

Oct 19th, 2015
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  1. [7:38:41 PM] JackProehl: For real?
  2. [7:38:46 PM] JackProehl: Could you be a mod?
  3. [7:39:07 PM] jayce: LOL
  4. [7:39:09 PM] jayce: JACK
  5. [7:39:18 PM] JackProehl: ...?
  6. [7:39:29 PM] jayce:
  7. [7:39:35 PM] jayce: u come to me on my daughter's wedding day
  8. [7:39:40 PM] jayce: u come to me on my daughter's wedding day
  9. [7:39:42 PM] jayce: ask me to BE A MOD?
  10. [7:39:47 PM] jayce: u ask me to MOD?
  11. [7:39:51 PM] jayce: phlegm
  12. [7:40:45 PM] JackProehl: Yeah....
  13. [7:40:55 PM] jayce: why would I moderate your server jack
  14. [7:41:01 PM] jayce: u don't even offer me admin jack
  15. [7:41:01 PM] JackProehl: Because...
  16. [7:41:02 PM] jayce: weow
  17. [7:41:08 PM] JackProehl: No admins bro
  18. [7:41:15 PM] JackProehl: Especially not you.
  19. [7:41:19 PM] jayce: gg ttyl
  20. [7:41:20 PM] JackProehl: Not trying to world edit the world away.
  21. [7:41:32 PM] JackProehl: Well let me know soon, aight?
  22. [7:41:41 PM] jayce: u don't trust me with admin>?
  23. [7:41:46 PM] JackProehl: No
  24. [7:41:53 PM] JackProehl: Mod or nothing
  25. [7:42:00 PM] JackProehl: Mod comes with a rank too
  26. [7:42:20 PM] jayce: mod comes with a rank too
  27. [7:42:21 PM] jayce: wtf does that mean
  28. [7:42:38 PM] JackProehl: Like kits
  29. [7:42:42 PM] JackProehl: So you can play too
  30. [7:42:45 PM] jayce: I don't want to play tbh
  31. [7:42:49 PM] jayce: mike isn't playing right?
  32. [7:42:55 PM] JackProehl: Mike is owner, so no
  33. [7:43:00 PM] jayce: gg
  34. [7:43:02 PM] JackProehl: Don't want people to think we abuse
  35. [7:43:06 PM] jayce: I come up with name of server
  36. [7:43:08 PM] jayce: i make entire server
  37. [7:43:09 PM] jayce: KEK
  38. [7:43:10 PM] jayce: KEK
  39. [7:43:10 PM] jayce: KEK
  40. [7:43:13 PM] JackProehl: What?
  41. [7:43:40 PM] jayce: i honestly think it's unbelievable that you wouldn't trust me with anything
  42. [7:43:43 PM] jayce: that's all I have to say abou tit
  43. [7:43:53 PM] JackProehl: About tit?
  44. [7:43:57 PM] jayce: I have no interest in playing mc
  45. [7:44:02 PM] jayce: and you should know that
  46. [7:44:08 PM] JackProehl: Alright, well, just thought I'd offer you mod
  47. [7:44:15 PM] jayce: yeah
  48. [7:44:18 PM] jayce: i don't see why
  49. [7:44:24 PM] jayce: it's more of an insult than anything tbh
  50. [7:46:56 PM] jayce: basically you just told me
  51. [7:47:35 PM] jayce: that you don't trust me with admin, so you're giving me a rank that does literally nothing
  52. [7:47:41 PM] jayce: thx
  53. [7:47:48 PM] JackProehl: You can ban and mute, like wtf?
  54. [7:47:57 PM] jayce: you want me to sit in chat all day?
  55. [7:48:00 PM] jayce: do work for you?
  56. [7:48:06 PM] jayce: and it's not even important work
  57. [7:48:10 PM] JackProehl: Bro, advertisers, hackers, like...
  58. [7:48:10 PM] jayce: it's shitty
  59. [7:48:15 PM] JackProehl: I'm not sure how Mod does nothing.
  60. [7:48:23 PM] jayce: they do the actual dirty work of the server
  61. [7:48:29 PM] jayce: you're trolling me
  62. [7:48:34 PM] jayce: because no serious person would be saying this lol
  63. [7:48:35 PM] jayce: ttyl
  64. [7:48:37 PM] JackProehl: I'm still taking your opinions for the server. -_-
  65. [7:48:53 PM] JackProehl: Besides WE, what does Admin have that Mod doesn't?
  66. [7:49:10 PM] jayce: why would you give admins we jack..
  67. [7:49:16 PM] jayce: that's literally asking for an admin to fuck you over..
  68. [7:49:27 PM] JackProehl: Okay, then what would Admins have that Mods wouldn't?
  69. [7:49:36 PM] jayce: nothing
  70. [7:49:38 PM] jayce: i wouldn't accept admin
  71. [7:49:40 PM] JackProehl: If I give them item spawning or gamemode they'll just spawn shit in.
  72. [7:49:42 PM] jayce: it's just a respectable thing
  73. [7:49:53 PM] jayce: to offer
  74. [7:50:04 PM] JackProehl: I'd give you something like Head-Mod, but I just don't like the Admin prefix.
  75. [7:50:24 PM] jayce: jack
  76. [7:50:28 PM] jayce: i have no interest in mc
  77. [7:50:34 PM] jayce: i'm happy to help with your server where i can
  78. [7:50:46 PM] jayce: and i'm happy to loan my advice for the server
  79. [7:50:50 PM] JackProehl: Well I mean you could do it all through console on an app.
  80. [7:50:55 PM] JackProehl: Like I'm setting up users and what not.
  81. [7:51:03 PM] jayce: jack
  82. [7:51:03 PM] jayce: why would i
  83. [7:51:10 PM] JackProehl: But as far as advice goes, I don't think you really capture the audience I'm looking for.
  84. [7:51:20 PM] JackProehl: Mike has some decent ideas
  85. [7:51:32 PM] jayce: jack
  86. [7:51:36 PM] jayce: i never said that i wanted you to take my advice did i
  87. [7:51:44 PM] jayce: it's not like i'm pouring out ideas to impress you
  88. [7:51:50 PM] JackProehl: and i'm happy to loan my advice for the server
  89. [7:51:53 PM] jayce: don't treat this as a professional thing
  90. [7:52:01 PM] jayce: you always do this weird thing
  91. [7:52:06 PM] jayce: where you switch from casual friendly jack
  92. [7:52:10 PM] jayce: to weird serious businessman jack
  93. [7:52:19 PM] jayce: when there's nothing serious between us
  94. [7:52:47 PM] JackProehl: Well I am a businessman sooo...
  95. [7:52:52 PM] JackProehl: Not sure what you expect
  96. [7:52:57 PM] jayce: we're just friends
  97. [7:53:09 PM] JackProehl: I need to be professional when it comes to my server and if you're going to have a rank, it's gonna have to be Head-Mod.
  98. [7:53:13 PM] jayce: i'm not expecting anything when I talk to you about your server
  99. [7:53:16 PM] JackProehl: You're not professional enough to have the whole Admin shit
  100. [7:53:18 PM] jayce: nice
  101. [7:53:40 PM] jayce: there's no reason to continue this conversation lol
  102. [7:53:43 PM] jayce: it's just awkward
  103. [7:53:49 PM] JackProehl: Come on TS for a second so we can talk at least
  104. [7:53:54 PM] JackProehl: For like 5 minutes dude
  105. [7:53:55 PM] JackProehl: That's all
  106. [7:53:56 PM] jayce: i'm doing classwork jack, i have a test tomorrow
  107. [7:54:00 PM] JackProehl: Bro, 5 minutes
  108. [7:54:33 PM] JackProehl: Real quick
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