

Feb 1st, 2015
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  1. Sly Lycan joined the room.
  2. Nanerz: hello
  3. erictseng888: mid plz!
  4. Regan Zeus: top jg main
  5. Nanerz: adc pref
  6. Sly Lycan: howdy
  7. Sly Lycan: and ill prolly go mid
  8. Regan Zeus: let eric mid plz his my smurf
  9. Nanerz: whats going on
  10. erictseng888: carrying regan zeus
  11. Regan Zeus: hired him to rank me up lol
  12. Tanzazangetsu: so I have to top?
  13. Sly Lycan: if you did he can do so from any role.
  14. Nanerz: bang
  15. Nanerz: ^
  16. erictseng888: i can.. but the issue is
  17. erictseng888: this account has hardly any champs
  18. Sly Lycan: any preferred bans?
  19. erictseng888: yasuo
  20. erictseng888: zed
  21. erictseng888: reksai
  22. erictseng888: j4
  23. erictseng888: well up to you guys.. can guarantee a pretty easy win
  24. Tanzazangetsu: so where am I going?
  25. Nanerz: just carry from top
  26. Sly Lycan: i'd rather rely on myself rather than someone who can't carry in any role
  27. Regan Zeus: loll
  28. erictseng888: lol
  29. Regan Zeus: so much talk
  30. Regan Zeus: lets see some work
  31. erictseng888: i only have mid characters on this account
  32. erictseng888: this is why you are brozne
  33. erictseng888: just stfu lol
  34. Sly Lycan: then tahts your fault and you are a bad booster.
  35. Sly Lycan: and hardly bronze lol.
  36. erictseng888: i just started boosting
  37. erictseng888: lol
  38. Nanerz: are you playing adc?
  39. erictseng888: just dont
  40. erictseng888: i am gonna top
  41. Nanerz: ok.
  42. erictseng888: or troll
  43. erictseng888: not sure which yet
  44. Regan Zeus: Nane where do u want?
  45. erictseng888: depends if lycan stfu
  46. Nanerz: adc please
  47. Sly Lycan: lol either way more than likely you and the other person are gettign abnned so.
  48. Sly Lycan: have it your way.
  49. erictseng888: lol banned?
  50. erictseng888: plz
  51. Regan Zeus: where do want?
  52. Sly Lycan: you both admitted to elo boosting.
  53. erictseng888: i am just helping a friend play his account
  54. erictseng888: check my main
  55. erictseng888: tupacalypsee
  56. Sly Lycan: aka eloboosting.
  57. erictseng888: but i mean your bronze is kinda cute
  58. Sly Lycan: and i can say names too
  59. Sly Lycan: this is me, nightblue3.
  60. erictseng888: omfg
  61. erictseng888: i am so scared
  62. erictseng888: O_O
  63. erictseng888: what do i do now
  64. Nanerz: lets just stop
  65. erictseng888: do i run?
  66. Nanerz: ok?
  67. erictseng888: or afk
  68. Sly Lycan: its fine im jsut muting him once we get in game lol.
  69. erictseng888: iono man
  70. Regan Zeus: idk why p1 is talking so much shit
  71. erictseng888: hahaha
  72. erictseng888: sly lycan lol cute name
  73. erictseng888: though
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