Guest User

#bitcoin #miner #opendir

a guest
Apr 17th, 2019
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text 3.87 KB | None | 0 0
  2. a97e9ee8960ed0d59816a09d000345c3
  5. "api": {
  6. "port": 0,
  7. "access-token": null,
  8. "id": null,
  9. "worker-id": null,
  10. "ipv6": false,
  11. "restricted": true
  12. },
  13. "asm": true,
  14. "autosave": true,
  15. "av": 0,
  16. "background": true,
  17. "colors": false,
  18. "cpu-affinity": null,
  19. "cpu-priority": null,
  20. "donate-level": 0,
  21. "huge-pages": true,
  22. "hw-aes": null,
  23. "log-file": null,
  24. "max-cpu-usage": 60,
  25. "pools": [
  26. {
  27. "url": "",
  28. "user": "2-15",
  29. "pass": "rocky",
  30. "rig-id": null,
  31. "nicehash": false,
  32. "keepalive": false,
  33. "variant": -1,
  34. "tls": false,
  35. "tls-fingerprint": null
  36. }
  37. ],
  38. "print-time": 60,
  39. "retries": 5,
  40. "retry-pause": 5,
  41. "safe": false,
  42. "threads": null,
  43. "user-agent": null,
  44. "watch": false
  45. }
  47. Usage: [OPTIONS]
  48. Options:
  49. -a, --algo=ALGO specify the algorithm to use
  50. cryptonight
  51. cryptonight-lite
  52. cryptonight-heavy
  53. -o, --url=URL URL of mining server
  54. -O, --userpass=U:P username:password pair for mining server
  55. -u, --user=USERNAME username for mining server
  56. -p, --pass=PASSWORD password for mining server
  57. --rig-id=ID rig identifier for pool-side statistics (needs pool support)
  58. -t, --threads=N number of miner threads
  59. -v, --av=N algorithm variation, 0 auto select
  60. -k, --keepalive send keepalived packet for prevent timeout (needs pool support)
  61. --nicehash enable support
  62. --tls enable SSL/TLS support (needs pool support)
  63. --tls-fingerprint=F pool TLS certificate fingerprint, if set enable strict certificate pinning
  64. -r, --retries=N number of times to retry before switch to backup server (default: 5)
  65. -R, --retry-pause=N time to pause between retries (default: 5)
  66. --cpu-affinity set process affinity to CPU core(s), mask 0x3 for cores 0 and 1
  67. --cpu-priority set process priority (0 idle, 2 normal to 5 highest)
  68. --no-huge-pages disable huge pages support
  69. --no-color disable colored output
  70. --variant algorithm PoW variant
  71. --donate-level=N donate level, default 5%% (5 minutes in 100 minutes)
  72. --user-agent set custom user-agent string for pool
  73. -B, --background run the miner in the background
  74. -c, --config=FILE load a JSON-format configuration file
  75. -l, --log-file=FILE log all output to a file
  76. --max-cpu-usage=N maximum CPU usage for automatic threads mode (default 75)
  77. --safe safe adjust threads and av settings for current CPU
  78. --asm=ASM ASM code for cn/2, possible values: auto, none, intel, ryzen, bulldozer.
  79. --print-time=N print hashrate report every N seconds
  80. --api-port=N port for the miner API
  81. --api-access-token=T access token for API
  82. --api-worker-id=ID custom worker-id for API
  83. --api-id=ID custom instance ID for API
  84. --api-ipv6 enable IPv6 support for API
  85. --api-no-restricted enable full remote access (only if API token set)
  86. --dry-run test configuration and exit
  87. -h, --help display this help and exit
  88. -V, --version output version information and exit
  92. 0x7aa204 (14): stratum+tcp://
  93. 0x7aa214 (14): stratum+ssl://
  94. 0x7aa224 (13):
  95. 0x7aa234 (12): cryptonight.
  96. 0x7aa244 (14): cryptonightv7.
  97. 0x7aa254 (17): cryptonightheavy.
  98. 0x7aa268 (14): cryptonightv8.
  99. 0x7aa278 (14):
  100. 0x7aa294 (10): aeon.pool.
  101. 0x7aa2af (17): [1;37mPOOL #%-7zu
  102. 0x7aa2ce (12): [0m variant
  103. 0x7aa2f0 (32): * POOL #%-7zu%s%s variant=%s %s
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