, right now the massage takes priority
  268. >"nnrgh...just you wait, kid."
  269. >you can sense him sweating from your last statement.
  270. "We-well.. uh, I need to get more close to your.. ahem.. 'curve'.."
  271. >ah..
  272. >AHHHh.. right.. yes, your butt.
  273. >your wings were trying to break the belt from the chair as the blush deepend
  274. >you can feel your voice getting slightly more breathly.
  275. >"S-sure.. kid.."
  276. >you think back to what Lightning Dust said a month ago by now
  277. >massages on the rump feel good
  278. >you thought maybe she was weird, or a slut
  279. >what?
  280. >she's done worse things before
  281. >"Murr.. she wasn't kidding."
  283. >She waltz over carrying the medium sized cake.
  284. >It could feed 6 fillies with a quarter slice.
  285. >And she's added a cute touch aswell, your name written in sloppy wording and she somehow managed to misspell
  286. the 'N' in Anon.
  287. >D'awwwwwh
  288. >You felt your heart melt of cuteness!
  289. "Woah... this thing is huge! Thank you! I really appreciate this farewell gift!"
  290. >you wrap her into a tight hug.
  291. >almost you can feel her recoil, but you sense it isn't because of the hug..
  292. >"H-huh?"
  293. >Ah crap..
  294. >She doesn't know, does she?
  295. "Well.."
  296. >oh shit
  297. >what are you doing?!
  298. >she clearly doesn't know!
  299. >stop! Abort abort!
  300. >and yet you can't stop your dumb mouth from blurting it all out
  301. >"I'm moving away from Cloudsdale"
  302. >there's a giant moment of silence as you sit with shock
  303. >she hasn't said anything, her facial expression hasn't changed since you told her
  304. >she's just smiling at you, it's like she's a statue..
  305. >creepy
  306. "Awh shit.. you didn't know did you? I'm sorry--"
  307. >"Y-yeah.. ah.. I-I remember.. I just forgot is all.."
  308. >huh.. maybe she does..
  309. "Welll... in that case.. let's enjoy this cake!"
  310. >you take a slice and wink at Spitfire as she watches you take a bite out of the delicious jam filled cake.
  311. >Be Spitfire
  312. >you hear glass shattering
  313. >must be your heart in a million pieces
  314. >the news were startling at first
  315. >you thought he was pulling your hoof, being a jokester..
  316. >but..
  317. >he's serious, isn't he?
  318. >he's actually fucking serious..
  319. >you bite back the feeling of wailing in defeat from having your crush taken away from you
  320. >usually you would put up such a fight but..
  321. >this is like the ultimate deal breaker right here!
  322. >fighting the ties to stop your eyes from watering like a fountain.
  323. >"Ye-yeah.. sure.. l-look your mom should be here soon so.. uh.. I need to practice a speech.."
  324. >You trot away and as you're halfway up the stairs you peek below to see the final piece of the cake..
  325. >Anons name imprinted on the cake..
  326. >with..
  327. >the damn spelling error.. and stupid sloppy hoof-writing..
  328. >the tears on your snout fall rapidly like a hose about to burst
  329. >storming into your bedroom and throwing yourself on the bed you begin wailing
  330. >Why! Why you!
  331. >Why does Lightning Dust have to take Anon away from you!
  332. >it just isn't fair! After all the times you helped to keep an eye over him, let him march up and down like..
  333. >like..
  334. >he was part of the Wonderbolts, like he always wanted to be!
  335. >the thoughts racing through your mind did nothing to calm you down, and instead you cry even louder
  336. >and yet he will never know because you're muffling yourself
  337. >so this is what it feels like, huh..
  338. >but you can hear a creek in the door
  339. >is he there?
  340. >really?
  341. >you stop to sniffle and with your eyes pouring out so much water you turn to see
  342. >Anon standing in the door way, visibly shocked
  343. "You... really.. you really didn't know.. did you?"
  344. >girl, no point in hiding it now
  345. >he knows
  346. >you shake your head at him slowly, taking time with each shaking motion.
  347. >he joins you on the bed and strokes your belly
  348. >ha.. you always loved that.
  349. "I-it's okay, Spitfire.. I can still come to visit and we can still hang out.."
  350. >"B-but you will be.. aw-away! You idiot I want you to stay here!"
  351. "Wha-what? Uh.. It's.."
  352. >this isn't how you imagined you telling him your feelings but..
  353. >it's now or never
  354. "Spitfire, honestly girl, chill. I'll be fine."
  355. >he smiled but it just made your watery eyes flow even more
  356. "Yo-you idiot! I LOVE YOU!"
  357. >grabbing him with both of your hooves and holding him close you stop crying
  358. >but the tears are still flowing, and you both embrace eachother as the doorbell rings
  359. >it almost seems like he wasn't going to leave..
  360. "Spitfire.."
  361. >N-no..
  362. "I'll see you on the other side."
  363. >..
  365. >It's been 5 years since you last saw him. And you know what you might regret the most?
  366. >Being so attached to somepony else.
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