
Martjin farewell IRC log

May 16th, 2017
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  1. Session Start: Mon Nov 17 04:00:02 2014
  2. [04:04] *** szeliga has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
  3. [04:07] *** szeliga!~szeliga@host86-186-250-104.range86-186.btcentralplus.com has joined #general
  4. [09:05] *** AC975!~AC975@host-91-147-210-232.biatv.hu has joined #general
  5. [09:06] *** AC975 has quit IRC (WoS forever!)
  6. [11:10] *** AC733!~AC733@4street.zxworld.net has joined #general
  7. [11:11] *** AC733 has quit IRC (WoS forever!)
  8. [11:34] *** Ardentcrest!~quassel@86-46-188-82-dynamic.b-ras1.mgr.mullingar.eircom.net has joined #general
  9. [11:51] *** Guesser has quit IRC (Foo (null))
  10. [11:57] *** bloodbaz!~chris@zxlife.plus.com has joined #general
  11. [12:17] *** XvarZ!~XvarZ@gtinov.inesc.pt has joined #general
  12. [12:19] *** XvarZ has quit IRC (EOF From client)
  13. [13:39] *** octoberr1!~octoberry@ has joined #general
  14. [13:50] *** octoberr1 has quit IRC (leaving (null))
  15. [13:51] *** octoberry!~octoberry@ has joined #general
  16. [14:10] *** AC445!~AC445@ has joined #general
  17. [14:11] *** AC445 is now known as mik
  18. [14:13] <mik> :-)
  19. [14:13] <octoberry> hi mik
  20. [14:14] <mik> hi octoberry
  21. [14:15] <octoberry> I came because the anouncement in the main page
  22. [14:15] <octoberry> what will happen to our dear WoS?
  23. [14:18] <mik> i noticed the announcement too
  24. [14:19] <octoberry> we'll see today, hope it continue somehow
  25. [14:20] <mik> something bad has to occur?
  26. [14:21] <octoberry> I don't know, I mean the farewell
  27. [14:24] <mik> with whom faewell?
  28. [14:25] <mik> farewell?
  29. [14:25] <octoberry> look at http://www.worldofspectrum.org/
  30. [14:25] <octoberry> bottom of the page
  31. [14:26] <octoberry> it says:
  32. [14:26] <octoberry> Please join us in a Q&A on-line chat session on Monday 17 November, starting around 19:00 CET (GMT+1)
  33. [14:26] <octoberry> Apart from my farewell, we'll try to fill you in on the next steps towards the new WoS!
  34. [14:29] <mik> Anything terrible new WoS.:-|)
  35. [14:40] <mik> and what new that will be?
  36. [14:58] <mik> :-\
  37. [15:05] <mik> Yesterday in NATIONAL GEOGRAFY Sinclair showed in transfer about 80.
  38. [15:07] <mik> as game computer
  39. [15:17] *** spectroum!~spectroum@ACaen-654-1-139-95.w81-48.abo.wanadoo.fr has joined #general
  40. [15:18] *** spectroum has quit IRC ( HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Like it? Visit #hydrairc on EFNet)
  41. [15:30] *** cnxjfdksfdrewq!~matti@86-60-173-174-Dyn-dsl.ssp.fi has joined #general
  42. [15:39] <mik> GOTO PRINT 10
  43. [15:41] *** cnxjfdksfdrewq has left #general (cnxjfdksfdrewq)
  44. [15:44] *** mik has quit IRC (WoS forever!)
  45. [15:45] *** cnxjfdksfdrewq!~matti@86-60-173-174-Dyn-dsl.ssp.fi has joined #general
  46. [15:46] *** cnxjfdksfdrewq has left #general (cnxjfdksfdrewq)
  47. [15:47] *** cnxjfdksfdrewq!~cnxjfdksfdrewq@86-60-173-174-Dyn-dsl.ssp.fi has joined #general
  48. [15:49] *** octoberry has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
  49. [15:49] *** cnxjfdksfdrewq has left #general (cnxjfdksfdrewq)
  50. [15:53] *** octoberry!~octoberry@ has joined #general
  51. [16:02] *** Marko!~marko@cpc8-uddi21-2-0-cust526.uddi.cable.virginm.net has joined #general
  52. [16:02] *** AC376!~AC376@ip-117-198.sn2.eutelia.it has joined #general
  53. [16:03] <AC376> hello there
  54. [16:03] <Marko> lo 376
  55. [16:03] *** AC376 is now known as Falco-F8L
  56. [16:04] *** Falco-F8L is now known as Falco-F8LHi
  57. [16:04] *** Falco-F8LHi is now known as Falco-F8L
  58. [16:04] <Falco-F8L> Hi Marko
  59. [16:09] <Falco-F8L> any sign of life?
  60. [16:09] <Marko> there's sign of food :p
  61. [16:09] <Falco-F8L> thAT'S SOMETHING :-)
  62. [16:10] <Falco-F8L> FalcoF8L sits down and starts singing about gold...
  63. [16:10] <Ardentcrest> No one here has any sign of life. that why we play with our speccies
  64. [16:11] <Falco-F8L> besides, I think most are joining just short of 19:00...
  65. [16:13] <Ardentcrest> WOS IS CLOSING DOWN..... GRAB WHAT YOU CAN......... :P
  66. [16:27] <pak21> WoS is not closing down. There's been enough leaks of that already.
  67. [16:27] *** marcoagpinto!~moc@a85-138-172-159.cpe.netcabo.pt has joined #general
  68. [16:27] <marcoagpinto> Hello
  69. [16:28] <pak21> I'm not saying any more until the official announcements, but let's just put a stop to that one right now.
  70. [16:28] <marcoagpinto> pak21: are you a bot?
  71. [16:28] <Marko> lol
  72. [16:29] <Marko> yeah, phil, are you a bot?
  73. [16:29] <Marko> enquiring minds need to know
  74. [16:29] <Falco-F8L> hello marcoagpinto
  75. [16:29] <marcoagpinto> hey hey
  76. [16:29] <pak21> Yes, I am a hyper-intelligent emulator writing bot who is going to TAKE OVER YOUR MINDS.
  77. [16:30] <marcoagpinto> at the time of the session I will be out... I have a medical appointment
  78. [16:30] <marcoagpinto> :)
  79. [16:30] <marcoagpinto> I won't be able to watch
  80. [16:30] <Marko> I'll be asleep, and then on the way to work
  81. [16:30] <marcoagpinto> will Martijn keep the same e-mail address?
  82. [16:36] <Falco-F8L> does not seem to be really important
  83. [16:36] <marcoagpinto> what!
  84. [16:36] <marcoagpinto> I have known him since the 1990s
  85. [16:37] <marcoagpinto> void.org in the 1990s
  86. [16:37] <Falco-F8L> I remember all soo well
  87. [16:38] <Falco-F8L> still have his SGD package
  88. [16:39] <pak21> I think all the domain names are listed at the bottom of new ReplaceableAttribute {Name = "Topic", Value = message.TopicArn},
  89. [16:39] <pak21> new ReplaceableAttribute {Name = "SubscriptionId", Value = response.SubscriptionArn}
  90. [16:39] <pak21> (errr, ignore that)
  91. [16:39] <pak21> At the bottom of http://www.worldofspectrum.org/copyright.html
  92. [16:39] <pak21> There's a few before void.jump.org :-)
  93. [16:40] <pak21> Although I think there's at least one more move (but not a domain change, obviously) after XS4ALL.
  94. [16:45] *** marcoagpinto has quit IRC ( (null))
  95. [16:46] *** Marko is now known as Marko|AFK
  96. [16:49] <Ardentcrest> Did you not see the " :p " at the end of my post..... I know it's not closing down, but comming a type of under new managment.
  97. [16:53] *** marcoagpinto!~moc@a85-138-172-159.cpe.netcabo.pt has joined #general
  98. [16:53] <marcoagpinto> back!
  99. [16:53] <marcoagpinto> :p
  100. [16:57] *** AC620!~AC620@host81-152-7-188.range81-152.btcentralplus.com has joined #general
  101. [16:57] <AC620> Testing
  102. [16:57] *** arbuzz!~arbuzz@d.clients.kiwiirc.com has joined #general
  103. [16:59] *** AC620 is now known as snekeel
  104. [17:00] *** arbuzz is now known as AC620
  105. [17:03] *** AC620 has quit IRC (http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
  106. [17:34] *** Hernan!~androirc@ has joined #general
  107. [17:35] <Ardentcrest> We should do a book on how many we get on here tonight :D
  108. [17:42] <snekeel> What would we title it?
  109. [17:44] <marcoagpinto> "WoSers"
  110. [17:44] <marcoagpinto> :p
  111. [17:44] <marcoagpinto> anyway, I have to go to the medic
  112. [17:44] <marcoagpinto> tell me later what happened here
  113. [17:44] <marcoagpinto> medic=doctor*
  114. [17:45] *** marcoagpinto has quit IRC ( (null))
  115. [17:46] *** vaporatorius!~vaporatorius@16.Red-81-36-51.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net has joined #general
  116. [17:51] <Ardentcrest> Book as in Betting book
  117. [17:55] *** Alarm!~larm@host86-182-115-255.range86-182.btcentralplus.com has joined #general
  118. [17:55] <Alarm> Test, please ignore (no, not /ignore ).
  119. [17:59] *** Falco-F8L has quit IRC (WoS forever!)
  120. [18:03] *** AC460!~AC460@ip-117-198.sn2.eutelia.it has joined #general
  121. [18:03] *** AC460 has quit IRC (WoS forever!)
  122. [18:11] *** Falco-F8L!~Andrea@ip-117-198.sn2.eutelia.it has joined #general
  123. [18:11] <Falco-F8L> her I am again
  124. [18:11] <Falco-F8L> got rid of the Java based IRC
  125. [18:12] *** AC149!~AC149@p4FE3A42E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de has joined #general
  126. [18:12] <bloodbaz> Evening all. I believe the meet up time is 7:00 CET (GMT+1) which (I also believe) means that it will be commencing at 6pm UK time.
  127. [18:12] *** AC149 is now known as Luzie
  128. [18:13] *** Luzie has quit IRC (WoS forever!)
  129. [18:14] <Falco-F8L> bloodbaz: sounds about right :-)
  130. [18:14] *** Hernan has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
  131. [18:16] <Ardentcrest> 7+1=8 :p should thet be GMT-1 :D
  132. [18:16] *** Interceptor!~richard@cpc14-colc7-2-0-cust215.7-4.cable.virginm.net has joined #general
  133. [18:16] <Ardentcrest> Yes I Know :)
  134. [18:17] <Falco-F8L> hi interceptor
  135. [18:17] <Interceptor> hiya
  136. [18:19] *** ^Me!~androirc@ has joined #general
  137. [18:20] <Falco-F8L> 40 minutes to go
  138. [18:20] <^Me> @@
  139. [18:21] <^Me> Is this a wos birthday or something?
  140. [18:22] <Falco-F8L> Sort of
  141. [18:22] *** ^Me has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
  142. [18:25] *** player!~player@d.clients.kiwiirc.com has joined #general
  143. [18:35] *** txt_advtr!~chatzilla@ has joined #general
  144. [18:35] <txt_advtr> hello
  145. [18:36] *** SkoolKid!~rjd@ has joined #general
  146. [18:40] *** XvarZ!~XvarZ@ has joined #general
  147. [18:40] *** AC449!~AC449@095-096-201-236.static.chello.nl has joined #general
  148. [18:41] *** AC449 has quit IRC (WoS forever!)
  149. [18:41] *** XvarZ has quit IRC (EOF From client)
  150. [18:42] *** AC419!~AC419@095-096-201-236.static.chello.nl has joined #general
  151. [18:42] *** AC419 is now known as crisis
  152. [18:42] *** test!~test@ has joined #general
  153. [18:43] <crisis> test?
  154. [18:43] <crisis> test!
  155. [18:43] <Ardentcrest> Maths Test
  156. [18:43] *** test has quit IRC ( (null))
  157. [18:44] <crisis> So this is the goodbuy party for Martijn?
  158. [18:44] <Interceptor> could be…
  159. [18:45] <crisis> starting 19:00, we are still at the gate ;-)
  160. [18:47] *** balford!~u291187@86-45-224-124-dynamic.b-ras1.mgr.mullingar.eircom.net has joined #general
  161. [18:50] <Ardentcrest> 10 mins and only 19 peeps
  162. [18:52] <balford> It'll ramp up I'm sure
  163. [18:52] *** bloodbaz has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
  164. [18:52] <snekeel> I suspect more will join at 7pm GMT...obviously missing the (GMT +1) bit
  165. [18:53] *** AC315!~AC315@ has joined #general
  166. [18:53] *** sg1!~test@ has joined #general
  167. [18:53] *** AC315 has quit IRC (WoS forever!)
  168. [18:53] *** AC520!~AC520@ has joined #general
  169. [18:53] *** AC520 is now known as The_Bert
  170. [18:54] <The_Bert> good evening gents :)
  171. [18:55] *** AC094!~AC094@cpc29-rdng20-2-0-cust110.15-3.cable.virginm.net has joined #general
  172. [18:55] *** AC094 is now known as Myke-P
  173. [18:56] *** AC236!~AC236@host226-219-dynamic.51-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it has joined #general
  174. [18:57] <AC236> hi everyone :-)
  175. [18:57] *** AC236 is now known as Alessandro
  176. [18:59] *** txt_advtr has quit IRC (ChatZilla 0.9.91 [Firefox 33.1/20141106120505])
  177. [18:59] *** Hernan!~androirc@ has joined #general
  178. [18:59] *** txt_advtr!~AMF@ has joined #general
  179. [19:00] *** mheide!~mheide@thunderware.xs4all.nl has joined #general
  180. [19:00] <mheide> Hi all!
  181. [19:00] <The_Bert> hi:)
  182. [19:00] <Ardentcrest> Hurry up Its Bed Time On cbeebees
  183. [19:00] <balford> Hi Martijn
  184. [19:00] <Alessandro> Hi Martijn! :)
  185. [19:00] <Myke-P> Hi Martijn. How very prompt. :)
  186. [19:01] <vaporatorius> hi all
  187. [19:01] <mheide> It's been "a while"...
  188. [19:01] <The_Bert> hehe
  189. [19:01] <Alarm> Hi Martijn.
  190. [19:01] <Ardentcrest> :)
  191. [19:01] <Alessandro> Sure :)
  192. [19:02] *** wallyweek!~wallyweek@h171-ipv4-80-68-181.mynet.it has joined #general
  193. [19:02] <Ardentcrest> Don't let the girlfriend catch you on here :D
  194. [19:02] <bloodbaz> Hello
  195. [19:02] <mheide> I'm happy to see so many people here already.
  196. [19:02] <wallyweek> hello everyone!
  197. [19:02] *** Spector!6d9daa6a@ircip3.mibbit.com has joined #general
  198. [19:02] <Falco-F8L> hello Martijn
  199. [19:02] <Spector> hello everyone
  200. [19:02] <mheide> I don't have a girlfriend anymore - she's been my wife for 9 months. :-)
  201. [19:02] <Spector> particularly mheide
  202. [19:03] <The_Bert> well we are naturally interested in what is going to happen with WoS
  203. [19:03] <Alessandro> And I am sure everybody here is happy to hear from you again
  204. [19:03] <wallyweek> congrats marijn
  205. [19:03] <wallyweek> !
  206. [19:03] <Falco-F8L> congratulations and best of luck!
  207. [19:03] <The_Bert> big congratulations, Martijn :D
  208. [19:03] <Alessandro> Congratulations with your new life Martijn!
  209. [19:03] <balford> Congrats :D
  210. [19:03] <bloodbaz> I seem to have lost my user list.
  211. [19:03] <Ardentcrest> Congrats
  212. [19:03] *** Guesser!~Guesser@static-87-243-208-102.adsl.hotchilli.net has joined #general
  213. [19:03] <Spector> so many years, so many memories...
  214. [19:03] <The_Bert> hi guesser
  215. [19:03] <Falco-F8L> hi guesser
  216. [19:03] <Spector> I guess it's guesser
  217. [19:03] <Falco-F8L> Ciao Alessandro
  218. [19:03] <The_Bert> lol
  219. [19:04] <Alessandro> Ciao ;-)
  220. [19:04] *** AC594!~AC594@149.Red-88-16-170.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net has joined #general
  221. [19:04] <mheide> The reason for calling this chat is in a large part because my real new life is about to begin.
  222. [19:04] <Spector> and hello alarm
  223. [19:04] <Spector> that sounds ominous!
  224. [19:04] <Interceptor> martjin is pregnant
  225. [19:04] <Guesser> cirkey
  226. [19:04] <Alessandro> :-O
  227. [19:04] <Guesser> a few people in here then!
  228. [19:04] <Alarm> Hi 'tor.
  229. [19:04] <Alessandro> are they pregnant too?
  230. [19:05] <Alarm> They? How many wives do you think Martijn has?
  231. [19:05] <The_Bert> if you saw my girth, you might think so lol
  232. [19:05] <wallyweek> good, lots of new speccers coming!
  233. [19:05] <Alessandro> I talked about the people here :-D
  234. [19:05] <Guesser> the one day I'm not connected, and a hundred people show up
  235. [19:05] <Guesser> be honest... is it my breath?
  236. [19:05] <Guesser> :)
  237. [19:06] <mheide> This Saturday, I'll leave this country to start a family with my gorgeous wife in Bangkok, Thailand.
  238. [19:06] <The_Bert> wow
  239. [19:06] <Spector> wow
  240. [19:06] <player> Wos
  241. [19:06] <wallyweek> wow
  242. [19:06] <Spector> don't take any charlie with you
  243. [19:06] <Falco-F8L> That's quite a change in life. Hats off tyo you
  244. [19:06] <The_Bert> what falco said
  245. [19:06] <mheide> Thanks!
  246. [19:06] <wallyweek> you should read "the windup girl" :)
  247. [19:06] <Alessandro> Quite a feat I must say! I wish everything well to both of you.
  248. [19:06] <Spector> that's a big decision
  249. [19:06] <balford> yes, best of luck :)
  250. [19:06] <The_Bert> as do we all, i'm sure
  251. [19:06] <Ardentcrest> It's theBang(ing)kok that did it
  252. [19:06] <wallyweek> of course best of luck from me too
  253. [19:07] <mheide> I'm really excited that I found a (great) job there, which was a requirement.
  254. [19:07] <Guesser> where's mel the bell when you need him
  255. [19:07] <Falco-F8L> A must I daresay!
  256. [19:07] <The_Bert> i'm happy for you Martijn :)
  257. [19:07] <Myke-P> New wife, new job - someone's doing alright. ;)
  258. [19:07] <Hernan> Congrats Martjin!!
  259. [19:07] <Alessandro> "A new career in a new town" (well, city)
  260. [19:08] *** bloodbaz!~chris@zxlife.plus.com has joined #general
  261. [19:08] <snekeel> quite the difference
  262. [19:08] <SkoolKid> New job, new wife, new country, new life
  263. [19:08] <SkoolKid> It's important to make these things rhyme
  264. [19:08] <Spector> you'll wake up the first day there and think... where am I? WHO am I????
  265. [19:08] <mheide> The last year and a half has been a rollercoaster ride. I might be the luckiest guy on the planet. :-)
  266. [19:08] <wallyweek> :)
  267. [19:08] <Spector> :D
  268. [19:08] <Alessandro> ACTION claps hands
  269. [19:08] <bloodbaz> :-)
  270. [19:08] <mheide> It'll be my third continent to live in. :-)
  271. [19:08] <wallyweek> whoooopieee!
  272. [19:08] <Alessandro> great!
  273. [19:09] <Myke-P> You have checked she wasn't a C64 owner, back in the 80s?
  274. [19:09] <wallyweek> lol
  275. [19:09] <Spector> imagine she was hiding that from you
  276. [19:09] <The_Bert> europe being the first, and second must have been.. Antarctica?
  277. [19:09] <Alessandro> like a certain person's wife? ;)
  278. [19:09] <mheide> Europe was the second.
  279. [19:09] <The_Bert> ah i see
  280. [19:10] <Guesser> cirkey
  281. [19:10] <Guesser> oops/
  282. [19:10] <wallyweek> quite a surprise.... thought you were from holland... aren't you?
  283. [19:10] <The_Bert> name's dutch for sure
  284. [19:10] <mheide> I was born in South America (my dad worked there for a couple of years). I've always been Dutch, but lived there for a whole year. :-)
  285. [19:11] <wallyweek> dutch name, great fame
  286. [19:11] <wallyweek> (this rhymes too) :)
  287. [19:11] <Alarm> What we all want to know is...
  288. [19:11] <Alessandro> Now that's a surprise!
  289. [19:11] <Alarm> do you still have that moustache?
  290. [19:11] <The_Bert> ah i see, what an interesting life you'v e had Martijn :)
  291. [19:11] <mheide> Nope, the moustache has gone. Wedding promise...
  292. [19:12] <The_Bert> still have, of course
  293. [19:12] <Alarm> Well, that killed the chat!
  294. [19:12] <Spector> I'd just like to say that you were for years in charge of the best website of its kind on the internet. No other Retro Gaming site (and there are many) was as good.
  295. [19:12] <The_Bert> sorry
  296. [19:13] <Alarm> No, my comment, Bert. I was joking. :)
  297. [19:13] <The_Bert> i agree with spector
  298. [19:13] <Alessandro> And we thank you all for that.
  299. [19:13] <Alessandro> we all thank you for that
  300. [19:13] <balford> agreed
  301. [19:13] <wallyweek> +1
  302. [19:13] <SkoolKid> We thank you for all that, too
  303. [19:14] <Spector> always looked upon WOS as being so stable, so reliable and authoritative. It was just so slick and professional without being overproduced.
  304. [19:14] <Spector> You did the Spectrum more justice online than anyone else.
  305. [19:14] <Spector> And who would have thought that it would be down to a Dutchman born in South America??? :D
  306. [19:14] <Alessandro> the flying dutchman, indeed
  307. [19:15] <Alessandro> unless you came to Europe by ship
  308. [19:15] <Alessandro> :-D
  309. [19:15] <mheide> I've always said that WoS belongs to all of us - I just worked here. So, naturally, I handed it over to a competent team.
  310. [19:15] <The_Bert> why the past tense, Spector? i thin WoS is still really great
  311. [19:16] <Spector> I know, I'm referring to martijn's time, not that time is up for WOS
  312. [19:16] <Spector> we need the various infoseek sections updated to their former magnificence, though I know that can't be done with a snap of the fingers
  313. [19:16] <The_Bert> well, Martijn, without your hard work, and vision, WoS wouldn't have been what it is now
  314. [19:17] <Ardentcrest> a place for sad lonely gamers from the 80's
  315. [19:18] <Spector> that's right, it has been.... what?!?
  316. [19:18] <wallyweek> or for children of sad lonely gamers from the 80's ;-)
  317. [19:18] <mheide> I might get back one day, who knows. But for now, my evenings are filled with Skype.
  318. [19:18] <Alarm> Not for much longer. :)
  319. [19:19] <Spector> I think you should come back even if only once a year to make a post, saying how you are etc etc. It wouldn't take long to do that, there's no need to disappear completely.
  320. [19:19] <The_Bert> that would be nice, Martijn, if you could pop in occasionally, and tell us how you're doin :)
  321. [19:19] <mheide> That's true, but then my timezone will be GMT+7. :-)
  322. [19:19] <Ardentcrest> funny name for a baby "Skype"
  323. [19:19] <mheide> Ah, yes, babies could certainly come next.
  324. [19:19] <Alarm> Well, it was either that or "Zzapp!"...
  325. [19:20] *** AC400!~AC400@4street.zxworld.net has joined #general
  326. [19:20] <balford> definitely not Stonkers
  327. [19:20] <snekeel> so who's part of this new team? or is that confidential?
  328. [19:20] *** spectroum!~spectroum@ACaen-654-1-139-95.w81-48.abo.wanadoo.fr has joined #general
  329. [19:20] <The_Bert> you scare me, Alarm ;)
  330. [19:20] <mheide> And we don't actually use Skype, as that is uncommon in Asia.
  331. [19:20] <wallyweek> martijn that's no problem... forums have no time zones :-)
  332. [19:20] <Alarm> It is good to be scared at times, Bert.
  333. [19:21] <The_Bert> smoke signals, then
  334. [19:21] <Spector> yeah post on the forum
  335. [19:21] <AC400> Hello Martijn Frank V here ;)
  336. [19:21] <mheide> Frank!
  337. [19:21] <AC400> yup
  338. [19:21] <mheide> Good to see you too.
  339. [19:21] *** AC400 is now known as Frank
  340. [19:21] <Alessandro> And let us know about your new life... if you like of course :-)
  341. [19:22] <The_Bert> i'd offer you all a cup of coffee, but virtual coffee may not be as good as the real thing
  342. [19:22] <mheide> It's different from the Western world, that's for sure.
  343. [19:22] <Frank> I have family in the far east
  344. [19:22] <mheide> We see family and friends every day.
  345. [19:22] <Spector> I hear that everyone over there is a kung fu expert
  346. [19:23] <Spector> but I'm not sure that's true
  347. [19:23] <Frank> I saw your new job Marijn
  348. [19:23] <bloodbaz> Sorry Martjin, my IRC dropped out just after the hour. Where are you relocating too again?
  349. [19:23] <Frank> Gefeli!
  350. [19:23] <mheide> Thai Boxing is a dangerous but common sport.
  351. [19:23] <bloodbaz> Thailand?
  352. [19:23] <Spector> ah yes, the feet are used as well as the fists
  353. [19:23] <mheide> Yep, Bangkok to be exact.
  354. [19:24] <Frank> When are you going?
  355. [19:24] <wallyweek> remember to buy something yellow to wear on King's Day
  356. [19:24] <wallyweek> :)
  357. [19:24] <mheide> I'll work for the government, doing a similar job I have now but then on a national scale.
  358. [19:25] <mheide> @Frank: this Saturday.
  359. [19:25] <Spector> I'm intruiged as to how you got a job over there while still here
  360. [19:25] <The_Bert> at least something will be familiar to you then :)
  361. [19:25] <mheide> https://thaicert.or.th/ fact fans.
  362. [19:25] <Frank> @mheide we moet nog wel even babbelen
  363. [19:25] *** sg1 is now known as FogartyLee
  364. [19:25] <The_Bert> hi Fogarty
  365. [19:26] <FogartyLee> hi
  366. [19:26] <Myke-P> "Work for the government" eh? That sounds fabulously clandestine.
  367. [19:26] <Guesser> lo foggy
  368. [19:26] <FogartyLee> lo
  369. [19:26] *** Polo!~John@cpc1-burn8-2-0-cust564.10-1.cable.virginm.net has joined #general
  370. [19:26] <Polo> aha
  371. [19:26] <Guesser> lo polo
  372. [19:26] <mheide> I've been to Bangkok every 2 months, to learn how things work, to get married, to find a job, a house, everything.
  373. [19:26] <The_Bert> ACTION waves at Polo
  374. [19:26] <Polo> lo G
  375. [19:27] <wallyweek> so we should expectp wos to relocate on a gov.th domain soon? :)
  376. [19:27] <Ardentcrest> Lo po Lo
  377. [19:27] <The_Bert> lol @wally
  378. [19:27] <Alessandro> Who known if there are Spectrum fans there too?
  379. [19:27] <Alessandro> :)
  380. [19:27] <Polo> ACTION moves to Thailand, :D
  381. [19:27] <The_Bert> probably not many
  382. [19:27] <mheide> I haven't found any yet, besides myself. :-)
  383. [19:27] <Spector> must have cost you a lot martijn, but that's the right way about things for sure
  384. [19:27] <wallyweek> one for sure, starting this saturday
  385. [19:27] <wallyweek> :)
  386. [19:27] <Alessandro> Well, that's a start, and a really good one :D
  387. [19:28] <mheide> Yes, my savings have gone a bit.
  388. [19:28] <The_Bert> commisserations
  389. [19:28] <Polo> So... am I the next boss of WoS? I can ban you all !!!! MUAHAHAHAHAAH !!!! :D
  390. [19:28] <Guesser> oaf
  391. [19:28] <The_Bert> i thought it would be Karingal
  392. [19:28] <Ardentcrest> :P
  393. [19:28] <FogartyLee> learning how things work is essential before marriage...
  394. [19:28] <Polo> then spend time talking to myself lp;
  395. [19:29] *** VintageIsTheNew!~pgarcia@ has joined #general
  396. [19:29] <Spector> is that... the polomint??
  397. [19:29] <Polo> lol
  398. [19:29] <Polo> aye
  399. [19:29] <Polo> the round one, :p
  400. [19:29] <Spector> oh my god, this really is a nostalgia trip!
  401. [19:29] <The_Bert> :)
  402. [19:30] <mheide> The language is a big hurdle, though. So difficult! I've been studying it since the beginning of the year and still get nowhere.
  403. [19:30] <Ardentcrest> Where is K
  404. [19:30] <FogartyLee> polo is retro?
  405. [19:30] <Polo> lol
  406. [19:30] <Polo> lo fog, :p
  407. [19:30] <Spector> yeah the language is nothing like engrish, I don't know where you'd start there
  408. [19:30] <Alessandro> Are you required to know Thai because you work for the government?
  409. [19:30] <The_Bert> well, you know what they say Martijn, immersion is the best way to learn
  410. [19:31] <mheide> Yes, although my job is in English, I am required to learn Thai.
  411. [19:31] <Spector> retropolo.com - NEW SITE
  412. [19:31] *** xxxxxx!~Test_12345@5418DF8D.cm-5-1d.dynamic.ziggo.nl has joined #general
  413. [19:31] <Polo> heh
  414. [19:31] <Ardentcrest> This is eatting into my nap time. Whats happing to WOS..... :D
  415. [19:31] <Falco-F8L> If you managed to learn English, you can manage Thai too :-)
  416. [19:31] *** xxxxxx is now known as timmy
  417. [19:31] *** wallyweek has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
  418. [19:31] <timmy> heh, finally get this working...
  419. [19:31] *** VintageIsTheNew is now known as VintageNewOld
  420. [19:32] <mheide> Thai is a tone language, really difficult (based on Sanskrit and Hindi). :-(
  421. [19:32] *** Polo is now known as OldPolo
  422. [19:32] <The_Bert> i'd never have guessed that
  423. [19:32] <Spector> I thought in thai you just relplaced the "r"s with "l"s - ie "this is very very tasty" becomes "this is velly velly tasty"
  424. [19:33] <The_Bert> that's chinese :P
  425. [19:33] <Guesser> that's chinese silly
  426. [19:33] <Guesser> lol snap
  427. [19:33] <Spector> sorry so it is lol
  428. [19:33] <mheide> Funny enough, that is actually true...
  429. [19:33] <Guesser> it's FRRRIED RRRICE you plick!
  430. [19:33] <Spector> I don't believe it - I can speak fluent Thai!!!!
  431. [19:33] <mheide> So you learn proper Thai and the wife uses different words ('r' -> 'l')
  432. [19:33] <Guesser> </lethal weapon>
  433. [19:34] <The_Bert> a friend of mine once played in a band called "Flied Lice"
  434. [19:34] *** wallyweek!~wallyweek@pa-18-190-73.service.infuturo.it has joined #general
  435. [19:34] <FogartyLee> I bet that bugged him
  436. [19:34] <The_Bert> no, he found it hilarious
  437. [19:34] <Myke-P> b'dum t'sh
  438. [19:35] <Alessandro> Fried Lice?!
  439. [19:35] <mheide> What's worse is that they have no less than 22 vowels and 44 consonents (!!!) and still don't have an 'ij' sound, so they can't pronounce my name! Tsk!
  440. [19:35] <timmy> Flied lice :P
  441. [19:35] <Spector> that is hell of a tough
  442. [19:35] <The_Bert> poor Martijn :(
  443. [19:35] <Spector> 22 vowels!!!
  444. [19:35] <timmy> You mean they can pronounce "rrrrrr"???
  445. [19:36] <Alessandro> 22 vowels... aaah I feel giddy...
  446. [19:36] <Myke-P> It's pronounced Mar-tidge-in, isn't it?
  447. [19:36] <Spector> almost
  448. [19:36] *** [hackersanon]!~[hackersanon]@cpc3-ruth7-2-0-cust242.14-1.cable.virginm.net has joined #general
  449. [19:36] <Spector> It's pronounced Mal-tign
  450. [19:36] <Guesser> most wossers can't pronounce it either :p
  451. [19:36] <mheide> They actually have an 'r' and 'l', but that is too hard, or something.
  452. [19:37] *** wallyweek has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
  453. [19:37] <Spector> wallyweek is overcome with emotion
  454. [19:37] *** kerl!~kerl@76.Red-83-52-231.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net has joined #general
  455. [19:38] *** HackersAnon!~Gerard@cpc3-ruth7-2-0-cust242.14-1.cable.virginm.net has joined #general
  456. [19:38] <HackersAnon> evening all
  457. [19:38] <FogartyLee> lo
  458. [19:38] <mheide> For my name, my wife simply ignores the 'r' and makes it 'Ma-tine'
  459. [19:38] <The_Bert> hi HA
  460. [19:38] <Spector> lo mr hacker
  461. [19:38] <Alessandro> Hi!
  462. [19:38] <mheide> Gerard!
  463. [19:38] <HackersAnon> Matine!
  464. [19:38] <HackersAnon> :)
  465. [19:38] *** VintageNewOld has left #general (VintageNewOld)
  466. [19:38] <Spector> the sweeney?
  467. [19:38] <The_Bert> Depardieu? :o
  468. [19:38] *** VintageNewOld!~pgarcia@ has joined #general
  469. [19:38] <HackersAnon> Get your trousers on, Spector - you're nicked!
  470. [19:39] <Spector> :D
  471. [19:39] <HackersAnon> How are we all?
  472. [19:39] <Spector> we are all crying
  473. [19:39] <Alarm> Actually, for one night only...
  474. [19:39] <The_Bert> fine here ty :)
  475. [19:39] <FogartyLee> that's a sentence that's been said more than once...
  476. [19:39] *** Alarm is now known as Fil
  477. [19:39] <HackersAnon> That and "Of course I'll respect you in the morning"
  478. [19:40] <timmy> and i just installed an irc client for this... not used to irc anymore
  479. [19:40] <HackersAnon> I had to try to remember which client I used on here last time :)
  480. [19:41] <The_Bert> pjirc here
  481. [19:41] <Alessandro> I am using the Java one on the WOS website. Hadn't used IRC for aeons.
  482. [19:41] <HackersAnon> PChat portable here
  483. [19:41] <mheide> Thankfully, I could just click on 'WoS' in the irc channel list. :-)
  484. [19:41] <timmy> mirc
  485. [19:41] <Spector> mibbit here
  486. [19:41] <Fil> mIRC here.
  487. [19:41] <mheide> XChat2 here
  488. [19:41] <HackersAnon> Blim! MegaIRC which hasn't worked for over a year just joined on this laptop
  489. [19:42] <HackersAnon> Must recognise it's an important thing
  490. [19:42] <Frank> pjirc
  491. [19:42] <HackersAnon> Or heard me muttering "No, it wasn't you I used last year because you crapped out"
  492. [19:42] <mheide> So, the good news is that the new WoS team is slowly dropping on!
  493. [19:42] <mheide> Or in.
  494. [19:42] <Spector> when do they fully take over
  495. [19:42] <HackersAnon> Indeed.. Who's all here? Raise your hands! (Eh? Ed)
  496. [19:42] *** timmy is now known as Timmy
  497. [19:43] <mheide> Whenever they are ready.
  498. [19:43] *** ^Me!~androirc@ has joined #general
  499. [19:43] <HackersAnon> I was born ready
  500. [19:43] <HackersAnon> Ready for my bed
  501. [19:43] <FogartyLee> we were all born ready for your bed...
  502. [19:43] <The_Bert> would it be too presumptious to ask who the new team is?
  503. [19:43] <mheide> As always, sleeping is for amateurs, Gerard (100 lines, now!)
  504. [19:43] <HackersAnon> Ready for sweet sweet loving (Erm.. Back away, slowly. Ed)
  505. [19:43] <Timmy> so i didnt missed any announcements yet, right?
  506. [19:44] <mheide> Mmmmmm, loving.
  507. [19:44] <The_Bert> right, timmy :)
  508. [19:44] <FogartyLee> yes Timmy, we voted and you now own WoS. Well done :)
  509. [19:44] <HackersAnon> Heh - tell me about it, Martijn - my good lady is already narked off at trying to get me to go to sleep at 2am because I have to be up at 6 :)
  510. [19:44] <The_Bert> :lol
  511. [19:44] <HackersAnon> Well done, Timmy... What now
  512. [19:44] <HackersAnon> You are logged into the WoS admin console. What now?
  513. [19:44] <Fil> World of Timmy
  514. [19:45] <Timmy> lol
  515. [19:45] <HackersAnon> You can see a screen
  516. [19:45] <HackersAnon> There is also a well used keyboard
  517. [19:45] <Fil> HackersAnon: "Update everything"
  518. [19:45] <HackersAnon> I don't understand. Please rephrase
  519. [19:45] <Timmy> "type reboot"
  520. [19:45] <The_Bert> Unknown Command
  521. [19:45] <balford> em -rf *
  522. [19:45] <Alessandro> I don't know what a "reboot" is.
  523. [19:46] <balford> damn it, rm
  524. [19:46] <Alessandro> Please use different words.
  525. [19:46] <Alessandro> What now?
  526. [19:46] <Fil> "I only want to play Chuckie Egg"
  527. [19:46] <FogartyLee> its when you take a boot off & put it back on again
  528. [19:46] <Timmy> its a kick in the something
  529. [19:46] <Alessandro> Type HELP for a list of commands.
  530. [19:46] <HackersAnon> CHEAT
  531. [19:47] <FogartyLee> its what happens the 2nd time your wife doesn't do as you tell her
  532. [19:47] <The_Bert> WRITETYPER
  533. [19:47] <Timmy> oh "help", i forgot about that command lol
  534. [19:47] <Alessandro> YXES
  535. [19:47] <Falco-F8L> brb in 10 minutes
  536. [19:47] <Fil> 6031769
  537. [19:47] <crisis> help
  538. [19:47] <HackersAnon> Cya Falco
  539. [19:47] <Alessandro> Ok !
  540. [19:47] *** Falco-F8L has quit IRC (KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/)
  541. [19:48] <mheide> Of all the stacks of paperwork, this morning was the most awkward one: deregistering from my country. I no longer live here, officially. Yikes!
  542. [19:48] <The_Bert> :O
  543. [19:48] <The_Bert> :o
  544. [19:48] <HackersAnon> Erk.. They're going to kick your door in and deport you?
  545. [19:48] <HackersAnon> [knock knock]
  546. [19:48] <Timmy> oh
  547. [19:48] <Alessandro> So you have double citizenship now or are you fully a subject of His Majesty the King of Thailand?
  548. [19:49] <HackersAnon> [knock knock knock]
  549. [19:49] <The_Bert> the latter it would seem, Alessandro
  550. [19:49] <mheide> I'll remain Dutch for the moment; I get a chance to become Thai after a number of years (no double citizenship allowed).
  551. [19:49] <HackersAnon> So the paperwork was fun, then, Martijn?
  552. [19:49] <The_Bert> oh
  553. [19:50] <mheide> No fun at all.
  554. [19:50] <Alessandro> ACTION nods in understanding
  555. [19:50] <Timmy> wow
  556. [19:50] <mheide> In and out of embassies for months.
  557. [19:50] <The_Bert> yikes
  558. [19:50] <mheide> First for the marriage, then for emigration.
  559. [19:50] <mheide> But well worth it, I hasten to add.
  560. [19:50] <HackersAnon> (Is the right answer)
  561. [19:51] <The_Bert> i believe you
  562. [19:51] *** player has quit IRC (http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
  563. [19:51] <Alessandro> I am sure, Martijn.
  564. [19:51] <HackersAnon> So when do you ship out, as it were?
  565. [19:51] <mheide> Did I ever tell you I am deeply in love? :D
  566. [19:51] <HackersAnon> With me? Yes you did
  567. [19:52] <mheide> Oh.
  568. [19:52] <HackersAnon> But we put it down to the lager
  569. [19:52] <mheide> Oops.
  570. [19:52] <The_Bert> we sort of got the idea, i think ;)
  571. [19:52] <HackersAnon> And moved on
  572. [19:52] <Fil> Does the Thai alphabet have both Z and X?
  573. [19:52] <Alessandro> lol
  574. [19:52] *** wallyweek!~wallyweek@h171-ipv4-80-68-181.mynet.it has joined #general
  575. [19:52] <The_Bert> wb wally
  576. [19:52] <Timmy> ACTION testing emotes :)
  577. [19:53] <FogartyLee> so all that's true about wallyweek then? wow.
  578. [19:53] <mheide> Have a look for yourself, Fil: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thai_alphabet
  579. [19:53] <Spector> martijn, were you not able to convince her to emigrate over here ? :)
  580. [19:53] <Fil> That would be a no, then.
  581. [19:54] <mheide> That was plan A.
  582. [19:54] <crisis> beer, thempe and WOS, life is good
  583. [19:54] <Timmy> so what happened?
  584. [19:54] *** Alessandro has quit IRC (WoS forever!)
  585. [19:54] <mheide> She really tried, but really missed her family when she was here (twice).
  586. [19:54] <The_Bert> i knew it had to be family reasons
  587. [19:55] *** AC100!~AC100@host226-219-dynamic.51-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it has joined #general
  588. [19:55] <mheide> Family ties are really important in Asia. As I said, we seem them daily.
  589. [19:55] *** Glenn!~Glenn@host81-154-132-12.range81-154.btcentralplus.com has joined #general
  590. [19:55] <wallyweek> sorry I'm having troubles with my home line... :(
  591. [19:55] <mheide> So we had to opt for plan B.
  592. [19:55] *** AC100 is now known as Alessandro
  593. [19:55] <The_Bert> understood, M
  594. [19:55] <Timmy> but you have internet! you can videochat all day! :)
  595. [19:55] <crisis> families in asia stay long to gether
  596. [19:56] <mheide> Yes, they are more like strong communities.
  597. [19:56] <Timmy> so are you going to stay in their home or did you bought a new house?
  598. [19:56] <mheide> We have an apartment of our own.
  599. [19:57] <Timmy> a lot smaller than the houses over here?
  600. [19:57] <Fil> Do you still have your guinea pigs?
  601. [19:58] <mheide> It's smaller than what I have now, but then, normally 10 people live in the same amount of space.
  602. [19:58] <crisis> about the max image sie on WOS :
  603. [19:58] <crisis> no link copied ...
  604. [19:58] <mheide> My guinea pigs will go to my mom this week. I'll miss them. :-(
  605. [19:58] <The_Bert> :(
  606. [19:58] <Fil> Aww :(
  607. [19:58] <Timmy> :(
  608. [19:59] <Spector> see now that's the tough part
  609. [19:59] <wallyweek> don't worry they will be fine!
  610. [19:59] <Alessandro> That's sad to hear :-(
  611. [19:59] <HackersAnon> Aww
  612. [19:59] <Timmy> ADJB just posted not being able to come on chat...
  613. [20:00] <HackersAnon> ADJB!
  614. [20:00] <crisis> maybe they like to travel and you could make them guinea postpigs
  615. [20:01] <mheide> Sadly, animals must go into quarantine for 6 months before they are allowed in Thailand, and by that time they will most likely be dead (they're relatively old already).
  616. [20:01] <The_Bert> sorry to hear that :(
  617. [20:01] <Timmy> well, you can still skype them every day...
  618. [20:01] <mheide> So I'll probably never see them again.
  619. [20:01] <wallyweek> that's so bad :(
  620. [20:02] <bloodbaz> :-(
  621. [20:02] <mheide> Yes. It's the thing I dread most.
  622. [20:02] <Alessandro> :-(
  623. [20:02] <The_Bert> ACTION tries to console Martijn
  624. [20:02] <HackersAnon> ACTION stiffens his lip
  625. [20:03] <HackersAnon> The dust in this room is terrible
  626. [20:03] <HackersAnon> Gets right in yer eye
  627. [20:03] <pak21> Evening all.
  628. [20:03] <Timmy> put a live webcam on them then?
  629. [20:03] <Fil> Peeling onions?
  630. [20:03] <The_Bert> hi pak
  631. [20:03] <Alessandro> Hi pak21
  632. [20:03] <HackersAnon> Evening Mr21 :)
  633. [20:03] <Fil> Hi Phil.
  634. [20:03] <mheide> Phil!
  635. [20:03] <Spector> hi paki21
  636. [20:03] <Myke-P> @Timmy: I tried to swap to my iPad, however, got an error saying too many people were connected (so I stayed on using this PJIRC session on my laptop.)
  637. [20:03] <pak21> Hey Martjin, everyone else.
  638. [20:03] <Spector> sorry pak21
  639. [20:04] <FogartyLee> lo
  640. [20:04] <crisis> so a big pot off onionssuop and if we peel above the pot we dont have to add salt ...
  641. [20:04] <Timmy> @Myke, good to know
  642. [20:04] <Alessandro> +7 to CET... so it's 3.05 AM there now?
  643. [20:04] <mheide> That's odd!
  644. [20:05] <The_Bert> that's actually a good idea, crisis ;)
  645. [20:05] <crisis> soup? ok
  646. [20:05] <mheide> 2AM, Alessandro (it's +1 here)
  647. [20:05] <mheide> +7 to GMT.
  648. [20:05] <Timmy> im on dutch time :)
  649. [20:06] <crisis> me to, 20:05
  650. [20:06] <crisis> eh 20:06
  651. [20:06] *** Ardentcrest has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
  652. [20:06] <The_Bert> danish time would be the same, right?
  653. [20:06] <crisis> reset by peer ??
  654. [20:06] <wallyweek> line dropped?
  655. [20:06] <HackersAnon> I've put a post up on the Spectrum4Ever FB group. Got a reply saying that "Error : All connections in use [19:05] Disconnected from irc.worldofspectrum.org"
  656. [20:07] <Myke-P> A work colleague pulls out your network cable
  657. [20:07] <pak21> mheide: is there any way we can increase the web IRC user limit? I know there are folks trying to get in.
  658. [20:07] <Spector> well, I need to go, so my final words to martijn are, thanks, goodbye... and good luck! :)
  659. [20:07] *** [hackersanon] has quit IRC (MegaIRC v4.05 http://ironfist.at.tut.by)
  660. [20:07] <crisis> danish ? joah
  661. [20:07] <HackersAnon> That's the other app I had running.
  662. [20:07] *** XvarZ!~XvarZ@bl12-143-161.dsl.telepac.pt has joined #general
  663. [20:07] <HackersAnon> I'm still here :)
  664. [20:07] <Alessandro> Bye Spector!
  665. [20:07] <The_Bert> bye, Spector :(
  666. [20:07] <HackersAnon> Bye Spector
  667. [20:07] <wallyweek> bye Spector!
  668. [20:07] *** txt_advtr has quit IRC (ChatZilla 0.9.91 [Firefox 33.1/20141106120505])
  669. [20:07] *** Spector has quit IRC (http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
  670. [20:07] <crisis> ok, see yah later, room for the next one
  671. [20:08] *** Ardentcrest!~quassel@86-46-188-82-dynamic.b-ras1.mgr.mullingar.eircom.net has joined #general
  672. [20:08] *** crisis has quit IRC (WoS forever!)
  673. [20:08] <HackersAnon> Erm, that wasn't a hint!
  674. [20:08] <HackersAnon> Come back! :)
  675. [20:08] <Timmy> lol
  676. [20:08] <Alessandro> Too late I guess :-S
  677. [20:08] <Frank> ACTION leaving
  678. [20:08] <HackersAnon> [Virtually runs out into the street, chasing a virtual train leaving down the virtual track]
  679. [20:09] <wallyweek> now I see why it took so long to come back
  680. [20:09] <XvarZ> Hello Wosers!
  681. [20:09] <The_Bert> hi XvarZ
  682. [20:09] <mheide> ACTION is trying to figure out the ircd.config file
  683. [20:09] <Alessandro> Hi xvarz
  684. [20:09] <Timmy> please increase the user limit
  685. [20:09] <HackersAnon> Heh - one last task before you go :)
  686. [20:10] <Guesser> what's going to happen to the irc server, out of interest
  687. [20:10] <Guesser> carrying on business as usual?
  688. [20:10] <bloodbaz> We seem to be maxing out at 28 users
  689. [20:10] *** Hernan has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
  690. [20:10] <XvarZ> I see i didnt miss the main event
  691. [20:10] *** lost_jon!~lost_jon@b.clients.kiwiirc.com has joined #general
  692. [20:11] <The_Bert> no, we've mostly been chit-chatting until now
  693. [20:11] <HackersAnon> No, XvarZ
  694. [20:11] <HackersAnon> Just waiting till you got here :)
  695. [20:11] <The_Bert> Martijn has told us a bit about his new life in Thailand, and the difficulties of learning Thai
  696. [20:11] <XvarZ> Cewl! :D how thoughtfull
  697. [20:12] <Alessandro> He's also cut his moustache as a wedding promise! :-D
  698. [20:12] <Myke-P> ... And there was that revelation about cracking wormhole theory, but nothing else major?
  699. [20:12] <The_Bert> and finally, he has to leave his beloved guinea pigs behind :( but his mom will take good care of them
  700. [20:13] <HackersAnon> Oh, you finally worked out that wormhole thing - told you trimming the 'tache would do it
  701. [20:13] <The_Bert> lol
  702. [20:14] *** john_metcalf!~chatzilla@ has joined #general
  703. [20:14] <mheide> I think I found the right line (class 12) and will send a SIGHUP to the ircd process. Hopefully we won't get kicked out.
  704. [20:14] <The_Bert> ACTION hides under the bed
  705. [20:14] <mheide> Are we still here?
  706. [20:14] <The_Bert> yup
  707. [20:14] <OldPolo> ACTION rolls up and down
  708. [20:14] <bloodbaz> ACTION holds on to things
  709. [20:14] <XvarZ> Present
  710. [20:14] <Fil> Were we ever here?
  711. [20:14] <Alessandro> ACTION peeks from behind the door
  712. [20:14] <mheide> Can more people join now?
  713. [20:15] <OldPolo> ACTION farts moistly
  714. [20:15] <balford> ACTION hides behind the sofa
  715. [20:15] <The_Bert> TMI polo :P
  716. [20:15] <OldPolo> :)
  717. [20:15] <Marko|AFK> ACTION sticks hand up... "I'm not"
  718. [20:15] <Myke-P> ACTION thinks he's still here
  719. [20:15] <Alessandro> ACTION puts the gas mask on
  720. [20:15] <Fil> Can someone post on that Facebook page to let folk know it should be okay now?
  721. [20:15] <HackersAnon> I'm here
  722. [20:15] <OldPolo> ACTION goes bom bom bom !!
  723. [20:15] <HackersAnon> Done
  724. [20:15] <Fil> Ta
  725. [20:15] <The_Bert> thanks
  726. [20:15] <Timmy> ACTION is tesing as well as cooking
  727. [20:16] <john_metcalf> Am I here now, not sure if this thing is working
  728. [20:16] <OldPolo> you're not here really JM
  729. [20:16] <The_Bert> i can see you john, so it must be
  730. [20:16] <john_metcalf> :-(
  731. [20:16] <OldPolo> hehe
  732. [20:16] *** OldPolo is now known as polomint
  733. [20:16] <john_metcalf> Will keep trying, thanks polo
  734. [20:16] <polomint> ahh tis better
  735. [20:16] <polomint> :p
  736. [20:16] <Alessandro> @The_Bert: Esse ist percipi
  737. [20:17] *** [hackersanon]!~[hackersanon]@cpc3-ruth7-2-0-cust242.14-1.cable.virginm.net has joined #general
  738. [20:17] <Alessandro> est
  739. [20:17] <FogartyLee> I've never been here :( You all imagined me. Perverts.
  740. [20:17] <The_Bert> sorry, i don't understand :(
  741. [20:17] *** AC043!~AC043@host31-51-92-164.range31-51.btcentralplus.com has joined #general
  742. [20:17] <Alessandro> well... it means "to be is to be perceived"
  743. [20:17] <The_Bert> lating was never my strong suit
  744. [20:17] <The_Bert> latin*
  745. [20:17] <john_metcalf> Polomint: while I've got your attention - Classic Elite Day at the Centre for Computing History http://www.computinghistory.org.uk/det/35940/Elite-Day-22nd-November/ :-)
  746. [20:17] <The_Bert> ah i see, thanks
  747. [20:18] <Alessandro> it has to do with George Berkeley's thought... I'll explain that later :D
  748. [20:18] <polomint> OOOOOOO
  749. [20:18] <polomint> feck, I'm working, :D
  750. [20:18] <polomint> :(
  751. [20:18] *** AC043 is now known as Maroc
  752. [20:19] <Timmy> you've all heard about the new Elite being online only?
  753. [20:19] <HackersAnon> I got on using MegaIRC as well as this one, so looking promising?
  754. [20:19] <The_Bert> so some thing like "Nietche: To do is to be /Sartre: To be is to do /Sinatra: Do be do be do"
  755. [20:19] <polomint> it better not be, grr
  756. [20:19] <Alessandro> Cambridge eh? I went there last April :-D
  757. [20:19] *** [hackersanon] has quit IRC (MegaIRC v4.05 http://ironfist.at.tut.by)
  758. [20:19] <john_metcalf> polomint: I was there last weekend, so I can't get away with going again this soon. :-(
  759. [20:19] <snekeel> bah I knew they'd be a catch!
  760. [20:19] <Alessandro> @The_Bert: Well, sorta :-D
  761. [20:19] <HackersAnon> I missed the WoS meet in Carlisle last month. Gutted
  762. [20:20] <polomint> john_metcalf, its too far for me to go without a load of notice :/
  763. [20:20] <polomint> Carlisle was fun heheh
  764. [20:20] <HackersAnon> Not helping, polomint!
  765. [20:20] <HackersAnon> :)
  766. [20:20] <FogartyLee> Hi ADJB :)
  767. [20:20] <polomint> lol
  768. [20:20] <HackersAnon> You're mean to say it was rubbish
  769. [20:20] *** Maroc has quit IRC (WoS forever!)
  770. [20:20] <HackersAnon> meant
  771. [20:20] <polomint> :D
  772. [20:20] <john_metcalf> Carlisle would've been a bit of a trek for me. 6 hours on the train.
  773. [20:21] *** ADJB!ADJB@5ec32101.skybroadband.com has joined #general
  774. [20:21] <mheide> So, can more people get in now or not?
  775. [20:21] <HackersAnon> Folk on FB saying it's still full
  776. [20:21] <mheide> Tony!
  777. [20:21] <ADJB> Evening all
  778. [20:21] <The_Bert> consider the walk from Denmark then ;)
  779. [20:21] <Timmy> hi
  780. [20:21] <polomint> lol
  781. [20:21] <Alessandro> Hi ADJB
  782. [20:21] <HackersAnon> I think they're using the Java
  783. [20:21] *** lost_jon has quit IRC (http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
  784. [20:21] <Alessandro> or the walk from Sicily :D
  785. [20:21] <polomint> that java one is shite, never works for me
  786. [20:21] *** dakidski!~admin@ip1.c118.amb350.cust.comxnet.dk has joined #general
  787. [20:21] <dakidski> hi
  788. [20:21] <Alessandro> Hi!
  789. [20:21] <The_Bert> hi
  790. [20:21] <XvarZ> Lo
  791. [20:22] <The_Bert> mid
  792. [20:22] <dakidski> has it begun?
  793. [20:22] <The_Bert> still taking off, i guess
  794. [20:22] <mheide> Has what begun?
  795. [20:22] <Timmy> it seems ppl only join in after ppl have left
  796. [20:22] <HackersAnon> Nope - I'm not getting in with MegaIRC either, but was a minute ago
  797. [20:22] <HackersAnon> Looks like 36 tops
  798. [20:22] <bloodbaz> 37 people in now, up from 28
  799. [20:22] <The_Bert> sigh
  800. [20:22] <Alessandro> So Martjin, can you give us some more details about the future of WOS?
  801. [20:22] <bloodbaz> Asger was just trying to get in , but is in now.
  802. [20:22] <dakidski> announcement and news about future of WOS
  803. [20:23] <dakidski> thought that this was about that
  804. [20:23] <Guesser> the flash client is better than the java client
  805. [20:23] <Guesser> and a real client is better than either of them :p
  806. [20:23] <john_metcalf> It took me 10 minutes to get in, constantly trying to connect. (using Chatzilla)
  807. [20:23] <Alessandro> I am using pjirc and so far everything is fine.
  808. [20:24] *** AC992!~AC992@host31-51-92-164.range31-51.btcentralplus.com has joined #general
  809. [20:24] <The_Bert> same here, Alessandro
  810. [20:24] <Alessandro> I guess your mileage may vary :)
  811. [20:24] <Guesser> that would be before martijn raised the max users limit :)
  812. [20:24] <Guesser> kvirc here
  813. [20:24] <polomint> ACTION is using xhat, cos I dont want to upset my irssi setup again lol
  814. [20:24] <dakidski> who's the user handing WOS over?
  815. [20:24] <polomint> who is taking over? mods? admins? etc
  816. [20:25] <mheide> Aliens.
  817. [20:25] <polomint> woohoo
  818. [20:25] <HackersAnon> Robots
  819. [20:25] <HackersAnon> Daleks
  820. [20:25] <polomint> I welcome the new alien overlords of WoS
  821. [20:25] <polomint> heh
  822. [20:25] <The_Bert> men in black
  823. [20:25] <XvarZ> Christ?
  824. [20:25] <Alessandro> ACTION joins the Resistance
  825. [20:25] <Fil> Men in Bright Black, no less.
  826. [20:25] <mheide> The Thai.
  827. [20:25] <HackersAnon> Xvarz - well, it's nearly his birthday I guess
  828. [20:25] <dakidski> I see... Heard rumours it might be Horace
  829. [20:25] <polomint> Anna from V would be a good admin, ;)
  830. [20:25] <Alessandro> Or Eugene.
  831. [20:25] <pak21> ACTION is in the Enlightened (sorry, that's an Ingress joke...)
  832. [20:26] <bloodbaz> Matthew Smith
  833. [20:26] <The_Bert> darn, i had hoped it would be Karellen
  834. [20:26] <pak21> bloodbaz: I like that idea.
  835. [20:26] <pak21> Now we just need to find him *again*.
  836. [20:26] <HackersAnon> Did you look behind the fridge?
  837. [20:26] <pak21> Maybe we should ask Steve Wilcox of Elite :-)
  838. [20:26] <HackersAnon> If you lose something, it's nearly almost always there
  839. [20:26] <The_Bert> nooooo
  840. [20:26] <Alessandro> Uncle Clive
  841. [20:27] <Guesser> get it right polo!
  842. [20:27] <The_Bert> SIR Uncle Clive :P
  843. [20:27] <mheide> The external user limit should be 100 now.
  844. [20:27] <^Me> .me
  845. [20:27] <Guesser> it's "I for one welcome our new robotic alien overlords"
  846. [20:27] <polomint> heh
  847. [20:27] <snekeel> Calm down folks, I have it on good authority that these aliens are Bert, Ernie, Dr. Teeth and the Great Gonzo...nothing at all to worry about.
  848. [20:27] <The_Bert> whew
  849. [20:27] <polomint> WoS probing for new users hehe
  850. [20:27] <pak21> Oh. I hoped it was going to be Big Bird.
  851. [20:27] <Fil> Elite should run WoS.
  852. [20:27] <Alessandro> Or Cookie Monster.
  853. [20:28] <john_metcalf> What time does the auction start?
  854. [20:28] <polomint> dont say big bird, rubberkeys will turn up!!
  855. [20:28] <polomint> :D
  856. [20:28] <mheide> I'm an alien myself now. :D
  857. [20:28] <john_metcalf> I assume we're here because WoS is being auctioned off on IRC?
  858. [20:28] <snekeel> Big Bird declined....wage demend....selfish plick
  859. [20:28] *** Myke-P is now known as Sir
  860. [20:28] <The_Bert> a legal alien, though
  861. [20:28] <Alessandro> ACTION sings "I am an alien, I am a legal alien"
  862. [20:28] *** Sir is now known as Myke-P
  863. [20:28] <HackersAnon> Dammit, Alessandro - beat me to it
  864. [20:28] <Myke-P> That didn't work. :)
  865. [20:28] <The_Bert> ACTION hi-5's Alessandro
  866. [20:28] <pak21> I was desperately trying to keep that out of my head.
  867. [20:28] <FogartyLee> Technically, WoS should go to Alan Sugar...
  868. [20:28] <pak21> I hate you all :-)
  869. [20:28] <HackersAnon> Erk = 15 mins left on battery.. Back in a minute
  870. [20:28] <Guesser> rubberkeys was hoping it'd be A big bird
  871. [20:28] <bloodbaz> ADJB could talk us to death as a mod ;-) (but at least we will be laughing to our demise)
  872. [20:29] <dakidski> So have we all been introduced? Good, let's go
  873. [20:29] <polomint> Thats worse than the Bubble Bobble tune, ewww
  874. [20:29] <Alessandro> lol!
  875. [20:29] <Fil> I vote for ewgf to write the concise "What's New" updates for WoS.
  876. [20:29] <Guesser> lol
  877. [20:29] <polomint> god help us lol
  878. [20:29] <john_metcalf> ACTION has a MIA title here :-)
  879. [20:29] <Timmy> so how is the weather in Thailand? 30+ degrees?
  880. [20:30] <polomint> hot hot hot...
  881. [20:30] <dakidski> is there an irc client for the spectranet interface btw?
  882. [20:30] <polomint> yes, somewhere
  883. [20:30] <dakidski> kewl
  884. [20:30] <pak21> dakidski: yes, but it's a bit sucky.
  885. [20:30] <Guesser> a BIT?
  886. [20:30] <mheide> 33 in daytime, "only" 22 during the night at the moment.
  887. [20:30] <polomint> a little bit
  888. [20:31] <Guesser> it's barely usable :)
  889. [20:31] <^Me> Yes
  890. [20:31] <mheide> Thankfully we have airco.
  891. [20:31] <Timmy> oh i missed that kind of weather :X
  892. [20:31] <Guesser> PEEEEEEETE!
  893. [20:31] <Guesser> ACTION recognises that hat anywhere
  894. [20:31] <polomint> lol
  895. [20:31] <^Me> Guesserrrrrrrr!
  896. [20:31] <^Me> Who are all these people?
  897. [20:31] <Timmy> well, not me :)
  898. [20:32] <Guesser> I dunno
  899. [20:32] <dakidski> Btw, kinda side topic, am I the only one worried for our Spectrum-brothers in Ukraine? They had a huge scene not long ago
  900. [20:32] <HackersAnon> Dunno - someone called Martine Heide, or something
  901. [20:32] <^Me> Why don't they take their shoes off?
  902. [20:32] <The_Bert> ACTION is a 61 yo dane
  903. [20:32] <Guesser> I close the client for a couple of hours and look what happened!
  904. [20:32] <^Me> :D
  905. [20:32] <Guesser> been online for months, nice and peaceful
  906. [20:32] <HackersAnon> Guesser - we ate all the biscuits... Sorry!
  907. [20:32] <Guesser> then all these noisy people turn up! :)
  908. [20:32] <HackersAnon> And I wouldn't look in the bin in your bathroom... Not pleasant
  909. [20:32] <Alessandro> Me want cookie!
  910. [20:33] <pak21> dakidski: I don't know specifically about Spec-chums, but from a friend who is Ukranian, it's OK in most of the country - the east is "somewhat volatile" though.
  911. [20:33] <dakidski> ok
  912. [20:33] <dakidski> nice to hear
  913. [20:33] <HackersAnon> I tried flushing it, but it tried to bite me, so I left it alone
  914. [20:33] <^Me> @@
  915. [20:33] <Timmy> Ukrania has problems with falling planes lately
  916. [20:34] <HackersAnon> Someone really needs to look at their diet
  917. [20:34] <Timmy> all about it on the dutch tv
  918. [20:34] <mheide> Would you believe chocolate is an unknown thing in Thailand? I won't be allowed in the house if I don't bring a stack.
  919. [20:34] <HackersAnon> Take a cargo load - you'll be a God among mere mortals!
  920. [20:34] <Timmy> also bring stroopwafels over there
  921. [20:34] <The_Bert> mmmm dutch chocolate - yummy
  922. [20:35] <Timmy> that's really the only thing i bring when im on holidays
  923. [20:35] <mheide> Stroopwafels are packed as well, yes. :-)
  924. [20:35] <Alessandro> Droste... Van Houten... mmmm :)
  925. [20:35] <dakidski> so whats the order of the night? Anyone got the plan for this event?
  926. [20:35] <HackersAnon> Dakidski - that sounds rather formal :)
  927. [20:35] <The_Bert> i think Martijn HAD a plan
  928. [20:35] <dakidski> lol, im just trash talking
  929. [20:35] <Guesser> ACTION bangs gavel
  930. [20:35] <mheide> There should be the revealing of plans for the new WoS.
  931. [20:35] <dakidski> until the boss shows up
  932. [20:36] <polomint> ACTION bangs....
  933. [20:36] <polomint> nope not saying that heh
  934. [20:36] <HackersAnon> mheide - think that's what folk are waiting on...
  935. [20:36] <HackersAnon> When is Sir Clive turning up?
  936. [20:36] <dakidski> when his C5 starts
  937. [20:36] <HackersAnon> Man's been tardy since he started dating younger models
  938. [20:37] <The_Bert> don't count on that, Anon
  939. [20:37] <dakidski> its still charging
  940. [20:37] <polomint> ACTION has SirClive on ignore
  941. [20:37] <polomint> oh wait, thats #speccy heh
  942. [20:37] <HackersAnon> Heh
  943. [20:37] <pak21> By all accounts, the real SirClive doesn't get the Internet.
  944. [20:37] <pak21> Bit of a shame, really.
  945. [20:37] <mheide> I was sort of expecting the team would reveal themselves.
  946. [20:38] <Myke-P> That reminds me, I never got 'round to watching that 'Micro Men' documentary
  947. [20:38] <polomint> sometime this year preferably lol
  948. [20:38] <Guesser> ACTION wheels in a bug cardboard cake
  949. [20:38] <john_metcalf> ACTION bumped into Sir Clive while wearing a "Sinclair" t-shirt!
  950. [20:38] <Alessandro> He's still a bit off for that f***ing Jet Set Willy thing
  951. [20:38] <HackersAnon> Will I start?
  952. [20:38] <HackersAnon> :)
  953. [20:38] <dakidski> plz do
  954. [20:39] <mheide> Here we go.
  955. [20:39] <HackersAnon> heh - I was just kidding!!! :)
  956. [20:39] <Myke-P> ACTION rips off mask in a super-villainous gesture suggesting; "It's me!"
  957. [20:39] <dakidski> whaaaa
  958. [20:39] <polomint> pesky kids
  959. [20:39] <mheide> Get off my lawn!
  960. [20:39] <dakidski> so while we wait, teach me to use my damn divmmc from tr-dos
  961. [20:39] <HackersAnon> I'm on the team, but I've not been involved with the background work enough to speak for the team :)
  962. [20:40] <HackersAnon> There's your starter for 10. Hello, I'm Gerard and I'm a WoSer
  963. [20:40] <dakidski> hi Gerard
  964. [20:40] <The_Bert> hi Gerard :)
  965. [20:40] <wallyweek> Hello Gerard!
  966. [20:40] <mheide> Hi Gerard!
  967. [20:40] <Alessandro> Hi Gerard :-D
  968. [20:40] <HackersAnon> (We've known that for ages. A complete and utter WoSser. Ed)
  969. [20:41] <dakidski> Im dakidski and I'm new to WOS. Only reaquired my speccy last month, after 15-20 years break
  970. [20:41] <XvarZ> And what is going to be your role at Wos?
  971. [20:41] <The_Bert> better late than neve :)
  972. [20:41] <The_Bert> +r
  973. [20:41] <snekeel> I'm guessing if anyone was going to take over Gerard was one to do so, given his experience already with The Tipshop
  974. [20:41] <HackersAnon> Eep.. Unless things change dramatically, I'll be carrying on with helping out with WoS as I've always done
  975. [20:42] <dakidski> what is the tipshop?
  976. [20:42] <HackersAnon> Recording corrections, hunting for authors
  977. [20:42] <HackersAnon> dadkidski - www.the-tipshop.co.uk
  978. [20:42] <dakidski> ty
  979. [20:42] <Fil> Ahh, I've just remembered I found someone who (IIRC, would be willing to give his permission, etc). Some time ago.
  980. [20:42] <The_Bert> @dakidski tipshop is a place to find cheats, pokes, and hints for all the games
  981. [20:42] <john_metcalf> Okay, I won't keep you waiting any longer. I'm taking over World of Spectrum so I can merge it with a C64 site. Expect to see a major shift towards C64 games :-P
  982. [20:42] <Guesser> hurrah!
  983. [20:42] <dakidski> omg, elite site, thanks
  984. [20:42] <HackersAnon> Fil - can you mail me hs details?
  985. [20:42] <Guesser> and wonderfully specific too, well done :)
  986. [20:43] <Fil> I'll have to get back in touch with him, but I will do, yes.
  987. [20:43] <HackersAnon> Nice one
  988. [20:43] <snekeel> I had Nigel Spieght give me permission....then my hard drive crashed and I lost it...bah!
  989. [20:43] <Timmy> yay, we had wos and now ppl wants lemons instead?
  990. [20:43] <HackersAnon> Maybe we'll make lemonade?
  991. [20:44] <The_Bert> wosonade
  992. [20:44] <mheide> The thing is, WoS is a hacked-together site. It works well, but is a nightmare to maintain if you are not me.
  993. [20:44] <FogartyLee> Ok folks, I am taking over the server and will be transferring the forums and data in their entirity....
  994. [20:44] <Fil> Ahh, it was the chap behind the Lumpsoft games.
  995. [20:44] <mheide> The goal of the new team is to setup a new system that can actually be maintained by others.
  996. [20:44] <Guesser> what about the ircd foggy?
  997. [20:45] <FogartyLee> We have a team in place that will have access to the server, and will be processing the backlog once we are certain that it's working 100%
  998. [20:45] <dakidski> mheide: good plan
  999. [20:45] <mheide> And that has been worked on for a while by the terrific team who will take over.
  1000. [20:45] <The_Bert> @Martijn it sounds like they've got their work cut out for them
  1001. [20:45] <john_metcalf> HackersAnon: you should talk to the Centre for Computing History. They often have game authors popping in.
  1002. [20:45] <balford> Any planned changes to the Infoseek API as a result of the migration?
  1003. [20:46] <pak21> balford: initially, no. Longer term, who knows?
  1004. [20:46] <Fil> The initial few updates will be time consuming for sure, but once the backlog is gone, it should be fairly simple to have more regular updates.
  1005. [20:46] <FogartyLee> Any changes to WoS will be next year. I have half a system pre-written but work time took over so for now we are cloning WoS instead of releasing a new one
  1006. [20:46] <pak21> As Lee said, the initial plan is just to move the server over from Martijn's machine to a new home.
  1007. [20:46] <dakidski> ok
  1008. [20:46] <balford> @pak21: cool, just curious :)
  1009. [20:47] <pak21> So nothing changes, except that we've exiled Martijn to Thailand :-)
  1010. [20:47] <dakidski> what if everything fails, will there be dumped a backup of everything on say, pirate bay? just for safety reasons
  1011. [20:47] <dakidski> or to usenet?
  1012. [20:47] <The_Bert> well, for a "hacked-together" site, WoS has been working quite well in my opinion
  1013. [20:48] <pak21> The_Bert: that's because you don't see the countless hours Martijn puts in to make it look so good.
  1014. [20:48] <FogartyLee> each team member will have full FTP access, and the server is backed up daily. It's also on RAID.
  1015. [20:48] <dakidski> ok
  1016. [20:48] <The_Bert> yes i'm sure that's th ease, pak21
  1017. [20:48] <Timmy> what can possibly go wrong then? heh? :P
  1018. [20:48] <The_Bert> famous last words:P
  1019. [20:48] <HackersAnon> I could delete everything. Mwahahah
  1020. [20:48] <dakidski> c64 fans could use our weakness
  1021. [20:49] <dakidski> to attack
  1022. [20:49] <HackersAnon> I'll be quiet, now
  1023. [20:49] <FogartyLee> Initially, setting up the clone can go wrong, but it will be tested before we switch
  1024. [20:49] <pak21> In many ways, the initial change reduces the "bus factor" - but the longer term is to rework things so that maintainance can be shared, which is really can't at the moment.
  1025. [20:49] <Guesser> ah, you figured out how to write to all 8 microdrives simultaneously!
  1026. [20:49] <Guesser> :)
  1027. [20:49] <Alessandro> I was sure Martjin would have been taking all the necessary measures to avoid any harm to the website, after all the time, work and care he always put into it.
  1028. [20:49] <balford> :D
  1029. [20:49] <The_Bert> lol
  1030. [20:49] <pak21> And that's what Lee's working on - but it's a *big* job.
  1031. [20:49] <HackersAnon> Yep - what Pak21 said. Wos in its current setup is really geared for a single admin.
  1032. [20:49] <HackersAnon> The migration is heading for a more "team-based" setup
  1033. [20:50] <HackersAnon> So that not everything needs to be done by one individual
  1034. [20:50] *** AC992 has quit IRC (WoS forever!)
  1035. [20:50] <The_Bert> sounds good
  1036. [20:50] <HackersAnon> That's the plan, anyway :)
  1037. [20:50] <balford> well migrations are never fun, so appreciate all the efforts to do so!
  1038. [20:51] <XvarZ> And when is it going to b fully working? Updates I mean?
  1039. [20:51] <mheide> Yes, it does, I'm really happy about the work done so far.
  1040. [20:51] *** aowen!~aowen@host86-185-190-35.range86-185.btcentralplus.com has joined #general
  1041. [20:51] <HackersAnon> It's also hoped that the migration will also allow additional projects to be possible
  1042. [20:51] <Alessandro> Even Martijn has had his fair share of inconveniences while migrating!
  1043. [20:51] <FogartyLee> We are aiming for the end of the year
  1044. [20:51] <The_Bert> hi aowen
  1045. [20:51] *** wallyweek has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
  1046. [20:51] <aowen> hi
  1047. [20:51] <mheide> Andrew!
  1048. [20:51] <Alessandro> Hi Andrew
  1049. [20:51] <Timmy> hi
  1050. [20:51] <HackersAnon> Hi, Andrew
  1051. [20:51] <dakidski> will there still be ftp access to the new site?
  1052. [20:51] <snekeel> at least he has a team he can trust
  1053. [20:51] <XvarZ> Cool. New year present :)
  1054. [20:52] <aowen> mheide: just stopped by to say so long and thanks for all the fish, so to speak
  1055. [20:52] <pak21> dakidski: initially, yes. Longer term, it all depends what people need.
  1056. [20:52] <mheide> You're very welcome to the fish. :-)
  1057. [20:52] <FogartyLee> Still people reporting they can't get in...
  1058. [20:52] *** Kitty!Kitty@cpc28-heme11-2-0-cust7.9-1.cable.virginm.net has joined #general
  1059. [20:52] <The_Bert> @aowen: going back to the long dark teatime of the soul?
  1060. [20:52] <Timmy> yeah, sounds like peopla can only enter when others leaves
  1061. [20:52] <pak21> Personally, I haven't used FTP in an enterprise scenario for years. There are far better protocols out there these days.
  1062. [20:52] <aowen> I switched off the security and it let me in
  1063. [20:53] <snekeel> probably one of the worst things you can do to a site, your site, is hand it over to someone else.....ask MobyGames and what it became.
  1064. [20:53] <mheide> Apparently a SIGHUP is not enough. They'd best opt for the Java client then.
  1065. [20:53] <john_metcalf> I'm working, so I'll let someone else in :-)
  1066. [20:53] <john_metcalf> ACTION waves
  1067. [20:53] <Timmy> wave
  1068. [20:53] *** john_metcalf has quit IRC (ChatZilla 0.9.91 [Firefox 33.1/20141106120505])
  1069. [20:53] <The_Bert> tc john_m
  1070. [20:53] <Guesser> FTP is just awful on the modern internet
  1071. [20:53] <aowen> If anyone wants to reach me I’ve set my user so it will forward email to me
  1072. [20:54] <bloodbaz> Do we know what the new server hosting will be? Is it a VM? Dedicated Server? A machine at home (:-/)
  1073. [20:54] <Guesser> when everyone's stuck behind NAT
  1074. [20:54] <dakidski> well, its great for leeching lotsa files
  1075. [20:54] <aowen> or you can find me on S4E on Facebook
  1076. [20:54] <HackersAnon> Dakidski - unless the anti-leech mechanism kicks in :)
  1077. [20:54] <FogartyLee> It's a dedicated server
  1078. [20:54] <The_Bert> until*
  1079. [20:54] <bloodbaz> I still use FTP a LOT
  1080. [20:54] <dakidski> me too
  1081. [20:55] <pak21> For sites *other* than WoS?
  1082. [20:55] <bloodbaz> And is funding an issue for the server?
  1083. [20:55] <Guesser> it's just a pain to configure and get working properly
  1084. [20:55] <FogartyLee> Initially we have no option but to use FTP, once the new site is coded FTP will be gone...
  1085. [20:55] *** _Subzero!~_Subzero@cpc1-grth8-2-0-cust1.sgyl.cable.virginm.net has joined #general
  1086. [20:55] <mheide> What??? :D
  1087. [20:55] <Guesser> especially when there are consumer routers out there that mangle the packets beyond recognition
  1088. [20:55] <pak21> bloodbaz: No. Despite rumours that may have been spread by people who should have known better.
  1089. [20:56] <_Subzero> ACTION deals a fatality to all loving speccy owners :p
  1090. [20:56] <_Subzero> ello
  1091. [20:56] <The_Bert> hello sub
  1092. [20:56] <pak21> Hello Cambridge type :-p
  1093. [20:56] <FogartyLee> There are no funding issues. Ignore what you read on facebook lol
  1094. [20:56] <dakidski> mheide, what will you be moving on to then?
  1095. [20:56] <Alessandro> Hi Subzero
  1096. [20:56] <bloodbaz> re: funding. Good to know.
  1097. [20:56] <snekeel> or wikipedia
  1098. [20:56] <HackersAnon> The Facebook cake is a lie
  1099. [20:56] <_Subzero> ACTION readsa facebook and ignores ALL
  1100. [20:56] *** Kitty is now known as nekotan
  1101. [20:56] <_Subzero> ooft readsa??
  1102. [20:57] <dakidski> whats the forecast of the spectrum scene? Growth, decline?
  1103. [20:57] <_Subzero> so how many of us got here via facebook then....me
  1104. [20:57] <dakidski> me
  1105. [20:57] <HackersAnon> Dakidski - if folk continue to develop, then growth :)
  1106. [20:57] <The_Bert> ohh, i have a question: will it be possible to change username? i'm kind of tired of being The_Bert
  1107. [20:58] <bloodbaz> slash nick
  1108. [20:58] <Guesser> ACTION can confidently predict that the long term trend will be decline :p
  1109. [20:58] <The_Bert> i would much rather be BertyFromDK
  1110. [20:58] <Fil> Type /nick name
  1111. [20:58] <The_Bert> i mean on WoS
  1112. [20:58] *** _Subzero is now known as bobzero
  1113. [20:58] <Guesser> as all you old gits die off ;)
  1114. [20:58] *** bobzero is now known as fredzero
  1115. [20:58] *** fredzero is now known as plainoldzero
  1116. [20:58] <pak21> The_Bert: short term, no. Longer term, maybe.
  1117. [20:58] <The_Bert> i have no plans of dying in the foreseeable future, gusser nernerner
  1118. [20:59] <pak21> You may be spotting a theme in these answers :-)
  1119. [20:59] <Guesser> hehe
  1120. [20:59] <FogartyLee> The forums will be copied 'as is' along with all of the posts. I'm sure one of the new admins will find time to change your name
  1121. [20:59] <dakidski> again, what if all this flops, is WOS gone forever?
  1122. [20:59] <dakidski> shouldnt users be granted a torrentfile with all content, just in case?
  1123. [20:59] <Guesser> lol
  1124. [20:59] <FogartyLee> lol
  1125. [20:59] <XvarZ> Lol
  1126. [20:59] <pak21> Why? You don't own any of it.
  1127. [20:59] <bloodbaz> So we don't expect any loss of posts, no user profile data (created date, private posts etc..)
  1128. [20:59] <balford> I find his lack of faith disturbing :)
  1129. [21:00] <FogartyLee> the forums will be the easiest to set up :)
  1130. [21:00] <The_Bert> as do i, balford
  1131. [21:00] *** polomint is now known as Po
  1132. [21:00] <pak21> bloodbaz: No. We're going to copy the files from Martijn's server to Lee's.
  1133. [21:00] <bloodbaz> @adkidski, the powers that be will have backups AND archives of the server so I don't think anything will be lost accidently.
  1134. [21:00] <Timmy> oh, so you're moving the server to the uk?
  1135. [21:00] <dakidski> ok, i'm just worried for posterity, im a historian by day ;)
  1136. [21:01] <The_Bert> good to hear, bloodbaz :)
  1137. [21:01] <pak21> Timmy: not physically. But logically, yes.
  1138. [21:01] <FogartyLee> incidentally, the forums will be on a seperate server to WoS so if there is a problem with the WoS server, the forums will still be functioning
  1139. [21:01] <HackersAnon> And vice versa
  1140. [21:01] <HackersAnon> :)
  1141. [21:01] <The_Bert> also good to know
  1142. [21:02] <Alessandro> Anyone remember the Great Forum Crash of 2001? That's not going to happen again this way :)
  1143. [21:02] <Timmy> good to know. also know that staying in NL it avoids lots of complex laws :)
  1144. [21:02] <Alessandro> I mean the Great WOS Forum Crash
  1145. [21:02] <The_Bert> that was before my time as a WoS'er
  1146. [21:02] <Timmy> you mean not that one last year?
  1147. [21:02] <HackersAnon> No, greater than that one
  1148. [21:02] <The_Bert> yikes
  1149. [21:02] <Timmy> ^
  1150. [21:02] <balford> before mine too
  1151. [21:03] <Guesser> if you go by wos join date it was before everyone's :)
  1152. [21:03] <Guesser> except martijn :)
  1153. [21:03] <The_Bert> was about to say that
  1154. [21:03] <bloodbaz> It would be good if Guesser and the new crew could post up a sticky thread on the progress. Also, with a FAQ of many of the questions that are raised to dispell myths etc. once and for all. It woudl be good to have a central thread summarising the moderators, and other users that champion other parts of WOS. Thanks for all your hard work BTW.
  1155. [21:04] <Alessandro> No, at least the posts were saved. Notice how many profiles (including mine) start at 28-02-2002
  1156. [21:04] <Guesser> wow, a promotion!
  1157. [21:04] <Guesser> ;p;
  1158. [21:04] <Guesser> no-one asked for MY help bloodbaz ;)
  1159. [21:04] <Alessandro> In 2001 the forum crashed and everything was lost :(
  1160. [21:04] <dakidski> what about apps? Some emus load data and tapes directly from WOS
  1161. [21:04] <snekeel> dispelling lies...sorry myths, on the forums would be a good thing
  1162. [21:04] <The_Bert> but you'll volunterr, right guesser? ;)
  1163. [21:05] <bloodbaz> :-)
  1164. [21:05] <Guesser> no! sha'n't!
  1165. [21:05] <The_Bert> partypooper! lol
  1166. [21:05] <Guesser> I insist you remove my schematics and crap games immediately! ;)
  1167. [21:05] <balford> Infoseek API isn't changing, so all good with emus etc.
  1168. [21:05] <dakidski> ok
  1169. [21:05] <Timmy> more people are complaining they cant enter chat on the forums
  1170. [21:05] <Guesser> actually, I don't, I demand you update the page with them on so people can find them instead :D
  1171. [21:05] <bloodbaz> So is Karingal heading up the shop? See, I have no idea!
  1172. [21:06] <Guesser> Karingal can't even get on the irc server heh
  1173. [21:06] <Alessandro> ACTION peers in the shadow looking for Karingal
  1174. [21:06] <Po> lol
  1175. [21:06] <Fil> Heh.
  1176. [21:06] <Guesser> he's over there ^^^^
  1177. [21:06] <The_Bert> he's the one with the banhammer, so that would be a logical assumption ;)
  1178. [21:06] <Guesser> in the other window :)
  1179. [21:06] <FogartyLee> It seems people may be able to join the chat via WoS... I haven't tried :)
  1180. [21:07] <bloodbaz> WoSF body count has increased from 50 active to 75 active so presumably the iRC is under resourced.
  1181. [21:07] <The_Bert> i did
  1182. [21:07] <The_Bert> but then, i was early *whistles*
  1183. [21:07] <pak21> One thing to remember here is that the forums are essentially entirely separate from the rest of WoS: being a forum mod gives you no power whatsoever over the rest of the server.
  1184. [21:07] <pak21> (Generalising from WoS here, so don't take this as referring to anyone on WoS)
  1185. [21:08] <pak21> Some people make really good server admins. Some people make really good forum mods. The two skill sets don't necessarily overlap.
  1186. [21:08] <bloodbaz> ACTION agrees with pak21
  1187. [21:08] <FogartyLee> :(
  1188. [21:08] <Guesser> and some people are polomint
  1189. [21:08] <Po> muahah
  1190. [21:08] <Po> Lo
  1191. [21:08] <Po> :p
  1192. [21:08] <bloodbaz> ,,,with a hole
  1193. [21:09] <Po> I is an ixpert k
  1194. [21:09] <Po> well
  1195. [21:09] <The_Bert> well, gents, i have to go too, so there should be room for another now - i'll be looking forward to some onfo on the forums. CIAO
  1196. [21:09] <The_Bert> info
  1197. [21:09] <Po> ACTION is great at breaking things, :)
  1198. [21:09] <Alessandro> Ciao Bert :-)
  1199. [21:09] <Guesser> took him three hours to change the file permissions on a server last week...
  1200. [21:09] <HackersAnon> Cya Bert!
  1201. [21:09] <Guesser> :)
  1202. [21:09] <Timmy> bye bert
  1203. [21:09] *** The_Bert has quit IRC (WoS forever!)
  1204. [21:09] <Po> lol, took you that long G, :p
  1205. [21:09] <Po> it worked when I did it, hehehe
  1206. [21:10] <Guesser> yeah from 200 miles away
  1207. [21:10] <Po> lol
  1208. [21:10] <Guesser> and you typing commands at random
  1209. [21:10] <Po> The long reach of the 'Guesser'
  1210. [21:10] <Guesser> think I did rather well ;)
  1211. [21:10] <Po> hehe
  1212. [21:10] *** Dunny!paul.dunn@host86-173-57-54.range86-173.btcentralplus.com has joined #general
  1213. [21:10] <Po> lo D
  1214. [21:10] <Guesser> Dunny!
  1215. [21:10] <Dunny> hurrah1
  1216. [21:10] <Timmy> hi
  1217. [21:10] <snekeel> surely somewhere down the line Martijn will appear once in a while to see how things have developed...and more so to give the new team a ticking off should they break something hehe
  1218. [21:10] <Guesser> really does look like the user limit is being hit then
  1219. [21:11] <Dunny> and two1
  1220. [21:11] <Dunny> yep
  1221. [21:11] <Dunny> hold on, I need to test if this is wos
  1222. [21:11] <Timmy> well, can someone increase the user limit (again)?
  1223. [21:11] <HackersAnon> Dunny!
  1224. [21:11] <Dunny> SHIT
  1225. [21:11] <Dunny> nope then.
  1226. [21:11] <Dunny> lo :)
  1227. [21:11] <pak21> Timmy: not without restarting the server, unfortunately :-(
  1228. [21:11] <Po> :)
  1229. [21:11] <Timmy> yikes
  1230. [21:12] <HackersAnon> NO!! Don't reset the server
  1231. [21:12] <Guesser> lol
  1232. [21:12] *** spectroum has quit IRC ( HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Would you like to know more?)
  1233. [21:12] <Dunny> ROOM FOR ONE MORE
  1234. [21:12] <Alessandro> OK fellas, I am going too. It's been nice being there.
  1235. [21:12] <XvarZ> Thank you for your hard work Martjin and here's hoping for a great future for WoS! See you all on the forum!
  1236. [21:12] <HackersAnon> Ok, Alessandro - thanks for stopping by
  1237. [21:12] <Fil> Give it a POKE, Gerard.
  1238. [21:12] <pak21> Bye Alessandro
  1239. [21:12] <Timmy> cya alessandro
  1240. [21:12] *** AC840!~AC840@ has joined #general
  1241. [21:12] <Po> my ass takes 2 logins k
  1242. [21:12] <Dunny> anyone summarise the plan then?
  1243. [21:12] <FogartyLee> Guesser is in charge
  1244. [21:12] *** XvarZ has quit IRC (EOF From client)
  1245. [21:12] <HackersAnon> Heh
  1246. [21:12] <Guesser> I think the site should just point people at #zx on coldfront.net...
  1247. [21:13] <Po> yep
  1248. [21:13] <Alessandro> A good night, everyone, and a big thank you to Martijn for what he has done
  1249. [21:13] <Dunny> pfft
  1250. [21:13] <pak21> Dunny: we copy Martijn's server to the UK with Lee running it.
  1251. [21:13] <Dunny> #spin
  1252. [21:13] *** karingal_laptop!karingal@cpc6-ayle3-2-0-cust158.15-2.cable.virginm.net has joined #general
  1253. [21:13] <Dunny> ahh
  1254. [21:13] <Po> pfft, #polo
  1255. [21:13] <Dunny> excellent
  1256. [21:13] <Guesser> that's where pete and I immediately redirect anyone who joins anyway :)
  1257. [21:13] <karingal_laptop> finally!!!!!
  1258. [21:13] <Alessandro> and best wishes for his new Thai days!
  1259. [21:13] <mheide> Uh oh.
  1260. [21:13] <Dunny> fun while DNS propagation gets going :)
  1261. [21:13] <pak21> Longer term, we rework the admin system so multiple peole can admin WoS.
  1262. [21:13] <Alessandro> ACTION waves
  1263. [21:13] <Timmy> ACTION waves
  1264. [21:13] <mheide> By Alessandro
  1265. [21:13] <karingal_laptop> that wwas bloody hard work
  1266. [21:13] <Dunny> hey martijn. nice move.
  1267. [21:13] <mheide> Bye Timmy
  1268. [21:13] <karingal_laptop> lo peeps
  1269. [21:13] *** Alessandro has quit IRC (I Quit)
  1270. [21:13] <Timmy> not going yet
  1271. [21:13] <Po> lo K
  1272. [21:13] <Timmy> lemme ask my question befor i go
  1273. [21:13] <mheide> Dunny!
  1274. [21:14] *** ^Me has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
  1275. [21:14] <karingal_laptop> lo Martijn
  1276. [21:14] <HackersAnon> Go for it Timmy
  1277. [21:14] <mheide> Karingal!
  1278. [21:14] <pak21> Dunny: DNS propogation is fine - so long as you set the TTL to zero, let all the old records expire and *then* change things.
  1279. [21:14] <FogartyLee> I thought we were blocking Kar from getting in?
  1280. [21:14] <mheide> What took you so long?
  1281. [21:14] <Timmy> can i stop updating the Games List or do we have to keep it for this year?
  1282. [21:14] <Dunny> ...unless you're on BT
  1283. [21:14] <pak21> The trouble is people change DNS records and then just expect things to work, without understanding the caching.
  1284. [21:14] <FogartyLee> Timmy - it's handy to keep the list going just in case if you don't mind?
  1285. [21:14] <HackersAnon> Timmy - no idea... Anyone?
  1286. [21:15] <HackersAnon> Ah - there y'go
  1287. [21:15] <pak21> Timmy: please keep updating it. The more work we can hand off to other people, the better.
  1288. [21:15] *** wallyweek!~wallyweek@h171-ipv4-80-68-181.mynet.it has joined #general
  1289. [21:15] <Timmy> okay. fine.
  1290. [21:15] *** AC560!~AC560@host81-154-132-12.range81-154.btcentralplus.com has joined #general
  1291. [21:15] <Dunny> anyone maintaining the FAQ?
  1292. [21:15] <pak21> As has been pointed out, there's going to be "a bit" of work to do to catch up with the past year.
  1293. [21:15] *** AC560 is now known as Vulcanballs
  1294. [21:15] <pak21> Dunny: I very much doubt it.
  1295. [21:15] <Dunny> lol
  1296. [21:16] <Dunny> here's a thought - how about updating infoseek?
  1297. [21:16] <HackersAnon> What Pak said :)
  1298. [21:16] <mheide> Tsk.
  1299. [21:16] <HackersAnon> Dunny - what kind of update?
  1300. [21:16] *** Vulcanballs has quit IRC (I Quit)
  1301. [21:16] <HackersAnon> Not saying anything can be done, but if anyone's sitting on a crash hot idea...
  1302. [21:16] <Po> night all, things to doooooooooo... Have a great time mheide, enjoy, :D
  1303. [21:16] <Dunny> just things like having more than one in-game screenshot, POKEs inline on the page... that sort of thing
  1304. [21:16] <Po> and as for you Guesser : Get back to that disassembly, :p
  1305. [21:16] <Fil> Ciao, polo.
  1306. [21:16] <Glenn> nn Polo
  1307. [21:17] *** Po has left #general (Leaving)
  1308. [21:17] <pak21> Dunny: short term, no - we're literally copying the bytes from Martijn's server.
  1309. [21:17] <Dunny> cya po... well, damn
  1310. [21:17] <bloodbaz> A download of a non-ZIPped TZX/TAP would be lovely!
  1311. [21:17] <wallyweek> sorry, it seems I can't remain up more than 10 minutes due to my faulty line... :(
  1312. [21:17] <pak21> Longer term, anything is possible.
  1313. [21:17] <Dunny> bloodbaz: indeed
  1314. [21:17] <FogartyLee> Dunny - there are plans to update WoS, but they are on hold. Once of the plans is to make it mobile responsive, and have additional info on the pages. This won't happen quickly though
  1315. [21:17] <Guesser> presumably long term bringing the faq wiki into wos will be feasable
  1316. [21:18] <HackersAnon> Tipshop lives on the same server as WoS, so perhaps?
  1317. [21:18] <bloodbaz> I agree that server(s) migration and upgrades should be on the most part does separately. Once things are migrated, that is the time to discuss wish lists etc.
  1318. [21:18] <FogartyLee> anything is possible.
  1319. [21:18] <Dunny> also, a link to an updated torrent of games (year by year? all of it?) would be ace
  1320. [21:18] *** zx81!~kvirc@ has joined #general
  1321. [21:18] <balford> bit risky having it out on zxshed.co.uk :o
  1322. [21:18] <snekeel> Will player reviews remain on the game pages and be updated accordingly? My brother's been making reviews for Spectrum 2.0 and I wouldn't want his stuff go to waste.
  1323. [21:18] <HackersAnon> The problem with using Tipshop material is that not all of it is in the same HTML format, so that'd be a ton of work
  1324. [21:18] <wallyweek> my final word to Martijn are: thank you for all your hard work, and wish the best luck for everything! :)
  1325. [21:18] <zx81> good night for all
  1326. [21:18] <Dunny> hell, i still have a zxshed.co.uk account
  1327. [21:18] <Dunny> iirc :)
  1328. [21:18] <Guesser> since the wiki was set up for all the people moaning about the faq being out of date :)
  1329. [21:18] <pak21> snekeel: Spectrum 2.0 is in a different kind of limbo, but that one's all my fault.
  1330. [21:19] <Guesser> lots of people posted in that thread...
  1331. [21:19] *** AC594 has quit IRC (WoS forever!)
  1332. [21:19] <FogartyLee> the wiki will probably be moved to the WoS server - there won't be any difference apart from the password changing lol
  1333. [21:19] <pak21> The trouble with the FAQ is that we can't replace the current FAQ until all the info is in the wiki.
  1334. [21:19] <wallyweek> good bye everyone
  1335. [21:19] <Guesser> and all the links to it breaking heh
  1336. [21:19] <pak21> And nobody wants to do all that work (which I can understand).
  1337. [21:19] <Dunny> wait
  1338. [21:19] <Guesser> it's a fairly thankless task indeed
  1339. [21:20] <Dunny> are we posting a transcript on WOS for those that couldn't get in?
  1340. [21:20] <HackersAnon> Dunny - yes
  1341. [21:20] <pak21> Yes, the IRC logs are always archived.
  1342. [21:20] <Guesser> the logs are posted automatically :)
  1343. [21:20] <Dunny> excellent
  1344. [21:20] <Dunny> FUCK SHIT WANKER
  1345. [21:20] <Dunny> that'll do :)
  1346. [21:20] <pak21> http://www.worldofspectrum.org/chatlogs/
  1347. [21:20] <Dunny> I always wanted to swear on WOS
  1348. [21:20] <Timmy> bye wally
  1349. [21:20] <Guesser> normally they're about 50 bytes long :)
  1350. [21:20] <HackersAnon> Tch - there's always one that has to drag the rest of the class down, Dunny
  1351. [21:21] *** wallyweek has left #general (wallyweek)
  1352. [21:21] <Dunny> that would be me
  1353. [21:21] <Guesser> ah no, some of them over a k recently lol
  1354. [21:21] <Dunny> I'm knackered :)
  1355. [21:21] <HackersAnon> Get to work on SPIN, you
  1356. [21:21] <HackersAnon> :)
  1357. [21:21] <FogartyLee> I see Dunny has made good use of his rare place in this chat :P
  1358. [21:21] <Dunny> yeah, in my copious free time :)
  1359. [21:21] <Dunny> I have specbas bugs to fix atnm
  1360. [21:21] <Dunny> *atm
  1361. [21:21] *** lost_jon!~lost_jon@d.clients.kiwiirc.com has joined #general
  1362. [21:21] *** ^mcPete!~androirc@ has joined #general
  1363. [21:21] <bloodbaz> £
  1364. [21:21] <bloodbaz> I always wanted to post something less than 16 characters long!
  1365. [21:22] <pak21> Wow, hordes of people coming in now :-)
  1366. [21:22] *** ^mcPete is now known as ^Me
  1367. [21:22] <Dunny> ACTION needs a bath before the mrs gets home
  1368. [21:22] <snekeel> pak21 well i meant will the reviews be added to the game accordingly when update resumes rather than the Spectrum 2.0 site itself updating but thanks for that nonetheless
  1369. [21:22] <pak21> Not in the short term.
  1370. [21:23] <HackersAnon> ACTION didn't want to say anything to Dunny about that
  1371. [21:23] <pak21> Longer term, I need to work out what to do with Spectrum 2.0.
  1372. [21:23] <bloodbaz> hordes - no just the 37 user limit. Just more people leaving means more coming in
  1373. [21:23] <pak21> But that's a separate discussion from what happens to WoS - Spectrum 2.0 is run independently.
  1374. [21:23] <Dunny> I was up till 2:30am last night with father-in-law and his bloody heart trouble, then driving to lancaster and back with no.1 son at 9am
  1375. [21:23] <Dunny> bloody knackered and want a bath, but don't want to pass up some chat in here
  1376. [21:23] <karingal_laptop> everything can be updated, we just need to prioritise what needs doing 1st. The sooner Lee pulls his finger out the sooner I can start testing...
  1377. [21:24] <bloodbaz> ACTION pictures Dunny doing IRC in the bath
  1378. [21:24] *** AC503!~AC503@82-69-117-41.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk has joined #general
  1379. [21:24] <Dunny> actually, being a mod would be quite good. I'd be a nice guy, honest
  1380. [21:24] <balford> laptop in the bath. What could go wrong :p
  1381. [21:24] <dakidski> whats spectrum 2.0?
  1382. [21:24] <Dunny> we really need more #spin representation in there.
  1383. [21:24] <Timmy> Anyway, in that case I will still finish the List this year then...
  1384. [21:24] <Fil> Yes, AC503 is finally here.
  1385. [21:24] <karingal_laptop> like Spectrum 1.0 but better
  1386. [21:24] *** AC503 is now known as vanpeebles
  1387. [21:24] <pak21> ACTION needs to drop off for a bit, but I'll be back.
  1388. [21:24] <snekeel> pak21 that's okay, I'm sure my brother will still be posting reviews regardless, he doesn't seem to mind.
  1389. [21:24] <Timmy> @Martijn: Bedankt voor alles, en tot ziens!
  1390. [21:25] <vanpeebles> gah did i miss everything?
  1391. [21:25] <mheide> An understandable problem, Dunny, I haven't really slept in a month or 3 myself. (/me loves June)
  1392. [21:25] <pak21> dakidski: spectrum20.org
  1393. [21:25] <dakidski> yu
  1394. [21:25] <FogartyLee> like I said, it will be the end of the year before we can switch - Kar will have a lot of testing to do before then teehee
  1395. [21:25] <karingal_laptop> yay
  1396. [21:25] <FogartyLee> plus, it's not just WoS - there are other sites on the server that will need moving and testingh
  1397. [21:25] <aowen> lo karingal_laptop
  1398. [21:25] <karingal_laptop> lo aowen
  1399. [21:25] <Timmy> ACTION leaves chat too to let someone else in. may come back later
  1400. [21:25] <Timmy> ACTION waves
  1401. [21:25] <karingal_laptop> cya
  1402. [21:25] <Fil> Kar will be ensuring that the vote rigging still works by giving Sqij multiple 10s.
  1403. [21:26] *** Timmy has quit IRC ( (null))
  1404. [21:26] <vanpeebles> hello everyone :)
  1405. [21:26] <Fil> Hi peebs
  1406. [21:26] <mheide> OMG
  1407. [21:26] <Guesser> sqij? pffft
  1408. [21:26] *** Frank has quit IRC (WoS forever!)
  1409. [21:27] <Guesser> it can't be allowed to get higher than abbe del whateveritis
  1410. [21:27] <Guesser> :)
  1411. [21:27] <vanpeebles> are you retiring then martijn? :(
  1412. [21:27] *** Zoff!Zoff@host-92-19-45-199.as13285.net has joined #general
  1413. [21:27] <Fil> A macro to just vote every new release a 1 would save some poor souls a lot of time.
  1414. [21:27] <aowen> lol
  1415. [21:27] <Guesser> lol
  1416. [21:27] <Zoff> is this the right party?
  1417. [21:28] <vanpeebles> hey fil b :)
  1418. [21:28] <bloodbaz> I'll read the transcripts later and bid farewell. (let someone else in). Live long and prosper Martijn :-)
  1419. [21:28] <aowen> ACTION sprays Zoff with adrenaline and makes the lights flash faster
  1420. [21:28] *** bloodbaz has quit IRC (WoSF rules!)
  1421. [21:28] <aowen> you must have a good time!
  1422. [21:28] *** dakidski has quit IRC (Leaving (null))
  1423. [21:28] <Zoff> oh god its ages since Ive irc'ed
  1424. [21:29] *** Marko|AFK is now known as Marko
  1425. [21:29] <Zoff> MARKOOOOOOO
  1426. [21:29] <Guesser> Marko!
  1427. [21:29] <karingal_laptop> I'll have to release a new version of Spud to celebrate Martijn's impending nuptials...
  1428. [21:29] <Guesser> someone was just talking about SPIN...
  1429. [21:29] <Marko> lo :)
  1430. [21:29] <Guesser> :)
  1431. [21:29] <karingal_laptop> OH fuck it's Marko...
  1432. [21:29] <Zoff> :)
  1433. [21:29] <Guesser> but Dunny is too busy on SpecBAS
  1434. [21:29] <Zoff> talking about SPIN summons Marko?
  1435. [21:29] <Marko> me has no comment on SPIN
  1436. [21:30] <Guesser> I guess you'll have to write it instead! :)
  1437. [21:30] <^Me> Is there really a limit ? @@
  1438. [21:30] <FogartyLee> Too late Kar - Martijn nuptualled a while back..
  1439. [21:30] <karingal_laptop> just need Woody and it'll be like being in #spin...
  1440. [21:30] <Guesser> aye, it's astounding isn't it pete
  1441. [21:30] <karingal_laptop> hope he gets better soon....
  1442. [21:30] <Guesser> normally, you, me, phil, and the caretaker :D
  1443. [21:30] <karingal_laptop> MERDE
  1444. [21:30] <^Me> Almost makes me feel bad about having 2lurking clients :p
  1445. [21:30] <HackersAnon> Interesting, theory Zoff... Kelly Brook!
  1446. [21:30] <HackersAnon> ACTION waits patiently
  1447. [21:31] <Marko> it's STORM. kar
  1448. [21:31] <balford> @Dunny: thanks for getting me addicted to boomshine
  1449. [21:31] <Marko> as you know
  1450. [21:31] <balford> ACTION twitches
  1451. [21:31] <karingal_laptop> I get confused Marko, you've got so many on the go
  1452. [21:31] <Guesser> Marko's Emulator Really Does Exist
  1453. [21:31] <Marko> I have, I have
  1454. [21:31] <vanpeebles> is your new girl a c64 fan? :)
  1455. [21:31] <HackersAnon> Merde?
  1456. [21:31] <FogartyLee> Anyone want to ask me any more questions?
  1457. [21:32] <Guesser> that's the name of Marko's emulator
  1458. [21:32] <Guesser> that he claims doesn't exist
  1459. [21:32] <karingal_laptop> it lives in his head
  1460. [21:32] *** plainoldzero has quit IRC ( HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- It'll be on slashdot one day...)
  1461. [21:33] *** slenkar!~root@cpe-96-28-60-131.swo.res.rr.com has joined #general
  1462. [21:33] <Zoff> so whats happening with WOS then? :D
  1463. [21:34] <Zoff> <--- arrived late
  1464. [21:34] <Guesser> tsk, didn't you read my facebook post?
  1465. [21:34] <HackersAnon> New server
  1466. [21:34] <HackersAnon> Clone of old
  1467. [21:34] <Zoff> not on arsebook
  1468. [21:34] <Guesser> hehe
  1469. [21:34] <Guesser> very sensible
  1470. [21:34] <slenkar> facefook
  1471. [21:34] <FogartyLee> We will be copying WoS & all other sites (speccy spoilers!!) to a new server
  1472. [21:34] <HackersAnon> Being worked on
  1473. [21:34] <Guesser> that's something else slenkar...
  1474. [21:34] <mheide> ACTION is off too, 3:34am in Thailand now.
  1475. [21:34] <HackersAnon> Multiple admins
  1476. [21:34] <karingal_laptop> Zoff: We're changing WoS from World Of Spectrum to World Of Spin
  1477. [21:34] *** AC992!~AC992@rv511.sch.bme.hu has joined #general
  1478. [21:35] <HackersAnon> That's the brief version
  1479. [21:35] <Fil> Take care Martijn, and good luck for the move. :)
  1480. [21:35] <mheide> Bye all!
  1481. [21:35] <Zoff> as long as its not world of Commode
  1482. [21:35] *** jc!~jc@cpc11-nrwh9-2-0-cust456.4-4.cable.virginm.net has joined #general
  1483. [21:35] <karingal_laptop> cya and good luck
  1484. [21:35] <vanpeebles> bye bye many thanks M :)
  1485. [21:35] *** mheide has left #general (Wake timeout)
  1486. [21:35] <HackersAnon> Cya, Matijn!
  1487. [21:35] <Zoff> bye martijn
  1488. [21:35] <balford> thanks Martijn
  1489. [21:35] <Guesser> the direction of the site is changing
  1490. [21:35] <Guesser> it'll be mostly about c64 games from now on
  1491. [21:35] <HackersAnon> Martijn, even He's gone. Ed)
  1492. [21:35] <jc> typical, i missed him... whats this about him leaving?
  1493. [21:35] *** slenkar has left #general (slenkar)
  1494. [21:36] <FogartyLee> and charging £1 per MB for downloads
  1495. [21:36] <vanpeebles> per KB
  1496. [21:36] *** slenkar!~root@cpe-96-28-60-131.swo.res.rr.com has joined #general
  1497. [21:36] *** slenkar has quit IRC (I Quit)
  1498. [21:36] <snekeel> nothing, he just quit, gone, kapoot, que sera sera whatever will be will be
  1499. [21:37] <aowen> bye Martijn
  1500. [21:37] <snekeel> actually I'm mean, he's changing location
  1501. [21:37] <FogartyLee> If there's going to be crap rumours posted on FB, I might as well be the one to start them :)
  1502. [21:37] <Guesser> moving to Thailand
  1503. [21:37] <Zoff> :)
  1504. [21:37] *** slenkar!~root@cpe-96-28-60-131.swo.res.rr.com has joined #general
  1505. [21:37] <Guesser> too late Foggy
  1506. [21:37] <snekeel> for good
  1507. [21:37] *** lost_jon has left #general (lost_jon)
  1508. [21:38] *** Iznogoud!~8biter@athedsl-216309.home.otenet.gr has joined #general
  1509. [21:38] *** balford has left #general (balford)
  1510. [21:38] <vanpeebles> wos has been ran by a clone, the real martjin perished under an avalance of make-a-chips and horizon tapes
  1511. [21:38] <HackersAnon> :)
  1512. [21:38] <vanpeebles> its like that film set on the moon with the clones
  1513. [21:39] *** AC992 has left #general (AC992)
  1514. [21:39] *** fb!~fback@red.fback.net has joined #general
  1515. [21:39] <Guesser> the clangers!
  1516. [21:39] <Zoff> his missis is from Oz isnt she?
  1517. [21:39] <slenkar> hi
  1518. [21:39] <Guesser> er, from Thailand surely
  1519. [21:40] *** slenkar has quit IRC (I Quit)
  1520. [21:40] <Guesser> hence moving to Thailand
  1521. [21:40] <Zoff> oh ok, thought i read that somewhere
  1522. [21:40] <HackersAnon> Don't call me, Shirley
  1523. [21:40] <jc> ah i see, he's stepping down due to changing life commitments and WoS now needs alternate hosting and sysadmin?
  1524. [21:41] <Myke-P> Tea's ready so I'm off chaps. Great news about the future of WoS and good luck to the new admins (and to Martijn, natch.)
  1525. [21:41] <Zoff> ok bye myke
  1526. [21:41] <HackersAnon> Yes, he's stepping down and WoS will be on a new server in a different country
  1527. [21:41] <Zoff> love the CGC site BTW
  1528. [21:42] <aowen> so besides the new host, and new sysadmin, is it business as usual?
  1529. [21:42] <jc> ok, i might have suggested amazon web services but it sounds like everythings well in hand
  1530. [21:42] *** Myke-P has quit IRC (I Quit)
  1531. [21:42] <FogartyLee> yes it will be business as usual. With the new team, we can work through the backlog once we are satisified that the move was a success
  1532. [21:42] <Zoff> are there any implications for the archive WRT copyright laws etc being different?
  1533. [21:43] <aowen> no
  1534. [21:43] <aowen> copyright laws are the same across Europe
  1535. [21:43] <aowen> the main difference is the libel laws
  1536. [21:43] <Zoff> okeydoke
  1537. [21:43] <aowen> libel on a UK hosted site leaves WoS open to major sueballs
  1538. [21:44] <FogartyLee> hence why the forums will probably be hosted on an american server...
  1539. [21:44] <jc> well not really, youd just be told to remove it first
  1540. [21:44] <aowen> no, it doesn’t work that way
  1541. [21:44] *** AC469!~AC469@97e18ce5.skybroadband.com has joined #general
  1542. [21:45] *** ^Me has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
  1543. [21:46] *** AC469 has quit IRC (WoS forever!)
  1544. [21:47] *** AC893!~AC893@97e18ce5.skybroadband.com has joined #general
  1545. [21:47] <aowen> here’s a helpful article: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/11/21/uk_defamation_law_reforms_take_effect_from_start_of_2014/
  1546. [21:47] *** AC893 is now known as Morcar
  1547. [21:47] <Morcar> evening everyone
  1548. [21:47] <HackersAnon> Hi, Morcar
  1549. [21:48] <Zoff> ta aowen
  1550. [21:48] <Zoff> hi morcaqr
  1551. [21:48] *** ^Me!~androirc@ has joined #general
  1552. [21:48] <Zoff> morcar
  1553. [21:48] <Morcar> so have I missed much lol
  1554. [21:48] <jc> notice it says "when youre informed about it". that basically means, if youre told "post xyz is defamatory against myself, remove it or else", you remove it. see also godfrey vs demon internet
  1555. [21:48] <aowen> you missed Martijn
  1556. [21:48] <aowen> he left already
  1557. [21:49] <Morcar> damn :(
  1558. [21:49] <Zoff> :'(
  1559. [21:49] <Morcar> thats it i am leaving lol
  1560. [21:49] <jc> but anyway... forums.. spawn an AWS EC2 instance in the US or something, host it there, problem solved ;)
  1561. [21:49] <vanpeebles> will the new setup be the same? will it cover other sinclair stuff?
  1562. [21:50] <aowen> it’s just a change of management and a server relocate to the UK
  1563. [21:50] <HackersAnon> I don't believe there are plans to change it to World of Sinclair
  1564. [21:50] <Morcar> Well, I hope it all goes well and the whole website and forum gets a new lease of life. Its a great place to be.
  1565. [21:50] <Guesser> world of commode
  1566. [21:50] <Morcar> lol
  1567. [21:50] <HackersAnon> (Which is what it'd pretty much need to be to cover anything else except the Speccy)
  1568. [21:50] <snekeel> or the Wonderful World of Sir Clive Sinclair?
  1569. [21:50] <aowen> assuming the forum does move to the UK I might once again ask for some of the really nasty libel to be removed
  1570. [21:51] <Morcar> World of Spectrum 4Ever :P
  1571. [21:51] <vanpeebles> i keep an eye out for any wannabe QL users :D
  1572. [21:51] <vanpeebles> i still have all my speccies though :)
  1573. [21:51] <vanpeebles> im going to get my toastrack fixed up for christmas
  1574. [21:52] <jc> world of sinclair would be a lot of calculators, dodgy amplifiers, and a lot of other stuff that only just worked ;)
  1575. [21:52] <vanpeebles> that sounds ace though :D
  1576. [21:52] <aowen> Don’t think there’s a legal precedent for the migration of libel from one jurisdiction to another though. If you posted libel on the grounds that it wasn’t actionable in the Netherlands, are you still on the hook for it if the site moves to the UK?
  1577. [21:52] <Guesser> like the original speccy you mean
  1578. [21:52] <Morcar> yeah but they looked awesome enough said :P
  1579. [21:52] <jc> sinclairs amplifier circuits were shockingly bad, lol
  1580. [21:52] <Guesser> aowen: I thought you were only logging on to say bye to martijn
  1581. [21:52] <Guesser> he's gone...
  1582. [21:52] <karingal_laptop> sounds like world of amstrad
  1583. [21:52] <aowen> I siad goodbye to him privately
  1584. [21:52] <aowen> now I’m just thinking out loud
  1585. [21:53] <aowen> I’m genuinely curious as to what the legal position is
  1586. [21:53] <Guesser> well I don't think any of us are lawyers
  1587. [21:54] <aowen> I think the new management should take legal advice
  1588. [21:54] <Guesser> or would give you legal advice for free anyway :)
  1589. [21:54] <HackersAnon> I'm certainly not. I can barely spell laywers
  1590. [21:54] <SkoolKid> Well, it's been fun to (mostly) lurk while at work, but now it's home time
  1591. [21:54] *** Stefan!~stefan.drissen@d54C4A896.access.telenet.be has joined #general
  1592. [21:54] <SkoolKid> ACTION waves to everyone
  1593. [21:54] <Stefan> wave
  1594. [21:54] <HackersAnon> Bye!!
  1595. [21:54] <Guesser> SkoolKid:
  1596. [21:54] <Zoff> bye SK
  1597. [21:55] <Guesser> did you write SkoolKit?
  1598. [21:55] <aowen> yes he did
  1599. [21:55] <SkoolKid> Er, yes
  1600. [21:55] <Marko> at glasgow now
  1601. [21:55] *** The_Starglider!~The@cpc3-maid6-2-0-cust753.20-1.cable.virginm.net has joined #general
  1602. [21:55] <Guesser> cool
  1603. [21:55] <aowen> lo Marko
  1604. [21:55] <HackersAnon> SG!
  1605. [21:55] <aowen> SkoolKit is awesome
  1606. [21:55] <The_Starglider> Hellooooooooooooooo!
  1607. [21:55] <Guesser> I installed it a couple of days ago
  1608. [21:55] <Zoff> test please ignore
  1609. [21:55] <aowen> lol
  1610. [21:55] <HackersAnon> Heh
  1611. [21:55] <The_Starglider> PISS OFF ZOFF
  1612. [21:55] <Guesser> and it's been very useful :)
  1613. [21:55] <Zoff> :D
  1614. [21:55] <SkoolKid> Glad to hear it :)
  1615. [21:55] <Guesser> you should pop on irc some time so I can pick your brains :)
  1616. [21:55] <aowen> The_Starglider: you never bring any models to IRC. Boo. hiss!
  1617. [21:56] <Guesser> and give you feature requests hehe
  1618. [21:56] <vanpeebles> random question does anyone have a recording of the audio that came with the biz?
  1619. [21:56] <Marko> and central station will pretty muxh clobber my connection in a moment
  1620. [21:56] <The_Starglider> Can you blame me? Me bring on here girls... with breasts and everything!
  1621. [21:56] <SkoolKid> If I remember, I'll pop in tomorrow
  1622. [21:56] <HackersAnon> Phworrr!
  1623. [21:56] <SkoolKid> Anyway, bye all
  1624. [21:56] *** SkoolKid has quit IRC (Konversation terminated!)
  1625. [21:56] <Guesser> TEST
  1626. [21:56] <Guesser> please ignore
  1627. [21:56] <The_Starglider> ACTION slaps Guesser around a bit with a large trout
  1628. [21:56] <Zoff> we've done that
  1629. [21:56] <Guesser> \o/
  1630. [21:56] <aowen> wow, Guesser, that’s a slow connection you’ve got there
  1631. [21:57] <Guesser> it's scrolling too fast to read
  1632. [21:57] <Guesser> :p
  1633. [21:57] <aowen> poor SkoolKid is going to rock up here tomorrow and it’s going to be deserted
  1634. [21:57] <Zoff> so.... bye marko?
  1635. [21:57] <aowen> Guesser: you’ll have to stay logged in to redirect him to ColdFront
  1636. [21:57] <pak21> ACTION is back
  1637. [21:57] <Zoff> wb
  1638. [21:57] <aowen> wb
  1639. [21:57] *** Morcar has quit IRC (WoS forever!)
  1640. [21:57] <The_Starglider> Sorry I'm late here, but I was far too busy eating a KFC
  1641. [21:58] <The_Starglider> :p
  1642. [21:58] <Guesser> hehe
  1643. [21:58] <^Me> There are always the regulars
  1644. [21:58] <aowen> pak21: did Mick send you the Derby development ROM he ripped?
  1645. [21:58] <Guesser> when am I ever not?
  1646. [21:58] <HackersAnon> MMmm KFC
  1647. [21:58] <Guesser> either ^Pete or I are always about to send people towards #zx heh
  1648. [21:58] <aowen> I perfer Nandos, because they’re licensed
  1649. [21:58] <^Me> You get a lovely deliverance type reception
  1650. [21:58] <pak21> aowen: not yet. He couldn't work out my e-mail address, so asked Gerard for it and I haven't responded yet to say it's OK.
  1651. [21:59] <pak21> (it should be noted my e-mail address is *on the bottom of the ROMs page*. It's not like it's hard to find)
  1652. [21:59] <Guesser> surely your website is trivial to find
  1653. [21:59] <Guesser> exactly
  1654. [21:59] <Guesser> er
  1655. [21:59] <HackersAnon> Heheheh
  1656. [21:59] <Guesser> email even
  1657. [21:59] <Guesser> gah
  1658. [21:59] <aowen> well this is the age of Facebook
  1659. [21:59] <aowen> who does email any more?
  1660. [21:59] <Guesser> tsk
  1661. [21:59] <Fil> I do.
  1662. [21:59] <^Me> Facebook is dead
  1663. [21:59] <The_Starglider> I still do email
  1664. [21:59] <^Me> For middleaged folk
  1665. [21:59] <Guesser> I can't stand people who won't just send an email
  1666. [21:59] <Fil> I do not do Facebook. Stopped using it in 2007.
  1667. [22:00] <aowen> actually I’m really annoyed that email sent to my FB address now gets forwarded to my email address
  1668. [22:00] <Guesser> I keep getting people complaining that I have private messages turned off on WoS
  1669. [22:00] <aowen> I liked having all my mail in one place
  1670. [22:00] <karingal_laptop> i still do slate...
  1671. [22:00] <Guesser> just fucking email me, how hard is it?
  1672. [22:00] <HackersAnon> The majority of my FB usage is author hunting
  1673. [22:00] <aowen> Guesser: I didn’t realize you could set email forwarding until you mentioned it. I have it enabled now so people can get in touch with me
  1674. [22:01] <^Me> Just be a git like me, then nobody wants to contact you. Problem solved
  1675. [22:01] <karingal_laptop> works for me
  1676. [22:01] <Guesser> ACTION has no desire to check 50 sites a day to see if he's been messaged when email comes in every 10 minutes to his PC and his phone
  1677. [22:01] <Guesser> lol
  1678. [22:01] <aowen> I’ve cut down how often I check messages to twice a day
  1679. [22:02] <Guesser> and I have backups so when the website goes belly up I still have the messages
  1680. [22:02] <aowen> for urgent stuff my phone still works as a phone
  1681. [22:02] <HackersAnon> I really need to get my finger out and set up everything as something non-ISP-central like GMail, or similar.. It's hard to threaten to leave Virgin when everything is registered to my ntlworld account :)
  1682. [22:03] <Guesser> lol
  1683. [22:03] <Guesser> indeed
  1684. [22:03] <Guesser> using ISP email is the worst mistake everybody makes :)
  1685. [22:03] <aowen> I abandoned Google years ago, but I’ve gone back now with my uni account because Chrome synching is just too useful
  1686. [22:04] <Guesser> my dad used to dial up once a month to orange to check his freeserve mail
  1687. [22:04] <aowen> Guesser: yeah. Had to open a new account with an old ISP to regain control of my domain. That was a drag.
  1688. [22:04] <Guesser> before it finally got to being all spam and no ham
  1689. [22:04] <aowen> but I’ve been usign mail.ru for 15 years now and see no reason to change
  1690. [22:04] <aowen> and my Russian is slowly improving
  1691. [22:04] <HackersAnon> Da?
  1692. [22:04] <aowen> Da.
  1693. [22:04] <Guesser> nyet
  1694. [22:04] <vanpeebles> any ql peeps on?
  1695. [22:05] <aowen> spike1’s still on ColdFront
  1696. [22:05] <Guesser> I assume talking about QLs is frowned upon just as much as discussing speccies in #speccy though :)
  1697. [22:05] *** jpablo!~jpablo@d.clients.kiwiirc.com has joined #general
  1698. [22:05] <vanpeebles> hehehe, just asking :)
  1699. [22:05] <jpablo> hi everybody
  1700. [22:06] <HackersAnon> Who mentioned QLs? I'll kill the bast!!
  1701. [22:06] <HackersAnon> ACTION smashes Irn Bru bottle off wall
  1702. [22:06] <HackersAnon> ACTION is left with the cork
  1703. [22:06] <jc> virgin media's email is all done by gmail anyway
  1704. [22:06] <vanpeebles> :O erk!
  1705. [22:06] <HackersAnon> ACTION runs away
  1706. [22:06] <HackersAnon> Ho ho..
  1707. [22:06] *** AC158!~AC158@ has joined #general
  1708. [22:06] <HackersAnon> Feel free to mention QLs, I guess.
  1709. [22:07] <HackersAnon> I have one in the loft, but I've no idea how to use it - sorry!
  1710. [22:07] <jc> ql, the machine with half a 68000 in it ;)
  1711. [22:07] <vanpeebles> you should fire it up :)
  1712. [22:07] <aowen> like a burning C64?
  1713. [22:07] *** slenkar!~root@cpe-96-28-60-131.swo.res.rr.com has joined #general
  1714. [22:07] <vanpeebles> no, just turn it on :)
  1715. [22:07] <aowen> like Genesis?
  1716. [22:07] <HackersAnon> You mean buy it dinner?
  1717. [22:07] <slenkar> finally got a decent irc client
  1718. [22:07] <Guesser> just in time!
  1719. [22:07] <Guesser> oh wait... :p
  1720. [22:07] <HackersAnon> Take it to the cinema
  1721. [22:08] <HackersAnon> Whisper sweet nothings in its IO port?
  1722. [22:08] <jc> fnar
  1723. [22:08] <slenkar> IN #nothings
  1724. [22:08] <Guesser> smash its back doors in with a big rom dongle
  1725. [22:08] <Zoff> O_O
  1726. [22:08] <jc> if you peek me i'll poke you :P
  1727. [22:09] <karingal_laptop> my wife is making me watch I'm A Celebrity...
  1728. [22:09] <aowen> Guesser: didn’t know you were a Sheffield United fan.
  1729. [22:09] <HackersAnon> ACTION says Guesser owes him a coffee-free screen
  1730. [22:09] <HackersAnon> Karingal - just say no, it's shite
  1731. [22:09] <karingal_laptop> it is shite
  1732. [22:09] <aowen> yeah but Craig Charles is on
  1733. [22:09] <HackersAnon> So watch Red Dwarf
  1734. [22:09] <HackersAnon> :)
  1735. [22:10] <aowen> weren’t they supposed to be making another full series for Dave after the last one?
  1736. [22:10] <HackersAnon> Apparently, yes
  1737. [22:10] <HackersAnon> Now THAT I'll watch
  1738. [22:10] <HackersAnon> I didn't even know CC was on I'm A Celeb
  1739. [22:10] <The_Starglider> Red Dwarf 10 was brilliant. Very funny
  1740. [22:10] <aowen> I saw a thing about it in the Metro
  1741. [22:10] <HackersAnon> At least he's someone I've heard of on it
  1742. [22:10] <Guesser> you clearly don't use twitter :)
  1743. [22:10] <aowen> then quickly remembered why I stopped reading the Metro
  1744. [22:11] <Guesser> cause robert llwelyn has been mentioning it all week
  1745. [22:11] <aowen> besides finding out who’s stalking who, is there any real purpose to twitter?
  1746. [22:11] <Guesser> and I'm fairly sure following him is mandatory
  1747. [22:11] <HackersAnon> None. Noe at all
  1748. [22:11] <aowen> that’s what I thought
  1749. [22:11] <Guesser> along with graham linehan
  1750. [22:12] <karingal_laptop> I like Twitter, much better than Faecesbook
  1751. [22:12] <Fil> There are shooting it next year, aowen.
  1752. [22:12] <HackersAnon> Except for the odious Kardashian clan to pollute the human gene pool further
  1753. [22:12] <aowen> good to know
  1754. [22:12] <aowen> well I have wine to drink
  1755. [22:12] <aowen> so I’ll leave you with a shameless plug
  1756. [22:12] <aowen> https://www.facebook.com/zxodus
  1757. [22:12] <ADJB> emmmm.... my phone is downloading Android 5, not sure if this is a good idea
  1758. [22:12] <HackersAnon> I have clothes to iron, but I can't be arsed :)
  1759. [22:12] <HackersAnon> ADJB - cool! Wish mine supported it :)
  1760. [22:13] <karingal_laptop> I have clothes to iron, think I'll get the wife to do it...
  1761. [22:13] <Guesser> ADJB: what phone
  1762. [22:13] <ADJB> Nexus 5
  1763. [22:13] <Guesser> my Nexus 5 updated on release day
  1764. [22:13] <aowen> ttyl
  1765. [22:13] <Guesser> ah you'll be fine then
  1766. [22:13] <Guesser> works well
  1767. [22:13] <HackersAnon> Mind you, I've only just migrated to an S2 so I'm a tad behind :)
  1768. [22:13] <Guesser> if you have a lot of apps, plug it in
  1769. [22:13] *** aowen has left #general (aowen)
  1770. [22:14] <Guesser> cause when it reboots it will compile them all for dalvik
  1771. [22:14] <HackersAnon> I just want a phone with a lock screen that'll show me proper notifications and let me pause/play with a numerical lock on it
  1772. [22:14] <vanpeebles> does anyone use that tape player on the ipad/iphone?
  1773. [22:14] <ADJB> I always plug it in at home and leave it on the wifi
  1774. [22:14] <Guesser> which takes a while if you have a lot
  1775. [22:14] <Guesser> hmm, I don't leave mine plugged in all the time
  1776. [22:15] <Guesser> learnt my lesson about lithium batteries with laptops and you can replace them without doing surgery...
  1777. [22:16] <HackersAnon> Anyone any experience of putting a custom ROM on an S2?
  1778. [22:16] <ADJB> I have on the S3
  1779. [22:16] <ADJB> Just done a few hundred of them
  1780. [22:17] <Guesser> no but the PLUS three on the other hand...
  1781. [22:17] <HackersAnon> Which ROM did you go for? My needs are simple - see above (PIN lockscreen that allows notifications on lockscreen as well as music player)
  1782. [22:17] <Guesser> (If I had any flash boards left to sell that'd have been a really smooth move!)
  1783. [22:17] <Guesser> :)
  1784. [22:18] <ADJB> It was a custom one for a large online retailer named after a large south american river
  1785. [22:18] <vanpeebles> what would be the best add on for a toast rack?
  1786. [22:18] <Guesser> lol
  1787. [22:19] <vanpeebles> i have a divide plus but ive just tried it with a plus 3
  1788. [22:19] <Guesser> presumably you're prohibited from naming them
  1789. [22:19] <Guesser> :)
  1790. [22:19] <Guesser> SPECTRANET!
  1791. [22:19] <ADJB> I treat my clients privacy seriously :)
  1792. [22:19] <vanpeebles> i was looking at spectranets today on SMR
  1793. [22:19] <^Me> @@
  1794. [22:20] <vanpeebles> are they easy to use and suit a toastrack?
  1795. [22:20] <Guesser> ooh, is the new batch up?
  1796. [22:20] <HackersAnon> Orinoco?
  1797. [22:20] <vanpeebles> yes they had some on
  1798. [22:20] <Guesser> hmm, easy?
  1799. [22:20] <^Me> Spectranet is ace
  1800. [22:20] <Guesser> well polomint manages
  1801. [22:20] <vanpeebles> 19 in stock, 60 quid
  1802. [22:20] <Guesser> there can be fiddly bits but there are lots of people who can help :)
  1803. [22:21] <vanpeebles> daley? arthur daley? fred bloggins here, ive got some nets, spectranets
  1804. [22:21] <Guesser> who all lurk on IRC pretty much constantly :)
  1805. [22:21] <^Me> Even I can use Spectranet
  1806. [22:21] *** SodaBandit!~Graz@host86-177-199-91.range86-177.btcentralplus.com has joined #general
  1807. [22:21] <SodaBandit> ZOING!
  1808. [22:21] <Guesser> 'roit arfur?
  1809. [22:21] <HackersAnon> Hi, Soda
  1810. [22:21] <^Me> Crivens
  1811. [22:22] <Guesser> Graz!
  1812. [22:22] <SodaBandit> Yus
  1813. [22:22] <SodaBandit> That's me. How do I change me name?
  1814. [22:22] <Guesser> vanpeebles: the 128k is the worst of all the speccies for working with add ons
  1815. [22:22] <^Me> /nick
  1816. [22:22] <vanpeebles> we have hidden the instructions under a can of pop
  1817. [22:22] <Guesser> but winston did fairly well I think
  1818. [22:22] <vanpeebles> the rest of the cans have been shaken up
  1819. [22:23] <vanpeebles> is it a bad idea to use one as an everyday speccy?
  1820. [22:23] <Guesser> I've seen the spectranet and the toastrack working :)
  1821. [22:23] *** wallyweek!~wallyweek@h171-ipv4-80-68-181.mynet.it has joined #general
  1822. [22:23] <Guesser> they're just not very well engineered
  1823. [22:23] <SodaBandit> So, who owns WoS now? :)
  1824. [22:23] <Guesser> too many chips attached to the bus etc.
  1825. [22:23] <^Me> +3 If you want reliability
  1826. [22:24] <Guesser> makes them unreliable
  1827. [22:24] *** Interceptor has left #general (Interceptor)
  1828. [22:24] *** snekeel has quit IRC (WoS forever!)
  1829. [22:24] <Guesser> the +2B is probably the best all round machine
  1830. [22:24] <vanpeebles> i have a +3 setup and also a 48k speccy with opus and multiface
  1831. [22:24] <Guesser> +2A/+3 is good if you fix the sound bug :)
  1832. [22:24] <vanpeebles> but ive not had a go at writing opus disks on the pc
  1833. [22:24] <Glenn> got my +2b here..
  1834. [22:25] <vanpeebles> im sending my +3 off with the toast rack for the sound fix
  1835. [22:25] <Guesser> who's doing it?
  1836. [22:25] <vanpeebles> the toast rack needs repairing, and the +3 needs the sound fix etc
  1837. [22:25] <Glenn> Going to fit my shiny new Zetr0 ide board and +3e roms..
  1838. [22:25] <vanpeebles> mutant catapuller
  1839. [22:25] <Guesser> and which sound fix hehe
  1840. [22:25] <Guesser> ah right, he's ok
  1841. [22:25] <vanpeebles> i have some +3e roms i bought but not fitted yet
  1842. [22:25] <Glenn> need to evict the Guesser flash board though..
  1843. [22:25] <^Me> Awww. Thats not a bug. Its hendrix sound
  1844. [22:25] <Glenn> ACTION hides from Guesser
  1845. [22:25] <Guesser> we've butted heads on wos before iirc but nothing serious hehe
  1846. [22:26] <Guesser> hmm
  1847. [22:26] <vanpeebles> he joined up on the qlforum so i caught him there :)
  1848. [22:26] <Guesser> I though zetr0 had ajusted his board to be thinner
  1849. [22:26] <vanpeebles> usually every christmas i sort myself out some something speccy for old times sake
  1850. [22:26] <Guesser> so both fitten
  1851. [22:26] <FogartyLee> @sodabandit - nobody owns it as such, there is a team in place once the site is transferred
  1852. [22:26] <Glenn> I've not checked TBH..
  1853. [22:26] <vanpeebles> i got the toast rack given a few years back but its just got a black screen
  1854. [22:26] <Glenn> but the rom set came with the board
  1855. [22:26] *** SodaBandit is now known as {Graz}
  1856. [22:26] <vanpeebles> so i thought id get it repaired
  1857. [22:27] <Glenn> the flash rom is going in the +3 ;)
  1858. [22:27] <Guesser> ah ok hehe
  1859. [22:27] *** jpablo has left #general (jpablo)
  1860. [22:27] <AC158> I saw that funding is not an issue, but is donation an option?
  1861. [22:28] <FogartyLee> Donation isn't an option I'm afraid.
  1862. [22:28] <{Graz}> Ta Lee. So, have all the team stated who they are and what their role is? Sorry to re-tread old ground here, but Chat has been a nightmare to get into. :p
  1863. [22:28] <^Me> Glen. Just a sinclair version of the 48 rom is nice to keep in one of the third banks
  1864. [22:28] <Guesser> taking donations is a pain unless you're set up formally with accounts and that
  1865. [22:28] <FogartyLee> the team will all be working on the database and processing the backlog. There's no specific roles
  1866. [22:28] <Guesser> cause otherwise who handles the money etc
  1867. [22:29] <Guesser> it's all messy
  1868. [22:29] *** slenkar has quit IRC (Leaving (null))
  1869. [22:29] <^Me> ME. I take the donations
  1870. [22:29] <Guesser> lol
  1871. [22:29] <FogartyLee> there was a rumour doing the rounds that we would be begging for donations and putting a donate link on the site. That's false.
  1872. [22:29] <Guesser> and gets audited each year...
  1873. [22:29] <^Me> Pens and paper ready for my PayPal
  1874. [22:30] <Guesser> lol
  1875. [22:30] <{Graz}> 75p and Rolos to a PO-BOX in Milton Keynes.
  1876. [22:30] <HackersAnon> I'll take money from anyone. So long as they don't expect anything in return
  1877. [22:30] <vanpeebles> will it be a commitee style thing?
  1878. [22:30] <Guesser> hmm, no paper trail, smart
  1879. [22:30] <Guesser> can we have the WoS AGM in lincolnshire ? :)
  1880. [22:30] <^Me> Like jedis ?
  1881. [22:30] <HackersAnon> Unless it's an attractive girl wanting me to give her damn good seein([THWACK]. Mrs Sweeney)
  1882. [22:30] <FogartyLee> any future changes will be commitee style - but they are a long way off due to other committments
  1883. [22:31] <Guesser> quick dunny, second it!
  1884. [22:31] <Guesser> :)
  1885. [22:31] <{Graz}> When will we get to 'see' changes?
  1886. [22:31] <AC158> That's fair enough.. thank you
  1887. [22:31] *** wallyweek has left #general (wallyweek)
  1888. [22:31] <FogartyLee> initially you won't - the site is being cloned onto one of my servers. All you will see is some minor downtime as we switch over - that will be around the end of the year
  1889. [22:31] <Fil> pete@#zx.net 4 PayPal WONGA
  1890. [22:32] <{Graz}> Okay, that's fair enough. Very different to the Facebook rumours then. ;)
  1891. [22:32] <FogartyLee> very different yes :)
  1892. [22:32] <^Me> Cheers Fil :)
  1893. [22:32] <Guesser> is martijn transferring/transferred the domain to you foggy?
  1894. [22:32] <AC158> I guess teh archive is the most important thing, but will you be attending to the actual website itself? Navigation links would be nice :)
  1895. [22:33] <vanpeebles> commitees have lots of downfalls but they ensure things survive i think
  1896. [22:33] <FogartyLee> he will be transferring the domain once we are ready to switch. There are a few though as the subsites need moving too
  1897. [22:33] <HackersAnon> In so much as the Facebook rumours were either that WoS was closing. WoS was going to be pay to get access. WoS was going to have ads and donation buttons. And so on :)
  1898. [22:33] <Guesser> indeed
  1899. [22:33] <{Graz}> Has Martijn gone beddy-byes now?
  1900. [22:33] <Dunny> back
  1901. [22:34] <FogartyLee> there were plans to have a new WoS (and it's half written), but these are on hold until I can commit to decent time spent developing
  1902. [22:34] <^Me> Dunnnnnny!
  1903. [22:34] <Dunny> hey, pete :-d
  1904. [22:34] <Dunny> bah
  1905. [22:34] <Fil> I heard that Google bid $50,000,000 for WoS, but Martijn said that they would have to remove "C64" from their search engine. They declined.
  1906. [22:34] <Dunny> buggered shift key
  1907. [22:34] <karingal_laptop> Good, so we can kill all these rumours stone dead then
  1908. [22:34] <FogartyLee> that's true Fil.
  1909. [22:34] <HackersAnon> AC158 - I daresay if people were to contact us with feasible suggestions (preferably with offers of helping make them happen), then anything is possible. Hweover, like Lee said at the moment the priority is to have WoS working in its new environment
  1910. [22:34] <Dunny> :-D
  1911. [22:35] <Dunny> ACTION is back from the bath, and is catching up with the logs
  1912. [22:35] <AC158> HackersAnon, I may just look to do that :) what's the best way.. just posting on the forums?
  1913. [22:35] <karingal_laptop> Gerard, it's all about getting the priorities right
  1914. [22:35] <Fil> AH, your chart will come in use, Dunny. ;)
  1915. [22:35] <Guesser> ACTION has many suggestions
  1916. [22:35] <Guesser> and isn't averse to helping :)
  1917. [22:35] <{Graz}> Well that's still a good idea to have a new Wos in production now, even if it is just to future-proof it and ensure we're not caught short if we suddenly need to move over the reigns at any time.
  1918. [22:36] *** FeKuLa!~FeKuLa@ has joined #general
  1919. [22:36] <HackersAnon> There's also the not minor detail of umpteen months worth of updates to process through :)
  1920. [22:36] <Fil> For those Sugar lovers among you: http://viz.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/005_viz156_sugar.jpg
  1921. [22:37] <FogartyLee> The new site would have made updates a lot easier, had user logins to the site, etc. (even a language switcher to Spanish), but it proved to be slightly more work than I anticipated, so the priority is getting onto the new server and making sure thats stable
  1922. [22:37] <AC158> Will the new site be a bespoke thing, or are you going to use an existing CMS system?
  1923. [22:37] <AC158> *Existing CMS -system :p
  1924. [22:37] <Guesser> will the shed get restored or are you just too busy
  1925. [22:38] <FogartyLee> bespoke. It's my company policy not to use open source CMS solutions
  1926. [22:38] <FogartyLee> there are no plans for the shed at the moment.
  1927. [22:38] <Guesser> should at least take that image down :)
  1928. [22:38] <FogartyLee> the WIKI will be moved to the WoS server and shed closed for the time being
  1929. [22:38] <HackersAnon> The one with me in the shed with the lederhosen on? Yeah, probably should
  1930. [22:38] <karingal_laptop> dead shed
  1931. [22:38] <Guesser> lol
  1932. [22:38] <Guesser> so it was YOU who hacked it!
  1933. [22:38] <Guesser> get him!
  1934. [22:39] <AC158> Why not open source? Just curious.
  1935. [22:39] <karingal_laptop> thats going on the front page
  1936. [22:39] <FogartyLee> it wasn't hacked
  1937. [22:39] <Guesser> oh
  1938. [22:39] <Guesser> a cunning excuse? :)
  1939. [22:39] <FogartyLee> open source is a prime target for hacking
  1940. [22:39] <Dunny> lol@fil
  1941. [22:39] <vanpeebles> will it be done with a spectranet?
  1942. [22:39] <Stefan> :-)
  1943. [22:40] <AC158> I see and would require more maintenance i.e. updates to keep it secure
  1944. [22:40] <FogartyLee> yep
  1945. [22:40] <vanpeebles> and a custom version of make-a-chip
  1946. [22:40] <vanpeebles> with the chip bit crossed out and web wrote in
  1947. [22:40] <Guesser> people complain about "security through obscurity"
  1948. [22:40] <AC158> Although a bespoke site would be reliant on yourself if that happened?
  1949. [22:40] <Dunny> wow, all of a sudden there's tonnes of folks and I can't think of anything to say...
  1950. [22:40] <Guesser> but if you look in your sever logs you never see people trying to hack obscure software :)
  1951. [22:41] <FogartyLee> Any developer would be able to maintain the site if Kar killed me off...
  1952. [22:41] <AC158> hehe
  1953. [22:41] <Guesser> always the same handful off urls
  1954. [22:41] <{Graz}> Just say what you've always wished, Dunny.
  1955. [22:41] <Guesser> he wants to be a real boy?
  1956. [22:42] <AC158> One more.. you sticking with vbulletin for the forums?
  1957. [22:42] <Stefan> bespoke or close source cms?
  1958. [22:42] <FogartyLee> The problem with the new site is that I suddenly landed a large council project that's being written now, and rolled out to all councils over the next 12 months, so that has taken my time up
  1959. [22:42] <FogartyLee> the forums are being cloned and will be switched over
  1960. [22:42] <Guesser> vbulletin's pretty good
  1961. [22:42] <Stefan> vbulletin is shite
  1962. [22:42] <Stefan> since the 4 upgrades
  1963. [22:42] <Guesser> better than some of the other options
  1964. [22:43] <Stefan> nearly killed off another site i visited
  1965. [22:43] <Guesser> aye, but wos uses an ancient version for that reason lol
  1966. [22:43] <Dunny> hmm
  1967. [22:43] <Dunny> I've always wished for...
  1968. [22:43] <{Graz}> Will this affect old posts ie: 1990s-early 2000 posts that are just archived as numbers?
  1969. [22:43] <Dunny> I dunno, really
  1970. [22:43] <Stefan> xenoforo (or so) which was set up by the old vbulletin devs, is good
  1971. [22:43] <FogartyLee> the database will be cloned too
  1972. [22:43] <Stefan> what - wos had a database?
  1973. [22:43] <Stefan> last time it looked like a flat file thing
  1974. [22:44] <{Graz}> Go on Dunny. I'm here. You can tell me. Whisper it in my lug-ole.
  1975. [22:44] <Guesser> heh, it's like people can't cope with the concept of cloning a server foggy :)
  1976. [22:44] <FogartyLee> no - the forums are hand typed by pixies every time you request a page :)
  1977. [22:44] <karingal_laptop> thats cos ewgf sat on it...
  1978. [22:44] <Guesser> then again these are wossers...
  1979. [22:44] <Stefan> :-)
  1980. [22:44] <Guesser> don't start an argument about clones ;)
  1981. [22:44] <AC158> Actually another one... can you link to a proper 'announcement' on the front page of WOS? :D
  1982. [22:44] <Stefan> that would destroy the spirit
  1983. [22:44] <AC158> Like a press release sort of thing, would shut up the facebook doom mongers, etc
  1984. [22:44] <FogartyLee> I can't do anything at the moment - I have access to the live server but I'm not touching anything just in case!
  1985. [22:44] <Stefan> wos with an update would be so non-wos
  1986. [22:44] <Fil> WoS looks best if you view it through Mosaic.
  1987. [22:45] <AC158> Understood
  1988. [22:45] <AC158> Shame though
  1989. [22:46] <{Graz}> Ewgf should be banned for cruelty to pixies in that case.
  1990. [22:46] <Guesser> rofl
  1991. [22:46] <FogartyLee> The only difference anyone should see is more stability and speed increase (that's a sentence of doom!!)
  1992. [22:48] <AC158> You should get the mods to pin a forum post or something instead then.
  1993. [22:48] <HackersAnon> <Fraser>Doomed, doomed aye we're all doomed!</Fraser>
  1994. [22:49] <ADJB> Night folks, got to do some work on a different web site
  1995. [22:49] <FogartyLee> You'll have to ask Karingal - he takes donations :P
  1996. [22:49] <ADJB> Enjoy the rest of the evening
  1997. [22:49] <Zoff> night adjb
  1998. [22:49] <FogartyLee> night tony
  1999. [22:49] <Guesser> heh
  2000. [22:49] *** ADJB has quit IRC ( (null))
  2001. [22:49] <FogartyLee> never liked him anyway...
  2002. [22:50] <HackersAnon> I got to do some ironing of school uniforms... For my kids, you blummin' pervs!!
  2003. [22:50] <Zoff> :D
  2004. [22:50] <Fil> Yeah, yeah. Re-enacting your Grange Hill fantasies, no doubt.
  2005. [22:50] <FogartyLee> I've got to pop out to iron some pervs for my kids - brb
  2006. [22:50] <Fil> #Just say yes...
  2007. [22:50] <Guesser> lol
  2008. [22:51] <AC158> oh well, thanks for answering questions.. g'night
  2009. [22:51] *** AC158 has quit IRC (WoS forever!)
  2010. [22:51] <HackersAnon> Wait, AC158 - you dropped your wallet... Oh, well
  2011. [22:51] <Zoff> much in it?
  2012. [22:51] <HackersAnon> Blimey - look at the picture of his wife
  2013. [22:52] <HackersAnon> Oh, wait, it's a post card from Edinburgh Zoo's monkey house
  2014. [22:52] *** Marko is now known as Marko|Gone
  2015. [22:52] <HackersAnon> He's gone, gone gone.. Marko's gone
  2016. [22:52] <Zoff> dear dear marko
  2017. [22:52] <karingal_laptop> no, he's still here
  2018. [22:53] <vanpeebles> well id best be off, ta ra everyone :)
  2019. [22:53] <HackersAnon> ACTION puts down Marko's jacket
  2020. [22:53] <HackersAnon> Bye, Van!
  2021. [22:53] <Zoff> bye vp
  2022. [22:53] <Dunny> cya
  2023. [22:54] <vanpeebles> ta ra everyone :)
  2024. [22:54] <{Graz}> Someone's pulled the plug. The Wossers are getting sucked away!
  2025. [22:54] *** vanpeebles has quit IRC (I Quit)
  2026. [22:54] *** kerl has quit IRC (Leaving (null))
  2027. [22:55] <^Me> They turn up once a year. Wreck the place, finish the milk
  2028. [22:55] <^Me> And go
  2029. [22:56] <Dunny> gah, still getting problems with specbas packages
  2030. [22:56] <Dunny> this is taking forever to fix :(
  2031. [22:56] <{Graz}> No milk left?! What have I been drinking from the fridge?
  2032. [22:57] <{Graz}> ACTION {Spitooo!}
  2033. [22:57] <HackersAnon> Umm, sorry about that..
  2034. [22:58] <Guesser> we ran out of coffee and sugar too
  2035. [22:58] <{Graz}> ACTION Bleaurgh!
  2036. [22:58] <HackersAnon> I ground up some dirt and glass - hope it was OK?
  2037. [22:58] <Guesser> that's mud, spit, and dandruff...
  2038. [22:58] <{Graz}> Ummm, yeah. Delish.
  2039. [22:59] <HackersAnon> I thought so.. The glass gives it that extra texture
  2040. [22:59] <{Graz}> Okay sauce-pots, me off ta bed now. Nighty night.
  2041. [22:59] <{Graz}> I must get the recipe!
  2042. [22:59] <HackersAnon> Cya Graz
  2043. [22:59] *** Stefan has quit IRC ( (null))
  2044. [22:59] *** |chris|!~chris@office.grok.co.uk has joined #general
  2045. [23:00] *** {Graz} has quit IRC ( (null))
  2046. [23:00] <Guesser> lo chris
  2047. [23:00] <Guesser> you're too late :p
  2048. [23:00] <|chris|> lo Guesser
  2049. [23:00] <|chris|> What happened? lol
  2050. [23:00] <|chris|> I been busy farming toblerones!
  2051. [23:00] <Guesser> you're too late, you missed chev's libel speech
  2052. [23:00] <|chris|> hahah, really????
  2053. [23:00] *** Iznogoud has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
  2054. [23:03] <|chris|> There's a log of this channel someone on WoS isn't there?
  2055. [23:03] <|chris|> ACTION goes off to try to find it...
  2056. [23:03] <Guesser> the logs are updated at midnight
  2057. [23:03] <|chris|> Oooh! Can't wait!
  2058. [23:04] <|chris|> The important question is...
  2059. [23:05] <|chris|> ...did martijn post a picture of his hot Thai bird or not?
  2060. [23:05] <Guesser> nope
  2061. [23:05] <|chris|> boo!
  2062. [23:05] <|chris|> hiss!
  2063. [23:05] <|chris|> That's the only reason I came on here!
  2064. [23:05] *** AC840 has quit IRC (WoS forever!)
  2065. [23:05] *** FeKuLa has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
  2066. [23:05] <HackersAnon> Maybe he'll invite us to the house warming?
  2067. [23:06] <|chris|> Is he moving out there then Gerard?
  2068. [23:06] <HackersAnon> Yep
  2069. [23:06] <HackersAnon> He's now no longer officially a Dutch resident, I think he said
  2070. [23:06] <|chris|> Blimey! All change eh?!
  2071. [23:06] <|chris|> Good luck to 'im.
  2072. [23:07] <HackersAnon> (I was juggling getting kids to bed, so may have missed a bit)
  2073. [23:07] *** alvaroalea!~alvaro@173.Red-88-25-145.staticIP.rima-tde.net has joined #general
  2074. [23:07] <HackersAnon> It's a huge change.. Not sure I'd be prepared to do that for a girl
  2075. [23:08] <HackersAnon> (OI! Mrs. Sweeney)
  2076. [23:08] <|chris|> lol
  2077. [23:11] *** zx81 has left #general (Once you know what it is you want to be true, instinct is a very useful device f)
  2078. [23:11] <HackersAnon> Suppose I should head. Stuff to get ready before chucking the kids out to try to get their room painted and new beds put in
  2079. [23:11] <HackersAnon> What better way to spend a few days off yer work, eh?
  2080. [23:12] <|chris|> Sounds awesome!
  2081. [23:12] <|chris|> night night dude :)
  2082. [23:12] <HackersAnon> Toodle-pip, all!!
  2083. [23:13] *** HackersAnon has quit IRC (Leaving (null))
  2084. [23:16] *** Zoff has quit IRC ( (null))
  2085. [23:21] <FogartyLee> boo
  2086. [23:21] *** AC274!~AC274@54027C62.dsl.pool.telekom.hu has joined #general
  2087. [23:22] <Guesser> boob
  2088. [23:22] *** AC274 has quit IRC (WoS forever!)
  2089. [23:23] <FogartyLee> hmmmmm boobs
  2090. [23:24] <Dunny> oh yes
  2091. [23:24] <FogartyLee> when is a good time for me to announce I got a woman and I'm leaving the planet?
  2092. [23:24] <karingal_laptop> chris: he posted a pic a few months ago, she's well out of his league!!
  2093. [23:25] <FogartyLee> it's a well known fact that us computer experts only do it for the women
  2094. [23:26] *** jpablo!~jpablo@d.clients.kiwiirc.com has joined #general
  2095. [23:26] <|chris|> Yeah. I heard she was a looker. Boy done good by the sound of it!
  2096. [23:27] <|chris|> Apparently it's guys who are into cruddy 30 year old 8 bit systems that get all the best women.
  2097. [23:27] <Guesser> it is?
  2098. [23:27] <Guesser> WTF is going on then
  2099. [23:27] <karingal_laptop> no wonder he's spent the last 18 months horizontal
  2100. [23:28] *** wallyweek!~wallyweek@adsl-ull-232-98.47-151.net24.it has joined #general
  2101. [23:29] *** wallyweek has left #general (wallyweek)
  2102. [23:29] <|chris|> Maybe she was sent from lemon64 in an (apparently failed...) attempt to kill WoS off?
  2103. [23:32] <|chris|> It looks like the logs for this channel are generated at 4am. I will have to wait til tommorow to find out WTF is going on then!
  2104. [23:32] <|chris|> How exciting!
  2105. [23:32] <karingal_laptop> (apparently failed), you're beginnign to sound like chev
  2106. [23:33] <Guesser> lol
  2107. [23:33] <|chris|> THAT'S LIBEL!!!!!!!!!!!
  2108. [23:33] <|chris|> errm.
  2109. [23:33] <karingal_laptop> sue me
  2110. [23:33] *** alvaroalea has left #general (alvaroalea)
  2111. [23:33] <Guesser> pffft
  2112. [23:33] <FogartyLee> I'm going to get the blame for the previous comments!
  2113. [23:34] <Dunny> chris!
  2114. [23:34] <|chris|> lo Dunny!
  2115. [23:34] <karingal_laptop> FoggyL Yup
  2116. [23:35] <Dunny> hey hey
  2117. [23:35] <FogartyLee> 16k?
  2118. [23:35] <Guesser> we're the monkees?
  2119. [23:37] <karingal_laptop> my my?
  2120. [23:37] <Guesser> miss american pie?
  2121. [23:37] <FogartyLee> at waterloo you surrendered?
  2122. [23:37] <FogartyLee> you're old enough :P
  2123. [23:37] <Guesser> rofl
  2124. [23:38] <Dunny> fuck off :-p
  2125. [23:39] <FogartyLee> Dave has gone quiet on FB...
  2126. [23:39] <Guesser> and of course that's bye bye, not my my
  2127. [23:39] <Guesser> tsk
  2128. [23:39] <Guesser> ACTION irons hands
  2129. [23:42] <karingal_laptop> Guesser: I was thinking more Neil Young
  2130. [23:43] *** jpablo has quit IRC (http://www.kiwiirc.com/ - A hand crafted IRC client)
  2131. [23:47] <Guesser> so, that's a whole day I didn't get anything done on my super seekrit spectrum project
  2132. [23:47] <Guesser> wonder if polo's finished it for me
  2133. [23:48] <FogartyLee> yeah I lost an evening on my super seekrit spectrum project too :(
  2134. [23:49] <karingal_laptop> I lost a whole evening on my super seekrit DS project...
  2135. [23:52] <Guesser> was yours "rebuilding WoS"?
  2136. [23:53] <Ardentcrest> Jim Darkmagic. Jim Darkmagic. Jim Darkmagic.Jim Darkmagic.
  2137. [23:53] <Guesser> cause you kinda let the cat out of the bag if so :)
  2138. [23:58] *** AC489!~AC489@107.Red-193-153-200.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net has joined #general
  2139. [00:02] *** AC489 has quit IRC (WoS forever!)
  2140. [00:04] <FogartyLee> @Guesser - sshhhhh.... secret...
  2141. [00:04] <Guesser> hehe
  2142. [00:05] <pak21> Night all - I'm off to bed as well.
  2143. [00:05] <FogartyLee> does anyone know how to put a donate button on a website & block access to the site if there's no donation?
  2144. [00:05] <FogartyLee> :P
  2145. [00:05] <FogartyLee> night Phil
  2146. [00:05] <Guesser> lol
  2147. [00:05] <|chris|> lo and goodnight phil
  2148. [00:05] <Guesser> you should have a free preview page
  2149. [00:06] <Guesser> maybe three downloads
  2150. [00:06] <Guesser> but the games end before they get to the good bit
  2151. [00:06] <FogartyLee> I would prefer to block peoples access to the internet until they donate
  2152. [00:07] <FogartyLee> ooh - a donate screen on each download!
  2153. [00:08] <FogartyLee> or we could simple carry adverts for dodgy dating sites and viagra...
  2154. [00:10] <Guesser> who's dodgy dating site?
  2155. [00:10] <Guesser> was it cornishday trying to start one of those?
  2156. [00:10] <Guesser> gah
  2157. [00:10] <Guesser> WHOSE
  2158. [00:11] <Guesser> ACTION slams fingers in drawers
  2159. [00:12] <FogartyLee> anyones - maybe rubberkeys
  2160. [00:13] <|chris|> WorldOfMongyLard.org
  2161. [00:16] *** karingal_laptop has quit IRC ( (null))
  2162. [00:17] <^Me> @@
  2163. [00:18] *** AC201!~AC201@remote.dermcare.com.au has joined #general
  2164. [00:21] *** DaRkHoRaCe!~DaRkHoRaCe@ has joined #general
  2165. [00:21] <DaRkHoRaCe> HelloooOOOOOOOOO
  2166. [00:21] <FogartyLee> lo
  2167. [00:22] <DaRkHoRaCe> ?
  2168. [00:22] <FogartyLee> hello
  2169. [00:23] <DaRkHoRaCe> What's happening in WoS
  2170. [00:23] <DaRkHoRaCe> ?
  2171. [00:23] <FogartyLee> They are expanding to include c64
  2172. [00:23] <DaRkHoRaCe> ahahahahah can't belive it
  2173. [00:24] <FogartyLee> I might have made that bit up :)
  2174. [00:24] <FogartyLee> Martijn has stood down as he is leaving the country to live with his new wife, so a new team is taking over
  2175. [00:24] <DaRkHoRaCe> I think we need a new way to chat.....
  2176. [00:24] <DaRkHoRaCe> I'm disconnecting every 2 seconds
  2177. [00:25] <FogartyLee> you're not showing as disconnecting
  2178. [00:25] <|chris|> Disconnecting every 2 seconds is a shit way to chat.
  2179. [00:25] <|chris|> Don't do that.
  2180. [00:26] <Guesser> disconnecting every two seconds?
  2181. [00:26] <FogartyLee> is there a 'don't disconnect every two seconds' command?
  2182. [00:26] <Guesser> not here you aren't
  2183. [00:26] <DaRkHoRaCe> I hope that you are not taking over the new wos kiddos :D
  2184. [00:26] <FogartyLee> funny you should ask that...
  2185. [00:26] <Guesser> lol
  2186. [00:27] <jc> tbh why not just create #worldofspectrum on freenode or so
  2187. [00:27] <|chris|> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7RIgs3eygo
  2188. [00:27] <Guesser> of just use #zx on coldfront!
  2189. [00:27] <Guesser> or #spin
  2190. [00:28] <|chris|> #spin is only for the cabal
  2191. [00:28] <Guesser> it's not like there's a shortage of channels to discuss speccy stuff in :p
  2192. [00:28] <Guesser> lol
  2193. [00:28] <DaRkHoRaCe> no.. really. The forum will be down?
  2194. [00:28] <FogartyLee> nothing will change for a long time. We are building a clone initially
  2195. [00:28] <Guesser> but really, coldfron.net is the place to be if you want to chat about speccies on IRC
  2196. [00:29] <Guesser> the lurkers are all there waiting for you!
  2197. [00:29] <DaRkHoRaCe> Fogarty: you helped me some months ago with webdesign stuff?
  2198. [00:29] <DaRkHoRaCe> Aren't yew?
  2199. [00:29] <FogartyLee> did I?
  2200. [00:29] <FogartyLee> did I get paid?
  2201. [00:29] <DaRkHoRaCe> hahahah no, you didn't
  2202. [00:29] <|chris|> lol
  2203. [00:29] <Guesser> shhhhh
  2204. [00:30] <FogartyLee> thanks for reminding me then lol - invoice in post :P
  2205. [00:30] <Guesser> you'll remind him that the faq wiki hasn't been paid for either
  2206. [00:30] <FogartyLee> hmmmm
  2207. [00:31] *** bloodbaz!~chris@zxlife.plus.com has joined #general
  2208. [00:31] *** bloodbaz has quit IRC (WOS Forever!)
  2209. [00:33] <DaRkHoRaCe> The coolest thing is a spectranet macroserver for our Spectrums
  2210. [00:33] <Guesser> macroserver?
  2211. [00:33] <Guesser> do you mean microserver cause that'd be the opposite :)
  2212. [00:34] <DaRkHoRaCe> no no, I invented the term
  2213. [00:34] <DaRkHoRaCe> just right now....
  2214. [00:34] <Guesser> I guessed you must have done :)
  2215. [00:34] <Guesser> so what's the definition? ;)
  2216. [00:35] <|chris|> serves only excel macros
  2217. [00:35] <Guesser> lol
  2218. [00:36] <|chris|> probably a niche market for spectranet, tbf
  2219. [00:36] <DaRkHoRaCe> Imagine a place where we can connect with Spectranets, chat, download stuff from ftp server , read all WoS
  2220. [00:36] <DaRkHoRaCe> and multiplayer rooms
  2221. [00:36] <DaRkHoRaCe> huuhhuhu
  2222. [00:36] <Guesser> in under 2 megabytes
  2223. [00:36] <DaRkHoRaCe> The new wos
  2224. [00:36] <Guesser> impressive! :)
  2225. [00:36] <Guesser> lol
  2226. [00:36] <DaRkHoRaCe> Just dreaming
  2227. [00:37] <Guesser> you certainly are
  2228. [00:37] <Guesser> :p
  2229. [00:37] <Guesser> though it would certainly be intersting to persue the idea of an official WoS tnfs daemon, once things have settled down
  2230. [00:38] <Guesser> suitably hardened of course :)
  2231. [00:42] *** AC793!~AC793@ has joined #general
  2232. [00:43] <DaRkHoRaCe> Guesser: what will change without Martin? I really don't know it.
  2233. [00:43] <Guesser> heh, you should ask foggy!
  2234. [00:43] <Guesser> I'm not on the team :p
  2235. [00:43] <Guesser> but the answer apparently is nothing for the time being
  2236. [00:43] <Guesser> everything is just being moved wholesale to one of foggy's servers
  2237. [00:43] *** AC793 is now known as In_Curse
  2238. [00:44] <FogartyLee> Nothing is changing
  2239. [00:44] <|chris|> Yay!! We fear change!
  2240. [00:44] <Guesser> until foggy changes it
  2241. [00:44] <Ardentcrest> At any given time, the urge to sing 'The Lion Sleeps Tonight' is just a whim away
  2242. [00:45] <Ardentcrest> a whim away, a whim away, a whim away......
  2243. [00:45] <Guesser> then it will be changing
  2244. [00:45] <Guesser> :)
  2245. [00:45] *** AC201 is now known as Eddie_Catflap
  2246. [00:45] <In_Curse> Just read the notice... thereճ a place where I can read what was discussed?
  2247. [00:45] <|chris|> Oh yeah, the compulsory paypal donations and that.
  2248. [00:45] <DaRkHoRaCe> auimmauè
  2249. [00:46] <DaRkHoRaCe> auimmaue
  2250. [00:46] <DaRkHoRaCe> auiiiiiiiii mauimauuuaaa mauammaueee
  2251. [00:48] <DaRkHoRaCe> http://www.worldofspectrum.org/chatlogs/
  2252. [00:48] <DaRkHoRaCe> here?
  2253. [00:50] <In_Curse> I was there before, nothing in it. :(
  2254. [00:50] <FogartyLee> the chatlogs are updated at 4am
  2255. [00:50] <In_Curse> ok, thanks!
  2256. [00:51] <In_Curse> But what is the time server now? :D
  2257. [00:51] <FogartyLee> paypal donations aren't compulsory - you just can't use the site without them lol
  2258. [00:51] <In_Curse> Here, 21:51.
  2259. [00:51] <DaRkHoRaCe> a club?
  2260. [00:52] <Guesser> screw you foggy, I'm going to build my own spectrum website
  2261. [00:52] <Guesser> with blackjack
  2262. [00:53] <Guesser> and hookers!
  2263. [00:53] <FogartyLee> Not the first time you've been called bender?
  2264. [00:53] <Guesser> pfffffffft
  2265. [00:54] *** The_Starglider has quit IRC ( (null))
  2266. [00:54] <FogartyLee> call it stageGame
  2267. [00:54] *** AC523!~AC523@host81-152-7-188.range81-152.btcentralplus.com has joined #general
  2268. [00:54] <DaRkHoRaCe> Really, Wos is fascinating. I registered in 2002 and it's still the same..
  2269. [00:55] <FogartyLee> We are doing the new WoS in 3D. You will be able to buy the glasses from our store.
  2270. [00:55] <DaRkHoRaCe> ahahahahhahaaha
  2271. [00:57] <Guesser> that'll annoy chev..
  2272. [00:57] <|chris|> Is he a cyclops?
  2273. [00:58] <Guesser> or something
  2274. [00:59] *** Timmy!~Test_12345@5418DF8D.cm-5-1d.dynamic.ziggo.nl has joined #general
  2275. [00:59] <DaRkHoRaCe> Timmy!
  2276. [01:00] <Timmy> hi
  2277. [01:00] <DaRkHoRaCe> Hi!
  2278. [01:03] *** AC523 has quit IRC (WoS forever!)
  2279. [01:04] <FogartyLee> ....that's the invoices backdated for the wiki... who do I send it to?
  2280. [01:04] <Guesser> erm
  2281. [01:04] <Guesser> John Young
  2282. [01:04] <FogartyLee> ok, no probs
  2283. [01:05] <Guesser> Blackburn, Lancashire
  2284. [01:05] <FogartyLee> that doesn't exist - the Beatles made it up to fit their lyrics
  2285. [01:07] <Guesser> lol
  2286. [01:09] <Timmy> just send it to /dev/null
  2287. [01:10] <DaRkHoRaCe> /dev/void
  2288. [01:21] <jc> no one was really sure if he was from the house of Lords
  2289. [01:21] <jc> id love to turn..... you..... on.....
  2290. [01:21] <jc> (ooer - Ed)
  2291. [01:22] <Guesser> Hello
  2292. [01:22] <Guesser> Smithers!
  2293. [01:23] <Guesser> you're Quite
  2294. [01:23] <Guesser> good
  2295. [01:23] <Guesser> at turning
  2296. [01:23] <Guesser> me On!
  2297. [01:25] *** In_Curse has quit IRC (WoS forever!)
  2298. [01:31] *** vaporatorius has quit IRC (EOF From client)
  2299. [01:34] <DaRkHoRaCe> Good night Specspikers
  2300. [01:35] <DaRkHoRaCe> gotta go
  2301. [01:35] <Timmy> bye
  2302. [01:35] *** Timmy has quit IRC ( (null))
  2303. [01:36] *** FogartyLee has quit IRC ( (null))
  2304. [01:36] <DaRkHoRaCe> It's been a looooooong time without using i.r.c.
  2305. [01:36] <DaRkHoRaCe> years!
  2306. [01:36] <DaRkHoRaCe> it's really obsolete
  2307. [01:37] <DaRkHoRaCe> ciaaaaaOOOOOO
  2308. [01:37] *** DaRkHoRaCe has quit IRC (Leaving... (null))
  2309. [01:37] <Guesser> pffffft
  2310. [01:37] <Guesser> obsolete means no longer reqired
  2311. [01:37] <Guesser> humph
  2312. [01:37] <Guesser> outdated
  2313. [01:37] <Guesser> replaced by better things
  2314. [01:38] <Guesser> hardly call a frigging facebook chat better things
  2315. [01:38] <Guesser> in fact, just paste my email rant but replace email with irc :p
  2316. [01:45] *** Eddie_Catflap has quit IRC (WoS forever!)
  2317. [01:48] <|chris|> The trouble with irc is there aren't enough pictures of cats and Kim Kardashian, and discussions about "Strickly".
  2318. [01:48] <|chris|> It's just a load of f**kin geeks :(
  2319. [01:48] <Guesser> lol
  2320. [01:59] <^Me> Its been emotional
  2321. [02:00] <^Me> Watch the cats on your way out
  2322. [02:00] <^Me> Nn ppl
  2323. [02:01] *** ^Me has quit IRC (' laters)
  2324. [02:23] *** jc has quit IRC (Leaving (null))
  2325. [02:30] *** Marko|Gone has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
  2326. [03:21] *** jwillis!~jwillis@ has joined #general
  2327. [03:21] <jwillis> Hi, is this a Spectrum Users Group channel?
  2328. [03:23] <|chris|> Nope. #general is only for Generals in the Armed forces.
  2329. [03:23] <|chris|> Well, Generals and above.
  2330. [03:23] <|chris|> Brigadeirs, Colonels, etc.
  2331. [03:23] <jwillis> Okay
  2332. [03:23] <|chris|> We talk mainly about wars and shit.
  2333. [03:24] <|chris|> np
  2334. [03:26] <Guesser> Colonels are below Generals
  2335. [03:26] <Guesser> you big silly :p
  2336. [03:27] <|chris|> Yeah, I was just testing the newbie, obviously. :p
  2337. [03:27] <Guesser> ah! quite quite
  2338. [03:27] <Guesser> a jolly ruse
  2339. [03:28] <|chris|> :D
  2340. [03:35] *** nekotan has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
  2341. Session Close: Tue Nov 18 04:00:02 2014
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