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a guest
Aug 23rd, 2023
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  1. Rockin', rockin', on the shore so fine,
  2. To the beach in Thailand, we'd align,
  3. But those monkeys came, causing a bind,
  4. I said, "Monkeys, hey! Leave us behind!"
  6. Everyone warned us, "Don't head there, beware,"
  7. "Monkeys gonna come, with a wild glare,"
  8. And they did, and they did, and they tore through the air,
  9. No escape from those monkeys, just despair.
  11. Nothing to do, but shout as they pounced on me,
  12. Tried to flee, fell down, laughter from kids did we see,
  13. Then, hmm, got hit in the neck with a coconut spree,
  14. Mm-hm, hm-hm, how'd it happen? Baffling to me.
  16. Gotta dash, dash, dash (leap)
  17. I'll be your backpack while you hurry,
  18. Dash, dash, dash, leap, and stop!
  19. Let me go free.
  21. I love to dance and sway, mm
  22. Yea-a-a-ah (so wild)
  23. Show you some moves today! Mm!
  24. (No, I'd rather you not)
  25. If I had your strong limbs out here on this shore,
  26. Could've outpaced those monkeys, for sure!
  27. (You're acting quite insane)
  28. Pass me my weapon, then!
  30. Cease it now
  31. Don't hurt me
  32. Please
  33. Don't hurt me
  34. C'mon now, quit that attackin'
  36. Hey, what's that smell?
  37. (You hid a fruit in our backpack)
  38. Ho-ho-ho-ooh, yeah! I confess to that act
  39. (An apology's your due)
  40. Hold your breath and see, in the moment's scope,
  41. Monkeys will lunge, with no hope to elope.
  43. Now dash, dash, dash (leap)
  44. I'll be your backpack while you dash!
  45. Swing from a branch so high,
  46. I'll be your backpack, no need to sigh!
  47. Balancing on one hand, we lift,
  48. Boulders with your talent, a special gift,
  49. Dash, dash, dash, leap, take a breath,
  51. That's it,
  52. Yeah, just like that,
  53. Like that,
  54. (Weehoo)
  56. One time while wandering, I found this large log,
  57. Rolled it, revealed a stick, a tiny clog,
  58. And I thought, "That log had a small kin, a smog"
  60. Listen child, as you grow older in years,
  61. Boulders may come, evoke your fears,
  62. Lying there, shouting, face wet with tears,
  63. Monkeys might strike, bringing you to your knees!
  65. End it now!
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