
Session 05: Bloated Passage

Nov 24th, 2013
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  1. [2013-11-23 20:17:10] <CrystalDM> 03====FoE Crystal Group: Session 05====
  2. [2013-11-23 20:20:53] <CrystalDM> 03Winter has been wrapped up, and our heroes slumber semi-peacefully. The nightmares are still present with their constant promises of power, but they are less intense... as our heroes have spent yesterday in the sun, cleansing themselves of the corruption. As dawn creeps on the horizon, a new day approaches. Onward, ponies! To great victory!
  3. [2013-11-23 20:25:52] =-= Tankenstein_PhD is now known as Militus
  4. [2013-11-23 20:32:06] * Emerald_Blitz is up with the sun. She had fallen asleep on the floor next to Clue's couch, and is a little stiff as she gets up, gently retrieves the blanket from Clue's bed, and tucks it gently around the sleeping unicorn before heading for the door to catch some early-morning sunshine.
  5. [2013-11-23 20:33:07] * Militus rouses himself and gathers his gear. He then heads to meet up with the rest of the group for their departure.
  6. [2013-11-23 20:37:38] * Clue starts to yawn and brings her hooves to her eyes to rub away all the sleep. "Good morning E-" Her greeting cut short after she realized she has once again woken up alone. She scrunches her faces and hopes that she can wake up before Emerald_Blitz at least once.
  7. [2013-11-23 20:39:43] * Emerald_Blitz sits in the sun outside the inn, wearing her new griffon-tailored coat and captain's hat. She cuts rather a striking figure, actually, as she spreads her wings and faces the sun, smiling gently as its rays warm her coat in the chilly morning air.
  8. [2013-11-23 20:41:41] * Militus arrives at the inn and nods to Emerald_Blitz in greeting. "Good morning Captain. May I say you look very regal with that mane style?"
  9. [2013-11-23 20:43:08] * Emerald_Blitz nods. "Thank you, Militus," she says. "I was just looking for a grooming kit and got this as well." The alicorn shrugs. "I suppose ponies around this region are all too excited to see a Princess that they'll keep calling me one, no matter how much I protest." She sighs and nods to the door. "Clue is still asleep. At what hour had we planned to depart?"
  10. [2013-11-23 20:44:03] * Militus shrugs. "As soon as our party is gathered and breakfasted. Should I go fetch her, to speed things along?"
  11. [2013-11-23 20:45:43] * Emerald_Blitz shakes her head. "No... I will. If you'd be so kind as to fetch our grifflet and dragonling, though, as I've no idea where they sleep..." The alicorn turns and heads back toward Clue's apartment, the hems of the very large coat just barely brushing the ground.
  12. [2013-11-23 20:45:56] * Asami is up pretty early...just not as early as Emerald is...she's been busy packing and gong over everything, checking it twice...she's been pretty darned excited about her first actual real camping trip
  13. [2013-11-23 20:46:47] * Militus rubs his chin for a moment...where /does/ Tallie sleep? He decides to try looking at the shop where she works first and sets off.
  14. [2013-11-23 20:47:06] -->| Tallie (IceChat77@Pony-2lj.s46.145.98.IP) has joined #FoECrystal
  15. [2013-11-23 20:47:25] * Emerald_Blitz walks the short distance back to Clue's apartment and knocks gently on the door. "Clue?" she says softly. "We're getting ready to depart..."
  16. [2013-11-23 20:47:31] * Clue gathers her things and does her morning routine. Dust, clean, and reorganize. She opens her fridge to check the contents and it appears to be empty. Clue lets out a sigh.
  17. [2013-11-23 20:49:14] * Clue 's ears perk and shift towards the door. "Oh! Umm... One second. I've already packed... I'm.. well... outta food so I guess an outting for breakfast today it is as well..."
  18. [2013-11-23 20:49:43] * Militus arrives at the shop and pokes his head inside. "Tallie? Our group is readying to depart. You are still coming, yes?"
  19. [2013-11-23 20:50:39] * Emerald_Blitz waits by the door, her wings folded to her back. "I'm sure we can acquire some comestibles before leaving, Clue. Besides, in my hast to acquire medical supplies, I neglected to purchase travel food. We'll have to do that too."
  20. [2013-11-23 20:52:13] <CrystalDM> 03Militus finds Tallie is not inside the ground floor of the shop. Instead, the attractive Broken Gear is working at nearby workbench! "Hey Militus, Tallie hasn't come down yet..." The pegasus mare trots over to the counter and taps a red button on the counter. Militus can hear an air horn going off in one of the rooms above him, followed by the thud of something hitting the floor. "She'll...
  21. [2013-11-23 20:52:13] <CrystalDM> down in a minute, handsome." The mare giggles and digs around behind the counter.
  22. [2013-11-23 20:52:35] <Clue> "I bought /travel/ food, just not... morning food..." Clue lets out another sigh as she put's on her things. She opens the door bearing a large smile for Emerald_Blitz. "Shall we be off then Em?"
  23. [2013-11-23 20:53:30] * Emerald_Blitz returns the smile, and nods. "Of course. We'll pick up breakfast, and then be on our merry." She steps aside and gestures with a wing. "Ladies first."
  24. [2013-11-23 20:53:38] * Militus leans on the counter with a rakish grin. "Well, I suppose we'll just have to wait for her, won't we Miss Gear?"
  25. [2013-11-23 20:54:12] * Asami heads into Day's Inn, her bags and backpack packed to the gills as she's taken it upon herself to bring 'everything' a female dragon might have need of on a camping trip "Good morning Ponies!!!!
  26. [2013-11-23 20:55:34] * Clue blinks and raises an eyebrow. "Umm... what? You're a lady too..." Clue shakes her head with a smile as she walks by. "But I appreciate the compliment"
  27. [2013-11-23 20:55:57] <CrystalDM> 03Broken gear giggles as she comes up from behind the counter, setting Militus's polished sword on it. The nick in the blade seems to have been repaired, and the blade gleams in the early morning light. "Oh, I suppose we will." The mare winks at Militus, before continuing. "Tallie left this down here last night. I think she fell asleep while she was working again."
  28. [2013-11-23 20:57:26] * Emerald_Blitz scrunches her eyes shut in a grimace, then follows Clue. "Yes, right, of course," she says. "I wonder what the day will hold? So much new or changed landscape to explore. I must say, I find the whole prospect exciting." She looks down at Clue and tilts her head. "Well, equal parts exciting and terrifying."
  29. [2013-11-23 20:58:16] * Militus pick up the blade and inspects it. "She does fine repair work, I won't argue that." He straps the weapon to his side again. "Are you sure you can get on without her, though?"
  30. [2013-11-23 20:58:25] * Tallie comes running down the stairs, armor half on. She nearly trips as she descends, but catches herself before coming down to the first floor. "So, who's buyin' me breakfast?" The little griffon appears completely serious.
  31. [2013-11-23 20:59:57] <CrystalDM> 03Broken Gear shakes her head before addressing Tallie. "Armor on first kid. Then food." She looks over to Militus and smiles. "Oh, I'll be fine. Especially now that Winter Wrap-Up is done. It will be a slow stretch for us. Probably end up helping on Weather Duty again."
  32. [2013-11-23 21:00:09] <Asami> You are Tallie...with the 5 caps I gave you yesterday....cause I think we're all out of free meals from or host here....unless I am mistaken and Miss Day would be so awesome as to give the brave and gallant adventures off with a hearty and free breakfast for whom we would be ever so grateful?
  33. [2013-11-23 21:01:22] * Clue moves her mouth in uncertainty. "It's just an errand... I'd rather not be seen and get this shit done lickity split and get back home without hastle"
  34. [2013-11-23 21:01:41] <Militus> "Why Miss Gear, that sounds terribly lonely..."
  35. [2013-11-23 21:02:42] * Emerald_Blitz chuckles. "Ah, well, I shall be here, being very large and attracting all the attention," she says, tilting her captain's hat rakishly. "Then you can be unseen at your leisure. Now, to the Inn, and perchance, to waffles!" She points the way and picks up the pace.
  36. [2013-11-23 21:02:44] <Asami> (amend that to just me conning a meal then=P mistook what Militus posted as everyone was meeting at the inn, not the shop)
  37. [2013-11-23 21:03:09] * Tallie groans as she gets the armor on properly. "Come on Militus... maybe I can convince Asami to buy me breakfast." The griffiness gives a wry grin and starts toward the door.
  38. [2013-11-23 21:04:35] <CrystalDM> 03Broken Gear grins, chuckling. "Slow down their tiger, don't you have something to do today?"
  39. [2013-11-23 21:06:19] * Clue follows Emerald_Blitz as best she can, one of Em's steps is two or three of her own.
  40. [2013-11-23 21:06:35] * Militus sighs. "Yes, duty calls. We're on an important mission carrying news to other settlements. If I make it back, I'll probably have need of plenty of repairs." He winks slyly before turning to head out with Tallie.
  41. [2013-11-23 21:07:19] <CrystalDM> 03Pleasant Day jumps slightly at the mention of Tallie's name, looking around for the little griffin before she sees only Asami is present. "Oh, I suppose I could spare a meal for brave adventurers. Your choice Asami... breakfast, or I pack you guys a lunch?"
  42. [2013-11-23 21:07:42] * Emerald_Blitz and Clue arrive shortly at Day's Inn, and the alicorn steps inside, telekinetically holding the door open for Clue as she does. "Miss Day?" Emerald says, looking around. "Have you seen- oh, hello Asami. All ready to go?" she asks the dragon.
  43. [2013-11-23 21:07:52] <Asami> I'd prefer breakfast myself, I've already got lunch and dinner squared away
  44. [2013-11-23 21:08:10] <CrystalDM> 03Broken Gear's merry laughter follows out behind Militus as he heads toward the inn.
  45. [2013-11-23 21:08:44] * Asami looks very ready to go....or very ready to fall over with all of the huge pile of gear she can be seen toting "Sure am right after a hearty adventure breakfast!
  46. [2013-11-23 21:09:35] <CrystalDM> 03Pleasant Day smiles and nods. "Alright. Breakfast for the brave adventurers it is!" The mare starts busying herself collecting silverware and some cloth napkins. "So, just the five of you today, right?"
  47. [2013-11-23 21:10:10] * Emerald_Blitz chuckles. "Ah, now there I can agree with you," she says. "I believe it's just the five of us. Militus should be along with Tallie shortly. Also, if you know of a place to buy cheap travel food..."
  48. [2013-11-23 21:10:56] * Militus strolls into the Inn with Tallie in tow. "Ah, the rest of you are already here, excellent! Miss Day, we were hoping we could see about breakfast, perhaps?"
  49. [2013-11-23 21:14:03] * Tallie stands on the tips of her paws and puts an arm over Militus. "Yeah, breakfast! Milly is buying for me!"'
  50. [2013-11-23 21:14:52] * Militus frowns. "Tallie, I said no such thing and I do not appreciate you spending my caps for me."
  51. [2013-11-23 21:16:40] * Clue speaks up quietly. "...well... we should probably eat fast and light so we don't over exert ourselves and can get there with the possibility of light still being around.."
  52. [2013-11-23 21:17:33] * Tallie shrinks down and looks up at Militus. "Oh... but you wouldn't let a little griffin starve, would ya Milly?" Those nearby can hear the roar of Tallie's stomach. Good lord, did it echo?
  53. [2013-11-23 21:18:17] <Emerald_Blitz> "So just one waffle then, no syrup," Emerald says. "And if you know of some place I can get travel food, Miss Day..." Emerald shrugs. "I'm accustomed to military food. Quality isn't important so much as quantity."
  54. [2013-11-23 21:18:18] <Asami> Besides Tallie...too many meals from other ponies is gonna leave you a roly poly Tallie
  55. [2013-11-23 21:19:59] * Militus sighs heavily before forcing another smile. "Miss Day, how much for a light breakfast for two?"
  56. [2013-11-23 21:20:58] <CrystalDM> 03Pleasant Day smiles to Militus and guides the group to a nearby table. "Oh, I actually have something in mind for you all. The Adventurer's Special! Two fluffy Waffles topped some canned fruit, two strips of bacon, and a glass of orange juice. And don't worry... its on the house." Pleasant Day smiles as she gestures to the table. "But only the special."
  57. [2013-11-23 21:22:02] * Emerald_Blitz nods graciously. "My thanks, Miss Day. Remind me to make it up to you one of these days," she says with a smile. "If I find something delicious while we're out there, I'll be sure to get the recipe. One special for me, and one for Clue as well, hm?" She looks down at Clue.
  58. [2013-11-23 21:22:18] * Militus bows. "You are too generous, ma'am." He then turns to Tallie. "You're getting the special." His tone indicates he will brook no discussion on the matter.
  59. [2013-11-23 21:22:32] * Tallie thinks for a moment, and opens her mouth to say something. Then her beak closes and she nods, taking a seat. "What Milly said."
  60. [2013-11-23 21:24:09] * Clue nods and takes a seat without another word bearing a small smile.
  61. [2013-11-23 21:25:19] * Emerald_Blitz moves a chair aside and sits next to Clue. "So, I assume we're going to visit the Rangers at the Stable first?" she asks Militus.
  62. [2013-11-23 21:25:29] <CrystalDM> 03Pleasant Day nods and heads back to the kitchen, and the sizzle of batter on a griddle can be heard shortly. The dining area doesn't have any one inside, however, those with sensitive noses can still smell the recent breakfasts of others on the air.
  63. [2013-11-23 21:26:47] * Militus nods. "Yes, Stable 42 is the closest of our destinations, and the Rangers will likely have the firepower available to make the greatest difference. Whether they will use it is another matter..."
  64. [2013-11-23 21:26:58] * Clue speaks up quietly once again. "...well it is the closest..."
  65. [2013-11-23 21:39:17] * Emerald_Blitz nods. "Grand. Then we're leaving as soon as we finish eating, yes?" She frowns. "Why would the Rangers not assist? It's their sworn duty to protect Equestria, after all."
  66. [2013-11-23 21:41:00] * Clue looks up at Emerald_Blitz. "...have you read /any/ of that book Ditzy gave you?... things have changed Em... no matter how much you don't like it..." Clue moves her mouth about in thought. "Best to forget everything you knew /except/ for the basics..."
  67. [2013-11-23 21:42:00] |<-- Asami has left (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 25.0.1/20131112160018])
  68. [2013-11-23 21:42:19] * Emerald_Blitz sighs. "I hadn't gotten to anything in that chapter aside from the chapter on raiders," she admits, and shudders. "This is a very different world, and I'm positive I don't like one bit of it." The alicorn looks at Clue. "Well, not very much of it, at least. Miss Day? Might I trouble you for some water, please?"
  69. [2013-11-23 21:43:12] <Militus> "The Steel Rangers have come to a...different interpretation of their oaths over the years. They regard preserving relics of the past as being their duty. Although there are excpetions, many care little for the actual inhabitants of the Wasteland."
  70. [2013-11-23 21:43:58] * Clue opens her mouth. "IE, they are also dicks..."
  71. [2013-11-23 21:44:33] * Emerald_Blitz frowns. "Well, that is... unfortunate. I still regard my oaths as valid as the day I took them," she says. "But times change. Perhaps I might be able to talk them into helping. Or perhaps I was never listed as killed in action." The alicorn shakes her head at Clue. "You sound like a broken holotape, Clue. You said that about the Enclave too."
  72. [2013-11-23 21:44:42] <CrystalDM> 03Pleasant Day peeks her head around the corner and nods, coming out a few moments later with several cups and a carafe of water, balanced on her back. She sets the glasses in front of each individual before pouring them each a glass. "Don't worry, water is always on the house. We get it for free, thanks to the zebras." Pleasant Day leaves the rest of the carafe, about half full, on the table.
  73. [2013-11-23 21:46:58] * Clue slinks down in her seat. "...I'm sorry... but it's true..."
  74. [2013-11-23 21:49:07] * Militus takes a sip of water. "While Miss Clue is rather blunt, she is not incorrect. My own case in the Ranger's eyes is not helped by my coat."
  75. [2013-11-23 21:49:27] <Emerald_Blitz> "Thank you, Miss Day." Emerald turns back to Clue and Militus. "You don't have to be sorry for the truth. You just have to be patient with my ignorance. Or not, as you choose." The alicorn stuffs a quarter of her waffle in her mouth and chews thoughtfully.
  76. [2013-11-23 21:50:21] * Militus starts with the bacon on his plate before moving to the waffles.
  77. [2013-11-23 21:52:39] * Clue eats her food thoroughly and silently as she can.
  78. [2013-11-23 21:53:24] <Emerald_Blitz> Once everyone is finished, Emerald deposits her dishes on the counter. "Thank you much, Miss Day," she calls through the window. "We'll see you when we get back!"
  79. [2013-11-23 21:53:42] <CrystalDM> 03Asami eats her food quite thoroughly, only stopping to occasionally look at something on her pack, making sure everything was tied down. Tallie, however, eats with gusto, and ends her meal with a hearty burp.
  80. [2013-11-23 21:56:07] * Clue follows suit but only gives Pleasant Day a nod as she heads out.
  81. [2013-11-23 21:56:33] * Militus finishes and rises from the table. "Many thanks again, Miss Day, your cooking is extraordinary. I hope we shall be able to return as soon as possible for more." He bows before heading out as well.
  82. [2013-11-23 21:58:35] <CrystalDM> 03Asami and Tallie give their thanks as well, which Pleasant Day accepts with a smile and a thank you. She waves at you from the door as you all leave, wishing you luck, before going back inside.
  83. [2013-11-23 22:00:13] * Emerald_Blitz stops once outside and looks back to Militus. "All right, Militus," she says. "I'm no Captain, not anymore, and this is your operation. Where are we headed? If you'd be so kind as to lead the way."
  84. [2013-11-23 22:02:29] * Clue just sits idly by, blinking. She lets out an informative cough. "...I um... have the map... this is sorta... my part actually..."
  85. [2013-11-23 22:03:15] <Emerald_Blitz> "Ah, brilliant!" Emerald claps her hooves. "Well, then, fearless scout, which direction are we headed?" She leans over Clue's shoulder to look at the map.
  86. [2013-11-23 22:04:31] <Militus> "I do believe that the Stable we are seeking is somewhere to the west. Unless I am mistaken?"
  87. [2013-11-23 22:05:02] * Clue gives a nod as she examines the map.
  88. [2013-11-23 22:10:03] <CrystalDM> 03The group starts onward, led by the intrepid Clue. It takes two hours, but Clue keeps the group on the path to the Stable. Shortly, the group finds themselves in a field of tall grass...
  89. [2013-11-23 22:30:08] <CrystalDM> 03As Militus proceeds through the field, the sound of buzzing is slowly getting louder...
  90. [2013-11-23 22:30:41] * Emerald_Blitz perks her ears. "Does anypony else hear bees?" the alicorn says curiously. "I'm surprised bees survived the war..."
  91. [2013-11-23 22:35:03] <CrystalDM> 03Asami leans around Emerald_Blitz and her mane, trying to spot the source of the buzzing. "Huh. Where is that sound coming from?"
  92. [2013-11-23 22:46:55] * Clue notices everyone go off in search of something. She is determined to do her part and she puts herself as close to the ground as possible making her way around to get the jump on whoever is there.
  93. [2013-11-23 22:47:40] <Clue> However, while doing so she snaps a twig and lets out a "Fuck!" which was even louder than the twig snapping.
  94. [2013-11-23 22:47:58] * Militus creeps forward, his sword at the ready. He sighs just a little upon hearing Clue.
  95. [2013-11-23 22:50:10] * Emerald_Blitz rears up, looking perturbed. "Company, twelve-o-clock," she says. "Bloat... sprite? Huh. Looks like a parasprite." She snorts. "Shouldn't be a problem, just don't feed it."
  96. [2013-11-23 22:52:07] <CrystalDM> 03Asami pauses but shakes her head, keeping an eye out for these bloatsprites.
  97. [2013-11-23 22:52:43] <CrystalDM> 03Tallie darts behind, staying in the back and out of sight.
  98. [2013-11-23 23:10:00] * Emerald_Blitz takes to the air. "Hang on, there may be more than one," she says. "Hold on, Asami." She cruises up and over the tall grass, then abruptly raises her glowing green shield. "Bugger all! There's a lot more! On your guard everypony!"
  99. [2013-11-23 23:11:48] <CrystalDM> 03Asami can't do anything from inside the shield, but is happy to stay inside it!
  100. [2013-11-23 23:11:48] * Militus grins and whispers to himself, "Wonderful."
  101. [2013-11-23 23:18:01] * Clue takes aim from her hidden spot missing her first shot but then adjusts her aim, landing a perfect shot as the two bullets from her saddle cause the Bloatsprite to burst into gut mist.
  102. [2013-11-23 23:18:10] <CrystalDM> 03The sprite explodes in a cloud of green ichor, and the sprites come out of the tall grass to attack. They, however, are kind of stupid, and fire uselessly at the Alicorn's shield.
  103. [2013-11-23 23:24:01] <CrystalDM> 03A barrage of stingers flies up at Emerald_Blitz, impacting harmlessly against the alicorn's shield. Each shatters into some green ichor that dribbles off the shield. One of the sprites, in the back, buzzes at an intensely high pitch for a moment, and then deflates.
  104. [2013-11-23 23:24:47] <Emerald_Blitz> The stinger-like projectiles glance harmlessly off Emerald's prickly green shield bubble, and the alicorn begins to chuckle. "And here I was worried," she says, and prepares to swoop in with her shotgun.
  105. [2013-11-23 23:28:11] <CrystalDM> 03Tallie swoops in and aims down the sight of her pistol, firing once... and causing another of the flying bloatsprites to pop like a balloon. It even squeals like a balloon that has air being let out, flying around in a circle before landing on the ground with a thump.
  106. [2013-11-23 23:34:52] * Militus charges forward and makes a wild swing against a bloastsprite, but fails to hit the pest.
  107. [2013-11-23 23:38:11] * Emerald_Blitz swoops in, confident in the strength of her shield, and flies right up to the bloatsprite the furthest in the air. "Hullo," she says cordially, and splatters it point-blank with her shotgun. As she racks another shell into the chamber, the alicorn grins. "Like shooting skeet. Only, at much closer range."
  108. [2013-11-23 23:39:18] <CrystalDM> 03Asami stays inside the shield. Those stingers look nasty!
  109. [2013-11-23 23:43:01] * Clue takes aim down field once again landing both bullets into a floating orb of flesh causing it to poof into mist once again. Her second shot didn't fair so well.
  110. [2013-11-23 23:50:33] <CrystalDM> 03Another barrage of stingers flies at Emerald_Blitz, impacting harmlessly against her shield. However, three stingers fly into Militus, and he can start to feel the poison running through his veins...
  111. [2013-11-23 23:51:52] <CrystalDM> 03Another sprite comes under too much pressure and pops like its brethren.
  112. [2013-11-23 23:55:01] <CrystalDM> 03Tallie darts forward and presses her .357 revolver against the sprite, firing once and causing the thing to fart like a whoopie cushion in its death throes.
  113. [2013-11-23 23:58:40] <Militus> The sprite proves slippery, but Militus finally succeeds in slicing it into a bloody mess.
  114. [2013-11-24 00:00:56] * Emerald_Blitz turns to the last remaining sprite and looks down the barrel of the gun, through the flickering shield. "Bang," she says, and pulls the trigger. The resulting bug goo showers down a few feet from Tallie.
  115. [2013-11-24 00:02:18] <CrystalDM> 03The buzzing in the area stops... only the wind blows through the grass can be heard.
  116. [2013-11-24 00:02:45] * Emerald_Blitz floats gracefully to the ground, and her shield melts from around her as she touches down, allowing Asami off if she wants to disembark
  117. [2013-11-24 00:04:32] <CrystalDM> 03Emerald's hooves sink a couple inches into a pool of water. It feels... pleasantly warm and cold, like a holding a much of hot chocolate on a cold day.
  118. [2013-11-24 00:05:19] * Emerald_Blitz sighs happily. "That went exceptionally well," she says. "Anyone hurt? I have mighty bandages ready and waiting. Where's Clue?" She looks around for the errant unicorn.
  119. [2013-11-24 00:07:11] <CrystalDM> *mug
  120. [2013-11-24 00:09:18] <CrystalDM> 03Asami looks down at Emerald's hooves. "Uh... Emerald? Can I not be on the ground in the radioactive pool?" Asami points to the remains of a nearby barrel, which, if Emerald squints, she can make out a radiation warning symbol on it.
  121. [2013-11-24 00:09:27] <Militus> "I believe Clue snuck off and tried to stay away from the fighting. And I could perhaps use some assistance." Militus plucks a stinger out of himself and casts it aside.
  122. [2013-11-24 00:11:29] * Emerald_Blitz looks down. "Oh," she says. "I suppose that explains why it feels warm." She steps gingerly out of the pool and crouches so Asami can jump down. "Well, she's a remarkably good sharpshooter, no matter what she says," the alicorn remarks. "Now come here, and I'll try that curative spell again." Her horn begins to glow a pale prickly green.
  123. [2013-11-24 00:14:39] * Clue reloads her guns and heads off towards the group appearing from the grass as it parts. "Are they all dead?" She keeps her distance from the water.
  124. [2013-11-24 00:17:28] * Militus steps closer to the alicorn and stands still.
  125. [2013-11-24 00:18:08] * Emerald_Blitz nods. "Yes, and good work on the sharpshooting," she says to Clue as she begins sealing the zebra's wounds with a curative spell. "They never even knew what hit them. There, feeling better, Militus?"
  126. [2013-11-24 00:19:20] * Militus stretches a little. "Yes, thank you. Everything seems to be working fine now."
  127. [2013-11-24 00:19:54] * Clue half smiles. "...I was just doing what I was supposed to be doin'..."
  128. [2013-11-24 00:20:40] * Emerald_Blitz smiles. "Excellent. We keep up at this rate, we'll have the locals warned in no time," she says, sloshing over to Clue and nuzzling her. "Well, you had my back, and that's always important. Much appreciated." She turns back to the rest and looks further the direction they'd been traveling. "Shall we continue?"
  129. [2013-11-24 00:21:34] * Militus nods. "Yes, we should. Oh, and Clue? Good shooting."
  130. [2013-11-24 00:23:31] * Clue begins to blush. "It was nothing really... I..." Clue shuts her mouth and just nods, standing there now with a smile.
  131. [2013-11-24 00:24:14] <Emerald_Blitz> "Well, let's move while we still have daylight," Emerald says. "Lead the way."
  132. [2013-11-24 00:25:55] * Clue pulls out her map once again and leads the way with new sway in her steps.
  133. [2013-11-24 00:27:52] * Emerald_Blitz follows behind. Pun intended.
  134. [2013-11-24 00:27:58] <CrystalDM> 03Defeating the swarm of vicious bloat sprites, the adventurers continue onward! Will they reach Stable 42? Find out next time!
  135. [2013-11-24 00:28:18] <CrystalDM> 03====FoE Crystal Group: Session End====
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