
Mighty Talkin' Mighty Walkin'

Oct 15th, 2017
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  1. [3:33 PM] Deeigis: We should talk shop sometime
  2. [3:37 PM] Bel: Hmm?
  3. [3:37 PM] Bel: Shop?
  4. [3:37 PM] Deeigis: Magic nonsense and other things I'm sure
  5. [3:37 PM] Bel: Sure.
  6. [3:38 PM] Bel: Not now, though, I've got a busy day ahead. Maybe tomorrow.
  7. [3:39 PM] Deeigis: That works. You need help with anything, lemme know.
  8. [3:39 PM] Deeigis: October tends to be silly.
  9. [6:58 PM] Deeigis: Communing with beings of the Goteic is an interesitng decision.
  10. [7:16 PM] Bel: I chose to follow and study Satanism after being raised in a repressive Christian atmosphere. Revelling in my sin has felt quite freeing.
  11. [7:17 PM] Deeigis: Makes sense, that perspective is all about liberation which I can get behind and respect.
  12. [7:18 PM] Bel: Precisely. And if I'm probably going to Hell anyway, I may as well make a good name for myself with their elite.
  13. [7:19 PM] Deeigis: x3
  14. [7:19 PM] Deeigis: Change is the natural state of the universe.
  15. [7:20 PM] Deeigis: That said time working through guilt or revealing after a hard life can be percisely what the soul ordered to faciliate said change~
  16. [7:21 PM] Deeigis: Still. from what I've dealt with, true demons are not so bad. Though they are different from the ones associated with popular culture.
  17. [7:31 PM] Bel: Oh, yes. They are generally quite amicable compared to the bloodthirsty monsters portrayed in most media.
  18. [7:31 PM] Deeigis: Ehehe. I've traveled out to Dis a few times. Marvelous place.
  19. [7:32 PM] Deeigis: They remind me of the Fair Folk honestly, and a lot of me believes that they may be a lost court of offshoot.
  20. [7:32 PM] Bel: To say they are not occasionally beastly would discredit the lot of them, though...
  21. [7:32 PM] Deeigis: snickers soflty Careful, I think your horns are showing Lady Bel~
  22. [7:34 PM] Bel: I would hope not. My "leige," if you could call him such, prefers his underlings looking prim and proper.
  23. [7:35 PM] Deeigis: Mostly a joke. Though you seem to be taking to this path quite well.
  24. [7:35 PM] Deeigis: blinks Can I help you or your friends? I feel your energy.
  25. [7:37 PM] Bel: Hm? My friends? Do you refer to my mentor?
  26. [7:37 PM] Deeigis: Yes. I believe so.
  27. [7:37 PM] Deeigis: It's faded now but that was quite intense.
  28. [7:39 PM] Bel: Well, if Duke Bileth is reaching out to you, it is far from my place to tell you to ignore his call.
  29. [7:40 PM] Bel: He has many disciples lately, but to think he would find me so noteworthy is... flattering, to say the least. <3
  30. [7:41 PM] Deeigis: Mm. I feel very strange. Hard to focus.
  31. [7:41 PM] Deeigis: I am glad you are finding your place.
  32. [7:42 PM] Deeigis: It really feels like something is exploring my form trying to work me out
  33. [7:45 PM] Bel: ehehehehe. I remember my first communion with Bileth. He is certainly a meticulous sort.
  34. [7:46 PM] Deeigis: Mawr. This is odd.
  35. [7:47 PM] Bel: Do you have prior experience with the Goetic?
  36. [7:48 PM] Deeigis: I've helped others with it but have seen no need in engaging with it.
  37. [7:50 PM] Bel: Bileth in particular can be quite gentle compared to many of the more prominent elite of Hell.
  38. [7:51 PM] Bel: Though he has little tolerance for nonsense, he seems to me at least to enjoy shaping the potential he sees in people.
  39. [7:51 PM] Deeigis: T-that's what I deal in. I help others realize their potential.
  40. [7:52 PM] Bel: If he's taken such a shine to you so quickly... maybe you're something special, even for a magician.
  41. [7:52 PM] Deeigis: Mmm. I commune a I just. This is intense even for energy. It's so hard to focus.
  42. [7:53 PM] Bel: He is a Duke. A direct communion can be quite taxing, especially for those unused to the Goetic.
  43. [7:53 PM] Deeigis: I really do not wish to channel but If I do I apologize.
  44. [7:54 PM] Deeigis: Nn. This is. Really. Weird.
  45. [7:54 PM] Bel: Oh, it's not my place to object!
  46. [7:54 PM] Bel: It is purely between you and my lord, Bileth.
  47. [7:56 PM] Deeigis: You meet the most delightful people/playthings.
  48. [7:56 PM] Deeigis: This is really weird. Isn't channeling supposed to put me in back? It's like I can hear them and feel them around me and sometimes they lean in and tell me what to say or think. Legit, did you do something?
  49. [7:57 PM] Bel: Not at all! I'm at work, it's all I can do to sneak off and use my phone...
  50. [7:57 PM] Deeigis: Mm.
  51. [7:57 PM] Deeigis: We will have to talk about this when you are free.
  52. [7:58 PM] Deeigis: Although you are Freer than most.
  53. [7:58 PM] Bel: ahuhuhuhuhu~
  54. [7:58 PM] Bel: :3c
  55. [7:59 PM] Deeigis: It is delicious how much your new playmate seems to enjoy and detest this. How confused they are as well. They are so used to speaking with beings of a divine nature rather than more lively folks like ourselves.
  56. [8:00 PM] Deeigis: this is really fucking weird Bel @,@ Has this happend before?
  57. [8:02 PM] Bel: I don't have many friends who are mediums or magicians, so--no? I don't think so.
  58. [8:03 PM] Deeigis: Mmm. I see.
  59. [8:03 PM] Deeigis: I think they backed off for now. flops and huffs That was. Intense.
  60. [8:06 PM] Bel: Yeah? Do tell--if you're at such liberty.
  61. [8:07 PM] Deeigis: A-ah. It was like someone was running their coll hands all over my body, coaxing out my true form before Leaning over my shoulder to whisper how delightful I was.
  62. [8:08 PM] Deeigis: I remember a face in mist? That mist all over me.
  63. [8:08 PM] Deeigis: It wasn't malevolent. Just...knowing and playful.
  64. [8:08 PM] Deeigis: And I feel strangely arroused by it all which is very strange because I'm asexual @,@
  65. [8:12 PM] Bel: That's interesting. I usually don't feel such arousal when communing with Bileth--however, I've heard that he is also asexual. Perhaps he was able to channel some feeling through you that I'm not able to fundamentally understand, and it felt like arousal?
  66. [8:13 PM] Bel: Or, it came to be similar to arousal, I mean.
  67. [8:13 PM] Deeigis: Hmm...I think that's more accurate.
  68. [8:14 PM] Deeigis: It was like excitement?
  69. [8:14 PM] Bel: Our language is ill-suited to describe such feelings that are unique to the soul and not the body.
  70. [8:14 PM] Deeigis: Mmm...that's true.
  71. [8:15 PM] Deeigis: It's odd...I've communed with beings in Dis before but I've never had any demons come here, barring one.
  72. [8:21 PM] Bel: My lord is... somewhat unusual for a Goetic demon: he is most usually very reserved, but on the rare occasion that his whims take him, he pursues them relentlessly.
  73. [8:21 PM] Deeigis: Makes sense.
  74. [8:22 PM] Deeigis: Still. My relationship with their kind stems from how I interact with the Fair Folk.
  75. [8:22 PM] Deeigis: I'm not a Stanist so much as an Animist who has a few divine patrons.
  76. [8:26 PM] Bel: As it turns out, the Goetia are largely indifferent to the Satanists. It's a bit of a common misconception, though; most mediums or magicians who take interest in demonology will dabble in both LaVeyan Satanism and Goetic rites.(edited)
  77. [8:28 PM] Bel: Your experience with Fair Folk probably makes you more suited to communion than I was as a neophyte occultist.
  78. [8:29 PM] Deeigis: Mmm...The key is...It is a focus.
  79. [8:29 PM] Deeigis: It condenses lesser spirits and energy togther to call forth these beings.
  80. [8:29 PM] Deeigis: Or rather...a copy of them. A vessel shaped like them that is easily filled and made to act like them.
  81. [8:30 PM] Deeigis: To think that you are communing with the actual interpatation, and mind you not all of the beings within the key are based on actual beings, well, it is impressive.
  82. [8:30 PM] Deeigis: Fruthermore Hell is on the edge of the astral realm. More static than where the Fae dwell but it also has a lucidity. It is somewhat influenced by us but it also influences us.
  83. [8:35 PM] Bel: That's... illuminating. In all my communion, no demons have mentioned the astral besides that which comprises Hell. Though I must admit, I have had little personal interest in what lies outside its boundaries...
  84. [8:37 PM] Deeigis: I feel that in time hell, that is to say true hell rather than the one depicted as a place of punishment in various faiths, will ascend to be a true realm.
  85. [8:38 PM] Deeigis: There are a few that straddle the veil but are still within the realm of our universe. The true cosmic membrane lies beyond that.
  86. [8:45 PM] Bel: That sounds like much beyond the scope of my current experience. Perhaps I could stand to learn a bit from you, as well as my mentor.
  87. [8:47 PM] Deeigis: I enjoy teaching. smiles Guiding is one of my duties
  88. [8:48 PM] Bel: I think, then, our relationship will be mutually beneficial... if there is anything you would like from me, that is. Please, do not hesitate if you need my assistance.
  89. [8:49 PM] Deeigis: Of course, and the same to you. smiles(edited)
  90. [8:49 PM] Deeigis: Maybe what happend only happened so I can teach you a bit~
  91. [8:53 PM] Bel: I've learned better than to pry when Bileth does something for which the reason is not clear. I trust it will become apparent in time, though.
  92. [8:53 PM] Deeigis: The universe flows.
  93. [8:56 PM] Deeigis: We often end up where and with who we need to
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