

Jun 17th, 2015
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  1. >“Okay Anon add some oak sap, yes the one with the brown lid”
  2. You are Anon. Also known as Twilight Sparkles lab partner/slave, currently doing an experiment to create a healing salve that is self replenishing. A heroic endeavor if you can stand not strangling Twilight.
  3. “Remind me why I'm the one to do this again?
  4. Changing into lecture mode Twilight begins to prattle on about the different reasons of why you should be adding random items to one another, while she sits at a safe distance.
  5. >”...Add to that the fact that you resist magic and you need to add some blood as an inhibitor now anyway. So, add a drop of blood, then the poison joke and that should do it”
  6. As you prick your finger and hold it above the beaker a single drop of blood falls to the concoction which instantly begins to froth and bubble, the more solid objects simply melting away and turning it from a deep purple to a vibrant green. Sucking the injured finger you gingerly lower the poison joke into the mix before jumping back and shielding your face. The poultice begins to steadily bubble and the beaker begins to jump about as the mixture within swirls about leaping from the beaker and changing form from a runny liquid to a frozen spike, before melting back and changing from the vibrant green to a calming blue goo. When it seems to settle down you peek through your fingers to see Twilight taking cover behind a levitating clipboard and hiding partially behind the table.
  7. Taking a hesitant step forward you reach out to grab the flask when it compacts into itself with a grinding sound before exploding outwards, sending goo and shards of the beaker every where. Including your arm. You yelp in pain as you grasp your arm, blood already beginning to seep from the wound. Taking a moment to observe the shard of glass currently protruding from your bicep you steel yourself and get some cloth ready, before gritting your teeth and yanking the shard out with a grunt. The rag makes a wet squelching sound as you apply it to the wound, obviously it had absorbed some of the slime. You let out a sigh before looking around the room. Goo drips from the ceiling and glass haphazardly litters the floor, apart from a small circle around twilight which for some reason only contains goo. Feeling no more pain from your arm you prepare to take a look at the damage, but are surprised when you find perfect skin instead of a bleeding gash.
  8. “Hey Twilight! It worked, some glass cut my arm but it's all right once some goo got on it for a while.”
  9. You shouting her must of shook her out of the brief shock she was in, as she shakes her head flinging some goo about she gasp's
  10. >”Anon! Ohmygoshimsosorry, if I would of known this would of happened I would never of made you do this ohcelestiapleasedonthatemeimsorryi...”
  11. Carefully striding towards Twilight you place your hands on her cheeks and squish them, cutting her rambling short. Staring right into her eyes you remove your hands moving one to wipe away the stray tear , and the other to flatten her disheveled mane
  12. “Twilight.” you take a deep breath before continuing “Chill.”
  13. She gives a little giggle and a sniff as you stand up and carry on assuring her.
  14. “I'm not injured, the poultice works and I am not comfortable around unhappy ponies so wipe away those tears and give us a smile eh?”
  15. Quickly wiping her eyes with a hoof twilight looks up at you and gives a giggle once she notices how much goo covers your upper body.
  16. “That's my girl now lets go have a cuppa and get spike to clean up this mess right?”
  17. This earns you a laugh as well as a shove
  18. >“That's horrible Anon!”
  19. “Yeah yeah, don't tell me the thought didn't pass your mind now”
  20. As you both begin trudging upstairs neither of you notice the goo that remains wobble and begin to coalesce.
  21. Part two
  22. reclining on the sofa you place your arms behind your head and let out a sigh. This was not the first time you helping out Twilight had put you in harm's way, last week an attempt to enhance food meant you were nearly crushed by a giant apple...until it it a stray pin popped it. Then when she was trying to make enchanted cloth to make cloud walking easier you spent 10 minuets stuck to the ceiling, until you took of all your clothes off. A strange walk through ponyville, for you at least, as many a pony thought that you had been lying about your people and their need for clothing.
  23. The sound of hooves clacking against wood break you from your reminiscing, but the sound of cups shattering is what grabs your attention. Turning to Twilight you follow her shocked gaze...To a Twilight with a shocked expression, made of goo?
  24. “Twilight?”
  25. Your call brings her from her stupor and turn to face you, as does the doppelganger moments later. The movement doesn't go unnoticed by you or Twilight.
  26. >”uh, hello?”
  27. >”...”
  28. “well it seems it's unable to copy your voice”
  29. Thus begins a strange game of follow the leader,Twilight lift's a hoof Twilight? Lifts a hoof, Twilight sticks out her tongue Twililight? Sticks out her tongue. Its only until Twilight levitates a book that Twilight? Gives pause.
  30. >”well it seems that it is unable to copy magical prowess as well. Ohh this is so exciting have we made a new race? Oh my what if weve made a new race? What if it reproduces from mitosis and continuously splits until it over runs the populace! Or needs mass amounts of food and destroys Equestria's economy or-”
  31. >*crash* “Hey Twilight have ya got that new Dari- wait Twilight!? Hey monkey man what in the hay's happened to Twilight!”
  32. the loud entrance and subsequent shouting from rainbow dash made twilight stop her rant and Twilight? to stop playing with her horn.
  33. >”Err rainbow? Over here.”
  34. the two friend's do not notice the go pony steadily make its way towards them until it places a hoof on one of Rainbows wings.
  35. “and I mean I don't know what kind of crazy stuff you egg heads get down to over here any- wha hey”
  36. Leaping back Rainbow assumes a fighting stance with her wings spread, which Twilight? Copy's along with a fresh pair of wings.
  37. “whoa, hey can she fly too? Is she fast?”
  38. with this Rainbow takes to the air something that when the now winged Twilight? attempts, only succeeds in splattering goo around the library
  39. “argh now we need to clean the library as well as the basement! But now we know it is unable to copy a pegasies flight either.”
  40. finally once the chaos dies down you manage to coerce the goo pony to sit sown across from you and Twilight, Rainbow having zoomed off to “see if Applejack's busy so you guys can carry on your boring egg head stuff.”
  41. >”Anon you have a spare room right?“
  42. “Yeah why? Oh, no why can't she stay here?”
  43. >”i already have spike, the books are too easy for her to damage and my magic goes right through her, its like she doesn't exist did you see me downstairs? I cast a barrier but even though the glass bounced off the slime just passed through like it wasn't even there! You are in a better situation to take care of her than me.”
  44. you didn't like it but sparkle but makes a good argument. With a sigh and a crack of the back you stand and give the goo pony in front of you an appraising look
  45. “hmm I'm not too sure about you with wing's twilight”
  46. >“Hmm? I think they make me look almost regal.”
  47. Twilight? seems to understand you as she considers the wings before re-absorbing them into her torso
  48. “out voted two to one there sparkle”
  49. >”Amazing Anon I think she's beginning to learn from us. Ok, Anon I want you to try to make her able to follow basic instructions before next week then we can run some more tests”
  50. “wait what about a name? We cant call her goo pony or Twilight”
  51. >“hmm good point an identity would help with self awareness...alright then what about Vital Gel? Its what I was going to call the poultice anyway.”
  52. “nah that sounds a little too like an item than a name what about Vital Syrup? You know cause shes all sticky like a cough syrup?”
  53. >“ohh how about we let Vital decide? Ok Vital? Move to whoever you like the name of better OK Gel for me “and sweeping her hoof to you”or Syrup for Anon.”
  54. you briefly think weather or not she understands Twilight or the words themselves before she takes a wobbly few steps toward you before crashing into you legs and holding onto you.
  55. “...well Syrup it is then I guess,. Well then Vital can you follow me please I need you to stay near so you dont get lost okay”
  56. and with that you and Vital set off into the setting sun, to begin your lives together... wonder where shes gonna sleep though
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