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Jun 27th, 2017
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  1. hmm so first I was in this lab or warehouse type place, maybe even seemed like an aquarium
  2. water started flooding into it and there were a lot of people trying to get to high ground
  3. there were these monsters, idk how to describe them well, kind of like zombies but animal-like in appearance so I swam to some stairs and got on them
  5. Then it jumped to me being with some people, not irl family but they were family in dream, and we were above the sky
  6. there was this elevator that connected heaven to area above the sky on earth and everything below then hell
  7. other people and me took elevator down to subway area, same monsters from first part were there
  8. we were quiet and moved slow so they didn't notice, but then they got alerted somehow and we killed them with axes and other similar weapons
  9. then it jumped to me being in a space station but it was more like an airport terminal and had old fast food place aesthetic like back in the 60s
  10. I remember trying to crawl into this tight spot to get upstairs and it felt like I had done the same thing in a dream before
  11. stopped doing it and saw this guy upside down in this other thing trying to get upstairs but it was a washing machine, idk that was weird
  12. Then I dropped my pen and bumped into this guy's kid and he pulled out a mp5 and shot me in the arm, police came in and arrested him
  13. I was also wearing armor from runescape, dharoks chestplate and it broke when I got shot and a cop gave me materials to repair it (?????)
  14. and then I starting talking with a group of people that worked at the station and asked where they all were from and they said some random names of what I guess were planets
  15. Then I said I was from heaven then backtracked and said from earth
  16. surprised them with either answer
  17. One if then got a phone call from someone and then they talked for a bit and handed the phone to me
  18. person on other line was being aggressive and asked something along the lines of "do you know how many hours are in a century? I bet you don't even have to think about that" like I was a robot or android
  19. Then I woke up
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