Guest User


a guest
Dec 24th, 2017
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  2. afk Set an AFK status to display when you are mentioned afk
  3. afk set Set an AFK status to display when you're mentioned, and change nickname on server. afk set [status]
  4. afk ignore Use in a channel to not return from AFK when talking in that channel. afk ignore
  5. flipcoin Flip a coin. flipcoin
  6. google Get search results from google google [search string]
  7. info Get bot info. info
  8. roll Roll the dice roll [number of dice]
  9. rps Rock Paper Scissors with the bot. rps [choice]
  10. serverinfo Get server info/stats. serverinfo
  11. serverinvite Create an invite to this server. serverinvite
  12. uptime Get bot uptime uptime
  13. whois Get user information. whois [user mention]
  14. randomcolor Generates a random hex color with preview. randomcolor
  15. membercount Get the server member count. member count
  16. blacklist Add a url or comma separated list of urls to automod blacklist blacklist [url]
  17. whitelist Add a url or comma separated list of urls to automod whitelist whitelist [url]
  18. addmod Add a bot moderator or group of moderators. addmod [user or role]
  19. addrole Add a new role, with optional color and hoist. addrole [name] [hex color] [hoist]
  20. clearwarn Clear warnings a user clearwarn [user]
  21. delmod Remove a bot moderator delmod [user or role]
  22. delrole Delete a role delrole [role name]
  23. listmods List moderators listmods
  24. mentionable Toggle making a role mentionable on/off mentionable [role name]
  25. modules List available modules modules
  26. nick Change the bot nickname. nickname [new nickname]
  27. prefix Set prefix for server prefix [prefix]
  28. purge Delete a number of messages from a channel. (limit 1000) purge [number] (user)
  29. purge any Delete a number of messages from a channel. purge any [number]
  30. purge user Delete messages for a user in the channel. purge [number] [user]
  31. purge match Delete messages containing text. (Limit 100) purge match [text] [number]
  32. purge not Delete messages not containing text. (Limit 100 purge not [text] [number]
  33. purge startswith Delete messages that start with text. (Limit 100) purge startswith [text] [number]
  34. purge endswith Delete messages that ends with text. (Limit 100) purge endswith [text] [number]
  35. purge links Delete a number links posted in the channel. (Limit 100) purge links [number]
  36. purge invites Delete server invites posted in the channel. (Limit 100) purge invites [number]
  37. purge images Delete a number of images in the channel. (Limit 100) purge images [number]
  38. purge mentions Delete messages with mentions in the channel. (Limit 100) purge mentions [number]
  39. purge embeds Delete messages containing rich embeds in the channel. purge embeds [number]
  40. purge bots Delete messages sent by bots. purge bots [number]
  41. purge text Delete messages containing text, ignoring images/embeds. purge text [number]
  42. role Add/remove a user to a role or roles. role [user] [role name]
  43. role user Add/remove a user to a role or roles. role role [user] [role]
  44. role add Add a user to a role or roles. role role add [user] [role]
  45. role remove Remove a user from a role or roles. role role remove [user] [role]
  46. role toggle Toggle a user from a role or roles. role role toggle [user] [role]
  47. role removeall Remove all roles from a user role role removall [user]
  48. role all Add/remove all users to or from a role. (Limit 1 role) role role all [role]
  49. role bots Add/remove all bots to or from a role. role role bots [role]
  50. role humans Add/remove all humans to or from a role. role role humans [role]
  51. role in Add/remove users to or from a role that are in a role. (Limit 1 role) role role in [in role], [role]
  52. rolecolor Change the color of a role. rolecolor [role name] [hex color]
  53. command Enable/disable a command command [command name]
  54. module Enable/disable a module module [module name]
  55. setnick Change the nickname of a user. setnick [user] [new nickname]
  56. ignorechannel Toggles command usage for a channel. (Does not affect mods and managers) ignorechannel [channel]
  57. ignoreuser Toggles command usage for a user. ignoreuser [user]
  58. rolename Change the name of a role. rolename [role name], [new name]
  59. autopurge Add or remove a channel for automatic purging autopurge
  60. autopurge list List auto purge channels. autopurge list
  61. autopurge enable Enable auto purge for a channel. autopurge enable [channel] [interval]
  62. autopurge disable Disable auto purge for a channel. autopurge enable [channel]
  63. ignorerole Toggles command usage for a role. (Does not affect mods and managers) ignorerole [role]
  64. ban Ban a member, optional time limit ban [user] [limit] [reason]
  65. clean Cleanup the bot responses. clean (optional number)
  66. deafen Deafen a member deafen [user]
  67. kick Kick a member kick [user] [reason]
  68. mute Mute a member so they cannot type or speak, time limit in minutes. mute [user] [limit] [reason]
  69. softban Softban a member (ban and immediate unban to delete user messages) softban [user] [reason]
  70. unban Unban a member unban [user], [optional reason]
  71. undeafen Undeafen a member undeafen [user]
  72. unmute Unmute a member unmute [user] (optional reason)
  73. warn Warn a member warn [user] [reason]
  74. warnings Get warnings for the server or user warnings [user]
  75. diagnose Diagnose any command or module in the bot to determine if there are any problems.
  76. modlogs Get a list of mod logs for a user modlogs [user]
  77. ignored List channels and users where commands are ignored. ignored
  78. members List members in a role (max 90) members [role]
  79. rolepersist Assign/unassign a role that persists if the user leaves and rejoins. rolepersist [user] [role], [optional reason]
  80. play Add a song to queue and play play [url]
  81. addrank Add a new rank for members to join, works with existing or new roles. addrank [name] (hex color) (hoist)
  82. delrank Delete a rank delrank [role name]
  83. rank Join/leave a rank. rank [rank name]
  84. ranks Get a list of joinable ranks. ranks
  85. roleinfo Get information about a role. roleinfo
  86. roles Get a list of server roles and member counts. roles
  87. queue List the songs in queue queue list
  88. queue list List the songs in the music queue. queue list
  89. queue remove Remove a song from the music queue. queue remove [number]
  90. queue clear Clears the entire music queue (Irreversable). queue queue clear
  91. queue repeat Enable/disable repeating the music queue. queue queue repeat
  92. queue shuffle Shuffle the music queue. queue queue shuffle
  93. skip Skip the currently playing song skip
  94. stop Stop playing stop
  95. volume No longer available for performance. Use the volume command for more info. volume
  96. yt Youtube commands yt [song name]
  97. yt search Search for a song on youtube yt search [song name]
  98. yt next Get the next search result yt next
  99. yt prev Get the previous search result yt prev
  100. yt add Add the last search result to queue. yt add
  101. tag Get or create a tag tag [tag name]
  102. tag get Get a tag by name. tag get [tag name]
  103. tag create Create a new tag. tag create [tag name] [content]
  104. tag edit Edit an existing tag. tag edit [tag name] [content]
  105. tag delete Delete an existing tag. tag delete [tag name]
  106. tags Get a list of tags, use the tag command to fetch a tag. tags
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