

May 12th, 2018
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  1. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:01:34 main.go:33: Starting rig-monitor...
  2. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:01:34 main.go:46: Tracing is enabled!
  3. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:01:34 main.go:50: Commmand line arguments: -config
  4. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:01:34 main.go:54: No config file specified. Using default config.toml file: config.toml
  5. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:01:34 config.go:86: Reading configuration file...
  6. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:01:34 config.go:103: Config file: &lib.Config{Grafana:lib.Grafana{Username:"grafana", Password:"grafana"}, Influxdb:lib.InfluxDb{Hostname:"http://localhost:8086", Database:"rigdata", Username:"grafana", Password:"grafana", WriteInterval:0xf, InfluxWriteBufferSize:0x64}, Dynu:lib.Dynu{Enabled:false, Username:"dynu", Password:"dynu", Hostname:"", UpdateInterval:1800}, Profitability:lib.Profitability{QuoteCurrency:"EUR", PowerCostKwh:0.17, PowerRatioDualMining:0.3, EnvPollingInterval:60, MarketPollingInterval:300}, Main:lib.Main{PoolWorkers:3, RigWorkers:3, PoolPollingInterval:600, RigPollingInterval:60, PoolConfig:[]string{"label_ethermine,ethermine,eth,,,00x21af6581cf13d52f247bddaa919f27ca42ac4db2", "label_nanopool,nanopool,eth,,,0x21af6581cf13d52f247bddaa919f27ca42ac4db2"}, RigConfig:[]string{"miner01,claymore,label_nanopool,,,6,180,,noplug,,900,70", "miner02,claymore,label_nanopool,,,8,230,,noplug,,100,70", "miner03,claymore,label_nanopool,,,6,185,,noplug,,900,70", "desktop,claymore,label_nanopool,,,2,60,,noplug,,400,70"}}}
  7. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:01:34 main.go:70: Commmand line arguments: -p -1
  8. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:01:34 main.go:82: Commmand line arguments: -r 1
  9. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:01:34 main.go:105: Commmand line arguments: -m 1
  10. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:01:34 main.go:117: List of rigs: []string{"miner01,claymore,label_nanopool,,,6,180,,noplug,,900,70"}
  11. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:01:34 main.go:118: List of pools: []string{}
  12. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:01:34 main.go:122: Connection to influxDB at http://localhost:8086 ...
  13. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:01:34 influxdb.go:18: Starting DBDaemon routine...
  14. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 main.go:146: Launching pool monitor worker: 0
  15. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 main.go:146: Launching pool monitor worker: 1
  16. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 main.go:146: Launching pool monitor worker: 2
  17. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 main.go:152: Launching rig monitor worker: 0
  18. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 main.go:152: Launching rig monitor worker: 1
  19. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 main.go:152: Launching rig monitor worker: 2
  20. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 main.go:158: Launching power monitor worker: 0
  21. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 main.go:158: Launching power monitor worker: 1
  22. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 main.go:158: Launching power monitor worker: 2
  23. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 main.go:163: Launching market monitor worker: 0
  24. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 env.go:46: New environment monitor job received: miner01,claymore,label_nanopool,,,6,180,,noplug,,900,70
  25. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 env.go:48: New environment monitor job received: &lib.RigConfig{RigName:"miner01", Miner:"", PoolLabel:"label_nanopool", PoolLabel2:"", URL:"", InstalledGpus:0, TargetHashRate:0, TargetHashRate2:0, SmartPlugType:"NOPLUG", SmartPlugIP:"", PSUMaxPower:900, TargetTemperature:0}
  26. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 influxdb.go:51: New record received by DBDaemon: env_data map[label:label_nanopool plug_type:NOPLUG rig_id:miner01] map[max_power:900 power_usage:900] <nil> 2018-05-13 00:01:35.449801441 +0000 UTC m=+1.106761897
  27. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 rig-monitor.go:40: New rig monitor job received: miner01,claymore,label_nanopool,,,6,180,,noplug,,900,70
  28. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 rig-monitor.go:42: New rig monitor job received: &lib.RigConfig{RigName:"miner01", Miner:"CLAYMORE", PoolLabel:"label_nanopool", PoolLabel2:"", URL:"", InstalledGpus:6, TargetHashRate:180, TargetHashRate2:0, SmartPlugType:"noplug", SmartPlugIP:"", PSUMaxPower:0, TargetTemperature:70}
  29. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 rig-monitor.go:69: Connection to rig miner01 OK.
  30. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 claymore.go:142: Miner(claymore) response is 15 lines long.
  31. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 claymore.go:144: Miner(claymore) response from miner01:
  32. *** 7:06 ***************************************************
  33. Eth: Mining ETH on for 7:06
  34. Available GPUs for mining:
  35. GPU1: Radeon RX 570 Series (pcie 1), OpenCL 2.0, 4 GB VRAM, 32 CUs
  36. GPU2: Radeon RX 570 Series (pcie 2), OpenCL 2.0, 4 GB VRAM, 32 CUs
  37. GPU3: Radeon RX 570 Series (pcie 3), OpenCL 2.0, 4 GB VRAM, 32 CUs
  38. GPU4: Radeon RX 570 Series (pcie 5), OpenCL 2.0, 4 GB VRAM, 32 CUs
  39. GPU5: Radeon RX 570 Series (pcie 6), OpenCL 2.0, 4 GB VRAM, 32 CUs
  40. GPU6: Radeon RX 570 Series (pcie 7), OpenCL 2.0, 4 GB VRAM, 32 CUs
  41. GPU1: 59C 46%, GPU2: 59C 31%, GPU3: 59C 31%, GPU4: 59C 50%, GPU5: 59C 45%, GPU6: 59C 50%
  42. Eth: Accepted shares 434 (0 stales), rejected shares 0 (0 stales)
  43. Eth: Incorrect shares 0 (0.00%), est. stales percentage 0.00%
  44. Eth: Maximum difficulty of found share: 4375.3 GH (!)
  45. Eth: Average speed (5 min): 181.547 MH/s
  46. Eth: Effective speed: 169.57 MH/s; at pool: 169.57 MH/s
  47. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: *** 7:06 ***************************************************
  48. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: Eth: Mining ETH on for 7:06
  49. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: Available GPUs for mining:
  50. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: GPU1: Radeon RX 570 Series (pcie 1), OpenCL 2.0, 4 GB VRAM, 32 CUs
  51. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: GPU2: Radeon RX 570 Series (pcie 2), OpenCL 2.0, 4 GB VRAM, 32 CUs
  52. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: GPU3: Radeon RX 570 Series (pcie 3), OpenCL 2.0, 4 GB VRAM, 32 CUs
  53. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: GPU4: Radeon RX 570 Series (pcie 5), OpenCL 2.0, 4 GB VRAM, 32 CUs
  54. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: GPU5: Radeon RX 570 Series (pcie 6), OpenCL 2.0, 4 GB VRAM, 32 CUs
  55. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: GPU6: Radeon RX 570 Series (pcie 7), OpenCL 2.0, 4 GB VRAM, 32 CUs
  56. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: GPU1: 59C 46%, GPU2: 59C 31%, GPU3: 59C 31%, GPU4: 59C 50%, GPU5: 59C 45%, GPU6: 59C 50%
  57. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: Eth: Accepted shares 434 (0 stales), rejected shares 0 (0 stales)
  58. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: Eth: Incorrect shares 0 (0.00%), est. stales percentage 0.00%
  59. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: Eth: Maximum difficulty of found share: 4375.3 GH (!)
  60. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: Eth: Average speed (5 min): 181.547 MH/s
  61. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: Eth: Effective speed: 169.57 MH/s; at pool: 169.57 MH/s
  62. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 claymore.go:152: Parsing of rig miner01 output finished!
  63. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 influxdb.go:51: New record received by DBDaemon: miner_system map[label:label_nanopool miner:CLAYMORE rig_id:miner01] map[mining_time:0 valid_shares2:0 hr2:0 invalid_shares2:0 stale_shares:0 stale_shares2:0 target_hr2:0 active_gpus:0 invalid_shares:0 avg_hr_1m_2:0 hr:0 installed_gpus:6 target_hr:180 valid_shares:0 avg_hr_1m:0] <nil> 2018-05-13 00:01:35.630687377 +0000 UTC m=+1.287645833
  64. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 influxdb.go:51: New record received by DBDaemon: miner_gpu map[gpu_id:0 miner:CLAYMORE rig_id:miner01] map[invalid_shares2:0 temp:0 valid_shares2:0 invalid_shares:0 max_temp:70 valid_shares:0 fan:0 hr:0 hr2:0] <nil> 2018-05-13 00:01:35.631107363 +0000 UTC m=+1.288065819
  65. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 influxdb.go:51: New record received by DBDaemon: miner_gpu map[gpu_id:1 miner:CLAYMORE rig_id:miner01] map[fan:0 max_temp:70 temp:0 valid_shares2:0 hr:0 hr2:0 invalid_shares:0 invalid_shares2:0 valid_shares:0] <nil> 2018-05-13 00:01:35.631368355 +0000 UTC m=+1.288326810
  66. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 influxdb.go:51: New record received by DBDaemon: miner_gpu map[gpu_id:2 miner:CLAYMORE rig_id:miner01] map[fan:0 hr:0 invalid_shares:0 invalid_shares2:0 max_temp:70 valid_shares:0 hr2:0 temp:0 valid_shares2:0] <nil> 2018-05-13 00:01:35.631716343 +0000 UTC m=+1.288675799
  67. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 influxdb.go:51: New record received by DBDaemon: miner_gpu map[gpu_id:3 miner:CLAYMORE rig_id:miner01] map[fan:0 hr:0 max_temp:70 valid_shares:0 hr2:0 invalid_shares:0 invalid_shares2:0 temp:0 valid_shares2:0] <nil> 2018-05-13 00:01:35.632045332 +0000 UTC m=+1.289006788
  68. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 influxdb.go:51: New record received by DBDaemon: miner_gpu map[gpu_id:4 miner:CLAYMORE rig_id:miner01] map[invalid_shares2:0 valid_shares:0 valid_shares2:0 fan:0 hr:0 hr2:0 invalid_shares:0 max_temp:70 temp:0] <nil> 2018-05-13 00:01:35.632318323 +0000 UTC m=+1.289276779
  69. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:01:35 influxdb.go:51: New record received by DBDaemon: miner_gpu map[rig_id:miner01 gpu_id:5 miner:CLAYMORE] map[valid_shares2:0 hr:0 temp:0 valid_shares:0 invalid_shares2:0 max_temp:70 fan:0 hr2:0 invalid_shares:0] <nil> 2018-05-13 00:01:35.632570314 +0000 UTC m=+1.289528770
  70. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:01:49 influxdb.go:45: DBDaemon ticker expired (15s). Data points (8) saved to influxDB
  71. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:02:04 influxdb.go:45: DBDaemon ticker expired (15s). Data points (0) saved to influxDB
  72. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:02:19 influxdb.go:45: DBDaemon ticker expired (15s). Data points (0) saved to influxDB
  73. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:02:34 influxdb.go:45: DBDaemon ticker expired (15s). Data points (0) saved to influxDB
  74. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 env.go:46: New environment monitor job received: miner01,claymore,label_nanopool,,,6,180,,noplug,,900,70
  75. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 env.go:48: New environment monitor job received: &lib.RigConfig{RigName:"miner01", Miner:"", PoolLabel:"label_nanopool", PoolLabel2:"", URL:"", InstalledGpus:0, TargetHashRate:0, TargetHashRate2:0, SmartPlugType:"NOPLUG", SmartPlugIP:"", PSUMaxPower:900, TargetTemperature:0}
  76. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 influxdb.go:51: New record received by DBDaemon: env_data map[label:label_nanopool plug_type:NOPLUG rig_id:miner01] map[max_power:900 power_usage:900] <nil> 2018-05-13 00:02:35.449709547 +0000 UTC m=+61.106668003
  77. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 rig-monitor.go:40: New rig monitor job received: miner01,claymore,label_nanopool,,,6,180,,noplug,,900,70
  78. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 rig-monitor.go:42: New rig monitor job received: &lib.RigConfig{RigName:"miner01", Miner:"CLAYMORE", PoolLabel:"label_nanopool", PoolLabel2:"", URL:"", InstalledGpus:6, TargetHashRate:180, TargetHashRate2:0, SmartPlugType:"noplug", SmartPlugIP:"", PSUMaxPower:0, TargetTemperature:70}
  79. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 rig-monitor.go:69: Connection to rig miner01 OK.
  80. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 claymore.go:142: Miner(claymore) response is 15 lines long.
  81. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 claymore.go:144: Miner(claymore) response from miner01:
  82. *** 7:07 ***************************************************
  83. Eth: Mining ETH on for 7:07
  84. Available GPUs for mining:
  85. GPU1: Radeon RX 570 Series (pcie 1), OpenCL 2.0, 4 GB VRAM, 32 CUs
  86. GPU2: Radeon RX 570 Series (pcie 2), OpenCL 2.0, 4 GB VRAM, 32 CUs
  87. GPU3: Radeon RX 570 Series (pcie 3), OpenCL 2.0, 4 GB VRAM, 32 CUs
  88. GPU4: Radeon RX 570 Series (pcie 5), OpenCL 2.0, 4 GB VRAM, 32 CUs
  89. GPU5: Radeon RX 570 Series (pcie 6), OpenCL 2.0, 4 GB VRAM, 32 CUs
  90. GPU6: Radeon RX 570 Series (pcie 7), OpenCL 2.0, 4 GB VRAM, 32 CUs
  91. GPU1: 59C 46%, GPU2: 59C 31%, GPU3: 59C 32%, GPU4: 59C 49%, GPU5: 59C 44%, GPU6: 59C 50%
  92. Eth: Accepted shares 437 (0 stales), rejected shares 0 (0 stales)
  93. Eth: Incorrect shares 0 (0.00%), est. stales percentage 0.00%
  94. Eth: Maximum difficulty of found share: 4375.3 GH (!)
  95. Eth: Average speed (5 min): 181.556 MH/s
  96. Eth: Effective speed: 170.34 MH/s; at pool: 170.34 MH/s
  97. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: *** 7:07 ***************************************************
  98. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: Eth: Mining ETH on for 7:07
  99. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: Available GPUs for mining:
  100. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: GPU1: Radeon RX 570 Series (pcie 1), OpenCL 2.0, 4 GB VRAM, 32 CUs
  101. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: GPU2: Radeon RX 570 Series (pcie 2), OpenCL 2.0, 4 GB VRAM, 32 CUs
  102. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: GPU3: Radeon RX 570 Series (pcie 3), OpenCL 2.0, 4 GB VRAM, 32 CUs
  103. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: GPU4: Radeon RX 570 Series (pcie 5), OpenCL 2.0, 4 GB VRAM, 32 CUs
  104. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: GPU5: Radeon RX 570 Series (pcie 6), OpenCL 2.0, 4 GB VRAM, 32 CUs
  105. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: GPU6: Radeon RX 570 Series (pcie 7), OpenCL 2.0, 4 GB VRAM, 32 CUs
  106. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: GPU1: 59C 46%, GPU2: 59C 31%, GPU3: 59C 32%, GPU4: 59C 49%, GPU5: 59C 44%, GPU6: 59C 50%
  107. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: Eth: Accepted shares 437 (0 stales), rejected shares 0 (0 stales)
  108. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: Eth: Incorrect shares 0 (0.00%), est. stales percentage 0.00%
  109. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: Eth: Maximum difficulty of found share: 4375.3 GH (!)
  110. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: Eth: Average speed (5 min): 181.556 MH/s
  111. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 claymore.go:148: Claymore line to parse: Eth: Effective speed: 170.34 MH/s; at pool: 170.34 MH/s
  112. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 claymore.go:152: Parsing of rig miner01 output finished!
  113. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 influxdb.go:51: New record received by DBDaemon: miner_system map[label:label_nanopool miner:CLAYMORE rig_id:miner01] map[avg_hr_1m:0 invalid_shares:0 valid_shares2:0 hr2:0 invalid_shares2:0 target_hr:180 valid_shares:0 installed_gpus:6 active_gpus:0 avg_hr_1m_2:0 hr:0 mining_time:0 stale_shares:0 stale_shares2:0 target_hr2:0] <nil> 2018-05-13 00:02:35.699306295 +0000 UTC m=+61.356264751
  114. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 influxdb.go:51: New record received by DBDaemon: miner_gpu map[gpu_id:0 miner:CLAYMORE rig_id:miner01] map[invalid_shares2:0 valid_shares:0 valid_shares2:0 fan:0 hr:0 hr2:0 invalid_shares:0 max_temp:70 temp:0] <nil> 2018-05-13 00:02:35.699666284 +0000 UTC m=+61.356625739
  115. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 influxdb.go:51: New record received by DBDaemon: miner_gpu map[gpu_id:1 miner:CLAYMORE rig_id:miner01] map[valid_shares:0 valid_shares2:0 hr2:0 invalid_shares:0 max_temp:70 temp:0 fan:0 hr:0 invalid_shares2:0] <nil> 2018-05-13 00:02:35.699993273 +0000 UTC m=+61.356952729
  116. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 influxdb.go:51: New record received by DBDaemon: miner_gpu map[gpu_id:2 miner:CLAYMORE rig_id:miner01] map[hr2:0 max_temp:70 temp:0 valid_shares:0 valid_shares2:0 fan:0 hr:0 invalid_shares:0 invalid_shares2:0] <nil> 2018-05-13 00:02:35.700217265 +0000 UTC m=+61.357174721
  117. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 influxdb.go:51: New record received by DBDaemon: miner_gpu map[gpu_id:3 miner:CLAYMORE rig_id:miner01] map[fan:0 hr:0 hr2:0 invalid_shares2:0 max_temp:70 invalid_shares:0 temp:0 valid_shares:0 valid_shares2:0] <nil> 2018-05-13 00:02:35.700423259 +0000 UTC m=+61.357381714
  118. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 influxdb.go:51: New record received by DBDaemon: miner_gpu map[gpu_id:4 miner:CLAYMORE rig_id:miner01] map[hr:0 invalid_shares2:0 temp:0 valid_shares2:0 fan:0 hr2:0 invalid_shares:0 max_temp:70 valid_shares:0] <nil> 2018-05-13 00:02:35.70067925 +0000 UTC m=+61.357637706
  119. TRACE: 2018/05/13 00:02:35 influxdb.go:51: New record received by DBDaemon: miner_gpu map[gpu_id:5 miner:CLAYMORE rig_id:miner01] map[max_temp:70 temp:0 valid_shares:0 invalid_shares2:0 valid_shares2:0 fan:0 hr:0 hr2:0 invalid_shares:0] <nil> 2018-05-13 00:02:35.700932242 +0000 UTC m=+61.357890698
  120. INFO: 2018/05/13 00:02:49 influxdb.go:45: DBDaemon ticker expired (15s). Data points (8) saved to influxDB
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