

Jul 23rd, 2016
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  1. When I had my bi-monthly supervised access meating with my son at Maccy D's this weekend he started talking about the new friends he had made in his primary school in Barry, which is in Wales. He was talking the usual shite about how they were playing pour patrole and stuff but then he mentioned one of the kids was called Yolow. Yolow is obviously a packki name so I told my kid off for playing with a shitskin when I had told him not to (I was real subtle about it though because the social worker don't like it if I disipline my child propley). But then my boy says he ain't a gollywog, he is Welsh. I explained to him that sometimes evil people from abroad can pretend to be British by getting their mum to give birth to him here when on holiday or being a bogus assylem seacar but if they're brown they ain't from our town, but then he said this kid is white. This is fucking insane, mudslimes have infiltrated our culture so much now that normal white people are calling their kids mudslime names like Yolow in Wales. This is the thin end of the wedge, I want my country back. I'm going to be writing to my local UKIP MP and saying to him we need a list of aproved names for children and they must all be real British names, France do this why not us?
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