

Nov 21st, 2012
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  1. 12:38 PM - Firekip: Dat only removing unjustified if it's negative where 90% of the higher ratings are unjustified
  2. 12:42 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: only if it has a 1 for originality and texture
  3. 12:42 PM - Firekip: Admitted rating skewing then
  4. 12:42 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: not at all
  5. 12:43 PM - Firekip: The reason this site wasn't flooded with gold skins until you came was because they used to get FLAGGED FOR SPAM
  6. 12:43 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: that was before Valve made the Golden Wrench
  7. 12:43 PM - Firekip: Honestly, how does that make a difference?
  8. 12:43 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: why should 100 people be the only people with golden weapons?
  9. 12:44 PM - Firekip: Gamebanana is about as bad as L4DMaps, even without your help :|
  10. 12:44 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: scratch that, LESS THEN 100
  11. 12:44 PM - Firekip: (and half of youtube)
  12. 12:44 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: and Reddit, and 9gag, and 4Chan, and Facebook, and Myspace...
  13. 12:45 PM - Firekip: I was happily living my life forgetting that MySpace was a thing, thanks.
  14. 12:45 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: *grins*
  15. 12:46 PM - Firekip: At least your fanboys are MARGINALLY better than the likes of PDP's "bros"
  16. 12:47 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: never seen PewDiePie
  17. 12:47 PM - Firekip: Lucky
  18. 12:47 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: I'll stick with GOOD Let's Plays
  20. 12:47 PM - Firekip: can i have my 2 million subs now
  21. 12:47 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: mhm
  22. 12:49 PM - Firekip: The likes of you and PDP have proven that it's extremely easy to get undeserved fame, just appeal to the lowest common denominator and keep doing it over and over and over (etc)
  23. 12:49 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: aye
  24. 12:49 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: *working on a skin with 6 styles*
  25. 12:49 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: and I thought the Basher was hard
  26. 12:50 PM - Firekip: Alternate method being on sites with horrible moderation that either A) gives submission creators the ability to remove low ratings or B) be on a site that the head admin literally forbids 1 - 1.9 / 10 ratings a la L4DMaps
  27. 12:51 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: I barely play L4D
  28. 12:51 PM - Firekip: L4DMaps has about as bad moderation as Gamebanana has userbase
  29. 12:51 PM - Firekip: Sums it up perfectly
  30. 12:52 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: and you're a prime example <3
  31. 12:53 PM - Firekip: At least I don't flood the site with something then admit in creating it in less than five minutes (and some cases where you admitted it took less than two)
  32. 12:54 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: this next one took over a week
  33. 12:55 PM - Firekip: After what you said on that comment about how long your average submission takes, I can highly doubt that unless you worked like 5 minutes a day
  34. 12:55 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: 15-20 minutes
  35. 12:55 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: ain't college grand
  36. 12:57 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: maybe I'll do Saxxy variants...add on another 4 styles
  37. 12:57 PM - Firekip: It's gold already, we don't need a fucking gold skin on something already gold
  38. 12:57 PM - Firekip: *Cough* "Gold golden wrench version 6"
  39. 12:59 PM - Firekip: It's funny because even at its base level, the skin type you're banking on doesn't make sense. Gold is a soft metal, which wouldn't work if used as a gun. At BEST, I can give you the melees due to how thick it is
  40. 12:59 PM - Firekip: Oh wait that's right, swords are thin
  41. 1:00 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: it's a golden wrench skin for the STOCK WRENCH
  42. 1:01 PM - Firekip: So basically it's the same as those things some servers got yelled at for? (Giving out event/expensive items to people who didn't earn/tradefag/randomly get lucky and obtain to donors and the like)
  43. 1:01 PM - Firekip: In the past Valve delisted servers for fake unusual plugins, so you're basically doing almost the same thing
  44. 1:01 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: ....
  45. 1:01 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: skins are client side
  46. 1:02 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: only you can see them
  47. 1:02 PM - Firekip: So basically you're denying that it still IS basically the same thing, just on a smaller scale?
  48. 1:02 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: they don't turn killed players into gold statues
  49. 1:02 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: they don't have unique stats
  50. 1:02 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: they're like stock weapon reskins
  51. 1:03 PM - Firekip: So are Golden Wrench/Saxxy etc
  52. 1:03 PM - Firekip: Wow, a different ragdoll. COMPLETELY DIFFERENT STORY
  53. 1:03 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: nope, those turn players into golden statues that everyone on the server can see
  54. 1:03 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: and everyone can see a Saxxy/Golden Wrench
  55. 1:04 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: the only people that can see my skins are the people that download them
  56. 1:05 PM - Firekip: With Valve making the Gold Wrench/Saxxy look so wanted/desirable, then crybabies like you who didn't get the weapon they wanted so they have to do a shoddy loophole to pretend they obtained them...*sigh*
  57. 1:05 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: uh
  58. 1:05 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: no?
  59. 1:05 PM - Firekip: The point of custom skins are to create something well, custom. Not just take one melee and place it over another so you can lie to yourself and say that you have it or something
  60. 1:05 PM - Firekip: About as bad as people who name tag a regular wrench and call it "Golden Wrench"
  61. 1:06 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: you're thinking of Model swaps
  62. 1:06 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: all I do are regular texture recolors, not remodels
  63. 1:06 PM - Firekip: Golden Wrench uses a different model? It looks EXACTLY THE SAME to me, other than a simple texture swap
  64. 1:06 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: it uses a 512x512 texture and a c_model
  65. 1:07 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: wrench uses v and w models and a 1024x1024 texture
  66. 1:07 PM - Firekip: So people were orgasming / doing vac-ban worthy things for a weapon reskin with LESS QUALITY THAN THE WEAPON IT'S BASED OFF OF?
  67. 1:07 PM - Firekip: ...I fucking don't get the TF2 community.
  68. 1:07 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: mhm
  69. 1:08 PM - Vinyl Scratch™:
  70. 1:08 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: look at the demonstration video
  71. 1:08 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: THAT is piss-colored
  72. 1:08 PM - Firekip: If your piss is that bright you should see a doctor
  73. 1:09 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: mhm
  74. 1:09 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: my gold skins are a warmer darker piss x3
  75. 1:10 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: hm...for my next project...Limecube and Pinkcube playerskins
  76. 1:10 PM - Vinyl Scratch™:
  77. 1:11 PM - Firekip: *Facepalm*
  78. 1:11 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: *grins*
  79. 1:11 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: at least you'll be able to see them a mile away
  80. 1:12 PM - Firekip: With that logic it could be flagged, I'm prett sure some skins that help you see it a lot easier have gottn flagged in the past...I'm 100% sure sound mods that do that have gotten flagged for the exact reason that you just stated
  81. 1:12 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: *arches an eyebrow*
  82. 1:12 PM - Firekip: Then again, Gamebanana's mods are almost as bad as L4DMaps's...
  83. 1:12 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: and yet we still have pink and yellow and green player skins
  84. 1:12 PM - Firekip: I repeat, then again, Gamebanana's mods are almost as bad as L4DMaps's
  85. 1:13 PM - Vinyl Scratch™: heh
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